
"Hulk adores her." he admitted with a smile. "and i really doubt he'll listen to you anymore than he does anyone but Steph and Nat." he admitted with a grin. "he likes the ladies apparently." he admitted with a chuckle. "totally awesome." Tony agreed.

"Coffee." Tony agreed, content with the base knowledge that Coffee was coming. Bruce wasn't long after Phil, dropping a ten in the jar as he walked past, muttering under his breath as well, very unhappy, likely an experiment gone wrong or a pinched finger or something. "hmm. well, Tony's going to need at least two cups before his brain will come back online." Bruce admitted. "better to just take the whole pot." he admitted. "he drinks it black so you just need a cup and a pot unless you want some too, then you better take two pots." "coffee." Tony agreed, making grabby hands for it, when he was this tired though his depth perception was crap so he missed the first couple of times before he finally got his hands around the mug and cradled it as if it was the cure to all of life's problems. it might have very well been.
James paused, before laughing. “okay, more coffee.”he muttered to himself, digging in the cupboards for a tray before taking the cups and two pots. Smirking a little as he held still, waiting for tony to get the cup before sitting down iwth his own cup as he sipped it. “Life wont be fixed by coffee.”Stephanie muttered sounding amused as she cracked a eye to look at tony, before yawning as she snuggled closer, refusing to be pried away from the billionaire just yet as she rested her head against his stomach as he sat up. “So. Cap. Got a question for you.” “hm?” “Tell me. Why does your team think your offended by cussing when you cuss like a sailor on shore leave heading for a brothel?” “Oh. Well. Assumptions. Bad ones. Their assumptions are going to at least get me a new bike.”Stephanie said with a quiet yawn.
"everything is fixed by Coffee." Tony mumbled before he started to giggle at the mention of the swear jar. and giggle and giggle and giggle. "she told us 'Language' once." he admitted, giggling some more. "she still hasn't lived it down. it's epic. hilarious." he admitted with another giggle. "i don't see why you won't just let me get you a bike. or make you one. i could make you the best bike ever. with rocket launchers and tazers. rocket launchers Steph!" Tony whined as he sipped at his still too hot Coffee.
“No it’s not, tones.”Stephanie muttered before snorting. “It just sorta came out.” “Sorta like how you scolded everyone for cussing in front of a lady when peggy walked into the room?”James snickered because that had been so, so funny to watch. Peggy scolded Stephanie for correcting the commandos for swearing had been one of his favorite memories from the war. “I do not need rocket launchers. Or tazers.”Stephanie grumbled into his stomach, looking quite content to stay where she was. “....did you offer to buy her a black shadow?That’s what she wants.”James said having a feeling it was. “ is it that you haven’t been back that long, and you knew that?”Stephanie grumbled. “Because I saw your face the first time we wet to the Stark Expo. You drooled over that bike, and was pissed you couldn’t have it. Or handle it. Now you can, well. After you heal.”James hummed thoughtfully amused.
Tony just kept giggling because he was the one who kept the joke going for so long and him who had originally suggested the swear jar. "that's funny. auntie peg used to smack my da silly when he got foul mouthed. i loved watching her beat the shit out of him." Tony admitted. "i always had to hide after though because if Da knew i was watching he'd smack me." too tired to censor himself the way he normally did. "you need rocket launchers! and invisibility! and Tazers! and narcotic shots, and... and... things!" he admitted. "oh! your things! i forgot your things!" he admitted, trying to wiggle free, but he was too tired to actually get free. "i'll get them later." he decided. "oh. that thing? i have it." he admitted. "Da bought it, he was going to gloat that he had one and Steph didn't cus he was a dick. you can have it. you might have to fix it up, it's been in storage since he died." Tony admitted. "it would actually be doing me a favor. it's taking up space in my captain America collectibles rooms and it's ugly as sin."
