
"You would be. And thank you."she said looking amused whining as he teased her. Squirming as she watched him.shivering as he kissed her, "johnny..."she whined her voice starting to come undone as she ran her fingers through his hair. Shivering as he slid the cuffs on, going quiet as she simply relaxed, but as the rope went tight she jerked, eyes widening as she looked up at him. The past and present blurring as she yanked at the ropes, hard enough that you heard the slight sound of her wrist popping out of place as she fought to get free, memories slamming into yer."stark, stark,stark!"she screamed grabbing onto the only word she could think of clear enough that meant safety.
Johnny chuckled a little and smirked at her a little. "yes. that's my name." he purred. "you'll be saying it a lot." he teased with a chuckle before setting about tying her down. he froze as she screamed and in an instant she was free again, the cuffs still there but the ropes snapped, burned in half to allow her full freedom. "easy. it's okay. easy." he whispered, unstrapping the cuffs ad leading her to the couch, away from the table. "easy. it's okay. shhh. i'm sorry. you're alright. sit down. it's okay. your okay." Johnny promised, wrapping a blanket around her, and gently holding her hand once she was settled. "calm down a little for me okay? deep breaths. slow deep breaths. in and out. there we go. your alright now. in and out. that's it. just breath and relax."
Stephanie yelped more then screamed as the motion from tugging and suddenly bring free sent her sprawling into him. Tensing but snapping back to the present as johnnys voice got through. Going quiet she trembled, but docile as she let him lead her to the couch, absently twisting her right wrist, trying to pop it back into place without telling him. Breathing as he told her to she huffed out a quiet sigh,"dsmmit...this isn't going to work....I guess I really am going to be the celibate bitch shield thinks I am..."she muttered after a few long moments, silent tears falling. Which was the second time in two days....just how much practice had she gotten, to be ablessed to cry so utterly silent and without sounding like she was when she spoke?to much.
he caught her carefully, supporting her. "hey." he muttered, gently taking her wrist as he realized she'd hurt it. he'd make her see Bruce if he couldn't fix it. he knew enough from having to patch up his own team to know the basics. "hey. that's enough of that now." he ordered gently, setting a hand to her cheek and gently wiped a tear away. "so you can't handle bondage. that's perfectly fine." he promised her. "your okay." he promised her with a smile. "it's okay Stephanie." he promised her. "everyone has freak outs. i have freak outs. i had one just a few days ago." he admitted. "over something i do nearly every week." he admitted. "it took me three hours to calm down." he admitted with a smile. "and i don't even really remember why i freaked out in the first place." he admitted. "at the time it was the worst thing ever and now i can't even remember why." he admitted. "everyone freaks out, whether it's a first time, or a hundredth time everyone freaks out sometimes and that's perfectly normal and perfectly okay." he assured her. "if you want to, we can try again or we can stop. it's fine either way." he promised her with a smile. "just settle in and calm down for a bit and maybe i could grab you something to eat? i have some pasta and stuff." he admitted.
Stephanie winced a little as he touched her wrist, shuddering."it'd just out of place.I can pop it back in..."she muttered sighing a little.frowning up at him a little, she tilted her head."but you said no vanilla, so this apparently isn't going to work..."she sighed staring down at the floor, wondering if she should tell him. Wondering why she was trusting him like this, and unwilling to face that it was because tony trusted him."really?"she muttered looking at him, calming a little as she realized she wasn't the only one to freak out. Biting her lip a little as she looked at him."food would be vood..."she sighed rubbing a hand over her face, deciding to take the plunge. If it fuckedthings up, we'll that was just her problem."hey...there's something you should know...if we're going to keep trying this..."
he shook his head. "better let me or Bruce do it. you might be a super soldier but even you can wreck something if your not careful." he pointed out before snorting. "just because i can't tie you up, doesn't mean that we can only have Vanilla sex Steph." he assured her with a smile. "i can still do all kinds of things to, and for you." he promised her. "really." he promised her with a grin. "if you ever decide to let Tony in on the secrete you can ask him about it. he freaks out a lot." he admitted. "he rarely goes a week without having an epic major meltdown." he admitted. "not always in the bedroom either." he admitted. "Food it is." he agreed with a smile before watching her. "you can tell me after dinner. in situations like this, it's best not to try to have serious conversations." he admitted. "because it's impossible to tell if your saying it because you mind is all wonky or if it's because you actually trust me to say it." h admitted with a smile. "wait until your good and calmed down first." he suggested. "then, if you still want to tell me, you can. okay?"
