Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

“Ah. Well....true. But I can’t really let tony go by himself either. If he thinks they upset me enough to avoid them, then he really will do something horrible to them.”Gwen pointed out before snorting. “I know. But you still want to go fast right?”She teased before rolling her eyes. “You are so weird.”She teased him a little as she rolled her eyes as he eyed steve. “Don’t even try. He’ll take it away from you.”She reminded him. Wincing a little as the boys yelped and cursed. “’re such a sadist.”Gwen muttered sighing at tony’s glee. “Would you stop that?”Sam said trying to get away from being poked
"well. yeah that's true, but that doesn't mean he has to see them today either." he admitted with a grin before snorting at Tony's response of 'faster is so much better'. "you are such an adrenaline junkie." he complained, looking amused. "I totally am." he agreed. "can we go on Death Coaster?" he asked hopefully. it was the newest thrill ride at coney. it was supposed to be the biggest, fastest thing ever built... well, if it could stay up what with all the superhero battles. "i know. sucks. he's no fun." Tony whined before smirking as he zapped Sam. "Naughty boys who kidnap sweet innocent girls don't get to back chat." he informed them, Dean snorting because. yeah that as kind of true. "Tony. there you are! come with me! you have GOT to see what i found in Sam's blood!" Bruce said, making Tony blink. "eh? who?" "that one." Bruce said, indicating Sam, Dean looking very worried now. "what did you find in Sammie's blood?" he asked. "never mind for now. it won't hurt him." Bruce assured Dean. "i need Tony's opinion first." he admitted. "oh, by the way Tony, Demons are real." "WHAT?! why am i always the last one to know?!" Tony whined he didn't even question it, he just accepted it because Bruce said so and he trusted Bruce. if Gwen had told him, flat out told him instead of just mentioning the boys had thought her one, he would have believed her too. "because your an idiot who would want to poke them." Bruce deadpanned at Tony who considered that and then nodded. "true." he greed, zapping Dean one more time, pleased with the yelp before allowing Bruce to wheel him away, the green rage monster flashing the boys a wink as he headed off. saving them! thank god.
“Yea, but now that he knows they’re here, he wont not see them.”She pointed out before rolling her eyes at tony’s words. Sighing softly. “When you’re better, we’ll go. And maybe take bruce and steve. They’d like it.”She snickered a little before wincing. “We were trying to help.”Sam muttered though he knew he probably shouldn’t. “What?”He said looking worried at bruce as he came in, frowning. “You’d have to look up from your lab equipment to know things first.”Gwen teased him a little before frowning, watching tony follow after Bruce, looking worried. “Well. Good to see you two haven’t been mistreated.”She said looking the two boys over.
"that's also true." Steve agreed. "though, i'm sure we could fore him to stay way if we really tried." he admitted with a chuckle. "they would like it!" Tony agreed. "i would pay to see Bruce Hulk Out on the ride because he got scared!" he admitted with a laugh. he zapped when Sam spoke and scowled at him. "i would not! i know everything! and if i don't then Jarvis does! why doesn't he know!?" "there are no official records. most people don't know." Bruce explained. "most people couldn't handle knowing. most people who find out don't handle it well at all." he admitted. "i never told you, because you'd want to twll Gwen and she wasn't ready to know. now that she has her own powers, she was open minded enough to understand." Bruce admitted. "does being zapped and electrically prodded not count as being mistreated?" Dean asked, sulking as he rubbed the places Tony had poked him. "be glad i didn't let him have the stick he wanted." Steve said, looking amused. "...very glad..." Dean grumbled. "i don't think i've ever seen someone just... blankly accept like that. he's... odd..." Dean admitted, staring at the door where Tony had left. "he's insane." Steve explained. "harmless though, a complete genius. a true genius. but completely off his rocker." he admitted, smiling affectionately because everyone loved Tony even if he was insane. "He's not dangerous though." Dean said, sounding quite certain of that. "insane but harmless.... for the most part." he muttered, examining the slight bruises Tony had left behind. they didn't even hurt anymore so he wasn't inclined to be too annoyed about it.
“If we did, he’d sulk for days if we did.”Gwen sighed a little. “Hm, we should do that. It’d be amusing.”She snickered slightly, before sighing a little at tony’s words. “What did we tell you about not knowing everything?You don’t know everything Tony.”She reminded him. “Well, not much. I mean, we’ve been worse.”Sam pointed out tilting his head a little, even if he was sulking to. “It was sharp, and pointy. Be glad for the electric stick.”Gwen smiled a little before snickering at the boy’s shock, nodding in agreement. “he is quite insane. Harmless, but insane.”She agreed before correcting herself. “At least, till you mess with someone he loves, then it’s hell on earth.”
