
“Yes. Exactly. We both went on ice, and different people came out.”James said, a small frown on his face, admitting to more abuse then he had to anyone but stephanie and natasha.

“I know it’s shit.”James said looking amused at tony’s immediate reaction, snickering as Stephanie simply let him go, snuggling down into the bed. Even if she was recovered, she was still tired alot, as her super soldier body recovered from going into overdrive to heal her. “I need help removing it. It’s bolted in.”James said wincing a little before staring at the doctor, raising a eyebrow. “It’s a good thing to know. Stephanie”And he, not that he was ready to admit to being a super soldier “has a thing about smelling weird shit. Her sense of smell is high these days, it drives her insane sometimes.”James said as he stepped into the lab. Stripping out of his shirt he barely winced as the rough fabric brushed over inflamed and infected skin, the slight red lines of blood poisioning just starting to creep up his shoulder.
"its shit!" Tony growled, completely distracted by the arm, examining it with overly gentle touches as if worried even the slightest brush of his fingers might hurt the other man. "that's shit. total shit. bad shit." Tony babbled, backing up to let the other remove his shirt, Bruce nodding. "yes, unfortunately Stephanie hasn't had twenty plus years to get used to like i have." Bruce admitted before swallowing at the sight of the red lines. "...yeah that's gonna need a shot. sorry." he admitted. "probobly two or three but we'll start with one." he admitted, heading to his part of the lab and picked out the antibiotics and a clean needle. "do you know how to administer a shot?" Bruce asked James, filling the needle with the needed dose and tapping it to make sure there would be no air bubbles, spritsing a bit of liquid out the tip as he made sure. "this will go in the vein of your flesh arm." Bruce stated, letting Jame see the jar that the liquid had bee in so he could see it was indeed a very high strength antibiotic before handing him the needle so he could administer it himself. not something a normal doctor would do, but Bruce wasn't a normal doctor and he knew that James would appreciate the control over his own body. "i want to get you into an MRI as well, see how deep those bolts are and what they're connected to. we can't just rip them out." he warned Tony who nodded. ripping would be very bad. "removing them, no matter where they're connected, is going to hurt like a bitch." Tony admitted. "i'd suggest Anesthesia if i didn't think you'd murder us all for it." he admitted, examining the juncture. "it looks like it's bolted right into bone... those sick bastards."
“No she hasn’t. It was sorta adorable during the war to watch her freak out over discovering wartime smells.”James snickered a little before wincing. “...No. I seriously dislike needles.”he growled a little, making a face, even as he didn’t protest to bruce getting the needle, or leaving. “I do.”He said watching bruce and taking the needle. “Got it.”He growled a little, sounding unhappy about it even as he took the needle, wincing as he slid it in, and dosed himself. Shivering a little. Biting his lip. Wondering if he was going to have to tell them. Staring at them for a long moment, before deciding that yes, he could trust them. Stephanie trusted them. “I’m going to need the same dose you’d give to Stephanie for something like this.”he said before nodding, “then let’s get it over with. I want this off soon as I can.”He said shuddering before nodding a little, “I’m not going under. Besides, it usually doesn’t work. And it’s bolted into bone. The few times I’ve had it off....well. It wasn’t pleasant for anyone.”James said shuddering a little.
Tony snickered a little at that and Bruce chuckled. "i imagined so." Bruce admitted, monitoring while James gave himself the shot and nodding when it went well. "done perfectly." he admitted, taking the needle and syringe back and tossed it into a chemical waste basket. "oh. i know." Bruce admitted. "you already have it, no worries. you'll be fine in a few days though you might still need one or two more shots to get your immune system back up to speed." Bruce admitted. "once we get that arm off you, you'll be right as rain." he promised. "we'll have to go down to my lab for this part. i might have to operate." Bruce admitted. "i'll be as easy as i can with it but it's going to involve power tools, broken bones and a lot of blood." Tony paled at the idea. "i'll... uh, stay up here..." he decided, Bruce nodding. "i'll get Phil to help me if i need it." he promised with a smile before ushering James out the door and to the Medlab to scan the arm. "okay. we can do this with rather minimal damage. i won't have to break any bones." Bruce reported. "it's still going to hurt like a bitch and involve power tools. i'll use an extremely high dose of numbing, but it won't work all the way. you'll still feel a lot of the pain." he admitted. "do you want to proceed?" he asked, staring at James before nodding. "then please lay down on the table." he ordered, starting to disinfect everything he could.
“Good.”James muttered relaxing a little as he realized that they’d already guessed. Rubbing a hand over his face, twitching a little. “...okay.”he swallowed thickly, because the idea of surgery made him think of hydra’s surgery rooms, and that just made him violent. But staring at the other man, he knew he had to trust that they’d be better at it. “...Nothing worse then Hydra’s surgeries. Okay. I can handle that.”he said swallowing thickly, freaked at the idea, but he knew it had to come off. Frowning a little as he nodded slightly, “Yes, I do. Otherwise this thing is going to kill me. Eventually.”james swallowed thickly as he laid down, and as bruce worked there was cursing in numerous languages, threats of killing every hydra agent he could get his hands on, and near passing out, he managed to hold himself mostly still and not jerk away from the doctor who was helping him.
it took Bruce only an two hours to have the arm off and to stitch all he holes and cuts shut. he did everything in a calm, methodical manner that was nothing like the hectic chaos of Hydra. he knew everything he was doing, sure and steady and even when he accidentally nicked a vein there was no panic. just a calm sigh and a steady hand stopping the flow of blood as if he wasn't operating on the most dangerous man on earth. with a final twist the last of the bolts fell out of his arm, another quick stitching and all that was left was to very carefully ease the arm off, the metal falling to the floor with a sound of finality, crashing to the ground and there it was left while Bruce carefully drained any infected pockets and cleaned what was left of the arm, making sure he was as fixed up as he could get before drenching the entire arm in antiseptic and then coating it in a salve to help it heal before beginning to bandage it up. "there. all done. your all done now." Bruce assured him. "close your eyes and rest." he suggested. "Jarvis and i will watch over you, no one will bother you while you rest." Bruce promised. "Jay does Tony need the arm?" Bruce asked. there was a pause and then. "Sir wishes to convey that your utter lack of faith in him is astounding and he fees insulted that you think he would ever want that piece of crap hanging around his perfect Tower." "...i'll take that as a no." "that would be my understanding Doctor Banner." "snarky Jay. very snarky." "thank you, i have been practicing."
James was panting quietly as the other finished, his breath hissing out between his teeth as the antiseptic hit his skin, nearly whimpering as he closed his eyes, relaxing slowly. “Thank you.”He muttered before snorting, “,....I feel the need to bring more inferior tech in just to watch him freak out...”James muttered souning amused as he passed out.

