Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"I am totally a virgin again!" he huffed, shaking his head. "i died,and was reborn, so that means, virgin!" well didn't that make sense? note the sarcasm. "well i don't like it! they're obviously teaching you terrible things!" "...weren't you the one showing him porn?" "only because he wouldn't understand! and he didn't! he got really upset the guy didn't deliver the Pizza." "...seriously? that's the kind of porn you watch?" "what's wrong with the kind of porn i watch!?" Dean complained before glaring at Cas. "You get back here! i'm not done yelling at you!" Dean complained even as Bruce led him away. "well that was fun." Phil admitted, looking at Terry. "this Castiel, is he a danger?" "To us? no." Terry promised. "he's basically following Dean and Sam around to keep them from dying." he admitted with a chuckle. "sort of what i'm supposed to do with the Avengers." he admitted. "i think some time tables have been sped up." he admitted with a sigh, blinking when Jarvis informed them all, mostly Phil, that there had been a spike of impressive energy in New Mexico. "well there goes my vacation." Phil complained.

"....yeah. yeah. okay..." Loki mumbled, Sam's hands on his doing more to calm him down than anything else. it was familiar and a comfort. "so..." Loki hesitated and then looked at the other. "you never came back...." he muttered. "after.... i thought you would... has it been hard?" Loki, poor Loki must have been so lonely without Sam, the only person until now to actually know Loki, instead of seeing a pretty face. he also knew how much Sam had been... how much he didn't care for the Hunter lifestyle and how his brothers had been raised. they both had suffered greatly int eh time that Sam had started hunting again. not physically persay, but certainly emotionally at the very least.
“...You are not madonna. You are not like a virgin.”Cas said in that bland voice that said he knew perfectly well that he was jerking dean around by his chain, but that no one would ever be able to prove that the angel was that much of a troll. “The pizza was not delivered. He was paid to deliver it.” “....Is he being serious?”gwen said eyeing gwen, trying to decide if he was being serious before laughing as the angel left. It would be interesting to see if yoga really helped. “Is he a danger to anything then?”Gwen said looking inrested before nodding, “Well, if we weren’t supposed to meet the hunters, and know that something weird is going on, probably time is not on our side.”Gwen sighed a little, tilting his head. “Want me to come?”Clint asked tilting his head at phil.

“No...I didn’t....I mean....I kept meaning to and just kept being one thing after another....”Sam winced looking at the other’s face, hating that he’d hurt the other by staying away. “I didn’t even know you’d left stanford actually...”He muttered staring down at the table before nodding. “’s been...hard. As good as it is to be with dean again it’s still...time with dean.”He made a face.
"Mado... what does she have to do with anything!?" Dean demanded, looking baffled. "what the hell have people been telling you!?" he wondered. "The Pizza man wasn't there to deliver Pizza!!!! he wasn't even a real Pizza man! let me go Banner i'm gonna punch that Angel Freak in the nose!" Dean raged, realizing he was being fucked with. "i have no idea." Terry admitted with a snort. "i'm thinking not. while it probobly baffled him the first time around Castiel is smart enough to have realized by now what porn is." Terry admitted. "oh, Castiel is immensely dangerous. but only if your a demon, attack him first, are planning work domination... you know. typical bad guy things." he admitted. "he's forbidden from harming innocents." "Yes." Phil said to Clint. "you'll be my backup." he admitted. "i'll see you all later." Phil said with a smile.

"i know." Loki admitted. "i tried my best to keep track of you when i could, but... if i don't pass... i'll have to go back. Odin said that if i could prove i could live peacefully with humans, as a human and make a name for myself he'd let me stay and would never interfere again. this is my only chance so i couldn't go with you..." he admitted. "i probobly should have but i'm not supposed to interfere with things and interfering with Angels and Demons is definitely interfering with things." he admitted before smiling. "you're getting along better now though. even i can see that and i've never even met dean before." he admitted with a smile. "honestly Sam, i don't think you where really cut out to be a lawyer. your not nearly bloodthirsty or cut-throat enough." he admitted.
“Madonna, has a song called ‘like a virgin’. You are not madonna to sing this song.”Cas said before frowning a little as he considered the pizza man, while he understood porn, it still disturbed him slight;y that the pizza had never been delivered. “That’s amusing.”Gwen snorted amused after the angel left, shaking her head a little before smiling a little. “Well, we’re not plotting bad guy things, so I think we’re good....though, I find dean’s reaction to all of this interesting.”Gwen smirked a little. “Awesome. Later people.”Clint grinned as he waved goodbye before heading out with the other.

