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Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"Ah, well that makes sense."gwen said before choking on her laughter at the dumbstruck look on Sam's face. "Dean!be nice."she ordered smirking."no hitting him for just asking sam out. I think he does want a ride on the magic stick." "...we were talking about powers."Sam said sounding g a little strangled. "Oh...yes. it does. I mwan...2hen I Create something, It's there, You Can Tell It's there..."Gwen Bit Her Lip LookING At Loki anxiously. Holding tony's hand, needing support to steady herself. Reassuring herself that no matter what, he'd love her." I have to do anything, or go somewhere or can I stay on earth?I mean....I don't want to leave..."
"i'm not nice." Dean grumbled, aware that e was likely going to have to protect his little brothers virtues from this... god. He knew his Brother had no chance, he was too soft hearted and Loki was handsome and sweet and not to be trusted! Tony held her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles and Loki smiled at her a little. "you are human raised with human identification and human credentials. this means you are, in the eyes of the laws of the nine realms, a human even if you are not one genetically speaking. you can leave if you want to, but no one can force you to." he admitted. "however, you will need training. you are at the beginning of your powers. in Asgardian Culture, the one in which i was raised, your barely a toddler." he admitted. "powers always start to appear, if there will be any, between the ages of eighteen and twenty five earth years old." he admitted. "this is typically when the, children..." his lips twitched. "engage in intense schooling to teach them to learn how to control their powers. without training, as your powers grow you could do great damage without even realizing you've done it. you will need a teacher." he admitted to her. Asgardians aged at the same rate as humans did, but because they lived to be so, so much older they weren't considered 'adult' until much later. Loki himself was barely into his 'teen' years, mentally speaking, though he had been long considered capable of making his own decisions he himself was not yet an 'adult' and was still supposed to bow his head to those who where adults. Loki had gone to earth simply because he could not stand the 'adults' treating him like shit anymore and he was old enough to choose, finally, where he wanted to live. Odin had allowed it and so, to earth Loki cam and to Earth Loki would stay. "there are a few options here." Loki admitted. "i could try to tutor you myself. i could contact someone i trust to come and teach you or i could alert your problem the Magic Counsel and they could assign a teacher to you. however they would likely want you to go and live with them. you will have to be firm in your decision to remain on earth and that you are a full adult in your culture or they will attempt to claim that you don't have the right to make your own decisions."
Gwen smiled a little shifting to lean into tony, closing her eyes for a moment, simply relaxing at the touch before nodding. “Oh. Good. It would be weird to have to go anywhere else. I don’t want to.”She said before tilting her head, eyes widening a little as she considered if she was a toddler. Refusing to glance at tony, not wanting to show just how badly she was panicking at the thought that she was goign to outlive him. If she was a toddler, she was going to lose him. “I do....I’ve been...fumbling along. But even helping with the abomination, I think I caused more damage then I meant to.”She sighed a little as she considered loki, frowning a little. “...What would be the best option?” “Probably letting loki help ,I think. Though I’m thinking if the counsel finds out, and they probably will, they’ll still try and force you to leave.”
