
Stephanie frowned a little, eyes widening as he shrank away from her, pain flickering over her face as she eased back from him, sighing softly. “Oh.well good.”She said relaxing a little rubbing a hand over her face. “Yes....that is...what happened when I was down. The other tried to tke over. I simply absorbed him and won that fight.”Jarvis said simply frowning a little, before looking at loki. “Yes, indeed. Despite what other’s might think, this other was....what made things happen.”Thor nodded looking a little shaken himself a little before wrapping a arm around loki’s shoulder, tucking him closer. “And he’s still in heat, about everything is more important if it’s stuff for james.”Stephanie pointed out smiling a little as she watched thor and loki, frowning slightly. “Friday, where’s clint?He should have been back.”She said sounding a little worried, knowing the man was easily distracted, but not sure what to think about this, it wasn’t that far of a walk.
"so.... Jarvis ate the Other?" Phil asked, baffled by the idea and the room went very still when a giggle fell through the air like a knife. Loki had made a noise. it was the first noise he'd ever made around them. it was almost a sick sound, too high, traumatized and frantic and for the first time, Phil understood why Loki was so pale all the time, so still and so silent. he was waiting for the Staff to come back and take him again. it was the same utter helplessness that Clint had worn for months after he'd been taken over. they just hadn't seen it because Loki was 'the bad guy'. Phil felt really bad about that now, and so did Tony and Bruce. "that's true. how long does Heat usually last?" Tony wondered. "it varies. no more than a month though." Phil admitted before frowning a little when Loki straightened up and looked around as if taking note that Clint was around. Clint was not on the route to the Post office and he was not int he post office, though, there where abut a dozen people n the post office. all of them unconscious and laying on the ground. "...well shit." Tony said. "i think our birds been kidnapped."
“Yes. Something like that, Agent.”Jarvis said frowning a little. Stephanie startled a little, compassion on her features as she looked at Loki, moving closer, ducking her head a little so she could meet the godling’s eyes. “The staff’s gone loki. And you are safe here. Well. At least from it. I can’t promise you wont die from accidental poisoning if you eat tony’s food, or wont die in a fiery explosion if he blows something up.”She said a softly quiet joke as she watched the man, reaching out to him, trying to establish some sort of support for him.

Stepping into the post office, Stephanie frowned, looking distinctly out of sorts among them, in just jeans and a Dodgers jersey, the shield in her good arm, having armed herself because the uneasy feeling had said she needed to. Frowning as she looked around the post office, watching as james prowled through the building looking for hints of what happened. “Can you have Jar....friday, pull the video for here? We need to know what happened. Now.”She said her voice sounding tight and anxious, knowing she couldn’t fight, not this, but needing to be at least the tactitican and in control enough to offer advice on what to do next.
Loki pulled away from her, not because he was afraid of her, but because he was afraid he might hurt her. as if he was worried some part of the Other might still be in him. Loki had not had the time to recover the way Clint had. Loki had gone from being freed to being thrown directly into a court of war, all of whom wanted to have him punished simply because that was what they always did. for Loki, he was only just beginning to come to terms with the fact that not only had he been used like a sock puppet, but everyone he had ever known wanted him dead just for being born. only Odin's word had stopped the war of words and had set Loki free assigning Thor to be Loki's caretaker. the one right thing Odin had ever done for Loki. still Loki smiled at Stephanie. a shy, frightened, but honest smile.

"Bruce? these people okay?" "yes. it's just sleeping gas. they might wake up wit headaches but it won't hurt them." Bruce promised, pausing to pick up a package that had Clint's name on it. it was in the middle of the room so he had to have been walking out with it. the video feed was...informative. it showed Clint, wings hidden collecting his package, looking very excited. the gas grenades dropping in and bursting and people dropping like flies and Clint, dropping the package, staggering but still up and able to try to fight off the three people in Hazmat suits who dropped him all the way with a tazer, hefting him up, hauling him into the back of a van and Loki, who Phil hadn't realized had followed them, picked the package out of Bruce's hands and examined it before looking at Thor, as if asking for permission. a tracking spell with the package, still fresh with Clint's energy signature would be easy enough. he couldn't take them straight to Clint, but there was a map right there and a few pins and that as all Loki needed to close his eyes, unleash his magic and pick up a single red pin and press it into the map here Clint was being held. "why is it always Storage Units?" Phil wondered his hand tight on his gun. it was a big one, the kind they usually stored goods that came on or off the large boats that shipped them oversees.
Stephanie smiled letting him pull away, easing back herself, pointing over her shoulder at James, who looked bemused. “See that big brute over there? Find him if you can’t find thor okay?He’s big and he’s a little dumb, but he’s strong and he’s a good protector. He’d protect you to.”She smiled at him before heading out.

