
“Ah, well, James isn’t above spanking. He might spank us if we whine to much.”Stephanie said with a smirk at clint, teasing him because she could. Nodding a little, “Okay. That’ll be fun.”She smiled at him, relaxing quietly as she leaned back into the bed, snuggling down.

Natasha smirked a little as she watched Skarsgard twitch, looking up at phil, before swallowing hard. “Not until we find out how badly she tried.”She said vaguely, not wanting skarsgard to know what was going on, and without knowing if stephanie was still in danger or not, she still needed to work out everything. “You need to read this, and decide if we need to tell tony.”She said having read between the lines, picked up stephanie’s deep hatred and dislike for howard stark, before leaving with the good doctor. He was going to have fun.

“It’s okay, Sir. It was a good thing, I feel...stronger.”The ai said sounding like he’d be smiling if he had a body. “Yes, yes I do. You don’t learn if we don’t rub it in.”He said before making a happy little beep at being hugged. “No, sir. Nothing at all. Though you should eat something. Friday has informed me that things have been upsetting. Go. Make Doctor banner cook.”Jarvis ordered pleased as he was obeyed.

Two days later Stephanie scowled, looking annoyed as she waved a hand a james, looking upset and frustrated, pacing away from him. “Hey. Hey, come back here.”James ordered swallowing thickly as he gently tugged her back into his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I told you it didn’t matter, sweetheart.”he muttered, barely glancing up when he heard clint walking out of the house, shifting the super soldier in his arms as he focused on her, gently stroking her hair. Discreetly holding up a hand so clint wouldn’t get closer until he’d gotten stephanie past the stage of lashing out, having come outside to talk having hoped that it was private enough that Stephanie wouldn’t freak out. Knowing this would just embarass her if she knew clint had seen. “I love you, sex and dating has never factored into that. Even if it was a nice bonus, we’re not....who we were. I guess it’s time to figure out who we are now.”he muttered relaxing a little when she did, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “now, Clint’s looking ready to fly, and you said you were going to call Tony.” “....yea....”Stephanie muttered not sounding so sure about that.
Clint paused at the sight of James holding up a hand and he nodded and continued waking out to where he usually stretched his wings out instead of heading over to them. swallowing thickly as he released his wings. oh how he hated letting them out, but everyone made a good point. he needed to be able to use his wings. he spread them out and stretched them, flexing them and spreading the feathers out and twisting them carefully. checking each feather in a manner he had always known how to do. instinct worked well, even in humans. he waited a moment before beginning the basic exercise. the simple flap. just like a baby bird, he flapped hard, hopping as he went so he could be airborne only for a few short seconds, building up the muscles and getting used tot he sensation again. Cooper watched from the front porch, fascinated and studying so he could learn what to do as his wings started growing in. he moved over to them when he was done, sweating slightly but not completely out of breath the way he had been the first couple of times he'd done it. "you ready to spot me?" Clint asked. he needed someone to catch him if he dropped and James was the only one strong enough at the moment. it was his first flight in almost ten years. he didn't want to do it. he just wanted to pretend they didn't exist. but he had to, for Cooper if nothing else.

he was in the air before he could blink, wobbly, uncertain, hovering in the wind like a hang glider because he was too petrified to move after he'd gotten up there. it was only a yell from Cooper that snapped him out of it and he began to flap, trembling the entire way and wobbly but he was flying and getting more and more steady the longer he stayed in the air until he could fly in a straight line. he decided that was more than enough and slowly descended. or tried to anyway, he crash landed in the dirt and had to take a moment to catch his breath because damn that had been hell, on his muscles, on his nerves, he was tired. exhausted even. he staggered to his feet and flashed a thumbs up so Laura, Steph, Cooper and Lila would stop hovering over him. "it's hard... the wind. it's like weight lifting in the sky. tired..." Clint admitted, still trying to catch his breath but looking pleased. he'd done it. he had. he'd flown and nothing bad had happened. it was okay. he was still going to bitch, but maybe it wasn't all bad. "you where gonna call Tony right?" he asked Steph with a smile once he'd gotten his breath back.