Later Stephanie smiled a little as she walked into the lab, looking tony over, smiling slightly. “I see James finally asked you about his arm. Good.”She muttered moving around to look at the arm, tilting her head. “...It looks like iron man tech...”She said sounding both awed at the idea, and confused at why he was doing it.

“...Clint?”James asked as he knocked lightly on the door, fidgety and upset, and having retreated to the one place he figured no one would think to look for him in. And well, even as disabled as he was, he knew he could hurt the healing mutant if clint tried to kill him. Having retreated to the safest room he could think of, feeling vulnerable and annoyed that he was feeling like that, when he knew he was safe here, but he didn’t really feel safe so...shuddering a little as he sighed, waiting for a answer.
Bruce smiled at him. "the best thing you can do is bring Siri or Cortana in here. Tony freaks. Jarvis thinks it's hilarious." he admitted with a chuckle, gently patting Jame's face dry, before covering him with a light sheet and leaving him be.

"no! i mean yes! arm!" Tony stated. "huh?" he asked her, blinking a little. "oh! hey Steph! yeah James arm." he agreed before shaking his head. "it's not really. iron man stuff is designed to really take a hit, and deal a hit too. this is better." he admitted. "it can take a hit, and hit back but it also has find motor control which Iron Man doesn't have." he admitted. "and there will be touch sensation!" he admitted, bouncing in his seat. "i just have to figure out... hmm yeah..." he mumbled, going back to work, babbling the entire time about static electricity, electric currents and nerve endings. no matter what Tony said though, it was Iron Man tech, since there was an iron man arm over there that had been gutted, parts of it where still attached to the iron man arm even as he worked them into the new arm.

