Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Gwen was crying by the time they finished yelling, not even noting the bookshop had closed to give them some privacy, or that pepper was already dealing with the crowd that had gathered. She looked broken hearted as she knelt down to pick up the ring, in her dress looking like a lost princess as she cradled the ring in her hand, looking so defeated and sad as she looked at the other two."...hes...I'm not ashamed of hkm. I'm just scared. I know they'll hurt him if he's with me...I know it. Someone will...and I'm just a writer. I'm not who he needs to be with. I know that's why he's been hiding this but I wanted to be selfish and keep him..."she said looking so confused. "Damn it all to hell."pepper snarled softly when she heard what steve said shaking her head as she tried calling tony to tell hkm.
"...and just who do you think is capable of hurting Tony? do you really think the opinions of fickle idiots would matter to Tony?" Steve asked. "The only person capable of hurting Tony are in this room and we just did the worst thing we could do." Steve admitted. "hiding what, Gwen?" Bruce asked, frowning, Steve making a sharp gasp. "has Obidiah said something to you Gwen?" he demanded. "Obidiah told you something, what was it? it was a lie, Gwen. Obidiah want's Ton distracted so he won't keep looking into the Ten Rings and whose supplying them. you understand that don't you? you and Tony just did exactly what Obidiah wanted." as Pepper called Tony's phone, the phone started ringing on the table where Tony had abandoned it. they wouldn't be getting hold of Tony that way.
“I don’t know!Everyone.”Gwen said looking upset and worried, before shaking her head. “Oh....but...I;m scared for him.”Gwen said looking geniunely upset and scared, before looking at steve. Steve would know what to do. Swallowing hard, ducking her head. “Hiding us. Keeping this a secret. I mean, I get it. I just didn’t think he’d make a joke of me wanting more...”she said sounding so sad, before looking at steve, looking startled. “Oh...I....dammit.” “Tony’s not answering. We better get to the tower. Steve, if you run from here, you can beat us back even if we drive.”Pepper said, wanting to get someone to tony right away, fear gnawing at her stomach, and knowing the super soldier would beat world records if he was really worried in running back to tony.
"No one can hurt Tony. sure they could attack him physically but why would they bother with that unless they already wanted him dead and even if they attacked him they wouldn't get far and they would also be arrested and such." he admitted. "if they can even get to him at all." Steve admitted. "and he doesn't give a shit wht people think of him, you know he doesn't or he wouldn't go through all the effort of inviting women back to the tower and getting such a nasty reputation." He pointed out with a smile. Bruce was always happy to snuggle the women who came in, they thought he was adorable. "...oh god. Gwen, the only reason why Tony was keeping it a secret was because he thought that's what you wanted." Bruce said. "he's mentioned it before, whether or not you'd give up your reputation to be with him. he has a very low s elf esteem. you know that." he pointed out. "he wasn't joking." Steve promised her before looking up at Pepper and nodding and was out the door and racing through the streets to get to the tower. if he was lucky he could get there before Tony. nope. Pepper got a call ten minutes later saying he couldn't get inside the Tower and to head to S.I. and talk to Phil Coulson who had been pestering people to talk to Tony again. Steve would break into the Tower and see about talking sense into Tony. he was very surprised to find him laying on the ground with Rhodey helping him sit up. "Fuck! Tony what happened?" "Obi... took my Reactor... cardiac arrest... building suits. S.I..." "oh fuck. i just sent Pepper there to get what she could out of the files and talk to Agent Coulson..." "we have to go. Rhodey! keep the skies clear!" Tony ordered, racing for his suit, Steve wincing. "sorry man. i have to go help Pepper."