"I know everything!" Tony yelled back, he always had to have the last word. "We have been worse." Dean agreed with a smile before grimacing at the idea of being stabbed with a sharp stick. Dean grimaced at her comment about hell on earth and mumbled that he could definitely believe it. "we truly are sorry. we didn't know about mutants..." he admitted, Jarvis had been kind enough to offer up that information as well. "we only knew that powers like yours came primarily from being Demon possessed and you where so sweet and kind that... well Demons like to be as sweet as possible you see... we where wrong and i'm more than willing to admit it." Dean admitted. "just to be sure. the... ritual, you where doing..." "Exorcism." "right, that, would it have hurt her?" "no. she herself would have felt no pain at all. the Demon inside of her would have been in excruciating pain and Gwen might have pulled a few muscles as the Demon struggled, but since she wasn't Demon possessed it wouldn't have done anything at all to her aside from... well scaring the piss out of her." Steve nodded, glad that she wouldn't have been hurt. "we started to realize she wasn't a demon as soon as she didn't flinch when we said Christo." the boys froze when Steve flinched and Steve froze as well before making a beeline for the door, snarling when it slammed shut. Jarvis had seen the flinch as well and Jarvis had done his research when he had discovered Demons where real. Dean was moving fast, slapping a Devil's trap over the door so Steve couldn't touch it and they waited with bated breath to see what would happen. neither had their books and so could not read an exorcism.
“I’m sure you have.”Gwen said watching them before smiling. “he’s a terror sometimes, but he has a good heart.”Gwen said before shrugging a little. “I know. It’s okay. Scared me badly, but...well. I’m considering it for the next book. So don’t be surprised if you see yourselves in fiction.” “...what is it with people writing about us...”Sam grumbled, though it wasn’t true annoyance and only made gwen laugh a little. “That’s good.”Gwen said looking relieved that she wouldn’t have been hurt. “And when she crossed into the trap without being upset, or touched holy water.”Sam said before his eyes widened at the flinch, reaching out and pulling gwen behind him. Putting his body between her and steve, more then willing to protect the innocent woman. “...dammit...”Sam cursed softly as he realized they had nothing to read from, that he didn’t know it by heart, before startling at the quiet muttering coming over his shoulder. Before realizing what it was. Gwen, with her memory sharp and trained for writing, was repeating back what they’d said to her. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.”Gwen said quietly, trembling as she leaned into sam's back, having realized they didn't know the words, supplying them, not sure if just saying them would do it, or if it had to be there. well aware jarvis was probably telling tony and bruce right now.
"he does." Dean agreed with a chuckle, Steve nodding before pausing to snort at Gwen's comment that she was going to put it in her books. "i'll loan you some books. so you get everything right." Dean promised with a smile, snickering at Sammie. "well. some of the more powerful demons can resist Holy Water and the Devil's traps so we weren't sure until we actually started the exorcism." Dean admitted with a smile. Steve hissed at them before smirking a little. "it's such a shame." he said simply. "Steve was so close to actually putting up a fight. he's actually close to damaging himself he's fighting my control so hard. it was a delight, pretending to be Captain America. he's so... sweet. an apple pie really." the Demon admitted with a chuckle, licking his lips. "and he tastes simply divine." the Demon purred. "i bet you will taste just as sweet. your tender flesh." he growled, looking at Gwen. "especially hers. i've been wanting to sink my teeth into her sweet flesh for days now." he admitted before cringing violently when she started speaking. he flinched and cringed and collapsed snared at them. "Your father is writhing in the pits of hell!" he snarled. "i've tortured him myself! i've tortured him personally! i made him beg for death!" he snarled before screaming when the door was flung open and Bruce was there with Ropes, already speaking. Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino qui fertis super caelum caeli ad Orientem Ecce dabit voci Suae vocem virtutis, tribuite virtutem Deo." Bruce said, tossing the rope to the boys, Dean grabbing it while Steve writhed on the floor and tying him down as best as he could. it was hard when the man was a super soldier.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, mnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te. cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare." Bruce read, hand flashing out, spraying Steve with Holy water, making him shriek and convulse and writhe. smoke drifting off of him.