"Yea I'm ready, birdbrain. In the air you go."james said smiling a little as he stepped away from stephanie, watching, looking proud and fascinated as be watched. So fascinated in fact that for a few minutes he didn't realize the other was falling and by the time he got close enough to slow the others descent some by grabbing his shirt, he'd already hit the ground."you okay?"he said helping him get up even as the girls and kids hovered. "Careful. Move slow, make sure you didn't break anything."Stephanie fussed looking upset as she looked him over, relaxing as she realized he was okay, if a little jarred."yea, I'm going to call him...make sure he's doing okay...but are you sure you don't need help going in?" "If he does, you still can't help uim. Go, we'll be in in a bit."james said shooting the currently weaker super soldier inside before looking at clint."you sure her calling tony is a good idea?"he said looking upset and worried.
"yeah. thanks." he growled sourly before getting himself into the air. "i'm fine, i just came in a little hotter than i meant to. forgot i didn't know how to land." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm fine, nothings broken, Jesus i just scraped my palms and knees." he promised. "and i dislodged a few feathers. it's gonna be a bitch yanking those out." he admitted before smiling at her. "let him know your fine too, i'm sure he's fussing a bit not knowing how you are." he admitted, watching her. "i'm going to need some help, yeah. i'm wiped, i don't think i can make it without falling asleep." he admitted with a grimace before smiling as she left before turning very serious. "yes." he admitted. "Tony is her... connection, i guess. he's who she always goes to, when she's upset. hearing him babble at her will make him feel better." he admitted. "and i need to talk to you. i got a text from Nat...." he looked at James. "you know Steph better than any of us, even after all this time. we don't know what to do..." he admitted. "her Therapist was Hydra.... he was making her worse on purpose. he's already dead. Nat took care of him personally. but we don't know if it would help, or hurt Steph to know."
“Yea, that could be a problem.”Jamese snorted looking amused as he looked the other over, nodding a little. “I’ll yank them out, it’ll be fun. A reminder to not do stupid things.” “You just like punishing us.”Stephanie sulked rolling her eyes at James before nodding. “I’ll make sure to tell him.”She prmised as she headed inside. “I’ll carry you.’James promised looking at clint before frowning, thinking about it. Going quiet as he considered it, before nodding. “Yes...he is her connection now.”he muttered before looking up at the man, shifting, tensing, waiting for the bad news before wincing as he heard. “Damn...”He cursed sounding annoyed that it happened, and that he was already dead. Going quiet as he considered it before shaking his head. “Don’t tell her. Not yet. If she finds out, we’ll deal with it, but she’s in no way thinking clearly enough to handle it yet.”

“Tony?”Stephanie said softly, looking anxious as she heard Jarvis talking to the genius, curling up in the chair, listening to the lab sounds, relaxing a little even if she was scared of what the billionaire would say.
he rolled his eyes. "i'd rather you didn't. you'll likely yank you the wrong ones and then it'll take me hours to fix it." he admitted. "besides, it wasn't stupid, it was a lack of experience." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulder. "thanks. because that's totally not creepy at all." he admitted to James with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she still needs you too you know. but for her, your a part of her past. Tony's a part of her future. he helps her settle into the new era." he admitted. "yeah. damn." he agreed, shaking his head. "okay. we'll handle it later then." he agreed. "now get to carrying before i collapse. i don't think i can stand on my own much longer." he admitted. "so, seriously, up." he commanded.

"hello? Steph! hi!" Tony squealed, sounding super excited. whether that was because he was excited about hearing from her or excited about whatever Jarvis was saying was a toss up. "Music Off! Bruce! shut up!" Bruce just laughed and wandered off. "he's an ass. Steph! he's a total ass!" Tony whined. "oh! oh i got you something! something nice! something special. your gonna love it! Nat says you need time to take care of Clint so you have to wait until he's better, but you'll love it!" so they had told Tony it was Clint who had needed the help. Clint was more than happy to 'take the blame' as it where.
