Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"It is adorable." Steve agreed with a grin before smiling at her. "i appreciate it." he admitted. "i promise not to take up too much space, and i can't cook on these new appliances yet but i can learn. and i'm pretty swell at cleaning." he admitted, determined to make himself useful. "O...Oh." he looked stunned, surprised that Tony had so much faith in him already and he felt tears burn at his eyes again because it had been a very long time since he had actually been welcomed somewhere. "i... i D...Don't know how i could possibly thank you for this." he whispered. voice hoarse. "thank you... so much." and then he was gone because the last thing he wanted was to take up more of Pepper's time crying on her shoulder when she was a busy woman who had other places to be. instead he'd try and figure out the shower, scrub down and collapse, naked, onto his bed for a nap.

Tony woke with a start, not from fear but because he wasn't sure where he was. he blinked, looking around, reorienting and then blinked down at Gwen, looking so sleepy and confused it was adorable. "where's Yinsen?" he wondered, half of him was 'still there' and sometimes it took him a while to figure out where he was. he grimaced a little as he remembered that Yinsen was dead and slowly sat up with a groan, stretching because he always did hen he woke up. "god... how long was i asleep for?"
“Well, you could take up as much space as you want, I’m sure Tony wouldn’t complain as long as you don’t try to take over the lab. Or the garge. He might get twitchy if you tried to keep him out of there.”She teased a little before looking around, just so he could pretend she didn’t see the tears. “Be good to tony. That’s all I can ask.”She smiled heading for the door. “Also, ask jarvis if you need anything!”She called after him before heading out to get some work done.

“Hm?”gwen looked sleepy herself as she looked up at him,”I don’t know who that is sweetie.”She muttered sleepiness growing into concern as she watched him before smiling as she watched him. At least some things didn’t change. Twisting to look at the clock she grinned. “Nearly four hours.”
he smiled a little. "i'm sure he wouldn't, but i'd feel terrible if i took up space i wasn't supposed to." he admitted with a shrug. "i don't know much abut smart things anyway so i doubt i'll go there much anyway." he admitted, which wasn't true. sure Steve couldn't do maths or science. he was only literate through pure bullheaded stubbornness and a desire to read, but he was a master tactician, spoke six different languages and had such a quick witted cleverness that he could manage to avoid huge teams of Shield agents for three days without barely any effort. not to mention raid Hydra camps. "I like Tony. he's a sweetheart..." he hesitated, wanting to ask before shaking his head, deciding against it. he'd ask later, when he wasn't so worried about how Tony might handle it. "i will! thank you Pepper!"

"... yeah, i know. he's dead..." Tony admitted softly before smiling at her. "jesus. four hours without a nightmare or being woken up to...." he fell silent and swallowed thickly. "new record." he muttered before looking around. "Pepper and Steve?" he wondered. Steve was still crashed out on the bed, dead to the world. "want some coffee?" Tony offered Gwen once he found out where Steve and Pepper where. a bit of a one track mind really.
"I doubt that. Youre just smarter at other things then math. Don't worry. You'll probably get more lessons in thermal nuclear physics then you ever wanted if you hang around her enough. Tony babbles."pepper snickered watching him for a long moment but leaving it at that. He'd ask whatever he wanted later.

"It's good to have new records. This was the best I've slept in awhile to."gwen smiled at him, tilting her head slightly as she sat up."steve's sleeping and peppers down in her office catching up on paperwork. Apparently changing so much of your company involves a lot of paper work."she teased nodding."q Irish coffee would be grand."
he shrugged. "i like to learn." he admitted with a smile.

"yeah, new records are good." he agreed with a smile at her. "oh good, that poor bastard. can you imagine preferring to sleep in the park over going back? i'm going to start Jarvis into a hack into their systems, see if i can't figure out what the hell they where trying to do." he admitted before grinning at her. "you and your Irish crap." he teased before shrugging. "well, she's good at paperwork." he admitted with a smile because it was the worlds best kept secrete that Tony was nearly illiterate because of such severe Dyslexia he could barely sign his own name properly. that was why he did almost everything with Jarvis, because Jarvis did all the reading. thank god all of the numbers turned out right or Tony would have gone nuts. he was able to do Math at such a fast pace in his head that if they got scrambled in his head the way his words and letters did he would probobly have been in a nuthouse by now. "Sir. Captain Rogers has woken and has asked how to make his coffee maker work." Jarvis informed him. "i have tried to instruct him and he has asked me to ask your forgiveness for breaking the coffee maker." Tony clapped a hand over his mouth, forcing back the hysterical laughter at Steve breaking a titanium coffee maker. that was hilarious! and horrible! and hilarious!
