Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“You would. And that’s just unkind. Natasha’ll do weird things to me if I let you get hurt again.”clint sulked a little. “No we’re not letting go, and she’ll be back soon.”Clint promised before snorting. “So mean. No need to be mean.” “I know, but they’re just trying to help you tony, be nice.”Gwen muttered stroking his hair a little before climbing into bed with him, nodding. “Just tired. Helped bruce and steve save betty....I’m tired...didn’t know using that much of my illusions could exhaust me like that...”she muttered. “Thanks Bruce.”Betty smiled tiredly as she took his hand, snuggling into him sleepily, already asleep even as he put her in bed. Gwen falling asleep quickly as she snuggled into tony, utterly exhausted.
"Good!" Tony snarled at Clint, very unhappy about being forced to lay in bed. "Let go you son of a bitch! i'm telling Natasha about that porn stash in your nest!" Ton hissed, Terry ducking his head to hide a laugh. "i am always mean!" Tony growled before relaxing at the sight of Gwen, instantly behaving. she was a miracle worker, she really was. "i don't wanna be nice." he grumbled before smiling at her. "you've never used them so intently before." he pointed out. "it's an energy your expending, your supposed to work up to stuff like that, like a muscle. that's what Xavier said." he reminded her. "i'm glad your okay, and that you where able to rescue Bruce." he admitted, watching Bruce carry Betty out. "i thought he was Asexual?" he muttered sluggishly. asleep before anyone could answer. Bruce was more than happy to tuck Betty in, stuff himself silly when the food arrived and go to sleep and it seamed he wasn't the only one since by the time he went to sleep everyone else was too.

Gwen would wake in the morning to Ton whining about having to use a bed pan instead of getting up to pee like a proper person. whining that he wasn't an invalid and he should be allowed to get out of bed to go pee.
“She knows all about that. Don’t sulk cause you know I’m right. Rest.”Clint grumbled. “I know, but you need to be.”Gwen smiled a little before making a face as she hid a yawn. “That makes sense. At least I’m just tired, I didn’t mess anything up.”She muttered smiling as she nodded, glad she’d been able to rescue bruce. “He is.”She muttered asleep.

“....lay down tony. You’re hurt. More hurt then just getting shot I think. Now stop and be a good patient.”Natasha ordered. “Tony?”Gwen muttered shifting to look at him in annoyance, annoyed he was putting himself at risk to just go pee.

