
"i'm not! i've only had three! tell her Jarvis! i've only had three!" "he has indeed only had three glasses Ms. Rogers." Friday replied. "no! no it's mine! you.. you go, sleep with your cute blond movie star slut. he's, he's not good enough for you and i don't like him!" well at least he wasn't calling Stephanie a slut. "and i don't want to go to bed, i want to stay here, and, and drink until i'm actually drunk so i stop being in love with you!" he informed her, sitting down on the stool once more and reaching for a new glass. glaring at her the entire time as if daring her to stop him. "...well this isn't going to end well." Chris muttered, Clint nodding his agreement.
“Well. Three glasses are more then enough, considering your glasses are more like small buckets.”Stephanie said looking upset before looking annoyed. “He’s not a slut, tony. You better then anyone, should know better then call people names.”She growled sounding defensive and annoyed. “And you don’t have to like him, you’re not the one sleepign with him.”Stephanie said before shaking her head. “Tony, bed. Now. You’re being insane, and I doubt you’re in love, or can get drunk anymore.”She said looking upset. “Oh no, it’s not.”James muttered tugging chris towards the elevator. “Come on you three, we’re going to get out of here, and leave Friday to supervise in case they come to blows. But this is something netiehr of them would want us to witness.”He muttered corraling them to their rooms, hoping that the other two would figure this out.
"my glasses are perfectly normal sized!" Tony protested before he scoffed at her chastising, even if he did give Chris an apologetic look. he shouldn't be taking his frustrations out on helpless innocent movie stars. "Well i don't want you to sleep with him either!" Tony raged. "i want you to sleep with me! i don't want to have to share you with Johnny and Chris Evans and James!" he snarled before he turned and flung his glass at the wall, frustrated because she wouldn't listen to him! Chris was the first one out the door after that, Clint spreading his wings to block James and Seb should any glass be flung their way. it was rare that Tony threw things because it made him think of his father. even now Tony was muttering apologies as he bent down to pick up the glass, wincing as he cut himself and apologizing for bleeding on the floor.
"Are no5."Stephanie said, teasing a little, because she usually teased him about it before her eyes went wide. Startling at his confession."t-tony?"she said before wincing, flinching a little as she stumbled back a step from the flying glass. Even if it hadn't been aimed at her, she had still been startled at it being in her general area.rushing over to him, she knelt down next to him, cupping her hand under his to stop the blood from dipping, tugging him up."come on, let's get this bandaged."she said not touching on everything else he'd said just yet."Shush tony, it'll be okay. Come on."she said hussein him towards the bathroom.
he shook his head at her, trying to shove her away so she wouldn't step no the glass or get his blood on her. "it'll heal on it's own in a second, i don't need bandages." he huffed. and indeed, his hand was healing, very slowly but still fast enough that you could watch the progression. within the next hour there would only be a single smooth scar. within the next two or three days even the scar would be gone. "i don't... you just don't listen!" he protested, sounding frustrated and a little bit drunk and angry because he was a little bit drunk.
“Hey, no shoving tony.’Stephanie scowled looking upset as she frowned at him, “okay. So it is healing.Careful. Don’t cut yourself any more.”She growled looking annoyed as she sighed, looking up at him, “What don’t I listen about tony?You saying you love me?You say that all the time.”She said sighing tired and worn, because it had been so hard, to know he didn’t mean it like she did.
"i'm not shoving i'm pushing! and i won't!" he grumbled, glaring at the glass on the floor as if it was to blame for all of his problems. "That! that's just it! you don't listen! you hear me say that i love you but you don't listen to what i'm really saying!" he complained. "because i can't just say it because your everything i ever wanted and everything i was told i could never have and would never have so if you turn me down then it will just be proving everyone in my entire life right!" he complained before shaking his head. "never mind. i suppose they all where right. you'd never love me. i'm too disgusting." Tony admitted, wrenching himself free and staggering off after James and Clint for his own bed.
