
“I know. It’s a little disturbing truly.”Stephanie said smiling slightly, before nodding. “I get that. I used to wonder why Jamie liked me. Then I realized he was just a bulldog who hated people telling him what to do. He likes me cause everyone told him not to.”She smiled slightly before snorting. “You totally can be. And we handled it badly, but we tried.”She shrugged before nodding. “Yea, I’ll wait.”She muttered. “What?”James pulled open the door, startled and upset, looking utterly lost for a moment as he slid into the winter soldier. “Okay, let’s go.”He growled already heading for the door, pausing only long enough to tell laura they were leaving before heading for the plane.

By the time they got to the tower, James was so locked into being the winter soldier that he could barely talk beyond combat talk, planning and going over things. “Thank god.”Natasha muttered when she saw them, giving them all a critical once over, not pleased with how fragile her team looked, but knowing there was no changing it. “What happened?”Stephanie demanded, even if she had the Captain America look on, she was still shaken, still recovering. “Anna Simmons was taken from the park with her parents by Hydra. They said they will return her if you come yourself. We’ve gotten a bead on the location, but not a exact location, or a good plan to get in.” “Then I’ll go after her.”
he smiled at her. "James likes you because your strong, willful, spirited and brave. you never let anyone tell you what to do and you never backed down." he smiled at her. "i like that about you too. you never let being different hold you back and you never stopped, even in an era when women where supposed to sit at home and knit or something." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "how boring." he huffed. he'd never been able to understand how someone could claim a female was lesser. they gave birth for gods sake, and most women could kill a man, hide the body and never get caught because they where 'just a woman'. it as just nuts. "well, everyone handles things like that 'badly'." he pointed out before panicking as he realized this was going to gut Steph.

by the time they got to the Tower, Clint was just as locked into his own assassin self and he was flexing his fingers, three inch long, black talons sliding in and out. it was like a razor sharp blade that slide out over his nails and out through his finger tips and where sharp enough to leave scratches in the jets chairs. being as he was sharpening them not unlike a cat might. his wings where still out, spread just a little and all the feathers standing on end was the only indication he was actually extremely upset. "Jay! your working on that?" Tony asked, well aware the answer was yes but wanting to make sure. "how are we going to handle this. we can't just let Steph walk in there, they're obviously going to try to kill her." Tony fussed. "it's a trap and i know we can all see it. we need t make sure that Steph and that poor kid get out safe." "i could just... slip in and take care of it." Clint offered, fingers twitching, making Tony wince. no talons came out this time at least.
"You sound like him you know. You'll like him if you give him a chance."when smiled because she really did want the men in her life to get along."yea well I had to go after him. Jamie was doing stupid shit."she muttered looking amused and a not dwelling on the past. "Yea I guess they do."she agreed.

James was tense and upset between his captain and his assasin, not sure how to help either of them, except to deal with this soon."yes sir. The only hangup is the warehouse they have retreated to has underground tunnels into the sewers, and that have no cameras for me to access. I'm working quickly sir."the ai said sounding upset as much as he ever did, hating that he couldn't do better."phils getting a response team together, but-" "tell him to call it off. I'll go, and I'll take james as backup." "No!captain you can barely lift the shield. You cant-" Stephanie glared james into silence looking at tony."can I have the money?you can get it faster then me. Let's go get this done."she said sounding angry and hurting.
Tony smiled at her sheepishly. "i know... it's just... he makes me nervous." he admitted. "the way he looks at people and stuff, me especially, it makes me think of my old man." he admitted. "like i'm some small, disappointing bug that he wants to crush but he can't because i'm endangered or something." he admitted with a sigh before laughing a little. "isn't he always doing stupid shit?"