Gwen looked at steve with wide eyes, looking so lost and confused, ducking her head a little before shaking her head. “No. I thought he wanted to.”She muttered nodding a little. “I know he does...” “It’s okay. We’ll help you get through to him.”Pepper said smiling slightly, looking worried. Pale as she sent bruce and gwen back to the tower, before heading for SI to see to Agent coulson, at least they now had something to tell him. “

“Go. I’ll tell the others when they get here.”Rhodey said sending steve after pepper and tony, knowing teh super soldier would be able to look after them as he set out to keep gwen calm when they arrived. Knowing that he could at least lock down this part for tony, looking after his girl while he went to deal with obie.
he smiled at her, trying to be reassuring. "i think you and Tony have been played Gwen. you both need to sit down and talk things through, once Tony's over the betrayal he's going to feel over Obi." he admitted. "just try and calm down and put that intelligent brain to work and figure out for yourself what you know." he suggested. "Come on. let's get back to the Tower." Bruce suggested to Gwen. helping her to her feet and hustling her to the Tower where she would be safe, a little bothered by the face there was a Steve shaped hole in the doors and that Steve and Tony where both gone when they where there. "who the hell are you?" Bruce demanded. somehow, they had always managed to miss meeting Rhodey. weird. well they where meeting now and Gwen vouched for him so he supposed it was fine. Hulk didn't seam bothered the way he had been around Obi.

he stared at Rhodey pale and paused just long enough to wonder who the hell he was before deciding keeping up with Tony was a tad more important and snagged his shield on the way out. he kept it in Tony's lab because he was usually there when Tony found another Ten Rings infestation. he was to S.I. just in time to ru right into Pepper and Phil being attacked by a giant Robot with Stane inside. he managed to distract the bastard by flinging the shield at him, but his shield barely put a dent int he heavy robot's armor and Steve grimaced, grinning when Tony blasted through and effectively knocked Stane on his ass. Steve was not used to feeling helpless and he did not like it one bit. especially with Tony yelling at Pepper to 'push the button'.
“Yea...I guess.”gwen said swallowing thickly, looking shaken, before nodding. Trying to calm down as she relaxed a little. “Okay...yes. Let’s go home.”She said trying not to be totally freaked out and worried about whatever was going on, and where the other’s were. “That’s rhodey. Tony’s best friend. Now let’s all sit and try not to be to worried.”She hated this part, hated having to wait and see what would happen next.

“Tony!If you don’t make out of this, I’m gonna kill you.”Pepper yelled sounding decidedly unhappy even as she ducked and pressed the button, wincing at the sound of the exploding arc reactor and both obi and tony’s suits crashing into the metal. Ducking, raising her arms over her head to protect herself.
Bruce nodded and sat down, nearly cradling her because he was anxious and touching people helped. "Nice to meet you. i'm Bruce. Bruce Banner." he introduced himself to Rhodey. he cringed when Jarvis asked if they wanted the T.V. turned on to the news reports about Stark Industries. "absolutely not."

"i'll kill you too!" Steve warned. he was bleeding from the head because Obi had backhanded him into a wall. he lifted his shield, grabbed Pepper into his free rm and bolted out of the building, letting his bigger, tougher body take the damage from the shrapnel instead of Tony while Phil darted out of the building with Clint and Natasha hot on his heals. Phil looked very glad to see Pepper and Steve still there but looked very worried when he realized Ton had been in the middle of that explosion. they where quick to rush back inside to find Tony who was laying on the ground. "....well, that was fun..." Tony informed them. "...i can't get out of my suit, someone fetch the Jaws of life, a coffee, and some doughnuts. we're going to be here for a while."
Pepper winced looking up at Steve, eyes wide with worry even as she ran out of the building with steve, huddling under both the shield and against his body as they ran. Looking pale as she looked back at the building looking at the others. “Dammit.”natasha cursed quietly looking back into before running back in after him. “...You hurt in there?”natasha asked even as she watched Clint fetch the crow bar from the car and knowing phil would deal with anyone who showed up, staying with tony to keep both him and pepper calm as clint returned with the two crow bars. “Okay, let’s do this. Steve, you’re the only one strong enough to pry it off. If you put pressure at closing clasps, it should pop like a can of tuna.”Clint said handing the other the crowbar, while he hadn’t truly understood everything about the suit, he had studied how it came together just in case. Good thing he did. Setting about to bandaging the small cuts they all had.
