Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"Your alright Gwen." he promised her. "Your alright. i'm on m way. i'll probobly even get there before Clint and Pepper." he admitted. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Steve Raged when he saw the EMT's and the Police acting like animals and loading Tony into the ambulance and Gwen handcuffed and Steve flashed his Shield Badge. "Why, is one of MY Agents handcuffed!?" Steve snarled, instantly in the police officers face. "Why the Fuck is the Victim in cuffs while the man who shot an innocent man is being loaded into an ambulance right next to the man he shot!? what the FUCK is wrong with you people! You unload Mr. Stark THIS INSTANT! the Hospital has neither the resources nor the ability to protect Mr. Stark! or did you forget there is an entire terrorist cell trying to kill him!?" he demanded of both police and EMT's. "Remove those handcuffs or i'll be arresting YOU Officer!" Steve snarled. "And you! Tony out of the Ambulance, NOW!" Phil lifted an eyebrow at the sight of Steve in a rage and shook his head at the idiocy of people, moving over to Gwen. "are you alright?" he asked her, ignoring the chaos around him before glaring at the police officer who had dared handcuff her. "are you aware of the new discrimination laws Officer or did you arrest this young woman for a reason other than your own jumpiness and bigotry!? and you had best answer honestly because i'm more inclined to take her word more than yours! not to mention the word of the cameras in this building."
Gwen yelped a little startled as steve raged, eyes widening as she watched the cops and EMT’s sputtering and trying to explain. Slumping into her bonds, amused as she glanced at the officers following instructions. “You are very demanding like this.”Clint said looking amused as he and natasha walked in, the two settling in to cleaning up the mess and make sure tony would be moved back to the tower. “I am, sir. And she was causing a problem. We couldn’t see either of them, arresting her allowed us to see and help them both. She was to scared to calm down and let us help.”The officer said, swallowing thickly. "phil...."Gwen muttered looking relieved to see the other.
"So. instead of trying to calm down a clearly distraught woman who just saw her fiance get shot saving her you handcuffed her. is that your answer to a 'normal' woman screaming in your faces to 'save my husband' as i saw just last week!?" he demanded. "Highway fifteen i think it was, wasn't it officer!? you didn't handcuff her now did you!? not to mention you ignored her instructions to not take him to the hospital and that his primary doctor was en route. what's your excuse for that!?Not to mention your excuse for the asshole who did the shooting laying in a stretcher, unrestrained when he's clearly a lot more dangerous than a woman who makes pretty patterns in the air! he's STILL not handcuffed or restrained i notice! "you sicken me." Phil informed the man with a sneer before leading Gwen away. "you alright Gwen?" he asked her, worried,looking up at Clint and Natasha and offered them a smile. "let's get him comfortable. you! the bleeding is stopped?" "Yes sir! Mr. Stark is exceptionally lucky. the bullet missed the artery and while it's a bit of a mess, the damage is mostly superficial. he wont be using that arm for a few months and he'll need some therapy once it's healed but he shouldn't suffer any permanent effects." the youngest EMT, the one who had tried to intervene on Gwen's part reported. this young trainee had gone against three of his superiors and two police officers and tried to help Gwen and Tony. Phil was going to have a nice shiny recommendation for this young fellow.
The officer stuttered a little, undoing the handcuffs, looking angry and annoyed even though he didn’t protest Phil’s words. “Someone needs to get him off the force.”Gwen muttered trembling a little, looking up at phil. “Don’t worry. We’ll deal with it.”Clint promised looking annoyed even as he stood guard over tony, smiling slightly as he moved the stretcher away from the ambulance. “I’m okay. He shoved me, think I bruised my hip where I hit the table, but I’m okay.”Gwen muttered, sounding shocky. “He was very helpful. He tried to help me...but no one listened to us.”gwen muttered smiling at the trainee, wanting him to feel better about not being able to do anything. “We’re going to need help getting them home. Would you care to be a escort there?”Natasha said eyeing the trainee.
Phil glared at him and glanced at Gwen and nodded. "Officer, as of now you are suspended from the force, without pay until your actions have been reviewed."Phil informed the man. "be lucky your not being outright fired and yes, i do have that kind of power so try not to push me." Phil ordered. using physical violence on a girl just because she was a mutant was not allowed. he never noticed a familiar face in the ogling crowd. the man named Loki watching just like everyone else, only he actually looked concerned for the people involved even if most of his attention was focused on Gwen. "I just did my best Miss..." the young man admitted softly. "My sister is, ah, special like you are." he admitted with a smile. "she's at a special school." he admitted before hesitating. "Ma'am. i'm just a trainee. i don't think i could be of any help." he admitted shyly, ashamed. "i only graduated three weeks ago and so far all i've done is clean bed pans and hold trays for the real doctors." he admitted. "this was my first day on the EMT shift." he admitted. "Didn't you say he had a doctor coming in?" "Yes... but he seams to be late. where the hell is Bruce?" Phil demanded of Steve who shook his head. "i don't know. i left before him, he was getting his med kit. hold on, i'll call him." he paused at his phone, hesitated and then handed it to Natasha. "Natasha will call him."
The officer sputtered a protest before stopping, not wanting to push it just yet. “I know....and well. The world could use more tolerate people.”Gwen muttered calming more at the talking, the shock starting to wear off, and the illusions stopping as she calmed. “You seem to be someone he tolerates, and since he doesn’t like most doctors, that’s something to pay attention to.”Gwen smiled a little before studying him.”You could always change bed pans and hold trays for Tony. God knows he wont be happy about not being able to do anything.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Yes....”Natasha frowned before snorting as she took Steve’s phone. “Yes, Natasha will call.”she said as she dialed, frowning a little as she looked over the crowd, shooting a look at phil when she saw Loki, tilting her head a little towards him. Curious at his presence even if he wasn't doing anything wrong
The trainee smiled at her. "i suppose your right. people are fearful things though and get them in a group and they get stupid." he admitted. yeah, Phil liked this kid. "You'll be okay now?" he asked Gwen, looking honestly concerned for her welfare. which was more than the other medics and officers where, they didn't even look concerned for Tony and he was the one who'd been shot. "Miss. he's unconscious." the trainee pointed out. "i don't think it's tolerance." he admitted with a chuckle. "well." he hesitated and looked at the EMT's who where scowling and muttering under their breath. "let me see if i still have a job after this." he decided. "if i don't, I'll come take care of him, okay?" he asked with a smile. "i'm Terry by the way. Theodore Thatcher. but just Terry please." he offered with a smile. Steve smiled sheepishly at her before pausing when he noticed Loki, recognizing him from the book signing. coincidence maybe? probobly. "Nat?" he asked, frowning when she dialed again. Bruce wasn't answering the phone, which was bad because he never went anywhere without it. maybe in his panic he'd just forgot to charge it?
