Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Steve chuckled a little and nodded. it was a good thing Tony had failed to chase Pepper away. he'd probably have killed himself otherwise. Steve knew better than to actually say that though. "it could just be that Tony doesn't treat Bruce like a monster." Steve pointed out. "i've seen the videos. Bruce only changes when he's being attacked, he never changes otherwise that we're aware of. so long as Tony doesn't..." "Ow!" " things like that we should be fine." Steve admitted with a sigh, watching Tony shock Bruce with a pointy thing made him really worry about Tony's suicidal tendencies. "is it weed? i bet it's weed." Tony admitted, grinning at Bruce who chuckled and shook his head. "it's not weed." "i know i can heft them at the same time." Steve admitted with a shrug. "i can heft about eight hundred pounds with barely any effort. i actually broke the world record the other day." Steve admitted with a shrug. "by a lot." he admitted before smirking. "oh, i'm sure Peggy was telling everyone who'd listen about 'what an angel i was'. that and i was always on my best behavior in front of strangers." he admitted with a shrug. "yeah, it preserved everything exactly as it was. including my broken back, shattered arm and concussion." Steve admitted with a shudder. " remember it?" Bruce asked, voice soft with horror but unable to not voice the shock. "...yeah, i can hold my breath for about forty three minutes before passing out...." Steve admitted softly. "don't ask how people found that one out... i was awake long enough to feel my body start to go numb from the cold ice creeping along my body..." he admitted, shuddering again. "so! so... what happened to you?" Steve asked. "oh, just Ross trying to capture the Hulk again. this time some other government agency and some terrorists got involved so it was a three way pissing contest with me in the middle. figured Tony might be able to keep Ross off my ass and i knew from Betty he was looking for a Bio partner so i figured i'd see of the position was still open." "hells to the yeah." Tony admitted with a grin, both Bruce and Steve just blinked at him and Tony sighed.
"Well that to. Probably eright. Tony only cares if he can do science still."pepper snickered a little before startling as bruce jumped. "Tony!"gwen scolded looking at the man."don't go poking him with that! Just because he won't tell you how he's doing it, doesn't mean you get to poke him."gwen said sighing wuietly. Knowing even as she said it she probably couldn't keep tony from doing it. "Yea that's about right. There's even a comic book to go with it. You totally are a innocent angel."pepper said looking amused. Before staring at steve in horror, shuddering at that. Gwen bit her lip a little, glancing away. Not even wanting to voice the thought of that had brought up right after the shell shocking horror of him being awake had brought up. Curiousity, not out of a macabre need but....a novel idea that was forming for the sequel of American craftsman she'd been workin on, but she totally couldn't ask him, right? "We'll start working on getting Ross to back off. He might be willing to endanger his own daughter, but I doubt ross'll want to deal with tony. Even if we're out of the weapons business, we still have alot of friends in the military,we'll take care of it."pepper promised before staring at tony, shaking her head a little. " are so old. That's not even slang anymore. No one says that."Gwen teased her older boyfriend, even if he was only a few years older, leaning in to kss his cheek lightly.
Steve chuckled a little. "i get the feeling Bruce could be brain dead and Tony would still be glad to have him around." Steve admitted, snorting when Tony hid the pointy pokey thing behind his back as if hiding the evidence would fix the fact that he'd done it. "it's fine. i wouldn't have come here if i wasn't able to handle pointy things. i do know enough about Tony to know he has literally no impulse control." Bruce admitted, Tony opening his mouth to protest that before he sighed and nodded because, well, it was true. that was why he had a shiny certificate declaring him insane. "i am an innocent Angel." Steve agreed with a smirk. "why, so innocent that the Shield agent are missing me is a complete and total accident. i would never mess with their heads like that." he said, ever so innocently. "it would be cruel, evil even. just plain mean." he did innocent way too well. "it's alright." Steve promised. "i just... they told me talking about it would help. and i have nightmares, sometimes i wake people up. figured you aught to know in case i scream in my sleep. i do sometimes."Steve admitted. "oh, there's not much that will make Ross back off. but the threat of upsetting Tony when his bosses still want to be on Tony's side? yeah he'll back off." he admitted with a smirk. "i've already signed a contract with Tony. Ross can't touch me, no legally, especially as i've never even been accused of a crime. let alone charged with one. truthfully speaking, his relentless hunt for me before this was illegal but until now, i didn't have anyone to speak up for me." he admitted before grinning at Tony who shrugged and grinned at her. "i am old. so old i'm sexy."