"Vade, Satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis. Humiliare sub potenti manu dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine, quem inferi tremunt. Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos. Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris, te rogamus, audi nos." Bruce intoned, speaking that every last word, from memory and he splashed Steve again, Tony watching with fascination from the doorway as Steve shrieked again as Holy Water splattered him again.

"Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae te rogamus, audi nos. Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo. Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem et fortitudinem plebi Suae. Benedictus Deus. Gloria Patri." Steve finished, snapping his wrist as if shutting a book as black mist poured out of Steve, making him twitch and convulse and cough, curling up on his side as the black mist swirled around the room, trying to escape and Bruce smiled. "let's see if this works." Bruce said, raising a squirt bottle set on mist and sprayed the mist. Dean had never heard mist SCREAM before. "Damn...." Bruce mumbled as the mist dissolved and he scowled at the bottle. "still needs some work. you okay Steve?" Bruce asked softly. "I..I D...Don't K...Know..." Steve stuttered. "I... I could see... but i couldn't.. i couldn't do anything..." "Shh. Steve. it's okay..." Bruce said, gently rubbing the man's back.
“Great. That’d be awesome.”Gwen grinned, pleased at the idea of getting everything right. Wincing at the sound of that all american voice being so....creepy and weird. “I’m not that tender, nor as sweet as you think.”Gwen said hands already twitching, focusing on teh devil’s trap on the door, laying one out across the floor as they stood in it, not sure if the illusion would trap steve as well as a physical trap would, but she tried, holding him still struggling for calm and not fear. But she was afraid, sam and dean had managed to scare her enough that in the face of this, she wasn’t holding it together. Even as she supplied the words. Leaning down and holding steve’s legs even as the others tied him up, looking vaguely amused slightly that gwen had literally laid down on top of steve, using her slight hundred pound weight to keep him there as they worked.

“Wow...”gwen startled as she stared at the mist, leaning against steve, panting softly before darting over to tony, pressing against his chest, careful though cause she knew he was hurt still, but needing held. “...You’ll figure it out. That was better then anything we’ve ever been able to do once they’re out of the body.”Sam said looking fascinated as he sat back, watching steve, “You’re’ll be okay.”he muttered looking at steve worried about him.
Dean smiled because Sam was the same way. everything had to be perfect or it wasn't worth doing, according to him. "you are a woman whose flesh is soft and lean. of course you will be tender and sweet."Steve teased, grinning viciously before crying out in pain as the illusions trapped him and the exorcism did it's job. Steve lay there, panting and Tony held her in his arms, comforting her as best s he could while Steve trembled and tried to find the strength to get up. "he starved you..." Bruce whispered, understanding why Steve was so weak. "so you weren't strong enough to overpower him..." "ye..yeah." Steve whispered, resting his head in Bruce's lap and closed his eyes. so tired. "i can't remember. how did he get inside me?" Steve wondered. "i can't remember... how long did he have me?" "what's the last thing you remember?" Dean asked softly, fetching the tray of breakfast they had never finished and gently helped Steve gulp it down. "i... i remember. book signing. we where at the book signing and Tony was having that huge fight with Gwen. i was fighting Obi and..." he paused and Dean winced. "it seems likely, that Obediah Stane was being possessed. when he died, the Demon fled into you." Dean muttered, Tony looking startled by that. "you... you think Obi was being possessed?" "it's definitely a probability." Bruce admitted, closing his eyes. "if that's the last thing Steve remembers, then it's more than likely it wasn't Obi trying to kill you, or break you two up. it was a Demon wanting what power Tony could give him." Tony wasn't sure if that made it better or worse. "It was a Demon..." Steve whispered. "it possessed Obediah years ago..." Steve whispered, exhausted. "He was dying of cancer and hadn't told anyone. the Demon went into him. Obediah died years ago, he was just being walked around by the demon inside of him." Steve whispered, knowing it would make Tony feel much better. "The Demon though... the Demon... it was part of Hydra." Steve whispered. "it was in his mind, i could see into it, like watching a broken T.V. Hydra isn't gone.." he shuddered,closed his eyes and went to sleep, too exhausted to say anymore, or even stay awake. "is he..." "he'll be fine. he spent all his energy on fighting the possession o the demon punished him by starving him." Bruce explained. "it's left him terribly weak and very exhausted but a good sleep and a few hundred pounds of food should get him right as rain again. how did you realize he was possessed?" Bruce asked Dean who flushed. "i... uh, didn't... i said Christo and he flinched." "....ah..."