“Ah....yea. I’ll wait till I get home then. It’s not my dominate hand, I can wait.”she smiled a little before tilting her head, relaxing. “oh. Okay. Well...okay.”She said, while she might know it wasn’t just vanilla sex, she was definitely not as worly as most people these days. “....He does freak out alot. Last week he lost it cause Clint drank his coffee.”She made a face, because she was as protective of tony, as clint was of her. Nodding a little. “okay. After dinner.”She said even as she texted teh others to say she wouldn’t be home for dinner, before settling in to eat whatever he was making.

Afterwards she leaned back, rubbing a hand over her stomach, smirking.”Good. Though, if you’re going to keep feeding me, you’ll have to get more.”She teased a little, sighing softly, staring down at her plate.”I still want to tell you. So....before....the ice. Like...a week before...I had....what the term is...a missing night?A drugged night?I didn’t....remember alot of it. Pieces....but...”She trailed off, “It’s part of why I’ve been avoiding all of this. My therapist thinks it’s a fever dream, a ice induced daydream, but....I don’t know. That reaction....maybe it wasn’t.”
he nodded. "okay then." he agreed. "i don't know what to do for dislocation, but i can put it in a splint to keep you from using it if you'd like?" he offered. "it'll be fine." he promised with a smile. "that's because Tony is Manic." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's supposed to take medicine for it but he doesn't because it makes him too sluggish and doped to function." Johnny admitted. "on his medication he can't really do anything." he admitted. "i mean, he can shower and eat and stuff but he can't think, and for Tony that's worse than freaking out every twenty minutes about stupid things." he admitted with a smile. "Tony has ways of coping and extended lab periods is one of them." he admitted.

"well yeah. but i don't actually stay here very often." he admitted with a chuckle. "this is pretty much my 'this is where i have sex' pad." he admitted. "i don't like taking strangers to my real place." he admitted. "not that your a stranger." he admitted with a smile. "but my place is trashed and i didn't want you to see all my nasty mess." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't have to eat as much as you do of course. but i do have to eat more than the average person." he admitted with a smile before he paused, swallowing thickly. "your missing a night, a whole night and your therapist just says 'blame the ice?'... you have a name to go with this asshole?" he asked, scowling unhappily. "you think you where.... taken advantage of?" he asked, frowning a little, worried about her. "that would certainly explain the sudden, extreme reaction." he admitted, looking horrified. "while your mind might not remember, it seams certain that your body would." he admitted. "tactile memory foci is a lot stronger than simple memories." he admitted. "it's why things like touch, smell, taste, helps us remember so much more strongly than just trying to remember." he admitted. "your body remembers even if you can't." he closed his eyes, biting his lip a little. "i don't know if i can help you with this, but i'll do the best that i can." he promised.
“that’d be fine. Splint it till I get home.”She smiled a little as she let it do it, before snorting. “Ahhh, that makes sense. Of course he’d take working on everything rather then sluggish.”She said looking amused and content with the knowledge of understanding her teammate more.