"I think we all lived watching peg beat him."Stephanie said even as her mind shied away from the memory of Howard stark. With her defenses down, it seemed she was remembering move of what happened, and the two men with her would be the ones who'd be most hurt by the knowledge of what Howard had done. Tensing a little at tony's admittance, snuggling closer, comforting the tired engineer. "You could totally have those thjngs. I could use a bike tony, leave steph to her purest and snobbish bike."james teased. "You just like having new toys. And you want tony to like you jamie, stop being a suckup."Stephanie ordered whining a little as tony tried to get away before moving a bit to let him go if he wanted."my stuff?"she muttered before perking up."really?I can have it?"she said not even upset at the idea Howard got it so she couldn't have it."it's not ugly!take that back!" "Ohh tony's in trouble."james snickered a little
Tony beamed at James. "i'll make you the best bike ever!" he promised because he really wanted James to like him and he only knew to give things to people so they would like him. "yeah! i got your things, the therapist wouldn't have them over because he was a bad man." he admitted. "we think he was going to sell them on Ebay." he admitted, calm now and sucking down the last of his coffee. "Coffee?" he asked James, holding his cup out like he was a begger child. "yeah, you can have it, i don't want the rust bucket, and it's ugly!" he complained, shaking his head. "it's all full of rust and crap. you'll have to really work to fix it back up." he knew Steph would enjoy that though. she'd like it more if she could put it back together herself.
"Awesome."james grinned at the idea of having a bike again before frowning. Growling softly at the knowledge someone had stephanie's stuff."be hat stuff?"stephanie said frowning slightly, confused on what could have been taken before laughing as james gave tony more coffee. Nearly whimpering at the knowledge of what had been done to her dream bike. "No working on it yet steph, you have to heal up."james said sternly."you mess it up bruce'll have to rebrewk it to fix."he warned.
"he had stuff, yeah. the things that where on you when they found you in the ice. he was supposed to give them back to you but he didn't. when you complained that you hadn't gotten your things back i played nasty pranks on Agent, you know, thinking he'd done it on purpose or whatever. but he didn't know about it because the crappy therapist had told him he'd given your things back, which was how we found out he was a dick and that he was being fired." Tony admitted. "i have your things and i was gonna give them to you last night but Nat called and i got distracted." he admitted with a huff and a shake of his head before beaming happily. "plus, there's some things Auntie peg had." he admitted. "she died before my Da did, and her will stated that i couldn't have anything of aunt Peggy's until after Howard died. of course, Dad died and i got this thing from Aunt Peg and i just couldn't handle it so i threw it into storage." he admitted. "i didn't want to go through it, so i was hoping maybe you'd just, take the box and see if there's anything you want in there?" he offered her. "i dunno what's in it." he admitted. "anything she gave me of Captain America i put in your box with your personal stuff for you." he admitted.
“Oh. Those things.”Aria muttered looking shocked at the idea of havint those things back. “...what kid of pranks?”James asked eyeing tony in curiousity before wincing. “Good. That bastard is better off gone.”He growled sounding annoyed as he absently stroked stephanie’s arm, reassuring himself that she was alive and healing there with him. “Oh....okay. Yes. I’ll go through it this morning, since I can’t do anything else.”Stephanie said sitting up, whining a little at the loss of cuddling but wanting to see what other stuff tony had of hers. Maybe she could figure out how to let go of the past.
"yeah, those things." Tony teased her with a smile. "h... well, do you know Nyan cat?" Tony asked James with a smirk. "endless loop. he didn't even last a full minute." he admitted. "...actually, i don't think i ever stopped the run..." but no one had called to complain so he was assuming Jarvis had. "well he's definitely gone." Tony assured them. "i don't think he's ever going to see anything but a prison cell for a long time. turns out Steph wasn't the only person he was screwing over." he admitted with a grimace before smiling at her. "i'll be right back." he promised, flouncing out of the room and coming back with two boxes balanced precariously. they where both very decent sized boxes and one was covered in dust and looked very old. Tony dropped both boxes carefully onto the bed and blew out a sigh of relief now that he wasn't carrying heavy boxes anymore. "i'll stay for the first box, explain anything you find but i.. i can't..." he looked at Peggy's box and swallowed hard and looked away. "i'll go make lunch while your looking through that one, yeah?" he offered.
