
"you like to think so." he teased her with a chuckle. "yeah. i know that feeling." he admitted with a shake of his head. "all of us have that feeling here and there." he admitted. "especially the ones like Bruce and Natasha, where they became superheroes because of the blood of hundreds." he admitted. "it's worse when you have to kill to be a superhero." he admitted before sulking at her. "i just made Chinese food better than the Chinese restaurants around here and that's all you have to say?" he whined, pouting at her before smiling at her. "yeah. let's get you home. Tony's probobly calmed down by now too." he admitted, heading for his car and giving her a grin. "come on." he stated, skipping down the steps and getting her home where Tony was babbling away at Jarvis about, amusingly enough, making stretching pants for Bruce as he worked on the arm or part of the arm well, a finger. he was working on a finger at the moment.
“ that.”Stephanie shudered away from the memories not wanting to go there, not wanting to think about red skull or hydra before snorting. “Yes, yes it is. And it was damned fine chinese food though. I might have to let you cook for me. After coitus, of course.”Stephanie smirked, because she’d totally had jarvis look up new swear and sex words for her, simply because she liked making fun of those who did know she was no innocent. “Kay.”Stephanie smiled letting him get her home, amused at the skipping. Heading inside she paused at the sight of tony babbling, something tight in her chest relaxing as she curled up on the couch to simply listen.

The next morning, James paused as he stepped into the lab, frowning slightly. “Jarvis, did either of them go to bed last night?”He asked eyeing Stephanie sleeping restlessly on the couch and tony still babbling away at working on the arm. About ready to haul them both to bed if they hadn’t been there.
"after coitus, of course." he agreed with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"No Sergeant." Jarvis replied. "though Captain Rogers has gotten some sleep on the couch. i highly doubt you will be able to get Sir to rest." he admitted to the assassin. "he still has another twelve hours in him before anyone will be able to convince him to stop." he admitted. "hey! hey! hey! Barnes! it's you! C'mere! i need to measure your real arm!" he admitted, bounding over with a measuring tape, babbling at him about dimensions and specs and how he was going to be able to hold a pencil and draw wit his left hand if he ever wanted to before dancing away, back to the arm, snapping numbers at Jarvis who sighed and started bringing up numbers. since he'd already gotten the proper measurements from James himself, Jarvis was bringing up those numbers rather than using Tony's extremely incorrect numbers. being as Tony was extremely Dyslexic, his numbers where always wrong so Jarvis actually did all the measuring even if Tony liked to play with the measuring tape.
"Damn."james frowned looking worried as he watched stephanie sleeping on the couch, before startling at tony."hey tony."he said moving over. Looking thoughtful as he considered the man. Looking bemused as he let tony work. It was both interestin and disturbing to watch really.