“Good. Nat, call shield, get some EMT’s down here. And agents to secure things.”Stephanie said frowning a little wincing a little as they watched the video. Thor nodded, looking at Loki. “Go ahead. It’ll be the fastest why to find him.”the thunder god said smiling a little, glad to see loki reaching out, willing to interact with his team. Frowning as they headed for the storage units. “Cause you can make people scream down here, and no one ever notices. It’s why both Hydra and the mob liked them.”James said as he considered the best way to go in, shifting the shield he was holding, while he wasn’t nearly as good at it as Stephanie, since she had to sit this one out, it was the best protection a man could get. Shifting the gun and shield he glanced at stephanie. Even if she wasn’t fighting, she was the best planner. “Go hard, go fast. There’s two doors. James cover one bruce go with him. Nat,phil tony, open the front door.”She frowned holding up a hand for quiet. while james could hear the mummur of voices, the blond woman could hear more..."They're all towards the front. and I think clint's starting to come around."
Loki blinked and then looked at James. big strong, mean like Thor when Thor was angry and a little bit vacant. yeah he was a lot like Thor.

Phil nodded and was obeying in an instant, doing everything Stephanie had ordered. Loki nodded, pleased to be able to help and did the tracing spell before handing the box back to Bruce who made sure to tuck it into the car that had come to pick them up so they wouldn't loose it. they didn't need a pissed off hawk after all. "that's true." Phil whispered, grimacing, wondering if Clint was being tortured. indeed, those that could hear could hear a young woman's voice remarking that she "couldn't believe it was working." while a man grunted and another reported. "we'll start then." and Clint was moaning, sounding wrecked and wretched. when they flung open the doors though, it was nothing they'd expected. it was a lab, genetics if Bruce had to take a guess. Clint was laying on the ground, chained up of course, wings loose, the pocket space removed and hanging over a hook so it wouldn't get damaged. Clint was naked, he was so hard he was leaking all over the floor and he was drooling but he was still struggling against the tight grip of one of the men who had his hands on Clint's hips, Clint who had been worked open with lube and fingers, the wetness of his entrance glinting in the light as Clint keened and begged them to 'please fuck me, god don't, don't, don't touch me let me go, i'm so hot, i can't take it don't touch me, let me go, fuck me already!' his mind and body unable to make up it's mind because these men where not his Mate but he needed. he needed so much and it had to be from whatever they where pumping into him through the oxygen mask strapped to his face. the man scowled but dropped Clint's hips and stepped over him, leaving the hawk on the floor to rut against the cold concrete in desperation because he needed. he needed. he needed so much.
Stephanie was pale under the furious look on her face, hating the sounds of what she was hearing as she listened. It was hard, to guess what they ere doing. And even then, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Wincing a little as she heard the back doors opening, knowing the instant James saw what was happening because she could hear the distinct sound that could only be the shield breaking bone. “Jarvis, can we get a car please? soon.Two cars.”Stephanie requested, knowing that the AI was listening to them from the tower, waiting to see how to be helpful. “The car is on the way, Captain.”Jarvis reasured the woman as she looked at her team. Movig over to start interrogating the prisoners as soon as they had them subdued, leaving james to deal with clint. “Hey, hawkling.”James muttered sounding upset as he moved around to face him, easing the mask down, searching his face. “Clint, can you hear me?”He muttered looking anxious and worried.
there was a cry of pain after the sound of bones breaking and the female Doctor scowled. it wasn't hard to overpower the men and the doctor wasn't much harder. Bruce was instantly on the computers, looking them over and paling as he saw what they where trying to do. "you are one sick, twisted bitch." he hissed. "it's safe to take the mask off. it's a pheromone cocktail." Bruce explained. "i can't tell you how long it will take for it to wear off but..." he winced at the sound of Clint sobbing, begging to be fucked and pleading to be left alone. this was so wrong, Clint was a dominant hawk when he was in heat. he made the nest to attract a 'female' a mate. he was the one who was on top, pinning the mate down. he was the protector and chased enemies from the nest and kept the mate safe, yet there he was, submissive, helpless, everything he wasn't. "Ja...Ja..." Clint stuttered, struggling against the chains wrapped around his wrists which where connected to a chain around his neck. keeping them in the front of him so he couldn't fight back against his attackers. against his rapists. his pupils where wide, he was panting, drooling with need, pressing himself against his mate in desperate need. "i need. i need. please... Mate, my Mate. i need... can't take it. i need. please. please. please." he gasped, clinging to James as best as he could while still chained up. "fuck this is twisted." Bruce whispered, pale and shaken at the sight of Clint like that even as he worked on finding out how he could help and what the hell the woman wanted. "they where going to... milk him." Bruce whispered to Stephanie and Tony, hoping James couldn't hear. "they wanted his sperm so they could create genetically modified super soldiers. they where going to kidnap James as well and they've kidnapped a few different mutants and they where going to splice together a couple of test tube babies to try and make the 'perfect super soldier'... they're working for Hydra."
Stephanie frowned as she moved over to stand by the doctor, nudging the woman with her foot as she stood next to bruce, while she had no idea what the computer stuff meant, she could totally guard still. “It’ll be hours. Probably. He’s not human, but he’s not a super soldier either. It’ll take time to work it out of his system.”Stephanie swallowed. Frowning at the idea of what they were trying to do. Crouching down in front of the doctor, the innocent naive mask falling away, not caring if her joke on her team was done, she was going to threaten and be evil, because well. It hurt to hear Clint like this. Leaning close to the doctor she smirked. “You’re going to tell us everything you know about hydra or what you’re doing here. And what plans are in the making, because if you don’t....”here the look in her eyes shifted, grew colder, and it was like looking into james’ eyes at the worst moments as the Soldier, in Stephanie’s usually lively happy face. No wonder the two got along so well, they understood each other in a way few others would. Knew that under everything, they were trained killers, the best at what they did. Knew that under all the happiness and joy they had, there was a cool pool of utter rage and stillness that allowed them to do whatever necessary. “If you don’t, I’m going to give you to him”She tilted her head towards james. “And well....Hydra better then anyone knows what he’s been trained to do.”