Tony was silent for a moment and then. "i can't tell." he admitted. "every things kind of numb. i think i might be in shock." he admitted. wasn't hard to guess why, Tony had just killed the closest thing to a father figure he'd ever had because said Father Figure had tried to kill him multiple times. "You gt it." Steve agreed, setting in to extract Tony who was lust laying there, still and silent and making Steve very worried. he wrenched the suit open and carefully checked Tony over. "no visible injuries." he informed them, Phil moving in and checking Tony's vitals. "i don't think there are any internal but he should go to a hospital..." "no! no Hospitals! Bruce is Doctor. i want a Bruce Doctor." Tony ordered, Phil snorting a little and looked at Steve who nodded. "Bruce Doctor." he agreed. "we really need to have that debriefing Mr. Stark." Phil said, smiling a little. "get well soon. Agents, your with me. we need to contain this and we need to do it now." Phil ordered, sweeping away and making a call and before Steve even had Tony out the door the place was swarming with Agents. a few of them glared at Steve, well a lot of them glared at Steve who walked through with Tony in his arms without any problem. "come on Pep. let's get him home."
“Dammit tony, I can’t wait till you tell this to gwen. You’re going to get the scolding of a lifetime. It’ll be beautiful.”Pepper said kneeling down next to him to talk to him as steve worked on the suit, simply hoping to distract him even as they looked tony over. “Good. And- Bruce doctor?Really?Is that his new name?”Pepper said looking amused. “Got it. We’ll get the suit back to the tower.”Clint promised even as Natasha headed out to corral and deal with things, starting to gather the pieces of the suit as the others left. “Let’s.”Pepper agreed as they made their way to the tower. “Tony!”Gwen rushed towards them, anxious and worried as they got to the medlab, having come down the minute jarvis said they were on their way back and tony needed medical attention.
he snorted. "Gwens at home, hating me." he informed Pepper. "Obi got what he wanted, she left. she doesn't want me anymore." Tony whispered, sounding so very broken. Steve just sighed and stroked Tony's hair, shaking his head. "come on Tony. you know that's not true." he said, stroking the man's hair. "Nah, he's Mean Green Dream Team." Tony admitted with a grin, Phil snorting and turning his head to hide his amusement. "okay. but don't scratch the paint and no joy rides!" Tony ordered Clint before tucking himself into Steve's arms because Bruce had a tendency to make people more affectionate. all that snuggling. "Gwen! your here!" Tony gasped, looking so very relieved. "i thought you where going to leave forever. please don't leave forever..." he pleaded, reaching out to her even as Steve settled him on the exam Table, Bruce coming in with his doctor things. he always complained that 'im not this kind of doctor' but he was a genius like Tony was and was quickly learning how to be that kind of Doctor. he had enough skills now to give Tony a clean bill of health except for the strained shoulder.
“No she’s not. She’s upset and confused, and feeling upset because she believed what Obi told her. Which is very different from not wanting you anymore. You two need to talk, later.”Pepper promised before snorting a little. “Okay, he is a dream team. You are so weird, Tones.”Pepper snickered a little before loking amused as clint whined disappointed, even if he couldn’t fly the suit, he’d still wanted to try. “Yes I am. And you’re okay. You are okay right?”Gwen said looking him over upset even as she moved over to him, settlign on the edge of the bed, holding his hand as bruce looked him over. “Good. Now you need to rest.”She ordered quietly looking down at her boyfriend. Or at least, she hoped he was still her boyfriend.
he shook his head. "she doesn't want me anymore because i'm broken." he stated sadly. "and because i do dumb things like tell Pepper to push the button." he admitted. "he is a dream boat. sucks he's so asexual." he admitted. "i'm not weird!" Tony whined. "i'm fine i think... shocky." Tony admitted. "everything's going real slow, like molasses. i hate molasses..." he grumbled before blinking at her. "Pepper said we had to talk, i'm not tired." he admitted, clutching her hand. "you don't have to marry me if you don't want to but please don't break up with me!" he pleaded. "i'm sorry i pushed you and i shouldn't have but i love you and i can't do anything right without you so please don't leave." he pleaded before settling in and falling asleep because he was too exhausted to stay awake. finding out Obi was the reason he had been kidnapped, the reason why he had almost died so many times. the reason why assholes in the desert had his weapons. not to mention the massive battle, killing Obi, the emotional trauma of fighting with his lover, Tony was too tired to do anything but sleep, though he'd managed to force himself to stay awake to beg her to not leave him.
