
"We might have to."james said growling a little as he considered the two starting to stroke himself to full hardness again, nodding eagerly."don't worry I'm going to claim him next."he grinned laughing as sebastian just whimpered at the idea. Later james panted as he laid on his back, smiling slightly as sebastian curled up between them, smirking at clint."think we'd mess up anything if we claimed him? 8 kinda like him like this."he muttered low enough not to disturb the sleepy content actor.

"Hm, it wss. And I'm amazed you kept up for five rounds."she teased kissing him as she yawned, sighing softly as he played with her hair, that really was just getting back to her previous war length, instead of the boy short she'd had it in."you're adorable when you babble...and yes, if you want, we can do it again."she promised.before smiling a little."no not wrong. I think we're both ready for a nap....just be prelared, tony might wake us up later. He has a habit of pouncing on me when he has something exciting to share, and he's been in the lab all this week, so excitement is easy to come by at the moment."she said completely unaware of how tony was going to be pissed when he woke them up later.
"God yes. we're so keeping him." Clint growled before smirking at James, licking his lips. "yeah. make him yours." he agreed, chuckling a little after as he stroked patterns along Sebastian's back. "yeah, this is pretty epic." he admitted. "i don't think we'd mess anything up, though i think Chris might protest if we didn't share." he admitted with a chuckle, pulling James in for a Kiss, smiling at him. "i love you." he admitted. he didn't actually expect an answer so he settled in and snuggled into Sebastian with a yawn and a coo.

"was it only five?" he asked. "it felt like a glorious eternity." he admitted with a grin, smiling at her. "i don't babble... never." he huffed even as he smiled. "So you like Tony huh?" he asked, his head tilted. "i was wondering, and if you don't wanna tell me you don't have to, but like, am i going to die in the morning for sleeping with you?" he asked, indicating her belly. "Like, is your baby daddy gonna be out for blood?"
"True. But sharing is okay. We can share."james said smiling a little as he settled in to sleep himself. They'd just have to talk to the other when be got up.

"It was, and it was a long five times though."she said smiling a little.before snorting."you's adorable."she reassured before going quiet, thinking about it."....yea.I do."she said simply blushing brightly because she knew it was more then that, but she couldn't have it so she didn't want to say it out loud."no your not going to die. I promise. It was a one time thing, and he doesn't even care so...."she shrugged."he won't care.your safe I promise."she said though she sounded sad at the idea as she settled in to sleep. Hoping tomorrow would be as good as tonight had been.for the first time in awhile, at peace.
"it was a long five times." he agreed with a grin. "it was glorious." he admitted happily before he smiled at her. "you should tell him." he admitted before chuckling a little. "i really doubt that whoever is the father doesn't care." he admitted. "you are carrying his baby after all so he totally has to care at least a little bit." he admitted. "is it James?" he asked. "because i'm pretty sure James adores you." he admitted. "us men aren't complicated you know. we care, always, we just think we shouldn't so we pretend we don't." he admitted before smiling at her. "it will all work out i'm sure. you just have to be honest. with him and with yourself."
"He doesn't want to. I'd prefer he remain my best friend rather then screw everything up."she sighed making a face at him, before sighing. Shaking her head."no he really doesnt. Or he hasn't said anything beyond that I'll be okay as a mother."she shook her head as she snorted."if it was james I'd be in bubble wrap and locked in a rubber room to not hurt myself. Don't worry, james won't be beating you up."she said looking amused with the thought though before shrugging."maybe."she said even if she wanted to tell him everything, simply because he was being kind, she was exhausted. Maybe in the morning.
"You can't ever know that. if he's really your best friend he'll understand even if he doesn't return your feelings. how can you ruin something when it's clear he means the world to you? even if he doesn't love you back, can you really live with the idea of him never knowing?" Chris asked her. "does he even know he's the father?" he wondered before grinning a little. "well good because i think Sebastian has the super hots for him and he would never forgive me for ruining his chances with his childhood hero." he admitted with a chuckle before he snuggled into her with a sigh. "sleep well Steph." he murmured, smiling a little.

