
“ shouldn’t have had to deal with that....I’m sorry tony. Even if I wasn’t around, you should have someone to look after you.”She muttered worried about him, wincing a little at the idea of her trying to kill her. Eyes widening as she frowned, “What?”She sputtered, worried before frowning, thinking over that. Looking freaked out and at a loss for what she was hearing, resting her hands over her stomach she whimpered softly, shuddering at the idea of teh baby being hurt. “She’s okay?”She muttered shuddering as she considered her baby, their baby,being born hurt and blind. “What?no.can’t be your fault. I mean, I have it to.”She frowed making a face, before huffing a little. Looking amazed, swallowing thickly. “Then....we should thank her for it....that would drive her insane.”She muttered frowning a little, “I’m not adorable.”She grumbled before twisting looking at him, punching him in the arm. “It’s not your fault, Tony.”
Tony shrugged. "i had pepper. she helped a lot." he admitted before smiling at her. "The baby is fine." he promised her before shaking his head. "Steph, at the time of conception your DNA, and thus, your egg, was perfect. you did not have any genetic deformities to pass on." he explained. "that's how the Serum works. the baby wouldn't have been a super soldier, but with your DNA alone, she would have been perfect in pretty much every way. it's my genetics that passed on the weak lungs. they where never enough for me to need an inhaler but they where enough to pass on worse. with the nanites in your system healing the baby now, we don't have to worry, though she might be able to bench press a truck when she's ten." he admitted. "i was thinking the same thing." he admitted with a smirk. "you are adorable." he admitted with a smile before snorting a little. "it kind of is. i got you pregnant because i wasn't careful, and i absolutely love that we're having a baby." he promised. "but it was still the reason why you where targeted." he admitted. "she wanted to hurt me. and she did... i don't know if i could live without you anymore." he admitted to her. "your my whole life Steph. Seeing you laying on that floor... it scared me so much."
“”Yea, pepper helps everyone.”stephanie said smiling a little before thinking about that, nodding slowly. “That makes sense. Even if at one time I was small and sickly, I was pregnant as a super soldier. Makes sense.”She said having not really given any thought to what the serum would do in a pregnancy before smiling slightly. “If she starts bench pressing things, you totally get to deal with it. Watching you have that conversation about what she is to do or not do, would be amusing.”She teased a little before pouting. “Am not.”She grumbled before huffing slightly. Annoyed at his reasoning, even if she knew it was true. Upset at a moment, before being reassured that he was indeed happy about the baby, before sighing quietly. “well, it’s still not your fault. It’s hers.”She grumbled before nodding, “I know. Scared me to.”She swallowed hard, shuddering at the memory.
He smiled at her. "Grant's very happy with her, i've never seen her this happy either, i'm glad she was able to help him." he admitted. "he saved her life the other day. it was epic." he admitted before nodding. "Yes, exactly." he agreed with a smile before scoffed. "if she starts bench pressing things then clearly she's more your daughter than mine so that means you have to deal with it." he informed her loftily. "are too."he said right back before shaking his head. i know it's her fault. but it's mine too. i never should have let you go alone..." there was no way anyone could have known it was possible. "did you want to go look at her and tell her she may as well have saved the baby? Phil's taking her into custody today. she's going to someplace called the Ice-box."
“they are very happy. Happiest I’ve seen her to. And I know, she totally was bragging the other day after it happened, totally came up to tell us about it. It was adorable, she’s cute with him. And Pepper’s not usually this cute when dating.”Stephanie snickered a little before snorting. “fine. If she does, we’ll have a talk about it. Though you have to be there for the conversation to.”She teased before huffing. “Tony, if you’d followed me to the bathroom, I would have done something violent. I was still a super soldier when it happened you know, would have never considered that something would happen that would change that.”She said because it was true before nodding, getting up slowly. “yea, let’s go see the woman.”
he grinned. "yeah, she likes how obedient he is. she was always a bit dominating." he admitted with a chuckle. "and he's so damn submissive and anxious for orders that i think she's perfect for him." he admitted. "she doesn't control him, she just guides him when he needs it and urges him to start making his own decisions." he admitted with a smile. "fine. if i have to be." he complained even as he smiled before he smirked. "not if i followed to have sex with you." he teased, feeling better now that he'd talked to her before smiling as he kissed her. "you have to use the wheelchair. Bruce said." he admitted. "if you get hurt, the serum will stop going to the baby, so we have to be as careful as possible with you for right now." he admitted. "also, he wants you to start taking prenatal vitamins. the baby needs a boost in nutrients and you could use some too." he admitted.
