Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"Oh, right. those people. well it'll come to you, it always does." he admitted with a smile. "do you need me to yell at your bitch publisher? because i will. she can't force you to finish a book, not when it might be crap if you did tat and you'd never get over it if you ad to force yourself to write and you didn't like it." he admitted, smiling at her. "have you tried talking to Dean or Cas? they're always full of good stories that might spark your story. hell Loki might even have some fun stories for you..." he paused and dissolved into snickers because Loki had NOT been happy to discover book Loki was soul mated to Thor. he'd forgiven her only because she'd done that before she'd ever met him or Thor and decided to allow it, because the Thor in her books was one he would have rather adored to have as an elder brother. "i am cute." he agreed with a snicker before brightening. "that's a perfect name!" he gasped. "Steven Bruce Stark." he said with a grin. "or maybe Stephanie Natalia if it's a girl?" he mused, beaming at her. "there, perfectly reasonable names. now can i know the gender?" he asked, pouting at her. "also, can we have a puppy named Sherlock?" he asked hopefully. "and a goldfish named Loki, and a snake! yes a snake... and a pony. our baby should have a pony."
"Yea I know I just can't do any of my normal things to help, cause I'm to fat to do anything!or to do magic. I can't do magic and create a scene or anything. It sucks."she sulked a little, because magic could do weird things to different people, she'd been refraining from doing magic till have the baby came just to be careful."I know...and if you want."Which rarely happened, that she was feeling bad enough to want help."I just need to's just...I feel horrible cause I just can't do it."she sighed quietly looking so sad and lost."yea I know...but cas and dean are still figuring out how to do the couple thing...I don't want to impose..."she sighed a little."okay maybe those names...but no you still don't get to know."she teased before huffing a little."we can see about a dog, but we have jo room for a pony tkny.b
"Your not fat, you're full of life!" Tony protested. "don't worry baby, mommy didn't mean it, of course your not fat." he assured her belly. "you know. Loki could probobly create illusions for you, if you asked him." he admitted. "Loki would love being able to help with your stories. you know. i was wondering..." he admitted. "why don't we just go to Florida for a few days? or maybe the Caribbean." he mused. he didn't like the idea of the woman he loved being here while attacks where getting worse every day. "But i want to knoooow." Tony whined sulking at her before jerking, startled when Loki rushed in, screaming for Bruce. Dean limp in his arms, covered in blood. they'd gone out to investigate a rumor about demons swarming around a building for unknown reasons. the boys had all gone to check it out and as blood soaked as Dean was, it must have gone very badly. Bruce and Terry where both there in an instant, rushing off with Dean to see what was wrong while Loki looked over at Tony and Gwen with a grimace. "it wasn't even the Demons..." he said softly. we where just... it was just some bitch kid who wanted our wallet and Dean lipped off..." Loki said, just sitting there because he hurt, a lot. he had yet to notice he had been shot too, in the side.
“only about 5 pounds of that is baby. The rest of that is me, being fat.”Gwen whined poking him a little in the forehead before sighing. “I know, but him and sam are so adorably cute and they get such few stress free relaxing times now, that I don’t want to interrupt.”Well. That sounded about right. Of course she wasn’t asking for help on something any of them would be glad to help with, because she was worried about them to. Frowning a little at him, thinking about it. “I don’t think flying’s a good option for me, you know.”she said before huffing. “I know you do.”She said before looking at dean and loki, toddling over towards them as quickly as she could. “of course he did. It’s dean. Dean doesn’t know when to not mouth off.”Gwen said wincing as she felt the sudden rush of wings that said even thoguh he normally moved with near silence, cas had arrived. “Dammit dean.”Cas cursed as he knelt at dean’s side, holding out a hand, to heal it before looking up, glancing at terry. “heal loki. Then go after Sam. He sent me back to heal Dean.”He’d tried to stay, but sam cared more about dean’s life then having the needed back up on following up a demon lead.
