
he shrugged. "you where lucky to have someone interesting." he admitted. "most of the girls satisfied with one night stands these days are all bimbos. no offense to them but they don't have a brain cell in their heads and their idea of exciting sex is a naughty spanking that doesn't actually hurt and goofy outfits." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "i know it does. Howard was a fucker of epic proportions." he admitted with a sigh. "good luck Cap! i'd go with but since it's Doom i don't see you having any problems." he admitted. he would quickly regret not going with her.

Tony gasped as she woke up and immediately moved over to her, trying to fuss without touching her because she was going to be in so much pain. "your in the hospital. your hurt bad but Bruce and the other doctors say you're going to be just fine. you have a nasty concussion so your going to be disoriented." Tony said, looking very twitchy. "your going to be just fine. no one else was hurt, at least we don't think so. the others are still being looked over." he stammered. "i came to the hospital with you, there are field doctors on sight taking stock of everyone." he didn't tell her they hadn't found Clint. he'd gotten the call ten minutes ago that they had found a very large puddle of blood, a few dozen broken feathers and a snapped bow and a quiver of shattered and snapped arrows. no Clint though. no Clint and Tony was starting to get very, very frantic.

Clint was very relieved to find that he was waking up. he had honestly thought he had died.he coughed, his lungs burned and he checked to make sure he hadn't pierced anything by taking a deep breath. no sharp sudden pains in the lung area but several of his ribs flared into an angry beehive and he whimpered on the out breath because fuck that hurt. they where bound though as they didn't hurt as much as they could. his arm hurt, not broken but bruised like hell. head pounding, rather dizzy and vision blurred. concussion. wings... restrained, broken most likely. he couldn't move them to tell and honestly he didn't dare. he'd have to set them later, he was not ever going to suffer the indignation of having a fucking Vet check him over again. he turned to look at the voice, who was it? he couldn't tell. friend or foe? he was laying in a bed and his wounds where cared for but that didn't tell him much. "think so." Clint finally croaked, realizing the other had asked a question. definitely a concussion then. "where 'm i?" he needed Intel or he'd never find out if he was with someone he could trust it or not. he was pretty sure it wasn't someone he knew, but he couldn't be sure at the moment.
Stephanie blinked slowly, before closing her eyes again, struggling to focus. Along with the brick that had hit her, the fact that she’d been hit in the face with her own shield as she fell made the concussion a severe one that had it been anyone else, the blow would have killed them. And even stephanie, was going to be feeling it for days as her serum’d body worked to heal fractured bones, compression breaks, internal bleeding....a broken body that should have killed her. And what was worse, was she could have left. Could have moved out of the way. The mental damage that had sent her running into a mine field of flying debris, a passively suicidal run that even if she had been trying to get to her teammate, showed worrying signs. “ Civilians, clint?”Stephanie muttered, more then worrying for herself, she worried for others. “Trappe?”

“Don’t move. You’ll mess yourself up.”James said looking him over, making sure he wasn’t going to try and get up and move just yet, before returning to cutting his hair. Which was what he’d been doing when he got the avenger’s call to battle. Had left the apartment with half his hair still long, and only now was he starting to once again look like the captain’s sergeant. Moving over as he finished cutting his hair, he looked down at the archer. “rest. You will be fine, I don’t think there is any life threatening injuries.”
Tony watched her, shaking his head. "you nearly killed yourself." he whispered. "what where you thinking?!" he wondered, gently wiping her face, looking very upset. "thirteen civilians hurt, none dead. the building that collapsed was empty because they where working on it." he admitted before swallowing thickly. "two civilians where caught in the building collapse. one has a broken arm the other a broken leg but they'll be fine." he promised her. "...Clint was... buried, completely. he's not been found yet." he whispered softly. "he's survived worse so i now he's going to be okay." he promised her. "it's going to be fine so don't try to get up. your hurt really bad Steph. if you had been a normal person you'd be dead." he informed her. "and we'll be having a lengthy conversation about that once you aren't so concussed." he warned her. "now try to rest. i have the entire team keeping me updated." he promised her.

