
"YOU SUGGESTED WHAT!?" Clint yelled at her, since Tony was out of the room it was okay to yell. Tony never said anything, but Clint knew that yelling of any kind really upset Tony. "....i am going to kill you." Clint warned. he was extremely protective over Stephanie. she was like the little sister he'd always wanted. Natasha was his big sister of course but he'd always wanted a little sister and now that he had one he was a little overprotective. fortunately most everyone thought it was cute and he was careful not to annoy Stephanie with it so it worked. it was a good thing Ton was well out of earshot while he watched them on the security cameras or they would have heard him laughing his ass off. "...i am going to make you suffer." Phil decided. "yes. maybe i'll make you handle all of Tony's paperwork?" he mused. that was more than punishment enough because when Tony actually did his paperwork his dyslexia was blatantly obvious and trying to sort through the terrible handwriting, bad spelling and backwards letter was almost an exercise in futility. no one in the tower actually knew, but Fury, Phil and Maria who handled his paperwork personally certainly knew. as did Pepper of course. it was why they didn't press him as hard for the paperwork as they id the others. because it took Tony five times as long, and he always did fill it out, eventually, it was just so much harder for him. so Maria was in for a hell of a time. Tony made a mental note to make sure Jarvis helped her.

he snorted. "i think she mistook me for someone who didn't have to sit with celebrities nearly all the time." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i know how to..." here he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "comport myself." he admitted with an impish grin. "that's fine." he agreed, smiling at her before he stared at her, his eyes wide, just staring at her because, well, there was no way she just said what he thought she said. there was no way, right? "....uh...." he paused again and then snorted, covering his nose and mouth with a hand while his shoulders shook because he couldn't help but laugh at that. how. how had she kept that sort of attitude and mouth hidden?! "okay. okay, see, he'd told me you weren't as sweet as people thought you where but i don't think just how much that was true." he admitted with another laugh before he grinned impishly at her. "yeah, Tones said you watched What's your Number last night." he admitted with a snigger. "relax. it's cool." he promised with a smile. "if you want strings free sex with someone you know you can trust then i'll happily be that guy for you." he promised.

"i gotta warn you though, i won't be exclusive. matter of fact, i can't." he admitted. "because of the way my super powers work, my libido is extremely hot. i need to have sex, at minimum, every day or i start burning up." he admitted. "and if i have sex with the same person too many times? yeah they tend to start getting burns even without me activating my powers. Reed says it's because my molecular structure starts trying to alter their s or something." he admitted. "i can sleep with one person every day, so long as i sleep with someone else in-between so my genetic structure doesn't latch onto someone elses." he admitted. "so i can mostly have sex with you as much as i want, i just have to make sure i sleep with someone else every once and a while too." he admitted. "if that makes any sense at all." way too laid back. way, way too laid back. he wasn't even questioning it, he just accepted her request and explained, point blank, why he couldn't be exclusive.
“Fifty shades of grey. I told her there was a book to, and she was going to look into it.”Maria said looking at the others, smiling a little. Whatever Stephanie was up to, she knew this would only further the game. Though that wouldn’t stop her from yelling at the supersoldier for not warning her. “Stop acting like her older brother. If she was going to have a problem with it, I’ll hear about it.”Maria said before groaning. “phil, that’s cruel and unusual. But fine. I’ll do the damned paperwork, since you are going to have to explain fifty shades to her.”Maria said snorting, to amused by this whole thing to be really upset about the paperwork. While she hated doing it, she knew if nothing else, she could ask tony himself or jarvis for help.

“Hm, true. Sorta like how my team keeps thinking I’m going to be overawed by meeting new people. Lovable idiots.”Stephanie said rolling her eyes before smirking. “I’m sure you think you do.”She agreed before laughing out loud at the look on his face, snickering quietly as she sipped her coffee. “I still am not sure how they got that idea. I grew up in the 30s, went to WW2, was best friends with James Barnes, and can outcuss a sailor on a good day. I’m not sure where this last ‘icon of american innocence’ came from.”Stephanie snickered because that line was actually lifted straight out of one of the more recent pieces covering her. Relaxing at his words she smile. “Awesome. That would be great.”She smiled.

