
"Agreed."Stephanie said looking amused as they settled in to play mortal kombat which was a horrible game to play with her, cause once she'd figured out what she was doing, the brilliant tacticIan who led the avengers, came to the surface, and she generally won, which the others had put up to amazing beginners luck. Crowing happily when she trounced tony once again she stood, doing a small victory dance before pointing at tony, grinning manically."you, Anthony stark, have to get me season tickets to the Dodgers game, and go with me to all home games."
Tony wailed in misery as he lost, again and sulked at her before looking at her as if she was insane. "that's what you want? i would have gotten you that anyway. don't want to ask for something else?" he asked, aware that Jay was already ordering the tickets. season tickets, not that bad. any game the dodgers played they got to go to. hell, he'd even take her tot he off home games, especially if they where playing the yanks.
Stephanie laughed a little tilting her head, flushing a little as she looked at him. “Well, yea. I mean. No one else wants to watch baseball with me. You and james do.”She said not that she’d asked. Having been so aware and worried about imposing on the rest of her team, that she hadn’t even asked if they’d want to watch baseball, or do anything really. No wonder no one had realized she’d needed help, since she’d closed herself off in a effort to not impose on them. Frowning at his question she shrugged. “You said no sex. Which kinda limits anything else I’d want.”she said simply, manic enough to not stop herself from saying it.
he grinned at her. "i love Baseball. i'll get three season passes." he promised. "two for us and one for James." he promised with a grin. "and we can go to any game we can make it to." he promised happily. "well..." he hesitated a little. "mostly i added that so you'd be more comfortable but... i mean. if you want to sex..." he was manic enough to have limited inhibitions and he really liked her so he was more than willing to have sex with her. "no strings attached of course, i know you have that thing with Johnny. but since he's out of town..." Johnny had to go to San Fransisco to handle.... well he hadn't said but he'd sounded really annoyed.
“Awesome. He’d like that. We’d like that.”She grinned happily with the idea that they’d get to go to any game they wanted to before flushing a little. Staring at him before nodding quickly. “Super soldier here. Sex is sorta a neccessary and needful thing, which sucks when no one wants to take the chance of hurting me. Stupid fight.”She grumbled, even if she knew why johnny had said no for now, before nodding. “It’s a no strings attatched with him to.”she said blushing as she leaned in to kiss him slowly, hands eager and needy as she tugged at his clothes. Inhibitions lowered by a high sex drive that was spiraling her even further into a manic episode, clinging to the billionaire.
"i thought so." he admitted with a grin. "really? me too. Extremis burns so hot sometimes and sex is the only thing that makes it stop." he admitted. "well, your not hurt anymore, Bruce said you where okay to resume normal activity, so it's okay now." he admitted, moaning as he kissed her, shuddering a little because this was everything he'd wanted since he found out she was a woman. well, he'd wanted this when he thought she was a man too but he had been trying to deny it so it didn't really count. "wait. wait. wait. not here." he gasped. "bedroom. please. don't wanna on the floor." he admitted, struggling to get to his feet and tug her up with him, nearly dragging her to the bedroom, shedding clothes as he went. it wasn't too hard to get to the bedroom thankfully and he was more than happy to resume activities once they where sequestered safely in the bedroom.
“Hm, yea. I get hyper and anxious and antsy the longer I go without. Considering it’s been.....well. 70 years....”She shrugged a little, before whining a little. “I know. Thank god.”She panted a little, shivering as she frowned, whining quietly. “Oh. Yes. Floor isn’t comfortable.”she agreed before following after him.

The next day James frowned as he stepped into the penthouse, heard the silence, for once concerned enough to not even ask Jarvis where everyone was, before going in search of clint. “Where’s steph?”He asked sounding upset and anxious. The stillness that had greeted him stepping into her apartment had scared him badly, scared him enough to not be thinking clearly, and only one thing had come through. Find clint. Clint would know what was happening.
"you haven't had sex in twenty years?!" he asked, horrified. "Jesus!" he muttered, shaking his head. "no, not comfortable." also he didn't want to get yelled at for 'having sex in public' again.

