
Stephanie had indeed realized that Tony wasn’t having fun, her own tension and feelings only getting worse as she watched him. The tension that sang through Tony’s body, setting the super soldier’s teeth on edge, and the fact that there was a hand shaped bent in the edge of her chair, just said just how badly this had left her. Turning her head to look at the woman, the captain gathered her skirt in her hand as she headed for the woman, definitely currently in Captain America mode, Stephanie Rogers standing aside. This was the side of her personality that had her disregarding every order she’d had been given when she’d needed to go after bucky, to crash landing a plane in the Arctic, facing off with gods and monsters. “Ms. Mars, it would seem that you need to be going, as you are making my teammate uncomfortable.”Stephanie said as she grippe the woman’s arm, already pulling her towards the door. Ignoring the whispers and gossiping going on around her as she did. “I-it was-”Vanderbilt fell silent, looking pale and shaken, not sure how to explain that overwisght. “I am sorry, mr, stark.”She said swallowing thickly even as pepper stood. “Well. I think that should bring a close to the evening.”She said as she made her way to the stage to take the mircophone. “I think the best course of action would to be allow everyone to donate, and call it a evening.”
"Fuck off you whore!" Mars snapped, trying to yank her arm out of Stephanie's grip, not that she could do much, especially since the Guards where all over the woman as soon as Stephanie got her close enough for them to deal with. "don't worry Captain. she'll be spending some time in a cell for breaking the restraining order." one of the police assured her. "i think you need to take a good, long hard look at your career Ms. Vanderbilt because between trying to trick Stephanie into coming up on stage and allowing one of my attempted murderers in, your not fairing so well." Tony warned. "step on any more toes and you'll find New York isn't a city your going to enjoy. clear?" he demanded of her before sweeping away, shaking his head. "i agree." Tony agreed, handing his pre-written check to the people in control of the charity money, offering the a smile. "keep doing the good that you do and i'd suggest finding someone else to run your auctions from now on. Vanderbilt clearly isn't the right woman for this kind of job." he admitted before moving over to Stephanie, looking worried. "Stephanie? are you alright? what's wrong?" he asked her, as softly as he could.
Stephanie tensed at the namecalling, tensing and responding as if it was a bigger thing, a nerve struck at the name calling before looking at the guards. Nodding slightly. “Thank you, Chris.”She said smiling as she read his name badge, because the woman was always so careful about not simply disregarding the every day person, if asked, she remembered most of the security staff at the tower and shield. Smiling as she watched them escort Mars away, she sighed quietly as she looked around to make sure Tony was okay. “I didn’t trick her. I explained what I wanted.” “No, you didn’t. You asked for a picture and for her to attend, the woman thought you wanted a art piece to sell.”Pepper sneered a little, shaking her head before watching as Ms. Vanderbilt left to talk to the charity people and get things taken care of it. Smiling at tony’s advice the director nodded, already planning on replacing vanderbilt.

“Hm?”Stephanie frowned looking at tony as he got to her side, blond hair falling out of the hair do she had it drawn back in, starting to look wrecked, but more emotionally then anything. Which was horrible, since she had been so excited and happy about the party before it had gone so wrong. “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”It wasn’t nothing if it had the ability to twist her up this much, but it’d take effort to get her to talk, and no one since James had truly made the effort and been stubborn enough to get her to talk when she really needed to. "Let's go home."
"uhm. your welcome Captain." the officer said, blushing a little, the woman hissing that 'captain' was just an attention seeking slut as she was dragged out of the building. "you tricked her." Tony said, glaring at Vanderbilt. "and we all know it. your damn lucky we where able to tell her before she got up here or she would have freaked, or did you forget that Slavery was still a big thing in a few of the countries she fought against in WWII and this looked a hell of a lot like a slave auction?" he demanded of Vanderbilt. "not to mention the fact that she wouldn't have known she could say o if the man she ended up with tried to take advantage!? is that what you want, Vanderbilt!? an innocent woman raped because you where fucked up enough to trick her into this shit when she's already traumatized enough from being thrown seventy years into the future?!" he got right into her space. "i am keeping my eyes on you Vanderbilt and if i found out you did this before, or do it again? i will be all over your ass with the best legal team at my disposal." he promised her before stalking off.