Shrugging at his words, “Don’t worry about it. I don’t want exclusive. Truly. And I’m not saying that cause I just want sex. I might play around, and play pranks, but not about important shit like sex, or at least about stuff like his..”she wrinkled her nose a little. “My libido runs nearly as hot as yours, though not literally. I get extremely twitchy and antsy, and foul mooded if I’m not having sex.”She sighed a little wincing. “Of the two of us, I think I got the good end of the genetic lottery for sex experience.”She smiled a little, amused as she nodded. “It makes sense. And....I want. You not just because you’re hot and probably good at sex...”she paused, even if he wasn’t asking for a explanation, she felt she owed him one. “Ibut cause you’re not on my team. You’re life isn’t relying on me to make the right call.....and sleeping with you wont fuck up my team. And well....keeping Clint and the others thinking I’m utterly pious and pure is just to amusing to ruin simply for sex.”She said making a face, because while she was still twitchy over not having sex, being burned up by her own sex need, she could resist it....for now, she wasn’t sure how long she’d last, she’d never tried before. Snickering a little, she smirked at him. “Though if you agree to this, don’t complain when I wear you out.”
Clint growled, his fingers twitching, desperate to grab his knives and show her what he learned during his days in the circus. it wasn't just that people sucked, he also learned how to protect himself from said people who sucked. "she's too nice to yell at you, so i'll yell at you for her!" he snarled before pausing when Jarvis informed them that Tony wanted Maria down in his lab. alone. normally, that was an extremely frightening prospect. and it would probobly terrify Maria up until she realized Tony was in on the joke. Clint was more than happy to let her go alone. he remembered the last time he'd been asked to go down in that tone of voice after pissing Tony off. he'd ended up being the test dummy for Natasha's Spider Bites for over an hour. not a pleasant experience and he hadn't said anything because he knew he'd deserved it. so Maria went down alone and was presented with a sniggering Tony. "Fifty shades of Grey. that's amazing. your brilliant. that's hilarious. don't worry, Jarvis is in your computer to help you." he promised her. "speaking of here's my paperwork." he admitted, indicating the small stack that Tony had managed to struggle through. "i was gonna give it to Phil but i might as well give it to you since your here." he admitted, grinning at her. "if they ask. i made you test the new Ice gun and you spent ten minutes on the cold hard concrete floor. i have a reputation to maintain after all."

he smiled at her a little. "i know." he admitted. "you wouldn't jerk around with someone about something like this. not when too many people take such things a lot more serious than i do." he admitted. "not that i'm not upfront with anyone." he assured her. "some people just can't do one night stands." he admitted before nodding. "yeah, i got shafted." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am pretty hot." he admitted with a grin. "ad i am good at sex." he admitted again with a chuckle before he sobered and nodded. "i understand. you don't want to run the risk of someone getting too attached." he agreed. "you don't want to ruin the friendships you made by muddying the waters with needing sex." he smiled at her. "i totally understand, you don't have to explain so much." he promised. "how long has it been?" he asked, looking worried. "come on. we'll head to my place." he offered. "i'll ply you with Coffee and we'll talk some more about what you want or need and then get to it." he offered with a grin. "i highly doubt you'll be able to wear me out."
Maria sighed softly, shaking her head. “well, if you feel that you must.”Maria said shaking her head in thought before paling a little as she heard jarvis. Swallowing thickly as she headed downstairs, before startling a little as she looked at Tony. “So, she really is trolling them.”Maria said snorting a little, “And do make sure you get her a copy of fifty shades, it’ll definitely be something to see watching her ask Phil and Clint about things.”Maria snorted a ltitle before nodding. “Thanks tony. And I will.”She promised as she gathered up the paperwork before pausing, tilting her head. “do you know where Stephanie is anyways? I did stop in to talk to her.”