“Ah...I’m still sorry that I didnt’ come back...”he sighed a little before wincing, “you’ll do fine. Banner had your records, you are top of your class, you’ll do okay. And well, you being there would have made things worse probably. So don’t worry about it.”He smiled before snorting slightly. “We are getting along better....and you think I’m bloodthirsty enough to be a hunter?”
that just confused Dean even more, then again he'd never listened to Madonna so that was to be expected. "You're fine." Terry promised, smiling at her. "i'm a half angel so i can't do all the things full angels can do, but being a half angel gives me a great many other skills to bring to the table. sensing light and evil in peoples souls is one of them. you're all very light oriented souls." he admitted. "not that being light in soul makes you a good person, it just means you haven't done anything evil. murder, rape, torture, things like that stain the soul. no one here but Bruce has any darkness in his soul and that, i am sure, is because of the Wendigo mixed with Demonic person he's playing Host to. Hulk doesn't have much darkness to him either, though i can see the shadows where it used to be. Bruce is a good influence on the Hulk." Terry admitted with a smile.

"Well. lets be honest here, you would never have forgiven yourself if you had come back." Loki admitted with a small smile. "i won't do fine... i'm not... i'm not ready for this... emotionally i mean. i... i..." he swallowed thickly. "it was fine when it was just a lark. a vacation, a year or six to get away from my...home.... but now i think i can actually do it. i live here, happily live here perfectly well. i fit in here! i've never fit in bac there. never. people actually like me here and i... i don't... i don't think i could give that up if i fail Sam..." he admitted before snorting. "your getting better. but in this case it's different. your killing monsters to save innocent people. it allows you to be a bit more detached. in criminal cases, sometimes there's no winner." he admitted. "i don't think you could stand up there and defend a rapist or a murderer." he admitted. "and you know you would have had to, even if you didn't want to."
“Ah, that makes sense. Sort of. Like stains that show what’s gone on.”Gwen said looking interested in the idea even as she stifled a yawn. She wanted to stay up and talk, she didn’t want to go to bed, not with tony’s snoring. That was just painful. “not sure who’s the better influence on the other in that one, hulk or bruce. They’re good for each other.”

“well, maybe.”Sam said before sighing softly, rubbing a hand over his face. “Loki, you know this stuff. And no matter what you said, it wasn’t just a lark. You wanted to stay even before he actually told you it was a requirement. you wont fail. We wont let you...and if for some unforesee reason, Cas has a habit of meddling in things that are none of his business. We’ll promise to tell Dean he’s bi, if he helps. It’ll probably get Cas to help.”He said teasing him a little because he wanted the other to laugh before grinning. “True.Okay, yes, you’re right. This is better.”
"Yes exactly." he agreed with a smile. "some things never go away. rape, being the victim or the rapist is always one. there are scars left on the victims soul that never go away, they can get better though." he admitted. "it's hard sometimes, looking at people and seeing scars like that." he admitted sadly, looking back at the bedroom where Tony was sleeping. "victims of abuse often have scars too..." he admitted softly before his eyes scanned the room, as if seeing things only he could see. "anyway, you need sleep. there's a way to stop Mister Stark's snoring." Terry promised with a smile as he led the way back to the room and elevated Tony so he was nearly sitting up using massive pillows. the snoring stopped and Gwen could get her much needed sleep.

"...i did want to stay, i just never thought i'd ever actually have the chance. i figured Odin was setting me up to fail like he always does." he admitted softly before smiling at Sam. "yes. your right... an he never said how long I had. i can always have a second chance if i fail." he agreed. "and Odin would never go against a Heavenly Host." he muttered before smirking. "Cas is Bi or Dean is Bi?" he guessed. "I don't think Dean's realized he has the hots for Castiel yet." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "speaking of hots... is... uhm. are we a secrete?" he wondered. "because i can tone down the flirting if you don't want anyone to know." he promised. well aware how most humans viewed homosexuality and was more than happy to be a secret, so long as he still got to enjoy Sam's company on occasion.
“Yes. Even if I can’t see them, it still is hard to see victims....”Gwen agreed following his look towards tony, because it pained her to see tony sometimes, to know how hurt he’d been. “Thanks.”Gwen said smiling as she settled into bed and fell right to sleep.

