Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“You always come back worse for the wear. Let me save you this one time.”Because he couldn’t do it any of time. Sighing quietly as he shifted, laying them both back onto the bed, and holding dean, absently stroking his hair and letting his cheek rest against his shoulder, the slightly taller man making it easy to cuddle without making it to awkward, it was a good thing they were the same height almost, rather then sam’s 6’6”, that would have just been awkward. And he knew he was distracting himself with pointless thoughts because there was nothing he could do to help with this pain but simply hold him.

“I am cute.”She agreed before flinching away a little, wondering if he thought that was all she ever wanted? Sighing quietly. “It’s okay. I just want held and cuddled.”She said before nodding.”You did, so well. I’m so proud of you for helping him.”She muttered before laughing a little, “Really? Well, they are good looking men.”Gwen said, sounding a little distracted at the idea, before nodding.”He might. Jarvis, will you send Terry in please?”She said, smiling quietly at jarvis’ quiet agreement, gently stroking his hair.”You’ll be okay. Don’t get sick.”
He shook his head. "i don't deserve to be saved..." he informed Castiel. he laid on the other, clinging to him and weeping for the first time since he was four years old. letting out all his grief, all his misery and all his pain. he only stopped because he'd cried himself to sleep, breathing softly as he slept on top of Castiel, wet stains drying on his cheeks from where he'd been crying, he looked younger than he'd ever looked. relaxed. like a lifetime of pain had slipped off his shoulders. one thing was for sure, he wasn't going to be moving for a while. he was so asleep, the tower could have exploded and he'd still be laying there dead to the world.

"hmm. good... cus i think i should be aroused." he admitted. "cus your really hot." he admitted. "i like cuddling." he admitted before brightening, looking so very pleased that she was proud of him. nothing new there, he was always pleased when she was proud of him. "they are pretty nice looking..." he admitted before grimacing. "i know wh Deans so scared of being gay." he admitted. "should... is it a secrete do you think?" he wondered. "I'm kind of really glad John is dead..." he admitted softly, unaware Sam and Loki where listening in. "Poor Dean... oh poor Dean. it's no wonder he's the way he is... it's pretty bad when i think someone is worse than Howard." he admitted before groaning. "i drank oo much Gwen. i don't feel well." he whined, closing his eyes. Terry sighed as he walked in and shook his head. "i should just leave you like this."Terry grumped, even as he set his hand on Tony's head. he was much gentler than Cas was and Ton manged to keep his stomach, in his stomach.
“You do. You always have been.”For him, for sam, dean was worth going after. Sighing softly as he closed his eyes, simply relaxing, dozing a little, starting to fall asleep as he watched over the other, even though he was keeping watch still.

“You should be, and I am. But it’s okay.”Gwen said snickering a little, smiling, relaxing as the other perked up, glad that the he was okay before wincing, frownign slightly. “....really?”She muttered sighing softly. Nodding. “Yes...don’t tell anyone, not until he talks. And I think you’ve helped him start talking, he’ll talk now. To sam, or to Cas.”She sighed a little shuddering at the idea of someone being worse then howard.”that’s bad.”She shuddered considered that before wincing, rubbing his back. “I know. It’s okay, you’ll be okay.”She muttered looking relieved at terry’s words. “Don’t, he’ll be skin and horrible if we do.”She said smiling slightly, looking relieved as he managed to not throw up, gently urging him towards his feet. “Come on. We better get some sleep, I have a feeling tomorrow morning will be busy and dramatic when dean wakes.”
"Yeah... okay. won't tell a soul. not unless i have to, but i'll ask you first." he promised. "cus you know things." he admitted. "i hope he talks to Cas. i don't think Sam could handle it." Tony admitted. "i don't think i could have handled it if i wasn't drunk." he admitted. "very bad.. i'd tell you but i don't think i should... i think Dean should be the one. it made me feel better, when i started talking to you, to know i could tell someone and they wouldn't tel anyone else ever so... so i don't think i'll say." Tony decided before sulking at Terry. "i'm only helping you because you did a good thing." Terry scolded. "don't get drunk again because i won't heal you next time." "oki!" Tony agreed before following after Gwen obediently while Loki gently swept Sam away before they where caught eavesdropping. "you okay Sam?" Loki asked softly, worried about the other. finding out your own father had tortured your older brother had to be a hell of a thing to learn.
“Yes, ask first. And I know things?”She teased a little before nodding. “Probably not. Sam seems to have enough on his plate without this. Cas will take care of him.”She said before nodding. “It’s a good thing you drank with him then. Even if you look miserable like this.”She smiled slightly before nodding. “No, don’t tell me.”She said before laughing a little at terry’s words. “Don’t worry, he wont be getting drunk anytime soon.”She said smiling as they headed for bed. “...Yea...I think...I think I am.”sam said though he looked pale and shaken, not quiet ready to deal yet. “I don’t.....what...I don’t know how to help dean.”
"you do. you know lots of things. like what might make people upset, an when to tell secretes, and when someone needs a hug." he admitted before smiling at her. "i feel terrible. i'm never drinking this much ever again." while he did have the occasional drink, he very rarely actually got drunk, he wasn't too fond of the sensation. "kay. i won't tell you." he promised.