“Ah, I see.”She said looking amused, waving a hand. “I was a stranger before this.”She smiled before snickering. “I live with Tony and Clint, mess is sorta normal.”She teased before smiling. “don’t worry, the guys’ll order some insane amount of food, I’ll eat again when I go home.”She said before calming, staring down as she nodded. “Yes. He thinks I was to lost in grief, paired with a thirst for vengence, and added to ice...that I dreamed it all. Granted, I tried to get drunk off my ass, but alcohol doesn’t work. It took...knowledge to understand how to make me miss a night, without killing me in the process. Traq’d to the point it would have killed a normal human. That’s why I thought it was dreamed, that it wasn’t real. That there wasn’t anyone who would know.”Except one, but she wasn’t going to bring that up, not when the answer would harm someone she cared for. “And the doctor is name’d Collins, Kirk collins.”She sighed softly before nodding slowly. “Yea....and I know. That’s why I wanted to tell you....if you wanted to back out. It’d be okay.”She shrugged, rubbing a hand over her face. “I don’t know...what happened. Even thinking it’s real, it’s still...gone.”She shrugged a little.
"okay." he agreed, carefully wrapping her wrist. "for Tony, being unable to think? that's hell on earth." he admitted.

"you weren't really." he admitted. "you are someone trusted by people i trust so, therefore, not exactly a stranger." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "sounds good." he agreed, smiling a little before he scowled. "people don't just 'dream' things like that. that's now how dreams, or even delusions work. the man's obviously not a real therapist." he admitted. "if someone drugged you, that's bad Steph. really bad." he admitted, gently setting a hand on hers. "i'll help you figure it out, okay? we'll work it out together for as long as you want me to." he promised. "i won't back out. i've helped people who where victims of domestic abuse and other such things before. while yours wasn't long term it can be just as traumatic, i'll do the best that i can, okay?" he asked with a smile. "a lot of people blank out things that is too hard to remember. it's okay. you'll either remember or you won't and we'll get through it no matter what happens. okay?" he asked her.
“Ah, true.”She looked amused at the idea before sighing softly, staring down, shrugging. “I stopped talking to him after that. I just sit there and listen to him talk, cause I was told I had to see someone. Though I think I’ll be talking to bruce from now on.”She smiled a little staring down, looking at their hands, nodding slightly. Knowing he’d figure out eventually, who it had to be. There were only a few people who were aware of what her body was like, and considering both Erskine and Bucky were gone by then, well, only Howard stark would have the knowledge of the super soldier he helped create. But she couldn’t tell him that, not when it would hurt tony to know. So, she wouldn’t say anything. Not until she figured it out. “Okay. We’ll work it out.”she smiled a little, relaxing, nodding slightly. “Going on ice so soon after, didn’t help. It’s sorta....all foggy, those last few weeks....”she shrugged. “I was so angry, so upset I’m not surprised I was so lost I didn’t protect myself. I never had to pull it together before, Jamie always had my back...and he was gone.”She sighed softly, absently fingering the dogtags she was wearing, sighing softly. “...Okay...we’ll be okay.”She swallowed thickly, “...I should get going...I can’t...not tonight. We’ll try again later. Even simply cuddling you has helped...”she ran her fingers through her hair, not wanting to admit that she was enjoying their talk, but emotionally raw enough that she wanted to run home, and despite the past she was hiding from him, she wanted to cuddle tony. Or watch him work...something. Sometimes, simply seeing the genius work was enough to sooth raw nerves.
he nodded. "good. and i'll put in a complaint for you to Fury or Phil." he promised. "i think Bruce would be better too. he's a lot more intimate, for lack of a better word." he admitted with a smile. "he's still learning, but he has an instinctive way of making people feel better." he admitted. "going on ice was traumatic in and of itself." he admitted. "i suppose it would be just as traumatic as being drowned or strangled." he admitted. "grief can cause foggy sensations as well." he admitted. "and the blank space in our mind could be that you where kidnapped by Hydra soldiers or suffered a severe concussion or something too." he admitted, trying to give her some hope that it wasn't all bad. "i'm glad i could help. we'll try again when you feel ready hows that?" he asked with a smile. "and if you need more snuggles i could toss the TV on or i could drive you home so you can pester Tony or Clint or whatever you feel like." he promised her. "after a freak-out you should do whatever you feel most comfortable with. whatever makes you feel the safest okay?"
