Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“Well, he might of. Though he might have a problem when I totally put the angel and the FBI agent together. If he does....well, it’ll be good for him.”She giggled a little before growing serious, resting her head against the headboard as she looked at him. Blinking stupidly, because she wasn’t quite following before swallowing hard. “Well...I believed him to you know.”She sighed a little shifting, snuggling close, upset but not anxious or worried. Simply trusting him to not hurt her. “well...”She said looking amused leaning into kiss him, just to stop the rant. “No you’re not to bad at this, and yes...if you’re really certain about it...we can. If you want.”She said stuttering a little herself.
he snorted a little. "that's hilarious Gwen." he admitted, eyes sparkling with laughter. "i hope Dean doesn't get too pissed off." he admitted with a laugh because he thought Dean would just be embarrassed if he was anything at all. that was one of the reasons why Dean was having so many issues. he was falling in love with Cas and was scared and terrified because of that. Poor Dean didn't know if it was okay, didn't understand why and was rebelling against it because of the way he had been raised. "i know... and i'm so sorry for that. i'm so sorry i ever made you think i would joke about that." he admitted, snuggling her. "i love you so much, i don't know what i would ever do without you." he swallowed thickly. "i think i'm going to go to one of those PTSD meetings Steve keeps talking about." he admitted softly before smiling at the kiss. "let's be honest here, i'm terrible at this." he admitted with a chuckle before looking so relieved and happy that it was almost heartbreaking. Tony was just too used to people not wanting to associate with him. not wanting to be near him or worse, openly betraying him.
“Yea, I thought so. And well, it’s not like they’ll be having sex right off. I think it’ll be over a few books....though I’m totally using the porn thing. That was just funny.”Gwen smiled a little, “I’ll ask him before I go to much into detail about it, so it’ll be okay.”She smiled a little before sighing quietly, resting her head against his shoulder.”I know. Me to.”She muttered blushing at his words. “I’m sure you would find someone else to look after you.”She said smiling before nodding. “That would be good for you. To go.”She said before snorting. “No, you’re not. You just think you are.”She muttered kissing him again.
"That's true." Tony agreed with a chuckle. "i think all this will be good for Dean." he admitted. "he's so bottled up. worse than me even." he admitted before laughing. "can you believe Cas is still upset that they never delivered the Pizza? we should order Pizza." he admitted with a grin. "i would never be able to move on if something happened to you." Tony promised, flushing a little because he always got embarrassed when he was mushy. "Your my soul mate. i'd only be half a man if you where gone." he admitted. "i hate that Obi nearly succeeded in making me drive you away." he admitted before smiling a little as he tucked himself against her. "i love you. i'd give you the ring again but i can't find it..." he admitted, smiling a little. "i'm glad Natasha told me to talk to you... i feel a lot better now." he admitted softly, watching her with all the adoration in the world. "and i made you something. but it's not quite done yet." he admitted.
“Yes, I think so. Letting him work through it like this, will be good for him. And I know, that was amusing....we’ll totally order pizza tomorrow.”She said smiling at the other, blushing a little at his words, “You’re mine to.We’re better together.”She muttered nuzzling close, relaxing at the others words. “it’s in your dresser....I thought...I’d just leave it, and if you found it and wanted to still be with me, well you’d figure it out...”She muttered blushing brightly as she nodded.”Me to....and you made me something?”
he nodded. "yeah i'm totally ordering a pizza. maybe... maybe we could hire a stripper too! and have the stripper bring up the Pizza... well, maybe Steve's head would explode if we did that." he mused before chuckling. "it would have been hilarious though." he admitted before blinking a little. "Dresser?" he asked, looking baffled. "i haven't been in there in weeks." he admitted, flushing a little. "i just dig clothes out of the clean hamper." he admitted sheepishly because she was always chastising him for not folding and putting away his clothes after the Bots where done washing them. "i did make you something, but it's a surprise."
“We could hire a strippper....steve’d probably lose it....we could have Johnny drop it off. He’d totally flirt with Cas when bringing him the pizza.”Gwen snickered a little before nodding, bushing slightly at his words. “Yea, dresser.”He muttered before snorting slightly. “You need to put your clothes away.”She said looking amused though, sighing softly before nodding. “Okay, a surprise then.”
"Oh my god yes! he'd totally strip for us! and having a mini Cap here, Steve's head will totally explode! it'll be great!" Tony gushed happily before flushing at her. "well... i was busy..." he mumbled sheepishly, smiling at her even as he texted Johnny, asking if he wanted to help with a prank on Captain America and a real life Angel. "Yes. a surprise. a very big surprise." he admitted with a grin. "you'll love it."