“True.”Gwen smiled a little before nodding, relaxing a little. “I am.Really. My friends will make sure we get home.”She smiled a little before snorting. “True. But even asleep he’s been known to fight being helped. So this is a good thing.”Gwen smiled a little, before wincing, “Okay. I’m sorry. If you get in trouble, let us know. We’ll make things are straightened out.”Gwen said looking upset at the idea of getting him fired before smilign. “Terry it is then.”She smiled a little. “No. He’s not answering....”Natasha frowned looking at phil. “CAn you get one of the tech’s to trace it? We need to find him now.”
Terry offered her a smile, glad that she would be well taken care of. "even unconscious he puts up a fight?" he asked, looking baffled before laughing as Tony proved that by bitch slapping one of the other EMT's who where trying to clean the wound a bit. He went silent as soon as the EMT turned to glare at him and looked the paradigm of 'simple and happy'. it just made Phil snicker. "I'm not sorry at all. i can't work for a hospital that would encourage we ignore a patients rights the way we nearly just did and i sure as hell couldn't work for one that treats mutants different." he admitted before frowning, worried. Phil just nodded, popped ope his phone and started relaying orders to whoever was on the other side, reciting Bruce's cell number when the woman on the other side asked for it and ten minutes later he swallowed thickly. "Bruce's cell phone is in the hands of a homeless man. according to him he picked it up off the street. we have no reason to think he's lying so Bruce must have dropped it." Phil said, wondering if it as just negligence on Bruce's part or if Bruce was in deep shit.
“Yea, it’s weird, and he’s strange, but it works for him.”Gwen smiled a little wincing a little as she looked at tony, muttering quiet reassures softly to make sure that the other was calming, before frowning a little. “Oh.that’s true. Didn’t consider that. Yes...better not to work for them.”Gwen muttered frowning. “....We need to get to the tower. Now. His doctor’s not coming. Terry, will you come and cover for him until we know what’s going on?”Natasha asked, making the split second decision to trust him, knowing gwen felt comfortable with him, and tony didn’t fight him. Tony needed looked after, and bruce couldn’t do that just yet. “We need to get back to jarvis.”Pepper said already heading for the door, looking worried. Knowing they had to get to the computers so they could look and find the videos. Jarvis would know what to do next.
He nodded. "I've heard that Mr. Stark was pretty eccentric." Terry agreed. "looks like those are one of the few rumors that are actually right." Terry admitted, looking amused before nodding. "there are other places i could go for my graduation." he admitted. "i'm still in school you see, this is on the job training sort of." he admitted. "I... i'll do what i can." Terry promised, going pale but looking determined. he would do everything he could. He wasn't stupid and they had covered gunshot wounds in class so hopefully he would be okay. "uhm...Jarvis is on my phone isn't he?" Steve asked nervously. "Could we ask him through my phone?" Jarvis wouldn't be able to help much, because all he was able to see through the crappy city surveillance was Bruce being kidnapped by masked men. the only reason why Bruce didn't slaughter them was because Betty was tied up with duct tape over her mouth int he back of the van that they loaded Bruce into.
“He is.”Gwen smiled a little before tilting her head thinking about it. “You probably could get it at SI actually....if you need to. We’ll see.”Gwen said smiling a little. “You’ll do fine. He’s stable, and not bleeding anymore. He just needs looked after. Besides, teh rest of us have been shot before, we’ll be able to help if you really need it.”Clint said as he saw the look on terr’ys face, smiling slightly. “...Yes he is.”Pepper said frowning a little as tehy got jarvis on the case, paling even more at the news. “Damn....dammit. Okay....Ross. Ross would be the one to want to kidnap him. Where is he?”Pepper said looking at phil, knowing he probably was aware of where he was.
"Does S.I. deal with medical?" Terry asked, Phil nodding. "they do now. Bruce must have insisted." Phil admitted with a chuckle before patting Terry on the shoulder. "you'll do just fine." he promised. "okay. i can do this. it'll be good experience." he agreed, swallowing thickly before looking at the others, wondering what was going on. Phil shook his head. "i don't know where Ross is. hold on." he said, flicking open his phone and relaying orders even as they all headed for the Tower. they wouldn't find anything for over an hour, when all of a sudden some giant beast started terrorizing New York screaming for the hulk. Steve was soon suiting up to go fight the thing and was getting his ass kicked all over the place. at one point the entire Tower was rocked violently and Terry ended up kneeling on all fours over Tony, with dust and ceiling tiles laying on top of them, a heavy metal panel laying on top of them would likely have killed Tony if Terry hadn't been kneeling over him. as it was, now Terry was going to need Stitches too but he didn't care. Phil was in a panic because none of his men could take on that thing and Abomination was just about to start laying waste to Cap permanently when Hulk appeared. news reports saying that a green monster had burst out of a warehouse followed by dozens of Army men trying to restrain it and a lot of people where questioning why a General was harboring such dangerous monsters. and then they where wondering what the Green one was protecting Captain America and innocent civilians while laying waste on the Abomination.
“Yea.Tony wants to change things.”Gwen smiled a little looking worried as she watched the others heading for the tower. Following. Anxious. When the hulk appeared, she had followed Steve and the others, and while she couldn’t do alot, she was using what little she could do, creating multiple hulks to let Bruce have a chance to beat the living hell out of him, even as cap and her ran inference, the illusions allowing more people to get away from the abomination. “Bruce!It needs to end soon, if you can hear me!”Gwen yelled, feeling tired and exhausted, a trickle of blood coming out of her nose, she was tasking her reserves, it was starting to be more then she had, she needed it to be done now.
"Well he's doing a damn good job." Terry admitted with a smile. "people threw a fit, but truthfully he's done more for people in the last three months than some of our vaulted world peace leaders have in their entire life history." Terry admitted with a chuckle before heading out with Tony. coughing as dust settled around them nd checking to make sure Tony was fine, staying put in case anymore ceiling came down, not that he could move with half the ceiling on him anyway.