"yes!? i mean no! don't come in! i wasn't doing anything!" Clint protested, the sounds of him rushing back into bed horribly evident. "okay! you can come in! i wasn't doing anything!" he protested, pouting when James walked in. "i wasn't!" and yet, there was food on the counter where Clint had obviously been eating despite his orders to stay in bed. "...that was Gandalf." "Mrow." Gandalf stated, tail flicking back and forth, licking his whiskers where he'd been eating what Clint had abandoned.
Stephanie smiled a little as she watched him, tilting her head. “Hey Tony.”She said looking amused before tilting her head. “ah. I see.”She said sounding thoughtful, even if she could see the iron man arm that had been gutted. “You’ll figure it out.”She promise standing up, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Make sure you get some food and rest to, okay?”She said leaving him to work, already texting johnny to see if she could come over. Feeling at a loss and not wanting to interrupt anyone’s evenings, or pretend she was sweetly naive for the night, she simply wanted to be herself. Tugging the dodgers cap down lower over her face, she stepped into his apartment building. Even if she knew she was going to be scolded for nearly getting herself killed and all, she needed to talk to someone, and since tony was in the middle of a binge, she’d talk to johnny. Maybe even convince him she was well enough for sex. “Hey, johnny.”Stephanie smiled a little as she walked into the apartment. Not quite sure she was feeling as emotionally messed up as she was, but knowing the others thought she needed to talk, so she’d try.

“....”James raised a eyebrow at the protests but didn’t walk in until clint said it was okay, stepping inside as he looked at the other. “Very believable. I thought you made your living as a spy? Aren’t you supposed to lie better then this?”He said smirking a little. As he snickered at the cat’s input, collapsing onto the free side of the bed with a tired sigh.
"it's going well!" Tony admitted happily to her, blushing a little when she kissed his forehead and went all shy and bashful again. "i... okay. yeah. food and stuff. promise." he agreed. "i will ensure he stops to eat Captain." Jarvis promised her. Johnny was wuick to text back that now was as fine a time as any and that he'd be glad for the company. "you know. i really should yell at you." Johnny admitted as he opened the door. "i'm pretty sure your not supposed to be on your feet just yet." he admitted, smiling a little at her. "come on in, make yourself at home. i restocked the place with food." he admitted. "you hungry? i'll make you something." he promised, pausing and giving her a kiss. "sorry. no sex. Bruce threatened castration." he admitted, heading over to the kitchen to make her a meal worthy of a god.

Clint shrugged a little. "i'm at home. i don't have to be sneaky theify spy." he admitted with a yawn. "besides, so long as your not Phil i figure i'll be okay." he admitted with a grin before watching him. "you okay? Jay said you where in surgery." he admitted, looking worried about the other, snorting when Gandalf mrowed at them again and stalked over to the bed, demanding pets. "wanna play a game?" Clint asked the other. "i'm bored." he admitted.
“Good. And you always keep promises. I’ll be back later, Tones.”She said smiling at him, tilting her head at the bashful billionaire, before smiling as she left. Walking into the apartment she rolled her eyes a little. “Don’t. Everyone’s already yelled at me. And I can be up, I asked. I just can’t work out or do stuff yet.”he said smiling as she kissed him back.”food would be good.”she said leaning into him before pouting as she collapsed onto the couch with a pout. “Even if I promise to lay back and not do any work?”She whined a little. Smiling slightly as she watched him cook, simply enjoying being there for the moment, her mood steady.

“Ahhh, I see.”James snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “Well, I’m not phil, nor will I tell him, cause I have a feeling stephanie’s doing things that she’s not supposed to be doing to.”James said before wincing, nodding towards the missing arm. “Finally got tony to rework the arm. And Bruce had to unbolt the old one. Wasn’t overly pleasant.”He muttered making a face as he leaned back into the pillows, grinning at the cat as he rubbed at his ears. “Yea, as long as I don’t need two hands to do it, game sounds good.”
he nodded. "yeah okay!" he agreed happily before returning to work. "well. i should." he grumbled, smiling at her. "i'm glad your feeling better." he admitted. "i know you asked. i'm pretty sure Bruce didn't mean you could come all the way out here though." he admitted with a chuckle. "sorry. i like my parts intact and Bruce really would castrate me if he felt i deserved it. i don't wanna give him the opportunity." he admitted with a chuckle as he grabbed a pan and started making some sort of pasta dinner. "so, how ARE you feeling?" he asked her. "they said James came back." he admitted, smiling at her. "hows he doing?"