“Yea....”Stephanie nodded smiling a little before snorting. “You’re on fire. I don’t think that’s the same as being ‘hot’, even if you are good looking.”She teased a little, sighing softly, nodding. “Yes....”She said wincing a little at his words, “I’m sorry. I thought I was ready for this, but it seems the prospect of doing so is making me nervous and overexplaining....I’m not usually this anxious about everything. It seems since waking up....I have no control....”She sighed queitly sipping her coffee, thinking about it. “A year. If you don’t count the time on ice, then it’s like...70 some odd years.”She said snorting a little as she laughed getting up. “Okay. Let’s.”she agreed before smirking, “I probably can. I’ve tried wearing myself out once. I got bored having sex, with a man who was a god in the sack, before I was completely sated.”She said snickering a little, because it had been one of the rare few down times her and james had had, that brief few days before the train, when all their planning was done, and they were simply waiting for the train, and it was almost like the world was trying to give her one last perfect memory, before everything went to hell.
"i do feel like i must." he growled before looking very smug as he watched her leave. that would teach her! "oh yeah, she's trolling them hard. it's hilarious." he admitted with a snigger. "oh. if she's going to read BDSM it's going to be Laurel K. Hamilton or something that isn't crap." he admitted with a snigger. "i'll give her Guilty Pleasures and let her read that and let her walk around with it and watch people freak out." he admitted with a grin. "oh. actually she went out on a run and mentioned she might go talk to Sue or something for a while. you know, Sue Storm? they're friends i guess." he admitted. "you might as well come back round dinner, she should be back by then."

"no no. i'm hot." he admitted with a grin. "it's true in both ways, i'm hot like fire and i' sexy hot too. so i'm hot." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's fine. it's natural to be nervous when your asking someone for sex, especially a stranger." he admitted with a chuckle. "you've been thrust into a world where nothing makes sense. of course your going to be off kilter. stick with Tony, he'll help you figure it all out." he promised with a smile before grimacing. "a year? oh god how are you even sane?" he wondered. "people who aren't super heroes and have serum and genetic alterations and stuff can't go a whole year without sex..." he pointed out before snorting. "Vanilla sex does that." he admitted, smirking at her. "i don't Vanilla." he admitted. "i'll explain more at my place." he promised with a smile. "and always remember the golden rule about sex." he ordered with a grin. "no means no. you say no, it don't happen." he assured her.
“It is. Now that we’re both in on the joke, this is going to be even more amusing.”Maria snorted amused before looking thoughtful.”True. Better start her on the good stuff first, otherwise she might get weird about sex.”Even maria, who understood that stephanie was trolling them, wasn’t quite sure how innocent the woman was. “Ah. Well, I’ll be that then.”She said taking the paperwork. “Have fun, Tony. Don’t go blow things up.”She said looking amused as she left.

“yea, I guess. Even someone who has a habit of picking up strangers like you. This is still odd for me.”Stephanie said smiling, relaxing with him, before sighing, “It feels like I’ve been off kilter since before the have no idea how many times I tried to walk somewhere and ran into a sign with my forehead, or a tent pole. I went from being 4’11” to nearly 6”, the whole world is still off.”She said wrinkling her nose before nodding.”Yea, I know. He’s been good about it.”she agreed before laughing out loud as she followed him out. “Not totally sane. And I’ve been burning it off with alot of gym time, and trolling my team. And well...being overly emotional over James sorta screwed me, so it’s only been recently sex has been back on the table....incidently, mostly when I discovered I was working with some of the best looking guys in the world. Figured I better get laid, before I jumped them.”She snorted amused, not even realizing she’d admitted that her therapist had basically told her to just get over losing James. “Just cause I haven’t had sex since the 40s, doesn’t mean it was just vanilla...and yes, I do know what that term means. I did look it up when some of the agents were teasing me about sex.”She said rolling her eyes a little, remembering that conversation, one that had clint nearly beating up half the newbies. “I know. Besides, I haven’t been helpless in years.”She smiled as tehy got to apartment. “I only asked sue to get you here, because I trust tony’s judgement, so trusting you to listen to me is okay...”She huffed, “dammit, I hate this babbling thing. This is usually a tony-james-howard problem, not mine.”
