Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Phil shook his head at the boys, wondering how someone so smart, prodigy even, could be so dumb? ah well, he supposed they where young yet. "i'm sure they won't be tortured too badly." Phil said, loudly enough that Clint, Sam an Dean could hear him. warning Clint not to hurt the boys or drive them nuts or do anything extreme to them. basically telling Clint to be a dick but not to be cruel. "i imagine so. you've never used your powers so much before. it may take a while for you to regain your strength. try to rest as much as you can, okay?" Bruce ordered before letting her settle in with Tony and headed down to speak to the winchester boys so they knew just how much shit they where really in.

"Candy crush sucks. i crashed their servers again in revenge." he agreed. which meant Tony had tried to play, again and still couldn't get past level ten. he just, wasn't cut out for Candy Crush. "uhm. because there are children starving in Uruguay?.... where is Uruguay anyway?" he wondered. meaning he'd likely seen one of those unicef commercials and felt bad for not donating. except this was Tony, he'd totally already donated way more than a T.V. commercial actually should have. "okay. i'm buying the house." Tony agreed, tapping away on his tablet. "Jarvis said Bruce fed you a bad hot dog. do you want me to get Dum-E to beat him up for you?" he asked, looking rather hopeful.
“Fine, fine.”Clint called back, sounding very sulky as he did. “Yea. I’ll rest. Gotta set a good example for Tony.”Gwen said snickering a little. “Hey Bruce.”Clint said looking up from where he was widdling a small hawk out of a piece of wood, absently talking to jarvis as he worked. Mostly ingoring the two brothers in the barred room in front of him.

“Ah. I see. Well, good for you.”Gwen said snickering well aware he was so not good at candy crush. It was adorable really. Leaning in to kiss his cheek before sighing quietly. “Have you been watching tv again?What did I tell you about those commercials ?You already donate, you can’t let them make you feel bad.”She sighed gently stroking his hair. “It’s in africa.”She said looking amused though, “Besides, you know that I always worry about those commercials and where the money really is going....and you look rather hopeful that I’ll let Dum-E beat him up.”She mused.
"yes. a good example fr Tony." Bruce agreed with a laugh before smiling as he watched Clint carving. "i'm going in." he informed the man, jerking his thumb at the bars of the cell, Jarvis unlocking the door for him and allowing him to move through before shutting and locking it behind him. it was Tony's house after all. everything was controlled by Jarvis. "Hello boys." Bruce chirped. "i've brought you some entertainment." he admitted, handing a laptop, controlled by Jarvis so Dean could access Netflix or google but couldn't send or receive emails. and handed Dean a book. Gwen's book. "You can start by researching the Author of that book, before giving your brother a nice lecture on who the hell Tony Stark is." Bruce teased, smirking at them. "you can also look up Shield. Jarvis will make sure you have the necessary information." "Uhm... who?" Dean asked, blinking at Bruce. "Ah. Jarvis. Tony's A.I. Butler. Tell the boys Hello Jarvis." "Good evening." Jarvis replied. "voice in the walls!" Dean hissed, looking wary now. "spirit maybe?" "nope. computer." Bruce said with a smirk.

"yes. i made them suffer. it is glorious." Tony admitted. "they're getting really good at getting the damn game back up though, the bitches." he grumbled before shrugging. "i might have been. daytime T.V. Sucks." he admitted before pouting at her. "but... Gwen... they had pictures! they looked so sad!" he complained. "it's like the poor SPCA puppies!" which meant the local animal shelters had all gotten donations as well. "well... yeah but i didn't donate to them i donated straight to Africa, Jarvis made sure." Tony admitted before smirking. "i wanna see who would win." he admitted with a giggle.
“Go ahead. Though refrain from showing them the big green demon. You might give them heart attacks.”Clint snickered a little, amused as sam jumped a little as the door slid open. “Hello.”Sam said tilting his head a little as he took the laptop. Staring at the book before setting the computer down and taking the book, flipping to the back cover to see the author before wincing. “So that’s what she was talking about. When she asked about books. She’s a author.”Sam said showing Dean the picture, before eyeign dean. “I think for once, he can do his own research. He can look up tony stark.”He decided before jumping, nearly getting to his feet, looking around. “....I don’t think so. No one’s managed to create a true AI....must be a spirit.”he said, frowning a little.