"It's adorable. It wasn't a good match for you two, but her and grant work."Stephanie smiled "no, I'm fairly certain I still would have been annoyed, even if it was sex. Cause you totally would have been fussing anyways."Stephanie said before nodding moving to the wheelchair, sitting down."okay come along slave, you gotta push me."she teased looking at the other.
"i think you and i make a much better match." he agreed with a grin. "i wouldn't have fussed that much." he whined with a smile because he was lying and they both knew it. "Yes mistress, it would be my pleasure Mistress." he said, using as devoted a voice as he could and managed to keep all sarcasm out. thankfully, the assailant was in Stark Tower because they couldn't afford the risk of her escaping. "hello Abigail." Tony said, standing outside the massive window of her cell. she looked up and gasped, looking delighted because she couldn't see Stephanie yet, since she was sitting down. "Tony! you came for me! i knew you would. don't worry, i forgive you!" Tony lifted an eyebrow and looked down at Stephanie. this woman was more insane than he thought. he helped Steph to her feet and Abigail's face twisted into a mask of rage. "What is She doing here?!" "oh, well... do you ant to tell her my Love?" Tony asked Steph with a sweet tone and as sappy an expression he could, just to make Abigail even more furious.
“We do. Not to mention I can haul your ass over my shoulder out of the lab when you’ve hit to many hours. Pepper couldn’t do that.”She teased a little before rolling her eyes, they both totally knew he was lying. “Good boy. I’ll reward you later.”Stephanie said laughing quietly, rolling her eyes a little as they went down to the cell. Looking thoughtful as she listened to them, eyes widening slightly as she heard that. “Thanks.”She muttered as tony helped her up, before smiling slightly at abigail. “we wanted to thank you, for what you did. See, you forcing my serum into dormancy while she was hurt, actually saved the child,so thank you.”
"i still think that's not fair." he admitted, sulking a little before grinning. "will i like the reward?" he asked, licking his lips a little before shaking his head at the idiocy of Abigail. "what... What!? WHAT?!" Abigail screamed, going into a furious rage, beating her fists against the window and screaming horrible horrible things. Tony just smiled at her, looking so sweetly at her that she paused. "we'll never see each other again." he assured Abigail before helping Stephanie into her chair again and wheeled her right back out, chuckling. "that felt really good." he admitted.
“It’s perfectly fair when you don’t listen to anyone else....and yes. I think you will like your reward.”he said smirking a little. Staring in at abigail, she sighed quietly. “You saved our child. Thank you Abigail, you made a normal life possible for us.”Stephanie grinned as she eased back into the seat, looking up at tony, squeezing his hand. “Yes, it did. It really did.”
he grinned at her, looking very delighted. "awesome. i love rewards." he admitted with a playful grin before smiling at Abigail who was screaming and raging and raving all over again. it was easy to ignore. he smiled as he took her back to her own bedroom this time, there was no point in trying to remove the nanites, they'd shut down once everything was back to normal and she'd pee them out harmlessly. once they where done fixing the baby they'd go back to fixing Steph and then their job would be done.
James smiled softly as he looked at mother and child, tilting his head as he considered the woman, who’d he’d once wanted to marry himself, and was currently giving away. It was a bittersweet feeling, to see Stephanie and Anna together. Though the pang wasn’t so bad now that he had sebastian and clint, but it was still there. Moving over to the bride to be, he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “Come on, Captain. Time to go rescue your genius from his own fussiness. Bruce’s probably tired listening to him by now.”He looked amused as he gently urged her up, taking anna, smiling down at the tiny month old in the crook of his arm, looking up at clint when he came in. “Come on, hawklet, you got your job of babysitting. This one’s parents got things to do.”