A few days later james frowned slightly as he watched stephanie Watchung the Dodgers game. It was more interesting to watch her thentire watch the game. Watching stephanie bounce and fairly be a kid on a sugar high, james shifted his focus as tony walked in, "the arms perfect. Good. No need to come poke at me again."james said holding up a haND to ward off the billionaire even if he suspected the man had finished stephanie's punching bag now that she was allowed to start working out again.
Tony blinked at James, sluggish since he'd just woken up before flapping his hands at James, indicating that he didn't care about the arm anymore, it was old and finished, boring. now if James had agreed to put in rockets or lasrs or lock picks that would have been a different story. "coffee?" Tony slurred. "in the Kitchen Sir. as always." "shush! Sass! always with the sass! i didn't design you to be sassy!" "i am exactly as you designed me to be Sir. as well as designed to have my own personality and the capacity to learn and feel emotions." "so your saying it's MY fault your sassy!?" "of course not sir." Jarvis soothed, sounding very amused. "Don't patronize me!" Tony complained. "i'll Ctrl Alt Delete your ass!" "of course you will Sir. might i recommend the pot that actually has coffee in it?" "Sass! Sass again! Bruce poked about in your brain again didn't he!?" only enough to make sure Jarvis could disobey Tony in self harming situations like with Ann... who seamed to have vanished. "what are we watching?" Tony asked when he walked in, looking a little more awake as he sat down next to Steph. "Clint's allowed out of bed today, just as a warning. he's gonna be hyper as hell." he grinned at Steph. "i finished your punching bag too. you wanted to help install it right?" he asked with a grin before poking James. "you have to come help. i don't want her lifting those heavy beams and it'll take hours for me to do it in my Iron Man suit on my own." he admitted. "Bruce was gonna help but the local hospital had an outbreak of some new disease and he went to help. he figured it's just a new branch of cold but it's affecting most of the baby areas so he needs to go help."
“You’re the one he watches the most. I think he learned Sass from you, Tones.”Stephanie said in that vague way that said she really wasn’t listening even as her fingers twisted the Rubik cube in her hands, watching the game. “I’m sure Bruce didn’t mess up your AI.”James said sounding amused as the man walked back in, shifting to let him sit down next to stephanie, who was looking fairly hyper herself. “Baseball.” “Dodgers vs. Yanks. I wouldn’t try getting her to do anything else just yet.”James said snickering a little. “Yea, I wanted to. In a bit. It’s the bottom of the 8th. Only one inning to go to watch Dodgers totally kill the yanks.”Stephanie growled happily. “I have to?”James said raising a eyebrow as he looked at the other, before smiling. “Kay. I’ll come help. If you can drag her away from baseball, or make her focus long enough to work.”James said relaxed despite the near manic captain next to him.
"hey. hey! i'm not Sassy!" he whined at her, pouting because she wasn't actually paying attention to him. he examined the cube in her hands and shook his head. he recognized her state very well, he got like that often enough. "Dodgers?" Tony asked, perking up a little. he adored the dodgers. if only because his old man had liked the Yankees and Peggy had liked the Dodgers. he'd adored his aunt Peggy. "it's okay, she has plenty of time." Tony admitted with a shrug as he got up and ruffled in a few of the drawers before coming back with a spaghetti string ball, a metal puzzle and a wooden puzzle ball and handed them to her. "better than a rubix cube." he assured her, though he didn't take the rubix cube away either. "yes. you have to." he agreed. "you and i hold the beams up and she gets to use the massive amazing power tool to bolt them into place." he admitted with a grin before whooping at the TV when the Dodgers scored another base.
“Are to.”Stephanie said sounding vaguely amused. “Yea. You know how she is about her baseball.”James said sounding amused. “If you don’t stop making fun of me, you can sleep on the couch, Barnes.”Stephanie said shifting to look at the brunette even as he held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, looking amused as she took the new puzzles, cupping all four puzzles in her hands before settling the three in her lap before starting to work on the string ball. “Thanks.”Stephanie said offering Tony a shy smile before returning to watching the game and the puzzle in her hands. “Ahhh. Stephanie and power tools. That’ll be amusing.”James muttered laughing in delight at the two crowing happily when the dodgers won, indeed it was a sight to see stephanie dart for tony’s bar, bemused as he watched her pour celebratory shots, and downing it, even if she couldn’t be effected by it. Turning to look at Tony Stephanie smiled happily. “You said something about my punching bag?”
"her? you should have seen aunt Peggy. she beat my dad up with an empty bear bottle once when the Yankees won." he admitted. "though, it might have been because he slapped her on the ass... either way Auntie Peg was serious about her baseball." he admitted with a chuckle before swallowing thickly at the idea of her and James sleeping together. "very amusing." Tony agreed with a smirk before grinning as sh took the spaghetti toy. some days, it was his favorite, because it wasn't a puzzle. it was just a ball of string to run through his fingers, something to feel and touch and even braid if he felt like it. something h didn't have to puzzle out, something he didn't have to think with. sometimes, it was the thing he hated most in the world for that very reason. he grinned as the Dodgers won before shaking his head at the shot. "i don't drink anymore, thanks though." made you wonder why he even had a fully stocked bar if he didn't drink anymore. "ah! yeah! it's done." he admitted with a grin. "we just have to install it whenever our ready." he admitted. "i couldn't get the colors to stick to the material though so it's black unfortunately." he admitted, sulking. "but it'll take on the Hulk, he tested it for me." he admitted with a grin. "so i'm pretty sure it can stand up to you." he admitted. "and James too. i have enough stuff left to make a couple more, i'm going to put one in the Gym too and one in Hulk's playroom and i'll probobly make one for James as well in his rooms." he admitted. "i only have the one finished though." he admitted.
“That’s awesome. Truly.”James snickered at the vision, “I would have paid money to see Peg slap the shit outta him.”He smirked a little. Looking amused as he watched the two, finding the two sitting with him more interesting then the game. It was quite interesting really, to see. “Yea, let’s go do it then.”Stephanie said grinning excited. “Do what?”James said smirking, giving her that perverted little eyebrow wiggle as they headed for the elevator. “put up the bag. stop thinking bad things, jamie!”Stephanie whined bouncing in spot a little as she smiled at tony, “It’s okay. Having a black bag is okay. And awesome. It’ll be awesome to be able to go all out on something and not worry about it breaking.’ “Don’t worry about it, I’ll just use Stephanie’s till you get around to making my own.”James smiled as they entered the gym, features tightening as he watched stephanie bouncing around the room. Pausing to watch natasha and phil sparring while clint watched. “You look better, barton.”He said looking the man over even as he headed for the waiting heavy bag and power tools.
Tony smirked a little. "i might have a video of it. depending on how much your offering." he teased with a chuckle. "do... huh? installing the Punching bag!" Tony complained, not catching on to the dirty joke the two had shared. "you'll definitely be able to go all out on this and if you can't then i have a few ideas that might be able to make it better." he admitted. "but i don't think it'll come to that." he admitted with a grin. "okay." he stated, clapping his hands. there where seven huge black beams laying side by side. near a gutted corner of the Gym revealing new concrete and steel additions that the black steal beams where apparently going to be attached to, to lock the punching bag in place so she couldn't wreck the walls, floor or ceiling that the bag was attached to no matter how hard she pounded on it. "Jay! Grab the Construction Suit for me would you?" Tony called as he walked over and started explaining how the pieces of the black steal beams would lock into place. one in the middle standing up and down and three on the top, two following the lines of the wall and the other jutting out the middle along the ceiling, which was where the bag would be attached, repeated on the bottom. even the bolts where made of that strange black metal that Tony had concocted. "you look like shit." Clint admitted, grinning at James before indicating the black bag. "Tony's super excited about this, i take it he roped you into it?" he asked with a grin. "he's been babbling about how many he was planning on making. he's already ordered more materials to make another dozen." he admitted. "apparently the Fantastic four, the X-men, some guy named Blade and a whole host of others, yourself included, absolutely have to have this thing. granted, he's making the Avengers first." Clint admitted with a chuckle.
“awesome. I’m sure it’s fine. Really, you’re good at this. If you think it’ll work, it will.”Stephanie said smiling happily, grinning as she looked at the newly made corner. “What’s the metal, Tony?”James asked cirous as he picked up one of the bolts looking it over even as the iron man construction suit arrived. “As asked for, sir.”Jarvis said. “Thanks Jarvis.”Stephanie grinned happily as they started to work. “I do not.”James said rolling his eyes at clint, before nodding. “yea, I got roped in. Though that’s only so that the two of them have supervision while doing this. With our lucky they’re hyper enough to so something horrible.”James said rolling his eyes a little as he helped the others. “Well, good. We could all use a workout.” “....This is weird.”Natasha muttered as they finished sparring, turning to watch the three as ehy started putting the punching bag up.
Tony grinned at her. "i am aren't i!?" he asked, bouncing a little. "it's a new one." Tony explained. "a melted and mixed combination of three of the strongest metals known as of this time. Graphine, which is also woven into the bag itself, Admantium and a synthesized Vibranium." he admitted, looking very pleased with himself. "there's steel in there too as a bonding agent and a few chemicals to keep the various metals from separating as it cooled." "you synthesized Vibranium?" Clint asked, stunned. "well. yeah, where do you think Steph's backup Shield came from?" Tony asked, looking at Clint as if he was insane. "...i don't think he realizes how amazing that is..." Clint admitted to James. "they are pretty hyper." he admitted. "did someone give Steph an energy drink again? because it was bad enough the first time." he admitted, watching as the three set up the bag. Stephanie had the hardest job. Tony and James would lift it, she had to get the beam lined up just right so the bolts would fit in the holes properly. it took several hours, but finally the frame was done and Tony grinned, hanging the black metal chain off the hooks, hefted the punching bag in place and hooked it in place at the bottom and motioned to it. "have at it. i have men coming in to replace the walls. they'll be here tomorrow providing this works the way it's supposed to."
“You are.”Stephanie agreed. “....You...I...”James stared at the genius, looking shell shocked, before looking at clint, making sure that he wasn’t hearing things. “It’s what ran the arc reactor, when thet pallidium was killing him.”Natasha said, “Vibranium was the only thing that could hold up.”she muttered before snickering. “And he really isn’t aware, despite how big his ego is.” “...”James bit his lip thinking about it, before nodding slowly. “Yea, I let her have a drink, and she was watching baseball, which was hyper inducing enough.”James snickered a little.

