Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"Indeed he can. The helicarriers pilots are very jealous of the genius right now."clint said snickering a little. "Damn."gwen cursed quietly as she realized tony really had gotten himself in trouble, and worried that pepper hadn't come back yet. "Fine. We'll settle for that."natalia decided before smiling,"we'll settle for not being disliked." "Your welcome. I was bored and you were in trouble. It was the least I could do."clint smiled slightly at the memory of how freaked out the man had been with a arrow sticking out of his shoulder. It had been amusing."yes peace offerings, and no cells. We havestuff for you."clint said walking out into the hall and returning with both a duffel bag and steve's shield strapped to his arm."first up, the captains things."

"It could be a sex suit. Though that'll require gwen forgiving whatever this is, and shes not going to do that anytime soon if you're hurt under all that metal."pepper scowled a little watching as jarvis cut him out."so, do you want to talk to the shield agents of do I need to have bruce convince them to go away?"
"I'd imagine so, they'll get used to the feeling." Steve admitted with a smirk before glancing at Gwen and motioned with his head, asking her if she needed to go check on Tony? "bored. right." Steve scoffed. "as if i didn't know you where asked to keep me out of trouble. you're 'Coulson's Kids' right? the others talked about you sometimes while i was still there. best in the entire system or something like that." he shrugged. "Coulson was one of the few people who didn't try to control or force me to do things, he even helped and i'm pretty sure he's the one that asked you to keep an eye on me, right?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow at them before blinking at his shield, a strange look crossing his face as he carefully picked it up. "they told me it was lost..." Steve said. "The agents 'taking care of me'. they said the suit was destroyed and the Shield missing..." well, no wonder Phil had been so furious when he'd asked Natasha and Clint to tail and protect Steve and pull rank on any baby agents that might actually manage to catch Steve. Bruce had even come closer now, trusting the Agents a little bit more and curious about the shield he'd read so much about. "here. hold this." Steve ordered, handing the shield to Bruce who looked like Christmas had come early while Steve unzipped the duffel and saw everything he owned inside. his dogtags, Jame's dog tags, a small wallet with a very old, worn picture of the commandos and Peggy inside that had miraculously survived. the books Phil had given him and the few clothes he'd been given while at Shield and the brand new Captain America suit that Phil had designed, and then fixed because the last one had been way, way too tight. the Dog tags here the first he picked up, looping both sets around his neck and tucked them under his shirt so they would be safe.

"well. yeah that's true. and i'm not hurt, Jay wouldn't be so rough with me if i was hurt. he's punishing me for being reckless." he admitted. "i just have a bruise and i actually got that running into that god damn coffee table you insisted on." since he always ran into that thing, it was likely the truth. "Depends on who it is. Jay? whose here?" "They are the Captain's Shadows sir." "ah. yeah, they sound fun. sure i can meet with them."
“Most likely.”Clint agreed looking amused even as he watched gwen nod a little before heading for the door. Thoughtful as he watched her go. Curious at her presence before focusing on Steve. “Well, that’s true. After Coulson asked us to look after you, boredom was rare to come by.”He snickered a little before nodding. “Thought the baby agents were less likely to argue with us, then you.”He said before his eyes widened, so wide they looked ready to fall out even as natasha to looked shocked, well as shocked as she ever looked. “Well. That explains why he was in a mood when he told us to get over here.”Clint said sounding a little shocked, amused as he watched them. “Phil said that he thought the suit was well designed, but if you needed anything changed, let him know.”

“Oh good.”Pepper said relaxing, before snorting at his protests. “You always hit that thing. I keep telling you to look where you’re going.” “Tony....what in the world did you do?”Gwen said frowning as she walked in, looking around at the lab, looking worried.
He nodded a little. "well, at least i was entertaining." Steve agreed with a snort. "as if those idiots could catch me anyway, i can see why people where concerned though, Shield agents are supposed to be hot shit right?" Steve asked, looking amused. "who was in a mood?" Steve asked, examining the new suit, humming as he tugged on the thicker fabric which would better block attacks. "hmm. this looks decent." Steve admitted. "i'll have to try it on of course." he admitted. "Agent Coulson designed it himself?" yes he had. he had breathed down R&D's necks making sure they didn't 'take liberties' this time. "tell him thanks for me. the last suit was just awful." he admitted. at least i won't be giving anyone a show with this one and it looks like it's actually going to provide some cover."