"no. bout twenty pounds of it is the placenta and stuff that holds the baby inside of you. about five pounds is the baby's... er, voided material. another twenty to forty pounds is water weight." Tony listed off, proving he had really done his research... and told her this before. "and you'll loose a great deal of it within the first week you give birth. breastfeeding often causes weight loss as well, so you might actually be underweight right now." Tony admitted. "flying is fine. we'll take the private jet and go really slowly." he offered with a smile. "Stop! Cas! you can't heal him like that! there could be shrapnel or bullets still inside of him!" Bruce warned, stopping the angel. "i need him in my lab, right now. you go and get Sam, he's liable to do something really stupid, like get his heart ripped out, if he's left on his own for too long." Bruce reminded the other as Terry examined Loki and carefully removed the debris from the wound, it was mostly clean so Loki's magic was already healing him.
“....Yea,yea.”Gwen rolled her eyes at the list, but not protesting anymore. Running her fingers through his hair, before sighing. “So you keep telling me. Not sure if I believe you.”She grumbled before biting her lip. “Okay....we might go then.”She said though she didn’t want to abandon her friends. Cas paused looking at bruce, frowning slightly as he considered that. He’d never had problems healing the boys, no matter what. But he’d let bruce handle it. Nodding slightly as he stood, resting a hand on dean’s shoulder before zapping them both over to bruce’s lab before leaving to get sam. Returning in a few minutes with a upset sam. “How’s dean?”Sam asked as they stepped into the lab.
"Yu should believe me. i memorized the books you know." Tony huffed, pouting at her with a smile. "we could all go. everyone of us. even Thor if we have to." and Tony didn't care much for Thor, so that was saying something. Tony wanted nothing more than all of them to skip state until all of this was over. screw the rest of the world, his pregnant fiance was way more important. " don't do that again." Bruce ordered, looking rather green around the gills even as e settled in to work. "Dean is going to be fine." Bruce said, bent over the man with a long pair of tweezers, gently removing a bullet. "okay Terry. hit it." Bruce said, Terry's fingers settling over the now clean wound and it sealed over. "last one." Bruce said, Terry picking up the wand and let Bruce see all the shrapnel buried inside of Dean's leg. "what sort of monster uses rat-shot?" Bruce grumbled, motioning for Cas to come forward. "this is why i stopped you. normally, while healing, the body ejects any dirt or shrapnel or bullet. however, these bullets contain so many tiny pellets, that the body wouldn't be able to eject them all, and the body would have sealed round them and they would have festered." he admitted, carefully pulling out what looked like salt, only grey, from Dean's leg. "okay, that's the last of it." Bruce said, letting Terry heal that one as well. "he's going to be very stiff and sore for a few days, pulled muscles and the like. but he's fine now."
“I know. You were adorable like that, memorizing everything you could get.”Gwen snickered a little staring at tony for a long moment. Amazed that he was even offering, nodding slightly. “We’ll think on it.” “Easier on dean, then trying to carry him anywhere. Sorry.”Cas said wincing a little as he looked at bruce. “Good.”Sam sighed relaxing a little as he watched the man work. Frowning slightly as he moved forward, cas stared at the screen, studying the wounds, “That is...odd. I have never seen shots like that.”Cas said frowning as he considered that before settling into a chair next to dean’s bed. “Good. Thanks, bruce.”Cas smiled a little before looking at the other two. “tony was discussing going away for awhile. We might consider actually doing it.”
"i know. it was perfect." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "we should leave... i don't like the idea of us staying here when it's so dangerous. there are other hunters and Shield. they can handle it. it's their job anyway." he admitted. "It's fine." Bruce said, waving Cas off. "most people don't use shot like this." Bruce admitted. "it's mostly for farmers and country folk who have rodent problems. it's hard to hit a rat and this shot is designed to break apart in the air and pepper the rodents at close range. Den was standing too close so the shot broke apart inside him and peppered his muscles with the shot instead." he admitted. "Loki's magic is a lot more refined than outer healing so he didn't have to worry. he's fine, in sock, but fine. i don't think he's ever been shot at before, let alone actually hit." Bruce admitted before looking at Gwen. "that's probobly a good idea." he admitted. "Tony's been getting more and more frantic. i think taking a vacation would be good for all of us."
“Okay, we’ll figure out where we want to go, and see. Okay?”She muttered sighing softly at his words. Giving in because she was worried about herself, their child, and him mostly. Worried about what this was doing to him. “Ah. yes....Dean always has teh bad luck of getting shot with the weirdest shit.” “Did you just cuss?” “I have learned that it is a common human response to things like this. So yes.” Sam snorted a little rolling his eyes at cas’ words looking relieved loki was okay, before nodding. “We’ll go.” “A vacation would be good. Though I think we need to stay in the US, I don’t want to give birth overseas.”Gwen said making a face as she sighed. “But I’ll get tony on deciding where to go. We’ll see where to next.”