"he nodded a little. "yeah. i'm pretty messed up." he agreed, having not fully understood what James had said. "did you dig me out?" Clint wondered before settling in to watch James cut his hair, wondering why the man looked so damn familiar. "do i know you?" he wondered, trying to focus on the other before nodding. "yeah. okay." he mumbled, settling in to sleep because he hurt so much and he was so tired. "am i gonna be tortured when i get better?" he asked, needing to make sure he wasn't with an enemy.
“Clint. Couldn’t save....Jamie....could try....Clint.”She muttered sighing softly as he wiped her face, closing her eyes again, relaxing. “Good.”She muttered glad the civilians hadn’t been hurt, frowning slightly, before whimpering as that hurt. “...he’ fine.Survived loki...survive this...”She muttered not even trying to get up despite her teammate being missing, which showed just how badly she was hurting. Because if there was one thing about stephanie rogers, she always got up. “...Kay...”She muttered drifting off again.

“Yea. I did. Though you weren’t who I was looking for, I’m hoping finding you will buy me some brownie points.”James said, well aware he was talking when the other couldn’t understand, but nervous enough about returning, he was reverting to the smart ass’d, chattery, charming brooklyn boy. “nope. I’ll take you back as soon as you’re well enough to move.”James promised as he settled in to wait, and watch over the other.

It was nearly two days later before Stephanie really woke up, was aware enough to talk to, and be really aware of the people around her, rather then drifting in and out. Looking at the two in front of her, she frowned slightly, even if it hurt, and she still looked bad, she was healing. The concussion mostly a memory, the superficial damage the worst now, her body having worked to heal the worst of it, before working on the surface damage. “...Tony?Johnny?”She frowned, staring at the two.

Looking up from his book, James looked thoughtful from where he was reclining across the bed, Tolstoy’s War and Peace, in the original russian, propped up on his knees, lazying around in the casual arrogance of a man who knew he could spring to action in a moment, the dark cargo jeans and dark tank top hugging a lean body of a assassin who’d honed himself into a deadly weapon. “....feeling any better?”He asked, for probably the millionth time when he heard clint stirring.
Tony and Johnny turned to look at her. Tony didn't get up but Johnny move over to her. "hey. how are you feeling?" Johnny asked, looking worried and fussy. "any better?" he asked. he knew she wasn't really aware that he'd been there for the last day and a half but that was okay. she was finally mostly aware. "try not to move too much, your still very hurt." Johnny ordered, worried she'd try to get up if he told her that they hadn't found Clint even though they'd moved all of the rubble and there was nowhere else he could be. there was a high chance he'd crawled into a sewer somewhere to nurse his own wounds, but Johnny wasn't too sure of that theory that Nat and Phil had voiced. he didn't bother mentioning the man that they had come across, guy named Grant Douglas Ward who had a very interesting story about Hydra, a guy The Winter Soldier and James 'Bucky' Barnes being alive.

Clint shifted a little as he woke up. "better." he mumbled. it had been hell two days ago when he'd woken up, sat up and set his own wings before James could even open his mouth to reprimand him. luckily he had been so dazed from his concussion he had barely felt the pain even when he force folded his own wings which had hurt like fuck and strapped them onto his back with bandages to hold them perfectly still while they healed. he was pretty sure James had yet to forgive him for that but Clint knew his wings would heal quickly and if he hadn't gotten them set he never would have. "i think i could get up if i had a lot of help." he admitted. "i'd feel better if you didn't ask that every time i wake up." he admitted, sulking. "it's like you don't trust me not to do something stupid or something."
Stephanie looked up at him, sighing softly, closing her eyes for a moment as she considered her body. “Broken. Hurt. Like a took a shield to the face and ribs...and I know how that feels....Jamie hit me with it once by accident...not fun.”She muttered sighing softly, because it hurt. “Clint?”she said, indeed looking ready to lever herself out of bed if they told her he was missing. Looking annoyed at the order though, wavering for a moment even though she still looked about to get up, definitely used to being the one giving orders, not taking them.

“Good.”James said “You’re not getting help yet. Sorry..”James said sounding amused at the complaining as he read. “I don’t trust you not to do something stupid. Your a avenger, it’s sorta a card carrying idiot’s squad who sorta ignores your own health to do stupid shit. Especially hurt.”James said sounding bemused, and like himself. The winter soldier falling away even more as he settled further into being the kid from brooklyn, the rough edges of russian starting to fall away in the face of being home.
"that's because you did take your shield to your face." Johnny stated simply. "and a building collapsed onto you so i suppose that's why your ribs hurt." he admitted, smiling at her before swallowing thickly. "they haven't found him." Tony explained softly. "we've removed all of the Debris. we found his shirt, the halter thing he had been wearing and his bow and quiver. we think he abandoned his stuff and crawled into a hidey hole. you know how he gets when he's hurt." he found the smallest space possible, providing there wasn't a person there to keep him in bed, and refused to come out until he wasn't hurting anymore. so they had to hope that was what had happened here. "Stay in bed Steph." Johnny ordered sternly. "Clint will never forgive you if you hurt yourself beyond what you can heal to find him. and he sure as hell won't forgive himself for causing you that kind of pain." it was a nasty little guilt trip but if it kept her in bed then he'd let her punish him later.