"hmm. probobly." he admitted. "if she's not here with Tony she probably went to go talk to Johnny. i have no idea why she's friends with that moron." he huffed. he didn't like Johnny much. not because Johnny had a bad personality or anything, more because he was so.... flaky. he was never around when trouble happened, none of the fantastic four was really. Dr. Doom was their enemy, not the Avengers and because the Fantastic Four hadn't been around Stephanie had gotten hurt. wasn't the first time they'd abandoned task either. so Clint didn't care much for the fantastic four. "well... we could play scrabble. you only need one hand for that. or monopoly or something."
“Well, he didn’t say NOT to. I just inferred that I had permission to go out.”Stephanie smiled a little before sulking a little. “Fine. Not sex. How about blow jobs?I can give those?”She said looking amused an just teasing mostly. “I’m fine.”She said quickly, before nodding. “He’s back, and being a pain in the ass. I mean....he’s....hovering, and annoying and weird. And tony’s obsessively putting together a new arm for him...”she said avoiding what she knew he really wanted to know, about how she was handling it, but needing the moment to gather her thoughts.

“Ah.Well, I hear he’s really good at sex.”James said sounding thoughtful, knowing clint wouldn’t believe him. After all, stephanie had told him about the joke she had going on all the others, so any way he could help her on the prank, would be awesome. He was good at pranks. “Scramble would be good.”he agreed getting up. “Where is it?I’ll get it and we’ll play.”he said rubbing gandalf’s ears with a smile.
he snorted a little. "wow. i wonder how long before people start freaking out?" he mused, chuckling a little before rolling his eyes. "no. no blowjobs. that's not fair to you since i can't return the favor." he pointed out. "of course he's hovering. you're the only thing in this crazy world that makes sense." he admitted, smiling at her. "and Tony desperately want's James to like him because Tony wants you o like him and if James and Tony don't get along then they'll be upsetting for you and Tony doesn't want that either." he pointed out. "he's a bit convoluted like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "chicken or beef?" he wondered.

"...right, because that's totally why Steph likes him." he scoffed. "she's too innocent." he informed James. "if it wasn't for the fact that she was your fiance i'd have sworn she was a virgin." he admitted. "it's in the closet there." he said, pointing at the closet, taking up James rubbing of Gandalf's ears, chuckling when the cat decided he'd had enough and stalked out to find Natasha for the special treats she always kept around.
“Hm, probably as soon as Coulson realizes I’m not down in the lab with tony. But Jarvis knows where I am, so it wont be so bad.”She shrugged before sulking. “Fine. No sex things. Spoilsport.”She whined a little before rubbing a hand over her face. “I think he’s the one that makes sense you now, he’s been awake for the last 60 years. At least he had a idea what the hell the cold war was, and wasn’t a war fought in winter.”She said blushing ever so slightly before sighing. “Yea...he was sorta manic when I left him in the lab. Was using Iron man tech to make the arm. Sorta worried me really.”seh said. “Chicken.”She said relaxing slowly. This had been what she needed, a non-emotional landmine landscape to talk in.

“Totally. And she is. A virgin you know. We decided to wait for marriage.”James seriously, shrugging a little as the other looked at him before getting up to get the game. Returning in a few moments and setting it up, “Your turn.”He said settling in to play the game stephanie always refused to play with him, since they got so insanely competitive over it.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "and i'll drive you home too." he promised, hesitating a little. "Jay called me, said Tony was.... is Tony okay?" he asked, biting his lip a little because he worried so much over his friend. "think about it though. for the last sixty years he's been with the enemy. been acting behind the scenes. spying, tricking. sneaking. this is the first chance in over seventy years that he's had a chance to shake off all of Hydra. had a chance to be himself again. only he doesn't remember how, and your the closest thing to normal he has." he admitted. "...Jesus Steph, i don't even know what the Cold War was. i failed History." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's always manic after..." after a brutal 'session' like the one Jay said Tony had. "he's really using Iron Man tech? wow. he must really trust James." he admitted. "i don't even have Iron Man tech." he admitted before smiling and tossing chicken into the pan with a hum.