“He might be, but you know this stuff Loki. You can always try again if you need to, but you wont need to. You can do it.”Sam smiled a little before snorting. “Both. Dean’s not noticed Cas’ has the hots for him, or that he himself likes cas. Poor delusional dean.”Sam snickered a little before looking at the other. Thinking it over he shaking his head. “No. I don’t want to. I’ve denied alot of things for other people’s comfort, I don’t want to deny this.”

Cas paused as he tilted his head watching Dean for a long moment invislbe and quiet as he considered the hunter, before letting go of the glamour as he stood in front of the yoga doing hunter. "...You're more bendable then I thought."He said studying him, a small quiet smile on his lips as he considered him.
"i do know my stuff. i'll be fine, so long as i don't pass out during the exams..." he mumbled before smirking. "Dean will figure it out eventually." he admitted. "especially if you start tossing out hints like i know your dying to." he teased with a grin. "okay." Loki said, pleased that they wouldn't have to hide. that had kind of sucked during their collage days. at least Jessica had... man he missed Jessica. she had welcomed lonely Loki with open arms. "so. let me study for an hour and then i'll give you a blowjob." Loki decided, teasing the other with a grin.

Dean was much more relaxed as he twisted his body into various forms and shrieked when Cas appeared. "NO INTERRUPTING YOGA!!!!" Bruce.... or rather Hulk, raged, slamming a fist into Cas because Hulk didn't much like Cas. Bruce blinked a little and flushed hard. "i... am so sorry...." he'd never actually changed, but the punch was enough to send Cas straight into a wall. not through it at least. "are you okay!? i'm sorry! Hulk that was naughty! we don't punch people!" Dean was nearly making himself sick he was laughing so hard. "I'm so sorry Lord Castiel. Hulk... he gets funny about his Yoga." Bruce admitted, helping the Angel to his feet.
“See, you’ll have to get some sleep, do more yoga, you’ll be okay.”Sam said smiling a little before grinning. “He will. And he just twitches out when I try....I mean. Just teasing him about cuddling Tony was enough to make him nearly pass out.”Sam snickered a little, smiling as he nodded. “Okay, sounds good.”he said rolling his eyes a little as he considered the other. Settling in to help him study.

Cas yelped as dean screamed, he wasn’t used to dean actually startling when he showed up. Grimacing as he was slammed into the wall, he slumped there for a moment, panting softly as he looked at bruce, blinking slowly. More startled then hurt. “It’s okay. It is not often someone hits me. Well. Except that one time Dean hit me.”Cas said looking thoughtful as he straightened, smiling slightly. “Just cas. And if I got to twist Dean into a pretzel, I would get funny about it to.”He said looking so adorably innocent at the nearly perverted words.
"yeah... i kind of like Yoga." he admitted. "Tai chi is fun too. i wonder how interested Bruce would be if i told him both actually do connect people to the earth and give them access to certain base energies?" he mused, looking amused. "he does twitch out. i wonder if maybe someone he liked was homophobic or something?" he mused, his head tilted. "your dad wasn't homophobic right?" he asked curiously before smirking a little because he knew if he sucked Sam off, he wouldn't bother him for a few hours. thing like food and sleep weren't important and if he kept Sam distracted with sex, then he wouldn't have to worry about the other fussing so much. it was a plan that had worked during their years as roommates. he could stay up for days studying so long as he took hour long breaks or so to distract Sam with sex.

"I really am sorry..." Bruce said. "but, being honest here you of all people should know better than to interrupt a set." he scolded calmly. often times, Yoga or Tai-chi was used as a spiritual connection with whatever god, or gods, or spiritual belief a person had. Bruce used it to communicate with Hulk and Dean had been connecting to... well Dean didn't know but it had been very pleasant. "I did hit you." Dean agreed before choking and flushing brightly, Bruce snorting a little. "your a punk." he informed the Angel. "want to join us?" Bruce offered, indicating the area where they had been working and offering him another Yogi mat.
“Yea, it’s interesting. Though, I haven’t kept up with it. Dean laughs himself silly when I do what he calls ‘health craze things’.”Sam made a face before smiling. “probably fairly interested.”He agreed before shrugging. “maybe. We moved around enough that it might be...and I don’t know.I don’t remember him being, but I was also always butting heads with him over everything anyways.” he said settling in for his own nap as the other worked.