"this is going to be epic." Tony agreed with a snigger before nodding. "she might get weird anyway. she acts weird when naked people show up on TV." he admitted before sulking. "but... i like blowing things up." h complained, sulking at her.

he snorted. "i don't pick up strangers, they pick up me." he admitted with a chuckle before laughing a little. "okay, i can see how that would throw you off." he admitted with a nod. "it's like you just hit a massive growth spurt. your all weird with your body." he mused before shaking his head. "gym time and trolling doesn't take away the itch, i tried that a time or two and it just doesn't help at all." he paused and frowned at her. "overly emotional? don't be stupid Stephanie. ou can't be overly emotional when you loose the man you love. no one can tell you how much to greive and how long you can be sad." he told her. "James was a huge part of your life, being 'overemotional' isn't on the table." he assured her. "you take all the time you need to recover, because i can tell you, you don't just 'get over' loosing someone like that." Johnny would know. he would have been married by now if his fiance hadn't been mugged and shot to death a week before his wedding. he still wasn't over her death even after six years. "i didn't know they had other kinds of sex back then." he admitted with a snort before he started to snicker. "how much did those men suffer?" he asked. a lot. Clint didn't beat them up but he did make them do scrub duty for the next week and do about a thousand different exercises until they where collapsing from exhaustion. "was this before, or after they found out you where a girl?" he asked, looking amused. "no, you might not be helpless but anyone can feel taken advantage of or get upset during sex." he admitted. "Howard used to babble?" Johnny asked, looking amused as he unlocked his apartment. well, it was more like an entire floor. he owned the building so he lived up on the top and the entire floor had been converted into one massive apartment. make yourself at home!"
“Yea, James told me it was like I was a gangly colt, then suddenly found myself a massive thoroughbred. All muscle and speed, but without the coordination to not fall on my face in a firefight.”She snorted before smiling a little. “No, but it took off the edge some, and I wasn’t living in close quarters with anyone.”She shrugged a little, avoiding the look he was giving her, simply staring at the sidewalk as they walked. “....”Not about to go into the fight she’d been having with her therapist, the conversation that had made her freeze him out even more then his tech babble speeches. The emotional scars that the professional had left, were making her leery of talking, and in the last 24 hours that she’d talked about james, was more then she had in the last 9 months she’d been awake. Because she trusted tony, trusted johnny to not make her feel foolish for missing him. “...Thanks.”She muttered after a moment, smiling a little before smirking. “Oh, they were on scrub duty and anything else clint could think of. And right after. Apparently this whole generation, has the same opinion as you do. Sex was boring in the 40s.”She smirked. “It amuses me that every generation seems to think they invented sex. I must admit, now is more open about it, but we had bondage and some weird crap back then.”she smiled a little before nodding. “He did. It seems babbling is a inherited trait, if I close my eyes sometimes, I think I’m back then, listening to howard explain to me how he can make my suit better.”She smiled as she walked around, tensing a litte as she looekd around the space, tense because she was still not used to this much space. “Thanks....”she startled as her phone went off, snorting a little. “My team’s decided that showing me what’s your number was a distasteful and disturbing viewing choice.”she said as she read the text
he chuckled. "it's a good comparison." he admitted. "you are very well coordinated now a days though." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "so moving in with a bunch of hot guys tipped you further than you could handle." he guessed. "i know what it's like to loose the person you love." he admitted. "i never got over Alice. i don't see why people expect you should get over James." he admitted before sniggering. "oh those poor men. you do know what scrub duty is don't you?" sure, scrub duty, scrubbing the latrines. the kitchen floors. anything nasty they could be made to scrub, they did scrub. "i'm not sure if Lingo is the same between Shield and the Army." he admitted. "Sex was boring in the forties! everyone knows it!" he said with a chuckle before blinking at her. "was there really? i thought that was an eighties invention." he admitted. "at least you won't think some of the things i thought i'd have to introduce you to is weird." he admitted with a smirk before blinking at her. "did Tony just text you?" he asked, looking very amused. "who are they yelling at? i'm assuming you pawned the blame off on someone." he admitted with a grin.
