"i'm not nice." Dean grumbled, aware that e was likely going to have to protect his little brothers virtues from this... god. He knew his Brother had no chance, he was too soft hearted and Loki was handsome and sweet and not to be trusted! Tony held her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles and Loki smiled at her a little. "you are human raised with human identification and human credentials. this means you are, in the eyes of the laws of the nine realms, a human even if you are not one genetically speaking. you can leave if you want to, but no one can force you to." he admitted. "however, you will need training. you are at the beginning of your powers. in Asgardian Culture, the one in which i was raised, your barely a toddler." he admitted. "powers always start to appear, if there will be any, between the ages of eighteen and twenty five earth years old." he admitted. "this is typically when the, children..." his lips twitched. "engage in intense schooling to teach them to learn how to control their powers. without training, as your powers grow you could do great damage without even realizing you've done it. you will need a teacher." he admitted to her. Asgardians aged at the same rate as humans did, but because they lived to be so, so much older they weren't considered 'adult' until much later. Loki himself was barely into his 'teen' years, mentally speaking, though he had been long considered capable of making his own decisions he himself was not yet an 'adult' and was still supposed to bow his head to those who where adults. Loki had gone to earth simply because he could not stand the 'adults' treating him like shit anymore and he was old enough to choose, finally, where he wanted to live. Odin had allowed it and so, to earth Loki cam and to Earth Loki would stay. "there are a few options here." Loki admitted. "i could try to tutor you myself. i could contact someone i trust to come and teach you or i could alert your problem the Magic Counsel and they could assign a teacher to you. however they would likely want you to go and live with them. you will have to be firm in your decision to remain on earth and that you are a full adult in your culture or they will attempt to claim that you don't have the right to make your own decisions."