Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Dean chuckled a little. "i don't think it's going to be a problem." he admitted before smirking at Sam. "Seriously Sam. did you really think i wouldn't notice?" Dean asked, well aware his little brother checked out boys just as often as he did girls. well, maybe girls happened a little more often. "Yeah. the man was a bit of a sick bastard." Bruce admitted before shaking his head and picked up a Tablet. "his name is Loki Oddson. weird last name." Bruce admitted. "he's attending the New York School of Law, we've met him three times in the last three days and now he's been looking into Gwen's history. he's been asking where she was born and when she came here and who her parents are and other such personal information. we're not sure what he wants but the risk is pretty serious right now." Bruce admitted before looking at the brothers with a chuckle. "smart." he agreed, watching Dean pull his own shirt down, revealing his own Devil Trap Tattoo. "...i want one." Tony decided. "only that one looks like crap, i want a cool one." Bruce snorted at that and shook his head. "we'll see Tony." Bruce promised. "i know how to give Tattoos. now. how about we let the boys out of the cell." he decided. "unless Gwen's still scared of them?"
“....I thought you weren’t that observant.”Sam muttered blushing ever so slightly as he considered his brother before goign still at the announcement of who the stalker was. Frowning slightly as he considered that. Wondering what in the world loki was up to. Or what he was even doing in the city. Studying the group before snorting at tony’s words. “No, I’m not. They’re okay.”Gwen said looking amused. “....I don’t think your stalker is going to be a problem.”He might not tell them everything, but he could make them less worried. “he’s....not dangerous. If he’s looking into her, he’s probably interested in the illusions.”Sam said fidgeting, wondering if he folllowed gwen, if he could track down loki easily enough.
Dean smirked at him. "i'm a hunter Sam, i notice things." he stated simply. "besides, i caught you kissing some guy in an alleyway so that was a big hint." he admitted with a chuckle before frowning a little when Sam spoke about the Stalker, Bruce going wary. "You know this guy?" he asked, handing the tablet over to Sam, a picture of Loki on there. "he's been here for about two years now." he admitted. "moved from California." Bruce admitted. "we never noticed him until he showed up for Gwen's book signing and he keeps popping up. you said he would be curious about her powers? is that what this is about?" "is he a hunter too Sammie?" Dean wondered, his head tilted. "No. he's not a hunter, i've had him cross referenced." Bruce admitted. "i know every single hunter in this country. i have computer systems that keep track for me. he's not on the list."
"..."Sam made a face at his brother, not even about to continue this conversation, not when he really didn't want to discus it. "I do."Sam said hedging a bit, not wanting to betray loki, but not wanting them to freak out when he was fairly certain loki meant her no harm."yea that's him...though I hadn't known he moved....and if I had to hazard a guess, yes he's curious. Not many can-" "you called him loki odinson. He's a trickster isn't he? No wonder he was surprised there was loki in my book, because he's Loki, the original isn't he?"gwen said. Sam winced a little looking at her. Well, no one had even accused her of being stupid.
Dean smirked at him a little before frowning a little. "so he's an old friend from when you where at collage?" Dean asked Sam, feeling a bit better about that before blinking. "No, i called him Oddson... that's his registered last name." Loki had told Sam that he'd renamed himself 'oddson' because he was always the odd son out. the one that never fit in. it was ironic and Loki liked Irony. "..Sam? your freinds with a Trickster?" Dean asked, looking shocked before reconsidering. Sam had already showed him, several times, that not all supernatural beings where bad. this was likely one of them or Sam would have taken care of it. Sam hadn't wanted to be a hunter, but he wouldn't allow someone to hurt other people. "well. perhaps we'll just... bring him in then." Steve decided, leaning against the doorway. looking very tired but better. "if Sam says he's not dangerous then i believe him." he admitted. "it has to be agreed with everyone though." "...i think it would be okay." Bruce admitted, looking at Tony and Gwen, Tony waiting for Gwen to reply first before echoing her decision.
"Yes. He was taking classes there. He must have left after I did."Sam said blushing slightly, refusing to look at any of them, because he knew dean would figure it out if anyone did, "oddson...odinson...he likes word games."Sam said, not about to tell them the real reason for loki's name. Before shrugging."he's harmless. He usually plays the prank and leaves it you said. He didn't mean for the teacher to be hurt."Sam sighed knowing loki was probably upset about it."'ll be okay. I'll admit, I'm curious to why he's been following me."gwen said smiling a little, though she poked worried about it.