“I’m sure it was.”She said smiling a little, before rolling her eyes.”I’m sure you’ll figure out how to harass them some other way.”She said before sighing. “Yes it does....and they do look sad.....and you watched the puppy commercials to didn’t you?”she teased him a little. “Good. And I’m sure jarvis made sure the money got to where it was going.”She smiled stroking his hair back, before huffing. “Well okay. We’ll have Dum-E go beat up bruce. Later.”She said, though she sorta watched to watch the robot hand beat on the winchesters, since they’re the ones who’d scared her. But that meant telling tony, and she didnt’ want to do that.
Bruce shrugged. "I won't need Hulk." he promised Clint with a chuckle. "they're practically babies." he admitted with a shrug. "i won't need Hulk to keep them in their places." he admitted with another chuckle before heading into the cell. "yes. Gwen is a miraculous writer." Bruce admitted. "she developed her powers only recently. after Tony was kidnapped actually, the poor bastard." Bruce admitted, shaking his head. "oh, and Steve Rogers? Captain America? yeah he's alive and good friends with Gwen." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh, you underestimate Tony." Bruce admitted. "Jarvis is a true A.I. a thinking, feeling machine." he admitted. "aren't you Jarvis?" "I would say so Dr. Banner. though being called a Machine is rather degrading. shall i call you an intelligent ape?" "point taken Jay. won't happen again." Bruce promised. "might i remind you, kind gentlemen, that this entire building is only a year old and in that time no one, not one, has ever died in here or even been assaulted? where then, could a spirit have come from?" Dean grimaced because, well. that was true. and one couldn't trap a spirit in machinery anyway as far as they'd ever seen. sure, a spirit could trap themselves in it, but someone else couldn't. "Oh! and i braught you these." Bruce said, holding something out to them. "fresh made!" he admitted, indicating they should take them. they where fake tattoos. not all that interesting, except... "Are these..." "yup. devils traps made into temp tats. they work too, already tested. Demons won't be able to possess you with those on, or use powers on you... well, that's theory, that part hasn't been tested yet. nor do we know what will happen to a possessed person when that's slapped onto them, but it will keep you from getting possessed. i've heard it's been a bit of a problem for you." he admitted. Dean grimaced again at that but accepted the Tattoo, staring at it. this was brilliant, why had no one thought of this before? or even having one permanently tattooed?

"It totally was." he agreed before brightening at the idea. "yeah! i totally will!" he agreed before smiling sheepishly at her. "yeah i saw the safe puppy commercial..." how could anyone think Tony was a dick? he was such a soft hearted idiot. so much so that if he didn't have Jarvis he would have spent his entire fortune on orphans and puppies. "yeah. Dum-E V. Bruce! i'll sell title tickets!" he admitted happily before pausing to scowl at his game. "hey, hey! who told you to fornicate! your supposed to be with Isabelle!" he complained, tapping furiously at his screen.
“They are practically babies.”Clit snickered as he agreed. “Ah. I think I’ve even read this...”SAm frowned a little as he flipped through the book before flinching. “ he going to be angry over this?”He asked, wanting to know if he was going to have to be defending himself against a super soldier. Definitely was not a good thought to be having. “...Yes. It is only a year old...but we’ve had possessed objects before....but...A true AI? Really?”Sam said looking fascinated at the idea. Before startling a little as he took teh fake tatttoos, staring at them. “That’s....brilliant.”sam said looking amazzed before wincing. “’s been bit of a problem.”