"Probably."pepper agreed with a snicker. Gwen rolled her eyes a little at tony, poking him in the shoulder."I'm gonna....get you for that later."she said changing the normal threat, for a moment sounding unsure of herself, because he hadn't told her about Afghanistan but she knew he'd been hurt, and hurt bad. So she was scared of threatening to hurt him some."absolutely no impulse control."gwen sgreed. "...that's disturbingly innocent. You should get a prize for that."pepper said shuddering a little looking amused though."okay....well..."gwen bit her lip, studying the super soldier, before deciding to take the risk. Worst he'd do was be angry with her right?"could...I pick your mind over later on my new project...Alex gets into a similar bind in the next book and...well I won't ruin American craftsman for you, but it'd be nice....if I wouldn't be to bad..."gwen stuttered a little, tilting her hear. "Well good. I'll see what else we can do about ross, he won't do this quietly."pepper sighed a little before snorting at tony's words. "Well. A little sexy."gwen teased looking amused
Tony nearly flinched when she poked him and almost threatened him before he snickered at her because she was cute when she was uncertain. even if he hated it that she was so wary around him. not scared, just unsettled and he hated it. "i should get a prize for that." Steve agreed with a smirk before he blinked at Gwen. "...sorry, i don't know that i could go into detail about it... not out loud. but come by my room later, I'll let you have the journal entries i wrote about it." he offered. "Journal?" Tony asked curiously. "yeah. i write in a journal, get my thoughts and feelings out on paper. it helps me a lot." he admitted. "I've written about being frozen a couple of times, she should have everything she'll need to know about it from my journals." Steve admitted. "him? we won't do this quietly." Tony scoffed. "we'll make his every move against Bruce a very public affair. Bruce already agreed." Tony admitted, Bruce smiling a little. "very sexy!" Tony squalled in protest. "are you done yet? your touching another man, i might get jealous." Tony teased, Bruce shrugging. "she can touch me all she wants, i can't... you know..." "you can't have sex?!" Tony gasped, Bruce shaking his head. "you can't even masturbate?" Bruce shook his head again and then. "Tony. i can't even get an erection." Bruce admitted. "i'm a limp noodle." Steve choked, figuring it would be very bad to laugh at that even if Bruce was chuckling. "i've been impotent since the accident." Bruce admitted with a shrug. "that's... that's very horrible..." Tony admitted, looking very sad for Bruce.
Gwen frowned a little, the bandages changing into cute pi k little things, her illusions acting out, trying to calm her, responding to the fact that she was nervous. "That's fine. Okay. No problem-I shouldn't have as-"gwen apologized really quick before she caught up to what he'd said. Looking even more uncertain before nodding slowly."okay. I could do'd be perfect." "I think you should write down stuff to tones, maybe it'd help."pepper said gently, hoping to ease him into the idea before nodding."public it is then." "I'm done."gwen said as she finished the last bandage, frowning at Tony a little."no need to be jealous."she muttered before sta ring at bruce. "I'm sorry..."she said biting her lip. She hated how her life sometimes gave her more then enough stuff to write about. She'd had to many people get angry with her for putting them into books, to be easy about using people she really liked in them, even if she had permission. Hating the whole storyline that came to her with bruces words
Bruce blinked at the bandages, surprised before he chuckled at being dressed up in pink. better than purple he supposed. or green. "it's fine Gwen, don't fret so much." Steve offered with a smile. "i'm not upset nor am i insulted or bothered. you can always ask. i know you won't push if i say no and that's more than enough for me." he admitted smiling at her. "yeah. sure. writing. yay." Ton said sarcastically, rolling his eyes because she knew he couldn't write worth shit before he smiled at Gwen. "i'm not really jealous. you know i'm not." not because he didn't care, but because his faith in her loyalty was bigger than anything else. she could look, would look, did look but he knew she would never, ever cheat on him in any way. "nothing to be sorry for." Bruce admitted with a shrug. "aside from Betty i was completely asexual anyway. honestly i'd rather have long cuddles on a couch rather than have sex." he admitted. "even with Betty i preferred affection over, you know. fornication." he admitted with a chuckle before looking at her. "you mentioned American Craftsman didn't you? you're not... are you?" "the author? yeah she is. you read her books?" "religiously." Bruce admitted with a grin. "and yet your not asking for an autograph." Tony teased, Bruce shrugging. "i don't own any of the books. i just sort of... borrow them here and there..." that meant Bruce was a sneaky thief. a book thief even.