“Hey Clint. I’m here, hold on sweetheart.”James muttered trying to calm the other even as he worked to get the man unchained, Natasha helping him. “I’m taking him back to the tower.”James said picking clint up careful with his wings, seeing the cars pulling up. “Jamie...”Natasha muttered looking at him, worried. “...Can...” “I...I’ll do what’s needed.”James said sounding a little cagey and a little worried himself as he headed for the car with clint in his arms, trusting the other’s to figure out what was going on, and what they needed to do as he got the other into the car, not sure what to do, or how to help.”Clint?Hawkling, you need to tell me what to do.”
The doctor sneered at Stephanie though she looked hesitant and worried. "that sounds likely, though it might be longer because of his hawk physiology. There's no telling how long a pheromone might effect his hawk physiology." Bruce admitted, shaking his head a little. "I'm going to tell you nothing." the woman hissed. "i know my rights and you can't do anything to me but throw me in a cell and yell." she hissed before paling at the sight of James, recoiling away from him a little and swallowed thickly. "you can't. it's illegal." "we're illegal Lady." Bruce informed her. "do you really think i wont smash your face in just because i'm supposed to be a good guy? i'm one dropped ice cream cone away from being a psychotic mass murderer you know." he pointed out. "maybe i'll make you my first victim?" he pondered. "that would be fun, it might be interesting to cut you open, see what it takes to keep you awake during an open heart surgery. it would be very fascinating, scientifically..." he paused and sniffed. "did you just piss yourself?"

Clint mewled, clutching at James, panting desperately and pressed himself against the other, ground his hips twice and splattered the floor with his release before sobbing because it wasn't enough, it just wasn't enough and he needed more, oh god he needed more. Phi took the time to carefully drape the naked Clint in a blanket, saving his modesty. "I don't know. i don't know. i don't know.. i need. James, i need. Mate, m mate. i need." he babbled, crying, weeping into Jame's shoulder because it was all too much. just all too much. "i need. inside. i need you inside. inside of me." Clint gasped, finally managing to voice what he wanted, though he wasn't sure that would be enough or what he needed it was all he could think of.
“Might. Dammit, with what’s already going on, it might mess him up more.”Stephanie huffed a little before smirking at the woman, “I followed him to a war when being a woman in general was illegal for most of things. What makes you think I wont cross every line to make him happy?And I have a feeling after dealing with clint, dealing with you is going to make him very, very happy. Might even be the best birthday present I’ve ever given him really.”Stephanie said wincing as she jerked away, looking disgusted. Being as close as she was, her senses so much stronger that piss smelled horrible. “yes she did. And scientifically, as long as you keep her heart beating and her blood going to her brain, humans can live for a very, very long time while you mess with them.”Stephanie said not about to say why she knew that, or how, well aware none of her team would like it, or understand why she wasn’t barking mad with how scarred she’d been by a war. But....well, sometimes knowledge of what the human body could deal with, was good. “You want to take any of this back to the tower? We’ll get out of here.”