"Castiel will take care of Dean for now. when he's ready, he might tell you, but don't push him okay?" Loki suggested. "i'm not sure you want to know. just be there for him if he needs you. hold him, support him, do whatever you feel you need to." he offered, kissing Sam gently. "come on. you need sleep too. we'll go snuggle in bed." he promised.
“Ahhh, yes I do know those things.”Gwen said looking amsued, brushing a kiss against her forehead. While she knew they needed to talk, but right now she wouldn’t. Not when she wasn’t sure if he’d found the ring she’d put back in his dresser. Figuring they’d talk about getting married when he was read. Smiling slightly. “Good. You shouldn’t drink, you’re not exactly young.”She teased the decade older man, amused as they settled in to sleep.

“....Okay. I wont.”Sam sighed, remembering all the times pressing dean over something hadn’t worked, before nodding. “okay...sleep sounds good.”He muttered.

In the morning Cas blinked slowly, ignoring his body’s reaction to having dean cuddled on him, shifting slightly to make sure dean couldn’t feel the reaction as he fisted his hand, wincing at the pins and needles sensation. Despite being angelic, it seemed his body could still suffer the after effects of being slept on all night.
"Are you calling me old?!" Tony whined at her. he had no idea the ring was in his dresser. he had yet to find it. "you are calling me old that's not nice at all!" he complained, sulking at her. "i'll show you old." and proceeded to kiss her so hard she went breathless and spent a good portion of the night showing her how 'old' he was by making her cum several times. that would teach her!

Dean grumbled in the morning as Cas shifted around and he fussed but slowly sat up. still looking more relaxed than he ever had in his entire life. "...oh... sorry. i fell asleep o you... sorry..." Dean was hesitant, embarrassed and ashamed and trying to hide all of it as he slid off of Cas like he'd been burned. he didn't run away this time at least, meaning something Tony had said was getting through to him. he was trying to deal with his emotions. that meant something at the very least.
“I am. But you’re a cute old.”She teased laughing as she went breathless. She was definitely going to enjoy her night.