"...Steph's hiding in the Gym and Tony's in the lab yelling at people who aren't there." he admitted. "i think they had a fight or something." he admitted, looking rather unhappy that his teammates where unhappy. "i tried to talk to Tony but he kept insisting i wasn't real so..." he shrugged. "and Steph won't let me in... hey Tony." "hey! sorry about earlier. have you seen Steph?" he asked. "i wanted to make sure she got her tickets." " didn't have a fight?" "what? no. i think she just got upset because i was so damn sure she was a ghost..." Tony admitted, scratching the back of his head. "i'm glad your feeling better." Clint admitted, relaxing. he was also glad that Tony remembered the episode. if they where really bad, Tony didn't remember them at all and this one hadn't lasted long at all. "here James!" Tony chirped, handing him something. "season passes to the Dodgers! Steph and i have them too. we're gonna go to all the games we can and your going with because Steph said so!" well, apparently Tony wasn't afraid of James anymore. "Steph's in her room." Clint said, Tony beaming and skipping off to chatter at Steph as if nothing had changed and hand over the tickets and offer to watch the Yank's game on the TV with her so they could watch them get smeared. he also challenged her to some more games before bouncing off to gt food and coffee.
“Well, for me it’s been like a year. For the rest of you, I haven’t had sex since I went in the ice.”She pointed out shuddering a little.

“...Oh. Dammit.”James frowned looking unhappy and annoyed with that as he considered what was happening. And hoping that stephanie was feeling needy enough that she wouldn’t lock him out. Startling a little as tony showed up, tilting his head in confusion, wondering what was going on. “Ah. Well. Give me the ticket then.”James said eyeing the billionaire, wondering if that was what it really was, looking amused though as he took the tickets. “Okay, we’ll go.”he said watching him go, swallowing hard. Wondering what this was, and if it was going to blow up in his face.

Nearly 2 months later James looked vague sick and shaken, which meant that he was feeling so overwhelmed and feeling so much, not even training could let him hide it. Knocking lightly on Clint’s door, he stuck his head in without waiting for a answer, stepping inside. “I need a safehouse. If you’re like Natasha, you have one. Let me have it.”He demanded looking like he was struggling to hold onto the slide back into the winter soldier training, the last two months having sent him nearly over the edge as he dealt with stephanie, hid her away as much as she let him, and her team allowed. And he was glad, knowing they were concerned, but hadn’t realized just how bad stephanie had gotten yet. He needed to get her out of here before they did. Slipping into old habits, and starting to lose it.
in the last two months, Tony had started sliding downhill severely till he went almost a week straight in a manic episode, flitting from project to project and screaming at people who where not there and ignoring people who where, insisting they weren't real, or they where dead, or didn't exist. it got to the point where he became dangerous to himself and others, clawing at his chest with his nails, begging people who weren't there to 'take it out' and clawing at his wrists trying to 'get the bugs'. Bruce finally had to start dosing Tony with his medication to stabilize him, so now Tony just sat there, compliant and still. entirely too still. doing whatever they told him to but not engaging in anything on his own. he would eat when he was hungry, drink when he was thirsty and sleep but he wouldn't do anything else unless one of the others urged him to and even then it was done rather emotionless and without much thought.