Stephanie blushed making a face at the teasing before nodding a little. “I do.”She said wincing a little at the idea of phil being tortured with it, before smiling. “I’m sure Jarvis did. Fury’s not shown up to kill you, so it’s probably stopped.” “...Good.”James growled pleased that the therapist was being taken care of. “Okay...”Stephanie said watching him for a moment, frowning. “You okay?”she said fussing over him worriedly. “Okay....that’s fine.”Stephanie said eyeing him, wondering whwat could be in the box to have this reaction from tony. Shifting to sit up she pulled the lid off the first box, glancing inside, swallowing thickly.
he chuckled a little at her and shrugged. "it got the desired results." he admitted. "and i'm sure Jay i probobly systematically ruining peoples lives." he admitted. "he likes to piss with the newbies." he admitted. and for once he was being honest. Tony had nothing to do with it, which was why Fury never yelled at him for it. he'd stormed into the tower three months ago and went straight for the first wall panel he could find and started screaming at it to 'stop making his new recruits cry' and Jarvis had responded with 'stop letting them sully Stephanie Rogers virgin ears' and it had never happened again and Jarvis was free to do as he pleased. "i'm fine. i just. i can't." he admitted softly before smiling as she opened her box. he had combed through his entire cap room for anything that might have been personal. a small journal she had drawn some sketches in, a bracelet she had left behind when she'd started pretending to be a boy, photos of the commandos and signed cards from them as well. a picture of Bucky, laughing at her because she couldn't go into the water with the rest of the guys and her rings and dog tags and James dog tags. a photo album put together by Peggy after Steph had fallen and some of Steph's favorite books that Peggy had kept safe for her. there where many other things in there as well, things Peggy had saved, things Howard and hoarded and things Tony had outbid other people for. Tony had discreetly left while she was looking, murmuring to James that it would be best if he was there to offer her comfort and leaving before James could protest. poor Tony looking so torn and sad because he wanted to help and he couldn't and he wanted to stay but she was in love with James and couldn't bring himself to see that. he couldn't bring himself to look in Peggy's boxes either so he was going to do the thing he was best at according to his father. he was going to be a coward.
“Hm, he does like pranking the newbies. Getting him on the prank of not sullying my virgin ears was brilliance.”Well. That explained how Jarvis had gotten the idea, Stephanie had probably suggested it, and the AI had warmed to the idea. They really were a match made in heaven really. “Okay...”Stephanie said looking up at tony, looking worried about him before settling in to look in the boxes. Tears starting as she looked over everything. Sliding the necklace out of the box, she stared at it for a long moment before sliding james’ dogtags back on, sighing quietly at the familiar wait settling between her breasts. “You could have yours back you know.”James muttered pressing a kiss to her head, knowing she hadn’t even seen tony leave. Wondering just how long the idiot would take to realize that him and stephanie, they couldn’t be together anymore. They’d always be best friends, but the years had changed them. “No, you need them. Need to remember there’s one person in the world, who knows the darkness and light in you, from then and now, and loves you.”Stephanie muttered kissing his forehead as she slid the dogtags over his head, smiling as they dropped into place. Settling in to look, and cry, and simply remember a world that was beyond her reach anymore.

A day later Stephanie walked downstairs, watching Tony work for a long moment, looking emotionally battered and tired, having to figure out what to do with Diane and how to fix that, on top of having so much of her own stuff back, of having things that had been lost to her, emotionally raw and tired. Simply retreating to her favorite spot to recover these days, watching tony work in the lab. Which was telling, considering she used to rely on james to take care of her when she was like this. And she still trusted the other, still needed him to look after her, but these days, she wanted tony, the manic genius soothed her. “...Tony? You busy? You want me to come back?”She said even if she had a standing invite to visit, the woman always was worried about getting in his way.
Tony giggled again and nodded. "it was brilliant." he agreed before gasping. "it was YOU who taught him to prank!" he accused her. "and here i was thinking it was Clint or Natasha." he grumbled.