Tony shook his head when he got over to Stephanie, grabbing her wrist gently. "Steph. it's not nothing. your freaking out. what is it?" he asked, looking frantic. "yeah, we definitely need to go home. that Vanderbilt bitch..." he growled, shaking his head. "never mind her, she won't be working in this city again after this, the entire evening was a bust. she didn't do anything right." he grumbled before watching her. "come on, i'll give you a lift home and you can talk int he privacy of the car, okay?" he asked her with a smile. "and don't think looking adorable is going to get you out of it." he teased.
“Vanderbilt paled a little at that, she hadn’t considered that slavery was a thing sitill in WW2, “N-no, I han;t. And no, I would never want anyone hurt or raped.”Valnderbilt said frowning hard as she considered the man, annoyed that he was saying everything, but knowing there was nothing she could do to stop him either. Pale as she watched him leave.

Stephanie startled a little under his grip, only when he touche her would he feel the quiet slight trembling as she looked at him. “N-no. Really.”She said trying to pull away from him, so freaked out that she didn’t even put any real effort into breaking a hold that she could easily break usually. Nodding a little as she looked at him. “O-okay. Let’s go.”She muttered following after him, frowning slightly. “...I would never use my looks to get out of anything.I'm whore, tony”She said looking annoyed with the suggestion as they left. Thou vb it was obvious it wasn't a barb aimed at him like her tease earlier about him being a manwhore, but a true annoyance that he thought she'd use her looks to get out of something, that she'd try seducing her way out it. Which had a story behind it so buried in the past, few people aluve would know of it.
Tony huffed at her. "i'd find a different job Vanderbilt, you're not very good at this one. plan weddings or house parties or something." he ordered before leaving her there. "Stephanie, seriously..." Tony said gently. "whoever claimed such a thing is a serious moron." he promised her with a smile. "of course your not a whore, and you would never use your looks for anything.... unless it was for a good thing i suppose, i can see you being self sacrificing like that." he admitted. "no one who knows you would ever think that." he promised her. "and you have to remember, people in this time... they're not like the people you used to know. people here where never taught to take responsibility for their actions or words. they don't want to be held accountable so, they blame the victim." he admitted.

"Mars is a prime example of that. we dated for three weeks, her and me. and she cheated on me with some Russian hottie so i broke it off." h admitted. "she didn't want to let me go, seamed to think she had a right to me, like i was a toy or something and decided if she couldn't have me, no one would. i still had that bit of metal, lodged in my chest, so she tried to dig it out of me." he admitted. "since then, she's been of the opinion that Pepper, Natasha, any female who gets close to me, is only there because they let me fuck them. because they, and myself are whores. it's not true, and never will be, but sometimes people can't see the truth for themselves. there will always be people like Mars, who are so miserable they want everyone else around them to hurt. they will call you worse names than that because they are jealous of your looks, of your popularity, of our money or business." he shook his head. "they want what you have and seam to think that if they tear people like us down, they'll feel better about themselves. Mars called you a whore, because deep down inside, she knows that's all she really is. she wants you to hurt, because she hurts, and unfortunately, more often then not, it works." he admitted, shaking his head.

"every time someone calls me a whore, it really hurts." he admitted. "because while it might not be true anymore, i still used to be, and people never seam to let me forget it." he admitted. "i used to be a weapons dealer and no one will let me forget all the deaths i've caused. this is because they like to blame me, for all the problems that they don't want to admit is their own fualt. yes, i made weapons, but it was the U.S that contracted me to do so. yes, i caused millions of deaths, but i saved hundreds of thousands of out soldiers." he smiled at her. "words these days... you can either listen to them, or remember what good you've managed to do. Mars called you a whore. but how many soldiers did you save, personally save during WWII, three hundred? six hundred? Mars called you a whore, but you, and four other assholes saved the entire world from an alien invasion. Mars called you a whore, but you just donated fourteen million dollars to children's leukemia. you're no whore. your a Hero, and you should remember that, okay?"
"Hm. I doubt it. Seems they knew what they were talking about."Stephanie sighed softly as she stared out the window, the reflection in the glass showing the silent tears as she watched the city go by. Barely stirring at his speech she frowned a little."not that self sacrificing. I msan, I know you've seen my medical charts. Sex is sorta something integral to life now."she muttered pained, because she remembered those months after rebirth, it'd seemed all her and james did was fight, have sex then fight bad guys, before fighting each other. It had been bloody and messy, and left her even more vulnerable to the pain that followed. Maybe that's why words spoken after james ried, we're sticking with her so bwdly.

" she dangerous?should I look into seeing that she leaves you alone?"Stephanie asked, oh the protective anger in that tone, captain america gearing up to yell at someone. Going quiet at his words, because while she was listening to them, the idea she was a whire, a good for nothing whore had stayed with her longer then anything else. And it'd take time to work it out. Frowning she flinched a little."sorry...I shouldnt...have called you that earlier..."she said remembering th e gym."I was just in a foul mood..."she said fretting a little as she looked over at him, drying the tears as she relaxed.

