
“.....Oh. Good.”Stephanie said looking relieved. “I’d hate to have to go in there and do paperwrk if someone had been putting her ass on the desk.”Stephanie said eyeing natasha who at least at the decency to blush a little. “Really?That’s awesome. They’ll be good together. I should give him these books. He would learn good things.”Stephanie said. “I agree. The brat gets himself underfoot alot, sex would distract him.”James said thoughtfully, because much like he had for natasha, james had a fondness for grant. “....Ah. That’s horrible. Poor tony.”Stephanie muttered pressing a fond kiss to tony’s forehead, making sure his headphones were still in so he could keep sleeping. “Ah. I see.”Stephanie said blushing, indeed regretting having asked about it now. It was one thing to troll her friends, it was another to know about their sex-or non existent sex lives. “Yes....we both were. But we’re okay.”Stephanie muttered a little. “It’s a kid’s show. About ponies. You should watch it.”Natasha said snickering a little before shaking her head. “Idiot’s not here yet. Apparently him and Jane have bonded over her work or something and thor got tired of listening to them.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. "no ones been putting their ass on Phil's desk, you know how anal he is about things like that." "the only ass that's been on that desk is mine." Phil assured them, though, there was no point in mentioning that someone else had been bent over it recently. which had involved ropes, his tie and a horse crop, a gag, a blindfold and a familiar golden helmet and leather boots. no, they wouldn't appreciate that kind of information. besides, he'd cleaned up after. "well. i don't know if they're actually having sex." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "but he's certainly hoping for some and i don't think Pepper will deny him too long. i just hope Tony won't freak out." "Tony already knows. he's fine." Clint chirped simply. "yeah, some of those girls are horrid bitches but there's too many of them to prove defamation or anything and Tony just doesn't care enough so..." Clint shrugged and ran his fingers through his feathers, making sure they where all lined up and pretty for seducing James. "i am not watching a show about Ponies. Hulk will get excited." Bruce warned. "he loves Ponies and i don't want him breaking things." he admitted.
"He is anal like that. He'd have to buy a new desk each time it happened."Stephanie said with a wide eyed look. Natasha smiled slightly looking at phil, knowing what he was thinking of. That had been a fun night. "Ah. I doubt Tony'll care. He wants pepper happy."Stephanie muttered figuring the billionaire was okay about it since he was the one who told her. James turned his head looking at clint as he straightened the feathers, indeed to fascinated by the pretty feathers to not watch. "Ah. That's amusing. You should go watch the ponies though."Stephanie said starting to relax and sleepy. "Sleep steph. You're okay."james smiled leaning in to kiss her forehead
"i most certainly would." Phil admitted with a huff, flashing Natasha that naughty little smirk only she got when he was thinking naughty things. he was so glad he had kept Loki's helmet as a trophy. she had looked glorious in it. "i am not watching the Ponies." Bruce huffed, rolling his eyes even if he looked a little amused as he watched Clint preen himself before he flounced off to find more sparklies for his nest. "take a nap." Bruce offered her with a smile. "we'll get you if anything comes up." he promised.

when she woke up Tony was awake and sitting on the couch in front of her, leaving her to sleep while he and Bruce nattered on about some sort of 'construction sequencing' and how it was progressing on scheduled. "do you think they're gonna be mad?" Tony mused. "well. i doubt it. this was Jay's idea after all." Bruce admitted with a smile. "he's ecstatic you know." Tony admitted. "he can't wait to join us." he admitted with a smile. "he's watching over the process right now, right? i'll have to make sure Friday is updated so she's ready to take on the new responsibilities."
Natasha smiled back at the other, tilting her head a little, considering the naughty things of her own. “You totally should.”Stephanie muttered falling asleep.