“No, I really can’t. Pepper said they were bad, I mean, we talked some before I came back....she’s the one that told me you were okay...”She said blushing a little, worried that he thought they were gossiping about him, “go for it. They probably deserve it. Hopefully we can save steve some of a headache.”He smiled a little before whining. “It’s good!”She pouted before nodding. “she really is.”She smiled before snickering, eyes wide as she started to laugh a little at the idea of steve breaking his coffee maker. “Okay, tell him we’ll be right that, J. We’ll show him.”Gwen said looking amused as she headed for the kitchen
he nodded. "i don't think Steve actually said anything about it, but i can make some guesses." he admitted before grimacing. "i'm sorry... i was so scared i'd hurt you." he admitted, looking at her. "i hurt Pepper on the way back to the tower, before the press release and... and i just... i was so scared." he admitted before smiling a little. "you heard the girl Jay, pop em and lock em." he ordered, he almost always asked for Gwen's permission before doing things like that.if only because he was never sure what was allowed and Jarvis, as amazing as he was, was a vindictive bastard who had no 'rights from wrongs' really. "i hope so. i just wish i could go yell at someone for him but there's not much i can do really." he admitted with a sigh before he snorted at her. "it's disgusting and really, drinking? at this time in the morning?" he teased her with a grin. "Captain Rogers is in the kitchen in his rooms Lady Gwendolyn." Jarvis loved calling her that, as if she was a princess from an Arthurian tale. "He says to please let yourself in and help him because he cannot make the stove work either and he may, or may not have put tinfoil in the microwave." "oh god..." Tony said, trying very hard not to start laughing as he headed out to Steve's rooms, unable not to when he saw that Steve was naked and trying to put out the fire in the microwave with glasses of water. "oh... oh god.." Tony could take no more, he was on the floor, laughing his little ass off. "Don't stand there laughing, help me!" Steve cried, looking dismayed. "all i did was push the button!!!!"
“I know. That’s what she said. She said she’d eventually shove you off the tower if that’s what it took to let her invite us over.”She teased, mostly because it was the usual threat from pepper when she started to get very frustrated with the genius. To shove him somewhere or punch him, even if they all knew she’d never do it. “I know you were.”She muttered gently stroking his hair before grinning, pleased. At least they’d find what shield was up to, before thinking about it. “Pepper said something about a Agent coulson?You could always yell at him.”She smiled slightly before rolling her eyes. “It’s only a bit, and it’s not that bad.Shut up.”She sulked a little before grinning at jarvis’ words. No one else in her life used her full name of gwendolyn, usually it was gwen, or sometimes even tony’s gwennie if he was in a mood to be cute. “...What?”Gwen choked swallowing hard, startled before giggling a little. Oh gods, tony was going to be in so much trouble, already knowing he was going to have problems not being able to laugh. Starting to laugh herself when she saw he was naked before shaking her head. “Why are you naked?”She said laughing a little as she moved over to help steve put out the fire, “The tinfoil can’t be put in the mircowave. Or any metal really, it messes it up.”
he had to grin at that because in a few days he'd be able to fly all on his own! "yeah well... i should have listened to her." he admitted with a shrug before he shook his head. "i'm still scared." he admitted. "i'm always scared these days. or that's how it feels." he admitted. "Agent Coulson, yeah. i'll yell at him when he shows up." he decided. "i'm sure it won't take Shield long to find out Steve is here." he admitted. "they won't dare go up against the Stark Name when i am pretty sure Steve's too street savvy to sign any contracts. anything he might have signed before being frozen has fallen out of date by now so they won't be able to use those to legally trap Steve either. i might ask him if he wants a contract with Stark Towers. open of course. we wouldn't want to trap him here either." he admitted. "A contract could easily help him though so i think it would be worth offering right?" he asked her. "hey, if i'm not allowed to drink before noon neither are you." he complained, though he was grinning as he poured her Coffee, ignoring the burn in his throat at the thought of drinking himself. being tortured and having to drink alcohol because water was precious had pretty much cured him of his drinking habit for the moment.