"You. And I think tony is to. Told him part of what was going on, my therapist thinks I'm a idiot. Tony wasn't overly happy with the knowledge."she said sighing quietly before nodding."he does. And I think he won't be surprised when I do talk to him...though it'll sorta ruin the trolling him, though he won't tell the others."she looked thoughtful before nodding slowly."yea....being awake as I froze was just..."she trailed off shivering a little."maybe. I don't knoe, but we'll figure it out."she said offering a small smile, not overly hopeful that Howard had left her alone, but willing to hope some."yea. Sounds good. md. Or call."she said snagging his phone and waiting long enough to have him unlock it before adding her cell and email, which was definitely a tony creation since it was, "I like you and snuggles but...going home and watching tony work would be great."she said not wanting him to feel like she didn't like him, she just wanted to be home. Afhering her clothes and dressing she tilted her head a little."I can get home on my own if you don't want to take me..."
he snorted a little. "you are anything but an idiot." he assured her with a shake of his head. "well, Bruce will still be surprised and you don't have to tell him everything." he pointed out with a chuckle. "you can still punk him." he admitted with a smile before wincing. "you where awake when it happened?" he asked, looking properly mortified at the idea. "that must have been hell..." he admitted, shaking his head. "we'll work on it together." he promised her with a smile before chuckling a little. "wow. and people think your tech intolerant." he scoffed. amused, letting her have his phone. "nice screen name." he teased with a grin. "it very well suited to you." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony made it didn't he?" he asked with a grin. "i'll text you later, see how your feeling." he promised before smiling. "go home then." he agreed. "i feel like i better drive you though. i don't like the idea of leaving you on your own, especially after a freak out like that." he admitted. "come on." he chirped, kissing her cheek. he dropped her off right in front of the tower, just like promised but let her go in on her own. sending her a text to remind her to see Bruce before anything else so he could set her wrist back into place.
“Yea, I know.”She smiled a little before smirking. “I’ll definitely punk him. It’ll be fun.”She smiled before wincing, swallowing hard. “For a bit....and some over the years...I really there. Simply...i was aware of ice if I think to hard on it.”She smiled a little before shrugging. “I rea dthe manual.having a near photographic memory helps.”She shrugged before snickering. “He did. He seemed to think I’d protest, but I figure this was the least harmless one he’d think of.”She said smiling a little before getting up. “Okay. You can drive.”She said smiling a little as they left, nodding. “I will. Don’t worry.”She said smiling as she headed down, checking in with bruce. And quietly and resolutely refusing to answer the unasked question of what she’d done, instead simply asking him to relocate it, before splinting it, and headed down for the lab. Easing into the room, she looked around. “tony?”
"punking is fun." he agreed with a chuckle before nodding. "but you where still aware, somewhat and i can't imagine that's good for your nightmares." he admitted softly before smirking. "Eidetic memory? that's kind of cheating isn't it?" he asked with a chuckle. "it really is the least harmless, considering every time i annoy him he changes my name to 'Johnny hot balls' at Gmail dot Com." he admitted with a grin before dropping her off. Bruce didn't bother asking any questions he just rolled his eyes when she refused to answer the typical 'what happened' and bound her wrist, assuming she'd gotten into a scuffle or something. once he was done he waved her off and returned to working with a chuckle.

Tony was having a very bad day. Stephanie could tell because he didn't even turn to great her like he normally did and he switched from thing to thing like a bee. he was mumbling facts and numbers to himself as he fluttered from toy to toy. he'd flit over to a bunch of arrows and poke them a bit before fluttering over to a pair of Widows Bites before heading over to a pair of purple pants that where being stretched by two robots to a punching bag that was slowly taking shape under an industrial needle. this was Tony at his worst. the worst anyone had see him in months.
“’s why I need a iron man built gym bag. Beating the living shit out of it helps.”She shuddered before snickering. “hm, a bit, but I have 70 years of history to keep up with. Have to cheat, otherwise I’ll fail.”She said before snorting. “Oh, spangles and stars really is the better of the two.”She grinned as she left, promising him to call later.

