Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“...Maybe.”Gwen agreed sighing a little before pausing, staring at him. Trying to decide if he was being serious before rolling her eyes, going cross eyed as he kissed her nose.”You tease me worse.”She huffed a little. “It’s a good protection really.”Clint agreed thinking it over, snorting at little at natasha’s amused smile. Tony amused her mostly. “I thought being quick was a bad thing?”Natasha said with a smirk, snorting a little. Amused at his excitement for a date. “You do. Sorta horrible really.”Gwen teased as she finished her coffee before heading to get herself a shower and get ready to go.
"i never tease you!" Tony complained, grinning. "it would be rude of me!" he said with a grin before glaring at Natasha. "being quick in bed is a bad thing." he grumbled before shrugging at Gwen. "i stopped a super-villain last night and might have pissed myself a little bit and then fell asleep before showering, of course i stink." "Tony? you remember that discussion we had about polite company and the conversations your not supposed to have around them?" "please. as if these people are 'polite company'." Tony scoffed, Phil choking on his coffee because he'd tried to laugh and swallow at the same time.
“You’re a rude bastard, you know.”Gwen teased. “Yes it is. And you should remember that.”Natasha teased looking amused before snorting. “Shower.” “Gwen is to be considered polite company if you ever want to actually go on a date with her. Your girlfriend might have a problem if you admit to having gotten near her with piss still on you.”Pepper pointed out as she walked in, looking thoughtful as she studied them all. glad to see tony was doing okay.
"i am a crude bastard." Tony agreed with a grin. "i'm never quick." Tony scoffed, not that he was sure of that anymore. "Yes, Shower." Tony agreed before sticking his tongue out at Natasha and Pepper, skipping off as Steve chuckled and offered Pepper some coffee. Tony was showered and dressed and ready within ten minutes and was bouncing around the kitchen waiting for her.
Pepper smiled a little watching him go, finishing her coffee.”Calm down tony, you’re exhausting me just watching you.”She said smiling slightly. “You ready to go?”Gwen said smiling as she walked back into the room, looking comfortable and easy in the black sweater and jeans, stylish but not overdressed. despite having dating him for months now, the fact that they were going out on a date, she was actually nervous.
"Can't calm down! going on a date!" Tony gasped, letting them all know he was petrified he was going to fuck this up. he was likely right but Gwen wouldn't mind, probobly. "You look great! i should have gotten you flowers..." he mumbled, sulking a little before beaming at her. "i'll get you some on the way home!" he decided. "then we can put them in a vase!"
“You can calm down.”Pepper sighed softly, hopefully gwen woudl forgive him for this. “Thanks. And you didn’t know we were going on a date till this morning, so you can get flowers later.”she reassured smiling at him, before taking his hand. “Let’s go tehn.See you later.”She smiled at the others as she headed out with tony, nervous and fidgety. Not sure what was going to happen, but knowing it would be fun, days with tony were always the best.
"Can't calm down!" Tony stated, bouncing in place before going still as Gwen appeared beaming at her. "yeah, that sounds great." he agreed, offering her his arm with a smile. "bye!" Tony called, waving at the gathered crowd, instructions on how to get to get to the brunch nook clutched in his fist. he was wise enough to give her the instructions so they wouldn't get lost and smiled sheepishly at her. "my palms are sweaty... is it weird that i'm nervous?" he asked, anxious enough to forget to filter himself a little bit.

"....this is going to go badly isn't it?" Steve asked Pepper with a shake of his head. "speaking of Dates, uhm... Ms. Potts.... i was wondering if maybe you'd care to go dancing?" he offered her. his way of asking her out on a date.
Pepper sighed sfotly watching the two, shaking her head a little as they. “Thanks.Okay, we go this way.”Gwen smiled a little as she took the instructions, smoothing it out before smiling at him. Trying to be calm for them both. “no, I’m nervous to.”She promised smiling a little as she directed him through the crowd, glad that for the moment, no one had figured out who they were.

“Yes. Yes it is. Hopefully not to badly.”Pepper sighed softly before blushing, looking up at him.”What?Really?Yes. I would like dancing. I don’t get to go often enough, but I can dance.”
"okay." Tony said, grinning as he followed her, offering her a smile. "i'm glad you have a sense of direction." he admitted. "or we'd be helplessly lost." he admitted with a grin before sighing, practically sagging in relief that she was nervous too. "okay. so we're nervous. it's only to be expected right? we've never gone on a real date before right?" he asked her. "so... this is our first date and it's normal to be nervous right?" he asked with a smile. "we can do this though, we've been together for years right? we can do this no problem."