"I never wanted that damn thing in here anyway! just take it out! and take your crappy painting with you too. why on earth do i want a black line taking up precious space in my lab?" he asked her before blinking at Gwen. "....working on my sex suit?" he could lie to Pepper, but his lies to Gwen never came out right so she always knew when he was lying. "i didn't mean to break the Jet!" he whined, pouting at her, yelping when the suit popped open like a tin can and dumped him on the floor. "My apologies Sir." "i'm donating you to a community collage Jay." "i'll update my resume Sir." "Smart ass."
“You were very entertaining. And they are. We’re calling it a training excerise, sending them after you. It’ll do them well.”Clint snickered. “Agent Coulson. He was furious when he asked us to start keeping a eye on you, and that we could bully and pull rank on the baby agents if needed.”Natalia frowned slightly watching him examine the suit before nodding. “He did. Breathed down R&D’s neck the whole time. It was quite amusing watching him settling in on a stool to watch the whole time.”Clint smirked a little before nodding. “It should offer some protection.”

“No, it’s for gwen more then you. It’s staying. And you can take the painting out if you want.”Pepper sighed a little. “...It’s not a sex suit.”Gwen said shaking her head, looking upset and worried, staring down at him as he was dumped on the floor. “I’m sure you didn’t try to break it on purpose. Though what you were doing out there on your own is a whole other story. What were you thinking Tony?!”
Steve smirked. "i thought so. they where astonishingly stupid most of them." he admitted. "Ah, never met him myself but i have a feeling we'll get along very well." Steve admitted with a smile before chuckling a little at the idea of a man who was, quite frankly, tiny, intimidating an entire room of people. he could be forgiven for thinking such things since he'd never met Phil.

"Dammit. i don't want it." but since it was for Gwen it was very obviously staying. "the painting is stupid." he grumbled. "it's totally a sex suit?" he muttered, pouting at her. "it could be a sex suit..." he sighed an shook his head. "They had my weapons Gwen. dozens of them and they where using them to torment, torture and enslave innocent people. children even." he explained. "i had to stop them, it was my fault, my responsibility. those monsters have my weapons and they are killing innocent and helpless people with them."
“They were.”Natalia agreed looking amused before nodding. “You probably would.”She said before raising a eyebrow when pepper came back into the room without tony or gwen. “...Tony’s indisposed at the moment. You can come back later, or stay for lunch if you like. Or if the boys care if you stay.”Pepper said glancing at steve and bruce.

“It is not a sex suit. Unless you’ve been doing violent things.”Gwen said eyeing the suit before huffing. “Only you would include tech in sex.”She said not noticing when pepper left them alone to talk, growling a little. “I don’t care tony!You barely got out of there alive. Did it ever occur to you to ask for help?Or I don’t know, even ask people to ask as backup? Oh no. You just went off half cocked like you normally do, show boating off and galavanting in, showing your the baddest. The meanest bastard on the block.”She yelled at him, voice raising, though there was anger there, it was hiding a avalanche of fear.
"Steve sighed a little at the sight of Pepper. "...Tony really did it, didn't he?" he asked her. "dammit... well i can understand, if i had the chance and the history with those bastards i'd have done the same thing." Steve admitted. "they can stay. for now." Steve decided, giving them both a very stern look."but no wandering around and i'll fucking break you if i catch you trying to plant listening or watching devices." he warned, ignoring the way Bruce was gaping at him, maybe Pepper too, certainly the assassin twins where shocked but he wasn't looking at them either. who would ever assume Captain America could threaten to break people, let alone use such a fulthy word?