"Something like that...lots. james included."be he smiled a little, because as painful as it was, the thougut of james always made her smile."...okay..."she sighed a little, not like she believed he was right, but didn't want to argue about it when she felt like she'd been kicked. She had no idea why it had hit her so hsrd, but it had. And she knew in part it w as because tony had been uncomfortable but she just wanted to be home.
he shook his head. "there is a difference between having sex to gain something, and having sex because you have a high libido." he pointed out. "having sex because it feels good, and you want to feel connected to someone doesn't make you a whore. especially no in this culture. yes there will always be people who judge but people judge other people because of some of the stupidest things anyway. people will always judge. that doesn't make them right." he admitted, smiling at her. "your not a whore. i promise." he assured her with a smile. "your not the one who fucked teachers to get better grades after all." he admitted. which is what he had done. he hadn't known it then, but several teachers had marked failing grades o his papers to take advantage of him, being that he'd been too young to know better. they had since been fired when Tony went to the school board to complain that he was being marked as failing when other people had gotten extra credit for the exact same answers. hed never told anyone about having sex for better grades until now.

"no. she's not too dangerous now." he assured her. "she usually abides by the restraining order, or if she hasn't Jarvis never noticed her. not exactly something most people can manage, let alone her." he admitted, smiling at her. "i guess the lure of having me all to herself for another night was too much for her to resist." he admitted. "that woman, Vanderbilt, she should have been more than aware that Mars wasn't allowed. it's the first thing that comes up when doing a background check. it means that either Vanderbilt didn't do the background checks, or Mars was able to sneak past the guards, which is also on Vanderbilt." he admitted. "it's okay. you where tired and you didn't know. i try not to let things like that get to me." he admitted with a smile. "i know you didn't mean it, which took most of the hurt out of it, and an apology always helps." he admitted with a smile. "your a wonderful woman Stephanie and you shouldn't let people get to you like that." he promised her. "your twenty times better than any of them." he promised.

he smiled at the mention of James. "Peggy used to tell me all kinds of stories about you and James." he admitted. "she told me about the time that James lost that bet, and he had to walk around for an entire day dressed in drag." he admitted with a laugh. "she said he made a terrible woman." he admitted with a snicker before he paused. " he wasn't a girl right?" he asked her. "because that comment would have been really awkward if he was..." he paused. "although if he really was a woman, i have to ask, how did he manage the facial hair?" he was basically trying to make her laugh.
“...Yea. I guess.”Stephanie muttered sighing a little, before smiling quietly. Relaxing slightly, simply enjoying listening to him talk. He had a good voice. “Well, you’re not one either. You just like sex, at least I’m fairly certain that’s how it is now.”She said trying to make him feel better before wrinkling her nose a little. “No, I didn’t do that. Though I did fuck someone to make him forget he was mad at me.”She sulked a little, remembering those bright painful months that had been both painful, and perfect.

“Oh. Okay. Good.”Stephanie said relaxing a little at the promise Mars wasn’t to much trouble before smiling. “I doubt anything gets by Jarvis. He’s amazing.”she smiled still in awe at the AI, before wincing. “Yea, I guess it was. We’ll just have to make sure Vanderbilt is taken care of. This whole evening was a disaster.”She sighed quietly glaning over at him, tilting her head a little. “Well, I am sorry. And I try, but...I feel....more raw....less able to handle things then I used to be.”She wrinkled her nose a little.

Snickering at his words she nodded a little. “He made a horrible woman. And yes, he was a guy. Really.”She said laughing out loud quietly at his words, “He really did make a dreadful woman. Though weirdly, he could walk in heels.”She snorted amused as they pulled into the garge, going quiet as she thought about her fiancee, missing him keenly. He would have loved tony. "...I miss him Tony...."She muttered not making a move to get out of the car, just enjoying the quiet dark privacy of the car.
he smiled at her. "i'm not a whore anymore, i know." he agreed with her, smiling. "i just didn't know any better back then." he admitted. "i was too young to know any better. it's not like my old man was a good influence anyway." he admitted. "i don't think that counts." Tony admitted with a laugh and a shake of his head before he smiled a little at her. "Jay is amazing." he agreed. "don't worry. she's already been dealt with. if this failure doesn't get to her, Pepper will certainly run her out of town." he admitted. "the next Auction will be a lot better." he promised, smiling at her. "think you would mind painting something for it? an authentic painting painted by Captain America would sell very well." he admitted with a smile. "and this way Bruce won't feel the need to go himself." he admitted before smiling at her. "you have to give yourself time Steph. your pushing yourself too hard." he admitted. "way too hard. you have to give yourself time to process what's happening around you and to you as well."