“...Tony?”Stephanie eased further into the room, approaching with her hands up, not wanting to be threatening, not sure if he was even aware of her or not. “Tony, you should get some sleep.”She said easing around so she was facing him, blue eyes wide and worried. Upset, and wondering what had happened. “Tony?”She said quietly, wondering if her talking was even registering, and having no idea if she could help or not, or if she was just going to make it worse.
Tony ignored her when she spoke the second and third times, as if he hadn't even heard her but when he caught sight of her he paused, his head tilted as if it was trying to figure out if she was real or not before shaking his head. "you can't fool me. i know your not real." he accused her. "no one is real." he informed her. "so you should go away because you don't exist." he informed her before going to poke at the pants, tugging at the seams and making dissatisfied sounds. "i don't need sleep. i got plenty of sleep. sleep it a terrible idea because thats where the faces of the dead are you know. they stare at me." he scowled. "they think they're so much better than me because they died and i didn't." he grumbled before pointing at her with a screwdriver. "your not real. you should go away." he growled at her. his pupils where wide as if he was high, but that could be because he was high or because he was freaking out or because he'd taken his meds. there was really no telling. though if he'd taken his meds, he clearly needed new meds. either way, he needed to be talked down or left alone. Bruce had probobly failed to talk him down and that was why he was in his own lab. Bruce hated it when Tony got like this.
"I'm real tony. I promise."she said soothingly as she watched him, she hated seeing him like this but she knew from experience, that it wouldn't work. Or at least she wasn't the one skilled enough to talk him down. All she could do was hope he'd be okay, and watch over him."okay tony...I'm going. I am. But you'll call when you need something."she said in the captain america tone before retreating, not wanting to upset him more as she settled out in the hall with her book, even if jarvis said he'd tell her if she went back to her rooms. She just needed to be close by if tony needed her, even if she couldn't see him.

Wondering days layer Stephanie shuddered as she ran her hands through johnnys hair as she sat in his lap, stealing another kiss."you know, I hadn't come over to make out with ou. I came for advice."she whined a little as she rocked her hips against his, because despite the whining, as soon as she'd seen him, her body had remindetd her that they had some unfinished business. And with the stress of what was going on back at the tower, well her body was definitely on board with letting him make her forget for awhile
Tony glanced at her and poked his screwdriver in her direction. "your not real." he informed her again. "and you! shut up!" he ordered, pointing at a blank space. "i don't have time for babbling." he informed, whoever he was talking to before he looked at her again, startled by the tone. "...yeah. okay." he agreed softly. "i'll call Steph if i need anything." he agreed, nodding. Five hours later Jarvis reported that Tony had gone to sleep in his cot in the Lab.

Johnny chuckled a little as he kissed her again. "i know. but your the one who climbed into my lap and started kissing me." he admitted with a grin. "we can make out and talk at the same time." he assured her, running his hands down her back and cupped her ass. "your all high strung. are you worried about Tony?" he asked. he'd heard about Tony's episode a few days ago and while he was much better now, he still occasional informed people that they weren't real and didn't exist and last night he'd had a very lengthy conversation with a person named Jenson. it was common for lengthy side effects after a bad episode but he didn't seam to be improving like he normally did and Johnny was worried about him too. "you know. it's very hard to talk about things like this when your wiggling on my lap." he admitted with a groan, kissing her neck and nuzzling her.
"Yea well, it's your fault for looking so amazing when you opened the door. Freshly showered and all."she growled back, sorting as she squirmed."you're thinking about anything except being naked during sex? You've been having sex wrong."she said before shivering as he cupped her ass. Nodding a little at his question as she kissed him again, before pullimg back a little."I am. And I don't know how to help. Out of everyone, he seems to being doing worse when I'm in the room with him."she said looking frustrated, and not just sexually as she squirmed in his lap."well, are you gonna do something about it?we could talk after."she decided before frowning as she hearda almost familiar song, but not sure what it was, though johnny probably knew since he spent alot of time with tony. 'Star spangled man with a plan.' The avengers call to action, though usually it was just to go for shield briefings and such, tony had alot of fun setting a custom tone for each avenger.