“Well, sorta had to be. It would be very embarassing if I beamed myself in the face with my shield these days.”Stephanie said wisely looking amused before nodding. “Yea, finding myself staring at clint’s arms, and tony’s ass, and wondering if sex would bring the hulk out, was just to much. Decided I better do something about it before I mauled them.”She snorted amused before looking at him, watching him before shrugging. “Because for them, it’s been so long. It’s like....even when they know it’s only been a linearly year for me, it just doesn’t register that it’s not old for me.”She shrugged a little before grinning. “Oh yes. I was in the army, I know what it was.”She snickered a little, before rolling her eyes. “It was not. And you got...more toys to use now. But yes, we did. I mean, we had to use james’ belt, and my shield to make sure I didn’t break anything, but bondage worked.”She smirke at him. “And don’t worry about it, if it’s to weird I’ll tell you....and I apologize before hand, if I accidently break your shit. Sometimes I forget I’m not pint sized anymore.”She smiled before noding. “he did. And Maria. Told them she thought it’d be a very informative viewing experience, and a priceless piece of cinema. Apparently, she just made it worse by asking if they were talking about Fifty shades.”
he snorted. "that would be freaking hilarious. you'd be all over the internet." he admitted with a snigger. "forget the kitten rage, you'd way overtake them." he admitted with a smile before outright laughing. "actually, i think he's mostly overcome the whole 'i can't have sex because every "time i try the Hulk pops out' problem." he admitted. "no. it's because your a superhero." he admitted. "they think you should 'be better than such silly human things than grief'. if you did forget him, they'd be calling you heartless." he admitted. "in situations like this, it's impossible to win so you'd be better off not even trying." he admitted, smiling at her. "just go at your own pace, you need to focus on your own health, not on what people think of you." he admitted before smirking at her. "damn. that is hot." he admitted. "don't worry about breaking my crap. i have enough money to buy new stuff if i have to." he promised her before wrinkling his nose. "don't read that crap. it's crap." he admitted. "if you have to read BDSM try something by Laurel K. Hamilton. Ann Rice has several good BDSM based books.... basically anything but Fifty Shades." he suggested. "i don't read much so i don't actually know about a lot of books, try asking Natasha or Pepper." he admitted. "do you know what a playlist, or a Checklist is? or what a Safe-word is?" he asked her, offering her a cup of water. "Tony mentioned you hadn't cared for Coffee much and i don't have any milk or juice." he admitted with a chuckle.
“I would be, it’d be horrible.”She whine a little before smirking. “Well, that’s good to know I guess. Even if I’m avoiding sleeping with my team.”She snickered a little before sighing, nodding a little. “Tony said something similar. Now I just have to work on it....being out of shield’s base’ll help.”She smiled a ltitle before snickering at his words. “Yea, it was pretty hot. And okay. Though I’ll still feel bad if I break it.”She said before smiling, nodding a little. “I’ll look. And ask pepper, since I’m sure tony let her in on the joke. Wont ruin things.”She said before frowning at him, thinking it over. “I’m assuming a checklist of things that will or will not work...and a safe word is like in the gym, tapping out if it’s to much.But in context of sex, no.”She shrugged taking the water. “Thanks. And the coffee was fine, just different. Cigarettes are better.”She sighed before biting her lip. “I can only think of one thing that I need right now. I don’t want my team knowing about this, and not just because it’d ruin the joke. But...this is private. Like you siad, I need to deal with Jamie’s memory as I can...and even if I know they wont hate me for it....well.... Guilt still gets to me. I want this but....”She shrugged because she felt helpless to explain.