Hulk roared in agreement, snatching up the chain and wrapped it around the Abominations neck, pulling tighter and tighter until the bastard went still and Betty started screaming at him to stop. Hulk huffed, kicked the Abomination away and gently moved over to Betty and Gwen and carefully lifted them into his massive hands, holding them oh so very gently and headed for the Tower where they could be safe.
“He’ll be glad to hear that.”Gwen smiled a little, watching clint and terry settle in to look after tony. “Everyone okay?”Clint asked as he stood up, brushing the dust out of his hair as he looked over terry and tony. Wincing a little. “I’ll see about stitching that up if you want.”he said smiling slightly.

Gwen relaxed relieved, stumbling tiredly as she rested her head against hulk’s hand, napping some. “Set us down bruce. Right here, I don;t think you’re going to fit inside just yet.”Betty said patting his hand, looking up at her boyfriend, well the man she was hoping was still her boyfriend, even if they hadn’t talked in awhile. Worried about him, but bracing gwen against her side, she was more worried about theexhausted looking woman, worried that whatever mutation she had, was dragging her more then it normally would since she'd used it so much
"Yeah. we're okay." Terry said, coughing a little before smiling at Clint, his back was sliced open from right shoulder to left hip and his forehead was cut open as well, both bleeding sluggishly. "yeah I'm going to need some stitches. the one on my forehead is worse." he admitted with another cough. "the one on my back is deep but it's not too bad. it'll need butterflies but don't think it needs to be stitched, at least not all of it. Tony seams to be okay." he admitted, moving carefully so as to not aggravate his wounds.