James groaned a little as the other clung to him, smiling quietly as he shifted the other, getting the blanket settled around him, before wincing. “kay, kay, I’ll take care of you. Promise.”James said sounding anxious because he had no idea what he was doing, at least more then vague thoughts on the subject. It’d been decades since any of his handlers had thought the physical price they had to pay for riding his cock was worth it. He’d been to violent, to nasty to take to bed, so this was new. “Okay, okay I got you.Promise.”he muttered shifting, leaning back into the seat as he realized natasha was driving them back to the tower, shifting the other in his lap a little, moving the other so he could undo his jeans, sliding into the other with some awkward shifting, fumbling and clumsy, but trying.
The doctor whimpered, terrified of being left alone with James or Bruce who would do unspeakable things to her. "oh, keeping them alive is easy." Bruce admitted, his gaz dark and his smile sadistic. "but there's only so much pain a person can take before they pass out. only so much shock the human mind can handle before it shatters. keeping her awake and aware, that's the hard part." "Jesus Bruce. take your meds." "they're back at home. i'll take them later." Bruce promised Phil, uncaring that most of the room was staring at him with a sick pallor. honestly, hadn't they realized that it wasn't the Hulk that made him a monster? he just made it more evident. "Friday? download everything and see if you can slip through a few doors. i want everything." Bruce ordered as he started collecting every piece of paper in the makeshift lab as well as every beaker or tube of liquid. he was going to find out how far they had gotten and he was going to make sure they never ever did it again.

"yes. yes. okay. please. James. please." Clint whimpered, sobbing because it hurt, it hurt, he needed, he needed. "promise? you promise?" frantic and frightened but trusting the other. Clint gasped and shuddered, going limp in his arms as he was sank into. that felt. yes. so good. so good. felt so right. "yes. yes. that's good. that's so good. feels so good." Clint sighed, topping his head back as he positioned himself better, knees latching onto James ribs, hands settled onto his shoulders and he started to move, moaning eagerly as he rolled his hips and fucked himself on Jams cock. Clint had rode himself to another orgasm by the time they got to the tower and he was throwing a fit because they had to stop to go inside but he wasn't trying to stop them, he was just whining and begging and keening because he needed more dammit, he wasn't done yet!
"You and james should spend more time together. It'd be amusing."Stephanie said, of all of them looking the most steady, she'd always shown it was more then just the hulk. Tilting her hear a little as she watched the screen flicker slightly as Friday started downloading everything.

"Promise."james cooed, because it hurt to do this, and know the other wasn't really with it. Upset and anxious because he was scared of hurting clint, it'd been to long since he'd had any kind of sex. Smiling a little as they headed inside, letting Friday to know to not disturb thrm unless it was a emergency before heading for clints room to take care of the other.
Bruce chuckled a little. "i don't think i need to feed the beast too much." Bruce admitted. being a sociopath and a doctor on top of that, well, he didn't need anymore help than he already had thank you very much. though, Sociopath wasn't exactly the right word because Bruce was actually very empathetic and emotional and adored making the people he loved happy. it was just that he didn't give a shit about strangers and would more than happily mutilate anyone who hurt his friends and the woman trembling on the floor had more than hurt his Clint.

in the end it didn't matter that James didn't know what h was doing because Clint did and he was more than happy to instruct James exactly what to do and how to do it until James was a little more comfortable and then he just begged and let James do what he anted to the eager, compliant hawkling who was getting more clear headed after every orgasm until he was teasing James like normal even as he asked the other to angle his hips a little to the left just like, oh fuck yeah. in the end he just lay there, panting and made James do all the work because he could and it was amazing. "hmmm..." he smiled at the other. "thanks. that was the best. just the right thing." he sighed, purring deep in his chest, the sound he made only when he was very comfortable and content and happy.
James smiled sleepily as he finished, closing his eyes a little as he shifted to the side, panting quietly as he rested his head against the other’s chest. “It was. Good.”He muttered sleepily, content as he snuggled close, falling asleep.