he nearly fell out of the bed at, what time was it? three in the morning?! when the door slammed open and Tony rushed in, babbling like a maniac at Stephanie, poking her until she woke up and dancing out o the way in case she woke up with her fists. people often woke up with their fists when they where woken up by a science crazed billionaire at three in the morning. Tony didn't even notice, he just babbled at her about the 'totally cool, amazing thing he'd made'. not that that helped tell her what it was since he was using really big words in fractured sentences that not even Reed Richard or Bruce could have kept up with. then Tony paused and blinked, his head tilted a little. "Steph? there's a naked man in your bed." Tony pointed out, scowling at Chris who hesitantly smiled at Tony and pulled the sheets u a little higher so Tony wouldn't get a glimpse of the 'boy wonder'. "Anyway!!! i made you something cool!" Tony informed her, flopping his butt onto the bed and bouncing up and down eagerly. "you wanna see it! i made it just for you!"
" guess I couldnt....I'll talk to him."she sighed quietly before nodding."well yea. I mean I've only slept with him since I've been off ice."she said making a face before going quirtly, considering it."oh I'm sure jamie'll have fun with him."she said smiling as she went to sleep.

Stephanie yelped a little as she slapped out at tony, instinctively recognizing him, and avoiding actually hitting him even as she swung at him a little. Slapping a hand against his side as she shifted looking up at him blinking slowly as she drew the blanket around her, watching the billionaire."yes yes there is a naked man in my bed."she said sitting up as she reached for her clothes, obviously uncaring if either man saw her naked before poking tony."come on. Show me your thing, then I'll make us all breakfast."
"And does he know that or are you just assuming?" he asked her with a raise of his eyebrow. "because he doesn't act like a man in the know you know."