Clint looked up when James walked in. his large beautiful wings missing once more, hidden away using Tony's amazing gadget though once a week Clint took them out and exercised them until he could fly again, though he was never very happy about it. "a Safe house? are you in trouble?" Clint asked, already moving to his closet and dragged out a full part of the wall, revealing an entire walk in closet full of weapons, false I.D's, passports, money from nearly every single country and rows of keys for various 'safe caches' he had hidden all over. he snagged two sets of keys and a duffelbag ad tossed the keys to James, not even really bothering to ask an questions. "go pack a bag." he ordered. "i need to figure out where i put that map again." he admitted, scowling at the room. "i swear. it's never where it's supposed to be..."
“Yes.”James said staring at the other man, because it was the simplest explanation of why he needed it, and fairly glad that the other hadn’t asked why he han’t gone to natasha or phil. “....I’ll need a set of female id’s, for steph.”he said watching the other tilting his head a little as he whistled slightly in amazement. “You were well taught, I’ll give you that. You look prepared for anything.”he said smiling a little before nodding. “Come up to Steph’s when you find it, I should be ready by then.”he said already heading for the door, starting to pack steph and his bags even as he talked to the woman curled up under the covers, not that she was repsonsive, but talking so she would know she wasn’t alone.
Clint nodded a little before pausing for a long moment at the information that Steph was leaving too before grabbing another set of keys and another duffelbag and two I.D's and passports. "i am taught well and i am prepared for everything." he admitted, tossing James his new I.D. which was in fact, his picture. Clint had fake I.D's made specifically for James, and Steph, Nat and Tony and Bruce and everyone in the tower. even Phil had a whole new identity in there. he was back up there in a matter of a half an hour, three duffels looped across his back, a set of keys in his hand, a map in the other and three sets of new Identifications in his hand. "well? what are we waiting for. let's get moving." he ordered, clearly he intended on going with them. "and no fuss." he ordered before James could protest, moving over to Stephanie, worried as he gently peeled back the covers just enough to stroke her hair. "don't worry Steph. whatever happened, i'll keep you safe." he promised before looking at James. "you carry her, i'll get the bags." he ordered. strange, most people would have been demanding to know what James had done to her, Clint knew better though. he knew James would never, ever hurt Steph.
James tilted his head, considering the man who was simply accepting that this was happening, and that he needed this, catching the ID as he considered the other. “Very well trained, indeed.”he muttered studying the id’s, for a long moment. Even knowing they were fake, he had a hard time picking it out. Looking up as he finished packing his stuff, he paused staring at the other. “....Not right now.”he said needing to get Stephanie out of here badly enough that he wasn’t going to protest Clint coming with them just yet. “,...kay.”Stephanie muttered from the cocoon of blankets. “....You’re being fairly not annoying about this.”James said as he picked up Stephanie, blankets and all, careful to keep the blankets around her so clint couldn’t see more then the top of her blond head, pausing as he settled them into the car, biting his lip a little. Not liking leaving without telling tony or the others, even if he knew that they wouldn’t let them leave. No...this was better. Settling Stephanie into the car he looked at the other, “Where are we going.”
"of course i'm well trained. i've been with shield since i was eleven." he admitted. "Phil trained me personally. making sure i would never be used the way i was used again." he admitted before smirking at James. "good, eh?" he asked before waving the other off to go pack. "you try to ditch me and i'll show you why i am the best that Shield has ever produced." he warned before smiling at Steph when she gave her consent. sort of. "something bad happened, that's obvious enough." he admitted. "your shaken, slipping the edge, it's better to get you out of here before you snap and try to kill someone." he admitted. "and Steph's shaken bad too. she doesn't handle severe fussing too much and Tony's not making it any better. not that it's his fault." he admitted. "she needs a place to calm down and settle and rest properly. she probobly hasn't been getting any sleep." he admitted before smirking. "we're going to Iowa." he admitted. "buckle up." he ordered. "sit in the back with Steph, i have a feeling she's going to need the snuggles." he admitted. he had a feeling he knew why she was in such bad shape.
“Ah. That explains it. Though I think Natasha would protest it. I’ve heard the rule for shield, since it’s the same as Hydra’s: ‘Anything you can do, Natasha can do better.’”He teased a little. “...I wont ditch you. Though convincing you to go away might be worth it.”James said frowning the other, not willing to talk about what happened yet, not wanting to talk about it when stephanie was awake or aware, she was already freaked out, no need to make her worry about what her friends would do. “No, it’s not his fault,but it’s not helping.”James sighed softly, thinking about it before frowning. “not sleeping, not resting.”He agreed before snorting. “Well, it’s a good thing no one would suspect Iowa, it’s fairly boring. Not even a baseball team.”James snickered a little as he slid into the back with Stephanie, settlign in close, simply relaxing with the other, trusting clint to get them there.

