
he smiled a little. "well. i can't really help it." he admitted, shrugging. "i get all excited, and when i do that people leave me alone, so if i don't want to talk to someone i babble at them incessantly using big words and they go away." he'd done that a time or two. you could always tell when Tony was babbling because he was excited or babbling because he didn't want company, because when he was excited he said our name a lot to make sure you where paying attention, and when he wanted to escape he never directly spoke to the person he didn't want to be around. he had never actually done that to Stephanie, though he had done it to pepper, Phil and even Bruce in the past. no one held it against him, not anymore anyway, since they all knew Tony was pretty darn broken now. "...gimme five minutes?" he asked, indicating the things. "i want to have these finished when i go see him." he admitted, settling in to finish the last few details. as promised he was done in the requested Five minutes and then he ushered her into a wheelchair, informing her that if she didn't, Phil would kill him and would she really want that on her conscious? so he got to push her in the wheelchair up to Clint's room who was sitting up and reading a book with a very lightweight sheet covering his wings from veiw. "Steph! hey! come on in! i'm glad your doing better." he admitted, smiling at her. "sorry for giving you a scare. that Fiance of yours is a stubborn asshole."
“I know. It’s both endearing and frustrating, not being able to understand all the time.”She said looking amused at him, tilting her head a little. Because she really did try to understand what he was talking about, but she just didn’t get it. It made her feel stupid most of the time. Even if she knew better then to tell him that, since she knew it’d just upset him. “Yea, okay.”She smiled settling on her stool, simply content to watch him work. Looking annoyed with the wheelchair, but willing to do it, since indeed she was still and tired, and pretty sure that if she did, Jarvis would inform both james and phil. Smiling slightly as she was wheeled in, she looked clint over, relaxing when she saw that clint really was okay. “I’m doing okay. Even walked down to tony’s lab. So I should be allowed out of bed all the time.”She sulked a little before sighing, “Well, you’re not forgiven yet. Even if it’s james fault. He’s being punished to.”She huffed a little, nearly crawling out of her skin when James bolted into the room, wide eyed and upset, calming when he saw her. “Dammit, steph. Don’t do that!”James snarled, looking annoyed and moments away from breaking her over his knee. Always easily upset when it concerned stephanie, having this happen after she’d been hurt, upset him. “Don’t go away.”he growled, calming as he looked her over, before looking at clint. “You look better.”
h nodded. "i know. to be completely honest with you, when i get really bad? half the stuff i say isn't real words." he admitted. "they get all screwed up in my brain and i'm literally babbling nonsense." he admitted. "but don't tell anyone." he asked with a smile. "it's one of the reasons why it get's so hard to 'speak English' when i get upset, because my 'English' doesn't come out any better than the tech talk does." he admitted before happily heading up to Clint's room. "if i'm not allowed out of bed neither are you." Clint stated simply. "you push yourself way too hard Steph." Clint chastised, shaking his head. "it's not good for you, not at all." he didn't even twitch when James barreled into the Room, though Tony scarpered out of the way to hide behind Clint, wary of James. frightened of him even. "of course i look better. i'm high as fuck. i love painkillers." he admitted with a grin. "please don't come barreling into places like that. people are jumpy around here. your going to end up getting shot or scaring the hell out of someone whose been through enough shit already." Phil ordered as he walked into the room with food for Clint. "it's been an hour. you, bed." Phil ordered Stephanie.
“Oh. That’s good to know. I don’t feel so bad then, not understanding. Modern english slang confuses me enough as it is, without babble.”She said looking amused though. “...Well. Fine. If I have to.”Stephanie huffed a little before giving the other a look. “Well, I wouldn’t have had to go searching if you didn’t have a habit of going missing, even if you had help. Besides, I stayed in bed for four days. That’s like a record.”Stephanie growled. Twisting to face off against James as tony scampered off, tense as she watched him. James tensed startling a little as he looked at phil, tensing a little at the orders, not liking it, even if he should have known better then to barrel in looking for her, but he’d panicked enough to not think. Nodding tightly he eyed phil,”Then tell her to at least wake me up before she goes missing. Then I wouldn’t have to.” “Sorry. You looked exhausted....didn’t think...”Stephanie said looking upset as she leaned back into her chair, looking up at phil, then at tony, looking worried about him. Not sure how to reassure him that james wouldn’t hurt him, even if james hated howard. Even at his worst, james only hurt those who deserved it when he could avoid it. “....You heard the man,tones. Get me back to bed, then I can tell the idiot off for giving us all a near heart attack.”
he nodded. "modern English slang confuses me too." he admitted with a sigh. "this new generation... i mean, what the hell is a Yolo anyway?" he grumbled before watching James, wary. because Howard had the same look as James and Howard was never scared to show his displeasure with someone physically.he didn't want to be smacked around today thanks. "Steph. he's your pet. make sure he knows where you are at all times. Tony will sulk if he brings the tower down around out ears." Phil ordered, Clint snickering. "oh... but... the thing...." Tony said, looking quite frantic, fidgeting now because he wasn't sure what to do. he didn't want to get too close to James, which he would have to if he took Steph to bed. he wanted to give Clint his new displacement pockets but he was scared to. he also didn't want to stay there in the room with Clint because he wanted to look the wings over so, so bad. he could totally build lightweight super reinforced armor for the wings. he so totally could. "you can give the things to Clint later, okay Tony?" Phil asked, gently squeezing Tony's shoulder to calm him down. "he can't wear them while his bones are broken anyway." "oh! oh okay. i'll take Steph to her bedroom then. yeah. i can do that. totally." Tony agreed, skirting around James and heading for the door. gently nudging Stephanie along and hating that he'd freaked out where everyone could see. ugh. at least he hadn't been smacked about the way he had as a child.
”No idea. It’s weird.”Stephanie agreed making a face. “I will. I didn’t think.”More like she’d been so focused on getting out of bed, that she hadn’t considered how he’d react when he found her gone. “It’s okay. Tony. We’re okay.”Stephanie muttere raising a eyebrow a little, startled as James realized what he’d done, easing back away from her to give tony room. “He can’t try them on yet. And you know if he sees them, he’ll want to.”Stephanie said smiling slightly, “Sorry. I hadn’t thought of that before.”She said wincing a little, because she’d gotten him excited for something that couldn’t happen yet. Watching as James stayed behind not crowding tony, understanding tony was scared of him, so he stayed. “Help me up.”Stephanie said as they got to her bedroom, while she could have perfectly gotten up on her own, she knew tony calmed easier if he had a task to do.