“I’ll try not to.”Gwen said blushing ever so slightly, ducking her head a little even as she smiled at steve. “They’re both adorable when they’re not sure if they’ve messed up or not.”Pepper said snickering a little as she eyed both gwen and tony. “And you can always dictate it to jarvis, I just think it’d be good for you to get it out somehow. Even if you tell no one besides jarvis.”pepper said, while she wanted him to talk to them, maybe he would talk to jarvis first. “I know.”Gwen said relaxing a little at tony’s words, smiling a little. Studying bruce, she bit her lip, tilting her head. No, she really really shouldn’t make one of her characters asexual. She really shouldn’t. “I did. Gwendolyn.Yep. Good to meet you bruce.”Gwen said blushing bright as she ducked her head a little at his admittance to liking the books. “A sneaky, sneaky asexual thief. I feel like this should be a thing sometime.”Gwen muttered.
Steve smiled at Pepper, nodding because they where adorable. Steve also knew that most vets who had suffered the way he had suffered would probobly have bitten her head off. he wasn't old though and really liked her so it was easier to contain himself he supposed. "...i'll think about it." Tony growled, eyes narrowed at Pepper because he didn't want to talk about it at all. maybe though... if he made a pen...? "it's great to meet you too!" Bruce admitted, shaking her hand, still way laid back but also gushing and 'fangirling' all over the place. "i didn't Steal! i just... got too excited and borrowed without permission is all." he huffed before grinning at her. "i'd be honored to be in one of your books though if you want to do that, i think an asexual thief would be a brilliant Character design." he admitted. "You just want to be in her books." Tony teased, Bruce smirking at Tony. "Hells to the yeah." Tony gaped at Bruce for a moment before both he and Steve started laughing. Bruce was going to get along with Tony just fine.
"Good."pepper smiled, looking utterly pleased with his agreement to at least try."...that makes it even worse. That you just got excited and left."gwen giggled a little tilting her head slightly. "Oh god, you guys are way to adorable."pepper snickered shaking her head as she looked at them. "...oh god. There's two of them."gwen said looking a little wide eyed, even if she was laughing before nodding."I guess it's only fair since Alex is based on tony sorta, that you get your own character. I'll wrote on it."
"....yeah a little bit." Bruce admitted with a grin. "i always take the books back though." he pointed out before smiling at Pepper. "wait... wait. Alex is based on me?" Tony asked, looking baffled. "you hardly know me at all! Alex is cool! and good with the Ladies! I'm not like that." oh Tony you idiot of course he was. he was just too busy hating on himself to notice. "There is two of them." Steve agreed. "Tony has someone to babble with now though so we'll just have to put up with it." "hey!" Tony protested, pointing at Steve. "no taking the girls side!" "i like the girls more." ".....yeah me too." Tony admitted with a giggle. "Great! feel free to ask me anything you want." Bruce offered. "people are never getting Asexual's right." he teased with a grin. "not that i can blame them. we're a very curious bunch." he was teasing her of course but he had bunked with writers before and knew how detail oriented they could really be. plus it was a chance to educate someone, honestly a lot of people didn't actually understand what being Asexual actually was or what it meant.