he chuckled a little and smiled at the idea of James being a terrible woman, turning off the car before turning to look at her. "Stephanie. it's only been, what, a year since he died for you? and you never had time to grieve either. Aunt Peggy said you where going to run off with him, after the war and get married and stuff. that's a hell of a thing to loose." he admitted, shaking his head. "you never had a chance to mourn that he was gone. never had a chance to mourn that everything you knew is gone. it's hard, Steph. to find yourself in an entirely new culture against your will, and for it to have happened so traumatically and loosing everyone you knew at the same time... it's hard. it's something you need time to get over and you never had the time you needed." he admitted, watching her. "you need to take the time to grieve and mourn and adjust and i very much plan on giving you the time, and support you need, okay?" he asked with a smile. "take all the time you need." he offered her with a smile. "you have a home now. it's time for you to start living life again."
“Good.”Stephanie muttered, pleased that he was aware that he wasn’t a whore anymore, before nodding. “Howard stark could be called alot of things, good influence wasn’t one of them.”She said wrinkling her nose a little before snorting. “No, I didn’t think it did.”She agreed before relaxing, glad that pepper would take care of things. This would be better. “Of course. I’ll paint something then.”She smiled at the idea, before sighing, resting her head back against the seat. “...I don’t know how to do anything else. Since....I became Cap, I’ve always been running from one thing to the next, without time to process...I don’t know how to slow down anymore.”She sighed softly.

Staring out the window, refusing to look at him, she nodded slightly, thinking about it. “12 months, 3 days and some odd hours, since we’re in new york, I mean, the time change is screwy and all.”She muttered, the fact that she knew that off the top of her head, was sorta both disturbing and hard to consider, no wonder she was depressed. “...We thought about leaving. We were talking about it. When....when he fell. We wanted to go after that mission...we were close to paris. Thought it’d be a nice brief honeymoon.”She smiled a little, because she’d never told anyone that before, before noding slightly. “ is hard. And that idiot therapist isn’t helping....think you can convince them I don’t have to go back?”She muttered, for the first time in al ong time, asking for a serious request, because she so rarely asked things for herself, tony hadn’t probably realized she never asked for serious things, important things for herself. Only for others usually. “...Okay.”She said smiling a little. “It’s good to be home....even if it’s not brooklynn.”She said making a face as she sighed, climbing out of the car with a small smile. “Thanks tony.”
he smiled at her. "there's lots of things i could think to call him." Tony grumbled before smiling at her. "cool. and i'll buy it." he decided. "because i don't have a painting made by Captain America yet." he admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "you have to focus on yourself for once Steph." he admitted. "it's hard. really hard. i know it is, just take the time every day to just sit back and relax." he suggested. "now that your not in shield you don't have to screw with politics or assholes. you'll have plenty of time, okay?" he asked with a smile. "learning to slow down can take time, but it's worth it." he promised before wincing at her remark. yeah, that wasn't very healthy. he couldn't blame her though. "that would have been romantic." he admitted. "how would you have gotten around the whole 'you pretending to be a guy' thing? gay marriage wasn't even a thing back then right?" he asked, his head tilted. "that idiot Therapist?" he asked, looking amused. "no. you don't have to go back. i don't like the Therapists at Shield either." he admitted. "Bruce is taking Psychology classes, i use him. i trust him more. and i know he won't share anything i say with anyone." he admitted. "this is your home Steph. for however long you want or need it. okay?" he asked her with a smile. "it's no problem. i like talking with you." he admitted. "will you be okay off on your own or should i go throw a movie in for you?" he offered her. "we could sit and watch a Disney movie or something."
“I’m sure if you looked in your collection, there’s something I drew.”She said rolling her eyes a little because she found it both endearing, and creepy just how much tony had. But didn’t protest that he had it, since she was well aware it was a coping mechanism for the most part, and had even bought him some things when they had first gotten together as a team, to apologize for being a idiot on the helicarrier. “....Okay. I can do that. I have a art room now, and better rooms then shield.”She said making a face, which was part of the reason she’d agreed to move in. Here, it was home, instead of a room she’d been shoved in. “Hm, my team knew I was female. It was just the rest of the military that didn’t. Well. They hadn’t known at first, me and james hid it, but after they kept walking in the command tent without asking permission, it sorta got hard to hide.”She said blushing brightly before making a face. “yes, that idiot. He’s a idiot tony. I don’t want to talk to him. Or be on tumblr, or have him teach me facebook or instangram, I’m not good at it, but I think I’m capable of processing the new world and taking pictures without in detail instructions from a moron.”Stephanie grumbled noding. “Okay.”she smiled at him, before frowning thinking it over. “...Put in a movie. I need to change, but I doubt I can go to sleep now.”She smiled as she headed for her rooms to change, and amusingly enough changed into iron man sweats and a t-shirt, smirking at the brunette as she threw herself onto the couch. “I thought it was only fair, since you have Cap stuff.”She teased.
"nope. i checked." he admitted with a smile. "you have anything you want." he promised her. "that's what the bank card is fo..." he paused. "did they have bank cards when you where a kid?" he wondered. "has someone shown you how to use those?" he asked. "oh! i almost forgot. Jarvis finished organizing your accounts. he wants to know what you want to do with them. he printed out all the information on them for you to look over. if you need help with it you better ask Pepper. i don't do numbers." he admitted. which was a lie, he was great with numbers, he just wasn't so great at reading or writing them. nor was he any good at reading or writing, which was why they all had such a hell of a time getting Tony to do paperwork, because he'd never admitted to having such severe dyslexia that if it wasn't for Jarvis he wouldn't be able to function. " many times did your team walk in on you?" he asked, looking very, very amused. "of course he's an idiot. they all are." he admitted before pausing. "okay. Facebook would be easy enough for you to understand if explained properly." he admitted. "as for picture taking, they did have cameras back then. the only thing that's changed is the options. mostly. even a baby knows how to aim and click. he seriously thought you couldn't work a camera?" he asked, looking baffled.