"...she IS!? Jesus... i'm gonna go kill those recruits again." he mumbled before shaking his head. "god. and to think someone tried to get her to watch What's yur number. if she'd been awake enough i'm pretty sure her head would have exploded." he admitted before grinning as he settled into play. "Aglet." he declared happily as he laid his pieces down and drew more pieces. yeah, this was going to get physical no doubt.
“Okay.”Stephanie said, tired enough form her walk over, to accept the car ride home. Before nodding slightly. “He’s fine. Mostly. Manic and seemed upset, but not...dangerous. He slept, and I think between james and natasha they terrified the woman into never bothering him again, so he’ll be okay.”At least she hoped. “....yes. That makes sense. I mean....he didn’t tell me alot but...”She shuddered a little, what she did know was enough to give her nightmares. Smiling slightly. “It’s a sad day when I’m anyone’s definition of normal.”She said slouching back into the couch. “I don’t...know how to do this. I mean....we’re used to be so easy to be with him.”She said souning at a loss, relaxing at his words, maybe she wasn’t as lost as she thought. Before wincing at the idea. “Well, I’ll keep a eye on him, and we’ll see how he is.”she reassured before nodding. “At least I think he is. He denied it, but he had a gutted suit arm up on the table next to him, so I assume he’s using it.”she shrugged.

“Really?Why?”James said before snorting. “....really?It’s a movie?About what?”he said curious before grinning as they played. When natasha and phil arrived, the russian woman paused in the doorway to take in the sight of james pacing and growling, only returning to play a word before returning to the caged pacing. “...dare I ask who’s winning?”she asked glancing at clint. “No.”James growled.
"good. as long as he's manic and expressing it's fine." he admitted with a sigh. "it's when he goes still and quiet and doesn't do anything that it gets bad." he admitted. "i'd rather he yells at peple who aren't there than go still and quiet like that." he admitted before smiling at her. "Tony doesn't like to tell anyone about anything because he knows we'll be mad at him." he admitted. "because part of Tony knows he doesn't actually deserve to be punished, but the rest of him craves it and needs it because he thinks he does deserve it so..." he shrugged. "i'm glad the woman won't be back." he admitted, scowling before nodding. "i can imagine." he admitted. "he has his fair share of Demons to overcome." he admitted with a smile. "your both different. you watched each other die, or thought you had." he pointed out. "you stopped an alien invasion and he's been an assassin for the last seventy years. your both broken, shattered even. finding each other again is going to take a while. you won't fit the way you used to, because your not the same people you used to be." he explained. "well, if he gutted an iron man arm, he's probobly using it in James arm." he admitted with a smile.

"i actually have no idea but there's a fair bit of naked man in it. in one scene, the guy walks out wearing nothing but a little tea towel over his junk." he admitted. when Natasha walked in he looked very smug. "i am of course. by three points!" Clint admitted, examining the board, scowling at James play and muttering a curse under his breath before smirking. "Tableau." he crowed, laying the pieces down and smirking at James. "double points!"
“That’s good to know.”Stephanie said relaxing at the knowledge that this was good and relaxing behavior. At least she could figure out how to handle things like this. “Yes. Well it was upsetting. Even worse when James was the one who found him. I thought james was going to go after the bitch before Natasha convinced him that guarding Tony was the best use of his talents.”Stephanie sighed softly. Shuddering a little as she swallowed thickly, closing her eyes. “Yes....we’ve changed. The two war heros we were, don’t exist anymore. It was bad enough knowing I’d lost my world....knowing I’d let Jamie lose his to, that I hadn’t gone after him, is worse.”She shuddered, because she’d known he was a super soldier, and still hadn’t considered he could survive the fall. The guilt and pain of knowing she’d failed, that the feelings and loss were still so new, was messign her up. For james and the rest of the world, it’d been decades, for stephanie, it’d been barely a year. She was feeling raw and lost. “....I don’t know how to do this...”She said quietly. Before nodding a little. “Probably. Not that he’d ever admit it.”She said with a small, quiet smile at the thought of the genius.