"i always look this amazing." he stated with a chuckle. "it's not my fault your constantly surprised by it." he teased with a grin. "eh, Sex is boring when no one likes the same things you do." he admitted. "Sex probobly won't b nearly as boring with you." he admitted with a smirk. "for one thing, you seam like a woman whose not afraid to put me on my ass and take what she wants. that's always fun." he admitted, licking his lips. "there's not much we can do unfortunately but give him space." Johnny admitted. "sometimes certain people make him worse and Captain America has always been a bit of a trigger for him." he admitted. "Howard always used to use Captain America to torment Tony unfortunately. a lot of 'you'll never be as good as Captain America' was slung around when Tony was a kid. learning you where a woman only made those insults hurt all the more." he admitted. "not because Tony is sexist, but because Howard was." he admitted with a shake of his head before snorting. "Minx." he teased. "sexy Dove." he growled, tangling his hands in her hair so he could tip her head back and kiss and nibble on her throat all he wanted before pausing. " that... the Star Spangled Man with a plan?" he asked, looking very amused. "you let Tony touch our phone, didn't you?" he asked with a grin, handing her the phone so she could see what was happening. "Captain Rogers. Doctor Doom has begun his typical tantrum." Jarvis reported. "your assistance is required as he has begun blowing up buildings with his..." here Jarvis paused and then. "crappy sub par pathetic attempts at robots." just let you know that Tony had ordered to tell Jarvis to report that word for word. "please hurry. Agent Barton has your suit and Shield waiting for you on site."
“We should get pictures together. We’d totally be hot together.”She snickered before rolling her eyes, “That’s sad. Sex is awesome. And definitely not boring with me. I mean, I can totally toss you around the room if I wanted.”She snickered a little before sighing, ducking her head a little. “dammit....that...I hate not being able to help.”She sighed softly shaking her head before flinching a little. “That...I should have let Jamie kill him.”She growled, sounding upset at the knowledge, because while howard had always claimed the two most famous commandos as good friends, it sounded like the couple had had their own issues with howard stark. “He was such a sexist pig. Totally freaked when Erksine chose me.”She made a face a little, before shivering at the teasing, groaning as he tipped her head back. Gasping as he stopped, whining softly before focusing. “Yea....said he wanted to set up a alarm.”she whined a little, before sighing as she answered. “Dammit...okay. I’m a few minutes out. I’ll be there to stop the sub par robots.”She said rolling her eyes a little before stealing another kiss. “Another time. I’ll call to let you know we’re okay.”She promised before leaving, not even pausing as she raced across town, changing quickly and grabbing the shield. “Report in.”She said as she put in her comm, listening to the others chime in as she joined the fight. Hearing the whine of repulsors as tony flew past, found the building clint was on, found the corner street where natasha, bruce and phil were destroying some bots. Settling in she grinned as she started beating on the bots.
he snickered. "we'd be total porn material." he agreed with a snicker and a grin. "Sex is awesome but when you have sex as often as we do you gotta admit, it get's very dry." he admitted with a grin. "fucking someone who can twist me into a pretzel if she wanted is super hot." he admitted. "and considering she's gorgeous too that's even better." he admitted. "i dunno. i'd be pretty sad if Tony wasn't alive." he admitted. "but, there's no saying that Tony wouldn't have been born anyway." he admitted. "a mind like Tony's was always going to exist i think." he admitted. "yeah well, to be honest everyone was a sexist pig back then right?" he asked with a grin. "yeah. you let him touch your phone." he admitted with a snort. "Jarvis could have done it on his own you know, Ton doesn't actually have to touch your stuff." he admitted with a grin. "On rooftop." Clint reported. "three robots holding up a bank on Madison Ave. five robots hassling people in the Grand Central Station, seven heading into the Chrysler building and about fifteen in random locations around the street." Clint reported. "Nat's taken out the three that tried to rob a little old lady and Tony's blasted about twenty out of the air." there was a pause. "more incoming, thirty more in the air." Clint reported, twisting to take down another five bots with a single arrow, just because he could. "showoff!" Tony called as he swept through the air like an iron eagle, bashing apart dozens of robots on his own. Hulk wasn't even bothering with the fight, he was just sitting and providing cover for terrified citizens and was petting a kitten. bored with the 'puny bad robots'.

