
“I do have limits. I know that. Even if I try not to. I’ll keep it in mind.”She promised before staring at him, shaking her head. “I-I did. I nearly killed us both bruce!I did.”She said before bolting. Eyes wide as tony caught her, staring at him even as she backed away from him, “N-no, tony stop. I nearly killed us both. It’s not safe. I’m not safe. For anyone!Tony stop!Please.”Stephanie said trying to get away, anger tightening her face, panic starting to give way to anger at herself. “Tony!Stop. I have to...I don’t know. Get out of here. I can’t stay. This is insane. How can you want a baby killer here? No, let me go!”She ordered backing away from him, angry with herself, so very hurt and angry. "How can you forgive me for nearly killing us both?"She said, some distant part aware he hadn't known she was pregnant, but it was a distant part
Bruce nodded. "good, try to keep yourself from getting into too much trouble yeah?" he asked with a smile. "No. i will not let you go!" Tony growled. "your safe for me! i couldn't take it if you left me! please, Steph you need to calm down. we'll go to the Gym okay? Hulk's Gym, we'll be safe in there right?" he offered her. "You are not a Baby killer! how dare you say that!" he hissed, slapping her across the face just hard enough for it to sting. hey it helped him, hopefully it would help her. he grabbed her by the shoulders and gave her a firm little shake. "Don't you dare EVER stand there and say such disgusting about yourself when you've given up everything you've ever wanted or loved just to save children and other people!" he growled at her before softening. "your the most wonderful woman i know and it is not, never was, and never will be your fault that your baby died do you understand me!?"
“I will.”Stephanie promised. Stephanie winced swallowing hard looking at the other, tense and upset, anxious as she shook her head. “No I’m not. I;m not safe for anyone. I couldn’t stand to get you hurt, Tony.”She said looking anxious and upset, scared of hurting him before nodding.”....okay. Gym.”She said agreeing, following him a little before startling as he slapped her, eyes widening as she swayed on her feet a little. Looking down at the slightly shorter man, she gave him that utterly confused and lost look. “I did though....Tony I nearly killed my baby when I killed myself....Tony I can’t.... So many times before....I could have stopped them....but I just let them destroy the baby....tony...”She trembled looking lost and her pain and grieve over not only this most recent miscarriage, and her near suicide, but the two before hitting her hard enough to knock her feet out from under her. Shaking her head she looked at him, depression and anger feeding her, he’d have to shock her badly to knock her loose on her bad path. “N-no, tony I’m bad. You know that. You have to. Why else would Jamie move on, o-or Johnny not want me, or never able to have seems someone knows that I’m horrible...”
"You are safe for me!" Tony snarled at her. "you won't get me hurt now get your ass up off that floor Soldier!" Tony snapped. "you think i sit on my ass all day and do nothing!? you think i'm so helpless and weak that i couldn't put you on your ass if i wanted to!?" he demanded, well aware she wasn't thinking straight and trying to shock her out of it. "you didn't let shit!" he snapped. "your mother decided that. those doctors of your age decided that!" he informed her. "you scratched and bit and fought to protect those babies with every breath in your body and you'll do the same for any baby you have in the future!" he glared at her. "or was nearly ding, again, to save Diane just a fit of fancy!?" he demanded before rolling his eyes. "James moved on because his experiences as the Winter Soldier left him broken and brittle. Johnny wants you so bad he's nearly humping your leg and you can have babies or you wouldn't be freaking out like th... oh." he stared at her. "oh your pregnant. well that explains the freak out... get on your feet." he ordered. "come on. we're going to the Gym. you'll be safe there." he hoped.
Stephanie snarled back at him wordlessly, looking angry and upset, before shoving him a little. “You really, really can’t. You’re human,tony.”She said sounding scared and upset, even if extremis gave him a leg up, he probably could keep her down these days if he tried, along with the suit. “I-it wasn’t!I put her in danger tony, I did, I had to be the one to go after here.”she growled before going still, frowning as she considered that before shaking her head. “He’s not humping my leg. He’s not a dog.”She grumbled looking lost before stumbling to her feet, obeying the order without really being aware of it, “O-okay. P-promise?We’ll be okay?You wont let me hurt her?”She muttered arms wrapped protectively in front of her stomach as she stumbled after him.