Leaning back, the blond super soldier panted as she leaned over for a moment before straightening, grinning as she went to town. “....Hm, I think you did good, tony. It’s holding up.”James said grinning, relaxing a little at the hyper energy being burned off, even as stephanie slumped into the bag tiredly, though she was still twitching, and she’d recover soon enough. But she was calming some. Natasha frowned looking at the three as she stepped inside, humming slightly. “James, I need a sniper for a mission, and backup.” “What?But-” “My normal partner is out of the running at the moment. You are the next best thing.” “Steph....” “You can go. Clint and tony are here, and jarvis can tell me where I am.”Stephanie said because it had happened recently as her nightmares woke her, that it was easy to settle down if james or jarvis told her where she was, when it was, and where everyone else was.
"i totally am!" Tony agreed with a grin. "seriously? he has vibranium buried in his chest?!" "no. well, not anymore." Tony admitted, tapping his chest. "after Extremis, i was able to have all the bits of shrapnel removed." he admitted. "so i didn't need the Ark Reactor anymore." he admitted. "...when did that happen?" Clint asked, shell shocked. he'd always thought Tony's Ark reactor was.. vanity, or Ego, or an accident. he'd never heard anything about Shrapnel. "after the whole terrorist group kidnapped Pepper and stuff. it was a mess." Clint opened his mouth to protest that wasn't what he was talking about before he shook his head. he'd talk to Phil about it later.