"well." Dean mused, examining Sam intently before snorting a little. "it's likely that he moved because New York has, literally, the best damn law school in the country." Bruce admitted. "it has the highest dropout rate as well because the class load is so demanding. Loki has had straight A records and if he passes all his final tests with the scores he's had so far, he'll be valedictorian." Bruce admitted. "it's likely that the school in California wasn't challenging enough for him or he was unsatisfied with their curriculum. if his school records are accurate, Oddson is a genius." Bruce admitted. "well, i don't know about harmless." Bruce admitted with a smile. "he is a Trickster after all, they are anything but harmless. i do agree, however, that he will likely be unwilling to hurt anyone." Bruce agreed. "i will go with Sam and Dean and question him personally." Phil spoke up. "With Bruce. if he poses a threat of any kind, then we will detain him. if it's simple curiosity or something else that explains what he's doing, then Bruce and i will decide whether or not he is safe enough to bring him here." Phil promised her. "he's likely to be in the school grounds at this time, we will go and meet him there." he decided.
"Ah. Well. He was alays a overachiever."Sam said rolling his eyes and avoiding looking at dean. His friendship with loki was definitely not one he wanted to look at, not when he'd just discovered dean knew he was bi."that's amazing....and he reads my books...he likes them...."gwen muttered looking amazed that the man would like them that much. "Okay not harmless, but he doesn't go out of his way to make them cruel either."Sam sighed a little before nodding. Even if he was dangerous, four of them should be enough."let's go then. It's just after breakfast if hes at class they've not started yet. If we could, I'd like to not disturb hiss work. He really should get a chance to be validvictorian."
Bruce shrugged. "i just can't figure out why an ancient Norse god would be on earth studying law." Sam knew that one too. Loki hated being on asgard and had moved to earth to get away from his bigoted father and brother, not to mention the rest of the world. he'd chosen Law because he'd always been good at getting people out of trouble and he had the unique advantage of always knowing whether his client was guilty or innocent. "no. he doesn't and that's rather unusual for a trickster." Bruce admitted. "i have his scheduled here." Bruce explained, bringing that up. "he only has one morning and one afternoon class. by the time we get there he should have been out of his first class for about ten minutes and his last class isn't until four. that gives us plenty of time and he can always go back for class and then come back to finish the discussion." he admitted. more than happy to work with Loki, rather than against them. so long as he was not a danger or a threat to them, he didn't want to make an enemy of the best lawyer to be he'd ever seen.

as expected, they got there just in time to see Loki fending off a girl. "I have told you, repeatedly Vanessa. i do not, will not, nor will i ever attend some backwards party. i do not drink, i do not smoke, i do not do drugs and i will neither attend, nor will i ever date you. please, for the sake of my sanity and my grades, go away!" Loki ordered her, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "i have two days to finish studying before my first final test begins and i need to finish my thesis." he stated to her. this would all be very hilarious to Sam who A. knew how much Loki loathed parties of the collage variety, and B. was straight up Gay and wasn't about to change his mind just because 'Vanessa' was nearly flashing her boobs to him. poor handsome Loki attracted women he would never be attracted to, like flies to a honeypot. he didn't seam to realize they where there and was trying to extract himself from a now weeping female who was pressing herself all over him like an over eager dog in heat. he looked so panicked about it that Bruce started to snicker, because seriously... all powerful god of lies and mayhem and he was scared of some horny teenager.
“Hm, he’s always liked getting people out of trouble if they’re innocent....and I mean. Trickster, he’d know when things were fake or he’s being lied to.”SSam said smiling a little not about to tell the other’s loki’s life story, not without his permission before nodding. “Sounds good.”he said looking amused as they headed out.

Sam stared at Loki, nearly stuffing his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud, before waving a hand in Dean’s direction, smirking. “Now if you’re done dreaming about Stark’s delectable ass that you spooned this morning, you might want to go rescue him. She’s just your type even. Slutty and available.”Sam said smirking at his brother before heading for loki, tilting his head. “Hey, Loki.”
"Makes sense. and it's like the worlds biggest prank, a trickster god working the courts. i'm to understand most tricksters are a big fan of irony." Bruce admitted with a smile before nearly laughing at Dean's horrified face. "i have standards man!" he protested, Phil snickering. "and i was NOT spooning Stark! i was spooning Abigail Velensky and she turned into Stark!" he complained with a huff while Loki looked over at them. "...Sam!?" Loki asked, looking startled. "what are you doing here?! Vanessa get OFF of me!!!!" Loki finally raged, his patience with her at an end he picked her up and dumped her on the ground. "you, miss. had best leave before someone complains about sexual assault." Phil said firmly, making the girl sulk, she left though and Loki rubbed his face. "god... i can't get rid of her." he admitted to Sam. "she's memorized my schedule. she follows me home and stands outside my window at night,. it's Creepy as hell! i think she wants to disembowel me or something." he admitted.