Tony was nearly frantic. he was pacing back and forth, terrified out of his mind because he was getting married. he was getting freaking married and he didn't know how to handle that at all. he looked at Bruce, terrified. "are... will she... do you think that she'll be there? she won't run right? she'll show up right? she wants to. she's not just doing it for Anna right?" he asked, Bruce rolling his eyes which was answer enough for Tony.
Natasha snickered from where she was sitting with phil, leaning against her agent as seh watched tony. That was just amusing. “She’ll be here. And if she didn’t run away when you tried to convince her that laying in bed for the last two months was a perfectly good way to wait for the baby, she’s not going anywhere. And she’d never do it just for anna.”Natasha huffed a little, smirking a little. “She managed to not kill you by now tony, she’s going to be here.”Natasha promised, looking amused as stephanie and james appeared, leaning over to poke tony in the shoulder. “Go get ready, genius. It seems time for your wedding.”
Phil smiled at her, holding her hand and watching Loki fuss over the last minute decorations. he was fully swollen now, another month and he was going to pop. Clint had somehow managed to talk Seb and James into agreeing to Loki being a surrogate and their first child, a boy, was soon to be born into the world. Clint refused to have it named anything else but Phillip. Phil had cried when he found out. "well. yes. that's true." Tony agreed, relaxing before going very nervous all over again because now that she was there they actually had to do it and he was petrified he was going to mess it up. especially since they had an honest to god, God marrying them. Thor had been touched when Tony had asked. he was taking the roll very seriously. "Dearly beloved, we gather here today, under the blue skies and above this worlds great green earth to join two people in holy matrimony." Thor intoned, leading the marriage ceremony, a little different from most but still no less perfect. "Do you, Tony and Stephanie, agree to love each other, for the rest of your lives, till death and beyond?" "i Do! i do. so totally yes!" Tony gasped out, nearly trembling with terror, and excitement. terror because she could still say no, exited because he knew she was going to say yes.
Stephanie smiled quietly as she listened to the god. It was adorable how serious he was taking it. Not that she was any less serious about getting married, but it was still cute. Ignoring the near silent snickering from behind her well aware james was dying of laughter inside at the look on tony's face. For some reason he found her genius even more adorable then she found him. Smiling wider she nodded, "I do. Forever and always. Till theend of the line."she said ignoring james indignant squeak that she'd dared use their sayint, but knowingit was mostly show. The man wouldn't mind to much. He just liked fussing. And speaking of fussing, she was fairly surprised he hadn't driven loki to ki him yet, considering he fussed nearly as much as her mother had over her at times. It was both adorable and amusing. Leaning in she kissed tony lightly."6our stu,k with me now genius."
"i love you so much!" Tony crowed, leaping onto her and kissing her eagerly. "oh, don't worry, i never intend on letting you go. ever." he growled playfully before snickering when Loki's 'stop it stick' snacked James on the top of the man's head. it was actually a ruler, but any time James started getting on Loki's nerves too much he smacked James with it, so it became Loki's 'stop it' stick. "i can walk just fine!" Loki snarled as he go to his feet before he paused an looked down. "...okay, you win. better carry me to Bruce. i should have known. hes early, just like Clint." "hey!" Tony just laughed because this was his family and they all loved each other.
“I love you to. So much.”She smiled kissing him back before laughing out loud. “I’m sure you don’t.”She said looking pleased with the knowledge that she was never going to have to worry about being left alone again, before grinning as james yelped. “Yea, clint has a bad tendnecy to go early doesn’t he?”Sebastian snickered avoiding the indignant swat aimed at him by clint, grinning as they followed after bruce and the others. He just knew this was exactly where they were supposed to be. With family.

The end
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