Tony whined a little. "i don't want to! i want off the bed!" he whined, sulking before grimacing when Gwen woke up and he sulked at her. "i need to pee..." he complained to her. "i can't pee if people are watching..." for as wild as he was, he was actually very modest and as much as he was throwing a fit he probobly had to do more than just pee. he couldn't stand using bedpans and would always throw a fit. the only people who he could let, er, help, was Gwen, Rhodey and Happy. though he'd probobly tolerate Bruce and Steve now. if they where the only people there. the crowd gathered around was making Tony feel very unhappy. he refused to pee with people watching. absolutely refused. he'd go to the bathroom on his own if he had to and fuck anyone who tried to stop him.
"Tony you cant." Gwen frowned a little sighing softly as she sat up, biting her lip."okay. We'll go to the bathroom. But you have to let me help you, and let steve carry you into there. Otherwise you're using the bed pan okay?"she stared intently at him, running her fingers through his hair. Worried about him, and trying to not worry to much or let it show.
Tony grimaced, pouted at her but finally nodded because, well. he could handle Steve and Gwen if he had no other choice. clearly he had no other choice, dammit. "fine..." he grumbled, unhappy when Steve looked at Terry and Bruce. "it'll be fine." Bruce promised. "he can be moved with no risk of further injury." he promised. "i already scanned him and checked." Bruce promised with a smile. Steve nodded and carefully lifted Tony up, the genius didn't even hiss in pain so that made Steve feel better about this decision. he gently settled settled Tony on his feet, let Tony edge his pants down on his own and settled him on the toilet before vacating the area so Tony could have the privacy he needed to do what needed done. Tony blushed hard because he needed help with the, er, finishing touches, but he didn't protest when they flushed and Steve came back in to help Tony back to bed. "thanks Gwen." Tony mumbled, embarrassed but not complaining anymore at least. honestly that little bit had taken it out of him and he was now too tired to put up too much of a fuss.
”Good.”Gwen said relaxing, closing her eyes for a moment, glad that the other hadn’t fought them harder on it. Pressing a kiss to his forehead before smiling as she helped steve and tony. Smiling as he settled into bed. “You’re welcome. Rest, Tones.”She muttered stroking his hair. “I’m gonna run to the bookstore okay? We’ll get you a good book to listen to, and it’ll be okay. And I’ll take bruce or steve with me to make sure I’m okay. Don’t worry. Rest.”she soothed, standing up, looking up at bruce. “feeling up for a short trip out?”she asked, well aware betty was still sleeping herself.
Tony smiled at her. grateful she wasn't going to insist he use the bed pan. "okay. resting... what? no! you where almost shot last time you went out!" he protested, looking rather frantic before hesitating at the compromise. Bruce was amazing, he knew Tea Kwon Do. it would be okay right? "yeah... okay... but i want you to read to me too okay?" he asked her, giving her his best puppy eyes before he went back to sleep. "Do you want me to go or do you want me to stay here and watch Tony?" Steve asked, aware that Gwen could be just as fussy as Tony sometimes. "More than." Bruce agreed. "i want to get that series you where telling me bout. and a couple more." "do me a favor and get these for me would you?" Steve asked, handing over a list and his card. Bruce could only snicker at the length of the list of books Steve wanted. some of which where ancient classics that he'd missed and others completely unsuitable for the Captain America image like the Laurel K. Series, fifty shades and Ann Rice books. others where just perfect, Ann McCaffrey and J.K. Rowling and Dean Koontz. still, they where going to need to borrow a shopping cart to get home.
“I know, but I’ll be fine. Safe.”Gwen promised stroking his hair. “We’ll be okay. And of course I’m going to read to you. You rest better with a bedtime story.”She teased looking amused before looking at steve. “Stay here. Please. He needs looked after, besides Pepper will probably be back soon. And I know you like being here when she does take breaks from work.”Gwen teased a little as she nodded. “We’re going to need a shopping cart.”She grinned amused at the list before heading out with bruce. Amused as they headed into the bookstore. “How about we’ll just text each other when we’re done? I mean, this is a huge store. We’ll wander.”She grinned kissing bruce’s cheek as she started to wander and look for books that tony would enjoy.
"...i don't like it." Tony mumbled, biting his lip a little before beaming at her. "okay. i do." he agreed. Steve just smiled and nodded. "that's true." he agreed, perking up at the reminder that Pepper was going to be taking a break soon. "Of course you are." Steve agreed, smirking. "i'm a voracious reader." he admitted before chucking as Terry squeaked, Ton had grabbed the boy around the wasit in his sleep and was now snuggling him.

"I like that idea." Bruce agreed. "just be careful, Tony will kill us both if you twist your ankle on the stairs or get kidnapped or something." he admitted before going tense as he realized that the man from the book signing was there. at the checkout, taking out books. he didn't seam to realize they where there at all but he set Bruce on edge and he turned his attention to what the man was saying. "You don't have any other law books?" Loki was asking the sales clerk who shook her head and Loki sighed. "that's fine. i'll just have to order them from the school." Loki was grumbling before he smiled at the sales clerk. "ou have a nice day." he offered, turning and walking right into Gwen with a startled sound. "oh my! i'm so sorry... oh! it's you again." Loki said, looking honestly surprised to see her. Steve had looked into it, and apparently the man, Loki Morningstar went to the Cafe where Gwen had been shot every morning, and had simply been late that morning and missed all the fuss. he'd have Steve look into it again, something about a school? he was so focused on Loki he never noticed two others who where paying entirely too much attention to both Gwen and Bruce.

"Your ready?" the ne on the right asked, his dirty blond hair was chopped messy, like someone had gone after it with a straight blade or a hatchet. he hadn't shaved in a while but he was still getting looks from the girls, appraising him. he ignored them, for once. "we have to find a way to get them separated, take them one at a time." he frowned when he realized the male was dangerously focused on a civilian. a man buying law books? boring.
“I know. But it’ll be okay.”She muttered before smiling at steve’s perking up. That was just cute. “You are indeed.”