Tony pondered that and then. "Jarvis? remind me later that i need to build a small drone army. bugs maybe, so i can send them where there are no cameras." he ordered before wincing a little. "Steph..." he set a hand on her elbow, not gripping, just resting her fingertips on her arm. "you'll be giving them exactly what they want." he warned softly. "you'll be walking into an open range trap, you might not come out of it alive and we need you still. we have a little bit of time yet. if we have to, we'll let you go in, we won't risk the little girls life or safety, but we need to keep you, and us safe too." he admitted softly even as he flicked his hand at a wall. the panel sliding away and a large metal door swung open, reveling piles of cash, millions of dollars worth of cash in little bundles. "how much are they asking for." he demanded of Natasha. "pack it up into a suitcase. if they're going to be Cliche, we will be too. throw a flashbomb in there as well." he ordered. "if we have the chance, they'll pop open the case and the bomb will flash, blinding them and giving us the chance we need to take them out or at least get the girl out of there."
“I know. And he’s trying. I mean, he’s not disappointed. He’s just....used to your old man. He keeps expecting you to act like him.”She shrugged before snorting. “He really is.”

“Of course sir.”Jarvis replied. “....Tony. I have to.”Stephanie said looking anxious as she looked up at him, swallowing thickly. “...okay. A bit of time.”She shuddered, closing her eyes as she thought, trying to plan. “Million. Which is why it’s such a obvious plan to trap Steph. Otherwise it’d be more.”Natasha sighed shaking her head, thinking before frowning. Raising a hand to her comm to listen before cursing softly. “Jarvis, load the video.”She said cursing quietly. “Steph!Come h-help. P-lpease!T-they said now, or-or bad things happen.”Diane, the cute little brunette stuttered, a permanent stutter that got worse the more upset she was, about 7, and cute as a button. “Captain, I would call your people off. No reason to get us all killed when they trip the bombs waiting for them. Come now, otherwise....”Whitehall smirked at her, tilting his head as he considered the screen. “Fuck!”Stephanie cursed, glaring angry and upset. “I’m suiting up.”She growled heading for her rooms to get her things. “....we can’t let her go.”James said looking pale
"....that's what makes it worse." Tony admitted softly.