“Yes he would. He strips for you anyways.”She said rolling her eyes a little, because she was only a little jealous of johnny, even if she’d never admit to it. “Well, you never put them away.”She teased a little, nuzzling him before sighing. “Well, I’ll just wait for the surprise then.”She muttered yawning as she fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be great.

The next day Gwen smiled as she looked up from the piles of books, notes, and computer sitting in her lap, looking a little blank at the sudden appearance of people in her space. So used to being able to work in the living room whenever she wanted, and lose herself in the creative process, having people there was sorta a shock. Staring at tony for a long moment, blushing a little. “Pizza on the way?”
"Nah, he doesn't strip for me anymore. not since i started dating you." Tony admitted with a grin. "we should get him to strip for you and then i can get jealous. i know you like it when i get jealous." he teased with a giggle.

Tony had settled himself in front of her and was leaning forward and staring at her, as he often did when he wanted her attention but didn't want to get in the way if she was really focused. he had sat like that for three hours once. he'd told her it was because he'd been enthralled by how beautiful she looked when she was utterly focused. somehow, the entire Tower had also noticed that she preferred the area as her work space and did their best not to intrude when she was working. the only ones woh went through as they pleased where Loki, who Gwen didn't seam to notice anyway, and Wanda, who was so silent as a mouse she could sneak up, even on Natasha. "Pizza's on the way. He even had a pizza guy stripper uniform. apparently he does charity events as a stripper sometimes." he admitted with a grin. "i'm never letting him live it down."
“Yes, I do. You get so cutely demanding and upset. It’s adorable.”She muttered, as long as she knew he wasn’t truly angry with her for it, she could enjoy the small jealous possessiveness.

Gwen startled a little, looking a little surprised at suddenly finding him in front of her, which was amusing, because he’d been there for nearly a hour simply watching her. Blinking slowly, as she pushed her reading glasses up into her hair, she only wore them when she worked, but they were adorable and made her look like a sexy librarian, at least according to tony “ should have inteerrupted...”She muttered blushing a little as she studied him, before noding happily. “Good.....and what?”She sputtered, staring at him. “He had...what?”she said sounding to surprised to really think it through, before grinning. “No, he’s never allowed forgetting this.”She agreed, leaning in to kiss him lightly, shifting to snuggle against him, simply needing held now that the creative moment had been broken.
Tony grinned at her. "no. i like watching you. and Johnny's happy to wait." he admitted with a grin. "he likes your books and hates the idea of interrupting you making one." he admitted. "Loki actually sat here for twenty minutes with me, he was eating Natasha's stash of chocolate and she was mad but he was too cute for her to yell at so she sort of seethed in the corner and sulked." Tony admitted with a grin. "we'll never get the stains out of Loki's clothes though." he admitted. "oh yes! he works as a stripper!" Tony admitted with a laugh. "for women's charities and stuff! he went to this huge one for women's breast cancer and danced for all the horny ladies there." Tony admitted with a grin. "Johnny really shouldn't have told me that because i have Jarvis looking for the video evidence." he admitted with a grin. "anyway, let's head up to the Penthouse. i'll call everyone else up for lunch." he promised with a grin. "and Jarvis will let Johnny in and he'll start stripping and we can see Cas and Cap's eyes pop out of their heads!"
“You are so weird. You hardly ever sit still for anything else.”She rolled her eyes a little as she consiered him, before snorting. “He just doesn’t want to end up in one, so he doesn’t interrupt.”She snickered a little before smiling. “Well, at least loki’s having fun. And we’ll buy natasha more candy.”She looked amused shaking her head a little. “That’s awesome. I just bet it drives Sue insane.....and video would be nice. Gotta watch that.”She teased, just to see how jealous he’d be as she saved everything and turned off her computer.”Let’s go then.”She smiled as she followed him upstairs.
"i'm not weird! You're just so enthralling!" he teased with a smile before snorting a little. "isn't he already in there? you made him one of the dead victims didn't you?" he asked, looking amused. "i think Loki did it on purpose. he seams to be really upset about Thor being on earth." Tony admitted. "and teasing Natasha seams to be one of his favorite pastimes... i'm pretty sure he's nutters." he admitted. "i wouldn't know, i don't speak to the bitch." he admitted. h very rarely called other people names, but he'd never liked Sue, she ha never liked him, and she was all but cruel to Johnny. "...i can strip too you know! i'm way better at it than johnny!" Tony protested, a little bit jealus that she wanted to see Johnny getting naked, even though he understood she didn't want him, she just wanted to look, and Tony didn't mind if she looked but he got jealous anyway, he couldn't help it!