"Then you won't." Loki admitted with a shrug. "simple as that." he admitted before smiling a little. "relax. there is no telling if you will be the same as me. you appear to be half human, which is more common than you might think. you'll most likely age as a human does." he admitted. "on the off chance that you don't, being so close to you will most likely allow magic to seep into your mate and allow for him to live a greatly extended life as well." he admitted. "your powers are still growing, no doubt your exhausted now." he admitted with a smile. "it's the first time you really used the abilities you've found yourself with right? it's not unlike working out for the first time." he admitted. "make sure you give yourself a lot of food, candy would be best, the sugars will give your magic the boost it needs. carbohydrates are also very good as well. no worries bout getting fat, as your magic grows you'll find it a challenge to keep up with the caloric needs." he admitted. "that's why i'm so gloriously thin, i can't eat enough right now." he admitted with a chuckle. "you shouldn't have that problem for a while though, and if you do, just nom down on a power bar or two very hour or so and you'll be fine." he admitted. "if you find yourself having serious cravings for sweets, it's likely because you're not eating enough to let your magic recover." he admitted. "as for best options, it varies." he admitted. "i have never taught someone before and i might be very unsuited to it." he warned, looking rather shy. "plus, i have tests that i must attend to, i won't be able to devote as much time as i should to helping you." he admitted. "however. the few people i know who can tutor you will need... persuading and i don't have much they would want so they'd have to be talked into it somehow and seeing as how i hate them i'm pretty sure the only reason i would even consider it is because Sam likes you and i like Sam." he admitted, sighing. "so really, it's a matter if you would prefer less time but more personalized lessons or more time and less personalized lessons. as for the Magical Counsel they cannot speak to her unless she contacts them first. they are forbidden from interfering in human lives and she is a considered human. it's like the American government trying to tell a Mexican child, born and raised in Mexico what to do just because he can do good math." Loki scoffed. "it would never fly. specially as we cannot be certain what species you might belong to." he admitted. "so, you could be asgardian or Vanir and we can't know unless we do tests and they are not allowed unless you give permission, so. that means they cannot demand anything of you."
“Oh. Good then.”Gwen settled smiling slightly, relaxing at the idea before shuddering, smirking a little as she poked tony in the shoulder a little. “Just think, futurist, you could live long into the future now.”She teased a little before nodding. “I feel tired all the time, but I thought that was just cause of everything happening.”She shrugged a little before nodding. “It was the first time I did more then just make a small illusion.” “You’re not that thin, loki.”Sam said rolling his eyes looking amused. “well, I’ll just eat whatever I want then.”Gwen said ebfore frowning, thinking about it. Biting her lip a little before sighing quietly. “I’d rather having personal lessons, I have to write and take care of tony anyways. So we’ll just work around what schedule works best for us both.”She said smiling brightly at the other. “Good. We have enough problems with demons and everything else, last thing we need is to deal with a pushy counsel.”Sam said smiling a little, before sighing softly. Wondering if they’d have to worry about her parent now that she was showing signs of being magical. Surely that would draw more then just loki’s attention. But not wanting to bring it up, not wanting to worry gwen more then they had to.
Tony grinned. "i would highly enjoy that." he admitted happily before blinking at Loki. "It's because you haven't recovered your magical reserves." Loki admitted. "the more you use it the more you need to eat and rest." he admitted. "the shock probobly doesn't help either to be honest." he admitted with a smile. "Just eat as much as you can. when you get full stop, when you get hungry again eat, simple as that." Loki admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'll do everything i can to be as good of a teacher as i can." he promised. "for now, i have tests so it will have to be between those...." here Loki looked frantic. "i'm not even close to ready..." he mumbled. "i'm going to fail and have to go back and i don't want to go back...Sam! you have to help m study!" Loki ordered, Bruce snorting. "Loki? what you need is some sun, some sleep, some food and a good bit of physical activity. your coming with me and we're going to do a Yoga and Tai-Chi set." Bruce said, hauling Loki to his feet and guiding the godling, too stunned to protest, out of the room.
“I’m sure you would.”Gwen smiled before looking thoughtful nodding. “Well then, food and rest. And maybe fussing after tony. He needs looked after.”Gwen said smiling quietly as she rested her head against tony’s shoulder, sighing softly as she closed her eyes. Before huffing a little. “Don’t worry loki. From everything I know, you will do fine relax.”Gwen said laughing as loki was hauled out of the room. “....that was adorable.”Gwen said smiling slightly, amused as she yawned, tired now.
Loki smiled. "Tony does appear to be needing some fussing. are you in pain?" Loki asked, noticing how pale Tony had become. the quick 'no' only made Loki more sure that the man was in need of painkillers and a good nap. "I won't do fine!" Loki complained before squeaking as he was herded out the door. "i can rest when i'm dead!" where the last words that they heard before Bruce had him down the stairs and Terry, Tony's new 'personal nurse' chuckled as he walked in. "sorry folks but Mr. Stark is due for his pain medication." he admitted. "and i think Lady. Gwen-" he'd adopted the name Jarvis had given her. "-Could use a nap as well."