Tony barely even noticed the slap, though it would probobly bruise later because he was such a fragile damn little tinkerbell. "there is. he's cute." Tony agreed before beaming at her as she agreed to let him show her the thing. sometimes she told him he had to wait and he hated waiting. "it's a..." he started off in a babbling frenzy about what it was and what it did even as he explained in layman's terms that it was a physical hologram that could form a shield around her that would repel up to the Hulks strength. it couldn't stop a bomb completely but it would keep her from getting shredded. "See? and i made it pretty! there was a picture of you from before you where Captain America in the Cap room wearing a Bracelet just like this and i checked into it a little more and i found out that Jamie gave it to you so i replicated it since i couldn't find the original." Tony said, handing her the Silver Bracelet/url] and babbled away on how to use it.
“Very cute. And he’s intelligent. Sorta awesome.”Stephanie snickered a little as she yawned, still waking up even as she got dressed, tilting her head as she tried to put enough thoughts together to know what he was talking about. Understanding it was a shield before looking startled as she saw the bracelet, nodding a little. “I did have one like this. I lost it. Somewhere.”She muttered looking at it, smiling quietly as she slid it on, eyes widening as she followed instructions and the hologram sprang to life between them. “That’s amazing. Really tony.”She grinned as she kissed his cheek before heading back for the kitchen, excited to show it to the others.
"intelligent! he's not intelligent!" Tony whined. "I'm intelligent!" no, he was a genius. there was a pretty big difference. "yeah i know i couldn't find it anywhere and i looked really really hard." Tony admitted. "i know! it's amazing! i'm a genius and now your more safe." he babbled happily. "i think it's the best! why are you following me?" he demanded of Chris who just chuckled, quite amused by Tony. "i'm not. Steph said the word Food so i'm following her." "oh... right, food. i'm hungry. can you make food Steph? Jarvis says i'm not allowed to touch the stove." he whined. "he has a new body and all of a sudden he's bossy bossy bossy." Tony whined.
"Your a genius, he's intelligent. And pretty."Stephanie said laughing softly at his protests before looking the bracelet over, a sad smile on her face as she remembered 2hen james had given her, igno ring the twisted up feelings over tony giving this to her, and what chris had said about talking to him."I am safe. Always am with your things."she smiled before laughing."be nice tony. And so I did. Let's get food then."Stephanie said before rolling her eyes as she gathered things for omelets and bacon."you were never supposed to touch the stove. You can't cook. Only difference now is jarvis can physically stop you from cooking instead of having to get one of us to do it."she 5eased
"nuh-uh! i'm pretty!" Tony whined, sulking a little before looking a bit worried at how sad she looked. "you don't like it? i can change it. i'm sorry." Tony babbled, looking fairy frantic. "you are safe, but your not safe enough yet." Tony stated with a shake of his head before he snorted. "nuh-uh! i'm not nice! who said i have to be nice? was it Jarvis?! he's a traitor." "is he always like this?" Chris wondered. "i can cook! i'm a great cook! i've been practicing!" Tony protested. someone needed a nap. "oh! i almost forgot." Chris said, checking his phone. "there's this movie thing i have to go to, the last movie i was in, won some award and me and Seb are up for some movie acting awards too. it's a plus one, want to go with me?" Chris asked Stephanie, watching closely as Tony went very tense. plan A was working.
"Your both pretty.your handsome."Stephanie said before frowning shaking her head."no.mine."she growled possessivery before sighing wuietly."no tony. Its fine. I was just thinking about when he gave it to me...really. it's perfect."she said soothingly looking worried about the billionaire."you are nice. Amazingly so. And it's me who said it, so you know it's true."she said before looking at chris, wincing a little."sorry....and sometimes. He gets worked up and manic about things....usually I can coax him to relax, but this is looking like it's going to be bad..."she said looking worried, remembering the last time tony ass like this, and worried she'd done something to set him off again."you can't cook, even if you have been practicing. Don't worry. I'll feed you then your ta king a nwp.."Stephanie promised before looking at chris startled, tilting her head a little. "You want me to go?to a movie about me?really?"she said tilting her head."yea sure. It'll be fun. After all captain america should have a date with captain america."she snickered a little.
Tony blinked a little at her sudden possessiveness before he beamed at her. that was how he really knew it was good. "i'm glad you like it! i worked hard to make the technology fit in there, it was hard, so much fun!" Tony admitted, bouncing because the harder a project was the more he thrilled in it. "you did say it! and you never lie because your an innocent flower." Tony agreed, nodding, Chris covering his mouth with his hand because he knew Tony knew that wasn't true at all. "oh. so he's just overly excited?" Chris guessed. "or is it something worse? there have been rumors about Tony having some sort of extreme mental illness but i don't know how accurate that could be considering they also say Tony is the love child between Howard Stark and Stane so...." he shrugged. "no! i don't need a nap and i can totally cook! and i don't need a nap!" "you said that twice." "our face is ugly." Tony shot back, Chris snorting because they all knew that wasn't true either. "yeah. i was hoping so, i mean come on, how awesome would that be? plus you look adorable in dresses." Chris admitted with a grin, Tony glaring furiously at his plate before he glared at empty space. "you shut up." he ordered before sliding away from the table, arguing with empty air as he walked away, Chris looking very worried now. "is he on drugs?" "No. he has a mental disorder that causes him to hallucinate." Bruce informed Chris as he walked through the Kitchen, smiling at Steph. "i'll get him, finish the food." he offered before following after Tony who was screaming at a painting in the hallways for being tilted.
"You are so weird. Enjoying a hard project."Stephanie teased before snickering."indeed. I'd never lie about anything."she agreed. "It's a mix of a mental problem and excitement...a manic depressive."she muttered quietly to chris, just wanting him to understand, and instinctively knowing she could trust him to keep it to himself."you cant, and you need a nap. If you behave I'll lay down with you for a bit and nap."she promised trying to help tony before tilting her head a little at chris."it would be awesome. And I don't look that great, but I'll go with you."she promised before flinching at tony's any responses."okay. Foods nearly done."she said starting to get everything to plates as she set them on the table, trying not to be to anxious as she waited for tony to come back.
"i like the hard projects, it makes my brain hurt in tingly ways." Chris snorted and looked away when Tony glared at him. "oh! Bi-polar?" Chris asked, nodding a little. "that explains a lot actually. i have severe anxiety myself. not nearly as bad as Bi-plar but it comes with it's own set of issues." he admitted before smiling as Tony scowled at her. "don't need a nap." he grumbled, sulking but it as resigned. he would totally take a nap if it meant snuggles with Steph. "you're more beautiful than you could ever imagine." Chris admitted to her with a smile. he watched Bruce head off after Tony and soon enough Tony was back, babbling to Bruce about some sort of thing that Bruce couldn't make heads or tails of. granted he was pretty sure some of the things Tony was saying weren't real words so that was okay. Tony was asleep on the table halfway through his breakfast. just laying there asleep. "he's kind of adorable." Chris admitted with a grin at the sleeping Tony before he frowned. "did he eat enough? should we wake him?" "god no! he gets super bitchy if you wake him up." Bruce admitted. "Steph will carry him to bed like she always does." "cool. i'm going to go tease Sebastian then. i'll see you tonight right Steph?" Chris asked with a grin.
“Sounds like you like that better then sex, sweetheart.”Stephanie teased looking amused before tilting her head, thinking about it before nodding. “Yes. I think that’s the term bruce used.”Stephanie said frowning a little as she considered it, before smiling. “You are napping.”She ordered before flushing a little, ducking her head at chris’ praise. “If you say so.”She muttered before sighing quietly as she ate, looking relaxed as tony did. “Yea, he’ll eat more later.And have fun teasing Seb, though you might be careful, James might not like it.”She snickered a little as she picked tony up. “Yea, I’ll see you tonight.”She promised as she headed out to tuck both her and tony in bed.