"Movie it is!" Tony agreed, looking delighted. "i'll get the snacks too." he promised, skipping away to change. he was already there, wearing Captain America pants and slippers and a Batman T-shirt. there was a huge bowl of popcorn, a pot of coffee, a pot of tea, various candies, a couple different kinds of soda and chips and salsa. "hey! sorry. someone, Jarvis, told the others i was setting up for a movie night and now they all want to come." he admitted with a snort, looking amused. "since it's your first one, i have declared you get to choose the first movie." he admitted. "you have your options of Disney, comedy, romantic comedy, horror or drama." he figured giving her a genre would make searching through the movies a lot easier. he had thousands of them after all. all of them organized by genre and then title except for the Disney, which was organized by year released.
“....No. We didn’t. But as I understand it, it’s sorta like a check, only you know, with a card. Natasha took me out and showed me.”she promised looking amused before tilting her head. “Good. I’ll look them over in the morning.”She smiled a little before snickering. “Enough times that they declared that me and james missed our callings as gymnasts, apparently twisting your leg above your head on a regular basis, is not normal.”Stephanie said with such innocence, you knew she was laughing at his response to the therapist. “Hm, apparently since I was using a Starkphone for picture taking, meant that I thought I couldn’t figure out how to work it. Apparently, people forget I had to learn Stark tech before there was a Stark Industries, makes learning your tech on the fly easier these days. At least you don’t try to overexplain it to me.”Stephanie said shrugging a little not about to admit the more he made her feel like a idiot, the more she dug her heels in and refused to talk to him, over really did make her want to beat him up. It was the therapist’s own fault she was trolling him.

“Hey.”Stephanie smiled a little, looking bemused at the sight of the food. “You could have told us not to come.”Natasha pointed out, raising a eyebrow as she walked in, settling into her regular seat as she watched the two. Having heard from phil what happened, she was worried about them. “Hmmm, I dunno. Maria kept telling me I had to see a movie called ‘what’s your number?’ Said it was very cultured and would help me figure out things.” n atasha paused, nearly choking on her drink. Wondering which one was playing the joke, and on who. Maria on Stephanie, or stephanie screwing with them.
he chuckled a little. "it's kind of like that." he agreed. "i'll run you through the inner workings of a bank card later. you do have to be careful with bank cards." he admitted. "but once you understand the difference between credit and Debit your pretty much set... except for figuring out which way to swipe the card. it's hard. i never get it right." he admitted before choking at her joke, laughing almost hysterically once he'd caught up to what she had said. "...serious;y? your using a freaking Starkphone and he thinks you can't work a camera.... oh. my. god. what a moron." he muttered. "you are never seeing that asshole again. morons like that aren't allowed." he admitted. "i always forget that he started Stark Industries after you, er. crashed." he admitted before smiling at her. "i learned to..." he paused. "i don't want to say dumb down because your anything but dumb and i have to do it with everyone... maybe, speak like a normal person? because Natasha and pepper hit me when i use big words and Phil tazes me and Clint shoots at me and it's terrible." he admitted with a sulk and a sigh.