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "it is pretty good to know, since he has this huge massive crush on pepper, though i'm not sure he realizes he has a crush." he admitted with a shrug. "it's kind of adorable how he does anything she tells him to." well, that explained a lot. for being so laid back, Bruce was actually extremely stubborn, bull headed and set in his ways. the only person who could make him do anything he didn't want to was Pepper. which often included sleeping and eating somewhere other than his lab. "being trapped in shield constantly must have been hell." he agreed before smiling a little. "don't. i break my own things all the time. i'm not a super soldier but i'm not a normal human either." he admitted before nodding. "correct on both counts. if you decide that you want to have sex on me on a regular basis i will insist on the first. as for the Safe-word i insist on that no matter how many times. a safe word is an all stop. you say that and i not only stop what i'm doing, but i release you and do what i can to make sure your okay without upsetting you further. if you say No, i will stop and wait to see what's wrong. it's basically like the brakes, versus the emergency brakes." he admitted. "in both cases i stop, but with a safe-word i know it's more than going too fast or you might be nervous about what's happening and i need to take immediate steps to remove you from what's happening." he admitted. "one thing you should always be aware of is that it is no ones fault if you say no, stop or safe-word out." he promised her. "and anyone who ignored such a thing, or blames you for it should be bitch slapped and left standing there." he admitted before smiling at her. "it's okay. i understand. it's hard. sometimes i feel pretty miserable myself. i'll dream about Alice, or think about her and all i can think or feel is that i'm cheating on her, even though she's been gone for six years." he admitted. "if you need to stop, it's fine." he promised her. "and if you need to cry, well i make a great hugger." he promised with a smile.
“Ahhhh, you know, that explains some things. Wondering how long it’ll take tony to figure that’s why he listens to her.”Stephanie snorted a little before relaxing. “That’s true. A normal person wouldn’t be considering something as insane as trying to wear out a super soldier.”She said looking amused before nodding slowly. “Okay....I can do that. I mean....I need to know where to look, to find a list. But I’ll fill it out.”She said looking thoughtful, curious. “...okay. That makes sense.”She said thinking it over, frowning a little as she sat on the couch, sipping her water. Not simply agreeing or brushing off his words, but really looking like she was thinking about it. “Ah. Yes, if they continued it’d be rape and....”she shuddered at the memory, sighing quietly as she mulled it over, befpre smiling at him. “Yes...I wake up screaming from a dream, swearing I can smell cigarettes and cinnamon,”Cause everyone knew James had been addicted to the small hard candies that burned like fire if you ate to many, “and just have to beat on something. I broke Tony’s gym last night...”She grumbled making a face, before smiling. “Never could say no to a great hug.”She smiled at him, leaning in to kiss his cheek, leaning into him a little, before sighing. “You want me to fill out the checklist before we do anything? Cause otherwise I have a few hours to kill before going back to the tower./..”
he chuckled a little. "on can't be sure he doesn't already know." he admitted. "he loves to piss with people so he could know and is just gently nudging them into spending more and more time together." he admitted. "oh, it's not so insane." he admitted with a shrug. "just a nice challenge." he admitted with a grin before shaking his head. "i made my own list." he admitted. "i'll print it off for you later." he promised. "yeah. it's just a safety feature i like to have in place. i know you'll think it's silly, most people who have never had one does, but when you start actually doing things like that on a daily basis, the comfort of the safe-word and the control of being able to stop it at any time is very relaxing, comforting and even freeing." he admitted. "exactly." he agreed. "you can see now why i'm taking this seriously. there's nothing worse than hurting someone like that. especially because of something so simple as a single miscommunication." he admitted. "the safe-word offers a level of reassurance for both of us." he admitted before nodding. "Alice loved oranges. she was always eating them, and she had this orange and vanilla shampoo..." he admitted. "did you really?" he asked, sounding impressed. "i bet he's tickled. he loves building things for people." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at her. "no. the list is for if we're going to be seeing a lot of each other. for tonight i'll just ask if your okay with blindfolds, bondage, vibrators and if there is anything i should avoid doing or words or phrases i should avoid." he admitted. "for example, please don't call me a Slag. bad memories." he admitted.