The next day Stephanie smiled softly as she watched james and clint snuggling on the couch as she flipped off the video, amused quietly at the sight, amused there was no groping or kissing going on, despite james knowing she was okay with this. It seemed that no matter what, james was going to be as discreet as he was during the 40s when they’d started having sex. It was adorable. “They’re cute.”Stephanie muttered shifting to look at tony as the man laid playing on his tablet next to her, amused that he was mostly incapalbe of simply watching a movie.
Tony chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "you'd never guess they just had a sex marathon a few short hours ago." though he was worried, a bit strained because he knew it was Clint who had pulled away from the physical touches now that the drugs where out of his system and he could remember what they had done to him. as it was, for the moment, James was the only person who could touch him at all. "i think they need to go back to the farm, let Clint get used to himself again." Tony admitted, watching Steph. "are you okay? i mean, your boyfriend is shagging another man." he admitted, a bit worried about her as well truth be told. "do you need me to hit him? i'll totally defend your virtue." he promised. hell, he was pretty sure that he'd take the beating James offered him after without complaint. he was pretty sure if he smacked James across the face he'd get a beating no matter how nice James really was.
“Hmmm, well, james isn’t exactly human. Makes sex-athons easier.”Stephanie said looking amused though her smile was just as strained, well aware of what was wrong, and worried about clint. But not sure how to help, and trusting james to take care of him. Nodding a little. “They should. It’d do them both some good. James is good in nature, and clint should see his family to.”She agreed smiling a little before looking over at him, frowning, looking confused. Not quite sure what he meant. “We’re not seeing each other.”She frowned looking vaguely upset about that, not because she wanted to be with james, but she was still coming to terms with the fact that they weren’t. That they were best friends, but were still struggling to find what they were again, even if she knew james wanted clint for himself, even if he didn’t admit it. Sad that she was alone, but happy for james. Laughing softly at tony’s words. “Better not, he’ll hit back before he thinks better of it. Besides. I could hit him harder then you.”she pointed out, relaxing a little. "Clint?"she called out turning to look at the archer
"that's true." Steve agreed with a grin. "and Clint's not human either so it makes sense." he admitted before nodding. "i know. it's horrible. i hate nature." he admitted, wrinkling his nose before chuckling. "Laura is gonna pop any minute now." he admitted. "i'm gonna laugh myself sick if she goes into labor in front of James." he admitted before staring at her. "what? but.. i thought..." he blinked at her and then nodded. she must have been seeing Johnny then and that was why she and James where so tense. they still liked each other but they liked someone else more. made sense. "yeah i know, but i'd do it if you asked me to." Tony admitted with a smile before nodding. "yeah, that's a good point." he agreed before smiling when Clint shifted and looked at her, clearly unhappy about having his nap interrupted. "hungh?"
“It does.”Stephanie agreed before smiling slightly, “I know you hate nature. I’m still taking you camping sometime.”She said smiling before snorting, “He’d totally freak. Clint better video tape that if it happens.”She said giggling a little before frowning looking confused. Tilting her head, trying to figure what the other was thinking, before shrugging. Figuring he’d tell her if it was important. “no. We’re....good together. But we’ve changed to much to be what we are. We like each other, but not...we can’t....”She sighed shaking her head a little, running a hand through her hair before snorting. “I know, but don’t worry about it. I got it covered.”She smiled before smirking. “Hey, so. How about you go see laura and the kids? You should get out of the city.” “...hmm?”James stirred yawning a little, blinking sleepily, even if he was curious about the idea.
"never. i'll die first." he assured. "i am not going outside ever again.... except for pastries and coffee. they don't deliver those." he grumbled speaking of his favorite pastry place. "oh, yes, he needs to. we need to tell him to." he agreed with a grin before nodding at her. "that makes sense i guess. i wish i'd learned that with Pepper before it ended the way it ended." he grinned. "she's really happy with Grant though." he admitted with a smile. "and he's flourishing under her. he actually showed her how to properly punch someone the other day. the rat bastard grabbed her ass, so he turned the man into a lesson. it was pretty epic." Tony admitted with a chuckle. "i like Laura." Clint agreed. "i can snuggle her baby belly." he decided with a grin. "can James come?" "of course. we're not going to tell him no, he can turn us into paste." Tony pointed out and Grant considered that for a moment, still a bit doped up and sleepy on top of that so his thinking process was pretty slow. "are you coming?" "god no. i like Laura but it's nature, Clint. Nature!"