“I should, but I wasn’t sure what he was doing until I got here....I didn’t mean to startle him.”Cas said, looking appropriately chastised for interrupting. Smirking slightly, just a small quirk to his lips as dean blushed, “punk?I do not dress like one.”he said as he slid off the trench coat, nodding. “I think I will but first....”He disappeared for a moment before returning in just jeans and a t-shirt, looking as normal as he ever did, which wasn't much, but better to do yoga in then the suit he had been wearing.
Loki snorted. "it was fine in school for a bit of exercise." and Jessica had insisted too, said the boys where getting fat and she wasn't dealing with fat men in her bed but Loki knew the pain of Jessica was still running strong in Sam so didn't mention that. "The way Bruce does it is more than just exercise though." he admitted before frowning a little. "well something has obviously happened. he wouldn't be denying something like this so extremely otherwise." he mused before smiling as Sam settled into sleep, a flick of his fingers gave Sam a pillow and a blanket draped over his shoulders so he'd be more comfortable.

"ah. you've never seen someone do this before have you?" Bruce guessed. he knew that for every person who used Yoga or Tai-chi for spiritual connection, ten others where doing it because it was good exercise or was 'hip'. "well, actually you kind of do." Bruce admitted with a chuckle before grinning as the angel vanished and reappeared. "no jeans. sweatpants." he ordered. "the jeans don't flex enough and they'll chafe in bad places." he warned. "now. salutation to the sun." he said, once Cas had complained and ran them thorough the series of movements. Deans concentration was completely shattered though and he couldn't stop looking at how flexible Cas was. and Bruce. and oh dammit. "....i think i need to go lay own." Dean finally declared, rushing out of the room, Bruce sighing. "well... there went that plan."
“Yea, it was.”Sam smiled a little before nodding. “I know. If I was sharing my head with someone, I’d find yoga better then just exerise....and yes. You’re right. I’ll talk to him.”Sam sighed a little, worried about dean now.

“No, not as a religious and calming experience anyways....I have seen it as a sex thing.”Cas said thinking about it before rolling his eyes a little at bruce’s words. He was not a punl. “...Bad places I wouldn’t want chaffed. Yes. I see that now.”Cas said complaining a little though as he changed to sweats, settling in to work out. Indeed, he was quite flexible and limber, definitely flexible enough to consider having sex in some good positions. Sighing softly as he watched dean go, glancing at Bruce. “he’ll calm. There is a liquor cabinet up there. He’ll drink some, and then I’ll talk to him. A drunk dean is always interesting.”Cas said, though the quiet sadness in his eyes said he wasn’t as easy with this game of teasing dean as he pretended. Or that he was being serious, instead of just playing with the other.
"It'll be fine. we'll get things worked out." he promised.

"...really? you watch people have sex?" Bruce asked, looking very amused before pondering something he'd have to ask Betty of course but... hmm that would be super hot. well, he thought it would be anyway, it didn't get his blood racing but he was pretty sure Betty would enjoy it a great deal. well, if Castiel agreed anyway, or maybe Dean. he wasn't sure they'd both agree if the other was involved so maybe both separately? maybe Loki or Sam or both too. he'd seen Betty looking at the Godling with curiosity. he bet she'd like that. "i'm not sure that would help Cas..." Bruce admitted after a moment. "i think somethings really wrong. normal, self adjusted people don't run away in a panic because they noticed another man is pretty. we'll talk to Sam. he knows his brother the best, see if we can't figure out what's going on." he smiled as he set a hand on Cas's shoulder. "i know you like him Cas. a lot, but something is wrong and i don't think Dean is going to be able to accept he has feelings for you until we work those out." he admitted. "it's certainly not Homophobia or he would have flipped out instead of calmly telling Sam he knew his brother was Bi." he admitted. "that means it's something personal."
“WEll. Not on purpose, but it has happened. Though I did find it more...interesting, after Dean informed me about porn and what it is like to have sex. Before it had been sort of a...clinical watching.”Cas said looking thoughtful before sighing a little. “I don’t know....I’ve only ever had Dean to compare to normal people’s reactions.”Cas said biting his lip a little, before nodding. “We’ll talk to Sam.”he said slightly cheered at the idea.