Later, James paused as he settled into the bed, gently stroking her hair when she stirred. “I’m just going downstairs okay? I need to talk to Clint, and to get some food. You’re not alone, sweetheart. I’ll be back in a few minutes okay?”James muttered, the quiet anxiety under the words more telling then he knew. It was a long standing problem then, if it could cause such a deep frightened fear of losing. “Kay. I’m okay. Go away. Promise I’ll be okay.”Stephanie muttered smiling a little when James kissed her forehead before easing out of the room. Heading downstairs to where’d left the other, he sighed tiredly. “We have any food here?”
'ah. well... yeah okay but Natasha's in a league of her own." he stated simply. "she's been around for eons you know." not really, but it felt like it sometimes. "i won't be going away, your going to need the help." he admitted. "Steph is going to need twenty four seven care, at least i think so." he admitted. "your going to need to sleep and eat too. just consider me a nanny. i cook, i clean, i get what you need and you focus on helping her." he ordered. "no, i don't imagine Tony's state is helping. something big happened to set him off like that. last time it happened it was because he and Pepper broke up." Clint admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah. no one suspects Iowa. though, there might be someone else there at the moment." he warned. "one woman, two children." he looked at James. "be nice." he ordered. "or i'll smack you it's her house. well, one of her houses so we have to be nice." he admitted. "it's one of the reasons it's so safe, it's registered under her name, no connections to anyone." he admitted. "just a small town farm owner." he admitted with a smile.

when they got to the Farm there was no one else there. they where alone for now, but recent signs of habitation let them all know that the woman and her three children would be back soon enough. "yeah, plenty." Clint promised, already working on dinner. enough for twenty people even. "i'll have it done soon." he promised. "Laura will probobly be back soon." he admitted, watching James. "how deep did she go?" he asked softly. he knew more than anyone, the look of someone who had tried, and failed to kill themselves. how many people had he helped through that? how many times had he gone through it himself? "she's going to need a lot of iron so, steaks, medium rare, spinach salad, chicken liver, hearts and gizzards, Laura loves those." he admitted with a wry smile. "broccoli coleslaw, brussels and corn on the cob since none of the kids eat dark greens the spoiled brats." but he said that very affectionately. "do you think Steph would be better eating in her room or having dinner with everyone?" he asked James. "probobly in her room for now." he admitted. "she won't want much company i don't think."
“Hmmm, I’m telling her you called her old.”James said with a sickly little giggle, that was nearly dying, but it was laughter still. “....Yes. She is.”he said pale at the idea, even if he didn’t like it, would dig his heels in about letting the other see her, he knew he’d need the help. “....So, you’re going to be mary poppins?I sorta can see you singing and being a nanny.”he muttered before going quiet, frowning a little. Biting his lip because he knew what had set tony off. Eyeing the other, before deciding if he trusted Clint with this, he could trust him with at least part of the rest. At least eventually. He’d have to figure out how to explain without messing up everything. “I’m always nice. And that’s fine. If you trust her.”he shrugged a little.

“Good.”James muttered when he saw the other cooking, looking amused that he was cooking so much, even if he knew between him and stephanie they could eat it all. “Okay....”he muttered as he slid into the kitchen chair, suddenly tired as he considered the answer. Shaken because it had scared him badly. Studying the other for a long moment, because he wasn’t sure if he should answer, or how the other had known but...“Deep enough that if she hadn’t been a super soldier, I’d worry she’d never use the arm again. Even then, she’s going to need physical therapy to help.”James sighed tiredly, thinking about it. “She’s going to need a antibiotic to...and stuff for...a miscarriage. I....I assume medicine is better then it was in the 40s...”James said looking awkward at mentioning it, but knowing that it needed said, because even if she was a super soldier, she still needed to be careful and make sure she didn’t tax a already strained system, and he was afraid of her getting sick, years of worrying about a sick Stephanie, couldn’t be cured by just 2 years as the captain. Biting his lip as he tried not to worry, knowing he was failing. Wondering about laura, but not wanting to question the man who was helping him. “Eating in her room....but if you wanted to eat with could.”he offered hesitating a little.
"go ahead, i call her old all the time." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "yeah, i can be Mary Poppins, i am practically perfect in every way." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "she's one hundred percent." he promised James. "i wouldn't take Steph there if i thought Laura couldn't be trusted. Steph is the most important thing, she's going to need a lot of help, when she's feeling better, Laura will know more than us stupid men how to do that." he admitted.