"i like Tech in my sex." he protested before he sighed, looking down at his hands while she yelled and really, that was the worst because before Tony had always yelled back. "i made those weapons." he said once she was done."they where mine, i made them and i didn't watch them close enough and now my evil is spreading across the world hurting people. why would someone help me fix my mistakes Gwen? those are my mistakes killing kids and killing good men like Yinsen. those are my bloody hands spreading war across the world and darkness slaughter." he said, staring at her, his eyes far away. "it's my evil, and i can't ask someone else to help when it's my own damn fault. i can't... i have to stop them, but i can't stand the idea of getting other people i care about dead because of what i've done."
“He really did.....and gwen is not happy about it. I don’t think they’ll be up for awhile.”Pepper said frowning a little. Well aware that even if she was usually nice and happy, gwen had a temper, especially if she was upset and worried about tony, so this was goign to either be a fight that he convinced her it was okay, or going to break them some. “....Okay. No wandering.”Clint agreed staring at the captain, nodding slowly. Yea, he had a feeling steve wouldn’t hesitate to break them if needed.

“I know. It’s sorta cute that you do.”Gwen muttered wincing a little when he did’t yell back, staring at him. “Tony, come on. You’re’s your weapons. But they’re not your fault that others got them. You should still ask for help. What if you’d been hurt there, unable to get home?Do you think they would have hesitated to hurt you again? To keep you from coming home? There are people who know what they’re doing tony! The agents here, they’d probably help. There are some good people left, if you still want to go off and play hero, go ahead, but at least take someone with you. Otherwise you’re going to get yourself or someone else killed acting like your invincible.”
"Dammit..." Steve grumbled before smiling at her. "i'm sure it will be fine Pepper. they're both stubborn but not so stubborn they'd hurt each other." he promised her. "here. we'll make them some lunch how's that sound?" he asked, smiling at her. "what's Tony and Gwen's favorites?" he asked. Tony typically loved Grilled cheese unless he was upset enough that he didn't want to eat or was stuck in a childhood memory in which case he'd want mac and cheese. "right, no wandering." he agreed before smiling at Bruce. "what do you want for lunch?" "i'm fine with anything." "....seriously." "no. i am serious. i just spent the last two weeks digging through trash can's. i'm fine with anything." Steve knew the feeling so he just nodded and set about with Pepper making a pile of everything he knew how to make. mostly eggs. once he figured out how to us the Stove it was a simple matter, he had a few issues with the heat control but once he got those settled he was fine. it was ridiculous that most of the agents thought Steve simple and stupid. sure he was simple, but that didn't mean he was stupid.

"it is my fault Gwen!" he snapped before flinching when he realized he'd yelled at her. "i made those weapons Gwen. they are my fault and now someone in my company has been selling them to terrorists. it's the only explanation for how they could have gotten so many so fast." he admitted. "i have lost control of my company, i have lost control of my weapons and i have lost control of myself..." he shook his head. "how can i ask someone else to fix my fuck ups?" he asked her. "no ones ever helped me before. who could i ask? Rhodey won't. Happy can't, Steve's sick and asking Bruce would be so cruel. i can't trust the government because they're still trying to trick me into making weapons and Shield? shield spends their days stalking a ninety year old man they have no right to try and control. who else is there to help me? you and Pepper are so fragile and too important to risk and that is literally everyone capable of helping me." which proved he had thought about it before leaving or he would have sputtered and protested instead of laying out actual logical reasoning. "and... the village... Yinsen lived there." he admitted. "i'm not invincible. i know that, but no one else can do this Gwen. the soldiers can't, the government won't, who else is there? superman? mutants?" the mutants had enough troubles he knew. there was literally no one else.
"True. They'll be fine."pepper said frowning a little before smiling slightly."mac and cheese, andscrambled eggs. Simple and easy."Tony smiled slightly. "Need help?"clint asked grinning a little as they settled in to help making lunch and trying to not worry about what was happening downstairs.