"What? oh... habit mostly. i forgot i had clothes." he admitted with a shrug. "and i like sleeping in the nude now stop asking questions and help me figure out how to put out this fire!" he ordered. "i couldn't find a fire extinguisher." he admitted before sulking at the ceiling. "Jarvis?!i thought we where buds!" he complained. "i broke it and you didn't warn me!" "i do apologize Captain but as i do not have Camera's in this room, i was unable to see what you where doing." Jarvis admitted. "oh... well that's a good reason." Steve admitted. "To be truthful, i am very amused by your plight." Jarvis admitted, making Steve sulk as he doused the last of the flames before he looked very sadly at Tony. "i'm sorry. i broke your things. i didn't mean to... i was hungry. i was just following the instructions..." Steve said, pulling out the smoldering remains of the pop tarts. "Jarvis said to push the buttons so i did and the coffee pot wasn't working and i might have, i'm not used to my strength yet really and sometimes i forget..." "Dude. chill, it's fine." Tony said, giggling. "though, uh. you might want to get dressed." he admitted with a grin, well aware Pepper was probobly going to be there soon, to see what all the commotion was about.
“Yea, but we’ll help you. I’m not going anywhere Tones.”She said smiling quietly as she looked at him, “WE’ll make you safe.”She promised before snorting. “I’m sure it wont. Agent coulson at least, is intelligent enough to figure out he came here.”she smiled before nodding. “He really is. And he might like that, a little safer for him that way. At least offer the contract anyways.”She said shrugging a little as she sipped her coffee.

“Ah, well it’s okay. You should totally stay like this all the time.”Gwen said smirking at the blond, teasing him as she snorted as she helped him put out the fire. “There’s one in the hall here.”gwen said getting it to help put out the last of the fire, before snorting at jarvis’ answer. “If it makes you feel better, Tony catches something on fire at least once a week, so this isn’t a unusual occurance.”Gwen said before snorting amused as Pepper walked in. “Tony, if you caught something on fir-”Pepper paused staring for a long moment at the scene, before swallowing hard. “Tony, asking the captain to get undressed so Gwen has something nice to look at, isn’t fair.”Pepper teased.
Tony s,iled at her, more glad for that then he could ever say. he wasn't sure anything could actually make him safe anymore, but at least with his flight/power suit he could decide what kind of danger to be in. "i highly doubt Agent Coulson was actually involved in this." Tony admitted. "from what little know about the man, he's a bit like me. Captain America groupie. he'd hate the idea of Steve being so unhappy he'd prefer sleeping in the park. he's probobly busting someone's head in right now." he admitted with a grin which was enough to let Gwen know Tony rather liked Coulson, just not enough to not piss with the man relentlessly. that was usually how you new Tony liked you, he joked on you, joked with you, pissed around until you where about ready to yank your hair out. he'd never done that to Gwen though, when he met her he'd been so petrified and trying to make a good impression he actually made a cute little fool of himself. so far he'd been very decent to Steve too, though that was about to change now that he had a bead on Steve's personality.

"Normally do." Steve admitted with a shrug. "growing up, we didn't have many clothes. laundry day meant 'naked Steve and James' day because both me Ma and James Ma would go down to the river together to do the wash." he admitted. "and then during the army days, well. anyone with Modesty quick lost it." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "honestly i think i mighta spent more time naked than dressed." he admitted. looking perfectly comfortable standing there naked with Tony still laughing his ass off and Gwen checking him out. it was a good thing Tony wasn't the jealous sort, hell he was likely to be commenting on the ass she was ogling because he was ogling as well. "oh, well at least i'm not the only one." Steve decided, letting her handle the fire extinguisher. "not Tony." Steve admitted sheepishly. "Sorry, i broke things." h admitted before grinning impishly at Pepper. "i don't think Tony minds the view really." "i am a bit jealous." Tony admitted. "i mean look at those abs. you should do laundry on those abs. or grate cheese." "huh. the abs? really? that's what you focus on?" Steve asked, looking amused. "James, my bud from... Before, Bucky. he was always hung up on my tits." "....tits? Dude. men don't have tits." "sure we do, what else would these be called?" he asked, examining his chest. "pecs." "...they're tits." Steve said, rolling his eyes as he headed into the bedroom, giving them all a great view of his ass as he headed into the bedroom to get dressed,Tony cackling again as he shook his head. he liked Steve, he really did! the man was nothing like Howard had indicated.