“True. I promise, I’ll even hold onto the railing and stay away from the balcony edges and everything.”Gwen teased a little before looking at where Brue was looking, tilting her head a little before yelping slightly as she was walked into him, smiling. “It is me. Hello. Sorry, Loki, Right?”she smiled at him stepped back, “It’s okay. Are you okay?”She asked making sure he was fine before patting his shoulder. “Well, have a good afternoon. I have to get some books. Story planning, and totally getting something for tony.”She babbled a little, because well, he made her nervous to, smiling as she headed for the shelves.

“Yea. I am.”The other said his dark hair longer then he usually kept it, curling and nearly touching his shoulders as he watched the two. Frowning a little as they talked to the man, relaxing as teh woman moved away. “They’re separating on their own....woman first?”
"Good. make sure you avoid strangers and paper cuts too." he ordered before tensing at Loki. the man seamed to be everywhere they where. or at least, everywhere Gwen was. "yes, it is Loki..." he said, flushing a little, surprised she remembered his name. "i'm fine. i'm sorry but a slight thing like you couldn't really do much damage." he admitted with a smile before perking up at the idea of a new story. "oh! I forgot, Mr. Stark was shot wasn't he? poor soul." Loki said, shaking his head. "I've heard it hurts." he admitted, pouting a little when Bruce snorted and Loki sighed when his watch beeped. "shit... sorry, i have to go or i'll be late for class. bye!" he said, jogging off with his purchases. "that man freaks me out. i think he might be stalking you..." Bruce mumbled unhappily. "please, for gods sake don't go too far away." Bruce ordered, offering her a tight smile."i'm a bit concerned about how we keep running into him." he admitted before heading over to start collecting some of Steve's books.

"Woman first. i'm pretty sure she's being possessed. the male's the one that's going to be hard. i'm pretty sure he's just a full on Demon. you saw the way he transformed right? that can't be natural." he admitted, shaking his head. "Come on Sam, we have the backroom set up already? restraining circle and everything?" he asked his brother before taking a deep breath and moved over to Gwen. "excuse me miss? could you help me? i've dropped my keys and my arms are too big to fit under the shelf." he admitted, acting quite sheepish. once she was out of sight they'd clap a hand over her mouth, drag her into the backroom and tie her down after trapping her in the circle.
“I will.”Gwen said looking amused before smiling a little at his surprise. “people who share names with my characters usually leave a impression.”She teased a little amused as she rolled her eyes.”You’d be surprised how much damage I could do. And yes. He was, but he’s doing well, even if he’s sulking at being hurt.”She smiled before nodding, watching him go, swallowing hard. “he might be. But he doesn’t seem to be dangerous.... And I wont go to far away.”She promised as she started collecting her own books.

“I did. And you’re right. There’s nothing natural about that.”Sam muttered before nodding, “We do. It’s prepared and salted, and ready for them.”He muttered watching dean work. “Oh. Okay, hold on.”Gwen said smiling a little as she followed him, moving to get the keys, and yelping as sam’s hand closed over her mouth. Dragging her into the circle even as he started tying the ropes around her. The woman looked angry and confused as she glared at the two brothers.
Loki offered her a smile at that, looking quite shy and rather smitten. never good things as far as Bruce was concerned. he offered his condolences to Tony being hurt and headed off. Loki had moved on much easier than a normal stalker would have, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. he shook his head and wandered off to find Midsummer Night's Dream and Of Mice and Men for Steve. he had to wonder if the asshole had researched high school reading lists. "not dangerous? Gwen he makes Hulk pay attention. that man is very dangerous." he grumbled, shaking his head.

"nothing natural at all the way he named his natural form Hulk either." Dean grumbled, shaking his head. "i always thought Demons would look more... scaly, i guess?" he mused. "good. we'll close the salt circle once she's in and start the exorcism." he agreed. he hated it when Demon's possessed such young innocent girls. "Sorry about this, but we can't have you running around now can we?" he asked her, opening his flask and splashed her with the clear liquid across the face. she would probobly be able to tell it was water. "...huh. that's new. nothing happened." Dean muttered. "powerhouse you think Sammy?" he asked, stalking around the outside of the circle before cracking open his book. "Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino qui fertis ascendit super caelum caeli ad Orientem Ecce dabit voci suae vocem virtutis, tribuite virtutem deo." the opening lines to a more popular exorcism technique. just enough to make the Demon writhe in agony. a taste of pain. she didn't do anything though! "okay what the hell?! what kind of Demon is this?!" he studied her intently and then looked nervously at Sammy.