"not just yet, okay?" he asked her. "give us just a little bit of time." he asked before nodding. "pack in two." he ordered Natasha. "just in case. we need to be careful." he admitted. "shit." he muttered realizing tht they where well out of time. "Jarvis, tell Phil to back off, now. no exceptions." Tony ordered. "Steph, James nd Clint are going with you. Clint? you go in from above. i'll do what i an to shield you from sight." "i don't need help. there's a vent in the back alley. i'll go in from there." "fine, whatever you feel is best." Tony agreed before looking at James. "we don't have any choice. we both know that man will more than happily do terrible things to that little girl, if he hasn't already. Steph would never forgive herself if she wasn't able to save that kid. she's already feeling like hell because she wasn't here to stop them from killing the little girl's parents and you know it." he admitted, shaking his head. she has to go, but we'll do our best to give her the backup she needs to come out of it alive. she won't let us stop her anyway. or do you want to try to be the one to fight her? because she won't stop unless we put her down and i really don't want to have to do that." he paused. "honestly, i don't think i even could. even the drugs we use to drop the Hulk only last five minutes on her. if we're lucky. we can't stop her James, all we can do is do our best to keep her safe."
“Okay.”Stephanie muttered looking annoyed and upset though at waiting. James snarled softly annoyed as he watched Stephanie go, feeling trapped and backed into a corner because Tony was right, he couldn’t not let her go. He’d just have to stay at her side, and hope that sight of their weapon would throw off the hydra idiots waiting for them. “Okay....we’ll do this.”James muttered as he watched Stephanie walk back in, looking her over, pleased to see that she’d stolen one of the in progress iron man gauntlets, one the one, and only because it braced her arm, and it let the metal take part of the weight for the shield instead of still healing muscles. “Let’s go.”Stephanie said as she pulled up teh cowl, pale under her tan though as they left. Quiet and pale as she considered what was coming. She just knew this was going to be bad, but she couldn’t not go. “...I am here, Hydra.”Stephanie said as she stepped into the tunnels, eyes searching the dark and the damp rooms, eyes falling onto the girl. Moving closer, she looked around, “I don’t...” “Close enough, Captain. The money?” “Jamie?”Stephanie muttered looking back at the winter soldier as he stepped in carrying the bags. Both super soldiers wincing as the flash bang went off as the bag was opened, diving for the girl as the hydra agent set off the bombs in response to the bright light, gasping as she threw herself at the girl, shield barely coming out quick enough to protect them both as the cieling caved in on them. Sending both woman and child into the floor in a tangle of limbs and pain as they were buried alive even as James howled in fury at having not been quick enough to pull both free.
Tony nodded to James. "you'll be there to protect her. that's all we can ask for right now." he admitted. "i wish i could go, but i'll be in the way in a small space like that." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "keep her safe. and don't let Clint do anything too stupid okay?" he asked, looking like he was seconds from completely breaking down. "and don't do anything stupid yourself okay? lint and Steph would never get over it if you got hurt." he warned. Tony scowled at the sight of the Gauntlet and grabbed a screwdriver to make a few adjustments so it would fit her better before smiling, pleased. "it won't slip, and it has an active repulsor if you need it." he explained. "be careful, Steph.... don't take unnecessary risks, okay?" he asked her before watching them leave. he knew there was nothing he could do to help, so busied himself in the med lab with Bruce to do what he could to prepare to help the little girl and the others if they came back hurt. Clint shrieked as he swept into the room, using his claws to slaughter anyone left alive after the explosion before starting to dig out Steph and the little girl, making cooing sounds once he had the little girl out. trying to keep her calm as he wrapped her up in his wings and continued trying to dig Steph out while trying to coo and cradle and tend to the little girl.
"I know. I will."james promised not looking happy, but he was determined."I won't let them be stupid."he said sighing quietly as stephanie flinched. "Sorry...only thing I could think of to hold up in a fight...."Stephanie muttered when she saw tony's scowl, thinking he was upset she'd borrowed it, not because she had no business in a fight. "I wont. Promise."Stephanie said as they left. James snarled when they dug Diane whimpered scared and clinging to clint as the man dug her out. "Take care of her. I'll get steph."james growled wuietly when he realized what had happened as he looked at the cut on Diane cheek. Stephanie had collided with the girl, shielding them both with the shield even if she'd hurt them both."tony, I need a lift. Stephanie's hurt."james said into his comments as he picked up stephanie, she didn't seem to be to hurt, just jarred and looking to much like a broken doll for his peace of mind. Thankfully it wasn't nearly as bad as when the building had dropped on her, this had just been the ceiling of the room.
"it's fine." he assured her with a smile. "i just don't like the idea of you going out when your hurt.." he admitted. "this should help at least a little." he admitted, shaking his head. "i've got her." Clint promised, cradling the little girl and cooing at her, stroking her hair and trying his best to make her comfortable and feel safe. "there's a car already waiting outside." Tony informed James. "Natasha and Phil are standing guard, they'll handle the cleanup. have Clint drive you home." Tony ordered. "Bruce and i are waiting in the med lab for first aid and stuff." he explained. "we're ready for you and the streets have been cleared." he promised. "tell Clint he's allowed to speed, the police said that we'd be allowed to get Steph and the little girl the care they need."
Diane sniffled leaning into clint’s chest, but calming slowly. “Awesome. We’ll be there soon. I think Clint’ll break some super sonic speed limit or something.”James said snorting amused, stressed but handling it well as he got them all outside, smiling slightly as they got the others out and settled into the car. Looking up when they got to the tower,he smiled slightly at the sight of Stephanie starting to come around and diane’s quiet wonder at going to the avengers tower. “She’s okay. Sore and hurting, I think she broke her arm, but she’s okay.”James said as he walked into the medlab, setting stephanie down, looking anxious because he knew that this was going to be hard. On all of them, since the arm she had broke, was the one that she’d cut all to hell. He just knew there was going to be yelling about it.
"your damn straight i will." Clint promised. and indeed he did, driving pell mell through the streets and made sure the little girl was in his arms as they walked into the tower. Diane was a cute little button. "Steph broke her arm?" Tony asked, looking frantic. "which arm?" Bruce asked, moving over to them with his medical kit. "let me look at the girl first. she looks a little more fragile at the moment." he admitted, smiling at Diane. "and what's your name sweetie?" he asked her, gently checking her for any injuries. "are you hurt anywhere?" he asked her, his head tilted at her. "Clint! stop that." he ordered. "those aren't toys." "but they're shiny!" "is he on drugs?" Bruce demanded of James, a little bit baffled.
“Yea. Shield arm.”James said looking a little shaken, biting his lip because he knew they were going to freak. “looks like she tossed the shield over them both and it busted the gauntlet and her arm.”James said even as he nodded, “Go ahead, I’ll work at getting this off.”James said smiling slightly as he started to pry the gauntlet off. “D-di.” “Diane.”Stephanie muttered coming around, shifting to look at the girl. “Cheek hurts.”The girl sniffled touching the bruise starting to form from getting hit in the face with the shield. “No, he’s not on drugs. It’s a long explanation, but it’s fine. Clint, stop stealing the shiny things. They’re not your shinnies.”James said smiling slightly as the gauntlet popped off, wincing a little at the slight lump to the scarred flesh that was so deeply wounded that the scar showed up on both sides of her arm where she’d driven the knife all the way through her forearm.
Bruce nodded. "probobly saved their lives." he admitted. "don't care about the gauntlet." Tony assured her befre she could apologize. "i'm just glad it was able to keep you... moderately safe." he admitted, shaking his head when James started to pry. "stop. you'll hurt her arm. let me." he ordered, grabbing a special laser that could cut through metal but couldn't harm skin, carefully cutting it off of her arm and wincing at the mess underneath, going quite pale. he hated the sight of blood. "it's okay Diane." Bruce promised her with a smile, carefully dipping a soft cloth into some liquid. "this is going to sting, can you take a very deep breath and pretend to be Captain America for me?" he asked her with a smile, gently pressing the cloth to her cheek. it would burn for all of six seconds, before the pain went completely numb. "it looks like a nasty bruise, but nothings broken. your a big brave girl." Bruce praised her, giving her a lollipop. a red white and blue one even.