“You are such a sap.”Gwen teased shifting to rest her head on his chest, calming down now that she was back with him, snuggling close. “you need someone to look after you. Otherwise you’d donate it all to puppies.”She teased before nodding. “We’ll see who wins.”She muttered before sputtering, “Tony. Don’t get upset with the game. You’re supposed to be resting.”
Bruce chuckled a little. "they are babies." he stated simply before smirking at Sam. "oh, he'll be rightly pissed but he'll also understand why you did it. he'll be torn between wanting to beat the shit out of you for scaring her and reluctantly thanking you for trying to help." he admitted. "he won't hurt you though, he might push you around a bit and yell at you and do the whole 'i'm very disappointing in you thing... actually, i think that's worse than just getting beat up isn't it?" Bruce muttered before shaking his head. "it's not a possessed object. Tony built Jarvis. his first form, when he was six. back then Jarvis couldn't actually do anything but repeat things and do simple equations. as Tony advanced so did Jarvis. there where nights when Tony poured everything he had into Jarvis, because Jarvis was literally all he had." he admitted. "so if Jarvis is part of a spirit or a soul? it's Tony's. as much life as Tony poured into him, i wouldn't be surprised." he admitted. "he is the most advanced computer system in the world. and he has more emotions and real thoughts than most people do. he's... advanced. he's beyond what people can do." here Bruce smiled. "and he's never happier than when he makes Tony smile." Bruce admitted with a grin before chuckling. "yeah it is pretty genius. a lot of people get them permanently Tattooed but the problem with that is you can't do that to children and they tend to frown on permanent marker on kids. not to mention as you get older your bodies tend to sag and stuff. this is temporary, for people being haunted or just random victims or crossfire accidents and stuff." he admitted. "plus, these stick to more than just skin." he admitted, heading over to the tiny vents in the wall and smacked a fake tattoo under it and peeled it away, leving the devil's trap behind. "i just shipped about eight cases of these to the Roadhouse. Ell will make sure they get distributed." he admitted happily. " call her Ell?" "yup."

"i would donate it all to puppies. i'd have the fortune back in a month anyway." he admitted with a shrug before huffing. "but he's supposed to be with Isabelle! she got two jobs to support him while he was going to art school and now he's sleeping with her sister the double crossing two timing slut!" he whined, even as he let her take the tablet away because she knew all too well Tony only started getting picky about his games like this when he was overtired.
“Ah....okay. Well. I think you’re right. That might be worse getting beat up. We get beat up all the time. Getting the disappointed look from captain america would just be bad.”Sam snorted a little before frowning thinking on that. “Wonder if it could work like that....I mean. He’s still alive, but if he’s poured that much into it...maybe he really did create a sorta possessed thing....”Sam said looking interested and thoughtful on the idea. Not to disturbed at the idea, since it seemed to be okay, but interested in the making. “Yea, I don’t think anyone would apperciate tattooing kids.”Sam snickered a little before nodding. Agreeing with the other’s words, because that was very true. Best for victims and crossfire mishaps. Eyes widening as it laying on the vent. “that’s awesome.”He agreed before looking happy that the others would be getting them before pausing. Starng at bruce. “....That’s a little disturbing.”

“You would, but you can’t donate it all to the puppies. If you do, Steve would probably try to adopt them all, and pepper might go a little insane with that, allergies and all.”Gwen pointed out before rolling her eyes. “ are so weird.”She muttered stealing a kiss as she took the tablet, “And so very obsessed.”She teased as she set it aside, curling up with him, knowing she’d have to tell him about the winchesters in the morning, but for the moment, she weanted to sleep. Settling in to sleep.
"yeah the disappointed Cap look is pretty wretched." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head, Dean grimacing as well because who didn't adore Captain America? "It very well could be." Bruce admitted. "from what little i can tell, Tony poured so much of his life into Jarvis, that Jarvis became alive." he admitted with a smile. "we don't fully know, because Tony is completely unaware of the preternatural realms. so is Steve, Gwen and really most of the tower." he admitted. "please, i've known her since i was ten." Bruce scoffed, rolling his eyes. "my father died when i was young, he died poorly, ripped apart. served the bastard right." he admitted, lowering his shirt collar and showed them a line of scars that Brce had always told anyone who noticed them that he'd been attacked by a bear. the boys knew better. those where Wendigo claw markings.

"It was actually your dad who found me. i was ten and you two where all of a year and a half and three." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've been a non active hunter since then." he admitted, pausing when the T.V. Flickered on. he'd asked Jarvis to keep him updated on a 'case.' he started to snicker when the T.V. reporter informed the world that a corrupt Cop was caught lying in court and was being charged with a plethora of crimes, had his pants caught on fire when he lied, yet again, straight to a judges face. "Trickster." Dean guessed, grinning a little because it was hilarious when the Reporter signed off with 'He was unharmed during the attack, it would appear that Val Davidson is indeed a liar liar pants on fire. back to you Dan." "Yes. Trickster. i've been monitoring him. this one is very different." he admitted. "every so called 'victim' he strikes against hasn't had a single scratch on them." Bruce admitted. "this one goes for humiliation and painful lessons. but they never have a scratch on them. i'm inclined to leave him alone." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "he's very amusing."