“He is. Idiot wont let me put him to bed.”Gwen sighed a little, shaking her head as she considered the other, before looking amused as loki left. Sighing softly as she looked up at the nurse, rubbing a hand over her face. “Let’s go bed. And no games, tony. You need sleep.”She said gently urging him to his feet so they could get back to bed.
"i don't wanna." Tony whined. "i wanna talk to the magic man.. hey! you little sneak!" Tony complained to Terry who had used the distraction to dope Tony up without him noticing. "i don't need sleep! i need... i need Sims!" he complained. "and the Magic man! and science Gwen! Magic Science!" he complained, even if he was following her obediently. or rather, was allowing her to push his wheelchair without pressing on the brakes. he complained the entire time Steve was settling him into bed but by the time she joined him he was snoring away. Loki rejoined them two hours later looking a lot more relaxed and calm. "Asana is amazing." Loki mumbled. "and Yoga is too. and Tai-chi. i have to take lessons or something. i had no idea a person could bend like that... it's a shame Bruce isn't sexually active because he has a damn fine ass..." Bruce was so shocked by the comment he actually blushed and dropped the eggs. with Betty in the room he knew he was never going to live it down. ever.
“Not right now. And apparently I’m magic girl, I’ll talk to you later.”Gwen said smiling slightly before huffing. “No, you need sleep, not science and sims yet. Later.”She said smiling because even as he protested, he was still settling in to sleep. Blinking sleepily as she looked up at loki, yawning as she snickered. “yes it is. And I’m sure you could bend Sam in shapes like that. For as big as he is, he looks really bendy.”Gwen said smirking at the hunter who blushed behnd the book he was reading. “He does have a fine damned ass.”Betty grinned snickering as she looked at her boyfriend.
"oh... well... okay." Tony agreed. working with Gwen would be much more fun than working with Loki. "I need Science and Sims! i bet i could make a real life plumbob!" he admitted before snoring away.

"You should be sleeping." Loki accused Gwen, offering her a chastising look before sighing. "i suppose you should eat first actually." he admitted before smirking. "i'm sure i could, though it would likely involve more rope and pulled muscles than it would be worth." Loki admitted with a smile before snickering as Bruce groaned. "he moans very nicely too." "knock it off or i'll pound you. i thought you didn't flirt with things that where dangerous?" "i've shifted my priorities." Loki admitted with a laugh.
“I was till tony started snoring louder.”She made a face, before shifting to sit up, nodding. “Food would be good.”She said before snorting. “probably.”sam agreed rolling his eyes a little, before laughing at loki’s words, not even jealous, cuase he knew loki was just teasing him. “He’s decided that you like him, therefore not dangerous to him. He’s a little weird.”Sam said smiling at loki, before getting up to retrieve some food for gwen, handing over the whole candy dish and some snack bars.
"Ah. it's because of the painkillers." Bruce admitted, Terry nodding as he poured some tea into a cup for Loki who smiled and accepted it. "this is delicious! a good proper cup of English." Loki praised with a smile, Bruce chuckling as he settled in with his own teapot of Chinese Black tea. "here." Loki smiled and waved his hand and a large spread filled the table. a huge cake was at the center, cookies where spread out on little plates and there where finger sandwiches. there was enough food to feed everyone and give Gwen the huge boost of energy she needed. he himself was nibbling delicately at some lady fingers and some pastries. he was a prince after all, everything he did was delicate and poised and perfectly done. he was going to make an amazing lawyer.
“Thanks.”Gwen said smiling a little as she started to eat, eyes wide as she considered the food before starting to dig in. “....Is this a workup to some porn that you were telling me about, Dean?”Cas asked as he looked at the group, black eyebrows raised as he considered them. Looking around with what had become his normal look around the winchesters, quiet befuddlement and confusion at dealing with the humans.