"Probably not, but by now he's probably figured out something was wrong, and letting everyone know he's extremely unhappy with this turn of events."gwen laughed a little tilting her head. It wasn't often tony liked gocement people, made her curious about this agent coulson.

"That's awesome. I think you should keep up this tend of being naked."gwen snickered looking amused that the whole world's idea of a innocent captain was completely wrong. He was going to fit in here just fine."no your not the only one. Tony does it with frightening regularity, and usually causes some harm to himself in the process."gwen reassured the other."ah. Well as long as your staying naked, I think we can forgive you breaking things."pepper teased looking more amused then angry."tits?I was focusing lower."pepper said with a perverted little smirk even if you could tell she was staring at his chest and now lower. Grinning at the sight of Steve walking away she nudged tony."it's a good thing you don't mind your girlfriend staring at others." "Only steve. Who could not look at him?"
"i bet your right." he agreed with a smirk. "from what i understand of Coulson he's a BAMF." he admitted with a grin.

"i don't see why i shouldn't." Steve admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "and he actually knows how this stuff works, i don't know if that's a sign against him or a sign against tech." "it's a sign against this crap. if they'd just let me put in Stark stoves..." granted, no one wanted an oven that back chatted or a toaster that could have it's feelings hurt. "well, i'll have to be naked more often then if it grants me instant forgiveness." Steve agreed with a smirk before he flushed a little because,well. most women, and men, where a bit intimidated by his 'monster'. what was worse, the serum hadn't actually changed the size all that much, he'd always been overly impressive. "why would i care? i'm staring too." he admitted with a laugh. "that is one tight ass, i bet we could bounce quarters off that thing." "i can hear you! and yes you can!" Steve yelled back, making Tony flush, surprised more than embarrassed.
“A sign against him, definitely. Tony can’t cook. Ever.”Gwen said smirking. “No matter how much he denies it, if it can go wrong making food, he’ll do it. He burned water once.”She snickered before shaking her head. “Tony, I have a toaster that I have to sweet talk into not being upset. I don’t think anyone else could handle that.”She said looking amused. “You should.”Pepper agreed looking amused, tilting her head as she watched him blush, before snorting. “we totally could.”She said before laughing out loud at steve’s words, smirking at tony. “That’ll teach you for talking about him, he can hear further then most people you know.”She teased.
"ah. well i'm not too handy with a cooker either but i can make eggs and stuff." he admitted before grinning a little. "how the hell did you burn water?" "i didn't! i burned the alcohol int he water! i was trying to make alcohol infused ramen! it was going to be the biggest thing since... since... since ever!" "Ramen?" "it's a noodle soup. like spaghetti in chicken broth sort of." "...that sounds disgusting." "it's glorious!" Tony assured him. "i'll make you some! Pepper! make some Ramen!" Tony begged before scoffing. "well if you hadn't yelled at it for burning the toast, you wouldn't have any problems." Tony huffed at her before flushing harder. "well. we didn't know that, not for sure. there where rumors but even my old man wasn't completely sure how far Steve could hear." "that's because i didn't trust the old bastard." Steve admitted, coming back out. "i have a long enough range that i can hear people in the floor below us moving around." Steve admitted, making Tony gape at him. "so you didn't trust my old man to know, but you trust me?" "sure, your nothing like Howard was." Steve admitted, unaware of how much of a compliment that really was, to Tony at least. "You can be trusted not to tell assholes like Hydra or Shield about my abilities." he admitted with a smile. "that's... thanks." Tony said, looking surprised. "for what?" Steve asked, a bit confused. "anyway... sorry about breaking your stuff... can you show me how to work these things so it won't happen again?"