"I could totally donate it all to puppies..." Tony whined, sulking before he shook his head. "i thought Pepper was allergic to Strawberries?"he asked, looking baffled. "i am not.... i am not!!!" Ton whined, pouting at her before snuggling into her, abandoning his Sims to get some more sleep because she was there and he wanted cuddles and sleep now that she was there.
“Huh. That would be interesting to consider. Might have to investigate that sometime...”Sam said looking utterly fascinated with the idea of tony accidentally created a possessed object. Tilting his head as he considered the markings, paling slightly. “Wendigo?”He muttered though he knew that was exactly what they were. Startling a little when the TV came on, he frowned slightly as he watched before nodding. “Indeed....where is this? Is it in the city?”he asked curious, having a feeling, but wanting to know before he said anything.


"She is. just making sure you remembered."gwen teased looking amused as she settled in to sleep.
Bruce nodded. "of course, first i'm going to have to tell them all that things like Demons and monsters are real without coming across as completely insane." he admitted with a sigh. "that's not going to go well at all." he admitted with a grimace before nodding. "it was attracted to the scent of my blood, or so John told me. my father had just gotten done belting me." he admitted. "i burned his dinner." he admitted at Dean's stricken face. in all their travels, they'd never met someone who had been... abused. sure they had met people who had been hurt, tricked, trapped, tortured or whatnot, but to be belted so bad at ten years old the scent of blood attracted a wendigo... that was bad. "mmm. yeah, showed up about a year ago or so." Bruce admitted. "it mostly sticks to Manhattan but sometimes it'll spread out a bit further and hit other parts of new york." he admitted. "why?" he asked, looking curious at the two before blinking when Jarvis reported that his latest experiment was done fermenting. "shit. sorry boys, gotta go!" Bruce admitted, ducking out the door and was gone in a flash and Deen looked at Sam. "...i don't think he's all that sane. but then... i suppose no hunter really is right? so... help me with this? i wanna find out who stark i..." he blinked when information started popping up on the screen and he hesitated before leaning forward. "...Jarvis?" "indeed." Jarvis replied from the computer, making Dean yelp in surprise. Dean would spend the next hour reading everything Jarvis gave him, looking ore and more stunned before shutting down the computer and handed it to Dean. "we're fucked."
“True. I’ve had that conversation often. It doesn’t get any easier.”Sam snickered a little before wincing as he considered just how badly someone would have to beat a child to attract a wendingo. Swallowing thickly he frowned. “...Huh. No reason. Just reminds me of someone.”SAm said shrugging a little before snorting as he watched the other leave before nodding. “Indeed.”He agreed before smiling as he watched jarvis show the information, looking fascinated to. “We are indeed fucked.”Sam agreed.

The next day Gwen smiled softly as she looked over at tony, tilting her head a little as she watched him wake up, “Come on sweetheart. Bruce said you could get up for a bit, have breakfast if you want.”she asked, handing over the coffee, well aware that she had to tell him, but not wanting to either. It was going to be hard, because he was going to be so upset about it.
"I see..." Bruce examined Sam suspiciously for a moment before shrugging it off. that statement could mean anything. Hey Jarvis... can you tell us anything about Bruce?" he asked, blinking startled when more information came up. not much, just what was public information that Sam could have found on his own. still, it made Dean nod, as if it made sense before stripping out of his shirt and pants and laid down int he bed on the left. there where two in there, Sam would have the one on the right, further away from the door so if they where attacked, Dean would get it first. the wouldn't, and weren't attacked however. granted, they where still locked in when they woke, but at least they weren't being beaten or anything.