“You are shoving, and stop it.”She growled before frowning looking so utterly confused and lost. “Tony...I...”She stopped pausing as she stared at him, startling out of her thoughts as he left, having been trying to gather her thoughts enough to tell him before growling angrily, following after him, raising a hand as she shoved him a little, punching him in the shoulder, nothing close to as hard as she could have, but enough to make him stagger a little. “You are not disgusting!Or-or whatever else you think.”She yelled at him, upset with him for even saying it.
he yelped when she punched him, unable to keep himself on his feet he found himself on the floor and glared at her and with a roar of rage he flung himself at her, not listening because dammit, she wasn't listening either! he threw punches, aiming for her chest because he didn't want to risk hitting her in the stomach. he was more than a little surprised when he actually managed to hit her, right in the face. he froze, gasping for air because he had completely worn himself out trying to hurt her. he wondered if he had even phased her.
Stephanie yelped as he flung himself at her, flinging a arm up to avoid some of the punches even as he got in to close to really be able to stop all the punches. Startling as her head snapped to the side as she was punched, for a moment licking at her bleeding lip as she started back at him, before growling, pissed off herself now as she flung herself at him, tackling him as she pinned him to the floor, panting as she glared down at him. “Fucking hell tony, are you going to listen to me now?”She growled.
he went pale when he saw her lip, hating himself even more for hitting her. he really was just like his disgusting old man. he snarled when she flung herself at him, struggling against her and calling for his nano-suit. not that Friday would give it to him, the bitch. she even cut off his personal control sequence so he couldn't use the nanites in his system to call the nano-suit. double bitch! "No! Get off me!" Tony shrieked, struggling wildly against her, pressing against her as he writhed, trying to break free before he went silent and still, tears running down his cheeks to wet his hair. looking like a broken man, a lost child, a heartbroken being that had always been told he would never have love. a person who had always been told he was worthless, disgusting, incapable of feeling love or ever receiving it.
Stephanie startled, pale as she struggled against him, backing away, looking upset and scared, moving to sit next to him, “Tony?Tony?Friday, let him have the suit.”Stephanie said pausing as she listened to the AI, “Captain override, let him have it.”She ordered when the ai protested, scared at how still he’d gone, looking upset and scared, and refusing to consider how turned on she was as she considered the man writing under her. Definitely not a approiate thought. “Tony?”She said looking at him as the gauntlets settled on his arms, eyes wide with both anxiety and fear, and lust. His reaction starting to dump her into a bad headspace.
Tony sniffled when she let him up but as soon as he had the soot he lunged at her with a roar, slamming himself into her , pressing her back until he was the one on top of her, but instead of hitting her again he just pinned her there, his face pressed against her shoulder, whispering that he was sorry he was such a failure and muttering about how his old man had always been right and whimpering about how he was never going to be better than Howard no matter how hard he tried. the he was kissing her, his mouth moving against hers but his tongue not sliding in because no matter what he said, he would steal a kiss but he would never defile her. he would never take advantage of her like that, no matter what.
Stephanie yelped a little as he slammed into her, but not resisting as she let him push her down, raising a hand, gently petting his hair as he pressed against her, refusing to squirm. "Shut up tony. You are so, so much better then howard stark."she growled. Eyes wide as she was kissed before whimpering in need as she kissed his back, burying her hands in his hair as she slid her tongue into his mouth, taking control of the kiss even as she rubbed against him.
he sniffled a little. "no i'm not. i'm not. i'm horrible and i throw things and i hit people and i'm horrid." Tony mumbled before moaning into her kiss, running his hands along her sides because he had to touch, had to feel her because he knew this wouldn't last long.he pulled away, panting and shook his head. "i can't. i'm sorry i can't. you should be... you deserve someone who can actually love you. i'm sorry. i'm not enough, you deserve better." he whispered even as he kissed her neck. "but i want you. i want to love you even if i can't love you as much as you deserve. i want you to be mine. please, please be mine... i know you should probobly be with the father of your baby but i'm selfish and greedy and i don't want to share with Johnny or Chris..."
"You're not to y. You were upset it's okay. You're not the first person to throw something at me."she muttered stroking his hair, worried about him.looking hurt as she looked up at him, confused on why he was refusing."but....did I not listen well..."she frowned looking so utterly confused it was painful before looking at him startled."why would you share with johnny or chris?I thought...last time you said no strings attached. ....isn't that what you a anted?"
