Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Gwen smiled sniffling as she wiped her tears away, waving a hand to get his attention."stop. I'm not upset. I just can't stop the tears. Stupid emotions."she grumbled not about to tell him what she suspected, not until she was sure, but she had no idea how to ask bruce, or to get to a doctor without tony finding out. So she was just waiting to see.
Tony relaxed, glad that she was okay with this and kissed her happily before beaming. "so you like it!? i hoped you would!" he admitted. "see the base? it copies the image of the illusion and adds motion context to it! it's as smart as Jarvis is and cn mostly tell what your making and can mimic it's natural motions. i thought it might help with your book, and learning control, and stuff." he admitted. "plus they're cool! i'm working on one that doesn't have space constraints but it's going slower because it's a little bitch." he admitted, sulking, looking amused when Loki staggered into the room, looking like he wanted to be sick. "i failed. i'm sure of it! i couldn't remember some of the answers... i failed!" he wailed, slumping onto the table, making Tony and Dean both roll their eyes.
"I do. I really do tones."she promised looking amused at how fascinated cas looked with the globe. Turning it over in her hand she nodded."yes. It really will be nice not to have to hold a image in magic even while writing."she smiled at him gently.b they are cool. And you'll figure it out. You always do."she said gently stroking tony's hair. "Loki?what's wrong?you did fine. Everyone forgets answers."Sam said frowning slightly as he considered the man as he sat down with his own coffee.
"I thought you'd like it." Tony admitted, so relieved that she did actually like it. "they're pretty too, so, like, you can make decorations for your office too and stuff, and to change them, you just have to put your powers in and do a new one." he admitted happily before snorting at Loki. "i'm not. i'm miserable. i'm going to fail..." Loki had never ben so bad before. sure he had fretted about tests before this, but never like what he was doing now. the stress of Thor, Tyr, the tests, Odin in Odin sleep and the rest of life must have been catching up to him. a person could only handle so much after all.
“I do.”Gwen grinned at him, before looking startled, she hadn’t even considered that. Grinning happily as she hugged him tightly, “That’s awesome. Thanks Tony.”She said pillowing her head on his shoulder. “You are no-”Sam started before stopping, shivering a little as he squeezed his eyes shut, leaning heavily into his chair, shivering hard as the vision hit him.
"I am. i'm a miserable excuse." Loki whined before blinking, confused. "...Sam?" Loki had never seen this. "Sam? what's wrong? Sam?!" "easy, Loki. it's alright."Dean promised. "he's having a vision. it looks god awful but he'll be alright." Dean promised, supporting his brother while he had his vision, Loki nearly going nuts he was so frantic. all Loki could do was sit there and clutch his hands tightly, watching desperately as Sam suffered. Loki hated that. being helpless.
Sam whimpered quietly, leaning his head into loki’s shoulder even if he didn’t respond otherwise. “Dammit!”Sam gasped as he came back, trembling hard as he swallowed thickly, blinking as he looked at dean, at the one person who had been there whenever he needed somene. “Tyr....Crowley. Working....together.”He swallowed, shivering hard. “Wants the child.”He said starting to fade into a true pass out, the vision knocking him on his ass hard enough his body was shutting down in order to deal and heal.
Loki held Sam, looking even more frantic because Sam wasn't one for public affection. Dean grabbed his brothers hand, holding it tightly. "easy... Tyr and Crowly are working together and they want a baby. we can worked with that. just rest." he ordered gently, looking up at Loki. "get him to bed. when he wakes up stuff him with food and make him sleep again. Cas! come with me. we're going to do some digging, see if we can't find a few babies. if the trend follows, they'll want a baby six months old." he admitted. "so we'll start looking there, and for any odd fires." though it didn't always follow the pattern it was the only lead they had for the moment.
“Kay....its a baby...”Sam muttered. “Just tell Jarvis when he gets up, and we’ll get food down for you.”Gwen promised looking worried as Cas looked up. “We’ll look.”Cas said watching loki and sam go before jumping as Gwen touched his arm. “Come on, we’ll go down to the lab, and tony and jarvis can help. Between cas’ angelic stuff, dean’s knowledge, and jarvis’ searching abilities, we should be able to figure out what’s up.”
