
he shook his head. "we already know you where attacked. this would never have happened normally. Jarvis is looking into that part. i believe he wanted you to be awake before he told Tony what he found." he admitted. "they used to think having asthma made you too weak to do anything at all right? like you couldn't even get jobs or go swimming right?" she asked, her head tilted a little. "huh, Cute!" Bruce snorted. "never, ever thought that anyone would ever call Hulk cute!" he admitted, shaking his head a little. "i thought you'd say that." he admitted with a smile. "oh, and Loki came by, he wanted to give you something." he admitted. "something about protective magic." he admitted. "he's finally recovering too, he's looking a lot more happy, and a lot less scared pissless every time he comes around the tower with Thor." here Bruce looked around and leaned in. "did you know that Thor, Loki and Jane where in a ménage à trois?" he asked, his head tilted.
"Ah. Makes sense. Whatever he found is liable to make tony freak out."she sighed a little before nodding."and mostly they were right, though I wasn't as bad as they made it seem. Just sometimes it felt like a I was dying."she shrugged before snickering."I find you both very cute."she said before grinning."oh, really?well if he thinks it'd help, that would be good."he's he said sleepily starting to fall asleep, the days and days worth of stamina gone in face of being in her old body, choking a little wide awake."what?they are?what?how did you find out?"
"i'm sure it is. about the only person who would want to attack you whose smart enough to pull off something like this would attack you to attack Tony so..." he shrugged a little. "it's going to be pretty emotional i think." he admitted with a sigh. "even more than it already is even." he admitted before he smiled at her. "well thank you, that's very sweet." he admitted before nodding. "i think it would help too, but he says it has to be tuned and it wasn't proper for him to be in the same room as an unconscious female." he admitted before flushing hard. "you don't want to know how i found out but Jane confirmed it." he admitted. "apparently Thor's in a hell of a strop because Loki turned Jane immortal without telling Jane or Thor. Jane's fine with it but Thor's all hung up on choices and free will and stuff so he's going to be grumpy for a while."
“Yes. While I’m a attractive target to hit at, my enemies tend to be lower on the IQ board. Tony’s on the other hand....”She shrugged a little. “It will be, but I can handle it.”She hoped.”That’s adorable. Loki being all chivilous and cute. I don’t know if I want to gag, or giggle over that.”She said looking amused, before shuddering at the information. “Thanks Bruce, for sharing with me....and yes, I can see Thor being in a strop over that.”She snickered a little, before yawning, “Will you send tony up? I want to see him before I pass out again.”
he nodded. "Yes, exactly. your enemies tend to be fist based, Tony's tend to, well... focus on mutated naked mole rats and robots. genetics and tech are the two main theories as to what caused your reversion so it makes sense." he admitted. "well i think he always was, you notice he never attacked you or Natasha directly?" he asked with a grin. "i think it's because he was scared to grab a boob." h admitted with a giggle. "yeah i'll get Tony." he promised with a grin before heading over to the door stuck his head out and yelled. "TONY! SHE'S AWAKE!" there was a thud, a metal bang, a yelp and then the sound of eagerly running footsteps. "we're in the lab because Tony didn't feel right leaving you for too long." he admitted. "he was scared you'd wake up and he wouldn't be able to get to you immediately and you'd feel abandoned. he's a bit fussy right now." he warned as Tony skidded into the room. "Steph! how are you feeling!? are you cold? hot? are you hurting anywhere? should i get you anything!?" Tony was covered in odd liquid, there was grease in his hair, his eyes where red rimmed and he looked like he hadn't shaven in two days which likely meant she'd only been out of it for a night or so since Tony hadn't shaved before their date.
“...Naked mole rats?There’s a story there, that I want to hear later.”She snickered a little before nodding thinking it through. “That’s awesome. I’ll have to ask him about grabbing boobs later, he’ll probably freak out.”She said with a sleepy giggle, before wincing as he yelled, looking worried at the yelping. “Ah...good thing he had a bedroom down here. And okay. I’m used to fussy tony.”She said smiling a little before looking startled. Okay, maybe she wasn’t prepared for a fussy tony. “I’m fine. Tired, and a little cold. But not hurting, and only thing you could get is a shower and climb in here with me. Looks like you could use some rest to.”She said looking him over, worried.
