Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“...tony.”Gwen muttered sputtering a little in startlement at the other’s words, amused that he hadn’t realized what was going on, before snickering. “Come on tony. Walk me downstairs.”She said wincing, standing up carefully as she moved away. “They are on their way to the med lab, sir.’Jarvis promised.

“I’m sorry...”Cas winced a little, holding him tighter. “We killed alistair, he can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe.”He promised, closing his eyes as he rested his cheek against the other’s head, before sighing quietly. “I can’t. I would if I could dean. But not even angels can heal that kind of pain...I could make you forget....but you’d forget everything, and not just the bad things.”
"Downstairs! your in labor! you can't walk!" Tony shrieked, petrified at the idea and completely forgetting everything he had read in the baby books. he did help her to the med lab though because he remembered that Bruce had the med lab all set up to take care of the birthing. "Should w tell someone else? Cas? Loki? Pepper! Pepper has to know! Jarvis! call Pepper!" Tony ordered.

"...i know. but i still dream. i still remember him." he admitted softly. "and the one from when i was a child... i don't think he was ever dealt with." he admitted softly. "Father beat m all to hell and back for letting him..." he paused and grimaced. "but it wasn't my fault and i know that now. he still made me feel as if it was... my fault though." he admitted before sighing a little. "...okay. i guess i'll just have to... but i don't know..." he admitted, blinking when he heard Tony racing down the hallway. "...wonder what that's all about?"
“I can walk, stop. I can walk for a little while longer.”Gwen said sighing softly, looking vaguely amused through her pain that he was this anxious. Walking slowly as she leaned against him a little, nodding. “Pepper and steve. And the others. Tony, calm down, you’re going to pass out, sweetheart.”She said easing herself into bed.

“I know....I wish I could help with that.”Cas sighed, sounding frustrated as he rested his head against the other’s, before wincing. “I know he did....and I doubt there’s anything we could do about him now. Unless you want to make a deal with Crowley.”He teased a little before frowning, looking up worriedly at jarvis’ announcement. “Bloody hell. Just what we need.”he growled even as he moved to get up, wanting to check on them.
"Your giving birth! you should be resting! i'm sorry! i should have had a wheelchair!" he said before nodding. "Steve and Pepper. yes. because they're the god parents. totally. and... and Bruce! Bruce has to be there! someone get Bruce!" "i'm right here Tony. seriously." Bruce said. "don't make me sedate you. i will." "i'm fine! i'm not the one pushing a baby out of me!" Tony chastised Bruce. "Focus man!"

He shook his head a little. "i know... im sorry." he mumbled unhappily before smiling a little. "well. he does owe me one. i could ask him for the information. and... and maybe i could see my father. it would be great to punch him in the face." he admitted before sighing a little. "there's no need to go down there, Bruce is with them." he pointed out, even if he was getting up too. "they won't let us in the room, we'll just sit there and listen to her curse at Tony... well, that would be fun."
“I am going to be resting, though I don’t think there’s anything relaxing about childbirth.”Gwen panted softly, looking up as she heard the clank of pepper’s heels, and the slight murmur of loki and sam talking to steve. “He is focused, and can we sedate him?”Gwen said swallowing hard, trying to stay calm even as the contractions grew worse.

“Well. Maybe. As much as I’d like that, we might consider trying to convince him to leave gwen alone with that favor.”Cas muttered before shrugging. “I know. But just in case. I’d feel better there, and need distracting. You’re starting to obsess over things, so we’ll go listen to tony get cussed out.”He snickered a little.
"....yeah, well... i know!" Tony said, racing from the room before coming back with a book in his hands, plopping himself down he began to haltingly, read to her. he stuttered, and stumbled and paused and fumbled over the simplest of words but he was trying so hard for her. "i can help numb the pain." Loki said, wiggling his fingers at Bruce. "it won't effect anything and it won't stop all the pain, but it's better for her and the baby than drugs and i don't have to be in the room for it to work. i just cast the spell and it does what needs doing. i used it when i was giving birth to my children." Loki admitted, but he was more talking to Gwen than he was to Bruce.