"i think i would surprise you." Tony admitted. "Natasha's been teaching me. and so has Clint." he admitted. "Also, i have super powers of sexy seduction." he teased her with a smile before shaking his head. "you did not put her in Danger, Hydra put her in danger." Tony corrected. "you cannot blame yourself for the actions of others." he growled at her. "next thing you know you'll be blaming yourself every time i get reckless and burn my fingers!" he accused her. "hes totally a dog." he huffed. "we'll be fine. you won't hurt anyone." he promised her. "is it a girl then?" he asked, examining her belly. he wasn't sure, but he thought you had to be more pregnant than that before you could tell the gender of the baby. "okay, here, Gym." Tony said, urging her inside, it was blissfully empty, shut down. "JArvis... uhm, sorry. Friday? lock down the Gym please."
“You’re a constant surprise to me. And you do not have super powers of seduction. Not everyone falls over themselves to sleep with you.”She teased a little huffing a little, before frowning. Looking annoyed, “You do burn your fingers alot. Even if I am standing there.”She grumbled before shuffling after him, frowning. “Is not. I’m telling him you called him a dog.”She muttered trusting him a little, even if she wasn’t sure, she trusted him to take care of himself. “You’ll protect yourself?”She said quietly, before shrugging. “I don’t know. Maybe. It just feels wrong to call her a it.”She muttered looking around, sighing softly, relaxing at the empty space, tense and upset still. “Of course, Sir.Anything else, Sir?”Friday asked as the lock slid home.
"i totally have super powers of seduction." Tony whined. "i am amazing at seduction, it totally counts as a superpower." he whined, pouting before he smiled a little. "i do burn my fingers a lot, i can't help it." he admitted, shrugging. "i get distracted." he admitted before smiling. "go ahead, i call him a dog all the time." he admitted with a smile before he nodded. "i'll protect myself. i swear, and if i do start to loose i'll even call my armor. there's three different suits that Friday can remotely access and use to help me. i don't think even you could take on three to four suits at the same time." he admitted. "yeah it does sound bad huh." he admitted before smiling. "i'm gonna call her the flower in your tummy." he decided. "that's what Jarvis... the original, said my mom used to call me when she was pregnant." he admitted. "before they knew i was a boy." he admitted with a smile. "yes Friday, throw on some soft Tunes, Cap's favorites would be good, and have the suits on standby. Mark VII, Mark XV and Mark XXI and have my Body Armor suit ready for deployment." well that one was new. Tony had never mentioned anything about a body suit before.
“Are not. Totally. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you don’t date. Or have sex. Sorta makes me question the whole super power thing.”Stephanie muttered before snorting. “I’d yell at you for getting distracted if I thought it would work.”She muttered before nodding a little. “Kay. Good. And no, I don’t think I could take that many suits.”She said shrugging a little before snorting, looking down at her stomach before smirking at him, leaning into him a little. “You are totally still a flower.”She said smirking a little before sighing quietly as the soft jazz started to fill the room, still wired, still on edge as she moved away from him, but not losing herself yet. “Body armor?”She questioned looking at him, “.....How do I do this tony?What if...what if she has all my problems?Not just...the chemical problems?But they have my health issues? What if I sentence her to a life that I had?Tony...”She said starting to lose the momentary grip she’d gotten. He was totally going to have to shock her, knock her lose if he wanted her to get a grip.
he shrugged. "i just... wanted to stay chaste for a little while." he lied before snorting. "honestly? your hot when your yelling so i think that would just make it worse." he admitted with a grin. "i'm sure you couldn't." he admitted with a smile before sulking at her. "i am not, i'm a stud." he complained, pouting at her. "New invention." Tony admitted. "tested and approved, it's for situations like this, when a whole suit would be entirely too big." he admitted. "i've been working with extremis as well, using it to connect to the body armor, so i can connect to it at any point." he admitted with a smile. "i'm hoping to have it small enough i can carry it with me wherever i go." he admitted. "but so far it's not working." he admitted before shaking his head. "relax. having Asthma isn't nearly as bad in this day and age as it was back when you where a kid, and there's no more polio, scarlet fever or other such diseases. that's where most of your health problems came from according to the medical reports that Shield filled out after you where returned off the ice." he admitted. "so your baby will, at the most, have asthma which is a problem one in ten children have anyway." he admitted. trying to use reason to get around to her. "your baby is going to be fine Steph."