within Peggy's box had been a shit storm of revelations. the biggest was in the letter she had left for Tony, apologizing she hadn't been around to protect him more, and claiming Tony as the son she'd always wanted. "I never felt the need to have children of my own, because i had you. you who where closer to my heart than any child could ever have been. ou where my son in every way but name Ton, and i love you' she had written. there where photo albums inside of Peggy patching Tony up from various scuffles, laughing with Tony and playing games. there was a tiny floppy bunny that peggy had made for Tony and he'd slept with it until he was eight, before Howard had found out and torn it to shreds. she had fixed it and kept it safe until Tony didn't have to be afraid of Howard tearing it apart again. the box was a deep look into Tony's past, with letters Tony had written to peggy as a child, telling her he loved her and begging her to come home more often then not. there was one, fearful letter telling her that Howard had gotten drunk and had 'touched me funny auntie peggy, i'm scared. Father says that i'll 'be useful to him soon'. i'm already doing the best i can in the shop, i burned myself using the blowtorch and he yelled at me. i tried telling a nice police lady like you said, but she just took me home and told me not to tell lies.' he had written in choppy letters, most backwards and the letters often in the wrong order. many of the letters described what would amount to as torture in most people's eyes. also within the box was all the evidence Tony ever needed that peggy had loved him dearly. court cases against Howard, Adoption papers for Tony, more than eight attempts at getting Tony away from Howard. the final letter from tony stained with tears and spots of blood was more than enough to make a person sick. Howard had raped his own son and Peggy had won the final court case. Tony was hers and he was going to be removed from Howard's care. Date of death certificate in the box marked her death as two days after the final court case and Tony had stayed with Howard. probobly because Howard had spent a good amount of money covering it all up.

"hey! come on in." Tony said, looking rather shaken himself, though not nearly as bad as she was. "i was just... tinkering." he admitted. "i cant stop thinking about auntie Peg." he admitted, shaking his head. "she was the closest thing to a real parent i ever had. her and Jarvis. well, the person, not the A.I. though, Jay comes pretty damn close." he admitted with a smile, poking at something on the table that looked more like a mass of wires tied into a knot more than anything else.
“Hey.”Stephanie muttered moving over to her usual stool at his side, swallowing thickly as she leaned into him a little, “Me either. Pegs was good people.The best. Sometimes I think she should have been Cap, she would have made a better one. At least one who would have tried to survive.”Stephanie said the deepening saddness coloring her words, dragging her down. But she had sought out company, tried to steady herself, instead of simply holing up in her rooms and maybe hurting herself again. Smiling quietly, “I met him. Jarvis I mean. One of the times we had leave here in the states. He was...kind. Good.”Stephanie muttered watching him poke at the mass of wires, slumped over, absently playing with her dogtags, a nervous upset habit from even before the war, in those months where she’d been on her own, her only reassurance of having someone who cared for her, held in the metal and name written there. “....I....”She trailed off, trying to get the words out. Wondering if it would help, or hurt to tell him. Taking a shuddery breath, and taking a blind leap off the cliff, maybe....maybe they could both heal some. Reaching out to gently stroke the other’s wrist were she could see the faded blowtorch scar, trying to focus. Needing to say this. “ father...hurt me to.”She said quietly, looking so small and broken sitting next to him. Praying that this wouldn't hurt their friendship, wouldn't break them. so scared of telling him, but knowing she needed to, otherwise, it'd come out later, and hurt him even more that she'd lied.
he nodded. "Peg would have made a terrible Captain America." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she had a horrible temper." he admitted with a grin. "she would have totally been a terrible captain America. she would have been kicked out of the army for sure." he admitted, leaning against her. "i don't think there could ever have been a better cap then you Steph." he admitted. "he used to tell me stories about you. Jarvis i mean. real stories. not the crap that Da fed me." he admitted. "he used to tell me that you always did what was best for everyone." he smiled at her. "you still do that." he admitted. "take care of everyone but yourself." he admitted with a chuckle. like he was one to talk, he was even worse than she was. he flinched when she touched the scar his arm moving away from her when he heard the words and hunched over his arm as if it had suddenly been broken. "i know..." he admitted softly. "it.. it was the way you looked at me, on the Helicarrier..." he whispered. "i knew you saw him instead of me and the thought made me so sick, that he had hurt someone else the way he hurt me. but you didn't seam didn't say anything...because i was hoping i was wrong... but i wasn't. and that really sucks." he admitted, looking over at her. "i'm sorry my dad hurt you.." he whispered, as if hoping if he apologized, she wouldn't take out her rage over his father out on him the way so many others had.
