
Steve groaned again. "Don't wanna." he whined, sulking at her before blinking a little. "Closets make you feel safe too?" he wondered, mouth the brain connection going strong and the filter turned off due to sluggish and sleepiness. Clint just chuckled at the whine and nuzzled James head for a moment before stretching out with a groan, best, sleep, ever. "Breakfast?" Clint offered with a grin. "Jarvis? what's for breakfast?" he asked, knowing Steve or Bruce or someone would have ordered something r made something. "morning Steph." Clint greeted her. "morning Tony." "Coffee." Tony ordered sluggishly. "I'll get your coffee Stark." Clint promised, rolling his eyes as he headed for the door, looking at them all. "stay." he ordered, needing to make sure they where all safe before heading out to get breakfast for everyone.
“Well, you can’t stay in the closet.”She teased a little before smiling at him, leaning against the wall before nodding. “Yes, I was safe in here.”She smiled gently stroking his hair. “Hmm, breakfast sounds good.”James agreed sleepily, starting to wake up, but not sure he wanted to be. “Natasha and bruce are currently making hashbrowns and eggs.”Jarvis said. “Morning.”Stephanie said as she moved to lay on the bed, nudging tony a little, poking him slightly. “Sit.We’ll have breakfast in bed.”She said looking amused that clint had made them stay.
"Can too. 's nice in here. soft n warm n it smells like you." he mumbled. "of course breakfast sounds good." Clint scoffed. "it's breakfast. breakfast is always good." he admitted with a chuckle. "thanks Jay. your a kicker." Clint stated, skipping out of the room and heading to Natasha cracking egg jokes as he gathered up pretty much everything they had already made and ignoring Bruce's feeble attempts to keep one egg for himself. sighing and giving up and turning his attention back tot he stove, letting Clint win because there where battles to be fought some days and other days it was easier just to give up. today was a giving up kind of day. he was back before Tony even managed to haul his sleepy ass into the bed and he whined at Clint. "too awake. make him stop." Tony whined, trying to haul the blankets he was laying on top of, over his head.
“Not. You’re to old to be sleeping on the floor tony.”Stephanie said flushing a little that it seemed like smelling like her was something good. “Well, it is my closet.”She huffed a little before smiling as she settled into bed. “..I can’t. Is it possible to make him stop?”Stephanie said with wide eyes even as she got up again, gently picking tony up, even with a broken arm and muscles still healing, she was strong enough to physically pick him up. Settling him under the blankets she crawled in next to him, smiling as she ate herself. “Thanks clint.”She muttered. “You are really awake...”James grumbled eyeing clint before looking at the other two, watching them with a quiet sad look, sad because he missed that, but happy because he knew tony was who stephanie needed, if she’d just allow herself to do so.
Tony huffed. "m not old." he grumbled. "no. 's my closet now." Tony mumbled. "yeah. jus punch 'hm or 'smthin." Tony slurred, snuggling into Steph when she picked him up because he was still too asleep to care. he was more than happy to gulp down the hot coffee when it was pressed into his hands. "your welcome." Clint chirped before smiling at James. "i am always awake. Nat says i'm an annoying morning person." he admitted with a chuckle, settling against Stephanie with a purring sound that started in his chest and rumbled through her like he was more a giant cat than a hawk. simply content because his chicks where looking much better and his mate looked very fantastic.
“You’re older then me.”She pointed out before laughing a little, punching clint’s shoulder. “stop being awake.”She ordered smiling as she cuddled and sipped her coffee, looking amused at the other. “You are a annoying morning person.”James grumbled looking amused as clint settled in. Content to rest with them. To know that they were all safe, and looking amused at the purring that just made stephanie giggle a little. Settling in to eat and read, he knew whatever came next, they could handle. Though he wasn’t sure what it’d be, he had a feeling there was something. There was always something happening around stephanie, it was like she attracted the trouble.
Clint chuckled as he was punched, that hadn't even hurt. "i won't stop being awake." he stated smugly. "you can't make me." he admitted, Tony groaning a little. how little any of them knew that it would be Clint who got into trouble next, instead of Stephanie. they tended to trade off between each other. "come on. eat and then your free to go."Clint chirped with a chuckle as he stuffed his face. he had to go find all the chocolate that Tony hid before Natasha did. Clint wasn't stupid after all, he knew his friends hid things for him. he also knew Natasha would take all the good stuff before he could find it if he gave her the chance.
“I can totally make you stop being awake.”Stephanie said sounding amused as she looked up at him, smiling quietly at tony resting. Smiling as they ate. Content with the quiet chatter before getting up ,stretching with a smile as she nudged james. “Come on.” “Hm?” “We’re going to the gym.” “You’re supposed to be resting.” “I will be resting, while I watch you work out. You’re all twitchy and upset. Besides, us leaving and being busy will make tony not feel bad about going to hide in the lab for the day.”Stephanie said with a snicker, kissing tony’s forehead lightly.”Go. Have fun.”