Tony nodded, looking much happier. "this is actually a decent attack if you threw salt in here instead of shot. the shotgun is much more effective though." he admitted. "ratshot isn't really all that viable." he admitted with a smile. "okay Terry, we're all done, he can wake up now." Terry nodded and swept his hand over Dean's eyes, releasing the sleeping spell he had been under. "we should go to Hawaii. that's part of America right?" Loki asked, looking up at them from where he'd just woken up as well. "or was that Alaska?" he looked at Cas. "Dean is going to be really unhappy your cursing you know." Dean had, for the most part, accepted that he was gay, but his relationship with cas was inching, because Dean kept having flashbacks and was terrified. e loved Cas, but they had little to no physical contact because Dean was so damn skittish. he felt terrible about it, but there was nothing they could really do. he couldn't push himself any harder, and he was working on it. he had started holding Cas's hand in front of other people, and that was a massive improvement to the flinching he had done the first few weeks anytime anyone so much as looked at him when he was standing next to Cas.
“We’ve done that with rock salt before. Only thing it really bothers is ghosts, not worth it most of the time.” “Though, you might consider doing like iron rings, would be interesting to see how that works on ghosts.”Gwen said looking thoughtful. “Yes it is. Hawaii would be good, and alaska is to cold, though it is part of the US.”Gwen agreed as cas looked worried about dean, not moving closer but staying close. Not pushing dean, simply willing to be there. After all, he was near immortal, sorta made the waiting a little easier, especially since sex had only been a recent development for a man who remembered the garden of eden, wasn’t that important really. “It’s his fault he curses around me.”Cas said with a sniff before looking at dean, biting his lip as he waited for the other to wake.
"Rock Salt in shotgun shells is actually very common." Bruce admitted with a smile. "Iron Rings?" Bruce asked, his head tilted, considering that. "hmm. i have a way to make cold Iron..." he mumbled. "maybe... yes. buckshot... hmmmm." Bruce mumbled before smiling as Dean sighed and his eyes flicked open. "...ow... dammit Cas. we have to work on the healing skills..." Dean mumbled sluggishly. wincing as he tried to move. "what happened? last thing i remember was some asshole running into Loki..." Dean admitted, Loki snorting. "you don't remember mouthing off to the asshole with the gun?" "no. why would i mouth off to an asshole with a gun?" Loki wondered sluggishly, reaching for Cas. he was tired, in pain and wanted reassurance. he had, mostly, gotten used to the idea no one was going to hurt him for being close to Cas.
“Yes, iron rings. He already wears one, might as well make it a useful ring.”Gwen said shrugging a little as she looked at dean’s hand, amused to see the ring and even more amused to hear bruce trying to work it out. “Wasn’t me this time.”Cas said smiling slightly, looking relieved to see him up, before wincing a little. “apparently cause you like giving me and Cas a heart attack.”Sam said looking at dean worriedly as cas moved closer. “Hey, I’m here.”Cas muttered shifting to sit on the bed, nudging the man over just enough to lay down with him, sighing quietly.
"yes. hmmm. rings would work... maybe brass knuckles from Cold Iron... yes that would work too..." Bruce mumbled. "what even is Cold Iron? i know Iron is often repellent to Fey, ghosts and other such things but..." "Cold Iron is unprocessed Iron. it's as natural as possible. it's Iron that's made in tiny forges basically without any chemicals added or worked so much that the natural minerals also included in the natural iron aren't lost. it's a bit more complex than that but it's the crux of it." he admitted. "Its always you." Dean grumbled, smiling a little. "sorry. not sorry." Dean mumbled, resting his head on Cas's chest, the only thing he could bring himself to do. even this little bit was enough to make him want to hide for fear of being screamed at, or hit, or something. he was getting more comfortable though.