Stephanie whined, stirring a little shifting to rest her head against his stomach, simply enjoying being with him. Frowning as she listened, thinking about what she was hearing. “...What are you talking about?”Stephanie muttered, “Something happen to Jay again? And how’s Diane?”Stephanie said, starting to get worked up now that she was waking up.
Tony looked down at her and smiled a little at her. "nothing, just boring science crap." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'd explain it but i don't understand it myself. i just like listening to Bruce science babble. turns me on." "your kind of sick and twisted Tony, you know that?" Bruce asked, looking amused. "yes, i did know that." Tony agreed with a chuckle, smiling at Steph. "Jay's fine and Diane is taming a wild beast." he admitted. "i never thought i'd see the day that i saw Loki in a dress and pretending to drink tea." he admitted with a chuckle. "i still hate the little rat bastard but Thor seams to have good control over him. i wonder what the secret is?" he mused. "he has to have some sort of spell, or blackmail, or something over Loki right?" he wondered before sighing "Clint! that's not yours!" Clint whined but put the watch back. "and Pepper's diamond necklace!" "but! but! sparkly! Tony! Sparkly!" "it's not yours, put it back." he ordered, Clint whining again and dropping the necklace, though, he was still covered in various necklaces, rings and other sparkly doodads and bits and bobs that he kept offering to James, Natasha, Phil and Diane. he nearly ripped Loki's face off when the man tried to help him collect sparklies. Clint, in his heat induced craze, had assumed Loki was trying to mate with him and he had not appreciated that in the least. he spent the next hour crooning very pointedly while winding around James and grooming him and draping him with stolen shinies and glitters. he only stopped when he was very sure the entire Tower got the message that James was his mate. whether James wanted it or not. granted, that didn't mean Clint would force James, just that he only wanted James.
“Ah. Well, I always knew you were a little strange, science talk being a turn on makes sense.”She teased a little sighing softly, not moving to get up, awake but still looking contentedly sleepy as she laid with him. Before snorting. “Really? That’s awesome.”She said gigglign a little. “I hope someone’s taking pictures.” “Don’t worry. We sent Natasha downstairs to have tea with them to. And I dunno, it’s something.”She agreed, smirking a little as she watched james reading in one of the other chairs, smirking slightly that he hand one hand out absently over the chair, petting clint’s side and wing in a passing touch each time the other past him. “we’ll go out tomorrow and get you other sparklies, ones that belong to you.”James promised sounding amused because watching loki and then getting cuddled himself, was amusing to him, even if it worried him slightly that the other was focusing so much on him.
he snickered a little. "it does make sense right?" he asked, smirking a little, glad that she was still here, snuggling with him. "God, she'll keep him in line." Tony said, pleased that Natasha was keeping an eye on Loki, who had become much more subdued really. he was quiet ad pretty much just stayed as close to Thor or Jane as he could without getting in their way. Tony had to grin every time he saw James stroke the birdbrain. "Sparklies." Clint agreed, draping more golden necklaces over James and braiding them into his hair, making happy little chirping and purring noises. "that is super creepy." Tony admitted, watching Clint who got quite aggravated anytime someone got too close to James when he had shining things on him so they where being very careful not to get too close to him, though Steph could probobly go over no problem since she was one of his hatchlings considering the gold braided into her hair that hadn't been there before she'd gone to sleep. where the hell he'd gotten all those necklaces and strands of rhinestone was a mysteries but no one was pitching a fit so it seamed to be okay. Clint seamed to get bored making James pretty and slipped into his vent to go play in his nest and make it look nice for when he seduced James. "...creepy." Tony mumbled. "it's just creepy." he admitted even as he reached under the couch and grabbed a suitcase, popped it open and started hiding dozens of golden chains all over the place, Bruce hiding a smile. Tony was so thoughtful and sweet. he'd obviously been talking to Clint's baby mama.
"It does."she said with a quiet laugh, ignoring the look james was giving her. If he wanted to give her knowing looks, well he could deal with when she ignored them. Cause she was so not ready to face that yet."indeed she will. I'd pay good money to watch the godling take on natasha."james said snickering at the mental image that gave him,, since he knew who had loki's helmet. What, he was a spy, finding out things is what he did. "Hey I have sparkles to."Stephanie said startled as she moved her head looking pleased as she sat up carefully, making sure she didn't use her bad arm, or wasn't to hurt anywhere else."yea it is a little creepy."james agreed witb a snicker, tilting his head slightly as he watched tony, giving the man a pleased smile to see that bed taken the time to find out what would help clint the best.
"i'm pretty sure he's going to stay well behaved." Bruce admitted. "whatever Thor has on him seams to be pretty big, Loki never puts a single toe out of line." he admitted. "whatever it is, i think Loki's under control for now." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head. "you do have sparkles." Tony agreed with a smile. "i had to sit all the way over there while he was braiding those into your hair." he admitted. "or he'd growl at me, it was scary, i was terrified." Tony lied, grinning a little as he hid sparklies and soft things all over. he had even gotten big squares of real rabbit fur for Clint, since he seamed to have such a fetish for super soft things. "he's been stealing chocolate too." Tony admitted. "his baby mama said he'd never done that before." "you can't remember her name, can you?" Bruce asked, looking very amused and Tony grimaced. "i suck at names... anyway, make sure you hide any stashes you have really well if you don't want him to take off with it."
“Hmm, true.”stephanie said looking amused as she considered that, looking amused as she inspected the sparklies. “That’s amusing. And you aren’t that easily frightened.”He teased looking amused as she watched him. Frowning slightly. “Laura, and probably cause James likes chocolate.” “Do not. I like real chocolate, not what they have now.” “This is real chocolate.”Stephanie said rolling her eyes a little as she sat up carefully, making sure she was okay before moving to get up. Feeling angsty and off enough that she was retreating from the warm feelings she was having at having woken up cuddled up to tony.
"well, that's true, but he did get aggravated so we stayed out of his way." Tony admitted with a grin. "right, that's the one." he agreed before snorting. "as if i'd let that fake, nasty shit in my tower." he huffed, digging into a drawer for a bar of exquisite, and expensive chocolate. then again, back when James was a kid a single bar of chocolate could be an entire days paycheck. "try it." Tony ordered with a grin. "you'll love it. this is super dark, it's bitter but i have a milk chocolate that's almost as good." he admitted. Tony loved the bitter dark chocolate. he would do almost anything for a 90%Cocoa bar. he was actually stuffing one in his mouth right now and he smiled at them with chocolate smeared across his lips. "anyway, today is an exciting day! i'll probobly be in the lab if anyone needs me." he admitted, looking at Steph. "you come down if you need me, okay?" he demanded. "do you need anything before i head off?" he asked.
“Ah, that’s both amusing and adorable.”She snickered a little before laughing at tony’s protest. “Ah, you are such a snob.”James teased looking amused, eyes widening as he took the bar, amazed at having a whole bar to himself, and nearly having a orgasm over the bar as he settled in to eat. “hmmm, you just made a best friend tony.”Stephanie teased before looking at the other, nodding a little. “I will. Go. And no, I’m fine.”she promised watching him go.