"i thought it would be fun." Tony admitted, grinning at Natasha and Clint and Phil as they stalking into the room. well, Phil walked in like a normal person, Clint dropped out of the vent like the freak he was. "....oh Jesus." Tony groaned, grinning as he collected the movie and decided to show her how to work the DVD player. if she could work a stark phone, she could work a DVD player. with the movie on he flopped onto the couch just as Bruce came in and started making himself a cup of tea before he nearly spat the tea right back out. "we're watching this?" he demanded, glancing at Stephanie. "she wanted to. Maria suggested it." Tony explained dryly. Bruce muttered a few threats against Maria before settling in to watch with them. he was going to regret this he was sure.
“Good. I got it in theory, but hearing it again would help. And I know there’s a difference, but apparently I make enough money being myself, Jarvis said not to worry about a credit card just yet. I have enough money to pay for what I want.”She shrugged a little before smirking as he laughed. “Yea. Apparently he thought all I was using was the automatic phone call feature to call everyone. Thought I couldn’t figure out the rest. There is a reason you gave me a book about it. Reading the manual helped.”She shrugged a little before snorting. “I forget about it to sometimes.Hm, yes normal. Listening to howard moved me to violence, and damn near got your father killed a few times by various commandos. You never hear those stories though, all the world thinks we were were good soldiers. And we were, but well, Howard Stark had a way with words that made us want to hang him out and use him for target practice if we let him get started on the tech.”She made a face before snorting again. “So yes, my therapist thinks I’m a idiot.”

“What?She said and I qoute “that I’d apperciate it. I assume it is a well acted movie. Great cinema and all that.”Stephanie gave tony that innocent smile as she followed him over to DVD player, smiling pleased as the movie started. Natasha groaned, muttering some of her own threats, because surely maria couldn’t think that showing a virgin from the 40s this movie was a good thing. Cause while the spy had heard rumors about the woman’s sexual status, she didn’t believe them. Not with how very uptight she seemed. Stephanie smiled as she settled on the couch next to tony, smirking a little to herself as she settled down, half watching half napping, shivering a little, just a bit, each time a naked chris evans walked on screen. Oh yea, for a woman in denial, she had a high libido, no wonder she’d wanted to watch.
he nodded. "using a debit card as credit doesn't actually do anything, it's just that on some cards your charged a fee for using it as a debit in certain locations or stores or whatever. as Credit you have to be careful because you can use money you don't actually have." he admitted. "people like us don't actually have to worry really, but it's something to keep in mind." he admitted with a smile before blinking a bit. "...seriously?" he asked. "the auto call feature is a challenge for people new to cell phones. most people who don't understand tech just do it the old fashioned way. either going in through the contacts or, like Peggy used to, actually memorizing the number and punching it in manually." he admitted with a snort. "i'm having words with that asshole, your not nearly as tech challenged as i was led to believe." he admitted before smirking at her. "...i bet we could punk the whole Tower. in the morning, make sure you ask Clint or someone for help with the coffee. and like, help turning on your TV. they had T.V's when you where a kid right? so you'd certainly know how to turn one on but i bet no one realizes and they just help you. it would be hilarious. see how long we can make them think your helpless and stuff." he said with a snigger before rolling his eyes. "honestly, i wish one of the commandos had killed him." Tony admitted, sounding strangely bitter.

"...oh god." Phil groaned, shaking his head, Tony bouncing. "hey, i promised her she could pick the movie, if she doesn't like it we'll turn it off and try another one." he promised. "but i think she'll like it, who doesn't like Chrus Evans?" he asked. "he played Captain America in some movies before they found out you where a girl." he admitted. "remind me to show you those." he ordered, munching on his popcorn as he watched the movie. "this is awesome." Tony admitted, grinning when Chris walked out, completely naked with nothing but a towel on, and not even a proper towel, like, a tea towel.
“Ah. That sort of makes sense. But like you, I don’t have to worry about money. I’m sure I have enough money to last a few years.”She looked amused before snickering. “..Seriously. And most people don’t read their manual, or figure out you can go on you-video and watch stuff to figure out how to work things. I’ve learned how to drive new cars and how to use the computer from videos.”She looked amused before smirking. “Nor as puritanical and pure as the world would have you believe. Though I think the whole tech challenged good girl image should be ruined, it’s like they never even knew I was James’ best friend, and that man was a tech whore.”Stephanie snorted a little, before smirking. “I’ll do it. I bet we could have them going for awhile.”She agreed, pain tightening her chest, cause it had been so long since she’d had someone to play pranks with, but glad it was tony. “....but you wouldn’t be here to help me now, so I’m sorta glad we spared him.”Stephanie said offering him a small smile.