“ would have been amazing though. Admit it, if she was Cap, she would have totally let Jamie mess up howard as much as he wanted to.”Stephanie said smiling a little, before sniffling a little, shrugging. “Well I try. Sometimes, I think I even get it right.”She said before laughing a little. “I’m sure he didn’t tell you about the time he found me and jamie in the apartment screwing over every surface cause Howard had burrowed our tent for a rendezvous with your mother.”Stephanie teased a little to distract him from feeling to bad before going quiet, looking hurt as he moved away from her, but letting him go. Swallowing thickly as she considered it. “I didn’t....I didn’t know for sure. Not....not until me and johnny had tried to do sex. I mean....I thought that lost night was just ice induced-”Even away from her therapist, she was still wrestling with the damage he’d done. “it was only after johnny helped that I figured out that maybe it wasn’t a dream....”She shrugged a little looking back at him, kissing his cheek. “I’m sorry he hurt you to. And that I wasn’t here to stop it.”She muttered leaning into him, shifting, snuggling into him, needing the human comfort. With as much emotional upheavel she’d gone through recently, her sex drive was low at the moment, but sitting there with him, knowing how very good at sex he was, sent a starburst of heat under her skin even as she struggled to ignore it. Resting her head against his chest she shuddered. “....Want to go watch ‘Fifty shades’ and freak the other’s out?”She said hoping to step back from the emotions they were both feeling. Simply wanting to be with him.
he snorted a little. "no she wouldn't have. she liked Jamie too much to let him go to prison. she'd have done it herself." he admitted with a smile before chuckling at her. "you do all of it perfectly." he admitted with a smile before he laughed and shook his head. "no! he never told me that!" he admitted, giggling away. "although, he did tell me i was conceived in a tent." he admitted with a grin before swallowing a little. "oh." he whispered softly. "that must have been terrible." he admitted. "trying to have sex and remembering something like... that." he shuddered a little. there was a reason Tony wasn't bisexual after all. the events of his childhood had left him terrified of men in a very deep way. he wasn't always scared of course, he was fine with Johnny eve though Johnny was Bi, but sometimes certain men, big dominant ones, ones he knew he wouldn't be able to struggle away if they decided they wanted him. people like James especially. "it wasn't your fault." Tony promised her. "i doubt you could have helped anyway." he admitted, snuggling into her because she was warm and smelled nice and he wanted to. because as much as he wanted it, he bet she did too. "i hate that stupid book." Tony mumbled. "let's go curl up on the couch and listen to the audio book of Laurell K. Hamilton instead."
“Hmm, probably.”Stephanie agreed smiling a little. Before relaxing at the other’s assurance that she was doing well, that she was okay. Before snorting. “I’m sure he didn’t. And you were. We found it disturbing, and got rid of the tent soon after.”Stephanie said rolling her eyes a little before swallowing hard. Nodding slowly. “ was.....think I freaked johnny out really....I need to apologize....and see him. He’s back right?”She muttered frowning slightly because the human torch had been out of the city for awhile, and she simply missed her friend, even if they weren’t having sex, they got along. Relaxing at the other’s words she sighed softly. “Well.probably not. But I could have punched him back. Broke his nose again.”She grumbled smiling as she was snuggled before smiling. “I know and...okay. We can do that. They’d freak out over that to.”She giggled having jarvis load one of the later books, ‘incubus dreams’ that was mostly just sex, with a little bit of plot. Giggling to herself as she settled the captain america blanket around them both, settling in for a good snuggle, simply wrapping herself around him, using him as a pillow as she relaxed.
"good. i hope you burned it." he admitted with a smile before nodding, feeling jealousy rise up but hiding it very well. he didn't want her to go to Johnny, he wanted her to stay with him. oh well. "Yeah he's back." he admitted. "he had some problems with the oversees companies and had to sort them out." he admitted. "well, true." he agreed with a smile. "i bet he would have looked great with a broken nose." he admitted. "yeah i like her books." he admitted, giggling as he snuggled into her and was soon asleep, breathing softly against her, looking almost like a child as he slept. with the headphones on he didn't hear Bruce and Natasha and Clint come up. Clint who was explaining what his heat was and how it affected him because, well, they already knew about the wings, why not? "what are you two listening to?" Clint asked, looking amused, Bruce turning faintly green. "Tony's letting you listen to this!?" he asked, horrified before blinking when he realized Tony was asleep. Tony, asleep, in a public place. that was new.