”I think not. But if you want to think that, okay.”She said looking amsued before nodding. “I did, but I might make him someone else. Under a different name of course, but it’d be good to put another stripper in.”She snickered quietly before frowning slightly. “Thor? Maybe he’s worried about him...”She frowned before snorting. “He probably is. But you like teasing her to.”She pointed out before smirking at him. “I dunno, he’s fairly good at it.”Gwen said. “Fairly good at what?”Sam asked looking up from the book he was reading. “Oh, Johnny has talent at things. He’s on his way up.”Gwen said smiling as she settle onto the couch.
"i will think that." he said with a sniff before grinning a little. "i think he would never forgive you. do it." he purred, delighted with all the pranking and teasing going on. "i don't know. i got the opinion that Loki didn't like his family all that much." he admitted. "Yeah. but she likes me." he pointed out. "i know what i can, and cannot get away with. Loki doesn't... as far as i therefore, he's mad." Tony said, looking quite pleased with his reasoning. "but i'm still better!" Tony protested. "Much better! better than Johnny about everything!" he huffed, sulking at Sam. "Who's Johnny?" Dean asked. "and what's for dinner?" "Pizza!" Steve crowed, Delighted when Johnny strutted in, not in the least bit ashamed, set down enough Pizza to feed a hundred people, set down a stereo and flicked it on before beginning to dance. Dean choked, Steve went curiously red and Natasha started to laugh. Loki snickered, trying to hide his amusement and Phil looked ready to die from trying to hold in his laughter. Johnny really was very good at this and Steve was making funny little choking sounds.
“Probably not. But we’ll do it.”Gwen said laughing quietly before sighing. “No he doesn’t. We’ll...just have to see how things go.”he said, looking fidgety and upset, because it still worrie her to be part asgardian. “Ah, I see. That makes sense. Loki does have to be insane.”She snickered quietly, before snorting. “Not sure if you are or not.”She said studying her boyfriend. “Johnny is one of tony’s best friends. And apparently, stripper.”Clint sai looking thoughtful as he considered the man walking in, grinning at the look on cas’ face. “...He has delivered the pizza, yes?Though he didn’t give it to us before he started to dance.”Cas said looking thoughtful, “Is this a normal human pizza delivery?”
"we will! it'll be awesome when you publish the new book and he's in it and he finds out. he'll be so delighted, and pissed." he admitted, looking delighted. "I'm so totally better than Johnny!" Tony whined, sulking a little. "Johnny's a usurper and i don't like him anymore." he whined at the room at whole, making Natasha snort because he said things like that all the time but he never meant it. Dean couldn't stop himself once Cas spoke, his head hit the table and he struck it a few times when Steve made another strangled noise. "Cas. sweetie. it's a prank. a joke." Natasha explained, looking very amused. "they're teasing you, or trying to. and teasing Steve too. "Who IS that and how did you get him to look exactly like me!?" Steve finally burst out. "and how can people bend that way!?" "I bend like that all the time." Bruce admitted before flushing as he realized how that sounded. "...what do you think Betty? pretty?" he asked, smiling at his girlfriend, wondering if he could talk the Steve Look Alike into having sex with his girlfriend.
“indeed.”She said looking amused. “....okay?”Sam stared at sam, snickering a little. Finding it both endearing and amusing how often he sai it. “Oh.”Cas looked thoughtful, tilting his head as he consiered the man. “It is a very good joke. Though indeed, finding someone who could bend like that ha to be very hard.”Cas said even as he reached out to put his han on the table so dean was hitting his head instea of the table. “You bend that way?”Betty eyed her boyfrien smirking, as she nodded. “indeed he is very pretty.” “That’s johnny storm, of the fantastic four. And one of tony’s best friends. Who apparently, works as a stripper.”Gwen snickered
"....he doesn't get the joke." Tony whined with a sigh before snickering as Dean started smacking his head against the table. "i can have brain damage if i dan well please." Dean growled at Case. "give me the god damn Pizza." "empty." Johnny lied with a shrug as he stopped dancing. "and i don't Work, ever... i volunteer my services. there's a difference." Johnny admitted, slipping his clothes back on with a chuckle. "I can bend that way, yes. i do Yoga remember? and not the pussy American stuff either." Bruce reminded her. "we should offer him a bed for the night, it would only be polite, right?" he asked, grinning at Betty, letting her decide if she wanted to invite the blond into her panties. she was the one with sexual appetite after all. "what's a fantastic four?" Steve wondered, making Johnny gasp. "i mean... i know your old man, but dude! i'm insulted!" "...oh. never mind. your the team who built that doorway into space and we where invaded by... what did you call them Tony, Tribbles?" Johnny grimaced. "yeah that was reed. and he was oh so conveniently called away to space and we went with him... didn't find out what he'd done until we got back. i set him on fire for that." Johnny admitted, yanking open the Pizza boxes and handed them out, Dean smirking because he'd known they where full and he happily accepted a box and started stuffing himself.