"dammit." Clint grumbled, sighing a little before smiling at him a little. "i'm not nearly as bad as the others are." he admitted. "i might crawl into a hole and hide but i am perfectly capable of staying still. you'd be having a hell of a time if it was Tony or Bruce or Phil laying here." he admitted. "by the way, you never answer me when i ask. who are you again?" he wondered. James had answered a few times, Clint had just been too concussed to remember. but since he wasn't slurring and his vision wasn't smudgy and he wasn't dizzy he was pretty sure his concussion was mostly better now. "don't suppose you'll let m call the team at least and let them know i'm alive?" he asked hopefully. "Phil's gonna kick my ass and Steph's gonna kill me and Natasha's gonna give me the cold shoulder for weeks now." he grumbled. "i hate it when Nat ignores me."
"Oh. Yes. That explains it."she muttered a little frowning slightly, before moving to get up, pausing as her broken body protested."I know how he gets. Which is why we need to find him. He might bleed out."she said before glaring at them both as she sank back into the bed with a sigh."nasty, storm. Unkind even."she growled softly even as she closed her eyes, the small effort to get up having exhausted her.

"No, but I know from experience anyone who says they're not that bad, is one moment away from making things difficult. And while you don't look like you could do any harm at the moment, it's always the littlest shit that cause the biggest problems."he shook his head a little."I always answer you just don't remember. James barnss."he said knowing the other wouldn't put the pieces together just yet. It wasn't a conversation he was looking forward to having."....Natalia is the worst to be ignoring someone. You have to worry she'll stab you or something."he muttered thinking about it, before shaking his head."sorry. No. Not ready to face the avengers just yet. Not even to tell them your alive."
"yeah. that explains it." he agreed with a shake of his head. "your in so much trouble i hope you know. Tony's super pissed." he admitted, smiling at her. "your going to have to deal with him sulking for days, i hope you realize that." he admitted. "he won't bleed out. he knows how to tend himself." Tony stated simply. "remember when he was shot six times and he crawled away before we could get to him? he was missing for a month and he walked back in as if nothing had happened and we all yelled at him for weeks remember?" he asked her with a smile. "he's going to be fine and we will make him suffer very much for making us worry." he promised her. "now just get some rest. okay?" he asked her, gently covering her with blankets. "i'll make sure these assholes stay quiet so you can sleep." he promised, glaring at the doctors that moved past the door.

he snorted a little. "yeah, Tony is a little shit, i agree." he stated, purposely misunderstanding. "oh. sorry. concussion do that to me." he admitted, tilting his head at the name. it sounded so familiar but he couldn't place it. "have we met before or does your name just sound familiar because you've told it to me like, a million times by now?" he wondered before he went tense at the name, Natalia. "she hasn't been called that since she defected from Hydra." he informed James, his feathers ruffling, the only sign that he was preparing to attack. "who are you really?" he demanded. "i'm hurt like hell but if yoour planning on doing something nasty you made a mistake letting me heal up as much as i have. i've been hurt worse and still kicked ass so you better be ready buddy." he growled, more than ready to defend himself from someone who was most likely Hydra. it just didn't make sens though. Clint was one of the most dangerous Shield Agents, honestly he was more dangerous than some of the Avengers. why would this guy give him the chance to heal?
“....I am?I was trying to save clint. Shouldn’t get in trouble.”She muttered souning annoyed at the idea, before glancing at tony, sighing softly. “Fine.Sulking allowed.”She muttered before huffing. “he does...but he’s a idiot. He needs to get back here.”She grumbled, not happy that one of hers was missing while she couln’t go look for him. “...yea. I remember.We’ll yell at him again...”she agreed before nodding, closing her eyes as tony pulled the blankets up. “Kay. Shusshhh...tony. You should be shushing to.”She muttered starting to fall asleep

“Yea, I figured.”James said looking thoughtful, before smirking a little. “We’ve never met before.” He enjoyed screwing with people as much stephanie did. “....I know. But Natalia’s prettier.”James said refusing to be ruffled, or worry about it before going quiet. Thinking it over, looking serious. “Clint. I am your father.”he said, so deadpanned, it’d take a moment to realize he’d quoted Star wars, not answering. “Now shut up. I’m trying to read, and you’re trying to heal. So shut up, and heal.”
"your in trouble." Tony hissed at her, Johnny smiling a little at him because he knew Tony wasn't actually mad. just worried. well, he thought so anyway, in reality Tony was pissed but he wouldn't tell anyone but Stephanie exactly why he was so 'ultra pissed'. "okay. i'll shush. i can totally shush." he promised. "i'm absolutely shushing." he promised.