“I’m okay. Really.”Gwen muttered shiftling a little, twisting to look at steve, upset that this had upset her so badly, when it was her friend that was hurting. “...A super soldier without any strength. Demons lucky it didn’t actually kill him.”Gwen muttered looking amazed before frowning. “Easy on the food. Don’t make yourself sick.”Sam muttered softly staying close just in case something happened. Before frowning, nodding a little. “Stane’s always been with Stark industries, with ties to other companies world wide and in power. Makes sense teh demons would want to possess him, especially since until recently, Tonys’ left most of the work to him and pepper.”Sam said looking at tony, tilting his head a little. “It’s okay. Your friend died long time ago, the man you thought of as a father....wasn’t the one trying ot kill you.”Gwen muttered stroking tony’s hair a little, knowing it would help to think of it that way. “What?Hydra?”Gwen startled looking at him, pale as she considered that. “Then we better start figuring out what they’re planning....” “You said things were getting bigger. If the demons are working with hydra, maybe they’re working with others to.”Sam said looking shaken at the ideabefore looking startled as steve past out, worried for a moment before relaxing. “...He asked us about what we did to gwen, and well flinched.”Sam shrugged a little blushing slightly that they’d figured it out by mistake before moving to get up. “We better get him to bed. Looks like he’ll sleep for awhile....maybe a IV for nutrients to. It’d help his body recover.”
"No your not. that was scary as hell." Tony mumbled. "it wouldn't matter if Steve died while the Demon was possessing him. just means the Demon wouldn't have to fight hi fr the body anymore..." Dean admitted softly. "The Demon was, more than likely, trying to kill Captain America." he admitted, watching Steve slowly munch the food that was there. "recently, Stane, or, the Demon possessing Stane anyway, tried to kill Tony so he could take over the company." "that sounds accurate."Dean admitted. "after a while, the Demon stops pretending to be who they're possessing. they slowly adapt their personality to whatver suits them best instead of blending in, they do it slow enough that no one notices. they learn quickly that doing one eighty personality changes get's them locked up in hospitals." Dean admitted. "Obi wasn't trying to kill me." Tony whispered. "and i didn't kill an innocent man..." he pressed his face int her shoulder and sighed, trying to keep himself put together. crying wouldn't solve a damn thing. "it's more likely that Hydra is simply... suitable for a Demon's needs." Dean admitted. "they want power. they want to set up shop so they're spawn can possess people close to them, spreading their power base. they want to rule as many people as possible, so that they can take over earth and have a claim to all the souls... i think. we don't actually know what they really want." Bruce agreed. "no ones been able to get a Demon to admit what the hell they want so we have to guess." he scowled at the boy. "of the people in this room, which one is the doctor?" he demanded. "there is a reason we're not giving Steve I.V." he stated simply. "because of the Serum, anything injected into his bloodstream is taken as a threat. his body would attack the I.V. fluids instead of defending itself from more important things." Bruce admitted. "he will have to recover the slow way, though i can slip an I.V. of fluids into him. there's nothing for the body to attack if it's just water." he admitted.
“Yea, it was.”Gwen muttered pressing her face into the other’s shoulder, clinging to tony but carefully, not wanting to hurt him. “Yes, most likely. Most would follow Steve’s orders without question, because he is the captain.”Clint said having made a sweep of the rest of the tower to make sure nothing else was happening before joining them. “....No, obi loved you. And you set him free, from a demon. You did good.”Gwen muttered stroking tony’s hair, trying to comfort him before wincing a little at the idea of hydra taking over things. “Makes sense. Hydra already was getting alot of control, demons would have a easy time molding it to their own needs.”Sam frowned before wincing a little, “sorry. Just trying to help.”He said easing back, wincing a little. “Ah. I see.” “He’ll be okay. It’ll just take time.”Gwen said smiling a little.
Tony smiled and stroked her hair, nuzzling her and trying to make her feel better. "So they wanted Steve because He had the most power at the time?" "most likely it was a nice coincidence. Steve was there, knocked out an helpless and the Demon needed a host. being able to possess Captain America was just a happy accident for them." Bruce admitted before smiling at Tony. "i did good... i saved Obi..." Tony mumbled, sounding quite pleased. "so how many of Hydra are actually Demons do you suppose?" Dean wondered, Bruce shrugging. "at this point in time it's impossible to be sure." he admitted. "we'll have to start looking into it, see where they are, how many there are." Bruce admitted, looking up at Jarvis, well aware the other was already looking into it. "it will take time but he'll be fine. it might be up to a week before he's totally recovered though." Bruce admitted, gathering Steve into his arms and lifting him with a grunt. "i'll get im to bed.... if i'm not there when he wakes up tell him i said he's fat." Bruce ordered with a wheeze, heading out the door. "Are you okay?" Dean asked Gwen, looking concerned for her.