"....hhhuuuunggh?" Ton asked her, not ready to be awake. "Up?" he asked sluggishly, lifting his arms, assuming she meant to undress him. he was in his pajamas after all. was he gonna get a sponge bath? awesome. "Sponge?" he asked her, though it was meant to come out as Coffee. "i can get up?" he asked, still sluggish and sleepy but knowing instantly he wanted up. because he could. Bruce had said so. it was allowed, so it wasn't as fun, but she wouldn't let him up without permission anyway. "you okay? your doing that thing where you kind of frown but hide it." he mumbled, worried about her.
“Morning sleepy head.”gwen said smiling a little before nodding. “yea, up.”She said before snickering as she realized what he thought was happening. “Okay, we can take a bath first if you want to. You probably need to clean up.”Gwen said wrinkling her nose a little as she considered him, nodding a little. “Yes you can get up. Get a bath, then we’ll go get food.”She smiled before sighing a little, staring down at the blanket, “Uh...well....yea. I’m okay. Just....I need you to promise me something. Not to be angry? Or do anything rash okay?Then I’ll tell you.”
Tony shook his head. "Can't bath. can't get the stitches wet." he mumbled. "have to sponge bath... hot." he admitted with a grin at her before frowning. "i'm too tired and in too much pain to be rash right now." he admitted. "i can't promise i won't get very angry, but i can promise i won't be getting out of bed to go strangle someone.... and not just because i don't think i can get up without help." he admitted with a smile. "it's okay. just tell me." he urged her gently. "you know i never get mad at you." well, only the once, when she yelled at him for proposing to her, but that was different.

Bruce was back in with the boys, carrying a huge tray loaded with breakfast and this time Steve had come with him, curious about the two idiots who had upset Gwen and had no idea who Tony was. well, they new now but they hadn't before. "so. Demon's are really real." Steve muttered, Bruce nodding. "that's... wow." he admitted. "suddenly i don't feel so silly for saying my prayers every night." he admitted, leaning against the wall while Bruce motioned for the boys to eat. "Gwens probobly telling Tony right about now. we'll decide what to do with you once he calms down and Gwen decides if she's comfortabe having you around or not." "i have a question." Dean admitted, flipping open the laptop and Bruce smiled, knowing exactly what they where going to ask. "i was younger. cocky. me and General Ross where actually fantastic friends. he thought i was the best person ever to date his little girl. smart, responsible, whatever. he was a Hunter too. only he focused on the bigger things. the demons gearing u for wars. packs of werewolves or troupes of vampires. he was an Army general after all and he was very good at it. we where researching ways to force a Demon out of a body, into a real, corporeal form. one tat could be... hurt. a way to force a Demon out of possession into a human form of it's own." he admitted. "it wasn't going well. we managed to find a young girl who was possessed and pull the demon out of her and lock it into a Devils trap. the girl was fine, she left, checked herself into a mental institute and checked herself out a year later." he admitted. "we used mice, we'd send them in and the Demon would possess them and wed do our experiments.... they didn't go very well at first. the Demon seamed to even be enjoying it. how the mice would..."

h shook his head. "anyway, one night, we started making progress. we could force the demon out, and hurt it. hurt it a lot and the mouse didn't die. it would get stunned but later examination proved no long term effects save for a lingering muscle twitch that went away after an hour. that's when the Demon really started paying attention.... the explosion was... i was infected with so much Gamma radiation that if i hadn't already had Wendigo blood in my blood laying dormant i would simply have died. as it was, it was the Wendigo that saved my life in the end. Hulk was born, and General Ross died." "hat!? but.... the Demon..." Dean whispered, eyes wide and pale and Bruce nodded. "it's been hunting me ever since, ruthlessly because i never stopped working on the system to force Demons out of bodies." he admitted. "it's also why Abomination looked like a massive mutated Wendigo. the Demon possessing Ross finally figured out what had saved me, and pumped that idiot bastard too full of Wendigo blood." he admitted. "i never told Betty, i couldn't bear the idea of her knowing her own father was dead, and that a demon was walking around in his body." Bruce admitted softy. "Jesus..." Dean muttered, because that was exactly what he had wanted to know. he just hadn't expected it to be so... well, horrible.
“I know, but you still need to get up if you want a sponge bath. If we do it in here, we’ll get the bed all wet.”She said smiling a little. “I’m not wearing a nurse uniform, you don’t get to enjoy a sponge bath, tones.”She teased a little before sighing softly. Nodding a little. “Okay. That’s all I can ask.”She said fidgeting a little, resting her hands on his stomach, absently stroking his skin, simply needing to touch him. “Uh....well. Yesterday, I wasn’t sick from a hotdog....when we went to the bookstore there were these two guys....hunters. hunters. Who thought I was a demon cause of the illusions, and were trying to free you....they....they scared me badly, tony. That’s why I wasn’t well.”She said not telling him exactly what they’d done, cause if she did, he might find the energy to go after the boys.