“.....He likes tech right?I mean....redesigning stuff?”James asked after a moment, frowning a little as he considered tony. Frowning in thought as he considered how upset tony had been. And knowing he’d upset Stephanie to. Which meant he’d make it up to them both, he needed to, because he hated people being afraid of him when they didn’t have to be.
"it is weird." Tony agreed before studying James from a distance, wondering if maybe Steph would get hit? he didn't think so, Steph would never allow that sort of thing, hurt or not she'd slaughter James if he laid a finger on her. "oh, right. that's a good point." Tony agreed, relaxing at the reassurance that Clint shouldn't b given them just yet. good, he could work on them a little more, fix the color up and make them pretty, fiddle with the adhesion a little more to make sure Clint wouldn't itch. yeah that would be good. "okay." Tony agreed, happy to be useful as he gently got her to her feet and into bed. "you want me to get you anything? chocolate milk? regular milk? Jarvis makes a mean hot Cocoa." he admitted with a grin, smiling at her. "sorry about freaking out like that. James... he looks at me like my old man used to and i just... Dad used to hit, when he got angry." Tony admitted. he'd admitted to such before but no one had really made the connection yet. "James is a lot bigger than my dad was." he admitted with a grimace. "oh! i almost forgot! so you have something to look foreward to, i'll have your punching bag done right around the time your back on your feet and allowed to hit things again." he admitted, beaming at her. "i just need to finish the stand and have it installed." he admitted. "your gonna love it! it's epic! i painted it in Captain America colors."