Gwen winced a little sighing quietly as she looked up at him."it is, and you'll find out who it is tony. Pepper'll help to."she said studying him. Moving over to him, studying his face. Swallowing thickly, well aware that she'd distracted him enough that he probably wasn't getting as much done as he should.... probably messed up his company."getting help is a good thing. Especially in something like this tones. Do you really think Cap wouldn't help you?"she said sighing softly. Looking amazed that hed thought it through so much, frowning."you're fragile and important to tony."she muttered. "Tony...if you want to.... you should but ask steve. Steve would help..."
"i can make those." he agreed with a grin, happily settling in to take care of the people he liked. he loved taking care of people really. "sure, if you want." he agreed with Clint, motioning for Bruce to watch Nat. no one would be slipping away. Bruce nodded and slid into the seat next to Nat to wait for food. "so. tell me." Bruce said, studying Natasha. "why does Shield want me so bad they'd engage in a three way war-zone?" he asked wondering if she'd even know.

"Obi doesn't believe me." he admitted. "he says i'm being paranoid, that it's because i spent the last three months in a hole being hurt..." he admitted. "Pepper can help though." he agreed. "Pepper is amazing. she can fix anything." he admitted before shaking his head. "she already runs the damn company instead of me anyway." he admitted before sighing a little. "...i don't know. i don't see why he would. i'm such a fuck up." he muttered before smiling at her. "i'm not fragile anymore. i've already been broken. shattered to pieces in the dark dank caves." he admitted before nodding. "if it makes you feel better, i'll ask Steve for help."
Natasha looked up at him as she sat down, watching the others for a moment before looking at him. “Two words. Tony Stark.”She said shrugging a little. “Apparently the powers that be thought to kill two birds with one stone. You staying with Stark means that you might accidently kill him at some point-” “What?!” “That wasn’t our plan. Only the world council’s. Fury, and Coulson, have agreed that while there was a small chance of life threatening injury, it would be better to have you here, if you chose to, because Stark is well.... Stark. If anyone could figure out if he went off the deep end, you would before anyone else.”Natasha said frowning a little. “Yea, the world council isn’t exactly thrilled that they were overruled on arresting him for this latest stunt, but for the moment, he’s only being asked about it, not detained. Which is why we’re here. Try to keep anything from escalating.”Clint said sighing a little.

“Well, you are paranoid, you’ve always been, but if there’s something, we’ll figure it out, tones.”Gwen said biing her lip before nodding. “Pepper is amazing.”she agreed, still feeling raw and hurting as she considered if she was distracting him just to much. “You’re not a fuck up. And it would make me feel better if you will. And maybe his shadows. They seem to know what they’re doing. And since you haven’t been arrested yet, apparently they’re willing to play nice.”
"I'm sorry?" Bruce asked, baffled. "so, your saying that they attacked me in China along side Ross and another unknown faction because they wanted me to come here and kill Tony..." Bruce asked, staring at her as if she was insane. "Who is this world counsel?" Steve asked, scowling a little. "they're the pepe in charge." Bruce stated simply. "at least, they like to think so. they're the ones with their fingers over the nuclear war buttons and shaking their fingers at the world leaders but they don't actually do much." Bruce was astonishingly well informed considering half of the shield agents didn't even know who the world counsel was. "yeah, Tony's completely stark raving insane." Bruce admitted. "he even showed me the fancy letter from his psychologist saying so, he's very proud of it." Bruce admitted with a chuckle, pouring another cup of tea. "but he's stable, and your 'world counsel' and you're 'Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division has no legal rights to do anything to Tony at all." Bruce admitted. "just like they are way, way crossing the line sending troops to China to capture a single man whose not even American." Bruce admitted. "hunting me the way they are? all i have to d is make a complaint to my sister in law and she'll have the entirety of m homeland screaming at yours." he admitted.