“.....that’s awesome. Truly. I’ll have to watch it with her.”James snickered. “...You two are supposed to be resting. This isn’t resting.”Natasha pointed out, glancing at phil, wondering if he would order them both to rest. “Yes it is. And I hate you, barton.”James said growling as he realized the man had just won, they were out of tile pieces.
he nodded. "he's doing well when he's like this, he's letting it out and expressing himself." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "it's always upsetting, and Tony tries his damnedest to keep it hidden too. pepper was the first person to realize what he was doing." he admitted. "so she did all kinds of research and stuff and started doing it to him herself, so she could draw the line that Tony never drew." he admitted. "but after they broke up he doesn't go to her anymore, and he finds people like that bitch..." he shook his head. "James doesn't need to go to prison." he stated with a chuckle.

"you didn't 'let' anyone lose anything Steph. James fell and you thought he was dead. it was a fall that even a god wouldn't have survived." he admitted. "could you have gone after him? sure. but whose to say that would have changed anything?" he asked her. "maybe it would have you been in that Hydra camp, maybe it would have been both of you or maybe you'd have just died on impact and made James watch you grow cold." he shook his head. "you can't change what happened and lingering to that guilt isn't going to make anything better or make anyone feel any different." he admitted. "no one knows how to do things like this." he admitted. "of course he won't. he hates being thanked for things he actually does well."

"it's pretty epic. the actor in there looks exactly like Johnny." he admitted with a grin. "Chris Evans. he played Captain America in a lot of the Cap Am movies too." he admitted. "this is resting!" Clint wailed. "...he's in bed at least." Phil sighed. "you love me! i won by a whole two points!" he admitted, looking very pleased indeed before he yawned. "alright. bed." Phil ordered Clint with a chuckle and a shake of his head when Clint just did as ordered without bothering to complain or protest.
“Yes, he is. It’s sorta adorable, along with being worrying to.”She said looking as amused, the look soft as she considered tony. Because while it was worrying, one of her favorite tony’s was the happy working, excited tony. “Well, now he has a team. I’ll take care of him.”She said not even realizing she’d used the singular pronoun instead of one for the whole team. “No he really doesn’t.”Stephanie agreed. Going quiet as she considered what he was saying, nodding a little. “No...I don’t know....the seems even more messed up each day I wake up.”She swallowed thickly, trembling a little. Closing her eyes as she fought to stay calm and not have the panic attack that had been threatening since the moment james had gotten back. While she’d allowed herself to feel happy he was there, and glad, she hadn’t really processed any of the emotions that went with it. And now that she was, she was starting to lose it some. ‘Well, I’ll thank him anyways, he’ll just have to live with it.”

“that’s great. Me and Steph’ll have to watch them.”he snickered. “And I do not. And I totally win at being the world’s best sniper. You’re just a punk.”James sulked as he walked out. “Oh god. He’s such a bad loser.”Natasha said rolling her eyes as she glanced at clint, worried about the sleeping sniper, before looking at phil. “So. Who gets to go get Stephanie back, or just trust that Storm’ll bring her home?”Natasha asked as they left, because it made her twitchy not to have her team all together, especially when she knew they were still recovering and hurt.
"it' not all that worrying. you'll get used to it." he promised with a smile. "he does have a team, a good one." Johnny admitted with a smile. "you'll be good for him." he admitted. "The world is messed up." he admitted. "every day it gets a little worse, but there are those, like you and me, who do our best to make it better." he admitted with a smile. "the worlds a fucked up place but it's ours. it's mine, it's yours, it's James and we'll all live in it." he promised with a smile. "and we'll help each other through it because it's the only thing we can do sometimes." h admitted before chuckling at her. "and he'll appreciate it, even if he pretends he has no idea what your talking about." he admitted. "or tries to push it off as not that important he'll be thankful." he admitted, setting a plate of Chicken Lo-mein in front of her. enough to feed even Bruce. well. mostly.