"I'm totally making the character do that...and be all sheepish and cute about it. It'll be awesome."she said pleased with the idea before snorting."he is. And you are good with women, otherwise how do you explain all the ones willing to cover for us?"gwen pointed out with a smile, before snickering."well at least bruce'll understand what he's talking abiut. Half the time I just nod and go with it."pepper said looking amused. Gwen blushed at bruces teasing even as she nodded."awesome. I really want to get it ri th t. Itll be perfect."she said not even noticing her hands moving, a vague form starting to take shape even as she worked on the character, the illusion was forming.
Bruce laughed a little and shrugged, looking very sheepish indeed before blinking as he realized that Gwen was actually dating Tony. he hadn't been expecting that, yet it wasn't as surprising as it probobly should have been. "uh, money?" Tony pointed out. "Money keeps a lot of people's mouths shut." he stated with a shrug before he snorted at Pepper. "it still helps." he admitted. "sometimes i just need someone to talk at." he admitted. "i'm pretty sure you'll do fine." Bruce assured Gwen with a smile before watching the shape take form, reaching out and stroking the outline. "it's pretty." he mumbled, watching Steve sketch the images that Gwen was forming with a sketchpad and some charcoal.
Gwen smiled a little before rolling her eyes. “Might. But they also like you, genius.”Gwen teased shaking her head a little. “Well, as long as it helped.”Pepper said looking pleased before smirking wider as she watched gwen and steve slowly bringing the sneaky sneak thief to life. That was awesome. After awhile gwen stopped, letting her hands drop after she was sure steve was done drawing, before looking at tony. “Come on, tones, time to get some sleep.”She ordered.
"I doubt that. women hate me." he scoffed. "they all tell me so." that was because until they knew better they thought he was a whore and didn't want to be the next notch on his bed post. once they found out he was actually very sweet and sacrificing his reputation to protect his girlfriend, well, most women thought that was the most romantic thing ever. "here Gwen." Steve said, carefully tearing out the page and handing it to her with a grin, an almost perfect replica of her newly designed character on the page for her to use as she pleased. "i don't wanna!" Tony whined, even as he followed her. just like a two year old the big baby.
“Thanks steve. This is totally going over my desk to look at while I work.”She grinned kissing his cheek, grinning amused as pepper shooed steve and bruce on to bed themself. “I don’t care. You’re going to sleep now.”gwen said smiling as he whined through the whole time of getting them both ready for bed, before settlign into bed with him, snuggling close. “Night, tones.”She muttered yawning as she fell asleep.
"glad i could help." Steve said with a smile. "anytime you ever need me to draw something i'd be glad to." he offered, chuckling as he left to go to bed, Bruce heaving a reluctant sigh and glancing back at the lab like he was being dragged away from his one true love before letting Pepper get him settled. Steve actually offered to move so Bruce could be more comfortable and somehow that ended with them snuggling in the same bed, sleeping all tangled up together the way Steve and James had used to do. it was adorable really and Jarvis was quick to take pictures of the snuggling Duo for 'blackmail'. "Goodnight Gwen." Tony said, smiling as he watched her sleep. he wouldn't sleep, he wasn't tired enough yet to sleep without nightmares so he waited until she was asleep before turning on the TV. he liked to just lay there with his mind quiet watching the news. by the time Gwen was up, Tony was gone and his spot n the bed had gone cold and Jarvis was informing them that 'Steve's Stalkers' where there. Steve and Bruce where quick to untangle and stumble, sleepy and sluggish to go see what all the fuss was about. "well. i think this is the first i've ever seen you up close." Steve teased the two. "why now all of a sudden?" he wondered, rubbing his eyes and looked at the row of coffee cups in the 'communal' kitchen. "...hey Jay? does one of these have coffee in it?"