"....your not lying, but your omitting something." Clint informed the man, his eyes narrowed and lips tightening, clearly very unhappy. "i suppose so. Natalia is a prettier name but she hates it." he admitted before glaring at James. "i am going to hurt you." he decided. "i'm going to make you hurt so much. do you know how i'm going to do that? i'm going to tattle. that's right. you heard me. i'm going to be a tattle tale and i'm going to tell Nat you where being mean to me." he admitted. "that'll teach you." he informed him with a sniff and a scowl. "you can't tell me what to do. your not my 'real' father." he sniffed even as he settled in to go back to sleep before sighing when his stomach growled. "feed me, oh glorious captor." he ordered. "i'm hungry. and bored. you should be more entertaining." now Clint was just channeling Tony, the annoying little shithead.
“...Damn.Okay.”Stephanie frowned worried a little, upset about how upset tony was. Smiling a little. “You can’t shush. You’re incapable of it.”She muttered softly, even as she drifted off to sleep. Later, she frowned as she woke again, blinking slowly as she saw the billionaire sitting at the edge of her bed, while she was sore and tired, every time she woke, she was healing even more. “don’t you ever go home?You hate hospitals.”She muttered frowning at him, completely unaware of the drama the other’s were dealing with along with searching for clint, that tony had been left to keep any shield agent or doctor from asking Stephanie about James.

“I always omit something. It’s sorta a spy thing.”James said sounding amused at how unhappy the other sounded. “....Go ahead. She likes me better then you.”James said sorting amused, even if he was a little disturbed at the idea of natasha being told. But she wasn’t the woman he feared about fining out he was still alive and well. It was stephanie who was going to bury him. “I’m also the man who has no problem hurting you again if you don’t shut up.”James said before looking over the edge of his book, “...The boredom is your punishment for getting your captain nearly killed. Shut up.”James said scowling as he got the other some food, before settling down. “rest. As soon as you can walk on your own, hawklet, I’ll give you back.”
"i am totally capable of shushing! look at me shushing!" he complained. "no i don't go home." Tony admitted. "and i only hate Hospitals when i'm the one laying in the bed." he admitted simply, staring at her. "now that i have you alone..." he stood up and shut the door before turning and hissing at her. "you didn't even fucking TRY to get out of the way! you very nearly killed yourself! and you didn't give a shit! you almost DIED Stephanie Rogers!" he said, his voice deceptively low. "you tried to kill yourself and don't you care shake your head we both know that's exactly what happened! you might not have planned it but you went for it all the same and you are so goddamn lucky that you made it or i'd have brought you back so i could kill you myself! don't you ever, ever do something so suicidal again do you hear me?!"

he snorted and nodded. "yeah. that's true." he grumbled before snorting. "i highly doubt that, being as your from Hydra and she hates everything to do with them." he pointed out. "Also, she's adopted me as her own." he admitted with a nod before shrugging. "honestly, i think we both know that if you where going to hurt me, you would have done it by now." he admitted before hesitating. "Steph was hurt?" he asked softly, worried now. "was it bad? is she okay? i have to go find her." he said, swinging his legs over the bed and stood up only to gasp and nearly collapse as pain swept through him. fuck the pain, he had to go protect Stephanie. he had to go make sure she was okay. he didn't realize he'd passed out from the pain until he woke up on the bed again. "....yes i'm fine. yes that was stupid, no i won't do it again." he promised before James could even ask. "do i still get dinner?"
“You should. You need sleep.”She said looking worried for him, even as the bruising started to fade, her body healing even if it was taking even longer then normal. It would be weeks, before she was back to normal. Eyes wiening as he shut the door, swallowing thickly at his words. “I had to catch clint. I....I didn’t....”She traile off, realizing he wasn’t going to let her protest. Staring down as she swallowed thickly, staring at her blanket. Because it hadn’t been a active suicidal dash, but she hadn’t cared if she made it either, if she could save the other. “I....I couldn’t lose another one of my team. Tony....I’d rather die then face that failure have to explain to phil...that I failed saving him.”Not realizing that they’d mourn her just as much as they would have clint.