"but... shiny!" Clint whined even as he spilled the sparkling black gemstones back where he had found them, Tony perking up. "you finished them!?" "sure did." "this was the last thing we needed..." "yes. we can start later Tony." "make it a day or two? i want to make sure Steph's okay..." Bruce nodded. "that's fine. it'll give me time to fine tune the measurements and the genetic splicer." he admitted. "now. let's see the damage.." Bruce ordered, gently, carefully lifting Stephs arm and examining it, tsking. "it's broken alright, probobly in more than one place." he didn't even mention the scar or how new it was. "i'm going to need to scan this, i can't set it when it's so out of place like this. lay your arm here..." he ordered, very gently setting her arm down on a small table which lit up blue and showed her bones through her skin like they where glowing blue. "..yes... three places. not very bad though, there's no shards. clean breaks, just very out of position. this is going to hurt. Clint? why don't you take Diane upstairs for some Ice-cream?" Bruce suggested. "James? come here, hold down her shoulders, she's going to fight instinctively and i don't fancy the other guy coming out because she accidentally popped me in the jaw. Tony? get the mouthpiece." the mouthpiece was a foam/rubber block for them to bite down on so they wouldn't scream so much. it also helped them as it gave them a way to fight back, without actually fighting. it just helped to bite down hard when you where in pain. "are we ready? okay Steph. deep breaths. pretend your Captain America for me." he teased, trying to make her smile before, with a sharp crack and lightning bolts of pain, he yanked her arm, hard and with quick movements that normal doctors would never have been able to manage, her arm was set and with another careful maneuver it was locked in a brace so the bones couldn't move out of place again. "there. all done."
“probably.”james agreed sighing a little. “Oh....yes. It did that. Didn’t break as bad...”Stephanie muttered smiling slightly as she relaxed at tony’s words. “Okay.”james said looking fascinated at the sight of the laser, watching making sure stephanie wasn’t hurting before smiling a little at diane. “She’d make a very good Captain.” “Nun-uh. Steph’s cap.”Diane said smiling a little, wincing a little before smiling as he cheek went numb, smiling happily as she started to eat the lolipop.