"he shook his head. "didn't throw it at you. i'd never throw it at you." he promised, shaking his head. "i...i said that because i thought that was what you wanted from me. i'm a whore you know. everyone things so." he mumbled. "i thought, if i could just... just the once, that it would be okay but it's not okay because i love you." he whispered. "i love you and i can't stand knowing your sleeping with Johnny and Chris because i want you for myself and i want to be good and healthy and normal so you'll want me, but you won't want me because you have Johnny's baby in you..." he stammered and stuttered, rambling, babbling because he was frantic and trying to explain too much at the same time.
"Oh. Good."bw he said relaxing. While it hadn't been common, james' dad had been a drunk, and prone to throwing things at them."youreally not a whore tony."she muttered frowning at him, shaking her head."I wanted that cause I thought you did. I have it with johnny because he can't have more...what I have a family qgain."she sighed quietly looking anxious and upsrt."I want you. I do. Have for awhile but I thought you didnt....and I'm not having johnnys baby. I'm having yours.. ive never even slept with johnny. Things kept getting in the way...."she huffed a little.
"i am a whore. why else would i sleep with everything that moves?" he asked shaking his head. "you never slept with Johnny?" he asked, blinking at her before he went very pale. "...mine?" Tony asked, getting off of her and sitting there, looking rather stricken. "oh god. it's mine. i can't be a father. i'm too forgetful! i can't even keep a plant alive! i'm going to be horrible and abusive and i shouldn't be around babies!" he gasped, hyperventilating a little. "i'm. i'm. i'm gonna break it!"
“I sleep with everything that moves to. Or I would. You know, if I liked any of them.”She said thoughtfully before nodding. “I didn’t. Things and emotions kept getting in the way....he’s been helping me work around what howard did...”She muttered blushing slightly before startling, looking pale as she looked at him, “You’ll be fine.”She said backing away, starting to panic herself, retreating into that person she’d been before the war. A woman who was at the mercy of someone else in charge. No matter that james wanted, or they wanted together, or the children they wanted so badly, someone else had taken the choice away from her. And watching tony panic, she was so afraid he’d make her get rid of it.
Tony smiled weakly at her because she could never be a slut. never. "oh." he whispered, shaking his head. "i... i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm acting just like him, i'm so sorry." he whispered, wiping his eyes. "i won't! i won't be fine! i'll be an abusive asshole just like my father was! you should be with Johnny, Johnn will be a great father!" Tony babbled. "because i can't be trusted, i'll break it! i'll break it and you won't want me anymore, so Johnny should be the daddy and i can be the super fun uncle who gives the baby presents and is never, ever left alone with it."
"No your not. You're always better thrn him tony."she growled a little looking lost and upset, "no you wouldn't do that....I trust you tony."she said looking lost as she moved to get up. Because she was feeling raw and pulled apart, scared he'd finally get around to telling her just to get rid of it to rid himself of the burden. To caught in bad memories to force herself to see that tony would never do that. She was hurting and in pain, she had no idea how to fjx this between them, but she wanted to. And it was painful in those moments to know that no matter how long she'd been on earth, she was still frighteninglyyoung about some things.
he shook his head. "i'm not. i'm really not. i'm disgusting." Tony whimpered, curling up and trembling. "i don't want to hurt the baby but i will because i hurt everything i love." he whispered. he'd hurt pepper, he'd hurt Rhodey and Happy and he had hurt Steph. he'd really hurt Steph. he knew, without a doubt he would love the baby which he already loved so, so much.
"Oh tony...your not...and we'll be here to help. Do you think james would let you hurt the baby?or me?come on tony..."she said hesitatin for a moment before picking him up and heading for his room. Settling them both in bed, and hoping when they woke they'd both bestewdier."rest tony."she order ed
he shook his head and pressed his face into his knees because he was going to ruin everything. he whimpered a little when she picked him up but didn't struggle. he sighed a little when she laid him in bed and nodded. "okay. sleep. yeah, your common sense will be there in the morning." he mumbled, closing his eyes because honestly, who would want to be with him ever?
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