"Thanks." Loki said sweeping away with Sam. Dean was moving after Gwen and Tony, worried about what was about to go down. why would some God be working with a Demon and did... Thor know? when he voiced that question Tony quickly called Phil, who had Thor in custody. Thor was suitably stunned by the idea and had considered calling Phil, and thus these so called Avengers, liars but... he couldn't, he was aware he had fucked up and that Tyr had been the one to lean on Odin about banishment. Thor was unhappy about it, but he agreed it would be best if he stayed in New Mexico until he learned whatever lesson it was that Odin had wanted him to learn.
Sam stirred, blinking at Loki, “Loki?”He muttered, whimpering as even the smallest noise made his head pound. That just hurt. He wanted to sleep. Sleep would be good. But he needed to get up and help. He soon as he convinced his body to cooperate.
Loki smiled at him and pressed something to his lips. two tiny pills followed by a bottle of water. he had been told Sam would have a splitting headache when he woke up and so he gently pressed his fingers to sam's temples, a soft cool relief spreading over Sam's pounding head. the headache wasn't gone, but it was much more bearable. "sorry. it's the best i can do. healing spells were never my best skill." he admitted softly. "you need food and more sleep. Dean said."
Sam sighed softly as he swallowed the pills before carefully taking a drink before looking at the other, sighing in relief as the other made it bearable. Closing his eyes as he smiled quietly. “It’s fine. Better then it was.”he muttered before blinking a little, “I need to go see dean. I know who’s baby they want.”He said moving to get up slowly.
"No." Loki said sternly. "you stay your ass in bed. don't forget what happened the last time you tried to sneak out of bed when you where sick." Loki had tied him to the bed and hadn't even had the decency to do anything fun with him. "Jarvis? would you be so kind as to ask Dean to come up here please?"
“You weren’t fun when you did that. You should have at least had fun with me.”Sam muttered sulking a little as he settled back into the bed, sighing quietly as he looked over at Dean as the man came in, frowning slightly. “ Gwen’s.”He muttered, he might be awake, but he wasn’t quite aware yet.
"it wasn't supposed to be fun." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "...fuck... Jarvis? would you ask Gwen and Bruce to meet me in the Med Lab? don't let Tony know just yet, okay?" he turned back to Dean. "now you go to sleep. and eat. eat first and then sleep." he ordered, heading down to the Med Lab where Bruce was already waiting. Jarvis had told him what they wanted so he was there ready to do a blood test to see if she was pregnant.
“It was to....”Sam muttered whining a little at jarvis’ yes, that was just to loud to hear. Whining softly as he shifted to eat. Letting loki help him. “....Okay guys?really?I think I’d know I was pregnant...”Gwen said though it was obvious she was more scared of being pregnant and already knew she was, she was just so worried about whatever could have gotten dean to be the one to make the request for the test. That just couldn’t be good.
"Just humor me." Dean ordered. "Sam's visions are never wrong." he admitted. "you where pregnant in his vision, so this can give us a time frame to work with." he admitted. he didn't dare mention that Crawly and Tyr had been using her baby. Bruce hummed as he examined the bloodwork and then glanced at her. "'m going to need you to start taking some multivitamins." he admitted. "you're healthy enough but te fetus is going to start draining on your nutrients, you'll need the boost." he admitted. "...that's a terrible way to tell someone they're pregnant." "she already thought she was. besides, i'm terrible at this. this is why i'm a scientist and not a doctor."
“Okay then...”Gwen said sighing softly, wrapping her arms around herself before snorting at bruce’s words. “You need to work on your bedside manner.”She said looking amused before sighing, looking at dean. “What else did sam see? How long do we have?”She said looking worried and upset.
"Yeah i guess." Bruce huffed, rolling his eyes. "or you guys could go to Terry for this stuff. he's the one learning to be a doctor after all." he admitted. "we don't know. it takes Sam a while to recover and he's not very coherent after. we have to wait for him to wake up before we'll get any real sense out of him." Dean admitted. not sure he should tell her.
“Yea, that’s true.”Gwen said blushing hard, because she’d totally forgotten about terry. “...oh.well. We’ll be prepared then.”She said knowing that whatever was coming, wasn’t going to be good. But they’d just have to be prepared.