That evening Stephanie smiled as she got out of the car, smirking a little as she looked up at chris, taking his hand as she let him help her climb out. “You know, we could have picked you guys up instead of letting you wait here for us.”She said smoothing a hand dow the dress, making sure everything was okay and together, as she relaxed. Looking around at the crowd as they realized that the movie captain america and james barnes, had brought the real ones. For once totally comfortable and ignoring how the public might see her as she looked up at the blond. “ready for a party?"
", not quite that much, but it's a close second to sex." he admitted. "it makes sense, considering some of his behaviors. i don't know much about Bi-polar but i know a little bit about depression and stuff." he admitted before smiling as Tony whined like a child. "not napping. no." "i do say so." Chris agreed with a smile. "oh don't worry i'm sure Clint and Seb will protect me." he admitted with a laugh.

Chris beamed at her, wearing the same suit he had been when he went to the Tower, proving that he either didn't own any others or that he didn't care what he was wearing. probobly a little bit of both. "this is more fun." he admitted with a grin. "i love it when the press is confused." Chris admitted with a grin. "oh it's going to be a party alright." Chris agreed with a smile, offering her his arm while Clint laughed and followed them in, letting Sebastian and James do the arm holding thing so he could watch their asses while they walked.
“That’s amusing. I’ll have to remember that.”Stephanie said snickering a little, before nodding a little. “yes it does.”She agreed watching tony, smiling quietly. Pleased and happy.

“It is indeed. They’re wondering if we’re all having this awesome little orgy thing going on.”Sebastian snickered a little looking the three over as he slipped a arm through james as they headed inside. “So, ten bucks says tomorrows paper has a picture of clint staring at sebastian and james’ ass.”She muttered, looking amused as she watched the other three, grinning a little as James and sebastian hammed up and enjoyed the attention of the cameras. Unaware of how many fans were watching her and chris, and wondering at the scars decorating her forearms. Not knowing that her suicide attempt was about to make headline news. For the moment, simply happy to be with them, and enjoy the party. Grinnign as she watched the others, settling in for a night of happy celebration as indeed, the Winter Solider won both best of the year, actor and supporting actor, looking amused as she watched chris and sebastian make their way to the stage. Whatever their speech was, listening to the slightly manic and a little drunk two, she sure it was going to be good.
"Haven't they always wondered that?" Clint asked, grinning a little. "oh, I'm not taking that bet." Chris admitted, smiling as Johnny popped over to say hello. "it's still creepy, ho much we look alike." Chris admitted to the fire starter who shrugged. "we're probobly cousins or something." he admitted with a grin. "hello everyone! I'm super happy to be here and it's such a great honor to be receiving such an awesome award. there are a whole ton of people that i want to thank but I'm not allowed that much time so i think I'll just thank Stephanie Rogers. for being Captain America, for being the bravest woman i know. for being my idol and my favorite superhero, both as a child, and as an adult. thank you, Stephanie. if it wasn't for you, i wouldn't be getting this award for pretending to be you." Steve admitted with an impish grin. "i just hope they don't make me wear a dress in the next movie." that got the expected laughs and he turned the microphone to Sebastian.
“They have.”Sebastian said snickering a little. “Aww, you’re no fun.”Stephanie said laughing a little as she looked at johnny, “I wouldn’t call it creepy. More like hot.”Stephanie teased. Flushing brightly as she ducked her head, blushing as she looked up at him, well aware that everyone was looking at her at his praise. “I, for one though, would love to see Chris in a dress. I mean, we had him in the pirate boots.”Sebastian grinned as he took the microphone, smiling. “I to, would like to thank my date for the evening. James, for being both a inspiration and idol. For being the man we believed in, both as Bucky Barnes, and as the soldier. They both showed us what it meant to sacrifice for their country, and I for one, along with chris, will always be honored at having gotten a chance to play him.”Sebastian grinned as he headed back to his seat, smiling slightly as he sat back down. This was great. By the time the rest of the evening was done, even james and stephanie were slightly tipsy, looking quietly relaxed. “Chris, come on. You’re going back to the tower.”Stephanie said smiling wrapping a arm around his waist as she helped him up, gently running a hand through his hair as she looked over the man, both wanting to cuddle up with him, and make sure he was safe. Which meant taking him back to the tower.
"i'm tons of fun. i just don't take fools bets." he admitted with a chuckle. "not hot. creepy." Chris stated with a chuckle. "considering i am never, ever sleeping with him." "aww, why not?" Johnny asked, looking amused. "seb would kill me." Chris admitted. "plus he's pretty much the only man i would ever sleep with anyway, the whole 'he has a penis too' thing kind of trips me up a bit." "ah, i get it. Sebastian is your exception." "uh, yes?" "huh, interesting." Johnny admitted before smiling as he kissed Steph's cheek.