“Thanks.”Sam said smiling a little as he started to eat before laughing a little. “Yea, saying prayers is a good idea.”He snickered a little before wincing, worried about gwen. “She’s okay though?”he asked before looking equally interested staring at bruce. Wincing a little. “that’s....I’ve never even heard of a demon that would be...human like. I mean...even angels need to burrow a body to manifest. Its not....”Sam fronwed as he thought that over, distracted from the story at the idea of what they could do if they could force a demon into human form without a body. Stirring a little as he listened. “The mice died cause they’re not....complex enough to deal with all that a demon is. Even some humans aren’t capable of it....”

“Oh....oh crap. No wonder he’s changed. I’ve seen early videos of the general....he’s....different now.”Sam muttered lookign pale at the idea of the general being a demon. Of a demon having that kind of resources. “......what can we do to help?”Sam asked, wanting to help the man. As sort of a apology for making the wrong assumption about him and gwen.
He nodded. "that's true. can i sit in the wheelie chair?" the wheelchair was the best part about being hurt in Tony's opinion, even if he got yelled at for zipping around in it at top speeds. "do we have a nurse uniform? yu should wear a nurse uniform. or a maids. you'd be one sexy maid... or i could wear the maid uniform and you could have fun bossing me around... hmmmm." he enjoyed those images for a moment before blinking at her. "they thought a sweet thing like you was a Demon!?" he demanded, looking baffled, blinking when Jarvis replied with 'According to previous encounters, Demon's often act as sweet and kind as possible to deflect attention." "Demons aren't real Jay!" Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes. "so they thought you where a demon because you where too nice... that's kind of hilarious." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm sorry they scared you, but i bet Bruce turned them into fish paste." he admitted, holding his arms out to her. "come here. you need more snuggles." he admitted. he didn't realize the boys where there or he wouldn't have been so calm. or maybe it was the painkillers. "come here... you don't need to ever worry about me taking my anger out on you, oay?" he asked, worried that was why she had been hesitant. "i love you."

"She seams to be, she's still a bit rattled but she's fine. i believe most of her nerves come from needing to tell Tony at this point. he can be rash at times and he's injured. the wound isn't too serious but if he pushes himself too hard he could tear inside and then he'd be in some serious trouble." Bruce admitted. "she needs to keep him as calm as possible. i helped." " drugged him?" Steve guessed, looking very amused, Dean ducking his head to hide a laugh. "there are Demons that take human form. the Crossroads demon that makes deals, she appears in human form and does not possess anyone. summoned demons can also take on human form if they wish. most of the time, Demon's possess people because they don't have the power to form bodies of their own." Bruce admitted. "this process was supposed to take care of that problem and force them into a manifestation of a human body using particulate energy from around them." he hesitated and then. "and i think i might have done it." "what?" Steve asked, startled and then worried. "is that safe?" "not really, no." Bruce admitted. "but nothing i work on is safe, or did you think genetically modifying human genomes to fight cancer cells was safe?" "uh...." Steve blinked blankly at Bruce who rolled his eyes. honestly. some people. "there's nothing to be done. General Ross is dead, not even a Demon could possess a body that had it's spine torn out." he admitted. "Phil is taking care of the rest. we need your expertise in other places." he admitted. "the preternatural are gaining momentum. there have been more vampire, werewolf, wendigo and spirit activity in the last few years than there have been since i became a hunter, in total. in fact, just as you boys started hunting together, there was a massive spike in attacks and haunting." he admitted. "i do not think this is a coincidence and mentioned to Phil that he should begin to investigate. problem is, he's a Shield Agent, not a hunter. it makes a difference as i'm sure you are aware. Hunters don't speak to Agents. not even the men in black." he admitted, looking amused. "you can help by being sincere in your apology to Gwen and Tony and helping Phil as much as you can. something big is coming, something very big."
“Yes, you can sit in the wheelie chair.”Gwen said looking amused as she rolled her eyes, before smiling slightly. “I did get a nurse uniform. Pepper picked it up for me when she found out you were hurt. Seems to think you’d like it.”She snickered a little before nodding, making a face. “yes indeed. They did. Thought I was using you or something.”She said before sighing. “And bruce definitely took care of them, before phil showed up and arrested them. They’re in lockup still I think.”Gwen said shrugging a little, before shifting, leaning into him, snuggling close. “I know you wouldn’t. Just worried about you.”She sighed a little smiling quietly. “Love you to.”

