Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

Loki snarled at Tyr an took a swing at his face, he missed of course as he knew he would. he hated that accursed name! Laufeyson. "I am Silvertongue to you!" Loki snarled, the air around him crackling with rage fueled power. "as for the Girl." here Loki sneered at his brother. "as she has never been to Asgard you cannot take her 'back' as that indicates she has been there before. Second of all she s half human, raised as a human, has a human name and identity and has lived here all her life and is therefor, as per the laws of the nine realms, set by the Vanir who even Your stupidity would never defy, she is human and you have no right to take her anywhere. touch her, and my first message will be to the Vanir for the kidnapping and interference of a human life." Loki snapped, proving instantly why he was going to Law School. "Third, what the fuck is Thor here for?! and in New Mexico of all places!" he scowled at them. "you are far, far outside your authority and you are lucky not to be struck down for the insult the second you set foot on the ground!" he said, pointing at Cas, the Heavenly Host who all had to bow down to save the Vanir. Loki was pretty sure the sight of Cas would, at the very least, give them a good long pause. Tony was already ordering the tower locked down, no one in, everyone out. Peter had rushed in and was looking very nervous himself at all the people crowding around.
Tyr tilted his head as he considered the other, frowning slightly. “Yes, it was a mistaken word. We are to take her home. I do not seek to defy the vanir, simply give our kingdom what it needs. Odin is locked into Odinsleep, and Odin’s son has been banished to earth as a human. There is no one left of his chosen heir’s line, except for this girl. She may be human, but she is a royal of asgard to. I think even the heavenly host would not leave a kingdom without a ruler in it’s time of need.”Tyr said. Even though cas looked ready to strike out, he didn’t. There was something slimy about the other man that said he wanted something more then this. “Loki?”Gwen said eyes wide and scared.
Loki gaped at Tyr, looking worried all of a sudden. "Why has Thor been banished?! he can do no wrong in the Eyes of Odin King!" he protested, unaware of the Frost Giants invasion into Asgard and Thor's foolish attempts to invade in return. "And Odin King is years ahead of schedule for his sleep!" Loki protested. "this all smacks of a sick joke! and i'm not laughing!" how little could Loki know that Thor's own accusations against Odin had caused his banishment as well as Odin's early sleep. Thor had demanded to know why Odin had adopted a Jotunn son if he was going to let people torture said son for his entire life and make him think he was a monster. it was only by accident that Loki had found out that he was a Jotunn all those years ago. it was that, that had led Loki to abandoning Asgrd for earth to start Law School alongside Sam Winchester. " you expect me to believe that Thor, the most bigoted pig to ever walk Asgard slept with a human and had a daughter... get the fuck out." Loki ordered. not amused whatsoever. "it's fine, Gwen. they can demand nothing of you. this is a trick. it's how the work. they make you feel helpless and weak and guilty to make you do what they want." most asgardians had never bothered to think about what their torment of Loki might do to him. now they knew, and he was using every ounce of his skill against them. "even if it is all true, well it's your own damn faults." Loki sniffed, stepping back into the tower, watching with delight as the doors slammed shut thanks to Jarvis. Tyr, Loki knew, never wanted just one thing, and he could never decide if Tyr was wicked and cruel or just dull witted and unaware of the pains he caused. it was hard to be sure. at least with Thor, Loki knew where he stood. what he didn't understand was why Tyr didn't just sit the throne himself. why pester a mortal girl?
“There has been much great things going on since you have left. Paired with both his questioning of your adoption, and invading Jotunhiem in response to attack, well...Thor is here on earth, human.”Tyr said staring at loki before nodding. “ you remember he came to earth sometimes. He enjoys mortal girls.”Tyr shrugged. “...oh. Okay. I don’t want to leave.”Gwen said biting her lip, looking relieved as the asgardians were cast out and had no choice but to leave. She didn’t think it’d be that easy, but it would be interesting to see what happened next. “....I think...I think we need to have phil bring Thor here....if it really is thor.”Gwen said tears in her voice as she held out her phone to show loki the picture that phil had sent.