"there is a story there and it was kind of sort of my fault but that's besides the point." Bruce admitted with a smile before snickering. "make sure I'm there, i wanna see if you can't make him blush." he admitted. "it's terrible he has a bed down here. if it wasn't for the need for food and you he'd never leave the lab." he admitted with a chuckle. "Cold! your cold!" he gasped, racing over to a closet and grabbed a thin electric blanket so it wouldn't put too much weight on her but would still warm her up. "not too high Tony, if she gets too warm that wouldn't be good either." Bruce warned, Tony nodding and setting the heat to low, they could pump it up a little if it wasn't enough later. "i'm fine! i'm so close to figuring it out." no he wasn't. he was just making a mess actually. but he would like to take a nap so he went to take a shower and crawled into bed with her and was asleep in seconds, Bruce sighing, a bit relieved that Tony was finally sleeping. "he's been working too hard." Bruce admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "honestly, that man... hes going to work himself to death one of these days." he admitted, smiling at Steph. "i'm glad he listens to you." he admitted. "our really good for him."
“Ah, now I want to know even more.”She looked amused before nodding, going quiet as she considered that before shaking her head. ‘It’s good. At least if e’s exhausted, he can pass out here, instead of risking injury by going upstairs, or for instances like this.”She sighed a little wincing a little as she watched tony race off, sighing quietly as she tucked the blanket around her. “I’m sure you are.”Not that she was, if anyone was, jarvis was, and considering how manic tony was at the moment, she doubted he could get any work done .but for the moment, she wasn’t going to tell him that. “Come on, go to sleep.”She smiled glad when he settled in with her, before nodding sleepily, “He does. And I’m going to try to keep him from working himself to death.”She smiled pleased that she was good for tony, settling in to sleep herself.

Later Stephanie looked up at loki in amusement, shifting tony a little so she could sit up, amused as the man simply kept sleeping instead of stirring just yet. Glad that she’d gotten james to agree to sleep and relax himself as she turned her head to look at the man cuddled in against her thighs, it amused her that both her boys were being this clingy, before looking up at loki. “I was told you wanted to see me?”She said interested, tilting her head a little.
"well i'll have to tell you then." he agreed with a chuckle. "that's true i guess, though i wish he'd stop working before he got that exhausted." he admitted before smiling as he watched her gently get Tony settled into bed. "your really good with him." he admitted with a smile before he settled in with a book to keep watch over them.

Loki offered her a shy timid smile and held his hand out to her, something golden dangling from his fingers. "It... it has... healing magic." Loki stuttered, still nervous around the others but recovering well now that he knew they weren't going to hurt him and knew that the Other was dead. "it will, uhm, protect you." it was a golden necklace with a single pearl. beautiful and handcrafted and warm to the touch. "it... it will help support the baby, and keep you strong."
“Yea me to, but he wont, so we’ll just handle it.”Stephanie sighed a little smiling pleased with the knowledge she was good with tony. “I try.”She muttered.

“That’s what Bruce said. I thank you, loki.”Stephanie said offering her own smile as she took the necklace, gently cradling the pearl in her hand, looking down at it, tearing up a little. She was so emotional with this, it was a little horrible for a woman who was generally in control, her pregnancy having left her even more vulnerable to her emotions. “It’s’ll wont let me kill this child?”She said looking anxious and scared though, hating she was so weak, so lost, that she couldn’t even do this basic female thing. But...she could rely on her friends right?they’d help her.