"well... you might be right. i don't know if he'd bite on that though. whatever that fucker wants with that baby... it can't be good." he admitted with a violent shudder. "yeah. we should go. the more that are there the harder it will be for Crawley or Tyr to pull anything." he muttered. "I'm not obsessing, you shut up." he ordered with a huff and a sulk.
Gwen smiled watching him go, curious as to what he was doing, before smiling."you don't have to read tony. You're okay."she muttered looking worried about him as she looked up at loki."yes please."she said relaxing as the spell took effect.

"Probably not, but we might surprise him by asking. Might tell us something."Cas said sighing a little before snickerijg."you are. But it's cute."he teased as he settled into a chair next to pepper.

Later gwen smiled tiredly looking up at tony handing the small boy with a shock of black hair."you look good with a baby."
"No no. you read to me when i'm upset, so i'll read for you." he promised. "it's good to practice, people said so." he admitted, looking relieved when she wasn't in so much pain.

"you know, he might at that." Dean agreed. "we'll have to talk to him later." he agreed with a sigh before snorting at Cas, shaking his head.

Tony beamed at her, holding the baby like he expected himself to drop it at any moment but was equally terrified of squeezing too hard. "Steven Bruce Stark..." Tony mumbled, looking like he wanted to start crying. "he's beautiful Gwen. look what i helped make... like.... i did twelve percent of the work..." he decided with a grin at her. "maybe less. like, two percent maybe?" he asked with a chuckle. "i dunno. Steven Bruce sounds weird. maybe Steven Bruce Abernathy Stark?" he supposed. "or Optimus. he should totally be called Optimus."
Gwen smiled a little, sleepiy watching him. “Don’t cry. You start crying, so will I.”She muttered before snorting. “I’m not pepper. It’s not 12 percent. He looks like you. More like 40 percent?”She teased a little before humming a little, thinking about it. “We are not calling our son optimus.....we could ask dean what his middle name is?”She said, because while she liked all their housemates, her and dean had quickly become best friends, and if she wasn’t working or with tony, gwen could be usually found with dean.
"I'm sorry. i can't hlp it. look at him! he's so perfect." he mumbled before smirking at her. "please. all i did was put my sperm in you. that's like.... .01% at best." he scolded before pouting at her. "how about Sherlock. or Holmes? we could totally name him Puck!" he crowed with a giggle. "oh... oh! Steven Jensen Stark. it's perfect." he murmured, smiling at the baby in his arms. "how do you like that SJ?" he cooed at the baby. "it even comes with the perfect nickname." he beamed at her. "Steve and Pepper as God Parents, and Dean and Sam as the second set?" he asked, his head tilted. "granted, with as many aunts and uncles as he has i'm not sure we actually need two sets of godparents." he admitted with a chuckle.
Gwen looked amused. “He is perfect. And that was fun. We’ll have to do that soon again. Not the pregnancy part though. The putting sperm in.”Gwen teased a little before snorting. “No.”She said looking amused at his words before nodding a little. “Yes. It is.And it really did.”She smiled a little as the baby stared up at his father in fascination. “I like it. Well, go get them then. We’ll tell them....and that’s true, but I think it’d do dean good to know we trust him with this. I mean. He’s so....”She trailed off, not sure how to explain her best friend, but knowing it’d be good for him to know they rusted him, and that he’d have someoen to look after always.
Tony snorted a little and shook his head. "Gwen, i love you, but i'm wearing a condom for the next year. at least." he informed her before smiling a little as he nuzzled his baby and cooed at him. "hello... oh hello. look how aware you already are." he purred, smiling at the baby before grinning at her and settled the baby into her arms. "i think it will do him good as well. he's nearly as bad off as i am." he admitted. "He's so terrified of who his father was to him, he can't hardly move past it." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'll go get Steve and Dean. Pepper and Sam can hold him after." he admitted, heading into the waiting room, grinning at the room. "it's a baby boy! Dean, Steve, your up." both boys looked startled, looked at each other and then headed into the room do meet SJ.
“Oh good. I like that. No desire to be pregnant anytime soon.”Gwen snickered looking amused at his words, laughing softly. He was adorable, “Well, I’d hope he was aware of you. You talked to him enough.”She teased before nodding. “I know. Hopefully SJ can help. And he’ll be good. Taking care of the baby, and cas can take care of them both. It’ll be good.”She smiled cooing softly to the baby as he was placed into her arms, snorting a little at tony’s words. “Hey boys. Come on in. This is SJ. Steven Jensen.”She said smiling up at them both.
he chuckled a little. "i didn't think so." he admitted with a grin. "I knew talking to him would play in my favor!" he said happily before smiling at her. "i love you so much. we're still going to Hawaii." he informed her before skipping away. "Jensen?" Dean asked, looking startled before looking floored. "you... you named him after me?" he asked, looking so confused. wondering why... why she would do something like that? he didn't... deserve such a thing. besides, he was terrified of the baby that was now in Steve's arms. totally petrified and he gasped, going ramrod when eh found the baby in his arms. "Uuuuuh....okay. i touhed him, you can have him back now." Steve just laughed at how terrified Dean looked.
