Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"they are helping." Bruce agreed with a smile. "i think Hulk is really starting to understand things. he's not as mindless as i had thought he was." Bruce admitted happily. "i actually feel safe enough to leave the tower now." he admitted. "oh... oh that's... good?" nd a shame, some Cap on Bruce action would have been hot. "i thought that Banner had a girlfriend?" Phil asked, looking baffled before shaking his head. "never mind, i need to sleep. i'm tired." he admitted with a sigh. "whose bed am i sharing?" he asked with an impish grin.
“Good. We’re glad you do.”Pepper smiled at bruce, knowing tony would feel good about hearing about it. “Yea.”Natasha said looking amused at phil’s reaction, “And he did. Snuggling apparently makes up for alot of the girlfriend stuff. And mine. Come on, Agent.”Clitn teased as he herded phil towards bed.

“Tony?”Gwen muttered shifting a little as she felt tony stirring, whining a little at being woken up, or disturbed. She was a grouchy morning person, and feeling as bad and lost as she had the night before was leaving her even more out of sorts then she was usually first thing in the morning.
Bruce smiled a little and nodded and happily snuggled into Pepper on one side to Steve could snuggle on the other side. they'd end up with Bruce laying on top of them like he always did. he was like a damn cat.

Tony whimpered as he woke up, cringing at the sound of her voice, a dream reaction. "..Gwen?" he asked, blinking around him, trying to remember where he was. he nearly sagged as he realized that he was safe. "Jarvis? Coffee?" he asked hopefully knowing it would put Gwen in a bit of a better mood. "morning." he mumbled to her. "are you going to yell?" he asked, biting his lip, worried she was going to be really mad at him.
“hmmm, you’re okay Tony.”Gwen muttered soothingly, trying to calm him, shifting to press her face into his chest, snuggling closer. “ good.”He muttered starting to wake up some, before yawning, sighing softly she raised her head to look him. Worry and fear in her features, looking him over. “you’re really okay?I mean....not to hurt?”she asked swallowing hard. “I guess...I ican’t worry to much...”
he smiled and cuddled her. "no... not hurt... not physically..." he admitted softly, starting to get choked up. "he tried to kill me... Obi tried to kill me..." he whispered. sounding quite as traumatized as he looked and felt. "I thought he loved me... He was the only one who cared for so long and he never cared at all... i don't... i don't..." he pressed himself into her and started to sob. huge wracking things that said Tony was letting out more than his Obi betrayal but everything. he was finally letting it out. Steve and all of the people at the VA said that once they finally broke down, everything started feeling a lot better. it was just getting to that point. Tony had finally hit that point.
"I know."gwen muttered shifting to sit up, gently stroking his hair as she held him. Knowing there were no words to make him feel better."I know he did. But now you can be better then he though you'll be okay..."she muttered senseless sounds of comfort as she held him, simply being there for him.
it took him a while to calm down but eventually he pulled away from her so he could grab a Kleenex and blow his nose. "...sorry. that was... i feel better." Tony admitted softly, wiping his eyes and chuckling when Dum-E wheeled in with two cups of coffee. "thanks Dum-E. thanks Jay." Tony said, handing Gwen the less crumpled cup. "...that man, Agent Coulson. he's going to want me to keep my lips shut about the iron man thing isn't he?" he asked her. "do you think i should?" he asked her, honestly wanting her opinion because she was the one who would be affected the most really.
"Good. I'm glad. Steve though you would when you finally broke down...glad to see cap knows what he's talking about."she smiled a little before smiling at dum-e, "thanks."she said sounding amused as jarvis said a quiet yoyr welcome before frowning thinking about it."he probably will, yes....and...I think it's a good idea. At least for noe. I mean, when your not in the suit you can still be hurt, people are going to tryand hurt you when your not prepared I think, if they know who iron man is...."
he nodded. "i was trying hard not to.crying never solved anything before. just got me smacked around." he admitted before smiling at her. "i do feel better though... like a whole lot of stuff just spilled out of me... lie that time i got that infection and the doctors lanced it and all that gross stuff came out." yeah, he was disgusting. "yeah. i agree." he agreed with a smile. "i think it'll stay a secret for now, if only to protect you and Bruce." he admitted. "i'm not too worried about Steve but they could manage to kidnap him i suppose." he admitted before smiling a little. "i might admit that i'm developing the Iron Man tech though, this will allow us a few liberties." he admitted before glancing at her. "this way people will stop laughing about how i've stopped making weapons and will realize that i just don't trust our government with my weapons, not that it's hard to see why what with the Ten rings shithead STILL getting my weapons!" he grumbled, shaking his head, leaning against her. "so... uh... you know Obi was lying right? he... he told me all about how he's been telling you... stuff..." he admitted. "i love you. i don't want you to go away, i am not ashamed of you and... and your my whole life... so... so can we still be a couple? because i think we make a great couple and we should keep being one..."