Loki stared at Tyr, certain now that it was all a trick. as if Thor would ever demand anything of Odin, let alone answers for Loki. Thor had been one of his worst tormentors in their teen years and he had not gotten much better. "Thor a human." Loki scoffed. "and you people always called me the liar." he huffed, shaking his head because it was just bullshit. "then you won't leave." Loki said. "they have no right to make you. Tyr will sit the throne." he scoffed. "why he didn't just sit the damn thing instead of coming down here to bother mortals is a bafflement to me." he admitted, shaking his watch. "i'll have to stay here. i doubt, whatever he wants, that this was the end of it." he admitted before taking the phone and gaped at it. "... By the River Nyx... Thor is a human cast down to earth. what the hell?" he muttered before looking up at them. "no. Thor doesn't come here. i have no idea what he would do." Loki admitted. "i doubt being cast fro Asgard would have changed his arrogance or his bigotry." he admitted. "he has no right to you, and i don't know if he would try to make demands or worse repudiate you." he admitted. "when he can prove he's changed and will do no foul, then he can come." Tony just nodded. Loki knew Thor best and he didn't want someone here if they where going to hurt Gwen.
"...because if for some reason it wasn't allowed, and a woman who doesn't know what's going on, and if she was there alone, she'd make a manageable queen he could use for his own ends."natasha said frowning as she considered that. That was the only reason she cold think of, even if she was sure that wasn't everything." bringing him here then."gwen said looking lost and upset at the idea of being caught in this. She knew this was just going to get worse." just wait and see?" She said looking upset. " just need to relax gwen. We'll take care of you."Cas said frowning as he considered them.
"Perhaps that could be. i never thought to ask why Thor was the chosen Prince when Tyr was older than Thor." Loki admitted. "it could very well be that he cannot sit the Throne in Odin's absence. but then, honestly speaking, Frigga would still be in charge. my mother is the Queen after all. even if Tyr, or Gwen sat the throne, Frigga would be the one in command." Loki admitted. "so whatever he's up to, it's likely not the Throne in his goals." at least, Loki didn't think so. Tyr was cruel and vile, but he wasn't one to murder his own mother, father, both brothers and niece to get it. "it is alright Gwen." Loki promised, smiling at her. "no one here will ever let you be used or taken advantage of." he promised, smiling at her. "We will wait and see, but that doesn't mean we will be unprepared." he promised. "we wont let anything to happen to you."
"Well it might be important to know...but he might have a plan beyond that. But only he probably knows how he's worked it might be something. We'll be ready."natasha said sighing quietly. Gwen nodded rapidly, pressing back into tony, trying to calm. Nodding slightly."we'll be prepared then..." "...I should...get somewriting done...."gwen muttered though she still looked lost and upset.
"trust me. Tyr isn't nearly as smart as me." Loki admitted dryly. "it's one of the reasons why he's always hated me so much." he admitted. "besides, Odin won't sleep long, five years at most." he admitted. "Tyr won't have the time to do anything Odin cant undo." he promised. "and we won't let him do anything that actually hurts here during that time either." "Writing might make you feel better. here, we'll go and get some research done." Dean offered. "you can find the things you want for your book and i can tell you if they're accurate or not."
“Well, no one except maybe tony and cas are as smart as you.”Sam pointed out with a smile, before sighing quietly. “We’ll make sure he wont do anything.”Cas said watching her, hands twitching, trying not to reach out and simply take the fear away. Because it messed with humans sometimes, to do that. “Okay. Yes, that sounds good.”Gwen smiled at dean, before pausing looking at tony. “You’ll be okay?” “Don’t worry, he’s healed, and we’ll make sure he eats and doesn’t kill himself. Go.”Sam said shooing her away, trying not to look to worried.
"Well. your pretty damn close too." Loki admitted, grinning at Sam. "you did discover, after only three days of being my roommate, that i was a Trickster. i wasn't a slouch with human behavior either. most people just assumed i was foreign." which was true, just, a little further away than most people thought. "i'll be fine. i'm going to read a book and maybe work on something in the lab." he promised her with a smile. "come on Gwen! it'll be nice to think about something else for a while." Dean said, letting her think she was making him feel better... which was true. he knew this would make her more eager to work on something else herself. "so. what do you need to know?" Dean asked her with a smile.