James smirked a little, “Not me. She loves me, and dotes on me like a mother hen.”James said simply because he liked messing with the other, and not about to admit anything, or that he was hydra. Or that he knew Natasha had guessed at his true loyalty, that it had never been as tightly tied to hydra as the world thought it was. “I’ll hurt you if you give me a reason to do so. And yes.”James said looking a little shaken before it was hidden again. Looking moments away from not telling him, “Yes it was bad. And from all reports she’s healing.”He said before cursing as the other passed out, shaking his head as he moved him back to the bed, before huffing. “I should deny you dinner for being a idiot.”He grumbled before giving him a plate of food, holding it away for just a moment to get his attention. “If the captain dies, you die. Just be aware.”he threatened, because while he thought she was healing, because he hadn’t heard any news reports, he was currently cut off from everything, he had no idea if stephanie was healing or not. "Now. Eat."He ordered.
he shook his head. "i sleep when your sleeping." he admitted before focusing on scolding her. "and how the fuck do you think Clint is going to feel, knowing ou DIED to save him!?" Tony hissed. "how do you think he would feel knowing he almost got yet another person he loves and cares for dead?!" he demanded. "how do you think Nat and Phil will feel knowing you didn't care enough about your own goddamn life to get out of the way!?" Ton demanded, his lip trembling. "how do you think i would feel? knowing i'd fucked up again and lost someone who actually mattered so much to me?" he demanded of her. "you need to start realizing that people care about you Steph." he informed her before looking up, going silent when the door opened and a very large, very intimidating dark skinned man strode into the room looking furious. "We where Male Bonding!" he complained. "we where growing closer as Men! i showed you fantasy football! i showed you Call of Duty! i gave you my beer! we where brothers in arms!" he complained, waving his arms. "you where going to be my best friend and i was going to share my porn collection with you and instead of being a Man about it, which you apparently AREN'T! i have to find out, on the T.V. and THEN i find out you tried to kill yourself in some stupid suicidal idiotic move that could easily have been avoided!!!!!" he glared at her. "we had a Male Bonding Day!!!!!" Tony wondered if he should be frustrated with the number of men Stephanie seamed to be attracting or amused that this guy was so annoyed that she'd turned out to be a woman.

he rolled his eyes a little. "Natasha doesn't mother hen." he scoffed before shrugging. "i'll give you plenty reason to hurt m." he admitted before looking very upset that she was hurt. "you should, but you won't." he admitted, staeing at James. "if Steph dies. you won't have a chance to kill me." he stated simply. "we both know it was Hydra in that building, Hydra using those bots and Hydra who funds doom." he admitted. "they targeted the building i was on specifically. we both know it. Steph dies and i'll slit your murdering Hydra throat." he paused and then. "but she won't die. she's Steph. she's too strong. no one can take her down." he stated firmly before gulping down his dinner and pretended to go back to sleep. he would wait, he was healed enough now. he'd moved too hard, but he had gotten up, he would wait until this man, James, was asleep and then slip out. not even Natasha could catch him at it when he went stealthy. there was a reason why he was labeled as 'the most dangerous agent'. Natasha was the best at what she did. which was gathering intel and taking out targets. he was the best at his game though. silence and silent kills. he could go into a building and slaughter everyone inside and no one would know he was there until they where dead. if he wanted to sneak out around James, he could do it. he'd just have to be much more careful than normal. he couldn't afford a fight with his broken ribs. he was great at stealth but he was suck at direct combat and James would kick his ass without so much as trying. he had to be patient, wait for just the right moment.
“No you don’t. I know you. You’re manic, and not sleeping.”She grumbled looking unhappy with the idea before going still. Staring down an swallowing thickly. “....I don’t know.”She said before her eyes snapped his his face as she heard the trembling in his voice, making a anxious noise as she moved to get up, to comfort him, before freezing half way up, staring at sam. “...”She stared for a long moment, sorting out the conflicting emotions before smirking at him. Slipping so easily behind a mask, it was sorta scary to consider when she would have needed to develop a talent for hiding that much. “...I like football. And call of duty, though the beer was disgusting, I’m sorry.”Stephanie said before smirking. “I like modern porn, it’s quite interesting, and a little weird.”she said wisely before wincing. “I wasn’t trying to kill myself, and we did have male bonding day. It was quite interesting, and better then the last time I’d done male bonding.”She said grabbing onto the distraction with a desperation that said she was avoiding falling apart with how upset she’d left tony. “Hey Sam. Tony, this is Sam wilson. Sam, tony stark.”