“I know. But we’re not howard, and I was worried about you.”gwen muttered stroking his hair, before nodding. “Yea. That’s disgusting, but same basic principle I suppose.”She said smiling a little before nodding. “Okay...and I wouldn’t worry about them kidnapping steve. Could you imagine trying to hold a super soldier captive?”She said looking amused before nodding. “True. At least admitting you’re making it would help some.”she agreed before watching the other, wincing a little. “shush, we’ll shut down ten rings. Well. You will. It’ll be taken care of now.”She said before flushing a little, ducking her head as she stared at the blanket, thinking about it, biting her lip. Wanting so badly to believe. “That’s what Steve said....I’d like to be a couple.”She said softly.
"i know. i'm sorry." he murmured, smiling at her. "yeah. pretty disgusting." he agreed happily, chucking a little because he loved grossing her out. "yeah, i guess. but, like i said i wasn't too worried about Steve." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah, it will make people hesitant to attack is if we're bumping elbows with a superhero." he agreed with a smile. "we need to... for Yinsen..." it had taken him almost two months but he'd finally told her who Yinen was one night after a nightmare, so she knew better than anyone how important that was to him. "..He usedto say things to me too." he admitted softly. "tht you where ashamed of me. that a good woman like you would never want someone as disgusting as me. that you where too good for me and that i was holding you back..." he looked at her. "he really knew how to hit us where it would hurt the most, didn't he?" he asked softly, gently taking her hand. " you think... we could try? going out on a date i mean...?"
“You are horrible, someday I’m going to punish you for grossing me out.”She grumbled before before nodding. “True. Hopefully between being close to iron man, and steve and bruce respectively, we’ll be okay.”She smiled at him before watching him, nodding slowly. “For yinsen. We’ll have a good life.”She muttered stroking his hair before wincing, flinching away at the idea. “I’m sorry...that...that wasn’t why I let it go secret for so long tony. I was scared, scared if we did go public, and things got bad, you’d leave me....or you were ashamed of me...”She sighed before nodding, “I want to go out on a date with you. We should.”
he grinned. "i'd enjoy it too much." he teased with a grin. "yeah, i'm hoping all that, plus our association with Shield will offer us a good layer of protection." he admitted before smiling s he kissed her forehead. "i know better now." he promised her. "i always thought you didn't want to go public because you didn't want my name associated with your writing." he admitted. "even you have to admit, if we go public, people are going to start treating your books like they are a part of me, even if i have nothing to do with it." he admitted with a sigh. "i didn't want to be the reason you failed, or succeeded." he admitted before smiling at her. "we could do something low key. i'll get my superhero secrete identity kit." he teased with a smile.
“probably.”Gwen rolled her eyes before nodding. “Hopefully.”she agreed shifting to snuggle against him, looking relieved to know he knew better, sighing quietly. “No...I mean. Even if I hadn’t been with you, it’s sorta in the name. Stark I mean.People were always going to be thinking of you to...but it’s going to be worse, or better, if they know we’re’ll be okay. I write for me. And you. And others. We’ll be okay.”She shrugged before nodding. “We should. You could totally do your clark kent moment.”She teased stirring a little. “What should we do?And when do you want to go?”
He smiled at her. "yeah well, i didn't think of that now did i?" he asked with a chuckle. "i trusted Obi so i believed him and didn't think about the signals you where giving me." he admitted, nuzzling her neck with a sigh. "i won't do it again." he promised her before smiling a little. "i like pretending to be Clark Kent." he admitted happily. "well. i was thinking dinner and a movie." he admitted with a smile. "there's all kinds of fun movies we could go ignore in the dark theater and we could go to your favorite restaurant." he offered. "or maybe go walk around lake somewhere. something calm and romantic and stuff."
"No you didn't,but I didn't listen to your signals either, so we both share blame for trusting obi."She sighed softly, shivering slightly as he nuzzled her, smiling quietly. "I'll trust you to. listen to."She muttered before snorting. "You make a good clark kent."She muttered before nodding. "Hmmm well, how about we go to the movies. we could totally make out like teens or something."She said giggling a little.
"yeah." he agreed, smiling at her. "i love you." he admitted, kissing her neck before pulling way with a sigh. he still had yet to have sex. they'd tried, but Tony had panicked and started begging 'them' not to hurt him anymore. which was explanation enough for why he wasn't 'in the mood'. he was getting better and they had started enjoying mutual oral but now was not the time for that really. "i do make a good Clark Kent." he agreed with a grin. "Yeah, making out is fun!" he agreed, blinking when his stomach growled. "food first?" he offered with a smile. "we could go out for brunch." he offered. "i bet Steve knows a place."
"You you to."she smiled shifting to snuggle closer even when he pulled away from her neck. Even if they weren't having sex, she liked simply snuggling and being close. "It is. Especially when it's in the movie threater and you feel about 16 while doing it, cause only 16 year Olds do that."she teased giggling a little before nodding."food first. And I'm not taking that bet, steve always knows a place to go."