“Good.”Sam said relaxing a little, glad that gwen was okay before wincing at the idea of tony getting in trouble with moving. Laughing softly at the idea of bruce drugging tony. Before frowning a little considering everything he was hearing. Makes sense he guessed. Before wincing. “Nothing is safe really.”Sam said, well aware more then anything, that nothing was safe. They could just try and get things a little safer. Tilting his head a little as he considered that. Frowning a little. “ it isn’t just us who realized it just got bad when we got together....even when it was just dean got worse when I started....”Sam sighed a little before frowning, thinking it over before nodding. “Okay. Yes. We’ll talk to them.”
he beamed at her happily. he loved the wheelie chair, he wasn't allowed to play in it though, unless he was hurt. uptight bastards the lot of them! and no, he wasn't sulking! not at all! "cool! wonder if i could fit in it? i could play nurse next time you get a cold or something, it would be super fun." he admitted, wiggling his eyebrows at her before scowling. "Phil arrested them? not the local authorities?" he asked, baffled. because Phil wouldn't normally deal with, well, nutters. "...They're here. aren't they?" he demanded, stroking her hair. "that's why your really so upset, they're here and they're upsetting you... Jarvis! get Steve up here this instant! i'll need his help getting into my wheelie chair anyway."

"no. in fact a lot of Hunters are starting to notice the extreme increase." Bruce admitted. "Dangerous ones like Gordon Walker have started to noti..." he paused when both Sam and dean flinched and he closed his eyes. "you've already run into him." "yeah... he tried to kill Sammy." Dean admitted. "Why? you know him?" "oh yes. he tried to kill me." Bruce admitted. "i was, am, a monster after all. inhuman, anything that isn't human is evil and must die. that is his extreme. i showed him the error of his ways, at least when dealing with me." he admitted. "why did he go after Sam?" "..." Dean hesitated and looked at Sam. it was Sam's tale to tell, if he wanted to.
Gwen snorted looking amused at the other’s pleased look. He was so cute. “ probably could. I’ll try it on later. We’ll see after your healed if you can wear it. You’d be a good nurse.”she looked amused before nodding sighing softly. “Yea, he did. Seems to think it’s a shield thing....I dunno.”She shrugged a little before making a face, “Yea...they’re here....”She said worried, fussing over him, but not stopping him yet. Since he could be out of bed. Smiling a little when he yelled for steve.

“yes...”Sam muttered wining a little at the mention of gordon, nodding slightly. “yes we did.”He said eyeing bruce, frowning slightly as jarvis’ words that steve was needed upstairs before looking at bruce. Biting his lip as he considered it, not sure if he trusted the other but....maybe. “It’s....complicated. A yellow eyed demon sort of....fed me his blood as a child, and killed our mother when she tried to stop gave me psychic gifts to go with it...”
He giggled a little and nodded. "epic." he agreed happily, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "are you going to make me feel all better?" he asked, trying to be as sultry and seductive, but he was too impish and it just made him want to giggle. "i would be a good nurse!" he agreed. "so long as there's no blood or icky stuff." he admitted with a smile before scowling. he didn't like the idea of the assholes who had upset Gwen being in his tower... but she didn't seam all that upset so maybe it was okay? he scowled when Steve walked in a the man just chuckled at him. "i take it you told him and he's not happy?" he asked her with a smile. "he'll get over it. we do have to decide what to do with them though. being as you where the one actually effected, most of the decision will be yours." he admitted to her, helping Tony settle into his wheelchair.