"not without knocking me out." Clint informed her with a grin before chuckling a little as she started bossing James about. good, Clint could go hoard things while Steph watched him. "....okay." Tony agreed, smiling at her as he kissed her cheek and skipped off. "Jarvis! wake Bruce up! use loud lights and flashes and... aaw he's already awake..." Tony whined, Bruce chuckling. "okay Jay. time to Rock and Roll." Bruce stated, delighted. the body was already finished, it had finished in the night and now all they had to do was wait for Jarvis to settle into the body and let Friday take over the servers. she was now almost as smart as Jarvis, though she lacked the experience and life that Jarvis had. Tony skipped into the Lab and settled in front of the canister that held Jarvis's new, fully functional body that he had designed himself. Tony was nearly vibrating with excitement. his little Jarvis was being born. this was going to be amazing.
“I was not the one refusing to wake up, sir. I am ready to wake. Indeed. He made breakfast.”Jarvis said sounding amused as he started to settle into his body. And it wasn’t long before Friday’s voice answered. “We are done, Sir. Shall I tell the rest of the team you have someone for them to meet?”The AI asked."sir?"Jarvis said slowly as the top of the cannister slid back, blinking up at the man slowly.
"Beautiful Jay. just beautiful." Tony chirped with a grin before shaking his head at Friday. "no. not yet give him a chance to adjust to his new form. there's a lot to get used to." mostly, the senses and moving around was going to be a good solid change and it would take Jarvis, no matter how super amazing he was, a while to get used to feeling things. "Tell the team, Friday that we're experiencing 'technical difficulties' but to not worry." he ordered. "tll them we're handling it and we'll keep them updated but that there shouldn't be any disruptions to the towers normal functions." he ordered before smiling at Jarvis. "happy birthday buddy." he whispered. "can you sit up? you picked a very good body."
"Yes sir...nx I shall tell the others."Friday said relying the message, which while met with curiousity wasn't met with concern. The team trusted tony to ask for help when he heeded it if it got to bad."indeed sir. It is a good day."jarvis said sounding overwhelmed as he carefully sat up with bruce's help,"than yku, doctor."the ai said looking between the two before focusing on tony."sir....anthony. it is good to finally be able to do this."the ai said carefully reaching out, slowly moving, still stuttering as he got used to the body, reaching out to hug the billionaire
Tony smiled a little, glad his team trusted him. he just hoped that they didn't hate him for this. "my friends call me Tony Jay." he admitted with a smile, flushing as he was hugged, wrapping his arms around his best friend. "this is a little bit awkward, with you being so sexy, and naked Jay." he teased with a chuckle. "one might think your trying to seduce me?" he teased, pulling away and moving to get Jarvis some clothes. "Jeans or sweats Jay?" he asked with a grin, looking trembly. Jarvis knew it was because the billionaire was seconds away from happy crying. he had given Jarvis a real body. his best friend, his father figure and his son all rolled into one was solid, living and real. "this is the best day of my life." "i feel like we should be doing Dr. Frankenstein jokes." Bruce admitted, giving Jarvis a careful physical. checking lungs, heart, brain patterns and everything else. "everything seams to be perfectly fine." he admitted, smiling at Jarvis. "can't tell you anything about, ah... sex habits yet though, you'll have to discover that on your own." Bruce teased, kissing Jarvis's forehead. "it's good to have you here in person Jarvis." Bruce admitted with a smile.
“Okay, Tony then.”Jarvis said smiling before snorting a little, “Hm, I’m not spangled nor carrying the shield Sir, I don’t think I can seduce you.”Jarvis teased back even as he pulled away watching, “Jeans.”He said after a moment, carefully getting dressed before laughing quietly at bruce’s words, nodding. “Indeed. He does look sorta like Doctor Frankenstien, all pale and lacking on sleep.”Jarvis said watching bruce, letting the man look him over before relaxing to know he was okay. Snorting a little. “I’m sure I’ll find out those habits on my own.”he agreed before nodding, “It’s good to be here, Bruce. At least now I can stop Sir"it seemed some habits were going to be hard to break."From doing ridiculous things easier. It will be fun."