"of course it's holding up!" Tony complained, even if he looked delighted that he'd been told he'd done good. "okay! go hit it." he ordered James once Stephanie was done. "i need to make sure your arm is functional during semi-battle situations and i need to make sure the bag can hold up against it." he admitted, poking James towards the bag. "but. but!!!" Clint protested, wings spreading just enough to make him wince and then sulk, crossing his arms and scowling at James. "he doesn't know how to watch your back. i don't like it." he grumbled. he didn't have to say it for them all to know that he was worried James would take his place on the team. "Clint has a medical assessment to go to as well." Phil admitted, panting a little. he wasn't as young as he used to be and sparring with Nat was taxing. Clint just whined, very unhappy about having to go to the filthy doctors because Bruce was off saving babies.
“Used to.”Natasha said wincing a little at the knowledge of what tony had gone through. It’d been hard to see it, even worse as she had gotten to know the man. “before he became iron man.”Natasha muttered in answer to clint’s question, only knowing because she’d been there in the aftermath.

“You hadn’t been sure, even if stephanie was sure it’d work.”James pointed out looking amused before noding, moving over. “You planned on me fighting, I’m sure it’ll be fine fighting.”James added, not about to bring up the fact that tony had used iron man tech, knowing stephanie had already thanked him for it, and james had to, and not about to make the other feel more uncomfortable then he already did about sharing. “Don’t poke me.”he grumbled even as he started working out. “Awesome, Tones. You’re amazing.”Stephanie said with wide eyed wonder as she watched james work out before looking at Tony with a smile, leaning into him tiredly, resting her head on his shouler. James stepped back after a few punches, frowning at clint. “You can barely walk. And I’ve worked with her before. It’s been awhile yes, but I have.”He said. “He’s right. Of anyone I could have back me up, James is a good choice.”Natasha smiled panting a little moving away from phil, leaning over to kiss Clint’s forehead. “Don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite. James whines to much, and he’s the captain’s backup.”She muttered before holding out a hand. “Come on you baby, let’s get you down to medical, and then we have to be going.”
Clint shuddered a little and shook his head. "i want the whole story later." he muttered to Nat, wondering why all the secrecy? Tony, probobly. Tony hated being seen as week. although, he had seen the report when Tony had come back after being held prisoner by the Ten Rings... he'd want to keep quiet himself if he'd been tortured like that.