“Ah, well okay. No pulling feathers.”James said looking amused, before snorting. “No, it’s stupidity since you’re just learning how to do it.”he huffed a little before making a face. “It’s not creepy.”he grumbled before thinking about it, before nodding slowly. “Yes....I guess your right. Even if it”He shrugged not sure how to explain the utter empty feeling the idea of not being with stephanie left with him. James snorted amused at the other’s command, before picking him up like a pretty pretty princess bridal style. “Come on then princess, time for bed.”he smirked as he headed inside.

“Hey Tony.”Stephanie smiled relaxing a little at the squeal, sounding bemused, wondering if it was just her calling that had enticed this sort of reaction. “Are you sure?Seems like he’s leaving you alone now.”She said amused glad to hear him sounding better before frowning, “You didn’t have to get me anything Tony.”She protested sounding upset at the idea that he’d taken time to get something.
he shook his head. "yep, no pulling feathers. even a single feather out of line could make flight impossible." he admitted. "it is a little creepy." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "you where her rock for so long it seams, wrong, to not be that for her anymore." he mused. "right? but it'll settle down, she probobly feels just as weird as you do." he admitted, rolling his eyes as he was picked up even as he nestled himself into the others arms and rested with a sigh, already mostly asleep by the time they got inside, though he was struggling to stay awake because he wanted to know how Stephanie's phone call went.

Tony huffed. "yes i'm sure! he keeps leaning over my shoulder and telling me i'm doing it wrong! how can i do it wrong!?" he demanded. "i'm not doing it wrong!" he complained before giggling nervously. "well... yes i did. i got everyone something. so you guys won't be mad at me. but it's cool. it's totaly cool. i have it all under control i promise." he assured her. "but your gonna love it! i made part of it myself! you'll love it!" he promised her with a grin before sobering. "how is Clint? Nat says he's not handling his physical therapy all that well." well, it wasn't a lie at least. Clint was struggling with his therapy.
“okay, don’t want to give you a excuse to not fly.”James looked amused before rolling his eyes. “I’m never creepy. Steph and her innocent act is creepy, not me.”James huffed a little before nodding slowly. “yes...that’s it. We’ll figure it out.”He said smiling a little as he headed inside, “Go to sleep. I’ll tell you how the talk goes later.”He promised, smiling as he settled the other into the bed.

“Well, you are Tony Stark, I’m sure there’s something you’re doing wrong. I mean, cooking is horrible for you.”Stephanie teased a little before frowning, nodding even if he couldn’t see it. “Okay.....I guess that’s okay.”She said, sounding a little upset. Not with tony, which he knew, because they’d had this conversation before, but because she wasn’t used to getting things, and it always made her anxious to get presents. “I can’t wait to see it.”she said even if it wigged her out at the iea of leaving the safe little bubble she’d made herself, so scare of watching her life implode again, where the only option had been trying to escape it. “No, he’s not doing well. Though better now that he’s actually using his wings, instead of ignoring it. And like James told us both, if we don’t use the muscles, it’ll be fucked up for awhile. Super healing is good sometimes, not always though.”Stephanie said, not really aware that she’d mostly revealed she was the one hurt to, even if Clint was having troubles to.
"whatever." he grumbled, sulking because he didn't want to fly dammit. he wanted to stay on the ground and pretend his wings didn't exist. "yeah, i agree, that is a little bit creepy." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "we'll have to figure it out." he admitted before sighing and nodding. "fine. fine." he grumbled as he settled in to go to sleep.

"i am not! i do not! how dare you!" Tony complained, something he did often when he felt slighted. "i am perfect in every way!" he complained. "it'll be fine! i didn't spend a single penny." he promised her. "i used stuff i already had." he assured her, well aware she liked those kinds of presents the best. he did too actually. Clint had already told her that a sketch from her would really brighten up Tony's day. "well you take the time to make sure Clint is all better first, even if it takes a couple of months." he ordered. "i know how seriously you take his safety and stuff. he's a pretty good guy so i'm glad your watching out for him." Tony admitted. there was a slight pause and then. "Phil showed us an X-ray of Clint's skeletal structure. did you know he has Talons?" he asked, sounding rather freaked out. "apparently, that's why he never bothers carrying knives, he's always armed, even when he's not." he admitted. "oh! by the way! i'm not supposed to say anything, but i'm going to anyway. you know Skarsgard? your therapist? he was fired." he admitted. "he's been transferred to Antarctica or something, apparently his daddy had a deep set hate for all things Captain America and Skarsgard carried on the tradition." not entirely the truth, but Tony hated the idea of her thinking it was her fault Skarsgard was a dick. "so that's why he was treating you so awful. because he didn't like you. he even had his license revoked and stuff, because it went against his oaths or something, i dunno how it works." he admitted. "Phil was furious, but no one was sure if it would make you feel better to know or not, but i think it doesn't matter. you have a right to know, you know? you've had enough secretes." he admitted. "are you mad?" he wondered.