“I wont.”he agreed, his dark eyes before tilting his head slightlyy. “Yes they were. Why do you think I was here? I don’t just follow your insane ass through a falling building you know.”he grumbled as he settled down to eat before tilting his head a little. “If she dies, you wont get a chance to.”He said ambiguously, not about to admit if Stephanie died, he’d slit his own neck before he lived in a world she didn’t exist in again. 60 years of holding onto a desperate, insane hope that she’d survived the fall was bad enough. The knowledge that she was completely dead would cripple him. “on’t put so much stock in her. She’s mortal you know, not a goddess.”James better then anyone, knew that. Settling in for sleep, he sighed, closing his eyes as he rested. Waiting until he hear the other moving around before following him out, and heading around. Only needing a few hours sleep, and even less if he pushed it, made for some interesting times when someone was trying to catch him off guard. Waiting for him at the only exit, he glanced at the man as he smoked.

“I thought you were supposed to be intelligent. Moving with broken ribs and risking a fight, isn’t overly intelligent.”James said as he took a drag on his cigarette, both the fact that he was up and moving despite having not slept alot, showed that he was more then human. And the cloying scent of familiar cigarettes, would probably get clint’s memory going. After all, there was only one other person who still smoked marlboro clover unfiltered, and it was another super soldier. A hangover from a war that neither had escaped unscathed, when the cigarettes were the only ones they could get overseas.
Sam scowled at her. "i gave you m beer!" he complained again. "and you didn't even tell me in person! you didn't tell me at all! the six o-clock nightly news told me!" Sam whined before snorting at her. "well you can't have it now! your off the porn sharing list!" Tony made a strangled sound and had to hide his face to keep from laughing in Sam's. "don't pull that shit on me Rogers! i'm a Veterans Therapist remember? i know you better than you do." he scolded before smiling at Tony. "how you doing man? Sam Wilson." he introduced himself to Tony who smirked. "i know. when Shield found out you where taking in Steph here and there they asked me to do a full background check on you." he admitted. "nice to meet you. and don't feel so bad. most of the team found out from the news too and we all yelled at her. not for being a woman of course i mean Jesus have you ever met Natasha and Hill?" "no.." "they're scary." "women tend to be that way." Sam agreed with a laugh. "it explains why i never had that massive crush on Cap Am too. you know, once i met her in person." "you never had a crush on Steph?" "hard to when she's a woman and i'm into the other gender." " your porn collection..." "she liked men. she told me so. i thought she was gay too. i was gonna share my gay porn collection with her." that cracked Tony up. he laughed so hard he had to sit on the bed or risk falling over.

"we'll just have to wait and see then, won't we." Clint decided before smirking. "you don't know Stephanie very well. she's no goddess." he agreed. "she's stronger than most but it's not her body and that Super Serum that's going to keep her alive. it's her damn bull headed stubborn attitude that will keep her going. so long as i'm missing she'll hang on, just so she can kick my ass once i show up. besides, we have the worlds best medical teams, they won't let her die." he admitted. he had to have faith. if thy had saved Phil then dammit, they could save Steph too. he scowled when he realized he wasn't off as Scott free as he'd thought. he knew if James had actually been sleeping he'd have slipped out without a problem. which meant the asshole hadn't actually been asleep or he'd gotten very unlucky to find the one person he couldn't sneak around. "..oh..." Clint's nose twitched at the scent of Steph's cigs and everything fell into place. "James Buchanan Barns.... Bucky. holy shit your Bucky Barnes..." Clint whispered, so stunned he couldn't move. this was.. this was... Bucky was Hydra. that was. holy shit. "oh my god, what did they do to you?" he whispered. more aware than most of what Hydra would do to make a person 'comply'. he had been good friends with Agent 33. Kara Palamas, she had been a good friend, and then the next time he'd seen her she tried to put a bullet through his head and kept muttering about 'compliance'. "Steph doesn't know your alive. that's why your waiting to see if she's going to be okay, because you don't want to be the ghost that let's her know it's okay to move on." he could sympathize with that. "Jesus Christ your Bucky Barnes..." he set a hand to his eyes and leaned against the wall because his ribs where throbbing and he was getting dizy again. if he hadn't been caught, Nat and Phil would have been there already. he had been heading straight for a person just outside. he was planning on stealing their phone and calling his team. now he couldn't because he hurt too much, not to mention James would stop him. he just hoped James didn't kick his ass too hard because he was suffering enough from his stupidity. he had nearly made it though, he was just going to have to be more careful next time.
“It was disgusting beer. And I didn’t mean to tell everyone either!It wasn’t just you.”Stephanie whined sounding uncomfortable before snorting. “Fine. I’ll just have to watch Tony’s. It probably contains some obscene ones of captain america or something.”Stephanie said teasing tony a little, offering him a small smile, hoping he’d forget he was angry with her. “....Shut up, wilson. You know nothing.”She huffed sulking a little before smirking. “Natasha and Maria are amazing. And I’m going to tell them you called them scary.”She said before snickering. “I do like men. They were very pretty. Especially gay male porn stars.”Stephanie said with a sniff, looking up as natasha and phil walked in. “....Whatever are you three laughing at?”Natasha said looking at the three.