Dean blinked at Cas, a bit startled. "Jesus stop doing that!" he ordered with a scowl, Terry hiding a laugh behind his hand while the rest of the room stared at Castiel in confusion. "who the hell are you?" Loki demanded, feeling as if he might actually have some competition for Sam's affections. "it's not porn. it's... luncheon?" Dean asked, Loki snorting. "it's mid-morning Tea." he corrected. "heathen." Loki grumbled at Dean. "yes i am." Dean agreed, looking at Cas. "where have you been then?! we where arrested because we thought a girl was being possessed when she wasn't!" he complained, sulking at Cas. "seriously though, how the hell did you get in here?" Bruce demanded. "You shouldn't be able to get in here! this is a serious security problem!"
Sam jumped, nearly spilling his coffee, staring up at the angel. “....This does hearken to the pizza man who never gets to deliver his pizza.”Cas said frowning slightly. “Cas, this is not porn.”Sam said sighing a little. “If I came every time you were arrested, I’d never do anything but trail after you. Besides....this girl is not of earth, but she is not a threat either. You would be well.”Cas shrugged a little looking at Bruce. “I am Castiel, of the heavenly host.” "....A angel?"Gwen said eyes wide and startled.
"There's no music." Dean stated simply. "and no ones naked or dressed improperly, so this is not porn." he informed the Angel. "this is a mid-morning tea. i guess. its a meal. because Gwen, this girl, hasn't been eating enough because she didn't know about her magical powers... or something. i wasn't actually paying attention." that made Loki snort. "Well Met to you, Holy Host." Loki said, offering Castiel a proper bow. even Asgardians knew of the Heavenly Host and bowed to them. the only ones who did not where the Vanir, and that was because they where equals to the Angels. "Yes. did you think there would be none? when there are Demons?" Loki asked, looking a little amused as Terry chuckled a little. "well. i suppose i should probobly come clean too then?" he asked, glancing around at them. "now. please keep in mind, i never lied... i just... didn't admit something." he admitted and with a ripple, or a twitch, or something, two large wings spread from his back. "i'm only half Angel you see, i've spent my entire life on earth. the Heavenly Father asked me to come and help care for the Avengers." he admitted. "i thought i was going to have to fully finish my schooling before i could apply for a position here. i'm not sure if there was interference or if it was happy chance but i ended up here years earlier than i anticipated." he admitted. "i've been using my Angel Healing powers to do what i can to help Tony but i'm still learning." he admitted. "plus, healing him too fast could throw his body into shock, so..." he shrugged, hoping the Avengers wouldn't be too angry with him.
“...You call your clothes proper? You are in a well classed place, Dean, you should dress better.”Cas said, though the slight quirk to his lips said that he understood, and that he was just being stubborn to give Dean a hard time. He’d learned, some, how to tease, to be human. “Ah. Yes. The half-asgardian.”Cas said thoughtfully looking at Gwen, before laughing softly. “Do you ever pay attention Dean? And well met, loki of Jotunhiem, it has been long since I have met one of your kind.”He said. “....never considered it actually.”Gwen said looking bemused. “...Why does it always start out when you’re going to get mad about something, someone always starts it out as ‘now don’t get mad?’”Gwen said looking amused though, before staring at Terry. “...Happy chance. For the most part, we try to leave the humans to their own devices when we can.”Cas said smiling before moving towards tony. “Well, for a half angel that would be true. But I can heal him, should he wish?”Cas said tilting his head a little.
"My clothes are more than proper you uppity, little shit!" Dean complained, scowling at Cas. "besides, why don't you dress better!? your the one who looks like a magazine model." he scoffed. "it's no wonder people keep trying to undress you with their eyes." well, didn't that sound like jealousy? "Asgardian?" Loki asked, looking a bit uneasy now. Odin could cause trouble if he felt inclined, though Loki doubted he'd bother with a 'filthy half breed'. Loki himself was a 'half breed'. half Æsir and half Jötunn. meant he got a lot of shit for being born, got a lot of shit for existing.he was, literally, the whipping boy of nearly all the Asgardian scum. they had a bad day, it was Loki who got smacked around for it. "well, usually because it's something that will upset people." Terry admitted with a smile. "ah. Happy Chance then... i still don't think i'm the best person for this job...." he admitted, looking rather anxious. "he'll probobly agree. if only because he hates being stuck in bed." Bruce admitted. "and relax, Terry. you're doing wonderfully. Tony barely even fusses at you, that more than anything means your the best for this job." Bruce admitted with a smile.