" that why your here? is she a werewolf? vampire maybe? dead spirit? "actually, we're here because of you." Dean admitted. "about your... recent activities." "i swear, i never meant for that teacher to get hurt." Loki said quickly. "i only did it because he tried to blackmail me into giving him sex and i foud out he was raping others. i didn't know they where going to...." "Not that... i thought that was pretty fitting actually. no we're here about Gwen. you know, the girl your stalking?" Bruce asked, making Loki wince. "oh... that. i didn't mean to stalk her. i meant to watch from a distance but then there was the whole gun shooting thing and then i went to the bookstore because i thought i felt demonic energy and there she was. i needed to be there for a law book anyway." "why stalk her at all?" Dean wondered. "oh. because i'm pretty sure she's an ancient Norse god who wants to destroy the earth." they stared at him. "what? okay so i don't think she wants to destroy the earth, maybe just rule it. i haven't figured that part out yet."
“Yea, something like that. And he is definitely a huge fan of irony. The bigger the joke, the more he’s going to enjoy it.”Sam snickered before laughing out loud at dean’s look. “Not that I’ve ever seen.”He said smirking before snorting. “It looked like you were spooning Stark.”He said smiling a little before snorting out loud at vanessa’s sulking, frowning a little. “ almost seems like she’d addicted to you or something, Loki.”he said looking curious about the woman, distracted from why they were here for the moment.

“Oh, we’re not here for that. That was pretty good actually.”Sam said smiling a little before raising a eyebrow at Loki. “We found the demon. It was in one of the guys, the good Captain actually.”Sam said before startling, eyes widening. “What?A....what?”Sam sputtered. “She seems very normal. Thinks she’s a mutant though Loki, not a god.”Sam said frowning at him a little.
"sounds like someone we know." Dean teased glancing at Bruce who smirked. Bruce did enjoy strange humor that was very true. "i do have standards!" Dean huffed before flushing hard. "well, i THOUGHT he was Abigail!" Dean complained before blinking when Loki nodded. "that's an apt description. she's part god. a parent or a grand parent. the half blooded godlings are... attracted to me because they instinctively want to be close tot he power that they have hidden inside. most recognize it as lust and ignore it or go for a one night stand or something. Vanessa is younger and believes herself to be in love with me." Loki huffed. "i'm trying hard not to break her, but Odin Almighty i can't take her constant pressing against me anymore!" he admitted. "i feel defiled..." he grumbled before smiling a little. "i thought it was a good touch... though, i do wish they hadn't sodomized him or cut his penis off... that's a bit too much even for me..." Bruce choked. "they.. they..." "oh yes. his male victims took great delight in 'turning the tables', as it where and the females... well, let's not get into that." Loki decided.

"ah. no. i found the demonic activity later." Loki admitted, flicking a finger at Bruce. "he's not possessed nor is he a Demon. i haven't decided yet what he is but i don't think he's a danger. i saw his fight with the other one and i can't tell why but he's protecting people so i'm inclined not to bother him." Loki admitted with a smile. "no. she is a God. i have come across many mutants. they are natural formations of human evolution. Gwen Stark is not a mutant. she is a God. i tested it when she showed me her powers." he admitted. "but... i suppose it makes sense if she thinks she's a mutant... she only recently came into her powers, late for a mutant but right on time for a young god... human raised maybe?" he wondered. "i can't be sure until i finish my investigation but if your right then i don't think i have to worry about her wanting to invade earth as i had feared."
“not very high ones. And okay, maybe you did think it was abigail. I’m willing to give you the benefit of doubt.”Sam teased before tilting his head, wining a little at loki’s description.”Ah. That’s disturbing really. And we’ll send her out with dean. After that night, she’ll never want to get anywhere near you again.”Sam teased smirking at dean before snorting. “You should feel defiled. I know how you are.”He said before wincing at the idea the teacher.

Raising a eyebrow as he looked at bruce, tilting his head a little. “he’s actually a hunter really. Came up with some really cool devil traps.”Sam said shrugging before wincing a little as he considered how to tell gwen that. “Yes, as far as I know, she was raised by humans. And her boyfriend is human, I doubt she’s aware of what she said gods tend to not care for their halfing children.”
he rolled his eyes. "i still have higher standards than That!" he muttered, watching the girl flee before scowling at Sam. "i hate you sometimes." he admitted, watching Loki snort. "no, i dare say she would not come out of the experience with her mind intact. i will be gone in a month or so, my final tests start in two days...." here Loki's expression failed. "i'm certain i'm going to fail. i haven't studied enough..." he looked quite put out when Phil, Bruce and Dean all scoffed at him. no one who pulled straight A's on every single assignment, and test previously was never going to fail. Bruce could understand Loki's feelings though, he'd felt the same when he'd graduated collage at sixteen. not as impressive as Tony's twelve of course, but impressive anyway.