Hulk grunted and smiled at her. "Hulk let Puny Banner out." Hulk informed them, gently setting them down before he began to rapidly shrink. soon Bruce was standing there, panting, holding up his pants with one hand and looking very sheepish. "can we go inside?" he asked hopefully. "i'm not wearing any underwear anymore." Bruce admitted sheepishly before looking worried at Gwen. "you're bleeding..." he said, worried. "Where's Tony?"
”Good. You’re looking worse for the wear.”Clitn sighed a little as he looked him over, “Okay. Get over here, slowly, and we’ll get you stitched up.”Clint said looking relieved because simple stitches he could do, he’d done it enough to himself. “That’s even better. And he’s still out, at least he wont be bitching about this now.”Clint said looking tony over, glad to see he was okay before getting the other to sit down so he could do the stitches.

“Thank you Hulk.”Betty smiled as she held gwen up, smirking a little at bruce. “We can, though I do enjoy this sight.”She teased as they headed inside. Helping gwen walk, before sighing. “She is. We both are, but we’re okay. They’re just small cuts.”Betty reassured him. “Upstairs. Clint and the EMT are looking after him.”Gwen muttered sleepily, smiling slightly
Terry smiled a little. "Yeah well. Tony seamed a bit more important." he admitted, slowly inching his way over to Clint. "wounds need to be cleaned first." he informed Clint, walking him through the process. Terry proved to be a tough bastard because he sat through the stitches without painkillers or Novocain and didn't make a sound.

"Hulk like Betty." Hulk declared happily. "Bruce like Betty too. Betty kiss Bruce." Hulk ordered, gently nudging her playfully before shrinking, Bruce chuckling at her. "i know you do you pervert." he complained with a smile. "I missed you Betty." he admitted softly. "i'm so sorry your father kidnapped you." he admitted, limping his way inside because he wasn't a young man anymore. "EMT? has he been cleared?" Bruce wondered. "Yes Sir." Jarvis assured him. "Numerous background checks have all been clean. he has only one parking ticket." "...a parking ticket, seriously?" Bruce asked, looking amused, shaking his head. "well. let's go inside then."
‘He is a bit more important, if only cause I’m sure he’ll complain more then you would about being hurt again.”Clint snorted a little as he followed the other’s directions.

“I like you to.”Betty smiled patting hulk’s hand, before snorting. “And yes, I plan on kissing bruce.”She said laughing as she was nudged, smirking at her boyfriend. “I’m not the pervert. You are the pervert.”She teased before growing serious, sighing softly. “Yea, I am to.”betty said as they headed inside. “Yea, he’s a good guy. Tried to keep me from being arrested. And tony likes him.”Gwen muttered looking worried as they made their way into the med lab. “Everyone okay?”She asked worried. “Yea, tony’s okay. Terry’s a little cut up, but he’ll be okay.”Clint smiled a little.
Terry snorted a little. "to be completely honest with you, i think i might be in shock." Terry admitted simply. "You and me both kid." Tony grunted from the bed. "what the hell happened?"