Though a day later, he was definitely not cheered with having talked to sam, because sam didn’t know anything. And that was just annoying. Easing into the chair next to Dean, he smiled slightly. “You will be glad to know that mr. Stark has recovered well, and is resting.”He said having checked in and healed both tony and steve. Wanting to make sure they’d want to keep him around, and he’d learned that he needed to be useful to be kept around. Studying the side of dean’s face as the other ate for a long moment before sighing. “Do you want to talk?”He asked,before watching gwen and tony cook. Though, it was more tony getting in gwen’s way as she tried to cook.
"That's kind of hilarious Cas." Bruce admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "really hilarious actually Dean didn't think it was hilarious at all. "I kind of figured judging on your reactions. we'll help get you sorted out... will you be in trouble though? you are a Heavenly Host. will... you know. you being in love with a human affect your... you know... hostness?"

Dean nodded. he was glad to hear that, though he could see for himself that Tony was up and so was Steve because both of them where annoying the hell out of Gwen. well, mostly Tony was but Steve was 'getting in the way' so he was pretty annoying too. "No..." Dean mumbled. he didn't want to talk because talking would mean admitting things he didn't want to admit. "...John Winchester was abusive." Dean informed Cas, grimacing because he hadn't meant to say that. he was drunker than he'd intended to be. "...Howard Stark was too." Tony admitted to Dean, abandoning his girlfriend to sit next to Dean. "...was he?" Dean asked, looking surprised when Toy nodded. he was a little drunk himself. "yeah." Tony admitted with a nod before staggering to his feet. "we're gonna go drink some more and talk about our shitty old mans." "...yeah." Dean agreed, following Tony out the door to his personal drinking bar.
“It really is.”Cas said smiling a little, “Good. Getting sorted out would be good.”Cas said before snickering. “Hostness?You make it sound like one of those delightful pastery things....and well. These days I am not....I am not what I once was. I am still part of the host, but not...A grounded angel...not fallen but not...”Cas shrugged. “Heaven is complicated.”

“Okay then.”Cas said frowning a little, hating that he didn’t understand enough about humans to figure out how to help best. This was not going well. He could already tell that. “I am sorry dean....”Cas said frowning slightly, looking up at tony, watching the two go for a long moment, before deciding that letting them talk would be okay. In a bit Gwen sighed a little walking into the room, “Now. You two are going to stop this instant, unless you want me to sic cas on you and make him heal alcohol poisoning, which will in turn, sober you two up.”Gwen scowled a little, mostly because she was worried.
Bruce shrugged. "i don't like Hostess Cakes. Twinkies are disgusting... and kind of insulting." he admitted with a smile before studying Castiel. "would you be allowed back in heaven if you devoted yourself to a human?" he wondered. "Do you even care?" he wondered, his head tilted. "can't be any worse than earth." Bruce admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

when Gwen interrupted Tony was in the middle of a story. "i was cut all the way to the bone, i know because i could see it, i still have the scars. anyway, i'm sitting there screaming and my dad slaps me for making too much noise. and then he slapped me again for bleeding on his floor and messing up. i fell over and hit my head and i was so shocked i was crying and he told me if i don't shut up i was going to go back in the closet. well i was seven you know? a seven year child can't stop crying, so he locked me in the closet. i almost bled to death before the nanny found me. it was then that i realized, hi Gwen! that my dad was never going to love me no matter how hard i tried, so i started making Jarvis so he could be my dad instead." he admitted, Dean nodding because he could totally understand. he slurred a response but he was too drunk even for drunk Tony to understand him.
“insulting?”Cas muttered looking interested before shrugging, looking away. Because he was well aware he’d never be allowed back for being with dean, but....he didn’t care. “I do care. Some. But not much.”He said after a moment.

Gwen paled as she heard the story, shivering a litte. She’d heard it before because she’d asked about the scar before. Had always been wiling to hear whatever Tony wanted to tell her. But even knowing the story she moved over to him, needing to touch him, to reassure herself that he was there, and hers. Gently stroking his hair out of his face as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “....Cas!”Gwen called. “...You are going to kill yourself.”Cas said looking at dean, something sad and hurt in that look before he could hide it, time with dean had allowed him to figure out how to shield, how to hide how much he felt. And while the others had gotten some glimpses, some parts of how he felt for dean, it wasn’t all there for viewing. Hiding as he studied the other before reaching out pressing a hand to his forehead and muttered a quiet prayer, before stepping back from the newly sober man.
"Yeah. you know what a Twink is don't you? its a girly boy, sort of. an Twinkies are small, indicating people twinkies have to... you know what? never mind it was a bad joke and your a bit too innocent yet... then again i think everyone is." Bruce admitted with a sigh. no one got his jokes.