Clint was laughing as he shot down another four robots, yelling his count was 'forty six!' while Tony reported that he was at 'fifty two' when Clint felt his entire building shudder. he yelped when it started to sway and checked down, nearly choking on his tongue in shock as he realized that the building was starting to collapse. he didn't even think about it he launched himself into space and was nearly twenty feet down when he realized no one was close enough to catch him. "fuck!" he did something very strange then. he ripped off his shirt. he'd never, ever gone without a shirt before. pants, yeah all the time, but never without a shirt, not even around Natasha. most of the Tower just assumed he had bad scars or something. instead he had what looked like an electronic based Halter, one that was glowing blue and formed two large ovals on his back. he smacked a large black thing on the front of his chest and two massive wings sprouted into existence behind him. he hated that he had to reveal that they existed. he hated them so much, but it was rather life or death at the moment.

the under-wing was white and black in a spotted pattern/striped pattern with red feathers that lined the top. the top of the wings where mostly black with white spots with red feathers at the shoulders. the scientists who developed the tech to hide the wings had identified them as 'red shouldered hawk' wings, giving him the name Hawk eye. Clint spread the wings wide, trying to catch the wind to allow him to dart back up and away from the pile of debris that was falling on either side of him and above him. he twisted his body, intending to bank when a robot slammed into his left wing. the snap of bones caused a harsh cry to fall from his lips as his body followed the force and started a dangerous tumble in mid air. he struggled to straighten. struggled to even out, managing to just minutes before he hit the dirt in a blow that would have killed him. he caught a last minute pocket with his right wing, slamming into the ground with enough force that he snapped a good several ribs and his right wing. he managed a single gasp before the entire eighty story building he had been standing on collapsed on top of him. burying him under tons of twisted metal and glass. his only thought before a heavy steal beam sideswiped him across the head was that he'd been in worse situations and that he would survive this like he had everything else. the only thing he knew after was darkness.
“we’d be amazing.”she agreed before wincing. “True. I get it in theory, never got bored with mine.”She smiled softly at the memory of james before snickering. “Don’t worry, I’ll twist you up.”She grinned at him before wincing. “No, but he wouldn’t be like this either. It hurts to know I was used against him....and they were, most anyways. Definitely better these days.”She agreed before sighing. “damn.”She shook her head as she left. Joining the fight she looked around, “Thanks, Hawk.”Stephanie grinned as she followed the instructions, already starting to join the fight, adding in her own count at nearly 40, and having joined in late she declared she was winning, even as nat shouted out a count of 42. Turning towards Clint’s building when she heard the yelp, her feet already moving before she’d made the conscious decision to go after him. “Hawkeye!Report!”She yelled even as she stumbled over the broken sidewalks, her enhanced reflexes the only thing keeping her on her feet as she prepared to catch him even as she tried to figure out where he was. Shock tightening her features when she saw the wings, ignoring the other’s squawks of surprise at the sight as she winced as a piece of brick clipped her in the face, yea that was definitely going to hurt in the morning. “Dammit, you bird, if you die before I can catch you, I’m going to be pissed.”She cursed even as she ran towards clint, not even realizing as the building crashed on them both.

When she woke, she frowned ever so slightly, hearing the annoying little beep. “...Tony....stop...playing with...the computer.”She slurred, struggling to piece together where she was, thinking she was in the lap. Thinking she was listening to tony screw with something just to wake her up without having to touch her and risk being hit. Then the sound came to her. Hospital. Who was hurt?”Who?....”

“....You awake?”The slight brooklyn accent, hidden under years of the russian gulag(prison), and training, was almost familiar, almost to the spy. Turning to look at the man sleeping on the bed he’d gotten, the brunette watching the avenger flicked a piece of his hair out of his face, watching the other starting to blearily starting to come around.
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