"Im captain america. I have to tell the truth, and I like your imperfect self. Less intimidating."Stephanie snickered before relaxing."oh. Well. That's different then."she said smiling because even if she knew tony was filthy rich, it made her feel angsty to know he spent money on er. Relaxing a little at simply listening to him talk."okay well I'll look after him. Well, not just mee. Jamie's taken a liking to him to. He's bullying the birdie."Stephanie snickered a little."ah. That's a little disturbing. But tony, you know he'd never use them on him."Stephanie said trying to calm him before frowning going wuiet."yes I know him."she said quiet as she considered what she was hearing, staring down as she stared down at the floor."yea....i...I don't know...thats..."she swallowed hard trying to think around the shock and pain of knowing that.
"...well... i guess that's okay even if i think your totally bullshitting. there's no way you ever find me intimidating." he scoffed before chuckling a little. "yeah, no worries. i spent like, two dollars." he admitted. "and that's because i broke my favorite screwdriver... well, no, i say i broke it,, but it was really all Bruce's fault for letting Dummy have it." he admitted. "i know. it's really creepy." Tony admitted. "no one likes Clint!" he admitted, though that was a total lie. Clint was usually people's favorite once they got to actually know the Avengers. even most of the Avengers liked Clint more than the others. he was just too sweet for his own good. "i wouldn't call him birdie where he can hear you though, he really doesn't like it." he warned with a chuckle. "oh, he'd never use his Talons on us, no. but it explains a lot about how he can go into a building and come back out with everyone inside dead and him without a speck of blood on him." he admitted. "it's disturbing the same way Nat's disturbing." he admitted. "I know it sucks. i'm sorry." he admitted. "Phil's transferred you to a different Therapist. that dude who broke into your hospital room and yelled at you." he admitted. "he seams okay. i have no idea how, but he got me to actually have a session." he admitted. "it was actually really nice. i haven't had as many nightmares since i talked to him. Sam's his name i think. or maybe it was... no, i'm pretty sure it was Sam." he admitted. "i'm thinking we should get Clint to try to talk to him." he admitted. "he's really good at making people feel better."
“I am totally not bullshitting. Do you know how intimidating I find life in this time sometimes?”She huffed a little before snorting. “I’m sorry. Should we be worried about dummy getting donated, like you always threaten? Do I need to come rescue your bot?”She said souning amused before snorting. “You are such a liar. Clint’s everyone’s favorite. After me, and you of course.”Even if that was a lie, most people liked clint. “I know. And I wont. Though I think Jamie will. He likes annoying Clint.”She snickered a little before smiling. “Indeed, though how Natasha does it still puzzles me....and exactly!They’re both disturbing together.”She agreed before thinkign about it. Going quiet as she sighed. “Yea....Sam is a good guy. I’d be okay. I mean...he’s a friend. Even if he’s mad at me....”She muttered before smiling. “I’ll talk to Clint about it. And Jamie. We could use someone to talk to.”She said relaxing, indeed, settling some now that she was talking to tony, and he seemed okay. “ sure you don’t need me to come home?”Even if going home at the moment, made her break out in hives. She was so utterly at peace here, she was afraid of what it’d be if she went home. So scared of her team to discover what she’d done.