“finished what?Tony?”Stephanie whined stirring a little at tony’s words, because she really always did like listening to what they were working on, even if she didn’t always understand it. “Dammit...”Steph cursed quietly as the other lifted her arm, whining softly as she tried not to pull away. Trusting bruce enough that she hadn’t run screaming away from him when he was in doctor mood. “Okay....”Stephanie muttered letting him move her arm, swallowing hard, looking at clint.”I’ll be up later, kay diane?” “kay!” Stephanie swallowed hard as she watched the other leave, swallowing thickly as she bit down on the rubber block, laughing around the piece at bruce’s teasing. “She’d make a good Captain.”James snickered holding her down. Smirking a little as stephanie past out. “Good. Anything else before she wakes up?”James said, fidgety and upset, but willing to trust the other.
"yes. it helped. i'm glad." Tony admitted with a smile before grinning at Diane. she was cute. too bad she was a kid, Tony was terrified of kids. not really the kids themselves, but more the idea that he might hurt them somehow. kids where shockingly fragile really and not just physically. "Steph is Captain America." Bruce agreed with Diane, smiling at her. "she's a very good Captain isn't she?" he asked with a smile. "Finished nothing!" Tony crowed playfully. "you can't know yet. it's a surprise." granted, he wasn't sure yet if it was a good surprise or a bad surprise but it was a surprise nonetheless. Clint was happy to take Diane upstairs and show her his nest, full of sparkly bits and bobs and soft blankets and curled up with her, cradling her in his wings and cooed and rocked hr to sleep. well aware she was probobly exhausted.

Bruce chuckled a little before fussing over her as she passed out, making sure she was okay. "yes. the muscles are weak, she needs to up her exercise." he admitted. "have her do wrist curls with a five or a one pound weight to build the muscle tone back up and have her do arm stretches. it should ache, but not be a sharp pain. if she develops any sharp pains let me know, i'll need to check the muscles for tears or bleeding." he admitted, carefully peering at the now glowing muscles. "i don't see any damage that don't heal on it's own so she should be perfectly fine with some increased exercise once her breaks heal. until those are healed she's not allowed to do anything with that arm. have her come back down in two days for another bone scan so i can see if the bones have healed or not." he ordered. "if she's in a lot of pain, come down and get some pain medication. it won't last as long as i'd like but it can take the edge off and keep her from being too miserable."
“she is. The best!”Diane giggled happily, distracted. “Am not.”Stephanie muttered sighing quietly, because it hurt to be faced with that sort of faith when she’d gotten the girl’s family killed. And indeed, soon enough diane was asleep with the other. “But I wanna know Tony!”Stephanie whined sulking as she looked at the billionaire.

“I know. I’ve been working with her, but it was hurting to much to work to much. So we’ve been working it slowly, for a few minutes at a time, instead of long periods of time.”James winced a little before nodding. “I’ll have her do it.”He agreed thinking about it before shaking her head.”No, not to much. Mostly the pain’s from the muscles healing to quickly, they tightened up and it’s taking time to loosen them.”James sighed softly. Nodding slowly. “We can do that.”he promised, picking stephanie up with a small, before looking at tony, tilting his head. “You coming, genius?”
"you can't! it's a surprise!" he paused. "mostly because i don't know if you'll be mad or happy and this way you can't stop me if you get mad." he admitted with a smile.