"We did. And good. I'll have to talk to him later."she said making it obvious she had no intention of leaving his company for the foreseeable future. Pressing a kiss to his forehead as he fell alseep, simply content to be with him. Looking up when the others came in."incubus dreams. And it's good."Stephanie said before shrugging "Maria's the one who suggested it." "Well I'm not sure I'd trust hef, but she said it'd be educational for us both."james said innocently before tilting his head a little as he got a good look at them."Shush don't wake tony up."Steph ordered protectively. "We still need to decide what to do about diane."natasha muttered quietly.
he smiled a little and nodded. "okay." he was glad she was staying there. he needed some serious snuggle times. remembering Peggy, remembering Howard had been very hard on Tony. especially since he had a feeling he knew some of what was in the box now. Steph would never have brought it up if Peggy hadn't left some sort of evidence of Howard abusing Tony in that box. now he was very glad he had never looked in there. "i'm going to kill that woman." Bruce growled before shaking his head as James piped up. "your not helping. do you even know what that book is about?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "it's sex, James. it's all about sex and kinky sex and sex." he admitted, gently draping a blanket over Ton so he wouldn't get cold. "if it wasn't for the fact that i'm pretty sure Tony's never read those books, i'd be worried." though, the fact that Bruce had was an interesting development. "she's staying here." Tony mumbled, waking up just enough to hear Natasha mutter. "filed the papers..." he mumbled, snuggling a bit tighter against nice warm, soft Stephanie and went back to sleep, Bruce smiling softly. "this is the first time i've ever seen him sleep. he doesn't usually, around other people i mean. i'm glad he finally feels safe with us around." though he was pretty sure most of it had to do with Stephanie. "he's telling the truth though." Phil admitted, looking surprised. "Tony had Diane transferred into Stephanie's care." he admitted. "
“Don’t kill maria. She’s right, this is fairly educational. Who knew people could have sex at work. Makes me curious about the suit and office sex, and wonder if anyone’s disgraced Coulson’s office.” “Don’t worry. That’s well taken care of, and stop listening. If you’re already shocked at that, you’re not goign to want to listen to the rest.”Natasha said looking worried about the woman. Smiling softly as stephanie snuggled under the blanket with tony. “....Why worry about tony reading them, and the fact that you have isn’t?”Stephanie said looking up at bruce with wide eyed innocence before frowning looking at tony, shuddering a little as he nuzzled closer, chin brushing over her nipple. Oh yea, definitely was feeling withdrawal. Even if she was still recovering, her sex drive was kicking in. “Yea, me to. He’s exhausted.”She muttered not about to mention he’d always fallen asleep around her, or near her if she cuddled up to him. “really?Oh. Well. Good.”James said looking at phil, surprised at that turn of events, and wondering where the girl was anyways. “Thor’s looking after her. They discovered my little pony, and diane’s explaining it to him.”
Bruce stared at er, his eye twitching a little. his eyes had gone emerald, a good indication that he was seconds away from letting Hulk snap Maria like a twig. "no one has disgraced Coulson's office." Bruce assured them, rolling his eyes. "oh, and we found Grant." he informed Steph. "He's been hanging out with pepper. i think he likes her." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "it's frightening to say the least but she seams to like him back so i think they'll be okay." he admitted. "Tony is a bit more innocent than people think he is." Bruce admitted. "most of those stories about him being a slut aren't true at all." Bruce admitted. "most of the time it's just girls lying to get attention. as for me reading them, well, i can't have sex i have to get my hormonal urges sated elsewhere and books are perfect. i can't actually do anything, but reading about it helps." he admitted with a shrug. "yeah, i heard about Peggy's box." Bruce admitted with a grimace. "he must be pretty torn up." he admitted before smiling at Phil. "what's my little pony?" Bruce wondered, a bit baffled before shaking his head. "i'm not sure i want to know." he decided. "wait. if Thor's here..." he looked around cautious in case Loki appeared. the trickster god had a nasty habit of leaving prison anytime Thor was off-world. the little bastard had yet to do anything but follow Thor around but he made them all exceedingly nervous. if he was there, he was probobly watching My Little Pony with Thor and Diane. Loki had better hope he didn't get too close to the girl or Hulk would snap him into a million pieces.
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