“yes, we can change it if I don’t like it.”Stephanie agreed. “No one who’s ever seen him naked.”Natasha said smirking a little. “Truly?That’s awesome. I’ll have to watch them.”Cause Stephanie always found captain america movies amusing, eyes widening comically as she watched the man walk out, swallowing thickly. “....Oh. Oh. I think the world will never been the same.....can someone introduce me?”Stephanie said sounding amused, for a moment, the innocent act falling as her over active sex drive perked up at the sight of a male that fit, not only looking good, but strong enough to overpower even a super soldier.
he nodded. "i'm pretty sure you have more money than that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before rolling his eyes. "no one ever does. and then they call my customer servis people complaining that the phone is hard to use. i mean really. it's You-Tube by the way. not to be confused with Red-tube." he warned with a chuckle. "you can learn just about anything you need to from watching You-Tube." he admitted. "well. most things. some things you still have to actually practice." he admitted with a smile before sniggering. "i think people try not to think about James, and when they do they assumed he was the naughty one. apparently, he went to a science convention for fun. he was probobly a ginormous nerd." he admitted before shaking his head. "admit it. if he'd been dead, you wouldn't need help right now." he admitted. "you'd be back in the nineteen forties enjoying being married to James." he smirked at her. "although, admit it, you know you want to. the women's rights in this era are way better than they where back then."

"this is true." Tony agreed. while he wasn't gay, or bi-sexual he was artistic enough to appreciate certain male bodies. he wouldn't want to fuck them, but considering he snuggled Johnny on a weakly basis, not to mention Bruce, Phil and Clint, he was more than comfortable admitting he liked the way a man could look. he just didn't want to be intimate with them. "nope. out of all the movie stars and models i know, he's not one of them." Tony teased with a chuckle. "i can introduce you to a very close look alike though." he admitted. "Johnny Storm isn't as big as Evans but he's a dead ringer." he admitted with a grin.
"People are idiots. And oh. YouTube okay."she said looking curious but since he didn't explain she didn't ask about redtube. Snorting a little."sorta like sex then. People can tell you, but you sorta gotta just do it."she smirked a little before thinking about it. "He was the naughty one, but only cause he follwe'd me half the time, not that I ever admitted that. And he was. Truly. A nerd. I mean really,who takes a date to the stark expo? Except for you I mean."she te as ed before frowning."...I admit nothing. And maybe. Or maybe we would have both died. This works. And yes, this Era is amazing for womens rights."

"That's Just Sad tony. You should correct that."she teased with a yawn as she watched, not about admit thatshe wanted to screw the actor, not when it'd ru in the game. "I've met johnny. He's nice."yawing as the credits rolled she stretched, stumbling to her feet."night huys."she said heading for her rooms. "..."natasha stared after her thoughtfully."that definitely wasn't the reaction I thought she'd have to watching this movie."
"kind of, yeah. i would have accounted it to riding a bike though." he admitted with a laugh before snorting. "we both know that's a lie. James would have been very happy sitting at home and reading all day if you'd have left him." he teased with a smile. "ugh. i hate that damn Stark Expo shit." he admitted. "well. true. we can't really be sure of anything i guess." he admitted smiling at her. "this Era is amazing for a lot of things. admit it, you love microwave popcorn and frozen pizza and TV." he teased with a grin. "

"i really should... hey! who ate all the popcorn!?" "you did." Clint stated from where he was munching on fruit roll ups and fruit snacks. "i think Gandalf helped." Clint admitted, watching the large fluffy cat who looked very innocent as he washed his paws. "Night Steph!" Tony called back before shrugging at Nat. "i don't think she was actually watching the movie." he admitted. "i think she slept through most of it." which was likely true. "besides, who doesn't like watching naked men? i'll have to see if i can't invite Chris Evans over sometime. maybe for the auction, what do you think Pep? he could donate an autographed photo maybe?"
“Is not. I admit nothing. Never. About james or anything else. Though I do admit the food is amazing.”Stephanie agreed grinning a little.

“The cat definitely helped. Though I think Stephanie stole some to.”Natasha said looking before sighing a little. “She probably did. Makes sense really.”Natasha said thoughtfully. “I’ll see what we can do. If it’ll make her happy, I’ll definitely invite him to the auction.”Pepper said looking amused.