"especially since they are hunting me because of a freak accident that, let's face it, was no accident." "...sorry?" Steve asked, staring at Bruce who snorted. "please. we all know that the particle accelerator would not, could not have exploded on it's own and the Gamma output was on when no one was using it." that was strange, according to every single report, Bruce had tried to kill himself using the gamma radiation thing they had been experimenting with. here Bruce was saying he had been playing with something else entirely and not suicidal at all. sounds like Ross was more than just trying to cover up and capture the Hulk. "ou think Ross was trying to kill you?" Steve asked, worried. "no, not Ross. he didn't like me because i was dating his little girl but since i wasn't defiling her he was fine with me." Bruce admitted. "it was someone else. someone who didn't like that i was smarter and younger than them. which was about thirty to forty other scientists all failing to work on the things i was working on." well, looks like it wasn't just a Tony thing, that ego was just a 'i'm smarter than everyone else' thing.

Tony smiled a little at her and nodded. "yeah. okay. we can figure it out, no problem." he agreed, snuggling into her with a sigh. "Honestly i should just make Pepper CEO. it would make all our lives so much easier. "he admitted with a smile at her. "what do you think?" he asked, his head tilted, deciding not to protest her protests about him not being a fuck up. it would just start another fight. "yeah. i'll ask Steve." he didn't trust the two agents enough to ask them but he figured telling her so would make her scowl and he didn't like it when she scowled. "they haven't arrested me because they can't. i haven't broken any laws you know." he admitted. "my lawyer said so."
“You should. And it might, though she might not be happy about it, but you could always ask.”Gwen agreed leaning into her before nodding. “Good.”She muttered before snorting. “Trashing a multi-million fighter jet might be against the law somewhere....but lets go check on everything. And then I want to get some writing done today.”She smiled heading for the door.

“Yes. Pretty much. There was longer, more complicated words in there when Coulson explained, but yes. Mostly.”Clint said shrugging a little before looking surprised that bruce knew who they were. “Which is why we came bearing gifts and bribes of peace offerings. Steve’s things, and a notice that every piece of information concerning one bruce banner has been trashed, along with a signed and sealed letter that has also been sent to the general to leave you alone.”Natasha said pushing the letter across the table towards him. Raising a eyebrow, surprise showing on her face as she considered the ‘accident’.

“well, that does explain some things really.”Clint said thoughtfully frowning a little, before sighing. Looking up when tony and gwen walked in, raising a eyebrw. “Hello.”
"i might have to. she runs the company better than i ever could anyway." he admitted before snorting. "they started it." he grumbled. "they where shooting at me! i was only defending myself and i didn't mean to. it shook me and i fell!" he complained, shaking his head before nodding. "yeah, i wonder if they'll have food? i'm starved." he admitted.