"...i was totally sure." Tony huffed, sulking because they all knew he had been worried he'd done it wrong. he always worried he'd made a mess of it. "i planned on you defending yourself or maybe defending Stephanie." Tony corrected. "this isn't an enlistment, if you don't want to, you don't have to." Tony assured him. "still it needs to be tested, just in case. you wouldn't want to be defending Steph and then have the arm shatter right?" granted that was a bit of a worst case scenario but tony was good at thinking about those and taking care to make sure they wouldn't be an issue. "i'm fine!" Clint complained, even if he hadn't stood up once the entire time because he was too tired to actually stand up at all from walking to the gym. "...fine but if she gets hurt, i'm gutting you." Clint growled at James before whining at Natasha. "i don't like it. i don't like you going on missions without me." he admitted before visibly setting in his heals. "no." he said, crossing his arms and Phil sighed. he hated it when Clint got like this. they where probobly going to have to carry him down tot he doctors. he couldn't really blame Clint, he hated letting people see his wings. it was hard enough for him here with people he trusted seeing them. letting a stranger see them, let alone touch them was more than Clint could stand. it had to be done though.
"I know you were."Stephanie smiled at the man, nearly snuggling against him. Calming some, and wanting cuddles as she watched james."I know it isnt. Which is the only reason I'm okay with maybe working with you guys on stuff. You don't expect me to."james said before making a face. "No I wouldn't want it to shatter."he said shuddering at the idea looking pleased as the arm and bag held up for the abuse."no your not." "And I'll keep that in mind, but nothings going to happen."james said confident even if he worried about messing up. It'd been a really long time since he'd worked on a team. "I know you dont, but this has to be done."natasha said looking worried about clint, before sighing quietly. "Do you want me to carry him?we're heading to the same spot..."james said looking worried about clint, glancing at stephanie and tony, wondering if they had any ideas on how to help clint relax
Tony looked very happy to be snuggling with Stephanie. very happy indeed. "well. it's something we all like." Clint admitted. "most of us didn't come from very happy places after all. being able to choose when, and why we fight is important to us." he admitted with a smile, watching James pound on the bag and refusing to take notice of the curl of lust in his belly. "you better keep that in mind." Clint growled, sulking a little before shaking his head. "no. i'm not letting some freak poke at me like i'm a science experiment." "yes. carry him. as much as he's throwing a fit, he trusts you." Phil admitted with a smile. "he'll relax a little more if you and Nat are with him, since he knows you'll break the doctor if the man dares say or do anything that might upset Clint." he admitted, ignoring Clint's squeak of protest at the order to be carried, complaining that he could walk on his own just fine thank you! even though he swayed on his feet when he tried to prove it. he sulked in James arms and refused to admit it felt really nice to be carried in such big strong arms, and that Jams smelled really good. he wasn't ever going to admit it. nope. thankfully, the doctor was Hank McCoy, someone Clint actually knew and who handled Angel, another winged mutant. "well. whoever set these knew what they where doing." Hank informed them, blinking when Clint shrugged. "you set them yourself?!" "had to. i don't heal as fast as some, but i heal faster, they would have set in place crooked if i'd left them." Clint admitted, calm now that he knew he wasn't seeing some stranger who would gape or poke or be disgusted. "your ribs are healing very well too. you don't use these very often?" Hank guessed, examining the wings for any other damage. "the muscles here are a bit atrophied." "i don't use them but once a month, if that. Phil insists..." he grumbled. "says i have to be able to use them in case of emergencies... i hate it that he was right." Clint grumbled. "hmm. yes. i'd up the amount though, at this point your wings can't support your weight." "...shit. is that why..." "why you couldn't catch the wind and get out from under the rubble? yes." "....shit."
“You aren’t a science experiment, and you still have to go.”James said frowning a little before picking the other up. “I’ll be breaking the doctor, if it needs done.”Natasha promised tilting her head as she followed after the two. “Didn’t even ask for help.”James sulked looking annoyed still that the other hadn’t let him look after him. “Just tell tony. You two can go for flights together, since he really can already fly.”James pointed out, “And he’d probably enjoy the company.”