It was nearly midnight when Jarvis drew tony’s attention. “Sir? I think you need to take a break and check on Captain Rogers.”Jarvis said sounding as worried as he ever did. “Mr. Barnes had a flashback, and the Captain is currently hiding in her closet in her own flashback. They seem to be feeding each other’s moment.”Jarvis said sounding anxious, truly anxious really.
"i am a snob." Tony agreed with a grin, tossing a bar to Steph as well, in her favorite strength before handing Bruce another super dark. "i have a best freind. he's a nerd and isn't scary." "...right. because the Hulk isn't scary." "not YOU, Jarvis, duh." Tony huffed, which made Bruce laugh because he'd walked right into that one.

Tony looked up, startled. they where literally, only two minutes till it was done. literally, two minutes until the new form was completely finished. Tony had even let Loki design the body himself, he and Bruce didn't even know what it looked like yet. "fuck. call birdbrain and have him take care of James." Tony ordered, heading out of the lab, knowing Jay would understand. "Don't finish the party without me." he ordered, pretty much running to Steph's rooms, skidding to a halt when Clint wheeled around and hissed at him from in front of the doorway. "Easy buddy, i'm here to help Steph." he assured Clint who growled a further warning before crooning at the door again. "James? come on James. open the door, it's okay, i won't let them in." he promised, trying to help as best as he could.
Stephanie laughed a little, amused as she ate her candy bar, cheered to hear the two scientist’s joking. That was just adorable.