"Hey! hey! we agreed to never mention the pirate boots!" Chris complained, bright grin on his face. "To Captain America and Bucky Barnes!" Steve said, hefting up the trophies. "because they saved the world about twenty times in the last year alone!" he declared before happily rejoining Steph and Clint and James. Clint who was well on his way to being more than tipsy, not that you could tell being that he was a super spy and all that. the only reason thy could tell was because they knew Clint very well. "yeah, i'd like that. we can snuggle right? i really like to snuggle." Chris admitted with a nod. "and, and, and the tower is like super sparkly." he admitted happily, snuggling her as she helped him to his feet, uncaring that people where complaining that he was drunk. he wasn't really, he was just on overdrive because there where a lot of people and he had been there for a lot longer than he was really comfortable with. that and he was a bit tipsy and that made it worse.
“It’s very hot.”Stephanie said snickering a little before looking amused, tilting her head a little. “Ah, that makes sense.”She said looking amused.

“Yes, we can snuggle. I know, I like snuggling to.”Stephanie said looking amused before looking at the other’s in annoyance as they complained. Smirking a little as james did that scary scoldy face that belonged to the winter soldier as tehy left, well aware they’d be complaining about him being a dick as they escorted the opthers out, rather then chris. By the time they got back to the tower the woman was tired and quiet, smiling softly as she watched james corral clint and a happy grabby drunk sebastian into their rooms, before heading for her own. Pausing as she realized tony was up still, “Tony?”She called sounding worried even as she made chris sit down so she could help him out of his shoes, ready for bed.
"great!" Chris agreed with a nod before chuckling at James super scary face. "hey. hey. hey." Clint said, tugging at James sleeve as they walked into the tower. "your sexy. and I'm drunk, you should totally take advantage of me." Clint admitted looking quite happy at being groped by Sebastian and happily grab happy right back.

"i'm, not drunk." Tony protested, even if there was a half empty bourbon glass in front of him and he was acting a little slow. Tony hadn't drunk anything since before he'd been injected with Extremis. "i'm... not happy!" Tony said, scowling at her. "i. i don't want you, to date!" he complained. "i mean, i do want you to date! but i want you to date me, no. not sexy supermodels who, who shouldn't look so much like johnny!" he complained, waving his hands around and unaware that Clint, Sebastian and James where watching the interactions with almost fascination. Clint especially wondered if Tony was going to finally come clean. he seamed to be trying, which was kind of cute even if Chris was a bit worried about Tony throwing a punch. not because he was worried about Steph, but because he was worried Tony wouldn't be able to keep his feet if he tried.
“Hm?”James said looking down at clint, looking amused as he groped the other, leaning down to kiss him lightly. “I’m totally taking advantage.”He said before pausing, tilting his head as he paused watching the others, looking fairly fascinated really.

“I think you are. How much have you had?”She said tilting her head, wondering if extremis was burning it up or if he’d druk more then just a few. “...What?”Stephanie stared looking confused as she tried to sort out what the other was saying, before straightening, walking towards Tony, looking him over as she reached out to take his glass away. “Tony, come on. Time for bed, you should stop’re being insane.”She said frowning a little, not sure what to think about the babbling, and not sure if she trusted it, and mostly ignoring the tight and happy feeling that hit her at the idea of dating tony.
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