“I think he does. He’s just enjoying it.”Gwen muttered back to tony, watching as cas smirked down at dean as he hit his head. “No you can’t. You still hunt, therefore you need all the brainpower you can have. Which means no damage.”Cas said. “Hmmm, well you should volunteer for me Johnny.”Gwen said smirking at johnny. “I remember. It’s goo to see you doing that, it’s awesome.”Betty said before nodding, smirking quietly. “I think it would. I mean, he did put on such a good show.”she said. “that’s amusing.”Gwen snorted amused at reed being away, smiling as they settled in to eat.
Tony snorted as he realized Cas was indeed very amused. that little shit had turned the prank around back at them! devious little asshole! "i don't need brains, that's what Sam is for." Dean stated simply. "I'd be happy to." Johnny admitted, wiggling his eyes at Gwen, laughing when Tony growled at him. "Banned! Banned! you're banned from the tower!" he informed Johnny who snickered because he was well used to that. he wasn't going anywhere until he got his share of the Pizza though. "A Very good show." Bruce agreed with a chuckle, kissing her cheek before leaning over to whisper in Johnny's ear, the man blinking, startled before doing a double take at Bruce before looking at Betty, almost shell shocked before offering her a hesitant, curious smile. Bruce had made the offer and Johnny was trying to decide if he wanted to accept or not. it wasn't a common situation after all. still, Betty was very pretty and he hadn't had sex in a while. might as well.
Cas offered tony a little smirk as the man looked at him, before rolling his eyes. “I think sam is going to be staying at the tower with loki from now on. You might be on your own.”cas teased a little. “awesome.”Gwen smirked at johnny, laughing softly as the as she leaned into tony a little. “you can’t ban him, I like him. I mean, just imagine the sort of illusions me and the firestarter could make.”She smirked against tony’s skin, wondering just how much he’d let her wind him up. “Indeed.”Betty said raising her eyebrows at johnny as he ate, smirking slightly as she nodded smiling back.
"ugh... i love my brother, but he could do better." Sam huffed, Loki snorting. "i'm a prince. a rightful prince to both the Asgardian and the Jotunn thrones. there's not much better than me." Loki admitted. "...i really don't like you." Dean growled at Loki and Steve snickered. "why? because he's a smart ass or because he's sullying your brother." "as far as i'm concerned Sammy is as virtuous as Castiel. a pure untouched virgin and if i have my way he's going to stay that way." "....what about Jessica." "she was too awestruck by his perfection to have sex with him." Dean replied smartly. Steve just snickered and shook his he'd and set about devouring another pizza. "No! he's not allowed near you." Tony growled, pressing his face into her neck and offered her nips and nibbles, leaving behind tiny love bites, as if to mark his territory. Johnny didn't notice because he was too busy blushing at Betty and offering her a sly grin and nodding back. he'd be glad to, though he wasn't sure why Bruce would be okay with his girlfriend having sex with another man. maybe he was kinky? maybe it would be a threesome. he could totally enjoy that, especially if Bruce was a top. he'd be only a little disappointed when he realized Bruce just had no sexual urges.
“Well, I don’t think he’d like dating a vanir. Or a angel.”Cas said looking amused as he studied Dean thoughtfully. Wondering why this was okay, that he wasn’t quite freaking out that sam was dating a guy. “Perfection huh?You try to get my laid all the time, Dean.”he pointed out before smirking. “Awestruck huh?” “Oh yea, you’re just so amazing there Sam.”Gwen teased. “Whoever said that I was virtuous and pure?”Cas said looking at dean, thoughtfully. “OKay then.”Gwen smiled a little, shivering quietly as he nibbled on her neck, nudging him a little. “Eat, tones.”she muttered squirming a little.
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