" don't think... you know she's not being possessed? by a Demon i mean? there are gods that can do what she did too. maybe she's being possessed by a god?" or was a god but he was pretty sure if she was a god they'd be bleeding already. "there is a trickster running around..." he admitted. they hadn't bothered looking for this trickster though, because no one was getting hurt. they where just learning painful lessons in humility. he looked at her. "Christo!" he shook his head, no flinch. clearly they where either dealing with Lucifer himself, or they where not dealing with a Demon. " i feel bad for tying her up.... she's clearly not being possessed by a Demon right? unless it's the yellow eyed one maybe?" he peered into her face. trying to see any hint of a demon.
“No, thre really isn’t.”Sam muttered shaking his head before nodding. “Me to. A little less....human looking.”He muttered before nodding, yelping a little as she bit him. “Dammit. That hurt.”he grumbled even as he tied her down. “...W-what are you doing?”gwen stuttered blinking the water out of her eyes. “Yes, I’m thinking so. Has to be.”Sam said as he moved away, watching her as he paled slightly. Maybe they were wrong? “I...I don’t know. I mean. We’ve been wrong before....”He said slowly, before winccing. “If she was a goddess, we’d already be bleeding, and she wouldn’t be crying.”Sam pointed out looking upset at the sight of confused tears sliding down the woman’s face.

“What-what do you want? I-I can’t give you anything. Tony’s not with me. I have my purse though. You could have what’s in it. And what I write isn’t real, guys. I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are, but fans aren’t supposed to take my books this seriously.”Gwen babbled a little looking frightened and upset. “....Dean....I think we made a mistake. I don't know how she's doing it, but we might have messed up."
"Yeah. something more. demonic i guess. though the way his eyes glow green is sort of inhuman i guess." Dean admitted before watching Sammy get bit, snickering a little. "don't underestimate her just because she's a girl Sammy. i mean really." he huffed, shaking his head before wincing as he realized they may have fucked up. "we have been wrong before. maybe she's just... like you?" he wondered, peering at her. "where you ever in a house fire? around six months old maybe? started developing your powers at around twenty two years of age?" he asked her before wincing a little at the tears and glanced at Sam. "hey. calm down. we don't want anything from you. it's okay, we're not going to hurt you." he promised, yanking out a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears away. "this is just... a misunderstanding on our part." he promised, glancing at Sam. "what's she talking about, books?" he wondered before yelping when the door splintered, and then came entirely off it's hinges and there was Bruce, snarling, skin and eyes emerald but still his smaller stature and Dean swung into action.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus! Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus! Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus!" he yelled, getting louder and more firm with ever yell. it didn't seam to be doing much considering Bruce backhanded him hard enough to drop him straight to the floor, ears ringing and seeing stars. "That's enough Bruce." Bruce turned to snarl at the new voice, more Hulk than he was Bruce at the moment, but he stopped advancing on Sam when he realized it was Phil. "Gentlemen." Phil said, checking to make sure Dan hadn't gotten hurt more than just having his bell rung before snapping cuffs on him. "my organization has been looking for you two for some time." Phil admitted before looking at Sam. "you can either give me your wrists, or i can let my happy green friend give you a good smack as well." Bruce looked very interested in the idea. "you can't arrest us! we're FBI!" Dean protested, his senses back. Phil just lifted even eyebrow, picked up his Tablet and turned it to Den who grimaced. "okay... yeah, we're not FBI... but i swear, i didn't..." "i am well aware that most of these listed Crimes where not your doing. however you still have a twenty plus count of impersonation and now you have a lovely kidnapping charge to go with it. cooperation would go a long way to not having Tony Stark making your balls into purses." "who?" Dean asked, looking baffled. "...i didn't hit you that hard did i?" Bruce asked, wondering if Dean was insane? would explain a lot wouldn't it?
“I wasn’t. I just didn’t expect her to bite me!”Sam growled a little looking at the girl. “Maybe. I would make sense.”Sam said watching her. “You just started using the power didn’t you?” “Y-yes but there was no fire. Or anything!I didn’t do anything. J-just when tony went missing, I started being weird.”Gwen sputtered a little looking upset and scared, letting him wipe the tears away. “A bad misunderstanding....and books?I don’t know...”Sam said, though he had a feeling he should. He’d heard something about books like this right? Something....