Tony chuckled a little and snuggled her some more because he liked the snuggling too. "yeah. sixteen year olds and horny adults." he teased with a grin. "yeah, food first." he agreed happily before laughing because, well, it was true. Steve knew all the best places to eat. "i want coffee before we go out though." he admitted, sighing with regret as he slid away so he could get dressed before pausing to kiss her with a smile because god damn he loved her. he was a bit startled to see Phil there, talking to Bruce about Hulks progress. "So you can communicate with him?" Phil asked, sounding fascinated. "i can, yes. sort of. it's mostly images and colors but we can sort of have conversations. morning Tony."
"I'm going to classify you as a horny teenager, since you do like grossing me out."she teased before snorting."you always want voffee, not matter what we're doing."she teased whimpering softly as he kissed her, kkssing him back as she drew away eyes wide with lust as she considered him.grumbling as she got up and dressed herself, smirking a little at tony's surprise."hey, you blow up part of new york, you get agen Rd s having breakfast with you."gwen teased smiling."morning agent coulson, bruce."she said as she got h er and tony's coffee
He grinned at her a little. "i do like grossing you out. remember when i left worms in your shoes?" he asked with a grin. "i do always want Coffee. not that you can talk Coffee addict." he teased with a smirk. "i did blow up part of New York." Tony agreed, looking very pleased with himself, Phil groaning and shaking his head. "i should have known you'd be pleased with yourself." he huffed. "you wont be claiming yourself s Iron Man are you?" "no. i'll be labeling myself as his mechanic though." Tony admitted. "this will also be why S.I. was involved. we'll be telling the public that a thief broke into S.I to steal a prototype Iron Man Suit and Iron man stopped the attempt. no mention of Obediah Stane will be mentioned for another week, where it will be reported that he died of a medical something or other." "something sudden, right? how about an aneurysm? an aneurysm in the brain or heart would be sudden, instant deaths and wouldn't have been noticed the way a heart attack or stroke might have been." Bruce admitted. "perfect." Phil agreed, looking surprised by how well Tony had thought this out.
"That was gross. And you ruined a perfectly good pair of shoes!"gwen whined a little."I am not a addict. Stop being dramaric, you're the addicted one."gwen said making a face. "Don't look so pleased."gwen said still a little freaked out at the idea of him being in trouble but trying to stay calm. Frowning a little as she listened to them."he didn't want to make the rest of us a target, if he declares himself iron man, we'll all be in a bind."gwen sighed quietly. "Well thought out. Good boy."natasha teased patting tony playfully on the head as she walked in, she'd row quite attached to the man.
"they where ugly shoes and i bought you better ones before i did it." he pointed out with a grin. "even you hated those shoes." he admitted with a grin before smirking a little. "i am addicted." he admitted happily. "i'm not all that worse than you are though." he pointed out with a grin. "i am pleased. i get to rebuild S.I!" he admitted, making Bruce and Steve laugh. even Phil chuckled. "yes you would be. i think declaring yourself the manufacturer of the Iron Man suit is a very good idea." Phil admitted. "there are not a whole lot of people capable of that kind of technology so it wouldn't take people long to realize that you where Iron Man otherwise." Phil admitted. "i didn't think of that really." he admitted, frowning a little when Tony snapped at Natasha's fingers. he always tried to bite her when she messed with his hair. "My hair." Tony grumbled before beaming at them all. "i'm going on a date and need a good Brunch place!" "Maria's." Steve replied immediately. "it's a home owned, fresh cooked place. it's not well known and very comfortable and has the best food i've had in a long while." he admitted with a smile. "Thanks Steve!"
“No they weren’t, they were perfectly fine and new. Even if you bought better shoes.”She grumbled making a face at him, because she’d grown up poor, she couldn’t simply throw out something that had been perfectly good and not broken. “No, it just amuses me to tease you.”She teased kissing him lightly before rolling her eyes, amused he was so excited about rebuilding. “It would be a problem, especially since he is human, without the suit. Easier hurt.”Gwen made a face before snorting at natasha’s reaction as she jerked her hand back. “one day, he’s going to actually bite you.”Clint snickered a little before raising a eyebrow that they were going on a date. That was cute. “I told you he’d know a place. Thanks steve.”Gwen smiled
"They where ugly as sin, uncomfortable and the wrong size." he shot right back before snorting at her. "i know. it's horrible. picking on me all the time." he teased with a grin, planting a kiss on her nose. "this is very true." Tony agreed. "with them not knowing whose under the suit, it offers a level of protection. sure it could be me under there. but it could also be Steve, or Bruce, or Rhodey or anyone and people aren't going to want to take on someone stronger than them with or without the suit." he admitted before smirking at Natasha. "yes. one day i will be fast enough." Tony agreed, looking rather eager for that day. "until then, coffee!" Tony decided happily. "then shower, because i smell."
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