"yeah. Tony loves Tech. don't worry about freaking him out. big guys just scare him a little." Clint admitted. "i don't think a whole lot of people ave noticed, Tony just gets intimidated and he's a bit on the submissive side to begin with." Clint admitted. "huge guy like you with that dominating attitude, it's not you personally Tony just gets scared is all." Clint assured James. "it doesn't help that Howard used to hit him." Phil admitted. "Tony won't say anything unless he's freaked out or Drunk, since he's not drinking anymore it's mostly when he's freaked out. he told me all kinds of terrible things when i was babysitting him." Phil admitted. "he was drunk as a skunk and terrified his father was going to... and i'm quoting him here. 'find him, beat him to death and lock him in the closet again'. he thought Howard was going to punish him for not figuring out the solution to his palladium poisoning immediately." "wait. Howard locked Tony in closets?" Clint asked, startled. "yeah. i've never heard him admit it before or after that one instance so... i think he doesn't want people to know."
“I always have good points. You should always listen to me.”Stephanie teased smiling a little as both james and tony relaxed a little. Quiet as they made their way to her room, she smiled as she let him yelp her, sighing softly as she settled back into her bed, “hot cocoa would be nice.”She smiled before tilting her head, noing. “It’s okay. And I know James understands, even if he doesn’t know why you freaked out. He has his own problems he freaks out over.”She smiled a little, patting his arm, looking vaguely worried, hiding the reaction, knowing tony probably didn’t mean to admit it. “James is bigger, but he also hates bullies. Don’t be surprised if you get a present or something cause he feels bad.”She snickered a little before looking pleased.”truly?Awesome. I’ll like that.”she smiled rolling her eyes at the colors. “I’m surprised not iron man colors.”She teased waving him off. “Go get my cocoa, and come back and relax.”She ordered quietly.

“Okay. Well, I have something he can fix for me, to make up for freaking him out.”James relaxed pleased with the idea before frowning a little, thinking about it. “...I knew I should have ignored Steph’s order about not killing the little bastard. I should have drowned him like the inbred dog he was.”James growled, even if he had killed him years later, it had been to late to save them all scars.
"never." Tony sniffed. "i don't listen to anyone." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "Hot Cocoa it is." he agreed with a smile. "i have to go take care of something tonight though, so you'll be in Phil and James hands. okay?" he asked her with a smile before shrugging. "i'll get used to him. he won't hit me with you around. you'll get angry at him if he does." that didn't mean James wouldn't hit him when he was alone though, but he didn't say that. it would just upset her. "...he hates me." Tony sulked before he smiled at her. "yeah! it's epic!" he admitted. "i'll let you help install it if you want?" he offered. "i think you'd like using the bolt gun." he admitted with a grin. "well. it's not mine, so i thought using your colors would be better... do you want it in my colors?" he asked, his head tilted. "okay! Jarvis! make us some Cocoa!" he ordered, skipping out of the room and coming back five minutes later with a steaming mug. "i have to go now." he admitted to her, giving her a grin. "try not to drive the tower crazy okay?" he teased.

"i think he'd like that. he wants you to like him, since your Steph's fiance and all. i think Steph was the first friend Tony's ever actually had, so he'll be desperate to make sure she doesn't have to choose. not that he would ever do that, but Tony frets about silly things like that." Clint admitted with a smile before grimacing at James anger. "hey. calm down a little. Tony hates his father just as much as the next guy, but part of him loves Howard too. he was his father after all. Tony can't help it so try not to insult him too badly, yeah?"
“Okay, don’t worry. I mean, I’m mostly healed. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll be perfectly able to make sure I’m overly fussed over and not doing anything to straining.”Stephanie rolled her eyes a little before studying the other, nodding. “I would.”She agreed before sighing. “he doesn’t hate you. He’s not sure how to act with anyone, now that he’s not being the world’s deadliest assassin.”Stephanie sighed a little before snorting. “Awesome. I’d love installing it. And no, I’m just teasing. Cap colors are fine.”She promised before sipping her cocoa as he handed it to her. “I wont. I mean, I’m not the one who drives everyone crazy. Go.”She said waving him away, looking amused.

“I’d never make him choose, but getting along with him will make stephanie happy, so it’s good to try.”he said looking amused before sighing, making a face. “Fine. I’ll try to curb the desire to insult him.”he huffed a little.