“...I live with perverts. Why is it every guy I know thinks it’s hot when I yell at them?”She grumbled before snorting. “Totally a flower. Pretty, cute, and you smell good. More flower then stud.”she teased looking interested in teh new invention, nodding slowly. “That would be good. Hopefully you can figure it out. It’s you, you’re awesome. You’ll figure it out.”She smiled before frowning at him, arms crossed as she paced, thinking it over, before nodding. “Alot of it, yes.”She agreed. “I just kept getting sick.”she said, sighing quietly, staring down at the floor, calming some. Even if the quiet sadness there just made you want to cuddle her. Or maybe kiss her. Depended on the person. “W-what about everything else? I’m still Captain tony. I’ll put a child in danger....we’ll...”She trailed off, not sure how to tell him he was going to be a father, twitchy and upset, “we’re not safe people for little ones.”she muttered.
"well it's hot." Tony admitted. "everyone says so, so it must be true." he teased with a smile. "i am not a flower! and i only smell good because i like good soap!" he whined before smiling a little at her. "your pretty awesome too." he admitted to her with a smile before nodding. "exactly. you got sick young with a common disease that nearly everyone in school got and then it led to something else which made you sicker and sicker and sicker. we don't have to worry about that so much anymore." he admitted. granted there where some things still, but he doubted her baby would have problems like those. he was moving over to her before he could stop himself, wrapping his arms around her, needing to cuddle her before he kissed her. "that's not true either and you know it." he said firmly. "we would never take a child into a dangerous situation and most of the villains we face would never hurt a little girl. yes there's Hydra but by the time she's old enough for them to try anything over they'll be gone for good." he admitted. "you need to calm down okay? all this panic probobly isn't good for the baby." he admitted. "we live dangerous lives, yes. but we won't be placing her into anymore danger than just living here would already be."
“Hmmm, you soap is good. Though you smell good all on your own. Sorta motor oil and grease.”She teased a little before sighing quietly, nodding a little. “That’s of the good things about this time. Not so much sickness.”She said thinking about it, leaning into him, smiling a little as she was cuddled, frowning slightly. “I know....”She said calming a little the more he talked, swallowing thickly as she looked at him, wide blue eyes starting to calm. Looking unsure and not quite ready, but calmer. Wrapping her arms around him, pressing as close as she could, not because she wanted him-which she did even if she wouldn’t admit it- but because she needed to be held, needed to know he was with her in this, even if he hadn’t put the pieces together and figured out who teh father was. She’d tell him. When she got enough courage to do so. "'re right....we'll be okay..."
He smiled at her a little and snuggled her. "that's not what i smell like. that's just what i smell like when i don't shower." he huffed, rolling his eyes. "yeah, we've made a lot of medical advancements in the last twenty years or so." he admitted with a smile. "damn straight i'm right." not what she'd said but close enough. "we'll be just fine, and i'll do everything i can to help." he promised her. "Johnny and James will help too." he admitted. "you know they will." he admitted, smiling at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "now, are you feeling okay to leave or should i show off my body armor while you calm down some more?"
“No, you always smell like motor oil to me.”She said smiling a little before nodding. Sighing quietly, relaxing more, nodding a little. “They will. I mean, they’re pretty much kids themselves, they’ll be good with babies.”She said looking amused before nodding a little, stepping back. “Show off the armor, I wanna see, and then we’ll go.”She said steady, but wanting a few more minutes to calm down before going to see the others. Blushing slightly as he kissed her cheek, trying hard not to think about kissing him. Definitely not something to think about.