"shit..." Clint grimaced, touching a place on his chest. two bullet holes lay there. James would have noticed them no doubt, but Clint was pretty sure he thought what everyone thought. shot in the line of duty. shot fighting, being a spy, no one ever looked at the scars on Clint's body and thought 'oh, he tried to kill himself'. not even Laura. "Bruce is going to have to handle that part." he admitted. "i don't know anything about doctor stuff. save for setting my own bones, digging out bullets, basic stitches, stuff like that." he admitted before gasping a little, nearly dropping the hashed potatoes he was working with. "oh god... oh James..." he swallowed thickly. "oh man, i'm so sorry. i won't say anything." he promised. "but i don't know what to do for that." he admitted. "i don't... i don't know how to do anything for that. we should have taken her to Bruce. he's... helped, with things like that before." he admitted. ""i'll ask him, later. i'll say i'm in the field and one of the pregnant victims... he won't ask questions." he promised. "see what Bruce says to do." he admitted, swallowing thickly before smiling at him, the smile strained. "no. i'd better eat with Laura. i'm going to be in big trouble as it is for not calling." he admitted. "she hates it when i don't call."
“Yea...Thankfully she’s already started to heal it, and she’s let me work the muscles as they heal, otherwise it’d be bad, tight muscles and skin.”James muttered focusing on the medical problem instead the emotional. Shooting to his feet he shook his head. “No. No doctors. I can work the muscles, and help her. I just need a few books to do it.”He growled sounding upset and cagey, “I asked you to get us out of there for a reason Barton.”he growled cagey because he was well aware of how doctors could be. Was well aware of what they’d do to stephanie. Not even considering that doctors would be better now. Pacing as he eyed the other for a long moment, before shaking his head. “It wasn’t me. She slept with tony, it’s why they’re both being so insanely manic about everything.”he said, shoulders tense and tight, the frayed edges of his temper starting to snap apart. “okay. Find out then, and get the medicine. They can’t know it’s stephanie.”He growled tense and upset, before nodding tightly. “Okay then. I’ll eat with stephanie and not get underfoot. We wont get you in trouble with Laura.”He said tilting his head a little.
he nodded. "i have no idea what to do with it." he admitted before wincing at James sudden aggravation. "hey! relax! Bruce isn't a doctor! you think i don't know what doctors can do to people!? you forget what i am Barnes! Bruce isn't like them! Bruce won't do things to her, he'll just help her get better." he promised, shaking his head. "it's better if Bruce takes a look, he's not a 'real' doctor anyway." he stated with a shrug. "i got you out of there for a reason Barnes." he admitted. "and it wasn't for YOU at all. i'll do what's best for Steph and if i have to drop our ass and leave you cold and twitching to do so, then i will." he admitted before gasping a little. "oh shit. yeah. that would do it. Tony's had this huge crush on Steph for a good log while. before she even came out as a woman even." he admitted. "sleeping with her, that must have really fucked with his head.... we are never, ever telling him that she was pregnant." he informed James before nodding. "i'll find out as soon as i can." he admitted before smiling at James. "when she gets home, make sure your not in sight. if she sees you first she'll scream and then try to shoot you and that won't end well for anyone."

he paused ten minutes later when the sound of a car driving into the driveway sounded and he looked at James. "wait here a minute?" he asked him before heading outside. "Laura! Baby. i'm home!" Clint called, chuckling when she leveled him with a glare. "Clinton Francis Barton! i thought you where dead!" "i know! i'm sorry. i thought i was too." Clint admitted, wrapping his arms around her. "i'm sorry..." he admitted. "listen. we have some guests. they're both in bad need of some peace and calm." he admitted. she paused to consider that and then nodded. "okay. but they shoot at me i'm shooting back." she informed him, Clint chuckling. "they won't shoot you." he promised, giving her a long kiss before looking around. "where are the kids?" "i made them stay in the car when i saw the car in the drive." she admitted, Clint chuckling as he reached down and touched her belly. "and how is little Natasha?" "Nathan." "huh?" "it's a boy." "...Nat's gonna just love that." Clint admitted with a snicker. "Cooper, Lila! you can come out now!" Clint called to the car, both doors swinging open and the children rushing out with cries of 'daddy!'. Clint laughed and scooped them into his arms, kissing each one on the head before carrying them inside. "i made dinner!" he informed Lauren. "Laur? this is James." he explained. "he's new. he's here with Steph." Clint explained. "well, welcome." Laura told him with a smile before looking at the food. "Super Soldier metabolisms means they need to eat three to five times more than us." Clint explained with a chuckle. " they're teenagers." "yeah. basically."
James stared at the other, looking annoyed and upset, shoulders tense before shaking his head. “Doctor’s don’t help. They usually make her worse. And lock her away. No. No, just ask for advice and I can take care of her. Always have. Even not real doctors mess things up. No. No, don’t.”James growled, upset and tense, twitchy, looking moments from coming undone, the PTSD of dealing with the doctors of the 40s, of dealing with nearly losing stephanie every other month as the doctors tried to ‘fix’ her, to change something he understood was part of her in a way that would never change, leaving him as scarred as his time as the soldier did. nodding tightly after a moment “I know. She likes him to. Wont admit it, or doesn’t think it’s right, or good. But she does. And having tony brush it off like he did any other one night stand....”James shrugged, because it upset him, pissed him off that he knew tony liked her, and he’d still messed it up. Even if he understood that tony probably wasn’t aware of doing it. As much as he wanted to blame someone else for this, he knew it was just how stephanie was, the emotional roller coaster of being with her was worth it though, to simply be allowed looking after her. “I know. Part of why I didn’t tell anyone what happened. Stephanie couldn’t handle anyone knowing. Or tony knowing.”He sighed a little. “...I’ll stay out of sight.”he promised snickering silently as he heard clint getting yelled at, curious as the the relationship, and ignoring the pang of pain as he realized what it was.