“Well, that’s better then tony.”Gwen snickered before shaking her head. “Just cause irish coffee is amazing, doesn’t mean alcohlic ramen would have been a good idea. Though Steve, you’d probably enjoy it. If only because you can make a lot of it, in like five minutes. Quick food.”She said rolling her eyes a little as pepper did indeed start making ramen. “Well, I didn’t know it was a AI tony!You could have told me that when you gave me the toaster. I wouldn’t have yelled at the sweet thing if you had.”She grumbled, eyes widening a little, considering what steve had said. “That’s amazing.”She said before grinning at tony, bumping shoulders with him, well aware of just how big a compliment steve had just given him. “Yea, pepper can. She’s the best teacher.”Gwen said smirking, ignoring the look she got from the red head, even as she started showing steve everything.
"anything with alcohol in it is a good idea!" Tony stated with a nod. "i like anything i can make a lot of." he admitted with a grin before looking amused that Pepper just did as Tony asked, looking very much like a woman who was only doing so because she knew Tony would whine like a child until she did. "it's me! i gave you something! you should have known!" he pointed out, sulking at her before he smiled at Gwen, looking very happy to be considered so much better than his father. "i'd really appreciate it Ma'am." Steve admitted to Pepper with a smile. "do you want some help making this Ramen?" he asked hopefully even as he let her show him how to use the 'back up' coffee maker.
“It is not. Includign that time you tried to make veelva shells with alcohol in them. That was disgusting Tony.”Gwen said making a face before smiling at pepper. Knowing the woman was only doing it because tony would whine otherwise. “No, I shouldn’t. Who in the world puts a AI in a toaster?Though, I totally wrote that into american craftsman. So far my fans have loved the cute little thing.”She snickered a little before smirkign at pepper and steve. “Don’t call me ma’am. I feel old.”pepper whined a little before nodding, handing him a few of the packets. “break those up. Careful though, if you squeeze them to hard you’ll just bust open the package and send noodles everywhere.”
"those where brilliant!" Tony protested. "i ate them! they where delicious!" he complained, smiling a bit because they had really been disgusting. the alcohol had dissolved the noodles, turning it into a cheesy mush. it had been disgusting. "well. i do. obviously. i put A.I. in everything." he admitted before beaming at her. "i know. i read that too." he admitted. "everyone loves Tilly." he admitted, looking very pleased, proving that he did in fact read the books. "oh, uh. sorry it's a habit. when i was growing up all women where Ma'am because the other felles would beat the shit out of you if you weren't polite." he admitted, grabbing a bag and jumping when the first one exploded in his hand. "...for future reference... you should say things like that before handing me things that do this." Steve admitted with a sigh and a chuckle, cleaning up the mess he'd made before breaking up the others a lot more carefully and handed them back to her. "okay. now what? i mean, i can make the guess." he admitted. "but i'd like to be sure." he admitted, smiling at her. "thanks for helping me out like this. i know i'm a bit of a futz sometimes."
“You did eat them, which was disgusting and weird. And I’m glad you didn’t tell me about them until after you’d eaten them, otherwise I might have not had sex with you ever again. It brings into question your taste.”Gwen teased kissing his cheek. She smiled happily, so utterly pleased that he had indeed read the books. “They do. I’m gonna have to keep her in it.”she said. “I know, but it still makes me feel old.”Pepper teased before laughing out loud, giggling. “N-no I really couldn’t. That was awesome.”She giggled watching him break it up, that was just to amusing. Before nodding. “Okay, I’ll tell you next time.”She said before nodding towards the boiling water. “Now you just put it in, cook it till it floats, and put the flavoring in now so it cooks well.”She looked amused before smiling. “Futz?”She teased, before shrugging. “It’s fine. Having you hear is really a plus to not have to worry about tony being along so much.”