“Just a accident. But demons aren’t above using accidental moments to their advantage. They sort of excel at those kinds of things.”Sam said sighining a little. “And you did good. Really good.”Gwen said smiling a little. “If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say at least one demon for a team, sections or however they’re splitting things up.”SAm said shaking his head as he snickered slightly at bruce’s words. “we’ll be sure to let him know.’He promised. “Y-yea I’m okay.”Gwen sniffled a little easing back enough to look at dean, hands twitching a little, wanting to toss illusions in, to hide, but not.
"They do excel at it, the little bastards." Bruce agreed. "Your not okay..." Dean muttered before perking up. "hy Jay man! you can order people to do things right? have someone bring Gwen a cup of something hot, whatever her thing is, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa?" "she likes Cocoa." Tony said, wondering where Dean was going with this when he pulled everything off the beds and piled it up on the floor and asked Jarvis to play Gwen's favorite movie on the wall. ah. cuddle pile. Tony could go for that. let her drink cocoa and watch her movie and snuggle and calm down. good idea.
“I’m okay.”Gwen said looking upset. “No, you really aren’t. You’ve had your world turned upside down, and we sorta didn’t help by traumatizing you before this. Now. We’re going to relax and cuddle.”Sam said immediately figuring out what dean wanted as jarvis said pepper was on her way down with cocoa. Smiling as tony and gwen settled on the floor and the beginnings of sherlock holmes started. “Here. Rest. Call if you need anything. I’ll be with Steve.”Pepper smiled softly as she handed over the cocoa, making sure everyone was okay before heading out to check on her boyfriend, pleased that even after just a few minutes in the cuddle pile, gwen looked calmer and ready to sleep.
"yes. cuddle." Dean agreed, though he made sure to sit on Tony's side instead of Gwen's. he didn't trust himself around girls. the where... awesome. "Thanks Pepper." Tony said, giving her a smile before falling asleep on Gwen and Dean, Dean chuckling as he glanced at Sam. "they're super cute huh?" he asked with a smile. "you okay?" he asked Sammie softly, blinking when the lights dimmed a little for the two sleeping people and the sound went low. "thanks Jarvis." Dean said softly, leaning back to get some sleep of his own. he nearly freaked out when he woke up to a smirking Tony start, whom he was spooning like Stark where a girl. okay, he did freak out, but only because Tony said 'good morning sweetheart, you happy to see me?' and Dean had realized he'd been having some very pleasant dreams. he locked himself in the bathroom while Tony laughed so hard he nearly made himself sick.
"They are super cute...and remember dean. Keep your hands to yourself. He's liable to be violent if you touch his girlfriend."Sam teased before growing serious, nodding slightly."as well as I can be....I think bruce can help."he said as he settled in to sleep himself.

"Hmmm?tony you being mean?"gwen muttered sleepily blinking at the laughing tony. "Well, dean when I told you to not touch gwen, I didn't mean for you to grope the billionaire. But your my brother, and I love you no matter what your preferences are."Sam said grinning as he talked through the door.
"shut up Sam." he ordered. "he's violent enough on his own, don't give him ideas." "don't make me get my pokey prod." Tony ordered, mostly asleep but smiling when Dean grimaced. "i hope so." Dean admitted, smiling at his brother. he really hoped so.

"i am being mean!" Tony admitted with another bright laugh. "Shut up Sam!" Dean complained. "it was an accident! i thought he was a girl!" "Hey!" Tony complained. "i was asleep! it's not my fault!" Dean complained. "Besides! your the one that went to collage! don't you do sexual exploring in collage? if anyone should have their orientation questioned, it's you!" Dean complained. "Sounds like someone's in some pretty heavy denial." Tony laughed.
“Be nicer. You want them to like you.”Gwen said sighing softly as she rubbed a hand over her face waking up more. “He’s definitely not a girl.”Gwen said smirking at tony, rubbing a hand against her arm, trying to calm him a little. “By college I was well aware I liked girls. I always wondered if the serial sleeping around was covering up for something. You want to tell us anything dean?”Sam teased.