A few days later James knocked lightly on the glass of the workshop, waiting for jarvis to open the door, shuddering a little, even if stephanie and natasha had reassured him that it was fine, the AI still freaked him out. “hey, stephanie said you wouldn’t mind, and if you have a sec, I need a favor.”The assassin said stepping inside, looking around the lab, tilting his head.
the door slid open without a sound, which was troubling because Jarvis always gave James a light hearty greeting, trying to help the man feel better. Tony was standing in the middle of the lab, naked. his hands where tied over his head, chained in place and his legs where attached to a spreader bar, holding him open. there was a woman standing behind him with a shortwhip. she was hissing things at him, a smirk on her lips, muttering to him how he was dirty, and filthy, and deserved to be hurt. he was nearly limp in his bonds, his head hanging down, but the most telling was that he wasn't hard. his cock was limp and swayed like a dead thing between his legs every time the woman struck him with the whip. he had tears running down his cheeks and a glassy look in his eyes. he was also covered in welts, some barely healed, showing that he had been suffering through this for a while. he also had yet to notice James was in there. "...hey!" the woman glared at James. "this is a private session. go away. come back later." she commanded, Tony whimpering. "shut up Slut!" she ordered, striking him across the face with the whip, Tony gasping but falling silent again. no one stayed silent like that when they where struck across the face. this was so wrong.
James paused at the lack of greeting, before paling out with anger when he saw what was going on. Slipping on that slippery slope between ‘James barnes’ and ‘winter soldier’, effortlessly sliding into the skin that felt better then his own some days. Ignoring the woman for a moment he stalked closer, and effortlessly lifted her, pausing to consider Tony for a moment. “Jarvis, watch him. I’ll be right back. Gotta take out the trash.”he said heading for the door, utterly ignoring the woman he was carrying, not even pausing as he tossed her into the elevator. “Jarvis, inform Natasha that there is something in the elevator that she needs to take care of for me before I kill the little bitch.”he said before turning to go back into the lab, pausing as he considered tony, studying him as he worked on how to get him free without traumatizing him more. “Stark? Tony?Can you hear me? Can I let you out of the bonds without hurting you?”He said looking and sounding anxious, moments away from calling both stephanie and clint to help him figure this out.
the woman yelled and struggled and tried to fight free of James. she was the dominant here and she wasn't about to let an interloper ruin her fun! "of course Sir." Jarvis said, sounding very relieved. "Of course Sir. she is on her way now to the ground floor where Ms. Vans will be transported." Jarvis promised. "Sir cannot hear you right now." Jarvis informed him, sounding very frantic. "i would have alerted someone, but Sir instructed me to say nothing. i am bound by my code to always obey Sir, even when it is not in his best interest." Jarvis sounded as upset as a computer could get. "i cannot disobey Sir, so i could not help. i apologize for letting you in to see such a thing, but i felt you would be able to help where i could not." Jarvis admitted. "you can let him out, start with his hands and be ready to catch him please, he will collapse." Jarvis instructed. "then you may remove his foot bindings. there are medical supplies in the bedroom as well as fruit juice, try and get him to drink something and so what you can for the cuts and welts... i am not allowed to call for medical assistance without Sir's permission unless it is life threatening." Jarvis admitted, sounding very frustrated indeed. "you will have to ask for me to call for Bruce, then i may contact him. i must have a direct order to do so."
“Dammit.”James cursed softly, wincing as he realized that tony couldn’t hear him. Nodding slightly, “Thanks Jarvis.”He said slowly starting to undo the bonds, careful not to drop him as the man slumped into him, wincing a little as the other fell into him, feeling it jar already inflamed skin. “Don’t worry about it Jarvis. I understand obeying, I can take care of this.”he promised, even if he still found it odd, hearing the tone in the AI’s office helped him settle more, because zola would have never cared like this. “Get Bruce please.”James said debating for a moment, before deciding to not tell Stephanie, not yet. She’d be upset and since he’d left her napping, there was no reason to tell her just yet. Settling tony into bed he got a little bottle of fruit juice, remembering what Clint had said. Tony was submissive, he could handle that, even if he was simply doing it on instinct. Eyeing the billionaire he pointed to the bottle. “Drink.”He ordered his tone that icy cold winter soldier tone, even as he started tending his cuts and bruises.