the scar was on Tony's leg, and ran from his hip to his knee on the outside of his leg. it was puckered and thick, he had admitted that Howard had never taken him to the hospital and the nanny and his Butler, who Jarvis was named after, had to do the best they could. it had gotten infected and he'd spent three weeks in a fever sickness but he'd made it. and Howard had never insisted he work in the lab with him again, not until he was twelve or so at least. Dean scowled at Cas and slurred something, likely an accusation right back before he blinked. finding himself so suddenly sober was entirely disorienting and he did the only thing that made sense. he threw up. Tony started laughing because Dean had timed, and aimed it perfectly to get revenge. he'd puked up all over Cas! Tony, at least, wasn't as drunk and had cut himself off once he realized he was drunk, he likely wouldn't even have a hangover tomorrow. he didn't like to be too drunk around Gwen, it upset her. he was near that point but he wasn't drunk enough to cause problems for her. he rarely drank anymore, thanks to her, so once and a while like this was usually forgiven. Tony wouldn't have been able to talk about Howard without it, so hopefully Gwen would understand.
“Oh. I see. I think.”Cas offered a msll smile, glancing at the other. “Do not worry. I will understand your jokes someday. Dean says I will understand things the more I stay here.”Cas said looking upset that he’d upset the other, wanting to make him feel better, even if he didn’t quite understand still, he was trying.

Gwen sighed softly looking at tony, gently brushing his hair back, pressing a kiss to his forehead as she stood next to him, curling her body into his, holding him as much as needing to be held. Cas yelped a little, groaning as he was thrown up on, staring down at his clothes as he sighed quietly. “Well, at least that was better then you dying.”He said after a long moment, waving a hand at his clothes to get rid of the puke, gently urging him towards his feet. “Come. You need to lay down.” “....Tony?”Gwen muttered quietly resting her cheek against his head, even knowing he’d never hurt her. Or do anything bad to her while he was drunk, it was still hard, even when he wasn’t that drunk.
Bruce snorted. "don't count on it. no one gets my jokes." he admitted. "i guess it's because i'm part demon or something. or Asexual. or whatever."

Tony smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her with happy little hum. he always got cloyingly affectionate when he was drunk. "i'm not dying." Dean huffed, shaking his head. "go away." he complained even as the other got him to his feet and off to bed. "I'm sorry. i di... nn.. didn mean to get so drunk." Tony said, stuttering over the word didn't because he was ridiculous that way. "i know you Do... don' like it. but i coul... coul... i can't talk about ...Him, sober and Dean needed to know he wasn't alone." he said, blinking up at her, tears springing to his eyes. "the things he said. oh Gwen, the things John did to him.... the things... it's terrible. so terrible. poor Dean. poor poor Dean..."
Gwen smiled a little, as much as it upset her, she found drunk tony adorable to. “You are. You’ve poisoned yourself....and you die on such regularity, can you even tell when you’re dying anymore?”Cas scowled a little, which for him was extreme distress if he was showing this much emotion. “No. I’m not going anywhere.”Cas sighed a little as they left the room.

“It’s okay. I know you didn’t.”Gwen said smiling quietly as she rested her cheek on his head, before shifting, crawling into his lap, straddling his legs and wrapping herself around him, not because she wanted sex, but because she needed to be pressed as close to him as she could be, needing to trust him that even a drunk tony wouldn’t hurt her no matter how close she was. “I know you can’t talk about howard. It’s okay.....and Cas will help him. You got him to start talking, I’m sure Cas will get the rest. You did a good thing tones.”She muttered nuzzling him a little.
"i have not!" he complained. "I'm not poisoned! and i don't die, i always come back." he complained, gripping the other and pressed his face into the others chest and simply began to cry, clinging to Cas like he was the only flotsam he could find in the massive sea with no land in sight. sobbing because he couldn't stop himself.

"Your cute." he informed Gwen, snuggling her. "i can't get hard right now. too drunk." he warned her. it was one of the words most baffling phenomenon. Tony, when too drunk, got clingier than all hell, and yet couldn't have sex. it was hilarious sometimes. he snuggled an nuzzled and kissed her but had no interest in sex when he was so torn up about Dean. "okay. i did good. yeah. it was good..." Tony mumbled. "id you know Bruce wants to watch Betty have sex with Dean, Cas, Sam or Loki?" he asked, changing the subject. "i knew he was a pervert. do you think Terry can do that thing that Cas does that makes people not drunk no more? because i think i'm going to be sick."
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