Cas smiled slightly as the other grumbled, looking up at the other as he sat up, “Its okay. My shoulder just hurts now. It is a interesting sort of feeling.”Cas said frowning slightly as he rubbbed at his shoulder, looking a little relieved that the other hadn’t gone bolting for the door, even if he was moving away. “You feeling better this morning?No side effects from being drunk?”He said just to distract the other from whatever he was thinking about.
"I'm sorry..." he muttered, looking truly apologetic for making the other hurt. "yeah. i feel fine. sorry about puking on you... and crying on you... and sleeping on you... i just... after..." he swallowed thickly and then. "i never realided how much it affected me." he admitted, sitting down on the bed and stared at his hands. "you know, when i was four, my father put a gun in my hands and told me to shoot someone? i was too young to understand the difference between a person and a monster. he looked like a person. he was crying and stuff... i shot him, because my father told me to." he admitted. "it's not until now that i realize that poor bastard probobly was really a person, being possessed by a demon." he admitted, staring at the floor. "he used to scream at me, when i was being used at bait, for getting scared. i was a perfect target for all kinds of unpleasant things and dad used to stick me out in the middle of these huge empty places and make me stand there, in the dark and watch monsters come closer and closer until i could see the whites of their eyes and smell the foulness of their breath and feel the wind move as they reached out for me... one time, he wasn't fast enough with the gun, and the monster... took me..." he swallowed thickly. "Dad found me later, but it was too late by then, it had done horrible things to me... he said it was my fault for being a coward and a weakling in the first place... i believed him for a long, long time..." he admitted, talking about it because he knew Cas would never say a word to anyone.
“Its okay. Like I’ve said sensations is interesting, even if it’s pain.”Cas said watching him before tilting his head as he sat up, moving to sit next to the other, shoulder brushing against his. “No, I didn’t know that.’s not your fault that your father told you to do that...”Cas said not sure how to help him the best, he was so he was simply helping the other as much as he could. “...You know. I rarely consider it a suitable punishment, but I think your father deserved whatever Crowley is doing to him in hell.”CAs said simply, looking satisfied knowing that the King of the Crossroads, current lord of hell, was making john winchester suffer for this. “....I’m sorry Dean...”he muttered, know he knew what had happened, and he felt sick at the idea of wanting dean like that. Not wanting to hurt him more.
he rolled his eyes, there wasn't much else he could do really. it was all a bit ridiculous really. life seamed to have gotten entirely too hard recently and he wasn't sure what to do about it. learning the things he'd learned about his father, finding out things about Sam. the things he thought made sense... everything was wrong, and nothing made sense anymore. "no. i know that now but... when i was younger, i was too girly i guess. i didn't like the right things or i wasn't tough enough, i don't know but... one night, we went down to this gay bar... Dad picked someone out of the crowd and we kidnapped him. at first, i thought he was a demon or something... he wasn't. he was just a normal human person. some poor bastard who was just... not in the right place at the wrong time. Dad made me beat the shit out of him. i was twelve. he kept telling me, and the man, 'that's what filthy faggots get, boy. you remember that. filthy faggots aint human, they're disgusting freaks just like Demons and Vampires. you remember that boy and don't you ever be a freak'..." Dean closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "problem is... i think might be. or always was. i don't know..." he looked at Castiel, terrified, frightened, disgusted and it was all John's fault. "i'm a perversion against everything i was taught to be..." he whispered before cringing at the mention of his father being tortured. he still loved his father after all and blamed himself for John's untimely death. "i don't know what to do." Dean whispered.
“....Girly is never the word I would use for you, Dean.”Cas muttered watching the other, paling as he considered what john had done to his son. “...God never said that...homosexuals were wrong. That was a human belief laid over the word of god. Your father was not right. It is a natural thing.”Cas said looking lost and confused on how to help, hating that he couldn’t fix this, couldn’t make it better. Sighing softly, regretting mentioning crowley now. “...We could make a deal, get john a day pass, so you could hash this out with him.”He knew better then to think crowley would let him totally go, but a bargain with a angel?He might just be willing to do that.
"...Like God even exists... if he existed then he might actually fucking do something to help kids at the very least." well, at least that explained why Dean had never had any faith. he had lost it as a child, feeling that if god was real, how could he allow such things to happen? "...My Father.... John Winchester..." he closed his eyes. "i don't know that i ever want to see him again." he whispered. "because he would only be disgusted with me. he would only hate me. and i couldn't bare that." he admitted. "it would be better if i never saw him again." he admitted, lurching to his feet and heading out the door to find food, deciding it would be best if he never remembered his father ever again and just locked away the pain and misery once more. it had always worked before. why then wouldn't it work now?
“...He exists. He doesn’t answer, or...he is lost himself...but his children, the angels...we try our best, dean.”Cas said sounding so sad, so quiet because he knew he had failed. Nodding tightly. “He might....and okay. We will never talk to him again.”Cas said at a loss on how to help, and how to make it better. Watching him go before following him out. “Morning, Dean. There’s food on the stove if you want some.”Gwen said from her perch in tony’s lap, absently eating and writing at the same time, working on the next novel, yep there was definitely going to be hunters in there."Dean, I need your help pounding out the next story, if you have time today."She said, wanting to help, wanting to distract him