"i am not the one who is in need of being thanked Sir. i should be thanking you." Jarvis admitted. "when Sir gets like this, there is nothing i can do. it troubles me very much." he admitted. "of course Sir." Jarvis said, pausing a moment and then. "Bruce will be up in a short while." Jarvis promised. Tony twitched at the order and took the bottle and started swallowing it down obediently. draining it dry before sitting there, pliant while James worked on him. "...Jesus Tony..." Bruce hissed as he walked in, looking at the nasty welt across his face, glancing at James. "who did this?" he demanded, his eyes a bright, shining, glowing green. "i'll kill them." he growled, baring his teeth in a snarl even as he very gently applied medication to Tony's face. "Natasha already has custody of the woman." Jarvis reported, which calmed Bruce immensely. "very good. thank you Jarvis." Bruce said, carefully examining Tony's face for other marks. "are you alright?" he asked James. "it must be a shock, seeing him like this. i actually went Hulk the first time i came across it." he admitted. "he's usually got such a handle on things. i can't imagine what set him off like this..." Bruce admitted, looking very upset. "not that this is his fault." he promised James. "but normally he would normally fight back, say no, something... just giving in like this..." he shook his head. "let me have his back now."
“no thanks needed. He matters to stephanie, taking care of him is my job.”because for as long as he could remember, it’d been like that. At least the rare times they’d ever had friends that each other, they looked after the people who mattered. “Good, tony.”James hummed a little as he drank the juice, looking pleased. Glancing up at Bruce when he walked in, tensing a little. Not because he didn’t like bruce, but because every instinct said hide tony, protect him and keep him away from everyone. But he knew tony needed a doctor. “Natasha’s got it covered. She does scary well.”James said smiling slightly before swallowing hard. “It’s....yes. I’ve seen Steph like this...not hurt. But....pliant?Is that the word?”He frowned slightly. “She doesn’t like it overly, but she does have her moments....”He shrugged a little. “And currently I’m resisting every urge to go kill the bitch....”He swallowed hard. “I’ll go cuddle Steph, or see if clint’s up for another card game.”James snickered a little because between him and the other two assassins and his trolling fiancee, poker was interesting.. Frowning in annoyance for the moment he thought bruce was blaming tony, he calmed a little. Before looking anxious. “I came fault somehow? I mean....I don’t know. But...”he said staring at the other, looking upset and ready to bolt. Even if he was usually confident, this whole returning to regular life, was leaving him scared of being accepted.
"it is not a job, Sir." Jarvis told James. "you are not like me. that is a very good thing, you are no longer someone's toy. you are helping Tony because you Choose, to help Tony." Jarvis corrected, sounding quite smug. "you make your own choices now Sergent Barnes." Tony looked very pleased, sitting up a little straighter when James praised him. that was nice. most people didn't do that, he liked being a good boy. "yeah she does." Bruce agreed with a smile before nodding. "it's very rare that Tony get's like this." Bruce admitted. "usually it's when something really... you've seen him episode right? Phil showed you that video." the one where Tony babbled and yelled at people who weren't there and didn't realize that people who where real where in the room with him. "this is sort of the step beyond that." he admitted, gently rolling Tony onto his belly. "it's all perfectly natural, hundreds of thousands of people do this too. it's known as a 'drop'... unfortunately Tony's not like most people. he never uses his safe-word. he never feels like he's had enough so he attracts people like that, who abuse him like this because he never says no..." he admitted. "i doubt this is your fault." he promised James. "he's a bit scared of you, yes but he was scared of Steph, Clint and Phil once too." he admitted. "no, while you might be a minor problem, it wouldn't be enough to set Tony off like this. i think it's more than likely too many things happening at once. a lot of little things piled on." he admitted. "there we go Tony. Good Boy." Bruce praised, running his fingers through Tony's hair, making the genius sigh and sag into the bed. "go to sleep now Tony. you deserve to rest. you did a good job. that's it." Bruce coaxed, smiling when Tony closed his eyes and went to sleep.
"No, I'm not a toy. Not anymore."james made a face at the idea of letting someone else control hI'm again, glancing at bruce as he sighed."yes phil showed me. I just....I never considered he'd be lime's different seeing it in person."he made a face sighing quietly, frowning. "Like...submissive?i...Stephanie was rea ding a bondage looked interesting."he frowned trying to remember anything that they'd talked about."oh...good."he muttered relaxing utterly at the knowledge that this wasn't his fault, smiling slightly as tony went to sleep.