The next day Maria smiled a little as she walked into the living room, pausing to look at the sight in front of her. It wasn’t every day one caught both phil and natasha relaxed and simply hanging out, though the fact that natasha was watching supernatural, well that made sense. Natasha loved supernatural. “Hm, you two look relaxed. Have either of you seen Stephanie today?”She said lookign around. “Not yet. But it’s lunch time, she’ll be down for food soon.”Natasha said looking up at her. “By the way, we need to talk to you.” “About what?”

Across town Stephanie smirked as she sipped her coffee, leaning back in her seat as she waited for her lunch date to arrive. Simply watching the people around her, while she’d gone for her normal morning run, she’d taken the time for once to change and take a shower before stopping for lunch. Freshly dressed and content looking, the blond strands of her boy’s haircut just starting to grow out, and get shaggy, though it was now a fairly fashionable pixie cut. Well aware that her lunch date didn’t know who he was meeting, she’d made it easy to find her, telling Sue to have him look for the girl wearing the new york yankees cap and jersey. Raising her cup a little as Johnny looked around as he walked in, she smiled a little when he walked over. “Morning, Storm.”She said simply, drawing out the moment, for the moment enjoying the fact that no one knew who she was, that she was completely unnoticable for once.
Tony looked up when Maria walked in and tried his damnedest to look very angry with her. he was sure he succeeded because no one looked twice at him as he stalked from the room. hey, he knew his own habits and he was a passive aggressive little shit. she walked in, he walked out, that was what he did when he was angry at someone. mostly because he wasn't good at expressing his feelings and just avoided them until they cornered him and apologized or he finally got fed up and punched them in the jaw. he'd go read a book he'd gotten for Steph, he wasn't sure it was a proper history book but if it was any good he'd pass it on to her. he'd struggled through all of the books he'd left for her to make sure they had the information she'd want. it was Phil who answered Maria. "about the extremely distasteful movie selection you gave to Stephanie." he growled. "if she hadn't been completely exhausted to watch it last night i'm fairly certain she would have had a heart attack!"

"i'm going to kill my sister." Johnny admitted, smiling at her as he sat down. "she wants me to make a huge fool of myself and such. well... i'll do it, for her sake, but only a little." he decided, grinning impishly as he lowered his voice so only Cap could hear her. "can i have an autograph?" he asked, well aware of how much she was enjoying being completely unseen. being just another face in the crowd. he loved that too. it was why he was wearing glasses today. funny enough, the superman trick actually freaking worked. "so, your actually looking for a blind date? what happened to that pure and pious that everyone tries to tell me that you are?" he asked, looking amused. "or where you curious because i look like Chris Evans?" nailed it! he must have gotten that one a lot. "i assure you, that just because we look exactly alike does not mean that we are 'exactly' alike, nor do i actually know him." he admitted. "which is a shame. i should totally know him." it was eas to see why Tony liked Johnny. he was so easy going.
Maria paused watching tony go, wondering just what was going on before looking at phil. “What? How is sherlock holmes distasteful? I thought she’d get a kick out of watching RDJ act like tony on speed.”Maria said well aware that sherlock and tony were close in personalities, it was just amusing. “Not that one.”natasha growled, “The other one.” Maria frowned, feeling like she was getting played, and wondering just what was going on, but if stephanie had said she suggested a movie, well it meant the woman was up to something, and she didn’t want to ruin it. So....offensive movies Stephanie might freak out. “Fifty shades? It’s a masterpiece.” “What?You suggested-what?”Natasha growled eyeing the woman. “We’re talking about What’s your number.” “Oh. That one. Well. She asked for movies that would show her how life was these days.”Maria said blandly.

“Yea, you might want to. She thought you’d fall over your feet or something walking in.”Stephanie snickered a little before snorting. “Yes, you can. Later. I’m not signing something here, otherwise I’d spend the whole morning signing stuff.”She mutteed watching him, before snorting. “Well, I was thinking a one night stand, and if you’re any good at it, maybe more, but if you want a actual date, I could do that I guess.”She said giving him the most innocent wide eyed look as if to say ‘who, me?’. Being offensive nearly, simply because she knew the act wouldn't hold up once he knew what she wanted. better to be truthful from the beginning “You’re friends with Stark, I doubt he told you I was pure as driven snow.”She snickered, “And yes. It was. I mean, I saw him naked, it stands to reason a look alike, looks as good out of his clothes to.”She said even if she blushed a little. “You should know him. But no...really. It might have gotten me thinking about you, but....”She looked awkward here, biting her lip as she tried to think how to explain.
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