'oh. sorry. i don't mean to stink. i'll bathe harder next time." he promised. "they aren't that bad are they?" he asked with a grin and a shake of his head. "in any case, Clint has a baby now so we can all practice on his." he admitted. "so we'll be more prepared for when you have yours." he decided happily before he grinned at her. "watch this." he said. he didn't even move, he just hummed, a sound that seamed to be too deep for his throat and for a moment nothing happened and then what looked like liquid gold spilled out of a vent and slid over him, forming a layer of what looked like second skin. "it's nanobots made of a titanium, vibranium, admantium Alloy." Tony informed her, his face still visible before he hummed in his throat again, the pitch just a little bit different and it formed a copy of the iron man mas over his face. "i'm still working on it, but i should be able to do other things with it as well. it's non-cunductive, can take just as much force as my normal suit, and enhances my strength by just enough to allow me to overpower most enemies."
‘”No, don’t. It’s fine. I mean. You smell good. It’s nice.”She sputtered eyes wide as she considered the other, having not meant to make him feel bad, she simply liked how he smelled. It was nice. Sputtering a little before snorting. “They are that bad.”She huffed a little before smiling. “Okay, maybe not, but you’re right. We’ll practice.”She smiled pleased with the idea before staring, eyes wide as she watched him, it was amazing. “That’s amazing.”She said before shifting, looking him over. “Really, tony that’s great. Okay. Gotta test this.”She said thoughtfully before punching him just hard enough to see if it’d hold up, but not to hurt either of them, grinning fiercely when it did, shivering a little at the lust that tightened her stomach. That was just hot, knowing that he was protected from her, that he was fine. “that’s awesome tony.”She said smiling, refusing to consider what she’d thought of. He didn’t want her, it was wrong to think of using the more flexible better iron man suit for her own sexual pleasure. Oh gods, she had to get laid soon. Thank god johnny was back, otherwise she might screw up again and jump tony.
he blinked at her a little confused about her sudden backtracking, he figured he'd figure it out later. "well, maybe they are." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head, amused. "we ill practice, it will be glorious." he admitted happily before beaming at her, delighted that she was impressed. "the best part is that it can double as a sex toy!... well, once i figure it out." he admitted. "Extremis allows me to us my mind to connect to electronics you know, but it's a struggle. i haven't had enough practice and i'm supposed to control all the nanobots at once so that's well beyond my current capabilities." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but i'm getting there." he admitted with a bright grin, letting out a 'oof' when he was punched, not because it hurt but because he expected it to. "i know right?!" he asked with a grin, leaping to his feet and flexed a little, the gold shifting with him. "there's no weapon attachments, but this is a self defense suit, not a save the world suit." he admitted. "it beds with me perfectly. look, see?" he proceeded to twist himself into a pretzel the same way that Bruce did, proving Tony really had been working very hard to make sure he was not the weakest link in the Avengers. granted, everyone knew he'd been taking lessons from Nat, Clint and Bruce but not even those three where sure how seriously Tony was taking them. Steph no knew just how serious Tony was about learning to defend himself. he paused when he got a message and flicked his phone, his head tilted. "oh! well, Laura, Cooper, Lila and the nw baby are coming back to the Tower." he admitted with a smile. "this is gonna be epic. i'll have to get rooms set u for them. what do kids like?" he wondered. "ponies right? little girls like ponies and... uhm.. football?" he muttered. "Friday! start researching what kids like and order stuff for some new rooms!" he ordered.
Stephanie’s eyes went a little wide, before snickering. “Only you would figure out a sex toy defense thing. Good luck.”She snickered a little at the idea, even as she blushed before smiling. “You’ll figure it out. Practice helps.”Stephanie said smiling a little before nodding. “Definitely amazing...and it’s good you have a defense suit. Makes me feel better about letting you out of my sight.”She smiled a little, pleased with how serious he was being about this before snickering, laughing out loud at his reactions. “They do, but that’s bringing nature into your tower. Better stick with a pretend pony.”She said snickering as Friday started looking for stuff for the rooms. Smirking a little as she read the text she got from Johnny, smiling. Pleased, well at least this was going to be a interesting weekend at the tower.