" know I can see it."she snickered at the idea of tony annoying them just so they'd spend time together."awesome. While I can work a computer, I still prefer reading print."she smiled at him relaxing even more as they talked."it is a little silly, but I trust tony and your sister, and they said your s good guy. Though tony doesn't know I'm here..."she said looking thoughtful."so if you think it's a good idea, I can wait and see."she said smiling slightly.she smiled, relaxing. Pleased as she realized she wasn't the only one who woke up thinking their loved one was right there."I did. And he is. He's utterly excited."she shook her head a little looking amused."okay...and bondage is fine. Blindfolds, no. I don't like not being able to see. And vibrators...ive never tried one, but we can try. I don't mind experimenting with new things."she shrugged before nodding."got it...and whore. Or slut. That's all I can think of...."
He chuckled and nodded. "yeah, Tony's rather mean like that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah, can't blame ou there. if i stay on the computers too long i get headaches." he admitted. "that's alright. i trust them too." he teased with a chuckle before pausing. "Ton doesn't know?" he asked, looking curious. "nah. i'm horny now." he admitted with a chuckle before grinning a little. "Tony gets excited about things. has he called int he Admantium yet?" he asked curiously. "okay, no blindfolds, easy enough." he agreed. "and i have a few you can look over if you want. sometimes it's easier for people if they can see and examine what i'm going to be using on them." he admitted. "okay, whore and slut ae off the table.... oh and... this is weird but... please don't call me Pet or Kitten..." he flushed a little. "...Alice used to call me that and it makes me think of her so...." he shrugged. "anyway! come this way, fair maiden." he teased, leading her to his bedroom and he headed into the closet to get his leather shackles. they wouldn't hold her for very long, really but he had something in mind. it was all about leverage. if he could strap her to herself, and not let her get the leverage she needed to actually pull, his restraints might survive. he'd have to see. he also got a few vibrators for her to look over. a couple of button vibrators, a pocket rocket and a rabbit, all still in their pristine packages. he'd let her pick which ones to use.
“Yea, he is.”She snickered da little before tilting her head, shaking her head a little. “No....I...if they ask, I wont deny it. but...I so rarely get things that are private. If I choose to have sex, not everyone should know it. Even when I trust them.”She sighed softly, ducking her head a little, staring down. “...Yea, and the kevlar to make it. I’m sure by the time I get home he’ll have a idea.”She snorted a little before smiling. “And no ice. Ice is...horrible.”She shivered a little before nodding, thinking about that, before adding. “Also Stevie to then. While I went by steve, only james made it a childish version of stevie.”She wrinkled her nose a little before following him, tilting her head as she considered the stuff she was seeing. Looking thoughtful as she considered before tapping her fingers on the rabbit. “here. Let’s try this and the restraints.”
he nodded a little. "i can understand that. i won't tell then." he promised. "they never bother asking about my sex life anymore so i won't have to worry about lying." he promised her. "some things should be private and since we're not going t be dating either it's not like they need to know anyway." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "he actually has material stronger than Kevlar." he admitted. "i can't remember what it's called, it was developed in some place...." he paused and then. "it wasn't developed by Tony but he advanced on it." he admitted. "a lot of the suits Tony's made for the super heroes are made of it." he admitted. "i don't think he's made you one because he can't figure out how to ask you to let him measure you without coming off as perverted." he admitted with a snigger. "yeah that's no problem. is Step okay or should i think of something else to call you?" he asked with a smile. "i can think of some cute things to call you. Dove would suit you very well." he admitted with a smile. "okay." he agreed, burning the package open because they where a pain and once part of it was pulled off the rest was easy to yank apart. "okay." Johnny mused, pondering it for a moment before nodding. "i'll strap you to the table." he decided. "you'll be less able to get the leverage you need to break something that way." he admitted. "and it's a crappy table so if you succeed it won't matter all that much." he admitted happily. "sound okay? i'll get a blanket and some pillows so you won't be laying on hard wood."