Bruce watched Steve had upstairs before looking at the boys, his eyebrows lifting. "that's a new one." he admitted. "a demon feeding you his blood. how unusual. what for..." Bruce didn't seam to actually be paying attention to them. "i'll need to take a blood sample..." he mumbled. "perhaps mutants? no no, that's genetic not... hmm...." Bruce was completely lost in his own thoughts now.
“I’ll make you feel as good as you want. After you’re allowed having sex again.”Gwen smirked a little before snickering. “Indeed you would be. Except for the icky stuff.”She teased before sighing. While she was still rattled, still frightened some, she wasn’t as upset as she had been. Looking up at steve she nodded. “Pretty much. And I know....I figured we’d go down, let tony meet them, and we’ll go from there. If tony’s okay with it, they could probably stay.”She sighed a little.”Come on, we’ll get you washed up, then go see the Winchesters.”Gwen smiled heading for the bathroom.

“Yea, it was a new one for us...”Sam said watching the other, amused that he wasn’t really paying attention. Before frowning slightly. “IF you could help us figure it out though, we’d be greatful.”
"But... but... i'm allowed Sex!" he whined. "Bruce never said i couldn't so that means it's allowed!" he protested, pouting at her before smiling at her, trying to be reassuring because he knew she was upset. "well. they've been fed and watered and they have everything else they need so if you don't feel up to seeing them you don't have to." Steve promised her, keeping a firm hand on Tony's wheelchair to keep him from taking off full throttle. not that he could with only one working arm but Steve had a feeling Tony would try anyway. "...your all so mean to me." Tony whined when he realized Steve had a tight hold. "i don't want a bath no more. i want coffee and then i want to hit someone." "i'll get you a stick but no hitting, you can poke them if you want." Steve promised.

"hmm... i'll need. yes... yes... hmmm." Bruce mumbled, vanishing and coming back five minutes later. "arm please." he ordered Sam, taking a swift blood sample, put a band-aid on the pinprick and off he was gain, Dean snorting. "that man is completely off his rocker, but it almost looks like he knows how to help. maybe we can get better control of your powers if he finds a way to help." he mused. "or at least stop the pain when you have those god awful visions."
“I don’t think that’s how it works.”She snorted amused. Nodding a little. “I know, but I need to. If I can’t see them, then they can’t stay. And they’d be useful to have around I think.”Gwen said shrugging a little, snickering slightly because she knew why steve was keeping a firm grip on tony. “Am not. We’re just making sure you’re not going to injure yourself taking off.”Gwen said before nodding. “Well, we’ll get coffee, and if you behave, you can poke them with your stick.”Gwen said with a pervert little smirk, smiling as they headed down.

“Okay...”Sam said tensing a little, even if he trusted bruce, it made him nervous as he held out his arm. Snorting a little at dean’s words he nodded. “He really is....and hopefully something.”he agreed tensing as he saw the others coming in, tensing even more when he saw gwen with them. Hopefully she was calm enough that tony wasn’t goign to sic a super soldier on them."Hello..."
Tony and Steve both sighed. "i know that. i'm saying you don't have to see them the day after being attacked. give yourself time to calm down if you need it." Steve ordered her with a smile. "okay?" he asked, ignoring Tony's whining. "i would never just take off when your upset!" Tony protested, which was truth. he'd wait until she was feeling better. "i will behave." he agreed. "but i get a sharp stick!" "you get a pointy stick." Steve said. "we don't need blood drawn when Gwen's already upset." "fine, but it better be fun!" Tony complained before grinning as he was handed the very same stick he'd poked Bruce with on the helicarrier. "this is perfect!" Tony crowed, examining Steve before deciding that zapping him would just get his stick taken away. he smirked at the boys as soon as he saw them and promptly poked them, giggling when they both yelped loudly at getting prodded and Zapped, Steve snorting because Tony looked way too gleeful. he had always been a bit sadistic when it came to protecting Gwen though so he wasn't all that surprised. "well... this is going to be fun." Dean muttered dryly, yelping when he got zapped again. "i'm having loads of fun." Tony agreed.
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