James smiled a little as he looked around the rooms in bemusement, amused at the sight of the mountain of toys and playthings that made it look like Tony had simply bought everything FAO Schwarz had to offer in the toy section. Despite having come in the day before, the sight of all the toys that had started to take over parts of clint’s apartment still fascinated him. “I’m amazed there’s like, not a pony in there.” “I made sure he didn’t invite wildlife in there. Though, he expressed a desire to get me a puppy, since I sorta resemble one of something.”Stephanie said making a face, looking ready for dinner herself. Glad that they’d gotten here in time for Sebastian and Chris’ visit, he was really looking forward to it. Which, given the fact that James had tried dressing up more then his usual trash prince look, said something. Looking like a runaway from a fashion show, Stephanie resisted the urge to tease him about it, because otherwise they’d never get him to dress up again. “When are they going to be here?” “Soon. Johnny said he was picking them up from the airport and coming straight here.”Stephanie said smiling as they headed back upstairs where all the others were waiting, smiling softly at the sight of their families gathered there, even tony who hadn’t hid in the lab or anything. Smiling quietly the two super soldiers studied them, the family they’d built for themselves, and had never considered they’d have. “Tony, no teaching the kids bad things.”Stephanie warned teasing him a little.
Clint chuckled a little and shook his head at all the toys. "no one ever tell Tony that neither of my kids will play with most of this." he ordered. most where geared for children a lot younger than his kids and they wouldn't find them very entertaining. a good chunk of the toys the children would find very entertaining, especially the paint and art sets. Lila was going to be super excited and Cooper was going to love the sports toys, mostly the balls since Cooper adored soccer. "there is a pony actually. it's just not alive." he admitted, looking around for it before indicating the life sized pony that could actually be ridden, though it didn't rock or anything. Lila was going to love that too. "Tony's just being manic, don't mind him. he's always idolized Chris and Sebastian so he's a little over excited." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "that is so not true." Tony complained as he walked in, looking as spiffy as he could. "wow, you guys look smashing." Tony admitted, mostly examining Stephanie though he did actually look at James. Lila was already seated at the table where they would all be eating, drawing pictures and Cooper was playing a game-boy game that Tony had gotten for him. Laura was smiling, all dressed up and pretty as she cradled Nathaniel, playing with his toes. "hey... James." Clint whispered, smirking at him. "we should seduce your look alike twin." he teased. "it would be totally like twincest, it would be hot." he teased, grinning at the other, laughing when Johnny walked in, dressed up just as nice as the others. "sorry we're late! when they saw i was all fancy we had to stop at my place so these two could get cleaned up." Johnny admitted, jerking his thumb at Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. "i cannot believe i am actually in Stark Tower. this is the coolest." Chris admitted, staring around at all the toys with wide eyes. "was it someone's birthday?"
“Don;t worry. We’ll use the toys. We’re not telling tony.”Stephanie agreed smiling a little, even if she hadn’t told everyone she was pregnant yet, still coming to terms with it, she knew the mountains of toys would go to good use. “Ah. Well, at least she’ll learn how to ride before he gets her a actual pony.”James snickered a little, well aware if Lila asked him, tony’d totally buy a pony. “It’s adorable. Him being this excited.”Stephanie snickered a little, before smirking at Tony. “It is totally true. I’m not quite sure how you haven’t had a fangasm yet, or thrown yourself at them really.”Stephanie said looking amused blushing at little. “Thanks tony.” “Thanks. Apparently I look good when I let Stephanie pick out my clothes.”James said tugging a little at his jacket, vaguely uncomfortable in his clothes, but he was okay. “hm?”James looked at clint, before tilting his head thinking about it. “It’d totally be like masturbation, but better....Does that mean we can convince Stephanie she should sleep with her man-twin?”James said thoughtfully smirking a little. “Well, we were both wearing sweat pants and a hoodie. Showing up here when you were in a suit, would totally be wrong.”Sebastian complained. “no, just kids moving in. Tony sorta went overboard.”Stephanie said looking at the man amused, tilting her head, as she stuck out a hand. “Nice to meet you, Captain.”