"yeah well. to be honest i really wish i hadn't eaten them but i was drunk so..." he shrugged. "i was too drunk to taste until morning came and i immediately regretted it." he admitted. "you are! she's perfect!" Tony admitted. "and it's totally not because i made her. no, totally not." he protested with a grin. "well, i guess i can understand the problem." Steve agreed with Pepper, chuckling a little before sulking at her. "it was not, i made a mess." he whined, even if he was chuckling before nodding. "good, that would be for the best." he agreed with a smile, doing as she instructed. "yeah, you know. a fitz. a fuck up, a clumsy person." he explained. "someone who messes up a lot and trips and breaks things." he admitted, watching the noodles before smiling at her. "i'm glad to be here." he admitted. "i don't feel so alone either." he admitted. "are the noodles done? i'm starving." he admitted, watching the soup pot full off noodles boiling away. enough for all four of them.
“I know. It’s okay, you learned to not do it now.”She smiled kissing his forehead before snickering. “Indeed. Though I don’t think anyone else could have made her better.”She said before smirking at the other two. They were adorable. “Don’t worry about it. See?The bots are cleaning it up.”She smiled looking amused at the small roomba like bots that were sweeping up before tilting her head. “Ahhh, I see. Not a usual common word nowdays.”She said looking amsued before nodding as she finished the noodles, dumping the water off before serving them. “Okay, here you go. Eat up.”She smiled as she settled in to eat herself.
"i have learned." Tony agreed with a chuckle before smiling at Gwen. "i'm sure there are a few people who could improve on her personality." he teased, winking at Gwen because it had been Gwen's ideas that had led to some of the best A.I personalities in the house. "Jesus!" Steve shrieked, leaping away from the robots he'd just noticed. "oh... i thought it was a rat." he admitted sheepishly. "sorry... i know you would never have rats in your house, force of habit." he admitted. "nah, a lot of the slang i grew up with seams to be wrong. i got smacked for calling Maria a 'dame'. she was not happy with me." he admitted. "apparently it doesn't mean the same thing now as it used to." Steve admitted. "this looks.... weird." Steve finally admitted, examining the pile of noodles before helping himself to a single serving, tasting it. he supposed it tasted okay. not very filling but if he made about fifty of them.... that would work. being noodles and all they would stick to his ribs too. carbohydrates where his best friend.
“Well, maybe. Just a bit. I mean, not all of them need to sound british or scottish.”She teased looking amused at the other, yelping as steve shrieked. “Ah. Well. No, no rats here. Me and gwen would have been standing on the tables by now if we did.” “We’d totally let you brave hunters deal with the nasty little things.”Gwen agreed looking amused. “No, I doubt she’d be happy. Tony, you can teach him the new slang.”Pepper ordered looking amused as she ate. “It’s not the greatest, but considering how much you have to eat, it’ll fill you up if you eat enough of it for awhile.”
he huffed. "they do too." he complained, sulking. he had a bit of an accent fetish actually. mostly different dialects of Gaelic, Brit, Irish and other such areas. "you shrieked like a girl." "i didn't shriek! you'd scream too if you used to bunk with rats!" he complained, shaking his head. "they don't bite right?" he demanded, still avoiding the tiny cleaning robots. "of course not! my robots are all perfectly well behaved!" Tony protested but not minding because he knew Steve wasn't sure what Robots really where. "i've gotten a lot better at the slang just from watching T.V." Steve admitted. "that's pretty swell, being able to watch a show anytime you want." he admitted. "i really like this Kindle thing. able to carry hundreds of books all in one pocket! it's brilliant! though, i do miss holding paper." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "it has a lot of carbohydrates so yeah, if I eat enough it will certainly stick with me." he admitted with a grin. "and i have had a lot, lot worse." he admitted with a smile. "thank you for sharing this with me." he admitted, gulping down his portion and everything that was left once the others where done. he wasn't close to full, but he was as close as he'd come since waking up so he was content. all that pizza and now all the Ramen had left him pleasantly 'not hungry'. "this is the most full i've been in years." Steve admitted with a happy little sigh, Tony's eyebrows lifting because he was pretty sure Steve wasn't even close to full. he did know from his father just how much Steve could pack away. Steve, in the middle of the wilderness, had eaten almost an entire cow all by himself because there was plenty to spare at the time. Tony knew how hard it was to feel hungry all the time and made a mental note to himself to make sure that Steve never went hungry ever again.
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