"I'm sure if you told them how pathetic and sad you look when you don't have them."stephanie snickered a little smiling quietly as she looked at the other. "You learned from it though. It'll be okay, tony. Pepper and grant are happy. And you'll find someone."Stephanie said smiling wuietly, ignoring the sharp pang of jealousy that tightened her chest. "Hm we should teach her more."james muttered snickering at the idea amused, before snorting at clints important idea."hm yes you can snuggle her."he agreed smiling a little."of course I'll come."he muttered kissing clints head. "It is nature, you can deal with nature tony. But not right now."Stephanie snickered looking at tony in amusement, relaxed and happy herself. "Come on hawkling, let's go see laura."james muttered nudging the other.
"i tried." he admitted with a sigh. "it didn't work, they just laughed at m and patted my head and sent me home with doughnuts and coffee." he grumbled. "and still refuse to deliver." he huffed before grinning a little. "i know. i'm glad she's happy and i'm even more glad for Grant. it just... i miss what i used to have with her and i hat that i ruined it because i didn't want to see." he admitted. "but i'm also really happy for her too so it's confusing." he admitted with a smile. "what i'm saying, is that i understand how you feel right now and it gets better and easier." he promised her. "i like to snuggle." Clint admitted happily, even happier when the other promised to come with. "i can't deal with nature, it's unnatural." he whined, Clint getting to his feet and following James. still a little too submissive for his natural state of heat but he was coming back from it. Tony had equated it to a heavy subspace and assured James that Clint would be back to normal within a few days at most and since he was already recovering it seamed like a good indication he would be back to normal by the time they got to Laura's. the kids where still with the grandmother since Laura was weeks, at most, from popping out the new baby. "he's gonna be okay." Tony decided. "he's coming up already and this isn't the first time he's been kidnapped. he's trained and he knows how to recover and he'll be able to talk James through anything he'll need." Tony admitted, smiling at Steph. "no we just have to make sure James is gonna be okay."
“Awww... Poor tony. That’s adorable.”Stephanie giggled a little kissing his cheek. “Poor tony.”She muttered before nodding. “Yes...that’s how I feel happy and sad, and confused.”She agreed looking amused as she leaned into him a little, before snorting at his words. “nature isn’t unnatural. It’s nature.”James pointed out looking amused as he walked out with clint, and soon enough they were on their way. Good thing to. “True...he’ll be fine....and james’ll be fine. He likes nature, it makes him happy. Better.”She shrugged smiling softly,relaxing, starting to fall asleep. Content and peaceful in his comapny, before poking his shoulder. “me and johnny are going to lunch tomororw, wanna come?”She muttered inviting him because she enjoyed both their company, and james being gone, left her out of sorts and depressed.
"it's not adorable!" Tony whined. "i'm not adorable i'm smoking sexy hot!" h complained before smiling at her. "it gets easier when you know they're really happy. because you love them and you want them to be happy so seeing them smile makes it worth it." he admitted. "it might be a while before you can let go of the hurt, but it does get better." he promised with a smile before nodding. "and he'll get to take care of Laura and Clint and that will make him feel better too." he admitted with a smile before he paused, swallowing thickly because he didn't want to think about Steph with Johnny but he also wanted to go with and have Lunch with her, it would be like a little secret date that only Tony knew about, but Johnny would be there and Tony hated Johnny.... even if he didn't. "yeah. i could do lunch." he agreed finally, smiling because he was going to go on at least one date with her, even if only he knew it was a date.
“You are. But you’re also adorable.”Stephanie snickered a little, before nodding. “Yea, seeing him smile is good.”She agreed smiling quietly. Before nodding, agreeing. “they’ll be good. It’ll be amusing if she goes into labor.”she giggled a little before grinning. “Awesome.”She smiled happy to know that he was going to lunch with them.

The next day stephanie smiled a little as she poked her head into the lab, leaning against the door, dressed in her incognito outfit, the one no one would ever think that captain america would be caught in. Yankees ball cap and jersery paired with jeans. “You ready to go? Your still coming to lunch right?”
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