Tony blinked at her. "i do?" he asked,confused. why did he want them to like him?they where leaving weren't they? Phil wanted them for a super secret boy band or something. "By collage you where aware you where a pussy."Dean complained, rolling his eyes as he came back out. "Yeah, i wanna tell you that your all goddamn insane. "Dean stated, blinking when Bruce appeared. "morning!" Bruce stated, holding up a massive tray of breakfast. "came to give Tony a health report. he fusses and doesn't eat enough. Steve is awake." he informed Tony. "he called mean asshole,blamed you for being a bad influence and is currently inhaling about thirty pounds of food." which meant Steve was fine. "Also, it might interest you to know, the Trickster struck again." he admitted. "some asshole teacher was taking 'advantage' of students, changing their grades and offering better ones in... you know. exchange for some rather nasty things." "Yuck! what happened to him?" "well... he was, er... found stripped naked in his office tied up... what happened after wasn't the Trickster of course but... well let's just say he won't be raping anyone anymore." "....oh." "on the plus side he's still alive. i don't think the Trickster realized how... volitile some of the...victims where." Bruce admitted. "this is the first time someone's been hurt after or during one of his pranks." Bruce admitted. "Trickster?" Tony asked curiously.
“You do. I mean, even if they’re going away, we’ll probably have to work with them, if for no other reason there’s demons around.”Gwen said logically. “No, by college I was aware I liked pussy.”Sam replied with a eyeroll. “we’re not the insane one. You are.”He replied. “Morning Bruce.”gwen said smiling a little. “Good. And Tony is totally the bad influence on everyone.”Gwen giggled a little, smiling softly as she realized steve was fine before wincing, paling slightly. “Really?” “That’s....damn.”Sam cursed quietly. Well aware that if it really was loki doing the tricking, it was going to upset him greatly to know someone had been hurt as a result. Biting his lip as he wondered how to get in touch with the man, and if his old cell phone worked still. Or....maybe he could just speak out loud. He knew it worked with Cas and most demons, he wondered if it worked with old gods to.
"oh... oh well, if they don't like me they can work with Steve." Tony admitted with a shrug,Dean snorting because,well, he kind of already liked Tony. the man was nuts, but he was funny and he clearly thought the world of Gwen. who wouldn't like that? "i am not insane." Dean complained, though he looked amused before glancing at Sam. "you know... if you where gay... that would explain some things." he admitted with a grin, though he was pretty sure Sam wasn't considering his adoration of Jessica and that hot werewolf chick he'd gotten to sleep with. "Yeah. the sick bastard kind of deserved it though, he got three of the girls pregnant and claimed they came onto him. they didn't have money for court and he was pressuring them to... er, 'get rid of the evidence' as he told them." he admitted, checking his tablet. "i don't feel sorry in the least for him." Bruce admitted. "oh... also? the Stalker? yeah he's still hanging around..." he warned Gwen. "i'm really sorry but he's been asking... detailed questions about you. you can't leave the tower alone, we think he might be deranged." he admitted. "until we can have him detained and tested, i don't trust him not to do something... nefarious." Bruce admitted, Dean sitting up. "Gwen has a stalker?" he asked,looking worried. "think it's a Demon?it would make sense. it's likely that they want to get close. Tony's too dangerous,so they want to possess someone close to him might be they want to possess Gwen so they can have her render him helpless and have him possessed too." he shook his head. "sorry, i know it probobly grates but Bruce is right. don't go anywhere alone, they'll do they're damnedest to take advantage of you." "on the plus side, i can't be possessed." Bruce admitted cheerfully. "my... unique 'alterations' do not allow it. they've tried."
“well, that’s true.”Gwen said looking amused. Sam smiled slightly, cause he did like tony, for the same reasons dean did. It was obviosu he thought the world of his girlfriend, and that made him better then most. Before frowning at dean. “...It would explain nothing. Shut up dean. If either of us is gay, I’d look at yourself.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little before wincing at the idea of the teacher. “Damn. That’s...damn.”He shook his head before looking worried, frowning at gwen. “Stalker? Do we know anything about him?”He asked, wincing as gwen’s scared and upset look as she pressed closer to tony. “Don’t worry. We’ll look after you. And we can’t be possessed. Not anymore.”Sam said smiling a little as he tugged his shirt aside enough to show a devil’s trap tattoo. While it had never occurred to them to try the temporary ones like bruce had, they’d figured out that they could permenantly make their bodies painful for demons to try and get to.
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