"well, yeah. this world is intimidating, but i'm not intimidating! i'm a mouthy little shit, sure, but there's not much scary about me. that's why the kids like me the best... well, after you anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "no! he's being donated and you can't stop me." he huffed, saying it just to say it. "you just want to keep him because he plays fetch with you." he teased before chuckling a little. "yeah, Clint is a pretty awesome guy, but don't tell him i said so." he ordered, shaking his head even though Steph couldn't see him. "i think James has a death wish. Clint might be mild mannered but he's even more dangerous then Nat is, even if neither of them admits it." he admitted with a chuckle. "it is creepy how she does that! and she won't give me even a little clue!" he whined. "oh, i don't think he's mad at you anymore. honestly i don't think he was ever actually mad at you." he admitted. "i thin he was just annoyed that you never told him you where a girl." he admitted. "we're fine." he promised her. "for some reason, all the bad guys sort of vanished for now. although, we can't find Grant." he admitted. "but Natasha's not too worried about it so i guess she knows where he is." Tony admitted. "anyway we're cool here so you focus on keeping Clint safe okay?" he asked with a smile. "we miss you, but having our team healthy is more important and we'll call you if there's a problem we can't handle on our own, yeah?" he offered her. "or i'll just make the fantastic four and the X-men actually pull their weight." he admitted. "you just make sure Clint takes care of himself okay?"
"You are a mouthy little shit, tony. I agree."Stephanie said relaxing, sounding amused. Talking to tony always made her feel better. "He better be there when I get home tony. And I do. I mean, I can understand fetch, after all I'm just a stupid girl you know?"she said quoting her therapist with the air of wounded dignity that said she knew she was smarter then she'd been given credit for."I promise, no telling clint. I mean, if I did, his ego would be nearly as big as yours."she teased before laughing."you might be right. I think jamie just likes screwing with him....and you know she only doesn't tell you cause it annoys you."she snickered before smiling."okay, I can do that. And call them first, if they can't help, well we'll deal with it then."she promised."bye tony."she said smiling as she hung up, feeling better then she had in weeks.

A few days later stephanie frowned as she stepped into the room, knocking lightly on the door as she looked around."clint?Laura said you were up here. Wanted to see if you cared to spar some with me. Jamie's being stubborn about it."
"i'll ask Nat where he is." he assured her. "i don't want Klondike to remove my balls after all." he admitted before he snorted. "your no stupider than i am Steph." he assured her. "your just not caught up yet." he admitted. "and your catching up damn fast." he admitted with a grin before laughing a little. "no ones Ego is as big as mine." he informed her. "not even close to." he admitted with a grin. "i wouldn't doubt it!" he admitted. "he's a masochist. and i know she does it because it annoys me! it works dammit!" he whined. "bye Steph." he said with a smile.

"no!" Clint called. "i mean, yes... but you can't look! don't look, it's Mine!" Clint informed her as he danced out of the attic room and closed the door, making sure she couldn't look in. what was very strange, was he had his wings out. he never had them out willingly, ever. something was up. "don't look." he ordered, crowding her back down the stairs. "it's mine! you can't look." he ordered, making upset sounding noises from the back of his throat that sounded decidedly bird like.
“what?”Stephanie startled, eyes widening as he talked, looking nervous as she closed her eyes. “Okay, I’m not looking.”She said sounding upset, letting him back her out of the room as the other move towards her. Opening her eyes as she looked at him worriedly, “I’m not looking.”She reassured. Looking worried as she followed him downstairs. “you okay?”James said looking up at the two, tilting his head at the noises, looking worried before making a face at Stephanie. “I still don’t think this is a good idea.” “I need to know what I’m capable of. Besides my arm, I’m physically fine. I need to work out the muscles, and since he’s healing to, he needs the help. We’ll be fine.”Stephanie reassured, sighing softly at the annoyed upset look on James’ face. “Are you okay to spar?”James said studying Clint, trying to figure out how he was doing. “Clint?You don’t have to.”He said setting the book aside he’d been reading, looking upset.
"good! don't look." he mumbled, relaxing as he realized she really wasn't looking. "i'm fine." Clint promised with a smile before shrugging a little. "sorry James but she's right. a light spar won't hurt her." he'd checked just to make sure. "physical activity might even be good for her." he admitted. "it certainly won't hurt her." he admitted. "and i don't need anymore exercise then i'm already getting thank you very much." he sniffed before blinking. "oh... that's really shiny. i like that." he mumbled, wandering off to pick at a picture frame that had rhinestones in it. once he had a few of the rhinestones plucked off he examined them before handing them to James. "here." he stated to the man before grinning at Steph as if nothing at all had happened. "so. backyard for the spar?" he offered as if he hadn't just done something totally weird. Laura, who was watching from a distance, looked highly amused. like, seconds away from bursting into laughter amused.