“Well, considering you’re sex life, I don’t think I’d want to be asking questions either. It’s probably a good thing neither of us can catch anything.”She teased kissing him lightly with a amused look before shrugging. “It’s something. I started tuning him out once he got all science-y on me.”She snorted a little before laughing out loud. “Hmmm, I’ll have to ask him then. And then reward him with a picture or something for trying to be a gentleman.”she snickered amused before smiling. “Step’s fine. Or dove. Whatever.”She shrugged following him in, snorting as he burned the package. That was just amusing. “Yea, that’s okay.”She said waiting for the blanket and pillows before pausing, tilting her head as she looked up at him. “Dressed or undressed, and how do you want me?”She asked already toeing off her boots.
he chuckled a little and shrugged. "that's true." he agreed with a grin. "you do that too? i'm glad i'm not the only one." he admitted with a chuckle. "he is surprisingly gentlemanly." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "he's shockingly bashful sometimes too." he admitted before smirking. "i think i'll call you Dove." he decided with a smile. "if only because i'm pretty sure no one else ever has and it won't bring up bad memories." he decided. "that depends on how comfortable you feel right now. if you want to keep your clothes on i can alter what i'm doing to suit that. if you feel okay with being naked then feel free. if you want to keep some clothes on i can do that too." he admitted with a smile. "this is all about giving you what you need. so you set the rules here." he promised her.
“Yea, I think everyone tunes him out at some point.”She snickered a little, before smiling slightly. “I’ll have to remember that when I ask him for the suit. I’m sure that’ll be reward enough.”She said looking amused before nodding. “Nope. No bad memories for that.”She looked amused as she stared down, thinking about it before squirming out of her jeans and top, amusingly enough, despite the outer clothes having been yankees stuff, the underwear and bra was a custom made set in Brooklyn dodgers colors, a present from Natasha. Shifting to settle back on the table, she watched him, waiting for the jokes. She was slender, not curvy much, but the swell of her hips, and the high tight breasts definitely said she was female and not the male she’d pretended to be for so long. She’d heard both sides of the joke, that she couldn’t be female, cause what kind of girl could last that long as a guy, or the jokes about the peak of human perfection. Or tony’s joke about still being in good shape despite her time as a capsicle. Nervous and waiting, she held out her hands. “okay, tie me up.”She smiled at him.
he chuckled a little. "Bruce doesn't, even if he pretends to." he admitted with a grin before hiding a grin behind a hand. he didn't make any of the jokes she was expecting. "that is some epic underwear. i'd ask you if you mined if they got ruined but i think i know the answer." he admitted with a chuckle, stroking a hand over her hip, just examining her curves. "you need to relax first." he admitted, smiling at her. "would you like a massage?" he asked her. "or would you rather me just get on with it?" he asked, smiling a little, wondering if nerves or impatience would win out.
"If you ruin my dodgers stuff, I'll let you explain to natasha why I no longer have them."she smirked at the other before shuddering, trying to relax. Rubbing a hand over her face before reaching out, sliding a hand around the back of his neck and tugging him in for a kiss. Now that she was giving in, her libido was starting to override nerves."kiss me and let's start for them."she said blushing, amazed he hadn't teased her, simply looked happy. Shivering as she ran her hand over his shoulders, nearly petting him, simply touching him to calm herself. It was amazing she'd done this well really avoiding touch and sex, when she was such a tactile person
he grinned at her. "i imagine so." he agreed with a snicker. "i'd hate to be on Natasha's bad side so i'll make sure not to destroy your clothes." he promised with a grin, letting her tug him down, kissing her back, running his tongue into her mouth to tease her a little. "okay." he agreed softly, running his hand down her stomach, stroking the area around her belly button, just to tease. "you smell wonderful." he admitted, nuzzling her neck and kissing it, pressing dainty kisses down her neck, over her shoulder and to her cleavage, licking there before moving back up and kissing her again before checking to make sure she was calm enough, wrapping the leather cuffs around each wrist and pinning them to the table, running the rope under the table and cinching it tight before running the other rope around her hips and attached those to her cuffs as well. so she was pulling against her own body, instead of against table or a beam. she could still snap the ropes if she tried, but just yanking, he was pretty sure they could hold her for now. her hands where trapped and she was locked in place. he'd leave her legs free for now. "hows that?" he asked with a grin. "feel okay?"
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