“Maybe...and well. I knew there was another world. Most people don’t know that most o their stories are true. I was well aware that the world had other things in it.”Sam said looking amused. “okay. Good.”Gwen smiled at tony, kissing his forehead, before looking at dean. Looking worried about him before nodding, “Let’s go then.”She said before getting up, heading for the living room with him. “Everything!Tell me everything about ghosts. Jarvis, help me make notes.”Gwen said looking eager and happy. “well...that’ll distract her for awhile.”Natasha smiled looking amused before eyeing tony, tilting her head. “Are you really okay? You’ve had alot of stuff happen in a short time.”She muttered, worried about him. Fussing as much as natasha ever fussed over anything.
"Well that's true. still doesn't explain how you found me out." Loki grumbled. mostly, it was how he ate nothing but chocolate and energy bars so no one would notice how much he ate otherwise. there where a lot of other clues too but that was the one Loki was sure had given him away. "Okay... everything... let's see here..." Dean muttered before he began telling her everything he could think of, using the journal he'd started on his own. writing every single thing that he and Sam had ever encountered just like John had, for others who came after them. "I'm...." Tony hesitated and then sighed, sagging into his chair because he could lie to Steve, he could lie to Phil. he could even lie to Bruce, but he could not lie to Pepper, or Natasha. he wasn't sure what it was. "she said no..." Tony mumbled miserably. "and then i was shot. how do you think i'm feeling?" he complained, sulking. "i can't even find the ring... i had it special made just for her too..." he admitted with a sigh. "i know she loves me." he promised Natasha. "but it still hurts."
"It’s my secret to now.”Sam smirked a little, looking vaguely amused at how pleased gwen looked at being given information. It was amusing to see her forget everything in face of getting more stuff for her books. “I think she’s going to keep him in there for hours, an simply pick his brain on anything she wants to write.”Sam snickere a little. Natasha simply watche tony, before sighing quietly, “She said no because she thought you were making fun of her. And Gwen pictured it up, she had it.”Natasha said before sitting down next to him, gently stroking his hair back. “I know it hurts, but are you going to be able to forgive her for it?Or will you let this ruin things tony. If you can’t....well, you’re going to have to decide what to do.”
Tony chuckled a little as he watched her. "it's a good thing. she's always happiest when she's working on her books." he admitted, looking very affectionate. it was one of the reasons why he loved her so much, she was just as passionate as he was about his 'chosen craft'. "It's likely good for Dean as well. gives him something useful to do." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "...i would never make fun of her! never!" Tony protested before he relaxed at the idea of Gwen having the ring. good. "of course i've forgiven her." Tony scoffed. "how could i hold it against her? i know... a lot of what happened was because of Obi. i just.. i don't know how much was him and how much was her not wanting, or not being ready to, marry me..." he admitted softly.
“It is.”Natasha said looking amused, and pleased that he looked so affectionate. So pleased. She’d been worried there for awhile he wouldn’t have any of that, a normal life with a woman who loved him. “Indeed it does. Definitely not thinking about anything that happened.”Sam muttered as he eyed dean, glad he seemed okay. “I know that. But she was still upset at it.”Natasha said before watching him, sighing quietly. “She went out on a date with you right?Well, she’s ready to be public. She probably hasn’t brought it up again, because you haven’t. She has teh ring, maybe you should talk to her.”
Tony smiled a little at Natasha before glancing at Sam. "...just... do me a favor and don't mention John Winchester ever again, okay?" Tony asked Sam. "i know he was your father and you and Dean love him, but... the only person i can think of who might deserve hell more is my own father." he admitted. "and i'm really not sure which one was worse." Tony admitted, which was all the information he'd give. "...but, but what if she doesn't want to get married?" he asked Natasha, worried. "i don't want to get into another fight, and i don't think i could stand it if she gets mad at me for not dropping it..." he admitted. "and i don't want to pressure her..."