"pain shouldn't be present. you where likely working it too much or in the wrong way." he admitted. "a few minutes a few times a day is best and let her slowly build up some muscle. start with a three minute once a day until she can manage that without pain and then amp it up to twice a day and then three times and then start adding minutes. it will take time, both of you are just too impatient." he admitted with a huff. "the pain, is not from the muscles healing too tightly. it's from inflammation because the muscles are still healing microfiber tears." he admitted. "next time, she should be brought straight to me so i can stitch her properly." he huffed before he sighed. "still, i can understand that she was probobly too scared and that me in doctor mood isn't the most comforting thing for you and Stephanie." he admitted. "getting her calm and getting her somewhere safe where she could calm down and feel secure was the best option and you did very well." Bruce promised. "oh... am... am i allowed?" Tony asked, looking very nervous and shy now. worried James was only offering to see what Tony would do. liken a test, and Tony hated tests. he always failed because of his anxiety. he desperately didn't want to fail the tests James was giving him.
“Probably....”James sighed softly, rubbing a hand over his face before nodding a little. “Yea, we’ve always been a little impatient, and had healed the skin. Never considered the muscles hadn’t healed.”he muttered wrinkling his nose a little, huffing softly wincing at the other’s scolding. Even if there was good reasons for getting stephanie out of the tower without seeing bruce, he still felt bad for doing it. “There wont be a next least I’m hoping not. Scared me badly.”James shuddered a little looking down at stephanie before nodding, “You really aren’t.....she trusts you. Otherwise she’d been screaming bloody murder about coming right now....but.....she was scared. Didn’t want to upset her more....”James sighed softly, shaking his head a little thinking about it. Knowing stephanie trusted bruce otherwise she would have never let him help her, but telling him everything would have to wait, because he knew stephanie needed looked over, but saying anything in front of tony wasn’t a option. He’d just have to talk to the man later. Feeling horrible about taking her away from the team, but glad the other understood why he had. Smiling slightly at Tony’s words he tilted his head, thinking about the argument. Considering tony, because it pained him to know, but...well he knew stephanie liked him. “Yea. She called you when she was upset. Of course you can snuggle her. She’d enjoy snuggling you.”James said smiling a little to show that he really didn’t mind, heading for the elevator to head for stephanie’s apartment.
Bruce nodded. "i know." he admitted with a chuckle. "no one really thinks about the muscles. by the time her bone is healed her muscles should be as well and it won't hurt so much when she trains it." he promised. "it's alright. i understand." Bruce promised. "and we both know that she's going to get hurt again. she's remarkably reckless." he admitted with a sigh. "she doesn't value her safety as much as she should. even worse than Tony really." he admitted before smiling at James, gently squeezing the others shoulder. "i know she trusts me, but when a person is in shock, or in a panic they aren't thinking clearly and when that happens to her, i'm just another doctor." he admitted. "i know how it works, you don't have to try and make me feel better." he promised. "you did the right thing. i just wish i could have fixed her arm first." he admitted before smiling a little at Tony. "but... she just... i don't... it's not... isn't it... wrong, to sleep in a woman's bed?" he asked nervously. "i mean i used to, but we did naughty things and i don't want to do naughty things to Stephanie.... well. i mean, i wouldn't say no if she offered but she's hurt and she won't offer right? so is it really okay?" he asked, looking rather frantic and nervous and manic. working himself up into a panic because he was worried James, or worse Steph, was going to get angry with him if he snuggled with her. maybe he could just sit i a chair and wait for her to wake up? yeah, he'd do that.
"Good. Maybe she'll be patient about it then."james said making a face before wincing, tilting her head."Because she thinks this is the only way she has value to anyone...I always valued her. But I was just one guys are slowly teaching her better, but it's slow going."t james sighed softly. Before nodding, "well at least you makes it easier. Well she'll probably let you look at her arm now. She's calm. When she wakes up anyways."he looked amused before watching tony, wiNing a little."I'm well aware you did naughty things, don't remind me."james teased a little "and I'm sure I'll tell her that you don't want to do them anymore."he teased before growing serious."she's hurting and tired tony, she'll want to snuggle. I promise it's fine."james said leaving it up to tony if he wanted to follow or not, figuring it was the easiest way to stop the panic.
"i hope so." Bruce admitted. "because until her bones heal she can't remove the brace. as fast as she heals, if the bones slide out of position even for an hour, i'll have to break them to reset them and that won't be pleasant for anyone." he admitted before he smiled. "she has people who like her for who she really is now. she'll be okay, she just needs time and care." he admitted. "i shouldn't need to look at her arm for a few days unless she's in pain." he admitted.