Nearly 7 months later Gwen made a face as she leveraged herself up off the couch, she was definitely not happy, and definitely to pregnant to be feeling good about this. And the closer she got to her due date, and the timeline sam had given them, the more nervous she got. The fact that she was in the final stages of finishing a novel, and the demon signs and attacks had gotten worse over the last months, were driving her insane and tense. She was tense and upset, and trying to hide just how much she was feeling from tony, not wanting to worry him.
Terry smiled as he watched her get up. honestly he was the only reason why the others weren't fussing over her so bad that she was abut to go insane. Terry was well versed in a pregnant woman's needs so he was keeping the others from getting too overzealous. "Gwen?"Tony asked, watching her, wishing she'd let him help. he felt miserable, being so useless.
Gwen smiled a little at Terry, well aware he was the only thing keepign the others at bay. And even then, it was a low grade fussing, hat even cas indulged in. It was amusing to watch the angel fuss, even when it was annoying. Well aware that the only person cas fussed over more then her, was dean. “My back hurts, Loki and James are misbehaving, and I can’t use any magic for now. I’m feeling caged and useless.”Gwen said looking over at him, leaning down awkwardly to kiss his forehead. “you are not useless, love. Stop looking so miserable.”
"do you want a back massage?" Tony asked eagerly. he was always overly happy to get his hands on his fiance. giving her daily food and back massages had become a very eagery anticipated event for Tony and he sulked when he didn't get to. "Loki and Sam are misbehaving?" he asked, looking upset. "what have they done? i'll skin em." he promised. "and i'll do it to Thor too." Thor had certainly learned his lesson. he had tried to sacrifice himself when Asgards 'Guardian' attacked the little sleepy town in Mexico and he had regained his powers and a much deeper respect for any living thing. he had stopped by a time or two, trying to apologize to Loki who wanted nothing to do with Thor at all and it was becoming a very stressful situation. especially since Loki was trying to get his new life up and going. not only had he graduated with top marks as Valedictorian, he had broke the previous record of the school. he had already shot down several attempts at 'subverting' the Mutants and had defended Tony twice in court. an easy enough task wen all Loki had to do was ask Senator Stern Why he wanted a suit that cost nearly 3.5 million dollars, when he couldn't even afford to feed the soldiers he was insisting on sending to oversees for,really, no reason since the active war was, for the time being, at a standstill. they had all laughed after about how bright red Stern had gotten, especially the second time when Loki ripped to shreds Sterns comments that Tony was 'spoiled, dangerous, in it for the glory 'and others. it was hard to argue with Loki though when he pointed out Tony didn't HAVE to go into burning buildings, rescue cars that had fallen off cliffs, and save the world from alien invasions.

"i can't make your pregnancy better..." Tony whined, resting his head on her belly. "your making your mommy miserable baby." he gently scolded. it had taken him some intense therapy at the hands of one Sam Wilson at the V.A. before Tony had been okay with having a baby and now he was nothing but eager to be a father. "your making mommy sick in the mornings and then you kick her bladder. how naughty." he scolded with a smile, rubbing the belly. "i can't wait to meet you. mommy is being very mean you know. she won't tell Daddy what your gender is. no she won't because she's so cruel and wicked to daddy." he pouted, making Loki chuckle as he walked in. he was the one who had informed Tony that while the baby wouldn't understand, it could hear him, and so Ton had taken to babbling away at the baby in the belly because Loki had also said the baby would be more comfortable with voices it was familiar with.
"Yea that would be nice."she smiled knowing it'd make him feel better. Waving a hand a little she shook her head."book loki and james. My characters aren't doing what I want them to tony."she whined, truly she was miserable and tired, and not getting anything done, which was bad considering her publisher was breathing down her neck about it."no one can, you know. It's not just you."she smiled a little as he talked to her stomach, gently stroking his hair."you are so cute. Baby's gonna come out addicted to listening to you ramble."she teased, simply happy that he was this happy about being a fathed. She'd been scared and upset for awhile there about how he was handling it."I am not wicked. I'm just stopping the ridculous name search if you knew. I'd end up with a baby named sherlock Johnathan Steven banner stark or something if I let you know if it was a boy or girl."
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