“Bruce!”Gwen yelled looking relieved to see the man as sam started towards bruce before pausing at the new voice, trying to decide what to do. Easing towards dean to make sure he wasn’t hurt to badly before paling a little. “...I think I’ll cooperate.”Sam said not liking how interested bruce was in the idea as he held his hands out. “....Stark?”Sam paled rapidly, swaying a little on his feet. “Dean. Seriously?”He said staring at his brother, having known he wasn’t the most observant. But seriously, he couldn’t have looked over that. “Why would Tony Stark care?”He said slowly. "....Cause that's his girlfriend you have trussed up like a new years turkey. He's goign to be pissed."Clint said as he poked his head into the room, "They're alone, didn't find anyone else. except video of that creepy guy leaving earlier."
"It's a Demon Sam. of course they bite you moron." he huffed, shaking his head. "Another one that doesn't fit the pattern?" Dean muttered, shaking his head. "hey, hey it's okay. we're not saying you did anything, your okay." he promised, hating that he'd terrified her so much. "There are lost of books about demons. some of them are even true." Dean pointed out. "she could just be one of the people who don't realize how close they've come to reality?" he wondered before getting his clock rung by Bruce.

"Yes. cooperation would most certainly be in your best interest." Phil admitted, glancing at Bruce who smirked a little at how pale Sam was getting at the mention of Tony and that she was Tony's girlfriend. "...What?" Dean asked, looking baffled and Phil snorted. "Tony Stark. the manufacturer of the worlds best Tech. billionaire. oh and he's a superhero. Iron Man to be exact." "...Superheroes aren't real." Dean scoffed. "next your going to tell me Captain America is back from the dead and that your from a super secrete spy facility...." he paused when he saw how amused Phil looked and he looked at Sam. "i need to start watching the news again, don't i?" he asked with a grimace. "The Creepy guy checks out." Phil stated simply. "he's attending the local collage, Law School. he has a month before final exams. poor bastard seams to be loosing his mind a little bit. transferred from another state, couldn't find a reason why. we're keeping an eye on him. if he's a stalker we'll put him in his place. if he's as good at law as his grades indicate, we might very well be offering him a position in Shield. particularly Lawyer for you Bruce, Tony and Steve." "yeah that would be nice... i like your Heptagram. very nice lines." he admitted, staking around it. "the Grand Pentacle is a good choice. problem is it can't trap certain level Demons without binders drawn in. the circle of salt is a good addition but it can't stop a Demon from breaking the lines. still, for a couple of amateurs it's not bad." "Bruce." Phil said, shooting him a firm glare. "just untie her." "ah. right. of course. sorry." Bruce said, stepping over the salt circle, making Dean choke, and gently untied Gwen and smiled at her. "it's okay. they weren't going to hurt you. they where trying to save you, in a misguided sort of way. i think i might actually know who these boys are." Bruce admitted. "Winchester, right?" he asked Phil, making Dean twitch. "Yes. Sam and Dean Winchester. we've been trying to catch them for a while now. we're.... interested in their skills." Phil admitted.
”Not always. Shut up.”Sam growled making a face at his brother before nodding. “yes...definitely not a pattern. Especially if the trauma of a missing person started her off.”Sam frowned a little. “Maybe.”He agreed.