Gwen paused rubbing her eyes as she considered the red head and blond making themselves at home in the kitchen. Looking annoyed even as she watched Pepper getting them coffee, looking amazingly well put together for it nearly being the crack of dawn. It was definitely to early to be moving. For that matter, the two shadows looked well put together for this early in the morning. “Well, I see things better from a distance.”Clint said smirking a little, even as he fiddled with the arrow head in his hands, watching the others. “All of them do, Captain, except for Dr. Banner’s cup on the end, his has tea.”Jarvis supplied. “Thanks Jay.”Gwen muttered pleased as she took her cup, huddling around it as she eyed the other two. Noting that the man hadn’t really answered the question. “Clint, stop being rude. And we’re here to talk to your genius about what he got up to this morning. Where is he?”
Steve smiled a little as he poured himself a cup of the perfectly brewed way too strong black coffee. he didn't know it, but Tony had set up all the pots every night before bed. Jarvis made sure of it and then he could remotely brew them once people started waking up. "It's too early." Bruce groaned, staggering to his tea. he preferred to do it the proper way but this was good enough for now. in the mornings he wasn't inclined to be picky. morning person he was not. "I've noticed." Steve admitted, grinning at the man. "I've seen you laughing so hard you almost fell from your rooftop seats." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding to Natalia before scowling. "what do you want with Tony?" he asked, feeling oddly protective of the man already. Bruce had also gone tense and was eyeing up the two, calmly wondering if he needed to get his scalpels? he made some of the worst serial killers in history look Tame when he was protecting people he cared about. hell, he and Steve would have had a fun time dismembering the man who had raped his mother had they been friends back then. "Hes probobly in his lab, no you can't go down there." Steve informed them, glancing at Pepper and Gwen wondering what they could want with Tony and if they should send them on their way?
“It is to early.”Gwen agreed sleepily as she sipped her coffee, eyeing the two. “Yea, that was a bad day. Natalia hasn’t let me hear the end of nearly falling off the roof.”Clint huffed a little. “Tony’s been up to adventures. And we need to end them now. Before he gets himself, or someone else killed.”Natalia frowned shaking her head, before glancing at pepper. “I’ll go see. Stay here.”Pepper said looking annoyed as she headed down stairs to talk to tony, hoping he’d send these two on their way soon enough, even if she sensed no anger, or sneering annoyance that she generally sensed when goverment agents showed up to talk to tony, only concern. “Tony?”She called as she walked walked down the stairs.
"Way too early." Bruce growled, very amused at how nervous the two where. they knew what he was, what he could do, what lurked inside of him but they weren't backing down or letting up. impressive. terrified but not showing it, he could still smell it though, smell their fear. it made Hulk antsy. "Adventures huh? and what gives you people the right to tell Tony, or me for that matter, or even Bruce, what we can and can not do?" Steve demanded. "you gonna lock me back up in that little five by five cell you people so kindly called my room?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "because i'd much rather just..." "relax, Steve. if they wanted you locked up they wouldn't be here. they'd be setting traps and trying to rush you by the dozen. it's how they work." Bruce promised. "they aren't here to control anyone. not yet anyway." Bruce admitted, pouring a bit of honey and lemon into his tea.

"Hey. Ow,Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah." Tony complained, unaware of Pepper. "It is a tight fit sir." Jarvis said dry. Tony made more noises of protest. "Sir the more you struggle the more this is going to hurt." Jarvis warned. " Be gentle. This is my first time." Tony ordered, sounding rather hesitant. "Please, try not to move sir." Tony scoffed and then blinked at Pepper. "Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." he said, hanging from large metal arms that where trying to peel a very large red ad gold suit off of him. a suit covered in scratches, scuff marks, burn splatters and bullet holes.
“When he’s going to get himself killed going to a active warzone, and wreck a plane because he ran into it. We’d rather know he was stable rather then flying off on a gallivant around the world because his time in Afghanistan loosed a few more bolts in a already unstable man.”Clint said, not annoyed, not angry. Simply stating that phil at least, was aware of what could happen if tony wasn’t handled well. And sent in the two best to talk to them. “....We’re here to make sure none of you get killed. Or get any civilians killed. Agent Coulson thought it was better us, then the agents that even know are arguging about pounding on the door and dragging you all in for a ‘discussion’.”Natalia said frowning slightly.