“Hm, if you’re his favorite, I’m gonna pout.”She said indeed pouting a little with amusement shining in dark eyes before sighing. “I love you to. And hawaii it is.”She said before smiling up at dean as she leaned back in her pillows, “Yes Jensen. Though it is just his middle name, so don’t look so startled.”She teased a little, before smiling. “haven’t you figured it out yet, dean?Your my best friend. Who else would I name my first born after? Tony has steve, I have you.”She said before laughing out loud at how terrified he looked, gently pulling him down to sit on the bed next to her legs. “Sit. Hold the baby. You’ll be fine. You have to bond with your nephew. I declare you have babysitting duties while I sleep.”She teased as she stifled a yawn.
"I am totally his favorite." Tony said, looking very happy about that indeed. "yeah... yeah... his middle name... just like mine." Dean agreed with a smile. starting to warm up to the idea. "i... i hadn't... i mean. i thought..." he looked so baffled that he was her best friend. "...your my best friend too...." he admitted before clearing his throat. "alright enough with the mush, i don't want to have to hug or anything." he ordered, staring at the baby in his arms, practically petrified even as he let himself be sat down, Steve just snickering away. the little asshole. "You can't go to sleep! what if something happens! what if he cries!" "relax, Dean. i know how to take care of a baby. Tony made me go to the parent classes with him." Steve promised with a chuckle. "It'll be fine. we'll let her sleep and take the baby and introduce him to the others under the watchful eye of Tony."
“If you say so.”Gwen rolled her eyes, not really upset about it. Smiling a little at dean’s reaction. “Yep, just like yours.”She said looking amused at his words, and relieved that he was warming up to the idea. “Tony’s my soon to be husband, he doesn’t get to be my best friend.”She teased before nodding, looking pleased before laughing. “Oh, okay then. No hugging or anything. We’ll leave that up to cas to hug you.”She snickered amused that dean looked so scared, before smiling, yawning a little. “Tony and steve are here. And bruce. They can help.”Gwen said smiling sleepily. “Go, off with you. Go show off your nephew. And just think, eventually sammie’s going to have kids, and you can use SJ as practice.”She teased already falling asleep despite his protests.
"Yeah... he's super cute." Dean admitted with a chuckle as he examined the baby, getting a little more relaxed the longer nothing bad happened. "well... yeah but, i mean, you've known a lot of people for a lot longer than me." he pointed out. "Pepper or maybe Natasha or something." he mumbled shyly before going bright red because he did like hugging Cas, even if it made him freak out a little. "....oh god, i forgot Loki can get pregnant... i have to give Sam 'The Talk'... that'll be fun." Dean admitted, grinning impishly even as he carefully, so carefully stood up and carried SJ out the door and beamed at the crowd. "This is SJ. he's my nephew. if you upset him, i will kill you." well, he was adjusting well at least.
“Well, yea, but we bonded. We’re bonded, it’s awesome. And they’re...girly girls. Its weird.”She said smiling at him, because there was more then that to why she liked dean, and alot that she couldn’t explain, but she still liked him. Grinning as he blushed. “Indeed he can. Have fun with that talk.”he teased watching him go as she went to sleep. “...Well. You know, I sorta worried about you with a kid, but you’re sorta adorably overprotective.”Sam teased looking amused as they all moved closer to admire the baby. “We still going to hawaii?”Cas muttered looking at tony, smiling slightly.
"i guess we are bonded... i get to be in the next book right?" Dean asked with a grin. "oh i will. i'll ask Jarvis to video record it for you." he promised with a grin. "Hey. your the one with a viable mate." Dean informed Sam. "now. before you can squirrel away, we need to have a little discussion." Dean said, setting the baby into Sam's hands. "you see, sometimes, when a man loves another man very much, and that other man is an ancient god from another planet and magical, they can have babies..." Loki had shoved his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing and Tony was dying he was laughing so hard. "Yeah, we're still going. with SJ born, we have to leave as soon as possible. i have everything ready now, everyone else just has to finish packing and we'll get going." he admitted.
“Of course you get to be in the next book. You get to be the fake FBI agent chasing ghosts. You may or may not be having a love affair with a angel.”She teased snickering a little. “....I’m not the squirrel in this family, you know. And Cas could totally be viable, he’s ancient to.”Sam said looking startled as he was handed the baby, snickering at cas’ slightly confused look as he considered that idea. “I don’t need the sex talk dean!”Sam scolded blushing as he ducked his head down a little. “Good. I’ll go finish packing for everyone, and we’ll go as soon as gwen wakes.”Cas said snickering as he and terry left sam to dean’s lecturing.
"That's epic." he informed her with a grin before chuckling a little. "i'm okay with that." he admitted with a small smile. he was getting much better at not flinching anytime someone even mentioned him being in a gay relationship. he was getting better, the only one who couldn't see it was him. "oh, seriously Sam? do you really think, of the two of us, that Cas is going to be the bitch?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. he was well aware, that when he was finally okay, that he was totally going to be the bitch between him and Cas. the idea of.. sullying Cas like that, it just made him cringe. maybe later, when he wasn't the way he was he'd be more okay with the idea but for now, he was fully the submissive in the relationship. "you do need the sex talk!" he huffed, shaking his head as he continued to sexually educate his brother.
“I think you are way to dominate in the rest of your life to be a bitch in the bedroom.” “He’ll be a top from the bottom. It’ll be amusing.”Pepper teased snickering a little as the boys continued their sex discussion.