"You are totally the pervert. your the one who likes orgies." said completely asexual Bruce who found watching rather fascinating, even if not all that arousing. he couldn't have sex himself so he let Betty have all the sex she wanted with other people. he was happy getting to have all the snuggles for himself. "and... uhm. you know. so you don't.... General Ross died..." Bruce whispered softly. "Abomination... he... i'm so sorry." because he knew she still loved him. who didn't love their father? he hadn't always been 'evil' after all and she had been well loved by him until the accident with Bruce. "Tony doesn't like too many people." Bruce admitted, sounding interested. "I'm fine too but i need about fifteen hundred calories." Bruce admitted, his stomach gurgling.
“You sound in shock. Lay down. You’ll be okay.”Clint said smiling a little, before snorting at Tony’s words. “You had the most awesomely epic date in the world. You got shot. Steve and Gwen went to rescue Bruce when he got kidnapped by Ross, and should be back any time now.”Clint said smiling at tony. “How are you feeling?”

“Well, you like watching.”Betty teased smiling a little as she winced. “I....I know. I....”She trailed off, shakign her head. “I’m still in shock about that. I don’t want to think about it.”she muttered smiling a little. “No, he really doesn’t.”Gwen agreed smiling a little, “well. Let’s put her in the lab with tony, and I’ll make you some food. Gwen’s looking ready to fall over.”Betty said smiling a little as they stepped into the med lab, looking the scene over. “Everyone okay in here?”She asked, well aware pepper was probably looking after steve.
"yeah. i think i'm in shock." Terry agreed, laying down as ordered. "...oh yeah. he wanted my wallet but i left it at the tower because i was so excited. he was going to shoot Gwen!" he gasped, surging upwards and had to be restrained by Terry. "where's Gwen!? is she hurt!? is she okay!?" "Relax, Sir. she's fine. she's on her way back to the tower with Dr. Banner and Ms. Ross." Jarvis reported, Terry jumping and looking around wildly for the voice. "Bruce was kidnapped!?" Tony demanded. "get out of the way you brat! i have to go make sure she and Bruce are okay!" "You need to lay still Mr. Strk or you'll hemorrhage!" Terry shot right back. "and then Gwen is going to be very upset with both of us!" that made Tony pause. surprising that a kid who didn't know Tony at all could so easily find his weaknesses, and yet hundreds of villains couldn't even figure out he was Iron Man.

"well. that's true." he agreed with a chuckle because he did like to watch. it was fascinating, seeing her in such pleasure. he grimaced a little because having to watch your own father die by having his spine ripped out was a hell of a thing. "thanks Betty." he said, so very glad that she was all his. he loved her so much, he just couldn't have sex. it wasn't that he didn't want to, he just... didn't want to. he'd never had a hard on in his life, and he had tried fondling himself and being fondled and it had just, never been interested. h had never been interested. even with as much as he loved Bett his traitor organ had never even twitched for her. "Tony's being poorly behaved." Terry reported, shaking his head, Tony glaring at him for being a tattle tale. "Jesus, are you alright kid?" Bruce asked, moving over to Terry and examining the stitches. "these are well done. Clint's work?"
“Good., stay put now. If you get a concussion or something cause you pass out, Natasha will totally yell at me.”Clint huffed a little before nodding, looking at tony, pressing him down onto the bed.”Hold still. And gwen’s fine. Stop tony!”Clint ordered looking annoyed and upset, before snickering at terry’s words. “He’s got your number tony. Expect the kid to use the blackmail at every turn to look after you.”Clint teased a little. “He’s being very, very poorly behaved.’Clint agreed smirking a little. “Tony. Behave.”Gwen muttered tiredly as she moved over to the bed looking him over. “Yea, I did those.”Clint said smiling pleased with bruce’s praise as betty slumped into a chair on her own, tired but willing to wait and let bruce look them all over to make sure they were okay.
Tony sneered at Clint. "i'm going to run into a wall now just so you get in trouble." he decided. "i won't hold still! get off me! i want to see Gwen!" he growled before glaring at Terry and Clint both. "fuck you assholes." "there's no need for that. Bribery will come into play as well." Terry admitted with a grin as he lid down in the nearest bed, Tony frowning as he realized the brat was hurt. well that sucked, now he felt bad for yelling at the little shit head. "Don't wanna behave." Tony grumbled, looking very relieved to see her, holding his arms out to her, wanting snuggles. "are you okay? you didn't get hurt?" he asked her, stroking her hair while Bruce fussed over them. "Hey Jay? order food would you? i think Betty's too tired to cook." Bruce admitted, holding his hand out to Betty and sweeping her into his arms once she took his hand and carried her over to his private rooms int he med lab for a well deserved nap, Terry already snoring on the med bed next to Tony and Tony going to sleep as well now that he knew that Gwen was fine.
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