Forcing himself to relax, he smiled, though it was strained, he was relaxe for the moment. “Hello. Clint said you wouldn’t mind the company, but thank you, for letting us stay.”He said smiling before snorting. “We didn’t eat this much as teenagers.”If only because they couldn’t have had that much food. “Jamie?”Stephanie said easing down the stairs leaning against the doorframe, looking lost and fragile, the sweater she was wearing only showing the edge of the bandages at her wrist, looking exhausted and lost. “Hey sweetheart. Food’s nearly done. Want to eat with us?”James asked, moving over to her, knowing better then to order her around, it’d just make her set her heels down about it. “....It’d be polite.”Stephanie muttered leaning into him. “She’s friends with Clint, I doubt she expects to much politeness, but we can eat down here.”James said glancing at the others, looking thoughtful at the kids who had looked moments from crowding captain america only to stop when they realized something was up.
"Relax. jesus James, you think i want her to go to some filthy doctor?" he demanded. "Bruce won't do anything to her. he adores Steph and you know it, now take a couple of deep breaths." he ordered. "your panicking, i won't do anything without you and Steph's permission okay?" he promised. "we don't need Bruce's help just yet but it's an option we have to keep open, just in case." he admitted before shaking his head. "Ton doesn't 'brush it off'. he acts that way because it's what people expect, even want from him." Clint admitted. "he treated it like a one night stand because that's what he thought Steph wanted. he was wrong, but he doesn't know any better." he admitted. "every single person Tony has ever been with, didn't want him in the morning. except Pepper and that didn't end well." he admitted. "he probobly asked her if she wanted it no strings attached and she agreed and now Tony doesn't understand why she got upset which made him upset until it's a huge cycle." he admitted.

Laura smiled at him. "of course i don't mind the company." she admitted. "Clint's brought a couple of people over before who needed a good rest. Natasha comes over all the time." she admitted. "and Phil. Phil comes over when he needs a break. the kids love him." she admitted with a chuckle before turning to look at Stephanie, nearly choking on her tongue because she knew that look all to well from the various people Clint had brought over. "you don't have to dear." Laura promised with a smile. "you where hurt right? in a battle? that's why Clint brought you here, so you could get plenty of rest right? if you'd feel better eating in your room that's perfectly fine." she promised with a smile, rustling Coopers hair. "oh, Clint? we need to talk. later." she admitted, making Clint swallow thickly. "'s happened then?" he asked, watching Cooper play his gameboy. "yeah." "okay... okay, that's cool. we where prepared for this." Clint admitted. "it's totally fine..." he promised, smiling at her. "it really is okay." he promised, kissing her forehead before ruffling his kids hair. "you kids hungry?" Clint asked, starting to lay out the table, smiling at Steph. "seriously. if your tired it's fine. whatever makes you more comfortable." he promised her.
James stared at the other, tense and upset, swallowing thickly. “No, you wouldn’t. But doctors never help....”He said struggling to see past what he knew, to know bruce wouldn’t do anything. Nodding slowly he ducked his head, taking the deep breaths as he tried to breath. “Okay.”He agreed relaxing, nodding slowly again. “It’s a option.”He agreed slowly before frowning a little. “He asked her, and she agreed because she thought that’s what he wanted. And what she has with Storm. It’s....they need to talk but not right now. Right now, Stephanie needs to get some rest, and recover before she talks to him.”He sighed softly.