"oh, i'm sure Nathaniel will play with them too once he's old enough." Clint agreed, unaware that Steph was pregnant. "well, she kind of already has a pony." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "she's just too small to ride him unattended." he admitted. "Clydesdale. Laura uses him for dragging the logs we cut down, and he helps haul stuff around as well. usually her gardening equipment." "i have not had a fangasm! if i was gonna fangasm it would have been over you." Tony informed Stephanie with a sulk before he grinned at James. "you look fantastic." he promised. "you could have come in wearing those things. we would have changed." Bruce promised the pair, looking very, very uncomfortable in his outfit. "...can i go change now?" "no. your adorable." Tony said with a smirk, making Bruce sigh. "N.No! i mean, Yes! i mean, the honor is mine Captain!" Chris stammered, shaking her hand eagerly. "lord i messed this up." Chris groaned. he was supposed to have been 'acting cool' and not being the nerdy dork he really was.
“probably.”Stephanie smiled a little before snorting. “Yes, but you guys are here. Tony would totally be willing to invite nature into his place for her.”James snickered a little at the idea. “....”Stephanie smirked, raising a eyebrow at him. “You totally did.”JAmes said grinning at tony. “You look fine, bruce.”Stephanie said smiling at bruce, tilting her head a little. “...You are such a golden retriever.”Sebastian snickered teasing chris a little, amused as he watched them. Turning to look at james, “Hello....I knew I looked like you, I hadn’t realized it was this much.” “It’s less when my hair’s longer.’James said looking amused tilting her head as he watched stephanie and chris. Maybe tony would fially lose his cool. It’d be great really. “It’s okay. I’m used to this. Don’t look so upset.”Stephanie said smiling at chris, patting his arm, though her hand lingered there, simply enjoying the feel of muscle under her hands. Oh gods, she totally needed laid. She was going to be groping everyone. “I truly enjoyed the movies, Chris. Really. Freaking my team out watching 'what's your number' was one of the highlights of my month."
"well that's true." Clint agreed with a grin. "but lets try not to mess with Tony too much yeah?" he asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "I never." he huffed, sulking at James. "i look like a little kid playing dress up and it itches." Bruce complained, making Chris chuckled. "i felt the same way when i first had to wear a suit." he admitted. "i am not! stop saying that, people are going to start thinking your serious." Chris complained. "my god, they really are twins." Clint admitted, looking delighted at the two 'Jame's.' "sorry. i just. get nervous." Chris admitted sheepishly before blinking at the hand lingering on his arm, a blush lighting up his cheeks though he certainly didn't fidget away. more than receptive to her advances. "oh! it's nice to see appreciation for a movie that isn't Captain America." he admitted happily. "not that it wasn't totally amazing portraying you, but i would like to be remembered for something else too." he admitted with a smile. "well, you could be remembered for that really cute smile." Clint pointed out, making Chris blush all over again, Cooper wrinkling his nose. "Dad, stp flirting, it's gross." Clint and Laura both snickered at that. "i still can't believe i thought you where sweet and innocent." Clint admitted, sulking at her.
“Yea, let’s not.”Stephanie said loking amused. “And you do not. But if you want to change, go ahead.”She said tilting her head, knowing it made him uncomfortable, simply wanting the other to relax. “I am serious. Have you ever looked at a picture of you and your dog?”Sebastian snickered a little. “We really are.It’s sorta weird.”James said looking amused. “Me to. Don’t worry about it. And it’s Stephanie, the only time I get called Captain is when I get in trouble.”Stephanie said dropping her hand away, blushing a little herself. “I loved ‘playing it cool’ and found ‘snowpiercer’ odd, and liked ‘political animals.’” “That’s not one of Chris’.” “I know, but I still liked it.”Stephanie said looking amused as she looked at the two, rolling her eyes at clint’s words. “Don’t flirt. You’re flirting in front of your boyfriend, I don’t think he’ll refrain from hitting you.”Stephanie pointed out before looking at clint with wide, innocent eyes. “I am totally sweet and innocent. Don’t go making stuff up.”Stephanie said smiling as she sat at the table, settling as they settled in to eat.
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