"well, they'll be very disappointed." Bruce admitted. "I don't transform into Hulk anymore, not unless i receive a blow that threatens my life." he admitted. "i've been doing a lo of exploring into both his, and my psyche." he admitted before lifting an eyebrow before sucking in a breath at the promise that everything anyone had ever known about him had been trashed. only hard copies remained and he owned all of those. he had a very fun habit of hacking into every government agency and printing out anything they had on him. he took the letter, his hands trembling as he opened the letter and read it, signed by Agent Coulson and it was as much a verbal smack down that Bruce had ever seen. Ross would be reeling for days after this. wouldn't stop him though. the man had used his own daughter as bait after all, something like this wasn't even going to make him falter. still, it was a nice sentiment. "mmm. Ross was more than aware of the sabotage but it was one of his pet scientists so he's trying to cover the entire thing up while, at the same time, trying to replicate the events so that he can make more monsters just like me and that 'Abomination'. what no one realizes is that he's succeeded. several times and even he doesn't realize it." Bruce admitted, folding the letter and tucking it into a pocket. "Macaroni! you love me!" Tony yelled happily, flinging himself onto pepper. "you made me Mac! that means you forgive me!" "is that what it means?" Steve asked, looking amused. "well... no. but i like to pretend it does."
“Well, that’s good at least. Coulson will be glad to hear it. Despite not understanding half of what you and tony talk about, he has a understanding of your work. And enjoys listening to lectures, weirdo.”Clint said huffing a little before smiling at bruce. “It’s a smackdown, but it wont stop him. Tony’s still going to have to get involved, we know. But for the moment, he’s being quiet and sulking about this, so it’ll be quiet for a bit.”natasha said knowing that he was thinking it before wincing. “I’ll let coulson know. We hadn’t considered ross doing it like that....coulson’s the one who gets put in charge of usually finding the odd things. He’ll apperciate the heads up before the problems start dropping on his desk.”clint said smiling slightly before looking at tony in amusement. “I do love you. And Steve made you mac, not me.”Pepper said smiling as he patted the other on the back. “we haven’t forgiven you, but we’ll feed you, and figure out how to deal with you putting yourself in danger.”Gwen said making a face as she started to eat, well aware tony wasn’t going to stop until he figured out what was going on in SI.
"Huh..." Bruce pondered something for a moment before deciding it couldn't hurt. he'd have to print it all out first but he supposed he could trust this Agent Coulson with his own research. he was sharing with Tony after all. He'd wait and get Tony's thoughts on it first. "has he been to one of my lectures?" Bruce wondered. Phil indeed had been, and to several of Tony's as well. he even took notes. he proffered Bruce's more calm and laid back lectures but he did like watching Tony pace back and forth, gesticulating wildly too. "Tony has plans apparently." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "something about going very public?" he mused. "hard to be sure." he admitted before nodding. "Tell Coulson to look into the giant insect problem that cropped up in Guatemala and the huge mutated rabies mange bear in Mexico and the man eating Snake in the Amazon. you know, the one that was almost as big around as Steve is? that's all i'm about to help on the matter." Bruce admitted before smiling at Tony. amused by him. "Steve! you love me!" Tony cried, switching his affections to Steve who chuckled and patted Tony on the head. "i do, sure." he agreed before sighing at Tony. "you could have been killed Tony. why didn't you ask me for help?" he asked the other. "i would have you know." "i didn't... i thought you'd just... do what everyone always does. tells me it's not my fault or not my fight or worse, just sits there and tells me it's what i deserve." he admitted, tucking his face into Steve's back, hiding. "it's not your fualt but i can see why you feel responsible." Steve admitted. "as for it not being your fight, those are your weapons. it's more your fight than anyone elses." he admitted to Tony. "i'll help you as much as i can Tony." he promised. "and we'll take on the girls together when they yell at us for being stupid."
"A few actually. And tonys. Prefers laid back lecturing, but said watching tony be as manic as hell on stage is amusing to."clint snickered a little."oh god. Stark plans. The world is going to be ending."natasha said though she looked more amused then worried at the idea. Before nodding slowly."I'll tell him to look into it more closely."she said wondering if that's where the man was right now since he'd been called away on a mission. Though she was sure he'd be back soon enough considering bruce had shown up at the tower."see I told you he'd want to help."gwen said smiling at her boyfriend looking quite smug, though a little relived. She hadn't been sure he'd help really, she'd just hoped he would."eat tony. And there is no ganging up on us. We always win."