“I’m in a suit and tie under the coat, you look like a low classed hooker compared to my high class escort.”Cas said smirking at the other, well at least Castiel despite all appearances, had figured out sex and all its workings, well, at least enough to annoy dean with knowing about it, and wondering where he learned it, since he certainly hadn’t figured it out from the winchesters. “Yes. Half asgardian, though I do not know more....there is a feeling to such children...”Cas shrugged a little. Because they were not part of his belief system, the children of other religions and beliefs were hard for him to read more then just the surface. “You are more then good for the job. Tony doesn’t try to run screaming away from you anytime you get near, which I’ve seen him do, so you’re good.”Gwen reassured as she finished her food, “Tony should be up in a few hours, when his pain killers wear off. We’ll ask him then.”
"You look like a slut." Dean growled, glaring at Cas. "and not a word!" he hissed at the room at whole before glaring more furiously at Cas. "And just who the hell have you been learning about hookers and escorts from!?" he demanded, getting quite aggrieved by this. "it's impossible to be sure without tests and at this point it's not like it matters." Loki admitted with a smile. "she is who she is, her bloodline doesn't matter." he admitted. "well. i guess that's good enough for now. but i'm still going to study as hard as i can." he admitted, blinking when Loki stiffened. "i haven't studied!!!" he yelped, leaping to his feet and racing off and Terry flushed when Bruce scowled at him. "i literally Just calmed him down!" I
m sorry Bruce, but i was the same way when i was gearing up for my final tests and i'll do it again in a year for my practical exams." he admitted. "there's no getting around it, just make sure he eats, sleeps, gets some exercise and gets some sun."
“I’m not the one that the term ‘slut’ can be applied to in this conversation. I mean, you literally went to hell and came back with the words, ‘I’m a virgin again, I get to have sex.’”Cas said rolling his eyes, pretending he wasn’t winding dean up on purpose, which just made Sam roll his eyes behind his brother’s back. “People. You told me to talk to people, you know.”Cas pointed out to dean at the question. “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. They abandoned me, this is family. Here.”Gwen said looking around at the people around her before wincing as loki bolted off. “We’ll take care of him till he’s done.” “I’ll go help him study. He’ll be calmer then.”Sam said smiling a little as he followed after loki.
"i am totally a virgin again!" Dean huffed. "and i'm not a slut!" he protested, sulking because, indeed, he had really cut back. matter of fact he hadn't had sex with anyone since Cas had shown up. he didn't seam to realize it at all himself, but Steve sure as hell did and so did Bruce and they both bet Cas was doing this on purpose to try and ek out how Dean felt about him. problem was, Dean didn't seam to know himself. "people! what kind of people! your not allowed to talk to people!" he protested. "Dean. you need to calm down... your coming with me for Yoga an Tai-chi."Bruce decided, urging the loudly protesting Dean out of the room, Terry snorting. "is that his answer to everything?" "yes." Steve admitted, looking amused. "but it works." he admitted.

Loki was frantically muttering as he made books appear in his hands, too frantic to remember which one he wanted. "Sam! what boo was i on!?" Loki demanded,forgetting that Sam didn't know because they hadn't been roommates for over two years now.
“I know you’re not. Though you’re not nearly a virgin.”CAs said sighing quietly, watching dean before smiling slightly. “I’m a angel, people always talk to me, even when I don’t want to.”he said before laughing quietly as he watched the other’s go. “It does work. I shall return when Tony is awake, there are things to look into.”cas said, leaving as easily as he appeared, wanting to check in on the other humans he looked after sometimes, though the winchesters were by far his favorites.

“I don’t know Loki, but we’ll figure it out. Settle down, we’ll be okay.”Sam said smiling slightly as he rested his hands on the other’s, before setting him down, making him calm before they started to study again.
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