"You'll do fine." Bruce promised. "and providing you don't turn into a homicidal maniac you might already have a highly prominent job arranged." Phil admitted, making Loki blink. "for what reason?" "oh, because your the best of course. straight A student whose never dropped below a level A on anything save once when you turned in a paper that got an A-. i believe you where sick with something at the time? strep wasn't it?" "yes. i was mortified because the tacher, filthy bastard, wouldn't let me redo the paper. even though i was sick he said it was 'just fine' and 'stop fussing Oddson' and crappy excuses!" Loki fussed, making Bruce chuckle. "well. it's nice to meet you then." Loki said to Bruce, blinking when Dean slapped something onto the back of his hand and he lifted it to loki, his head tilted before pealing off the paper backing. "hmmm. interesting." Loki admitted, examining the devils trap now sitting on his skin. "did you think this would do anything?" "just making sure."
“I knwo you do.”Sam snickered a little before smiling a little. “Well then, you’ll be gone soon enough. And you’ll do fine. You always do.Even beat me on tests, Loki.”Sam said roling his eyes before snorting, “it seems you stalkerish tendencies sometimes result in good things. Researching you, made Gwen’s boyfriend realize he totally wants you as a lawyer.”sam snickered a little before laughing as loki got a tattoo. “That’s Are you doing anything before class? Cause if you’re interested, we can take you back to the tower, introduce you to the poor woman you’ve frightened, and you can figure out what’s going on.”
"i will be gone soon, but that just means she's getting more desperate." he admitted with a shudder. "i think she is planning on kidnapping me..." he admitted. "not tat i'd be in any real danger but i'm trying to keep a low profile and drugs do work on me. the last thing i want is to be raped or something." he admitted, wrinkling his nose before flushing a little. "i didn't MEAN to stalk her! i swear!" he protested before blinking a little. "and who is miss St...." he paused, blinked and then gaped at them "your... your trying to tell me that... that Tony Stark has interest in hiring me!?" he demanded, floored. "not just Stark. Shield as well." Phil admitted. "primarily you would be Lawyer for the Superheroes. as well as Hunters i suppose." he admitted. "if you get the position of course." Phil admitted. "we where... not aware you where a God, we don't want to offer you the position and then have you vanish after ll." he admitted, Loki snorting. "nowhere to vanish to." he admitted before hesitating, looking well and truly torn. on one hand he really wanted to know, n the other hand he really wanted to study for his upcoming tests. "You can study at the tower after your conversation. Bruce and Tony could test you, i imagine they'd have fun with it."
“Ah. Well, I’ll protect you. You’ll be safe.”Sam teased, “We can just make you stay with the newly discovered bisexual, that is my brother. He could probably do with some of your expertise.”Sam snickered a little before laughing at the other’s protests. “Oddly enough, she’s dating another with Stark as a last name. They’re not marired yet.”Sam said looking amused before nodding. “indeed we are....and I’m sure you enjoy Gwen’s books. Let them quiz you, and then you can just come back for class. You deserve a small back every once in awhile Loki.”
Loki looked at Dean, rather curious and Dean found himself going very red and felt as if a panic was creeping up his spine as he realized he was being checked out. now, he had nothing against people who where gay or anything, but he'd never been checked out by a guy before and he couldn't bring himself at all to react aside from freezing. "pity. he is cute, but he's not gay. or bi-sexual." Loki admitted with a sigh. "ah well, perhaps a taste of the other brother hmm?" Loki teased with a chuckle. "You all do realize that it's not really her last name? Gwen took on a nom de plume. a pen name." Bruce pointed out, Loki nodding. it made sense now that he thought about it. "oh i adore her books, and not just because there is a Loki, god if mischief in them that she managed to portray just perfectly. most flattering recreation of my perfect self yet." he admitted with a grin, Bruce and Phil snorting. Loki was bout as humble as Tony was!
Sam snickered looking at dean before nodding. “I know. But teasing him about cuddling Stark is amusing.”Sam snickered before rolling his eyes at loki. “You are such a flirt.”he said before wincing, looking amused. “Really? I didn’t realize that. Did she chose it after she met Stark?”Sam said looking amused before snorting. “You are so humble. Truly.”He teased smiling as they got to the tower. “Hello.”Gwen said twisting to look at them as they came in, from where her and tony were cuddled on the couch, relaxing as she watched the others coming in.