“Already done, sir. And of course. I’ll wait until you are done.”The AI promised. James growled a warning from his side of the door, “No!you’re with them!You are!”James said sounding lost and angry and upset. “Jamie, it’s me. Come on, it’s tony and clint. Let them in, they can help.”Stephanie said sounding upset and scared, not only for herself, not that she really would think james would hurt her normally, but she was fighting off her own flashbacks, spiraling between reality and fantasy to quickly to be focusing well, but for james. She was scared of what he’d do if he felt cornered. “N-no....Stephanie. Have to find steph...”James said sounding anxious and upset, definitely stuck in those years where he’d had no idea his stephanie, his captain was still alive. “I’m here. I am, let them in.”Stephanie said, voice muffled, definitely in the closest still, even as James cracked the door, the shield in his hand, having not grabbed a gun, but the deadliest weapon he knew of, stephanie’s shield. Looking at the two he eased back from the door to let them in. Still looking edgy and tense as he watched them, but willing to let them in for the moment.
"thanks Jay." Tony said, offering his A.I a truly affectionate look. Tony had a mixed relationship with JArvis to be honest. some days, Tony felt like a father to the A.I, other days he felt as if the A.I. as his father, a total flip flop but it suited them and Tony had to admit, he'd be dead, or truly insane if it wasn't for Jay and he wanted to be there to see his computer be born into a truly living being. "Its okay James. i'll help you find Steph. it'll be okay." Clint promised, crooning unhappily. unable to stop his bird sides agitation even if the human in him was mostly in control. Tony was very wary, frightened of James as he slid into the room, edging around him. he knew it as wrong to be so scared of James, but the man... no matter how wrong it was, Tony kept thinking of his old man anytime James got the slightest bit aggravated. Tony headed straight for the closet and slipped inside, murmuring softly to Stephanie while Clint did the same to James, cooing at him and stroking his arms with his fingertips, doing what he could to reassure the other that it was safe and that everything was okay.
James frowned at clint a little even if he moved slightly towards the xloset, subconsciously aware of where stephanie was even if he couldn't keep track."you know where stephanie is?"he said sounding upset even if he didn't try and get closer to tony, or to stop him. Some part of the man aware of why he frightened tony, and knew that he was important to stephanie, so wasn't willing to hurt him.calming slowly as he let clint comfort him. "Clint?"he muttered after a bit struggling to focus on the other.

"H-hey tony."Stephanie sniffled a little even as she shuffled out from under the pile of clothes and shoes she was sitting jn, shifting to get closer to the billionaire."s-sorry. Didn't know what else to do. But have jarvis get you."she said sounding upset and anxious
Tony winced, flinching when James moved closer but he didn't attack so Tony kept going, his need to help Steph stronger than his fear. "hey, it's okay." he promised Stephanie, feeling much safer in the closet. he'd often tuck himself into closets when his father was in a rage, the man never looked in the closets. they where safe and dark and small and perfect. sometimes, he'd settle in at night in a closet, just so he could feel safe for a night. "you did the right thing. you did very good." he promised her with a smile, gently drawing her into his arms. "you did perfectly."

Clint cooed and preened James, wrapping him up in those massive wings and just sat there holding him and trying to make him fee better. "i know where Steph is. she's just fine. perfectly safe." he promised James. "i'm here." Clint promised him. "you going to be okay or should i get the Icer?" he asked softly. a simple promise that James had extracted from them. the same promise they'd given to Bruce 'if i get dangerous, drop me. if i attack, put m down. please don't let me hurt anyone i care about'. it wasn't in those words of course, but it meant the same thing.
Stephanie sniffled a little leaning into him, “Oh. Okay. I didn’t know how else to help him....he couldn’t figure out I was there....”Stephanie sighed quietly, leaning into his arms, resting her head against his chest. “I’m sorry, Tony. I knew you were busy doing something.”She muttered nuzzling his chest, content to be held and cuddled, even if she was worried about james and diane, and how everything was going to be. Her flashbacks not true flashbacks in a sense, more that she was feeling the weight of the world sitting on her shoulders.

James sighed quietly, leaning into the other, closing his eyes, relaxing softly. “Oh....okay. Still need to find her, make sure she is.”He muttered thinking about it, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the other’s shoulders. “No...I’m okay. I think....if you’d feel could get the icer.”he muttered, not about to admit he’d feel better for it.
"it's fine. Jarvis doesn't mind." he promised her. "and i don't mind either. we where just waiting for the results to finish anyway so it's not like i was actually busy... though, i did get a high score on Flappy Bird." he admitted with a smile, wrapping his arms around her a little more tightly. Tony only played Flappy Bird when he was well and truly bored because he truly hated that game, so he knew, she would know he really hadn't been doing anything. "by the way, it appears as if Diane has the same mysterious power over Loki as Thor does." he admitted, sounding rather awestruck. "he let her paint his nails. it was horrific but Diane thought it was the best and Loki never so much as complained." he admitted. "i think she's settling in well here." he hoped progress reports would help her feel better.