“It’s also called moon struck iron. Because while you can use it as regular iron like anything wuold work, usually. Moon struck iron is metorite iron, the stuff that fell from space. It’s more....solid. It has a denser atomic structure then regular iron, might work.”Gwen said shrugging a little smiling as she nudged tony. “Come on, we’re going to go rest and go plan vacation.”She muttered as she headed for the door slowly. “It is not.”Cas grumbled smiling as sam quietly left them alone so dean could rest. “You should be sorry. Just rest.”Cas muttered resisting the urge to kiss the other’s forehead, having very carefully not made sure to press the other’s limits more then dean wanted to.
"no Moon struck iron is something different." Bruce admitted before smirking. "that's it exactly. moons struck Iron isn't exactly iron really, but it has some pretty devastating effects on certain evil spirits like poltergeists and Demons." he admitted. "i can replicate that as well. or t least mimic it's effects." he admitted before smiling as Tony beamed at Gwen's promise they would go on vacation and leave before enemies got the better of them. "okay." Dean mumbled, relaxing once they where alone in the room. he was much more comfortable when it was just him and Cas. "i'm sorry i scared you." he mumbled. "i really don't know what came over me..." he admitted. "i guess i just thought it was too ridiculous, some snot nosed punk, perfectly human, there was no way he could pose a threat to me. guess i was proven wrong huh?"
“Tony?Do you really think it’ll be okay to leave?I mean....will we just endanger other people by leaving?I don’t want to hurt others....”Gwen muttered sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at the man as he started to pack their bags, absently rubbing a hand over her stomach, both mother and child were anxious and scared, and trying so hard to be brave. But the closer they got to the due date, the more scared gwen got of knowing crowley and tyr wanted the baby.

“You scare me most of the time, you know.”Cas muttered smiling slightly, closing his eyes as he leaned back against the headboard, getting comfortable. “It was a little ridiculous, but I’d be more worried about you not mouthing off, then that you did. I mouth off to everyone.Just be more careful okay? I have a feeling as soon as that baby makes a appearance, things are going to go to hell....maybe literally.”
"Gwen. you cannot blame yourself for what those people are, or are going to do. they are evil, vile and are doing what they are doing to hurt people because they get a sick thrill out of it. it is not your fault, has never been your fault and will never be your fault. no one, can ever blame you for protecting your baby and if they do it is only because they are not parents themselves or need someone to blame. trust me. it's not our fault. okay? bad people exist and there's nothing we can do about that but do our best to help where we can and protect ourselves as much as possible." e admitted. "they are targeting you specifically, it only makes sense we would get you to safety. that's what we do. Police do that all the time." he pointed out. "besides, with the way those fuckers have been talking about us it serves them right."

"I'm sorry. i shall endeavor to do better." Dean mumbled. "clearly i'm not trying hard enough or you'd be having heart attacks." he teased with a smile as he snuggled Cas, feeling much more content and calm now that they where alone. "i don't think we should be here when the baby is born." he admitted. "Crawly is nuts. he'll slaughter all of us to get to that baby if he has to and you know he'll be able to do it." he mumbled. "i think i might retire..." he admitted. "after this is done and dealt with, i'm tired of being in danger all the time and... and i think John was wrong to force me into this kind of life."
“...No. I guess not.”Gwen sighed a little looking up at him, rubbing a hand over her face, sniffling a little. It was so easy to get her crying these days, and she hated it. “We’ll go then. And have fun. Or as much fun as we can.”Gwen sighed a little waving him over, wanting held, resting her head against his chest as he stood as near as her pregnant stomach would allow. “So, hawaii?”She muttered before snorting. “You’re just unhappy that people have been calling me names.”

“You should behave, is what you should do. And I would be having heart attacks, if I was capable of it you know.”Cas teased back before shivering, nodding a little. “yes....I don’t think we should. We need to get her and the baby far away from here, and whatever crowley has going on in the city.”He said before giving the other look, a look of pure relif. “Really?Good. We’ll both retire. Sam to.”
"Hey..." he said, kissing her forehead and offering her a smile. "we'll have ton's of fun." he admitted. "there's lots of fun things a man whose afraid of water and a pregnant woman can do together in Hawaii. we can go for walks and you can make me gather seashells." he pointed out. "and we can laugh ourselves sick when Steve tries to surf. Clint was mentioning wanting to teach him." he admitted with a grin, holding her tight. "we can lay in a hammock and read to each other. or well, you can read to me and I'll feed you fresh fruit and non alcoholic mimosa." he decided. "no. i'm unhappy you won't let me sick Loki on them for the defamation of your character!" he snarled before nuzzling her. "that is what we hired him for you know." he mumbled, sulking.