Sam stared at tony for a long moment before nodding. “okay. I wasn’t inclined to talking about him anyways.”Sam said looking worried and sick at the idea of how bad his father had to be. Swallowing thickly as he watched tony before shuddering at the idea. “....Gwen loves you tony. If you hide this from her, she’ll probably feel bad for making you worry about it. You need to talk to her.”Natasha said not sure how to make him feel better about this. “she’s the one who gets hit on alot, and very magical you know, if she was feeling pressured about it.”
Tony nodded. "i didn't think you where but... i thought it better to warn you." he admitted. "i know she does... but..." Tony hesitated, chewing on his lip before he nodded. "yeah... okay. i don't want her to feel bad..." he admitted, looking rather frantic at the idea. "Well, i get hit on a lot too..." he admitted, looking a bit confused about what Natasha was trying to explain.
"Natasha sighed watching him. Bahw wouldn't feel bad..."she shook her head realizing she wasn't getting him to understand."Tony if she felt pressured to do anything with you, she would let you know. And make it stick hard enough to make you back down...but she hssnt. She's probably waiting for you to mention it. I msan, you two did say some nasty things to each other. She's probablyafraid your still upset with her."
"...she might..." Tony mumbled before blinking at Natasha a little. "you promise?" he asked, looking greatly relieved that he couldn't pressure or force Gwen into anything. "i could never be mad at her! i only said those things because Obi made me think... no, because i believed Obi more than i believed in her." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'll talk to her tonight." he decided. "thanks Natasha... your the best. remind me to buy you something nice. better yet. Jarvis! buy something nice for Natasha."
Bi do. She'd make sure you knew."she promised ruffling his hair a bit before smiling quietly."I know tony. But gwen has problems, she always thinks someone's mad at her, so don't be surprised if she's upset and scared when you talk to her. Just be calm and talk."she warned smiling slightly."thanks tony. Now go get some lab time while gwen working. It'll be good for you."
He smiled at the hair ruffling. he'd never admit it, not ever, but he loved it when she did that. "yeah... yeah she does have some... self image issues." not that Tony was any better. he knew she was always convinced people where angry at her because, for her, they always where. her parents, especially her stepfather had never been pleased with her, no matter what she did. he could only hope that she would be alright with talking tonight. he headed to the lab and tinkered until he got tired enough to go to bed and lay down and talk. he could only hope she would be okay. he wasn't the best at this.

"...hey." he murmured, smiling at Gwen. "did you have fun? did he have all the information you wanted?" he asked, honestly curious because he just knew this was going to be her best book yet. "So... uhm, Natasha says we need to talk and i think we do too because i think maybe i've been upsetting you without meaning to and i don't like it when i make you sad..." there! couldn't go wrong with that right?
“Hey.”Gwen said looking up from her stark tablet, the notebook she’d been using to write dean’s findings propped on the bed next to her, and absently starting to put it into the program she used to help her outline a book. Smiling quietly as she nodded, shifting to put her stuff away. While she might bring work to bed, she didn’t want to do it with him here, not when she thought he deserved her attention. “It’s good. Dean was so good about being pestered, so yes I think I got everything. And even the fake stuff we put in to hide how much I know, well it was good to. He helped me figure out how to put it together, it was awesome.”She grinned before it faded, looking upset and worried but not running away and hiding. “Okay....what’s up? are you still upset about what dean told you?"
"I think Dean had as much fun as you did." Tony agreed with a chuckle. "I don't think he's ever been able to put his life experiences to a creative use before. it's very cathartic." he admitted before tilting his head a little. "well. yeah a little but that's not what i'm talking about..." he admitted. "first i want to apologize, for believing in Obi more than i believed in you. i let him get in my head and make me think that, maybe you didn't love me as much as i love you." he admitted, twisting his hands. "but i do love you, so so much and i... i betrayed that trust so i'll understand if you say no again but i want to hear you say it, instead of letting Obi get between us, so do you think... maybe, in a few years, we could try marriage?" then eh winced. "that wasn't what i meant to say, i mean, i mean it but i was trying to lad up to that. fuck i'm terrible at this...."
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