“Yes I think so.”Sam agreed watching before looking down at Dean, shaking his head. “You amaze me sometimes. Even if you didn’t know about the superheros, you should have known about Stark. Hell, you own some of his weapons. Well. Before he stopped making weapons anyways.”Sam muttered before staring at Phil,and looked at dean. “Yea, you really should watch the news.”he agreed. “I-I’m sure Tony will be glad for more lawyers. For some reasons he likes them.”gwen sniffled a little, still upset and scared, wanting to go home, and crawl into bed, and never tell tony what happened. Wonder if they could get away from telling him. “....Have you been hunting without telling anyone again, banner?”Clint said sulking a little as he looked at the other, making a face. Because he’d read the other’s file, and even knowing Hulk was more then capable of taking care of himself, it still made him sulk to not have the other have backup. “interested? Interested in the same way you were interested in nat?”Clint said raising a eyebrow. “T-thanks Bruce.”Gwen sniffled a little even though her hands were still twitching, still working on casting another illusion, but she was exhausted from the night before, and not quite capable of it yet. scared enough to trying to deflect, and it was probably a good thing for the boys she'd forgotten she was carrying one of tony's handheld repulsor watches, one he'd given to her to make sure she didn't go anywhere unarmed.
Dean shrugged. "you never let me use your computer." he accused, sulking a little. "how am i supposed to keep up with things on the road if you won't share?!" he complained. "i'm guessing that this Stark guy is pretty hot shit huh?" he asked, struggling into a seated position with his hands cuffed behind his back. he decided he didn't want to test anyone so he didn't try to pick the handcuffs. "we will only consider clearing Loki for such activities if he passes all clearance protocols." Phi admitted before smiling at her. "your alright." he promised her, gently setting a hand on her cheek. "it's okay. they weren't going to hurt you. i promise."Phi promised, looking up at Clint. "go get some blankets, she's cold as ice." Dean winced at that and glanced at her. "i'm really sorry..." he said softly before looking startled at Bruce. the Demon, a Hunter? "No. not since Brazil." Bruce admitted. "but i keep up with the news." he admitted. "one of my contacts runs a bar known as the Roadhouse." Bruce admitted. "you know Ellen?" Dean asked, surprised. "Sure." he admitted with a smile before smirking at Phil who shook his head. "More like, interested the way we where interested in you." after all, they didn't want to kill the Winchesters the way they had 'wanted' to Natasha and Bruce. not that they wanted to really, but they had been on the 'hit list'. "it's okay." Bruce said, gently gathering her into his arms. "just calm down with me here." Bruce offered, smiling at her. "just relax and rest. i won't let you go." he promised her, settling her in his arms like she was a child and just breathed, doing a mental mantra to center both himself and her. "alright Clint. get those two out of here." he ordered, flicking his fingers the Winchesters. "they go to the Tower. basement. Shield isn't secure enough for them." Phil admitted. "go ahead and leave them together. they can't cause any real problems under the eye of Jarvis." he admitted. "i'll stay here until she's calm again. don't say a word to Tony. Gwen will tell him when she wants to and he'll hurt himself if we tell him and she's not there." he admitted, Bruce nodding his agreement. "and as for you two boys. you behave for Agent Clint. he won't hesitate to break your legs to force your compliance and i'm fairly sure you're going to want in on the deal i'm about to offer you." he admitted simply before leaving Clint to handle them. "we'll talk later, Gwen. about why you didn't use that watch." Phil admitted before smiling at her. "but that can wait for a few days." he promised her.
“Well, you usually mess it up. And you know, most people read the newspaper. Or watch the news.”Sam complained before nodding a little, shifting. “Yea. He is. One of the richest men in the world actually.”Sam said nervous because he’d heard rumors about what had gone down in afghanistan, he wondered just how much of it was true. Starting at the sound of loki’s name, frowning slightly but not asking, at least not yet. “...We’ll make sure he’s okay Gwen.”Clint said looking at the boys thoughtfully, wondering why sam had reacted to the name, but not questioning it yet. “I’m okay...”Gwen stuttered a little looking a little shocky as she leaned into the touch, nearly nuzzling against the warmth. “You’re okay. They were trying to help you actually.”Clint muttered moving to get the blankets, returning soon enough with a avengers and star wars blankets. Settling them around Gwen with a small smile. “really?”Sam looked startled looking up at bruce. Biting his lip a little. “then what...” “Not now. We’re leaving.”Clint said knowing there were things they all needed to discuss. But right now, Gwen needed to be home, and be looked after. “Kay....calm...”Gwen muttered resting her head against his chest, slowly starting to calm. “...I’m sure Jarvis will be very cooperating in keeping them.”Clint said with a evil little smirk that said he was totally going to tell jarvis, because jarvis would keep it from tony until gwen told him. Clint wasn’t above making sure the two were suffering for scaring gwen that badly. “I will definitely not hesitate.”He agreed smirking as he left with the two. “...I didn’t remember I had it... They startled me...”Gwen muttered blushing a little as she snuggled into bruce letting them get her home. Stirring a little. “Books. We need our books. Tony will know things are bad, if we forget the books.’Gwen muttered.
"newspapers are for old people and you get annoyed when i watch the news." he grumbled, scowling at Sam. "if your so smart why didn't you research who the girl was before we tried to drive the demon out of her?!" he complained, Bruce snickering. "so... he made some of our weapons..." "i made most of them." Bruce admitted. "those silver flecked scatter shots that just hit the market? those are mine." Bruce admitted, looking fairly smug and Dean shook his head because that was just too much to believe! this was a tick, a trap! it had to be!.... god, he hadn't been caught by a Djinn again had he? a Trickster maybe?! maybe he was in a Coma! that was it, he was in a Coma! "your not okay, just rest Gwen." Bruce ordered, smiling at Clint and wrapped her up in blankets. "it's fine. i'll tell Tony i talked you into a vender dog and it made you sick. he won't question it." Bruce promised her even as Phil snapped his fingers and handed the lists to a grunt who grimaced at doing 'baby agent' jobs but did as ordered. well that's okay then. just try to remember it's there next time okay? or send an illusion to get Bruce's attention." "there won't be a next time, but lets set something up... how about a bee, or a spider? send that and i'll know that your in trouble. or whoever else is with you will know." he decided. "do you think you can remember that?" Bruce asked her with a smile. "we can say i thought about it because we ran into Loki again."
“Because I thought she was controlling him. That the demon was using him for something.”Sam frowned looking annoyed at dean’s complaining. Sighing softly. Feeling stupid, but knowing it was true. He should have checked better, but nothing had offered a insight that the two were together. “....Really?”sam said looking startled. “Those work amazingly.”He muttered feeling fairly lost and off balance himself. This was just so weird. “Kay.”Gwen muttered sighting softly as she snuggled into the blankets, blinking slowly. “...No. He wouldn’t question it. He eats to many weird things and gets sick to think I’d lie about it.”gwen muttered giggling a little as the grunt did their shopping, “I will...and I tired. Couldn’t make them back off, or couldn’t get a illusion....think I haven’t recovered from last night yet.”Gwen muttered sighing a little, before nodding. “But we’ll do that.”she agreed looking pleased when they got back to the tower. Smiling at the sight of tony playing on a tablet. “I thought you were supposed to be sleeping.”
Dean nodded because he knew that, he just didn't like being yelled at."The reason why you never found anything, is because both Tony and Gwen went o great lengths to ensure their privacy." Phil informed the two brothers. "they are only just now, slowly revealing their relationship to the public." "why now?" Dean wondered, Phil looking amused. "well. we'll just have to see if you can figure that out." Phil admitted, not about to ruin the surprise if Tony hadn't asked her yet. he had no idea that Tony, kind of, already had. he hadn't brought it up again because he was terrified she'd still tell him no, though he was starting to panic a bit because he couldn't find the ring he had dropped when they'd started fighting in the bookstore. "Steve might, but only long enough to make sure you where feeling better." Phil agreed, looking amused. "i forgot about that...." Bruce admitted with a grimace. "i didn't think how exhausted it might have left you, i'm sorry." he said, offering her a smile and carried her home.