When tony woke up, Stephanie was curl ed up with him, with a watchful james watching from the lab stool he'd moved and settled by the door."tony?you feeling better?"Jwmes said sounding a little anxious, which for a man who was normally as locked down as natasha, said just how worried he was about the billionaire
"that's right. you, are a person." Jarvis agreed. "and a good one." he promised before going silent at Bruce's arrival. "yeah. it doesn't happen often, in the years that i've known Tony this is only the second time i've ever seen him like this." he admitted. "the first time he was still with Pepper. she was controlled, she knew when to stop even when Tony didn't, or couldn't." he admitted. "yes. a submissive." Bruce agreed. "it's more than bondage though, Tony has a need for pain. if he can't get someone else to do it to him he'd do it to himself." he admitted. "it's better when he does it to himself because he stops when he feels better. he doesn't cut, he's not a danger to himself thank god." Bruce admitted. "but it can get bad." he admitted. "there are ways people like us can help." he admitted, examining James. "especially someone like you, as dominant and big as you are a simple 'Good boy Tony' could really settle him." he admitted with a smile. "as you just saw." he admitted, smiling at the sleeping Tony. "he's going to be fine, the welts are bad, painful but not dangerous." he admitted. "they'll be gone in a few days." he admitted.

Tony blinked a little, surprised to see Stephanie before looking up at James. "...i... what?" he asked, looking confused and a little frightened. "where's Ann?" he asked, frowning a little. "what's happening?" he winced. "is this an intervention? because i'm not drunk and i'm not on drugs." he promised. "calm down Tony." Bruce ordered. "your not in trouble. we're just worried.... i thought you would come to me." Bruce said softly, handing Tony a cu of Coffee. "after last time. you said you'd come to me." "...i wasn't doing it myself. Ann was... i thought it would be okay." Tony admitted softly. "it felt so good Bruce... and then it didn't..." "i know." Bruce promised, gently stroking Tony's hair. "your not in trouble." he promised again, Tony nodding. "okay... why's Steph here? is she hurt?"
"I wouldn't go that far, jarvis."james said sounding amused though. Frowning as he listened to bruce. Nodding slowly.that's good to know that it's not usually like this..."he said looking concerned at the idea of tony doing it himself, but willing to trust his friends before sighing quietly.well I'll keep that in mind. And let steph know...she's going at being dominant sometimes...depending on the person."he shrugged a little settling as he realized tony wss going to be okay.

"Ann is having a private conversation with natasha, which I would pay money to watch if it didn't mean being near her when she's all scary."james said smirking a little, the winterms soldier shining in those dark eyes, because he'd totally enjoyed knowing Ann was getting punished for her abuse."definitely not in trouble, though I wish you would have gotten someone sooner."james frowned a little before snorting."and Stephanie's here because she came down looking for me, and decided you looked like you could use a snuggle so she laid down with you."
"it is good to know that." he agreed with a smile before sighing a little. "yeah. wel. i think Steph might be the biggest problem." Bruce admitted. "i don't know how much you know, but Howard used to us Captain America as a way to tear Tony down. because of this Tony developed a sort of... god like worship of the ideology of Captain America." Bruce admitted. "so when Ton finally met Captain, and 'he' wasn't anything like Ton had always been led to believe, well... it was a real blow to his view of the world and his view of himself. when he started developing a crush on 'him' he thought himself gay, which skewed his views even more. finding out Steph was actually a woman only made everything worse and finding out she was seeing a friend of his.... and then our returning Tony has no idea what to think anymore." he admitted. "just the last straw he couldn't handle." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair when he fidgeted in his sleep.

"oh..." Tony paused, confused. "is Ann in trouble?" he wondered. "yes Tony. she's in trouble." "how come?" "because she was hurting you." "...Pepper never got in trouble." "Pepper never beat you until you where nearly comatose." Bruce said sternly. "i wasn't that bad... i would have tapped out if it was that bad..." "you never tap out." Bruce chastised, Tony wincing a little and looking away. "it wasn't anything i didn't want or deserve." "your full of shit. stop talking." Bruce commanded. "we've talked about that too." "i don't deserve to be beaten." Tony grumbled, not sounding like he really believed it, but it satisfied Bruce. "oh... i do like snuggles." Tony agreed, relieved that Stephanie hadn't seen him... like that. weak and helpless and pathetic. a dirty slut. he didn't think he could stand it if Steph where to know.
“....dammit. She likes think like-likes him.It’s weird, and I’m out of practice reading her....”James sighed softly, shaking his head a little as he sighed softly, “Well... We’ll help him. It’ll be okay.”James said, because he needed to know that it would, that this wasn’t going to be horrible and explode in his face.