"we'll go find her together once your calm, okay?" he asked with a smile. "she'll be upset if she sees your upset." he admitted before he smiled at the other and pulled the Icer out of it's holster which was at the small of his back and showed it to James before tucking it back into place. well aware that the other felt better, knowing Clint could drop him at any second. Bruce got the same way, on jittery days when the Serum kicked into overdrive and The Hulk was a constant thunder of rage and roars in the back of his mind. "I'll take care of you." he whispered to James. "i promise, i won't let you hurt anyone."
“Ah. That’s....horrible. You should have gotten some sleep, tony.”She said sounding scoldy and worried about him, relaxing, shifting to get more comfortable, utterly content to he held. Shifting, resting her broken arm against his chest, looking quite prepared to go back to sleep now that he was bracing her sore, tired and achy body still. Giggling sleepily. “That’s awesome. I’ll have to go look at his nails later.”she muttered before nodding “Yes, she will. Thanks tony. For that.”She muttered starting to fall back asleep.

“Kay....we’ll find her later.”James muttered relaxing, nodding a little as he closed his eyes, “Good.”he muttered glad that the other was able to take care of him, and indeed it seemed the other had reassured him well enough cause within minutes he was dropping back to sleep, snuggling close and content for the moment.
"was too excited to sleep and Bruce is having one of those days." he admitted. "i sent Natasha down to cover him." he admitted, holding her, letting her rest and smirking a little. "yeah... i think somethings wrong with him actually. have you noticed, he's kind of... wraith like these days. like a ghost. he doesn't talk, or smile, or react unless Thor directly interacts with him. Diane too apparently." he admitted, stroking her hair. "go to sleep now." he whispered, smiling a little at her.

"yes. we'll find her in the morning. she's likely sleeping now." Clint agreed, smiling at him. "i have to have it for Bruce." he admitted. "sometimes, he can't keep himself contained all the way and he scares himself." he admitted, crooning softly as he rocked James to sleep. letting him rest the way he probobly needed. both Tony and Clint would still be asleep when the two woke up.
“Ah I see.”Stephanie said sounding amused as she snuggled against him, before nodding, closing her eyes. “good, natasha will take care of him.”She muttered frowning slightly before nodding. “I know. Something’s wrong,but thor seems to have it handled....he’ll ask for help if he needs it.”She muttered yawning as she nodded, falling asleep.

“Kay.”James muttered smiling a little, before nodding. “Makes sense.”He muttered falling asleep.

In the morning Stephanie looked down in bemusement at the billionaire she was laying on top of, leaning in to kiss his forehead as she sat up carefully, ignoring the hard length pressing against her ass, knowing it was simply a natural reaction, and not what tony wanted from her. Sitting up slowly not to wake him up, she gently moved away to kneel at his side, gently shaking tony. “Tones, time to get up sweetheart.”She muttered.
"hmm..." Tony mumbled, shifting a little as she gently shook him. "five more minutes." he mumbled, snuggling into the nest that he had made, his 'natural reaction' slowly deflating. "...Steph?" he asked sluggishly. "did i get drunk?" he wondered, uncertain why he was in the closet. usually he only did this when he got drunk, had a nightmare or had a severe manic attack. "did i have a nightmare?" he wondered, blinking at her. "thank you for taking care of me." he murmured sluggishly, rubbing at his eyes. the sound of Tony waking, woke Clint and he growled protectively, checking to make sure it wasn't a threat before opening his wings to let James out, cooing at him.
“no, come on sweetheart.”She said snickering a little as she stirred, protesting getting him as she sat at his side. “No, not drunk. Me and james did remember?”She said smiling at the other, amused as she moved to get up. James stirred, whining a little as clint’s moving made him cold, grumbling as he started to wake up, blinking sleepily. “....Morning.”he muttered sitting up slowly as he looked at clint, glancing at the closet as stephanie opened the door. Looking amused. “Morning.”She said running a hand through her hair.
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