"Great! Great... uhm... crap..." Steve flushed hard. "i don't know how to dance..." he admitted, looking mortified and Bruce started to laugh because that was hilarious that he had asked Pepper to go dancing and didn't know how to dance himself.
“Yea, me to. It’d be horrible if we left you try to figure where we were.”She said snickering a little, before nodding, looking over at him. “yea, that’s probably it. I mean, we’ve never really gone out, hell it was hard convincing you to leave the lab half the time. It’s weird and nerve wrecking to do this.”She said before nodding. “Yea. We can totally do this.”

“what?”Pepper said smiling a little, looking amused and biting her lip tokeep from laughing at him. “Well, I’ll just have to teach you how to dance then.”
"i know right?" he asked before smirking. "i have Jarvis on my phone though, he wouldn't lead us astray." he admitted happily before he smiled at her. "it helps knowing your just as nervous as me." he admitted with a shrug and a shake of his head. "we can totally do this!" he agreed, pausing outside the nearly empty shop. it looked rundown and Tony wondered if Steve really knew what he was talking about? still, he went inside and was nearly swept away by how damn good the entire place smelled. "okay. remind me to never doubt Steve ever again." he mumbled.

"....yeah." Steve agreed sheepishly. "i just got so excited about asking you i forgot i never learned how..." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'd be honored if you would teach me how to dance Ms. Potts." he admitted with a smile.
“that’s true. He wouldn’t let us get to lost.”Gwen said looking amused. “ does.”She smiled at him before looking at the shop, tilting her head a little. Before snorting as tehy walked inside. “I will. I’m sure Steve’ll be amused by this.”She said smiling as the got seated and ordered. Nervous and fidgety, enough that illusions sparked around her fingers a little, changing her finger nail polish at random.

“That’s cute.”Natasha snickered a little looking amused and happy for the two. “Then we’ll go tomorrow. I don’t want to go today, simply because if their date goes badly, the other two are going to need us here.”Pepper said looking a little worried.
"yeah! he's brilliant." Tony agreed with a smile. "I'm sure Steve's lost his damn mind." Tony mumbled before needing to pause to inhale. it made him think of his mother, before Howard had trod all over her like he had Tony. she'd spend the day baking with Tony by her side and the smells made him smile. "hey..." he gently set a hand on hers. "your alright." he promised her with a smile. "if anyone's going to fuck up this date it's going to be me." he pointed out with a smile. "relax. it's just us right? we've done this before. we just never called it a date, right? we called it 'Tony get your ass out of the lab and eat something!'.... bit of a long name if you ask me." hoping to make her laugh.

"Okay." Steve agreed with a grin. "and you can teach me to dance tonight so i don't make a fool of you in the dance hall, yeah?" he offered with a smile.
"It smells like home...before mom married my stepdad..."she muttered thinking along the same lines as he was, closing her eyes a moment, simply enjoyING the smells before looking up at him. "Yea..."she muttered holding onto his hands tightly, taking a shaky breath."...well. you might be right. Okay...I'm okay."He's he muttered before snickering."true...though we usually order in, but yea. We've done this before."she agreed calming some.

"Yea I can do that. It'll be fun."pepper grinned at him looking smused."but first, you promised to help me with some paperwork. Work first, then I'll teach you to dance."
he smiled at her. "yeah. makes me think of my mom too." he admitted with a smile. "It's fine." he agreed, smiling at her, giving her a kiss before smiling at their waiter who smiled and lead them to a seat and took their drink orders and handed them menus. "we have done this." he agreed, smiling at her. "we're perfectly capable of having a date." he agreed with a smile.

"Sure. i'll be glad to give you a hand. you work too hard." he admitted, shaking his head. "you need to eat something before paperwork though, you won't be able to focus if your starving." he pointed out, grabbing a spatula. "what can i make for you? and don't say Coffee."
“Thanks.”Gwen smiled a little, relaxing as he held her hands, sighing quietly as she look the menu. Closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again, nodding. “Yes. We can. A perfectly normal couple date.”She smiled. “I want scrambled eggs and bacon.”She said smiling, before scooting away. “I better go to the bathroom, be right back.”She smiled walking away. Within a few minutes though she was back, backing away from the door, eyes wide and scared as she looked at the gun in front of her. “Tony?”she called over her shoulder, not daring to turn look at him.