“She wants you, stop being a drama queen.”Pepper huffed a little before rolling her eyes. “That was a dumb thing to do, but she’ll understand it.”She said stroking his hair before snorting. “It really is.” “....I know you hate molasses. But take it easy, Tony.”Gwen said stroking his hair, sighing quietly as she comsidered him, “What?”She startled staring at him, not even able to get a word in edgewise to tell him different before he fell asleep. Sighing quietly as he settled in to rest with him till he was better and awake enough to tell him that she wanted to marry him.
he snorted a little and shook his head. "i am a drama queen." he grumbled. "she'll never forgive me." he huffed before smiling at Gwen, enjoying the touch before going to sleep, Steve chuckling as he carefully gathered Ton in his arms. "come on, he's too old to sleep on a table." he admitted. "you can snuggle him and get some rest yourself." he suggested to Gwen. "and then me, Bruce and Pepper can go snuggle on the couch until the spy masters come back." he suggested, smiling at Pepper. "you must be exhausted but your the only person who knows how to handle Tony's things."
“Yea....that would be a bad thing.”Gwen mutered tired herself as she stumbled after steve, looking amused. “It’s okay. I’m used to staying up all hours of the night, this will be okay.”She smiled watching gwen and tony settle into bed before heading back to the couch to snuggle while waiting. Looking up when the three agents came in, raising a eyebrow. “Well, he did help you guys, and he just returned from his own mission. Better to do his debrief when tony might be willing to be nice when he wakes up.”Natasha said logically knowing phil had mostly wanted to check in and make sure everyone was okay, rather then for the debriefing. “How’s tony?”clint said tilting his head.“He’s fine. A strained shoulder, but he’s doing well.”pepper said.
"okay, and you can sleep in tomorrow i'm sure." he agreed with a smile at her before watching them all settle in. "hell, i'm not debriefing anyone until i sleep." Phil said, looking tired. "i've been all over the world." he admitted. "General Ross has been a very, very naughty boy." he admitted before looking at Bruce, almost accusingly. "have you been sending your blood to people?" "only one or two. the rest is from Ross gathering and saving it anytime he manages to damage me. why? what's happened?" "they where experimenting with the blood." "i know. that's why i told you." he pointed out. "No... Bruce. they where experimenting with the Blood. "i know, tht's... oh... oh fuck." Bruce went very pale and swallowed thickly. "they managed it?" "no. thank god but the victims where.... just, don't share blood with anyone." "i don't. not willingly anyway. it aggravates Hulk. me and Tony hve been making a lot of progress with him by the way, i have more stuff for you." "thank you, i appreciate being kept in the loop." Phil admitted with a smile before looking worried. "how is he handling this emotionally?" "...his PTSD is going to really kick up again." Steve admitted. "this is a hell of a shock and shock makes it a lot worse."he admitted. "he's not going to want to go anywhere for a while and may try to push us away again." he warned Pepper and Rhodey. "we'll have to warn Gwen too but i'm not sure if he'll let her go." he admitted. "he's extremely dependent on her so it's hard to be sure..."
“Good.”Pepper said sounding pleased with the idea, before looking at phil. “Well, there’s plenty of rooms, so just sleep here.”She said fussing over him a little before looking at bruce, raising a eyebrow. “Doing what?”she asked looking worried and upset at the idea of what ross had done, swallowing thickly. “They have. For some reason, I think the hulk finds tony adorable.”Clint snickered a little. “Dammit....he was doing well.”Pepper sighed softly thinking about it before shaking her head. “No, I don’t think he’ll let her go. He might push the rest of us away, but once he realizes she was freaking out because of obi saying things, I doubt he’ll let her out of his sight, because he’ll want to protect her.”Natasha frowned slightly.