“Okay.”Stephanie smiled a little relazing as she realize he was okay before smirking at james. “See, I’m right.” “I know. I’m just worried. You always get in so much trouble by accident.”James smiled kissing her forehead, before snorting. “You could always need more exercise, and....”James paused watching the other, taking the rhinestones with a slightly bemused look on his face. “Thanks...”He muttered. “Yea, backyard.”Stephanie grinned heading for the door even as James headed for laura. He knew she’d know what was going on." okay?Should I get him help?"James asked as he got near, looking worried.
"she'll be fine. we'll monitor her very closely." Clint promised before looking sour at the order he needed more exercise. "i'm already flying every day, what more do you want from me you slave driver?" he whined before beaming, looking very pleased that he had accepted the rhinestones. he followed after Stephani, activating his Pockets as he'd started calling the high tech thing that hid his wings. he didn't want them to get hurt or mussed in the spar. "he's fine." Laura promised. "he does this every year. it's mating season basically. he's seeking out a suitable mate." she admitted. "i knew it as soon as he settled in the attic. that's why the kids left for their grandmothers." she admitted. "he's just going through his mating cycle. normally it's me, but he won't be interested in me this turn around because i'm already pregnant." she admitted, rubbing her belly. "and he knows it's his, so he'll seek someone else out." she admitted. "just don't go up to the attic and you'll be fine. he gets very possessive." she admitted with a smile. "nd just as a warning, normally he gives me those sparkly bits." she admitted with a grin. "as a followup warning, make sure Steph doesn't have anything sparkly out that she doesn't want Clint to steal. because he will steal it." she admitted. "also, like i always do, i've hidden dozens of small sparkly things around the house for him to find, try not to take any of it because he'll get upset that you have a sparkly and if you give it to him he'll take it as an invitation to fuck you right then and there." she admitted with a chuckle. "i'll make sure to tell Steph all of this as well of course." she promised. "now. how about helping me hide some soft blankets? he likes it best when he finds his own nesting material." she admitted with a chuckle, tucking a super soft fleece blanket just behind the fridge. "here, put this one under the couch would you? i can't bend over."
“Okay. Good. And I’ll think of something.”James smirked looking amused as the other two left, watching him go for a moment, making sure neither of them were hurting to much before looking at laura. “Oh. That’s...odd. But I get it.”James frowned thinking about it before sighing softly, glancing at her. “Yes, no need to mate the pregnant woman.”He teased a little before nodding. “It’s a good thing we’re already used to weird, otherwise this would be fairly odd.”He snickered a little frowning as he looked at the rhinestones in his hand, nodding slowly. “Is there a reason he’s giving them to me? Or will he start giving them to us both? I mean, Steph could be a good mate to.”James frowned before nodding. “she doesn’t have anything sparkly at the moment. But I’ll tell her...and no giving him sparklies.”Even if he sorta wanted to fuck the other, “Okay. And yea, I’ll help.”James smiled a little following her, takign the blanket. “How about you sit, and I’ll hide the blankets. Rest.”He ordered fussing over the pregnant woman, it was amazing how some thought he could be so cold and frozen, out of touch with people. In reality, it was just that he had to have a connection to people to care what happened to them beyond a simple concern for their welfare. Trying really hard to not think to hard about the idea of fucking clint, or doing anything. As much as he was awrae of things changing between him and stephanie, he didn’t want to ruin things, and he was afraid this would.....even if he really did want the other man. which terrified him to. he'd never had a relationship with a guy before the war, and after....well, getting past around hydra would never endear anyone to the idea of being bisexual