"no. I'm supposed to be resting." Tony corrected. "i'm playing Candy Crush, very relaxing." he admitted with a grin because he hated Candy Crush with a passion. he was likely playing the Sims or something like that. he was weird, he liked playing the Sims and things like Animal Crossing and Farmville and Harvest Moon. "Hey. is it immoral to spend fifty dollars so i can buy a house in this game?" he wondered, his head tilted. "real life money i mean..."
“...Really?Huh.”Sam frowned as he considered why they would have gone to such lengths to stay out of the news. Wondering if it wasn’t just him who’d wanted privacy. Still not recognizing the novelist for who she was. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”Sam said wincing a little because this time, they’d totally messed things up. “Steve might, but he’s not about to tell tony anything. Especially cause you know clint’s gonna get steve and pepper in on torturing the poor guys.”now that she was calming down, she was sorta feeling bad for the winchester boys. Smiling a little. “it’s okay. I’m glad I could help, but it was still tiring.”

“Ah.And candy crush doesn’t make you relax.”Gwen frowned at him as she slid out of bruce’s arms, and crawled into bed with tony, rolling her eyes. Well aware he wasn’t playing candy crush. Resting her head on his shoulder she paused. “What....why would you think it’s immoral?”She teased before rolling her eyes. “Buy the house if you want.”She said cuddling close, needing to be close, even if she didn’t want to talk about what had happened at the bookstore.
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