" want that poor girls head to explode!? that's terrible! i see what she meant now when she said you used to get her into all kinds of trouble." he huffed before grinning. "i'm not a sniper." he corrected the other. "Archery is a hobby." he teased with a chuckle before settling in to sleep. "i trust Storm. he'll bring her back when she feels better. she went to him to talk, so we'll give her the chance." Phil admitted. "she needs someone whose not emotionally connected to all of this. that's him."
“Now that’s a thought that’s disturbing. Getting used to Tony.”she said with a snicker, though she looked more amused then upset at the idea. “...we do. But sometimes, it’s like...if I can’t straighten out my own head, what right to I have to try and straighten everyone else’s lives.”She sighed a little, rubbing a hand over her face, before smiling a little. “As long as he doesn’t try yelling at me for thanking him, we’ll be okay.”she said looking amused at the idea, snickering at the sight of the food. “You know, this might actually be enough to make me full for awhile.”she said looking amused as she ate. By the time she was finished, she was laying back in the seat with a small contented smile, sleepy and full. And for the moment, not torturing herself. Which was why she’d come to see johnny, because she’d needed to get out of her own head, to stop over thinking and torturing herself. She was a tactical genius, and a super soldier, but what no one had ever realized, was that along with her list of other medical problems when she’d been smaller, she’d been bipolar. A condition that james had hidden, and hidden so well no one knew about it, because back then it amounted to a death sentence. The serum had simply amplified the effects of the brain condition, and while it would have been anyways with everything happening, the condition left her feeling even more off balance.

“Hm, it is terrible, but it’d be amusing. And hey, she was the one getting me in trouble, don’t let her lie to you.”James whined a little before rolling his eyes. “Yea, it’s a hobby.”he agreed, half wondering how pissed the other would be if he picked up archery just to screw with him. “....True.”Natasha sighed a little as she gently closed the door behind them so clint could rest. “Anything else you need to do today?”She smirked a little, raising a eyebrow at her boyfriend.
he chuckled. "you adore Tony. admit it." he teased with a smile before nodding. "i get that way too sometimes." he admitted. "lost in my head i mean, wonder if i have the right to do anything when i'm so fucked up." he admitted. "what right do i have to protect people, when i can be more dangerous than most of the super villains hanging around?" he asked shaking her head. "but i do it anyway because if i'm protecting people, then at least i'm doing something good." he admitted. "h might try to yell at you." he admitted. "depending on how he's feeling. he gets that way sometimes." he admitted with a chuckle, happy that Steph seamed to have calmed down. "i'm glad your feeling better." he admitted with a smile. "it's good right? my cooking?" he teased with a grin.

"that's bullshit." Clint scoffed. "Steph is an angel." he stated with a grin. "a real sweetheart. don't find em like that anymore." he admitted before sighing. "if only she wasn't a woman." he grumbled. "yep. hobby." he agreed with a chuckle. "and you can try to pick it up if you want but it's harder than you'd think." he teased with a grin before going to sleep. "nothing i need to do." Phil promised with a smirk, stroking her ass as he walked past, smirking at her. "anything you need to be doing?"
“Hm, I admit nothing.”Stephanie said with a small smile before nodding slowly. “Yes....That’s how I feel. Not all the time. Just sometimes. But you, and tony, and the’re good about helping me get my head straightened out.”She said smiling slightly, before snorting. “I know. He gets adorably flustered, it’s amusing.”She said before smiling sleepily. “I am feeling better. And yes, at least, it didn’t poison me, and I’ll eat about anything. So yes. It’s good.”She teased stretching slowly, “You said a I could have a ride home?”She said, because now that she was calmer, centered, and she wasn’t panicking, she wanted to be home. As much as she enjoyed johnny’s company, it was the billionaire’s company she craved when she was feeling emotional and simply wanted to be with someone.

“if she’s a angel, it’s a fallen one.”James snickered, knowing clint would never believe him, before rolling his eyes. “Hmmm, i think there’s something you need to be doing in our rooms.”she said as she headed downstairs with him.
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