“Thanks.”Pepper smiled at him, before huffing a little but not protesting like tony would have. She knew she had to eat some. “Toast and eggs would be nice.”She smiled at him even as she sipped her coffee.
he smiled at her. "a very normal date." he agreed, kissing her gently before beaming and nodding. "i want the pancakes and bacon." he agreed.Tony didn't like eggs so much himself, though he did like the smell of them, weird. "okay. don't trip and fall in." he teased her with a smile before blinking when she packed out of the doorway, up and moving to her as soon as he realized she was facing a gun. "Come on fella. you don't want to shoot anyone, we'll give you what we have, no trouble, yeah?" Ton offered nervously. he'd give up his crap if it meant she wasn't going to get hurt.

Steve grinned at her and set up a plate of toast and eggs on a paper plate refilled her coffee and carried them to her office so she could eat and work at the same time. she was a neat enough eater that she could do that.
"I'll try not to."she looked amused. Looking scared, twitchy a little as she stared at the gun. Tensing as tony got closer."don't tony."she muttered. " stark. Good of you to join us."the man smirked at them both."now, give me your wallet please."
Tony shook his head at her. "it's alright." he promised her, reaching into his pocket and pausing. "uhm.. sorry... hold on..." he muttered, checking each pocket before paling dramatically. "...i left my wallet at the Tower...." he whispered, sounding sick. normally it didn't matter because his phone had that fancy card scanner in it so he could just use that instead of his card. he moved without thinking, shoving her out of the way and stepping into the path of the man's gun, doing just as Natasha had taught him and thrist his hand into the man's throat. it was nearly instant K.O. nearly all the time. a person hit in the throat was even worse than a man getting kicked full strength in the balls. some men could stand up to that, throw a punch into someone's throat and the pain blinded them, the inability to breath panicked them and the force almost always made them drop to the ground. it was dangerous to do because too much force in the hit and you could kill someone. Tony wasn't caring about that at the moment because he'd seen that finger moving on the trigger and it was this or let Gwen get shot and that was never an option. He paused, swallowed hard and looked down at himself. the front didn't look too bad really, just a little hole and a little dribble on his shoulder. the back was a mess where the bullet had spread and splintered and exploded out of him like, well, an explosion.he dropped to his knees, realizing he was in a lot of pain. very pain. very much pain. ow. okay, he was going to just close his eyes and let the pain stop. huh. someone was screaming, that was very annoying, he couldn't take a nap if someone was screaming.
“Kay.”Gwen said swallowing hard, trembling a little, eyes widening. “What? My purse...”Gwen muttered yelping as she was shoved side, hands automatically snapping up to create a illusion, trying to protect them both even when the man collapsed and so did tony. Pale and shaken as she laid on the floor, screaming for help even as she crawled over to tony, “Shush tony, shush. You’re going to be okay.”She muttered putting pressure on the wound, already dialing steve, knowing the owner was calling the cops.
Tony whimpered a little. that hurt. why was someone touching him? he didn't like it when people touched him. it hurt. it hurt. it hurt! he whimpered again and closed his eyes, letting the sweet relief of darkness sweep him away. "Gwen? did Tony mess up the date already?" Steve asked, sounding surprised and sort of tinny, indicating that he was on speakerphone. probobly because Jarvis had answered for him, Steve was still struggling with his tech.
“I know, I know it hurts Tony. I’m sorry.”gwen whimpered hating that she was hurting him, sounding relieved when steve answered.”Steve! Tony’s been shot. We-we got in trouble at the diner. The cops have been called, but Tonys hurt.”Gwen sputtered ignoring the illusions that kept flickering around them, ignoring that she was freaking out a large number of people as both emt’s and cops arrived, only focusing on talking to steve, and keeping tony alive.
There was a pause and then. "Get your asses moving! Go, Go! Bruce! Go get your med kit! Natasha, call Phil we're going to need a cleanup. Clint get over there now and provide backup and see about arresting the asshole who shot Tony. Pepper, go with him, do what you can to keep Gwen calm!" Steve ordered, snapping orders that where instantly obeyed. "okay Gwen, we're on our way, i need you to stay calm for me, okay?" he asked. "are the EMT's there? tell them Tony has a primary doctor and that he's on his way. tell them not to take Tony to the hospital. He won't like that at all but you probobly already knew that..."
“on it.”Pepper muttered the two agents already moving into their assigned tasks. Natasha getting ahold of phil even as clint ran after pepper to go to the diner. “I’m okay. I’m trying. Calm.”Gwen whimpered trying to focus and not lash out at the people around her, swallowing thickly as she looked over at the cops, and nodded. “Yes. They’re here....”She said relaying the words, looking relieved that they didn’t fight her on it, simply bandaged tony up, even if one of the EMT’s looked ready to argue and load him into the ambulance anyways. Which was exactly what was happening, that despite her wishes, the cops held her back, as a ‘dangerous mutant’ even as they loaded tony in the ambulance, gwen handcuffed and restrained.
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