"i did do naughty things." Tony agreed. "it was boring though so i stopped." actually, he stopped for Pepper. "oh. we found Grant by the way." he admitted, looking amused. "he's started hanging around with Pepper. she's been having a lot less trouble with the board of directors with him around to glare at them. i told her she could keep him and he seams pretty pleased with the idea." he admitted before hesitating for a moment. he finally followed after James, looking meek and shy but happy to do anything that would make Steph feel better. and if James said it was okay, surely it had to be?
“Good. I’ll tell her that and she’ll take care of it.”James said looking pleased with having a way to keep stephanie from moving her arm to much. “Yep, she’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”James smiled softly nodding a little at the other’s words before snorting at tony’s answer. “I’m telling Steph you called her boring.”He teased a little before looking startled, laughing a little. “That’s amusing. Really.”James snickered a little smiling a little as he settled both captain and genius into the bed, curling up on his other side with a small smile.

In the morning James snickered a little as tony woke up, tilting his head a little as he looked at the sight of stephanie doing a octopus impression snuggled up against Tony. “You want coffee and breakfast in bed?”He muttered quietly, pleased to see stephanie starting to come around to.
he nodded and smiled. "i know she'll be less inclined to move about too much if she knows she'll have to sit through another setting like this one." he admitted. "honestly i'm not sure i'm prepared to put her through that again." he admitted. "Hulk isn't going to forgive me for hurting 'baby sister' like that for a while." he admitted. "he doesn't understand concepts like broken bones or anything so as far as he's concerned i was just being mean." "Steph isn't boring! she's fun! and funny! and the best at pranks!" he admitted with a grin. "she's awesome." he admitted before hesitantly settling into bed. certain someone was going to start yelling at him any minute now. when nothing happened, he just fell asleep, exhausted from staying up for so long.

Tony blinked a little, wondering why he was so warm and why he couldn't move. he blinked a little and looked over at James, wondering why there where people in his bed? he took note of only one word that made sense. "Coffee?" he asked, looking around for it, sluggish and sleepy and disoriented. "Coffee?" he asked James, sounding a bit more confused when no Coffee appeared.
“Yea, I don’t think either of us would want to do that.”James shuddered a little at the idea of setting bones like that again before snorting. “She is sorta pint sized compared to him isn’t she? I’ve seen some of the videos of them together, it’s cute.”James teased the other before smirking. “I’ll make sure to tell him you weren’t being mean.”He teased before snorting at tony’s words, amused at tony’s descriptions. Cause really, it was adorable. “She really is awesome.”he agreed as he settled in to sleep himself.

“Coffee. Okay, I’ll be right back.”James said snickering as he left the room, before pausing at the sight in front of him. Wondering what was more odd, phil coulson dropping a fifty dollar bill into a huge jar sitting on the common room coffee table, that seemed to have the sole purpose of holding money since it wasn’t the only money in there, or that the man was quietly cursing under his breath as he worked on his paperwork. “Swear jar. Stephanie gets so offended over the swearing, that we’ve paid her to stop it from upsetting her to badly. And we’re just trying to figure out what’s going to happen with Diane.”Natasha said smiling a little when she saw the other, watching james as he got the coffee. “....Wait. Tony and stephanie are waking up. We should get their opinions.”James said before heading back into the bedroom with the coffee. “Coffee.”He said holding it out towards tony in amusement, finding the sleepy billionaire adorable.
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