“I guess we will.”James said before snorting. Not responding. While he might not know the current Stephanie, he understood her in a way few would. And if he was enjoying jerking Clint around by letting him talk about her, well. He needed to hear about stephanie, needed to make sure that her current team would defend her as well as her old one had. Raising a eyebrow at the other smelling his cigarettes, he took another drag, smirking a little. “Nothing that I’m telling you. There’s only one person who gets to hear that .He said sounding upset and annoyed with the question even if he understood why clint had asked., because there was only one person he was willing to tell everything to, and as long as her life was held by a thread, he wasn’t going to be confessing anything, until he knew she was safe. “Yea. Well, if she dies, I don’t want it to be cause she thinks I’m waiting for her.”he huffe a little before snorting. “Besides, if I wait, she’ll be healed enough to kick my ass. Which is probably what I deserve.”He said, because he knew Stephanie, knew she’d be pissed he hid, not that he worked for hydra. Because he thought, hoped, stephanie would be one of the few people who understood the choice, and it had been mostly a choice to stay behind enemy lines, rather then return to shield. Reaching out he picked the other up, before heading back inside. “One more day. Sleep and rest, and then I’ll return you to your team.”he said, because he knew four days was more then enough time for stephanie’s body to be as stable as possible.
Sam sniffed. "we bonded as men!" he complained again, sulking before he started to chuckle too. this was pretty hilarious. "i don't! i would never! it's only two!" Tony protested, sputtering and blushing at the teasing that he had cap porn. "they already know i think they're scary. they think it's a great compliment." Tony admitted with a huff, Sam laughing at her comments about pretty gay men, Tony following suit before grinning at Nat and Phil. "nothing. we where just talking about Gay Porn and Steph seamed confused so where where trying to explain what Gay was and Wilson just kept interrupting and i got my words all tangled up and it was just a mess." "stop teasing Stephanie." Phil ordered firmly. "or i'll start finding nasty ways to make you suffer."

"yeah. yeah of course." he agreed. "Nat doesn't like to talk about it either. i think she's only ever told Phil. i can understand that." he admitted, swaying on his feet a little because he was so damn tired now that the adrenaline of escape was wearing off. "she won't die. she's too strong. she won't die." Clint assured James. "she's gonna kill you, but she won't die." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. okay. one more day." he mumbled, sagging into the others arms. "they're gonna kill me you know." he mumbled. "i didn't tell them about the wings... think you could cut them off? no one else has managed to." well, no one else had tried, Clint had tried. three times. once in the circus, he'd used a jugglers scimitar. the wings had grown back. once when he'd gotten to shield, he'd used a razor wire and sawed them off as close to the back as possible. they'd grown back. he'd also tried to remove the wings through blood loss. he tied strong string around the wings so tight they withered and fell off. but they grew back, so he had given up and started looking for, and found a way to hide them. now he couldn't hide them, he didn't even now where the halter was. he was going to have to honestly admit he was a freak, and he hated that.
“It was magical, the bonding.”she said snickering a little before smirking at tony. “I totally knew it.”She teased before smiling. “True. And they do.”She agreed before looking up. Tilting her head a little. “They’re being very mean.”She said wisely. Natasha smiled slightly watching the three of them, tilting her head a little, not quite able to bring up what she’d come in to tell the other. She didn’t want to break this peace, not when she could see stephanie still healing. “Yes. I’ll start finding evene worse ways to make you suffer.”Natasha agreed tilting her head, “Tony. Go home. Get some sleep. Me and Phil came to watch over her.”She said, because they’d needed a break from their search of clint to. Looking after stephanie for a few hours was a good break.