Tony beamed at him. "oh... i think you could make a good go of it." Tony teased. he'd be lying if he said he'd never had fantasies about his A.I. too bad the A.I. was a male, still, if Jarvis anted, he was probobly the only one Tony would trust to do it with. aside from Steph of course but she wasn't a male and he didn't get frightened of her the way he did some men. "hey! hey! i made you." Tony complained, pouting at Jarvis. "you're supposed to be nice to your parents." "does this mean i'm the mommy?" Bruce teased, smirking a little. "damn straight. now go make me a sandwich." that made Bruce laugh. "i'm sure you'll be fine." Bruce agreed with Jarvis, chuckling a little. "ah, sorry Jay. but i don't think having a physical body will help with that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "how are you feeling?" Tony asked, smiling at Jarvis. "steady?" he asked, his head tilted. "hungry? i bet you are..." he frowned. "what should he eat? will he need something..." "he'll be fine." Bruce promised. "the body he constructed is perfect. he'll be able to eat just as normally as the rest of us." "excellent. what should we have ordered then Jay?" he asked, grinning. "your first meal, whatever you want."
“Hm, I guess your fetish for tech would make up for anything else.”Jarvis teased back before laughing at tony’s complaining. “I don’t think that’s part of the rulebook, Tony. Being mean to your parents is sort of a honored Stark tradition. I should carry it on....and yes. Though you are doing better then most mothers right have having their children.”Jarvis teased the other scientist, before smirking. “Yes it will. I’m stronger then him now. I can physically just pick him up and tote him around like a tiny anklebiter, maybe I should get a leash for him...”He hummed thoughtfully before smiling. “I’’s alot. But I am that what I’m feeling?Hungry?”He said looking at his stomach before nodding. “I would like to try this Canadian pizza the Captain is alwys speaking of.”
"oh hell yeah. can you still connect to the electronics? we tried to let you keep that part but we aren't sure if it worked." Tony admitted. "sort of hard to pretest." he admitted with a chuckle before sulking at Jarvis. "that's not nice. we're breaking all those traditions remember?" he asked with a chuckle. "that's why i adopted." he teased, indicating Jarvis. "i am doing better, though it would have been nice to make Tony change your baby diapers." Bruce teased. "gross!" Tony paused, his breath hitching and he looked at Jarvis, pupils widening a little at the offer of a leash because he knew Jay knew all of his kinks and being collared, even for just a night, was one of the biggest. "it's in your belly? yeah that's hunger." he admitted before smiling a little. "Canadian bacon it is. Friday? order Pizza, you know everyone's favorites." he ordered. "and get Jay a Canadian bacon and make sure to get like, six of each side." he ordered. "and like, six of every kinds of pop they have." Tony ordered before looking at Jarvis. "you ready to meet the others?" he asked with a smile before grimacing. "i'm gonna get yelled at." "me too." Bruce admitted with a chuckle.
Jarvis frowned thinking about it, reaching out, thinking about it. “...Yes. I can. It’ seems a little delayed, but I am still connected.”Jarvis said sounding pleased before smiling. “indeed we are.”He agreed before snorting. “Hmm, I’m sure Captain Rogers or Ms. Romanoff will be procreating sometime, or Mr. Barton’s child will be visiting. We’ll make him change their diapers.”Jarvis said sounding pleased at the idea before smirking at tony, as the other looked at him. “I think I shall have to get a leash. Captain Rogers would find this development interesting.”Mostly because now that he was physical, he was feeling the need to play matchmaker, it was easier to do so when he wasn’t just a voice in the wall, he could get them to listen to him now. It was also easier to set them up. “Food is ordered, sir.”Friday said sounding pleased. “....Yes. I think I am....and yoou are. Both of you. You might want to sit away from...Natasha And Ag...phil.”Jarvis grimaced a little, forcing himself to call them by name was going to be hard.
Tony relaxed, delighted because he knew that if Jarvis could get into what was now Friday's systems, then he could get into any system and that meant that Jarvis was more safe than any of them. well for the most part anyway. "i'm sure they will be too." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "too bad Diane is potty trained." he admitted with a chuckle. "god... Jay, no. you can't tell her." Tony said, looking panicked. "she's with James and i don't want her to hate me." sure she'd read about bondage and stuff but she wasn't into things like that. "thanks Friday." he stated with a grin before chuckling at Jarvis. "it's okay. call them whatever makes you more comfortable." he offered. "they won't be insulted if you slip and i sure as hell won't either." he promised. "it'll take a while, you have years of habit to break." he admitted with a smile. "Friday? tell the avengers i have someone for them to meet have them gather in the living room would you?" he asked before helping Jarvis to his feet. "now here's the hard part. trying to walk." Tony admitted with a chuckle.