“...It’s been a very long time since your first time tony. But...”Pepper paused, staring at him, having spoke before she really considered what he was doing, walking closer as she eyed him. “No it’s not, and your girlfriend’s going to kill you in your sleep or something for whatever this is.”She said waving a hand at the suit. “There’s two agents here to speak to you.”
"....he didn't. there's no way." Steve protested. "how in the hell did he get to an active War Zone in... what time did we go to bed? it's certainly not been any more than ten hours." he said. "it takes longer than that to get into any areas where there is active war activity. even then, he was kidnapped and tortured, battle is the last place Tony wants to be." but Steve knew that was a lie. he himself craved a good hard battle. to do something good, to save people, to make something better. if he could go to war to help people he'd do it in a heartbeat and he had a feeling Tony would too. "so your here to keep the assholes from coming in. good i guess. if they approached Tony the way they did me, he'd just have set his heals in." Steve admitted with a sigh because, to be fair that's kind of what Steve had done as well. "This is because of what happened in China." Bruce huffed. "You don't think that Me, Steve and Tony should all be so close." China was where that three way battle had happened and Bruce had slipped away without hulking out.

"Uh, well it's the first time with a robot. do you like my new sex suit?" he asked, smiling sheepishly at Pepper before yelping as he was hung upside down as Jarvis tried to remove more of the suit. "...well that didn't take long.... tell Rhodey i'll buy him a new plane..." he complained, sulking. "he didn't have to send agents after me."
“The suit he’s made can hit mach 8. More then good enough to get anywhere in the world quickly.”Natasha said shaking her head. “The place that was attacked was ten rings, the people who attacked tony. The fact that he blew them up, along with a highly advanced suit, there is only one person really who it could have been.” “And considering we’ve seen what he escaped in, the suit he’s wearing now is just a improvement on that.”Clint sighed softly, before nodding. “Probably. Coulson figured since you liked us, we’d have a easier time talking to you all.”Clint sighed quietly before shaking his head as he considered china, “Probably. Some are worried that it’ll be a mess, but we’ve brought peace offerings for you both.”Clint said fidgeting a little.

“....It’s a sex suit? You had sex in it? And ended it up with this messed up?”She said looking it over before wincing as he was hung upside down, before huffing a little. “I doubt he told them. Considering this suit, there are only a few people in the world capable of creating something like this."She reminded him,
"i don't know what that is." Steve admitted. "it's a measure of speed. it means Tony can go faster than the Jets that Shields so proud of." Bruce said, Steve blinking. looking quite impressed before grimacing because he now knew without a doubt it had been Tony who had likely gotten into a lot of trouble. still. he wasn't going to let them know that. "Tony's barely recovered from what happened physically, let alone mentally." Steve stated simply. "you can talk to him if he wants to be talked to." he stated simply before shrugging. "well. i don't dislike you at any rate." Steve admitted. "Don't actually know you, now do i? though, i never did get to thank you for stopping that mugger. that would have been a mess." even Steve could be shot, and it would have hurt like a bitch. better that Clint had taken care of the man with the gun asking for money Steve didn't have. "peace offerings? a twelve by twelve cell instead of an eight by eight?" Bruce guessed. he was standing as far away from the agents as he could without leaving the room. he had... issues, with governments so it wasn't a surprised he was thinking the worst.

"...okay it's not a sex suit." Tony admitted. "but it could be." he admitted before scowling at Jarvis. "you did that on purpose." "I do apologize Sir, we're going to have to cut you out." "We are NOT using the power saw on this Jarvis! it's a masterpiece!" "it's a masterpiece that won't come off." Jarvis replied making Tony sigh and sulk, hanging limp from the boon arms. "....fine. get the power saw..."
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