"oh, your welcome." Loki said, smiling shyly at her. "well, i can't make any promises." Loki admitted. "there are some things that happen even with magical assistance, but it will make it so that your weekended state will not allow for the baby's health to fail." he admitted. "it's like a magical safety net, i've had to use it myself." he admitted with a smile. "Bruce should be able to take care of anything else that happens and Tony and the others will keep you safe from physical harm so your literally as safe as we can make you." he admitted with a smile. "and in the event that something goes wrong, there are ways that i can assist with magic to save you, the baby, or both. i got permission." he admitted, smiling at her. "Mother made Odin agree." he admitted with a nod before leaning in. "Thor's really mad at me, but i could slip you a bit of apple if you want? just a tiny bite won't make you immortal but it might help.... i can't guarantee it won't cause certain side effects in the baby though. like immortality or luscious golden skin... magic maybe.." Bruce snickered a little.
“Ah, I wouldn’t expect promises. Promises are just asking to be broken. But thank you. It seems I really am going to be as protected as I can be.”She said looking relieved at the idea as she closed her eyes, sleepy sort of, she’d forgotten this part. The constant tiredness. Smiling at loki she looked relieved. “Thank you loki. Truly. You went through a lot of effort to be helpful, I wont forget this.”She promised before laughing a little, thinking it over before shaking her head. “No, not yet. Thor’s already mad at you, but no. Not yet. For the moment, but me and the baby are fine....if things start going badly, we’ll consider it, but for now, no.”She said smiling before looking down at tony, stroking his hair, before considering. Looking up at the godling. “Do you have any idea how this was done?”She said waving a hand at her body.
Loki smiled at her and nodded. "i never make a promise i know i can't keep." he admitted with a shrug before smiling at her. "i know how muh a baby can mean to someone..." he admitted. "when i was younger, i lost three." he admitted, setting a hand on his stomach. "and then i had Jörmungandr and it seamed like i had a reason to live again." he admitted with a smile. "i'm hoping your baby, will fill that hole in you. because your very sad, and i don't like seeing you sad." he admitted. "so i'm going to do everything i can so you'll be happy." he admitted with a smile before shrugging. "Thor will calm down, he always does." he admitted with a smile before grimacing and shaking his head. "i'm sorry, human anatomy is very different from an asgardians." he admitted. "our bone structures are similar but our DNA, muscle structures, internal organs, everything is very different and don't even get me started on Jötunn physiology."
"Me either. I try not to anyways. It's a good plan."she smiled at the other, looking down, going quiet as she considered that before nodding slowly."yes....that's how it feels. And even if we're not together....I think this baby will help jamie to."she said looking pleased with the idea, "ah well it was worth a shot. Jarvis said he had a idea of who it was, but I didn't want to wake up tony when he needs the sleep. Hopefully jarvis has good news."Stephanie smiled looking up at loki."I'm sure thor will forgive you soon enough."
"it is a good plan." he agreed with a smile, watching Tony sleep, dead to the world. "i think Clint is helping James a lot." he admitted with a smile. "i was thinking of offering to surrogate for them. with my unique physiology i can take genetic samples from all three of them, and they'd all be the father." he admitted with a smile. "plus Thor won't yell at me when i'm pregnant." he admitted before he bounced up and down. "Jane is pregnant you know." he admitted. "she won't let me tell her the gender because she's cruel." he said, pouting at Stephanie. "you should talk sense into her." he admitted, hoping to distract her from how miserable she was feeling. "ah, yeah... Jarvis didn't think it would be a good idea to tell Tony. it's... uh, a bit too personal." he admitted. "Jarvis told Clint, Natasha and Phil instead. they're handling it. Jarvis also said he knows what's wrong with your Serum but that he's still working on a solution." Loki admitted. "he won't tell us what until you or Tony ask though." he admitted before smirking. "oh, he'll have to because Jane decided he won't get sex until he stops being mean." Loki admitted, looking very pleased that Jane was on his side.