"Of course I won't sir. Though I think you should, and she is not with james as I keep telling you."jarvis sounding alot like a annoyed parent with a non listening child. "Okay....I'm sure they won't mind to much."jarvis said though he was nervous about it. "Of course sir."Friday said. "Well, at least I'm not trying to fly instead of walk first. Unlike some people."jarvis said as he slowly eased to his feet, reminding the other about his first time as iron man, stumbling a little, and only getting upstairs because he was gripping tony's arm to keep from falling."tony?what's up?"stephaniesaid as she and walked in, looking curious
Tony rolled his eyes. "of course they're together and even if they aren't she's got Johnny so why would she want me? at least Johnny isn't all fucked up." Tony admitted before snorting a little. "relax Jay, you won't get into trouble." he promised. "they'll be fine." he promised with a smile. "hey, that flight was epic and i'd do it again." he stated with a sniff and a smirk looking around when everyone showed up. "i have someone i want you all to meet." he admitted, looking very exited. "say hello to Jarvis." he said indicating Jarvis as he sat on the couch where he and Bruce had gently positioned him. "...Tony... as in... is this why Friday... please tell me Jarvis was willing. please tell me you where willing." Phil ordered, staring at Jarvis even as Loki moved forward, examining Jarvis intently before he smiled, as if impressed though Loki never spoke when people where around and didn't now. "hey... where's Clint? i wanted him to see this..." Tony complained, pouting.
"You are very stubborn sir."jarvis said shaking his head a little as he considered the man, hating that he couldn't make tony see what the rest of them had figured out. Well. Everyone but stephanie anyways. That she was in love with him."it was life threatening and worrying sir. Like so many of your moments."jarvis said sighing a little. "Jarvis?"stephanie stand eyes wide as she considered that. Tense and looking moments away from backing away, thinking about zola, feeling james tense but trying to relax. They. Both had bad memories of men and machines. "I was. I promise."jarvis said smiling a little shyly as he looked at them."captain, I am well. I am still the same jarvis, I promise." "O-okay...promkse?" "I do. And clints currently on his say with nat, they were sparring sir."jarvis said glancing at tony
"Always have been Jay." Tony admitted with a grin before snickering. "best day ever it was. much better than all the other life threatening stunts i've been through." he admitted. "yeah. it's Jarvis. we where able to use Loki's scepter to replicate human thought and soul patterns." Tony admitted. Loki tilted his head, it wasn't his scepter after all. he'd just 'borrowed' it. well, it had borrowed him rather. he looked quite worried about the idea of Jarvis having any part of... that thing, inside of him and he quickly tucked himself against Thor's side, hiding from Jarvis until he's sure the A.I. isn't like the other one. isn't like that cold laugh and odd accent and bad jokes at our expense. isn't like the one who wished to see the world in ruin and destruction so there is nothing left, nothing at all. Phil relaxed at the promise, though he's not sure how much consent the newborn man could actually have given. "what? yeah they where sparring twenty minutes ago, but Clint left to get something special he ordered. it's at the post office and he was too eager to wait for it." Phil admitted. "he left about five, maybe ten minutes ago." "Dammit i wanted him to meet Jay... well, that's okay, he can meet him when he gets back."
“What?”Stephanie said looking a little glassy eyed and startled, “You used loki’s scepter?And didn’t tell anyone?”Stephanie said, her voice tightening with anger a little, because she might not understand the spear of destiny, but she sensed it was bad news, just like the tesseract, and it totally freaked her out that tony had been using it. “Sir did not know that taking pictures of the scepter would download the....other into the systems. I had to beat him back and return. That is what gave us the idea to try this.”Jarvis explained frowning a little, looking annoyed as he glanced at tony. “It seems...there is now a slight lag in what information I am recieving, if not looking for it right away.”Jarvis frowned thinking about it. “the post office isn’t that far, he’ll be right back tony.”Stephanie reassured still upset, but not wanting to yell or upset tony, well aware it wouldn’t go well. And well, it was already done, it wasn’t like they could really change it.
"no i did not 'use Loki's Scepter' and i did tell someone! Thor knew!" Tony protested, shrinking away from her anger because he couldn't help himself. because Angry people took their anger out on him even if he knew better than that and that Steph would never he couldn't help the instinctual reaction. "The Other?" Phil asked, looking confused, sharp eyes taking in Loki's shudder as he pressed himself tighter to Thor and suddenly it all made sense. "that's why Loki wasn't punished more..." he gasped. "because Loki as a puppet, just like Clint and Selvig...." Loki winced and pressed his face into Thor's chest because so many, so many on Asgard had wanted him to be punished anyway because 'he's a sorcerer isn't he? why didn't he fight back!?' never mind that Loki had fought back, a year of intense torture that would have killed a human every hour, every minute, every second of every day until his mind and soul shattered and the Other could take control. "i know he will be, he's Clint." Tony pointed out, rolling his eyes. "i just want to know what on earth is more important than Jarvis!?" "in Clint's defense, he was gone before you said you had someone for them to meet." Bruce pointed out with a chuckle even as he watched Thor and Loki. he kind of wished Clint had been here to see this, Loki looking so utterly shaken and helpless like a child at the mere mention of a being they hadn't even known had existed.
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