"i can see that." Loki agreed, grinning at Sam. "i'm the sexiest man on this planet bar Captain America himself. and possibly Tony Stark, of course i flirt." Loki scoffed. "only when the person is attractive though, of course." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and not dangerous. i'm not about to flirt with you after al." he admitted, examining Bruce who just smirked. "wouldn't do you any good anyway." "true." Loki agreed. "good morning to you, the Lady Stark." Loki greeted her. "i apologize for frightening you. that was truly not my intention." he admitted. "also. i'm sorry for using a truth spell on you." "A what!?" Tony demanded, scowling at Loki. "it only worked for one question and i thought she was trying to take over the world! i didn't know she was human raised!" Loki sulked. "i'm sorry. human raised what?" "god of course." Loki said, looking around the tower in astonishment. "are you aware there's a spirit trapped in your electronics?"
“You are not.”Sam teased rolling his eyes a little before snorting. Amused at loki’s restictions on who he’d flirt with or not. “I-I know. Sam said you didn’t. I mean...I wasn’t that worried until you kept showing up.”Gwen said blushing a little before wincing, looking shocked. “You did what?”She said looking so utterly confused you know it was true. She was a human raised god, and had no idea what was going on. Suttering a little at loki’s words. “What?I’m not a god. And that’s just the AI...not a spirit.” “Well, we actually think Toyn gave jarvis so he created a spirit really.”Sam said looking interested.
"i totally am." Loki sniffed before smiling a little at her. "well, to be fair i wasn't really stalking you. those where complete accidents." he promised. "...i was trying to find out when you appeared here though." he admitted. "i was uncertain when i first met you if you where actually what you appeared to be, so i tied a truth spell to the flower i gave you to make you tell me how you knew magic." he admitted. "you could have overridden the spell if you really wanted to f curse. magic has to cave to free will after all." he admitted. "most people won't fight the compulsions a spell can cause because they don't recognize it but if the answer had truly been a secrete i likely wouldn't have learned anything at all." he admitted before blinking a little, looking Tony over. "hum.... fascinating." he admitted. "and cute. very cute. shame he's dating... and straight. why are all the cute ones straight?" Loki sulked before smiling at her and opened his palm, a butterfly resting in his hands. the same one from her book before it fluttered off his palm and landed on hers. "this is how i knew. Mutants cannot do things like this." he admitted. "i know this must come as a shock to you. but you are not fully human." Loki admitted to her softly.
"Well that does make me feel better actually."gwen said smiling slightly."really?yes...that does make sense. I felt odd that I told you, but not sure all spells feel like that?just a little weird?"she asked curious as she looked up at the trickster."well not all the cute ones."gwen said smirking at a slightly blushing sam. " no illusion like this would have been a mutant?"she said looking curious and not sure about the fact that she might not be a mutant, but willing to hear him out anyways. And curious about what he could tell her.
"mm. while there re spells that can force compliance, they are immoral and considered illegal, thought you can't get in trouble if you don't get caught. it's very hard to prove a magical attack after all." he admitted. "however, anyone willing to use spells in such a manner are usually in jail already for other crimes." he admitted. "well.. that's true." Loki agreed, smirking at Sam. "what say you Winchester, wanna ride my magic wand? OUCH!"Loki complained, sulking because Dean had flat out punched him in the arm. "Don't make fun of my brother, that's MY job." Dean grumbled, Loki huffing and rubbing his arm. he's always been a bit of a sissy. "no. I'm afraid not my dear. you see, mutations are singular in focus. while a mutant may be able to create illusions, that same mutant would not then be able to make the illusion tangible, that is, you cannot make it feel as if it is real." he admitted. "when your butterfly illusion lands on someone's finger for example, it tickles them does it not? that is well beyond what a mutant would be capable of." "but Professor Xavier...." "still follows the natural laws." Loki stated simply. "he can make people believe they saw something, but that thing will not actually be there. he can make them think they felt something but it would not be real. it is all in their, and thus his, head. that is why he can also red minds, because he can peer into a person's very mind and alter it, understand it, read it or destroy it." "but he's also telekinetic." "which is a different power completely. i never said they couldn't have more than one power. only that the power had to be singular in nature. that is, each power cannot branch into other aspects. for example, Xavier cannot create real illusions the way Gwen can. nor can he create sounds, or sensations in real life, only in their minds." Loki explained. "Makes sense?"
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