“Yes, he is. James is...steadier, more settled then I have seen him since before we first went to war. It’s good to see.”Stephanie said before looking startled, before grinning. “They’d probably like that. That child would be to cute to look at, if you put sebastian and james in the DNA.”She giggled a little before watching the other, amused at how bouncy he was being, before smiling. “No, I don’t think I will. Since I don’t want to know the gender either.”She said before looking at tony, pressing a kiss to his forhead. “Damn. Okay....well. At least it’s being handled. And jarvis has a idea...”She sighed a little thinking about it, before nodding. “Well, when tony’s awake we’ll find out what jarvis has.”She muttered before snorting. “You don’t have to look so pleased jane’s on your side.”She teased.
"Clint is too. when we where... he was wild, chaotic inside. he's a lot more calm now." Loki admitted with a smile. "i think everyone is a little more settled really." he admitted before grinning at her. "that's what i was thinking." he admitted with a chuckle. "of course, being they look so alike i'll have to give Clint's genetics a little boost or we run the risk of a complete James lookalike and that's a bit creepy." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i just don't understand it. how will you think of names?!" Loki asked her sulking a little before he smiled a little as she kissed Tony. "it is being handled." Loki promised. "i actually got to see Natasha handling it." He admitted. "i know i shouldn't, but watching Natasha beat the hell out of that woman made me feel tingly and good." Loki admitted with a wry smirk. "i am pleased Jane is on my side though." he admitted, smiling at her. "you should get some rest. just make sure the pearl touches your skin as much as possible. your body energy powers it." he admitted.
“Yes. I think we’re all a little calmer now. I agree.”Stephanie agreed before laughing, “Yea. That would be a little creepy. It’s bad enough there’s two of them, no reason to have a baby look like him.”She giggled a little before shrugging. “I’ll think of two names, for each gender, and choose when the baby is here.”She smiled before snorting, shuddering a little at that. “That’s a scary thought. Natasha handling it.”She smiled a little before grinning. “I’m sure it makes the whole team feel good.”She said nodding as she put on the necklace, settling in to rest. “I will. Thanks loki.”She said smiling quietly as she fell asleep.
"i know right? watching them kiss is kind of confusing." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "That makes sense." he agreed. "and then it's kind of like a surprise. for Asgardians, naming the baby is a way to shape their personality." he admitted with a smile. "Names have Power, and the mother and father can shape that Power depending on how they name their child." he admitted. "Frigga, you see, named me herself and so, shaped my personality, were as Thor was named only by Odin, ignoring Mother's complaint. which is why he's so hard headed and a bit dimwitted." Loki admitted, looking very impish indeed. "it is a scary thought. she's scary. she tricked the Other." he pointed out. which explained why he still skirted around Natasha like she was going to kill him. he was terrified of her, and respected her. "good night Stephanie. sleep well." he offered with a smile, slipping away. she would be unattended in sleep, it would be very rude of him to stay. Bruce moved in once she was gone and settled into place, watching over them. keeping them safe.
"It is!"she giggled a little before tilting her head thinking about that. "Huh. I never considered that. Wonder if it works for humans that way to."Stephanie said thinking that over giggling a little."I'm telling him you called him dim witted."she teased looking amazed that indeed, natasha had tricked even the other. Watching him go as she settled in to sleep.

In the morning stephanie yawned sitting up slowly, looking at tony. Watching him as she waved a hand at the door."come on. We'll both spend some time in the lab", cause she knew tony wanted to work. It worried her to see him fidgety."I'll be okay. Really tony."
"i don't know. Human's don't seam to have the same kind of magic that Asgardians do." Loki admitted. "it could be though." he admitted with a smile. "the personality f the person raising the child has effects too after all." he admitted before he shrugged. "he knows i think it." he admitted.

Tony shook his head. "no. Bruce said you had to stay in bed." Tony said firmly, not about to ignore Bruce's orders when both baby and Mother where at very high risk. "Tony. calm down." Bruce ordered as he walked in. "she's looking much better today, she can walk to the lab and sit in a chair today. the slight exercise will be good for her, but your to tell me or Tony as soon as you get tired, dizzy, feel any pains or... well you know the spiel."