"i never behave." he scoffed, closing his eyes. "yeah. Tyr too. i think it's personal for him, ever since Thor regained his powers and took on the crown, Tyr has been in a rage. i don't think he expected Thor to regain his powers at all, or for Odin to Wake up so soon.... or at all." he admitted before looking up at the other. "do you really think Sam is going to retire until we find the yellow eyed Demon?" he asked before tucking his head against the others chest again. "i'm sorry by the way... i'm... i'm trying so hard but i don't seam to be getting any better at all." he admitted softly. "Sam, the therapist, he says i'm pushing myself too hard. but i'm so tired of being scared all the time."
“We will.”She smiled a little, before snorting. “You’re better in water these days, since I need help showering and all.”She said smiling a little, before nodding. “Yea, we’ll do that. And steve’s going to fall on his ass when he can’t surf.”She giggled a little before sighing softly, closing her eyes. “Loki has better things to do then to sue people for talking about me.”She sighed a little, frowning slightly as she felt a twinge in her back, wincing, oh no. Not now. Seriously?

“It probably is.”Cas sighed quietly, before snorting a little. “I do. He might, when you do. He might let it go.”Cas said closing his eyes before frowning slightly, “For what?”He muttered sounding worried, and upset that the other was actually worrying about this. “You are pushing yourself to hard. Like I keep telling you. I’m okay, Dean. I mean, you’ll accept this as you adjust.”Cas muttered. “You get some rest, then we’ll go to hawaii.”
"Shower water is a lot different than open water." Tony pointed out. "or cold water. or water that i can't turn off if i have to." which he did sometimes. "I don't know. he does have some impressive balance." Tony admitted with a snigger. "Loki has nothing better to do and he's just as upset that you won't let him as i am." he pointed out, nuzzling her neck with a sigh, rubbing her belly and smiling at it. "i can't wait to meet our baby." he admitted. "i never thought i could ever be a father. i always thought i would just... be just like mine." he admitted. "you'll make sure i never ever, right?" he asked her. "i don't want to be like him..."

"i don't think he'll let it go, but we can at least keep her away from him." he admitted with a sigh before shaking his head. "for lots of things..." he admitted before watching him. "it's not fair though. i love you, a lot... but i can't let you touch me and that makes me feel terrible because as much as i trust you, it scares me so much and it makes me feel like i just... don't love or trust you enough." he admitted. "i just... i'm so tired of being broken."
“True.”Gwen muttered kissing him lightly, “on dry land, yea he does. I bet he’ll fall.”Gwen snickered quietly, shivering as she was nuzzled. “I miss sex.”She muttered laughing softly as he smiled at her stomach. “I think you’re going to meet them sooner rather then later.”She muttered wincing as her water broke, smiling at him. “Yes, I wont ever let you be like Howard. I promise.”

“We can do that.”Cas agreed before sighing, shifting to look at the other, frowning slightly. Brightening at the I love you, but going quiet at the rest. Thinking it over before sighing. “Dean, not only have you had a hell of a human life, you spent what amounted to 40 years in the Pit with Lucifer and Alastair, I’m not overly surprised you’re having problems. But it’s okay....we’re okay.”he sighed softly, not sure how to make the other feel better, and hating himself some for not being able to do so. “You’re doing better, dean.”
"If he does, i'm taking pictures." Tony agreed with a giggle. "i miss you too." he admitted with a smile before frowning, looking confused before feeling the wetness. in typical Tony fashion, he completely missed the cue. "shit. i think i just pissed myself." he admitted with a grimace before he paused. "what? i'm we.... oh my jesus, JARVIS! CALL BRUCE AND TERRY!!!!!" there he got it.

"....Dad was there..." he whispered softy. "in the pit... he screamed at me for being filthy." he mumbled. "and Alistair... he shuddered violently and tucked his face into Cas's side, unable to say what Alistair had done. it wasn't hard to imagine. "i'm not though... i'm still so scared. of people i like. people i trust... i flinch when Sam tries to hug me and that's just, so wrong..." he admitted before looking up at Cas. "cant you just fix it Cas? can't you just make it all go away?"
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