"No. he doesn't exist and even if he does he is a useless thing." Dean said simply. "what purpose does God serve?" he scoffed. "he is nothing." he grumbled before shrugging. "yeah. better he just... stays where he is." Dean said softly before smiling faintly at Gwen. "Yeah. thanks..." he said, helping himself before grinning more brightly at the idea of being in a book. "i'd be glad to, yeah. you know. so long as there's no Wendigo or Spirit attacks." he agreed. "what's this story about?" he asked, sitting down and munching on the food Steve had prepared earlier, blinking when Loki raced through the kitchen and then down the stairs, vanishing in a puff of emerald smoke because he'd slept in and was almost late for class, just missing Phil's phone call, Phil asking Loki if he knew if Thor, God of Thunder was supposed to be hanging around without his hammer or godly powers. Steve roared with laughter when he found out that Thor, a supposed God, had been hit by a car, twice, and then tazed. Tony was laughing just as hard because he'd heard of Jane Foster and had sulked for months when she and Dr. Selvig had refused to join the Stark Team. only the knowledge that they weren't Osborne or Hammer either.
“Welcome.”gwen smiled before grinning, “Ghost, haunting my fae. Thinking it’s a ghost of a former god, trapped betwixt and between realms, not quite here, but not there. Not sure, but you’re totally getting dragged in as a fake FBI agent who gets his ass in trouble for trying to talk to a real interpol agent.”Gwen grinned, because she knew Alex, for all his problems, would have no problem using ‘dean’ for help. And knowing that helping her work with this, would be good for dean. Pausing as she listened, tilting her head slightly as she stroked tony’s hair amused as he laughed. “well, phil, bring him here, if he wants to come. I’m sure he will like to see his brother.”She said as the laughter started to die down.
he cocked his head a little and then. "A Former God?" he asked, considering that for a moment and then. "Ghosts cling to things that they knew in real life. either because of unfinished business or because they have become obsessed with something. it could very well be that the Ghost might be trying to find someone to avenge them. we've had cases like that before." he admitted before flushing a little, looking amused. "well. being honest here, i would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been Phil who'd caught up to me.' he admitted. "I would but i'm afraid he'd been taken by Dr. Foster and Dr. Selvig. maybe i'll get another chance." Phil declared. "we're not sure he is who he claims to be anyway, i'm still not convinced Loki is actually a god." Phil informed them with a sniff before hanging up. Tony just chuckled and kissed the back of his girlfriends neck while Dean rolled his eyes. of course Loki was a god. honestly, people could handle Angels and Demon's but they where skeptical of Gods? well... he was being a bit of a hypocrite he supposed.
"Well gods cqn be killed...or at least the creatures we worshipped as gods. Makes sense if somehow it ended up seeking know I'm surprised do creatures have come and haunted us."Sam said looking amused. "You might have. But I'm fairly certain bruce would have figured out you weren't real. We're exposed to phil, sorta makes the fake agents stand out."gwen said looking amused before tilting her head at phils words."true. Okay well, if you run into him again, tell him loki's here. If he's thor, he'll know who he is."gwen pointed out, shivering at the kiss to her neck, squirming a little. "....I could go see if he is a god."Cas said frowning slightly.
"Could be." Dean agreed with a grin. "and it's a story so if some of the facts are... altered a little no one would know." he admitted with a chuckle. "might be better that way. supernatural creatures read too sometimes, if they start reading true facts in your books they might think you are, or have connections to real Hunters which could put you at risk." he admitted. "well, Bruce already knew who we where, i think." Dean admitted before chuckling. "your right though, you would have figured it out soon enough." he agreed. "i will." Phil promised. "And if you see Loki, let him know we have a Thor here. i have a picture, i'll send it to your phones." he promised and with a ding, a couple of phones received the picture. "nah, don't bother." Steve said. "Phil isn't bothered so the God, if h is a God, isn't an apparent threat. if that changes we might ask you, or Loki, or both to go and deal with the problem."
“yes, well general idea would be safer, the true facts hidden in all the made up stuff. It’ll be good.”Gwen said smiling a little before smiling at Dean. Sighing quietly as she settled back against tony, content to be held. “Thanks Phil. We’ll tell him when he gets home.”She promised. “Okay.”Cas nodded a little frowning slightly as he turned his head, staring out the window as he considered what he was hearing. It wasn’t...quite right, but he could almost understand what was going on in the city. It was...odd.
"it's going to be ind of fun to help with a book. i've never done that before." he admitted with a smile before chuckling as Phil grumbled about having to take poor Dr. Foster's research. it was not going to go well, he knew. no one liked having their things taken, but he needed to know what she knew. or rather, he needed Tony or one of his own nerds to know what she knew. "Cas? you alright?" Dean asked, wondering if he had shared too much with his Angel friend? it was almost weir to think of Cas as a friend, but he was. honestly, Dean was very glad for the Angel, he felt better than he had in years, after sobbing all over the other and unloading some of his worst memories to someone who wouldn't judge him. for the first time in years, he felt as if he could actually think and feel clearly.
“I know. It’ll be great.”Gwen grinned at him, glad she had distracted and helped him feel better. “Yes...There is...something odd. I can feel...”Cas trailed off, eyes widening as he saw the brilliant streak of the rainbow bridge as the the asgardian guard stepped onto the landing ramp for the iron man suit. “....Call loki. Now.”Gwen said glancing at sam, looking a little relieved as he followed her direction, smiling quietly, tense and scared as she watched the asgardians get their bearings.
Dean grinned because it was all kinds of fun. "Something Odd? what the hell!?" he wondered, gaping at the rainbow bridge appearing. Sam didn't need to call Loki though, he was there before he could even get the second letter out. Loki was red faced with Rage and he advanced on the people there, screaming at them that he had time yet, he hadn't even begun his tests and Odin had no right to go back on their deal now. he had time! he would not go back and they might as well leave because he would slit their throats before they took him home before he had a chance to prove himself there. Dean looked at Sam with an eyebrow raised because he had a feeling those people who showed up in the glittery rainbow teleporter weren't there for Loki.
Tyr looked amused, that quiet bored mask showing no emotion as he considered his brother, tilting his head slightly. “I am not here for you, Leufeyson. The girl, we’re here to escort her back to Asgard.” Sam’s eyebrows climbed high, as he stared at the asgardians, shifting to stand closer to gwen. Even if they couldn’t do anything, they ould make it difficult, and considering the way Cas was watching them, it looked like the heavenly host was about to declare war. “W-what?”Gwen stuttered a little, staring, looking confused.
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