“Yes she is.”James agreed frowning at the other, “You were nearly past out, Tony. I nearly killed her before I realized coldly killing her would get me arrested.”James said shaking his head a little, before staring at tony, trying to decide if he needed to have a talk with stephanie about this, at least stephanie would have a idea on how to get tony to listen. “Good. She likes snuggles to. And better snuggling you then me. She’s like a super soldier octopus mutant when she snuggles.”James snorted amused tilting his head, deciding tony could probably use a distraction. “So. I came down to ask you about something, before this got all weird.”
"...that doesn't bother you?" Bruce asked, his head tilted. "that she likes someone else." he asked, a bit puzzled by their relationship.

"i was fine... Jarvis wasn't supposed to tell anyone." Tony complained. "that's not fair to Jarvis Tony." Bruce scowled. "ou made him to be as human as possible and then place restrictions on what he's allowed to do. that isn't fair to him." "...i know... i'm sorry Jay." Tony said, actually sounding sorry for it this time. "please do not do so again Sir. it is my duty to protect you. i cannot keep you safe if you give me contradicting orders. i worry about you." Jarvis admitted softly, making Tony wince and look at his hands because he had hurt Jay. making him watch while Tony abused himself. "but..." Tony looked at James, confused. why wasn't James jealous of Stephanie snuggling him? he'd be jealous if it was the other way around. didn't he want Steph for himself? they where supposed to be getting married right? "oh... okay... did you need help with something?" Tony asked, wondering if he could squirm free of the bed without waking Stephanie up.
“It does. But we’ve been apart for longer then we were together....and it hurts....I mean...”James frowned, considering it. Shaking his head, because he was jealous, nearly blindingly so, but also....he could get why Stephanie liked tony. Shaking his head because he truly didn’t understand, and because he didn’t want to upset Stephanie by being a jealous asshole.

“....Yea. You’re definitely better then Zola, Jarvis.”James shuddered relaxing because he was better for listening to tony and jarvis talk, it was easier. Frowning a little he smirked. “I get my snuggles, don’t worry. But these days I don’t like being trapped, and if you haven’t noticed, she’s kinda pinned your arms to your side.”James smirked, cause indeed, tony was wrapped up in the octupus bundle of stephanie’s limbs. And there was a thread of jealously there, but he was so messed up currently, and he knew stephanie, knew her as well as the back of his hand, there was something different. Something off. And until he figured out what it was, he didn’t want to complicate things more. “Yea. I uh...”He sighed before pushing up the sleeve to his long sleeved t-shirt, the one he always wore because he was utterly aware of the metal arm, and it made him twitchy to let other’s see it. “This is a piece of crap. Thought maybe you could do something about it?”
Bruce nodded. "i understand." he promised with a smile. "neither of you are the same as you where and you can't figure out how to fit yourself to her again." he mused. "i had the same problem, me and Betty." he admitted. "we're still really good friends, we just don't fit right anymore." he admitted. "sometimes people fit together again and sometimes they don't. you just have to give yourself time to heal and find out as you go along." he stated with a smile.

"i do not know anyone by that name Sir." Jarvis admitted to James. "oh. no i hadn't noticed actually." Tony admitted. honestly Tony enjoyed it. it made him feel safe and protected. "...oh my god." Tony said, staring at the arm. "oh. my. god. no. no it's shit. take it off. you take it off right now." Tony ordered, trying to wiggle free, Bruce snickering as he shook his head. "you better let me have a look at that arm." Bruce ordered. "it smells pretty infected. i'll clean it up and give you some antibiotics. a shot would work better but i have a feeling you've had enough needles so i'll give you a weeks worth of pills." he promised James. "one a day, eat before you take them or they might make you feel queasy." he admitted. "hey Bruce? you do realize that most people can't smell infections right?" "yeah, so?" "...nothing. just thought i'd point it out."
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