“If I was feeling badly. I’m feeling okay today. I promise. This isn’t that weird, just some adjustment. It’s hard, but I’ve been through this before.”Not that she liked being reminded of that, but she had been. She understood what to do. “you have a couch in there, a comfy one. I’ll lay down and watch you work while I draw okay? You need to work, and I need to look after you.”Stephanie said fussing before smiling at bruce, nodding. “I know. I promise, tony help me up.”She said holding out a hand for him,
Tony grumbled and huffed, not happy about it at all but nodded because he wouldn't argue when there was really nothing to argue against. if he tried to tell her no she'd glare at him and be angry and stuff and he didn't want that, not at all so he helped her into the lab and took turns working and fussing before he sighed, sitting next to her on the couch, handing her the Tablet. it was a picture of his stalker from the auction, with what she had been spending the last decade of her life working on. nanobots that could remove cancer, foreign objects, and other such things from a person's genetic strain. like the Serum.
Stephanie was drawing and napping mostly as she watched him work, blinking slowly as she frowned at him, tilting her head as she frowned at the tablet, shaking her head a little."really?she was that obsessed?"she sighed resting her head on his shoulder, running a hand through his hair." it reversible?"sheasked because she didn't understand what the Nanos did, but she trusted him to know what to do.
"yeah. really." Ton admitted. "her name is Abigail. we dated for three months. i was going to invite her into my company as a high ranking scientist. she thought she deserved to be married to me and own half the company. she's smart but not that smart. I broke up with her when she started getting too demanding, too controlling. in the end she wanted me to be a pet, a puppy really. smile when i'm told, look pretty and let her have everything she ever wanted." he snorted. "she tried to kill me when i broke up with her, that's why the restraining order." he admitted. "she still thinks she deserves a part of me. she must have thought that with you gone..." he shrugged before nodding, and then shook his head and then nodded again. "it's... i can reverse it, but not until the baby is born." he admitted. "there was a side effect. the Serum had to go somewhere. the nanites where, from what i could figure, supposed to deposit the 'debris' into your bladder to be urinated out harmlessly. and they are doing that. the minuet cancer cells in your system, which all people have so stop looking so freaked out, are being killed and their carcasses are being delivered to your bladder. but the Serum is part of your system so instead of removing the serum the way they are the other stuff in your system they're transferring it to the embryonic fluids." he admitted. "they are doing so for one of two reasons, one they where programmed to, though they where not programmed with what to do with it after. Abigail must have assumed they'd just carry it out like they would the other 'garbage' that collects in our systems. the other reason... from what i am able to understand the Nanites should have just carried the Serum through your system and then replaced it. you would have been small for about twelve hours and then you would have started getting better again, instead they started carrying it to the baby because the baby was inured. Bruce wouldn't have noticed if the baby hadn't been healing before our eyes." he admitted. "Bruce thinks that Abigail gave you several hard kicks to the stomach, must have been trying to..." he choked up, unabe to finish that. "the baby would have been born blind and with a spine injury that would have left it unable to walk and... and it would have had very bad asthma from genetic defects..." he took a deep breath and then. "Bruce says that the chances of the baby surviving after birth would have been about fifty percent..." he admitted, looking at her. "and it wasn't your fault either, it was mine. we checked." he admitted. "Abigail doesn't know it, yet, but she basically saved the babies life. it was only because of it's injuries from being k...kicked that the Nanites started moving the Serum to the Fetus." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "because of her, the baby is going to be healthy, happy and whole." he informed her. "so... so you don't have to worry anymore." he admitted, looking at her. "you have to put up with being tiny and adorable for a few weeks, but once the baby is fully healthy, the nanites will start pumping the Serum back into your own system." he admitted. "so, so when you start regaining your strength, you'll know that the baby is healthy too. Bruce says that as horrible as this is, it's probobly the best thing that could have happened." he admitted, watching her. "i'm so sorry that this happened... that i.. i made the baby sick...."
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