Elsewhere Stephanie bounced into the lab, pausing to look at Tony, the small wooden puzzle in her hands, absently playing with it even as she moved over to her usual seat, settling into it with a sigh. “Tony, whatcha doing?Is it important?Can you take a break?”
lint growled at him and squeaked as he was picked up before sighing and giving in. he wouldn't have been able to fight James anyway. "considering you bandaged everything but my wings, i correctly assumed you had no idea what to do. if i let you try to help you woulld have either gotten in the way or made it worse." Clint admitted. "wing bones aren't like other bones. they don't set the same way. Clint is right, however, once Bruce comes back, he can show you how to set wing bones if you like." Hank admitted. "i know how, but i'm only here for another few hours." Hank admitted, shaking his furry blue head. "i don't want to go on any fucking flights!" Clint hissed. "i'd rather the damn things just be taken off!" "as i recall, that has been attempted. they just grow back. Angel tried to do the same thing you know." Hank admitted. "it would be far better for you to just accept them." "never."

Tony blinked, looking up at her, pulling the Goggles up to his forehead. "i'm making the worlds smallest game of tetris!" he admitted with an impish grin. "Pepper said i couldn't make an impossible game of Tetris. so let's see her beat this!" he hummed before nodding. "sure, i can take a break, what's up?" he asked, pulling the goggles off completely.
“I didn’t, still didn’t like not being told what you were going to do. You could barely get up!”James scowled annoyed which just made natasha snicker. “So protective. It’s amazing you survived till adulthood.” “It’s amazing I survive Stephanie’s near sucidial picking fights.”James grumbled looking unhappy before perking up some, nodding a little. “I’ll ask him. And you will go flying even if I have to push you off the tower and let tony catch you. If you get Stephanie or any of your team killed because you can’t fly....well, there’s plenty of things I could do that Phil would probably forgive me for later.”James said glaring at clint, huffing a little. “Now. Do you need help getting back to the tower?”

Stephanie laughed a little, shaking her head. “She’s going to kill you for it, when she’s discovered you’ve done the impossible.”She teased a little, looking amused as she watched the goggles push his bangs up, he looked like a cute little mad genius like that. “Can’t settle. Thought a spar would help. Or something. Figured you’d have a idea what to do.”She said shrugging a little, knowing part of why she couldn’t settle, but not about to admit that her sex drive was driving her up the walls.
Clint shrugged. "that's the best time to do it. when i'm too out of it to feel the pain. honestly i don't even remember doing it at all." he admitted. "honestly, it's amazing she hasn't killed you yet for trying to defame her character so much. everyone knows Steph is an angel. there's no way she'd get into fights." he scoffed. "go ahead and push, you'll have to deal with Phil when i splatter against the ground." he huffed. "you don't scare me." Clint sneered at James. "i'm in the tower." he grumbled. "no i don't need help!" he swayed when he got to his feet before sighing a little. "i need help..." he grumbled, sulking as he let James pick him up. for all his pouting though he was asleep before they even got to his floor.

he smirked. "that's the plan. or she'll go to Bruce to bitch and he'll laugh at her and she'll finally kiss the bastard." he huffed shaking his head before grinning at her. "sure. i could go for a Spar." he agreed. "or you could give the new treadmill a whirl? it should be able to keep up with you." he admitted. "i can't be sure until it's tested though." he admitted. "or, we could have an epic death battle in a video game." he offered with a grin.
“Hm, good for you. It still traumatized me.”James grumbled. “You are such a drama queen.”Natasha muttered rolling her eyes. “She can’t kill me when it’s the truth. She is such a horrid punk.”James said smirking because he knew the more he tried to blame Stephanie, the more they wouldn’t believe him. It’d make them eventually figuring out her punking them all the more awesome. “I’ll find a way to make you fly, legolas.”James said rolling her eyes before grinning as he helped the other without teasing him. Settling him in to rest before leaving with natasha, knowing clint and the others would be okay with however long they were gone.

“Ahhh, I see. Hopefully she’ll kiss him.”She snickered a little before thinking about it, fidgeting a little, manic and trying to not be. “No....don’t wanna run...”She frowned thinking about it before grinning, “Death battle it is. Winner decides on the forfeit for whoever loses.”Stephanie grinned already bounding out the door towards the entertainment room
"well, considering you kidnapped me, wouldn't let me go and threatened to kill me, i'd say we're even." he admitted. "i'm gonna start slapping you every time you insult her. 'cross the face even." he decided. "don't call me Legolas." he growled, more than a little annoyed even as he settled in for a good nap. he was going to sulk for days though.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "Death battle. agreed." he admitted. "forfeit within reason!" he ordered. "no sexual favors, no public humiliation, nothing that you know the other wouldn't willingly do." he ordered, chuckling as he followed her, letting her pick the game she wanted to duke it out with.
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