Relaxing at laura’s words, he smiled a little. “Thanks. And she does need the rest. She’s never been great at relaxing and taking care of herself.”James smiled a little. Stephanie tensed, looking at laura, recognizing the reaction, and waiting to be scolded and yelled at for daring think she had a right to do anything to her own body, while she knew better then to expect it from James, she was used to getting yelled at for anything from others, even tony had yelled at her. Even if she knew he’d yelled because she’d scared him.. Glancing at the others, she relaxed when she realized it wasn’t coming. Swaying on her feet a little, she nodded, relaxing a little. “Yes, I was.”She said willing to let laura believe it was battle not sucidial that had brought her here, “...I’ll eat upstairs.”She said smiling a little. “Let’s go then. Go, I’ll be up in a few minutes.”James smiled trying to not look curious as he gathered their food, pausing to kiss Laura’s cheek as he past her. “Thank you, for not making her feel worse.”he muttered smiling pleased as he headed upstairs, amused as he heard the kids talking and chatting as they ate. Settling in to eat with a quiet super soldier.

“Sir?”Friday’s soft scottish accent sounded loud in the lab, “Ms. Rommanov is asking for permission to come into the lab. Shall I let her in?”Though they all knew that if natasha really wanted in, she’d come in, she was usually polite enough to ask.
"Doctors aren't the same as they used to be." Clint admitted. "and as paranoid as we all are, we only have one or two doctors we actually trust. Hank and Bruce are pretty much it." he admitted before he sighed. "he asked her because of her thing with Johnny i bet. he's such an idiot." he admitted, shaking his head. "they do need to talk, but it will have to wait until they're both a little bit better." he admitted before smiling at Laura. "no, i imagine none of you are." she admitted, rolling her eyes before watching Stephanie. "you poor thing. you look exhausted." Laura admitted. "i'm sure James will get you a big full plate. you look ready to drop. do you need help up the stairs?" Laura asked before smiling when she managed it on her ow before chuckling at James. "it's not a problem. Clint often brings people who... well, got hurt, here for some recuperation." she admitted, smiling at him. "you look pretty close to that edge too. make sure to take care of yourself as well. she'll feel even worse if you get sick taking care of her."

Bruce looked up, startled at the sound of Friday's voice and he looked over at Tony who had been poking at an eraser. Tony looked baffled. it was the first emotion Bruce had seen on Tony's face in over a week. "...Friday?" Tony asked, looking, sounding confused. "where's Jarvis? i don't remember uploading you into the mainframe..." he admitted, getting to his feet. "Jay? you better not be pranking me again you little shit!" "...Friday? tell Nat she can come in would you?" Bruce asked, sounding rather relieved. if this was a prank it was a well planned one. it had finally snapped Tony out of it. sort of. he was still too still, but he was acting instead of reacting now, tapping into a computer to look for Jarvis and tell him off for doing pranks. he hadn't taught Jay to do pranks dammit!
“....If you say so.”James frowned, willing to trust Clint’s opinion on the two doctors. Maybe it’d be okay to ask for help. “...Probably. And he is. But I can’t really blame him for it. They both were manic when it happened, not a great place to be talking about things.”James said wrinkling his nose a little. “It does seem to be a common problem among superheros, I agree.”he said looking amused before fussing over stephanie a little. “No, I can do it. Don’t worry.”Stephanie said smiling as she waved off the offer of help. “...I will. Last thing I need is to give Clint a excuse to yell at me. I have a feeling he’d get great enjoyment out of yelling at me.”James said making a face, snickering a little as he left.

“Yes, sir.”Friday answered before pausing, thinking about it. “You did not sir. Jarvis did.”Friday said even as she let Natasha in the room. “Hey you two, have you seen Cap and the boys?”She asked, carefully keeping her worry from showing her face, wondering if the three had told them what was going on, having already searched the tower, and tried to ask jarvis what was going on, only to find jarvis wasn’t in control anymore. Even if Friday said that the older AI wasn’t harmed or broken, simply upgraded and waiting for tony to do something about it.
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