Bruce chuckled at that and nodded. "i attended one of Tony's lectures once too. he really is ridiculous." he agreed with a chuckle. "very fun though, and you learn so much." he admitted. "actually, Tony's plans nearly always work the way he intends them to." Bruce admitted. "Jarvis even said so and he's programmed to be honest." Bruce admitted with a grin. "Programmed?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "it's a code basically. a set of instructions that controls how Jarvis or other programs works. Jarvis's programming makes him as close to human as possible. other programs, such as google or video games controls what they do and how they do it." Bruce explained. that sort of made sense. kind of. "Yeah well.... your always right." Tony whined, Bruce smiling. "i'll help too." Bruce promised Tony. "I'm not very good at much, but Hulk seams to be willing to work with me. i was hoping you could help me with some experiments." Bruce admitted. "i never said we where going to gang up. just take you on. i never said we where going to win either, but at least working together the smack down won't hurt so bad." Steve admitted with a grin. "hell me Bruce and Tony could all gang up and still fail against you two ladies, fail miserably.... women are frightening you know?" Steve asked, looking playful. "but the scary ones are the best ones." he teased winking at Gwen and Pepper.
“He really is.”Clint snickered a little having sat on one himself with phil. It was insane and educational. “Ah. Well, I’ll just sit back and enjoy whatever he plans then.”Natasha said smiling a little amused as she watched Bruce explain jarivs, because she really was curious about the AI the world knew existed, but so few ever got to meet. “I am.”Gwen said kissing tony’s cheek with a smile before looking at bruce. “Good. See. I told you, asking for help is good. Less likely you’ll come home in a body bag, or go missing again.”Gwen said shuddering a litle, because that was what she’d feared when she saw him in the suit. Losing him. “We are frigtening. We’ll try not to use it for evil purposes.”pepper grinned looking amused.
Bruce nodded. "he's the same way in the lab, it's really funny watching him yell at computer screens. never mind that they reply." Bruce admitted with a smile. "so... programming is like training?" Steve asked. "like how we're trained not to potty in our underwear and stuff?" he asked, Bruce chuckling. "sort of. yes. it also dictates personality and what they can and cannot do. for example Jarvis cannot lie, but he is more than capable of omitting information. he's designed so he cannot refuse a direct order from Tony, but he can slip through loopholes and act in Tony's best interest anyway. he's a devious little bastard." "Thank you Dr. Banner." Jarvis said, sounding very pleased. "...i never... i mean... no one's ever... thank you." Tony whispered, staring at Steve and Bruce as if they where aliens. "i wasn't in that much danger." Tony protested to Gwen. "i calculated the odds, and then Jarvis triple checked my work before i left." he assured her. "i wasn't just being suicidal, i swear." "oh you already do. we all know women rule the world. you just let us men pretend at it." Steve teased with a chuckle. "
“Yes. Much like training. And no matter how much he whines about it, you’ll notice that he never changes the rules to say that no matter what, jarvis can’t lie or work around thing, or be a sassy little bastard. He threatens and whines, but tony likes Jarvis just like this.”Pepper said looking amused, smiling slightly. “...Fine. You were fine. If Jarvis thought so.”Gwen said grudgingly, sighing quietly. Running a hand through her hair as she stretched. “True. We do.” “Hm, thanks steve. That was good.”Gwen said smiling as she finished lunch. “I better go get some writing done though.”
Bruce grinned. "i had noticed something about that." he admitted with a grin. "is being donated to a community collage a common threat?" Steve asked with a grin. yes it was, but Jarvis wisely said nothing about that. or he wasn't paying attention. it was hard to tell with Jarvis. "See, i was fine." Tony agreed,smiling a little. "You go ahead, the lot of you. I'll do the dishes. Bruce promised. "least i can do. Tony and Steve have some debriefing to do with the Super Spy Twins." Bruce admitted with a smirk, Steve sighing because he was so tired of people talking at him but he needed to protect Tony so, he'd debrief. again. dammit.
“Oh yes. Along with being made into a overrated siri if he didn’t stop being bossy.”Pepper snickered a little. “Thanks bruce.”Gwen smiled kissing bruce’s cheek lightly before heading for her office to work. Amused as the twins and the boys settled in to talk.

Nearly two months later Gwen smiled as she ran a hand over the dress skirt, amused that tony had gone through so much effort to get her the perfect dress for her book signing. Biting her lip as she stared into the mirror, trying not to let the hurt and pain show, even if she was twitchy she knew she had to calm down before tony showed up. He had to many things on his mind as it was, he didn’t need this. Sighing quietly as she finished down her hair up in the simple braid, she smiled. Well. Time to go, and see if her genius remembered that he had to be out of the lab tonight. “Tony?”She called crossing the hall to his rooms. While they generally stayed in his rooms, he’d given her her own suite of rooms across the hall from his, because he said she deserved some private space, a place to retreat and relax if she needed the space without him in it.
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