Two days later Gwen smiled slightly as she watched the baby sleepign in her arms, digging her toes into the soft sand as she watched her family from the beach chair she was hanging out in. Enjoying the sun, the two were camped out under a umbrella, with dean standing watch, they’d worked out a system so that everyone got to go enjoy the beach, while they were close by still, she always had at least one guard with her, camped out at her side, with tony usually hovering close. Turning her head to look at her best friend, she smirked a little. “So. I know Cas totally rocks the whole pale angel thing, but you think he’s going to tan, or just burn?”She snickered as she watched natasha and clint try to teach both steve and cas to surf. That was just to amusing.
"the hell is a top from the bottom?" Dean wondered.

Dean chuckled a little as he sipped on a beer. he wasn't much for sand or surf so he was happy to stay close to Gwen most of the time, leaving the others free to get sand in their crotches and salt in their mouths. ugh. "oh i'm sure he's going to burn like a lobster." Dean admitted, reading through her most recent book. "this part needs to be explained more clearly." he informed her. "it's too complicated, i'm getting confused." he admitted before smirking when Steve, in a rare show of absolute clumsiness, fell off his surfboard face first into the water. "oh god i should be recording this." Dean admitted with a laugh and a shake of his head.
“Bossy, even when you’re bottoming. You’ll figure it out.”Pepper snickered a little.

“You look well content to not get sand in your crotch. Definitely something the others should be worried about, getting sand in uncomfortable on the beach doesn’t feel well.”Gwen said before snickering a little. “probably.”she agreed glancing over at the man reading the most recent draft of the book, “Okay. Highlight it, I’ll rewrite it tonight.”She said snickering as she nodded. “We totally should be recording this.”She agreed, amused as she watched cas taking a tumble into the water to. Tilting her head as she watched the rest of the beach. “Well, isn’t this cozy?”Crowley said easing down onto his heels next to dean, smirking as he looked at the two. “The baby, please.”
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