Phil smiled at her. "i would appreciate a lace to stay the night." he admitted. "You don't want to know." Bruce admitted softly. "People who end up with my blood in their systems don't... end well..." he admitted. "I think so too." Bruce admitted with a grin. "Hulk seams to trust the people here. and he doesn't like people lightly. this is the safest i've ever felt, regardless of actual safety." he admitted with a smile. "it's not something that can be cured." Steve said softly but sternly. "Tony will probobly always have PTSD. i will probobly always have it. it's just a matter of learning how to handle it." he admitted. "just like you don't just 'get over' depression or anxiety. you just cope with it." he admitted, smiling at her. "things will get better though." he promised before nodding because she knew Tony the best. if she said Tony would stick close to Gwen then he believed her. "as long as we can get Tony to understand we're not going to leave, he should recover quickly." he admitted with a smile. "being with people can really help."
“You’re welcome to any room then.”Pepper smiled. “....that’s disturbing really.”Pepper said as she considered what would be done to a person with bruce’s blood, shivering a little. “Well, you are very safe here. And you make tony happy, which is a hard thing to do some days.”Pepper said before wincing, looking up at steve. “I know it can’t. But he had settled, he’d been doing well....this is going to set him back...”Pepper said looking pained at the knowledge tony was going to be a mess. Yawning a little as she sighed. “We all better get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be busy.”She sighed as she staggered a little to her feet, utterly exhausted.
Phil nodded and flopped himself around Clint and Natasha with a grin. "i'll borrow one of their beds." he agreed before smiling at Bruce who grinned. "i am safe here, or as safe as anyone can be with Tony blowing things up in the same vicinity as you." he admitted with a chuckle. "sorry. i'm just used to people asking how to 'fix it'... it gets frustrating." Steve admitted because he'd taken to donating his time at the V.A. to help other sufferers of PTSD. "Its going to set him back, but we won't let it set him back for very long." Steve promised Pepper with a smile. "even if we have to use Gwen to make him perk up. she'd be more than happy to after all." Steve admitted with a smile before smiling at Pepper. "do you want me to read to you for a while tonight?" he asked her. sometimes she was just too tired and he didn't want to keep her up when she was too tired to enjoy the story anyway.
“Yes you will. You look exhausted.”Natasha muttered studying phil, before smiling slightly at bruce. “It is sort of disturbing how often tony blows things up isn’t it?Sorta like a test of patience and nerves.”clint snickered a little. “I know. It’s okay.”Pepper smiled a little patting steve’s shoulder before nodding. “We wont let it. Besides, he has a new book to read, if nothing else we’ll lock him in a room with gwen and have her read always a thief to him.”pepper snickered a little before shaking her head. “No, but you could still come snuggle with me. After a day like this, I could use some snuggles. You to bruce.”Pepper said yawning.
"I am exhausted." Phil admitted with a yawn. "i found a lot of very horrific things." he admitted. "uh, you do realize a good portion of the explosions are exactly that?" Bruce asked, lifting n eyebrow. "we've been testing to see i Hulk reacts to the sounds. sometimes Tony does surprise explosions to see what happens. Hulk perks up but he never forces the change unless there's pain with it." he admitted. "and eve then he usually only growls in my head a few times before realizing it was just Tony again and goes back to sleep." Bruce admitted with a shrug. "it's been going very well." "have you tried releasing him on purpose?" "not yet. Tony's still building a room where it would be safe. he's filling it with all kinds of old junk too. for Hulk to smash up and crush and stuff." Bruce admitted, sounding very touched before beaming at the invitation to come snuggle, Phil lifting an eyebrow. "...i'm going to need to be debriefed." he informed Natasha and Clint. his way of asking 'what the hell? Captain America in a threesome with Pepper and Bruce and Tony sleeping with his favorite author!?'
"....oh. you know, I'd thought the explosions had gotten more frequent. Makes sense. And good, it's good to know it's helping."pepper smiled a little. " that why he was muttering about junk shopping the other day?"natasha said looking amused and knowing tony was enjoying building the room to show he care. Snickering as the other three left before smirking at phil."no captain america is not in a threesome. He does have the hots for pepper though.bruce is asexual and just likes to cuddle, and yes, Gwendolyn stark is sleeping with tony stark, though I think their last names are just coincidence they're not married."
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