she nodded. "yes. not to mention we agreed after we divorced that i wouldn't be his mate for this season." she admitted. "last year he actually spent the mating cycle alone. it was pretty hard on him." she admitted. "he's actually early. i think the lack of a mate last year jump started it. especially since he's interested in new people." she admitted. "it's hard to be totally sure, since his instincts are a lot stronger than cooper or Angel's are." she admitted. "Clint is just as wild as he is civilized, being the way he spent his childhood his instincts aren't covered up by human training." she admitted before shrugging. "that's true enough. Aliens are a lot weirder than a guy with wings going through mating season." she agreed with a chuckle. "it's hard to be sure. he's giving them to you because he's interested in you." she admitted. "and has been for a while actually. whether or not he will attempt to seduce Steph as well remains to be seen." she admitted. "it's possible, about fifty fifty. he's never had a chance to have more than one mate before." she admitted. "so it'll be interesting to see how he handles this." she admitted. "i do know that he treats Phil and Natasha like hatchlings." she admitted. "you know like they're his babies. when the kids are here he does the same to them. one night he started before i realized it and he'd pulled Cooper and Lila into his nest room and was actually nesting them. it was hilarious, watching them nap all wrapped up in his wings." she admitted with a chuckle. "they're old enough now to know what sex sounds are though so i tend to send them away when he gets like this." she admitted with a chuckle. "oh, thank you." she sighed, sagging into the couch. "being pregnant sucks." she admitted. "i'd yell at Clint but he's too smug about getting me knocked up." she grumbled, smiling at her belly. "he's kicking." she admitted, grinning at James. "do you want to feel?" she offered, motioning him over. "here, set your hand right here." she offered, indicating where the tiny foot was punching her insides.
"Ah I see. Well at least you two are being civilized about it. I've seen some divorces go to hell."james said smiling a little before frowning at the idea of clint bring interested in other people, not realizing she meant him."yes...the things we learn as children are hard to overcome. Even harder if we never learn to restrict part of those instincts."he agreed sounding amused before laughing."I can see nat and philas hatchlings. That's adorable."he grinned looking amused at the idea of clint treating them like that."well be glad for it. It sucks, but you'll be okay."james said a quiet pained look flicking over his face before he could control it. Startling at the question he paused before nodding slowly, moving over and touching her stomach, eyes widening."oh...." "...should I be worried yourfeeling up laura?"stephanie said as her and clint walked in, looking amused even though she was frustrated with having to stop so soon because she couldn't handle a long spar just yet.
she chuckled a little. "well, we're still best friends." she admitted with a smile. "we just don't love each other the way we used to. we drifted apart. it happens sometimes." she admitted before nodding. "as babies, children we're taught how to behave. most people already have instincts as humans, Clint has hawk instincts mixed in with his human and it's created a whole new set of instincts. being that he was brought up more as an animal than a person just made it worse." she admitted with a smile. "oh, it's hilarious. he'll coo at them and groom them and give them soft blankets and sparkly things and made them lay down with him and take naps all wrapped up in his wings and he'll give them food and all kinds of hilarious things." she admitted. "he once braided Nat's hair full of necklaces and earrings and beads." she admitted with a chuckle. "i have pictures, i'll show you." she offered before smiling at him. "i'm sorry. that was insensitive of me." she admitted before smiling as the tiny foot kicked at James hand. "oh hush. the babies kicking." Laura admitted with a smile. "Nathaniel calms down when someone gives him attention." she admitted, smiling at Steph. "would you like to feel?" she offered. "James seams to just be making him more hyper."
"...yea sometimes it does."something sad and quiet filled his face for a moment, because he really d idnt want to consider it."makes's a good thing he has a team used to weird otherwise this would be harder for him."he said smiling slightly. "That's awesome. Having pictures of nat like that it'll probably buy me some kind of bribing or something."james looked amused."it's oaky. Really. You didn't mean to be mean, unlike some people would have."james promised smiling as the baby kicked at him."i..."Stephanie tr a lied off edging closer witb a smile."he's good at that. Getting pretty hyper."she looked amusedas she rested a hand on laura stomsch, eyes widening a little as her hand wss kicked. Sadness but happiness twinned in the look as she watched."oh...that's amazing laura. Really."she said straightening looking amused as she nudged james."you should go see clint. Go."she said having every intention of getting him and clint together even if she knew he was going to set down his heels about it
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