“Maybe. But I doubt she’s as strong as you’re making her sound.”James said because he knew stephanie, wondered how many more hits the woman could take before crumbling. Smirking a little. “Yea, she will kill me.”he agreed before wincing, shaking her head as he settled the other into bed. “No, I wont cut them off. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you went back, and stark had already made something knew. Don’t start worrying just yet.”James said frowning as he settled in with his book, trying not to obsess about what he’d agreed to do the next day. “Rest.”
he glared at her. "it was! it was perfect! i was finally going to have a best friend!... well, your still in the running." he decided. "but your loosing to Stark right now because Stark is cuter." Tony squeaked at that and blushed so hard his hair almost turned red. "no you won't! you adore me!" Tony complained, sulking at them because he was a bit worried they really would punish him and ruin all the fun. Steph wouldn't let them punish him just for a prank. she was boring that way "i don't need sleep." Tony huffed, though he was tired enough he wasn't actually arguing, just doing as she said and headed for home. "how are you feeling?" Phil asked, sitting next to Steph. "your looking a lot better." he admitted, smiling at her before looking at Sam. "you've been dodging my calls Mr. Wilson." "oh, i'm sorry, where you trying to contact me?" Sam asked, looking overly innocent. "i never would have guessed. i'm sorry. i don't answer the phone for numbers i don't know. and i don't talk to strangers or government officials. they listen to my thoughts you know." Same was just yanking on Phil's leg of course, but he really didn't want to work for Shield.

"of curse she's not." Clint huffed. "she's being pushed way past her breaking point, but i have to have faith in her." he admitted. "because she's strong for us. because i don't want to believe she'd ever give up." he admitted. "damn. they'd probobly grow back if you did anyway. they're annoying like that." he admitted softly. "i hope so. i can't stand the stupid things." he admitted, settling into the bed. "goodnight James." he mumbled. " smell good. did you know?" Clint asked, not that he heard if the other responded, he was already asleep.
“I should still be in the running. I mean, I do lap you. And everyone. I totally win races for best friendhood.”Stephanie huffed before eyeing tony, looking thoughtful, and wondering if he was gay. You know, that might explain some things, even if she didn’t like the little kick her heart gave at the very idea. “Stark is cuter.”she agreed before looking thoughtful, wondering if she should tell them to stop picking on him. “Maybe I wont. If you get some sleep.”Natasha said settling her seat. “I’m sore...and tired still...but better then I was.”She smiled a little before smirking at sam. “Your thoughts are to boring, they wouldn’t want to listen to yours.”She said as she stifled a yawn, not wanting to go to bed just yet.

“....I have faith in her. I’m just scared.”James muttered, because he did believe in stephanie, as much as it sounded like he didn’t, but he also knew the little punk that even if she had been on death’s door, fought all the harder, and suffered from a crippling depression sometimes. It was only in recent years, with advances of medicine, that he’d truly understood what was going on with his fiancee’s flashes of brilliance, moody downswings, and had wished desperately she’d been born in this century, when he wouldn’t have had to fear them hurting her, locking her away simply for the imbalance she couldn’t control. But he couldn’t say that to clint, wouldn’t betray the secrets he knew. “Goodnight, hawklet. And yes, I’ve been told. It’s the cigarettes.”He snickered a little as he settled in to rest himself.

In the morning James frowned a little as he finished cleaning up, shaving, cutting the last of his hair down, cleaning up, and if it wasn’t for the hydra black body armor he was wearing, the cargo jeans and long sleeved t-shirt pulled on to hide the metal arm, you would swear he’d just stepped out of a commandos camp. Glancing at Clint as the man finished eating, he huffed a little. “ready to go?”
"...shut up." Sam complained, sulking. "you don't lap me, you make a mockery of everything i stand for." he grumbled before chuckling a little at Tony's reaction, especially when he squeaked and sputtered and flushed even harder at Steph's comment that he was cuter. "i.i. i'm not!" he protested. "i'm not cute! stoppit!" he ordered, punching Sam, making him yelp and rub his shoulder as Tony stalked off, nose in the air, Sam snickering. "oh man, he's fun. i like him." Sam admitted with a chuckle. "my thoughts are Epic." Sam protested. "it's mostly food, beer, football and porn." "...fascinating." Phil mumbled, looking amused. "get some more rest Steph." he suggested, patting her shin, where it wouldn't hurt. "we'll watch over you."

he nodded. "me too." he admitted softly. "she's not adjusting well. it's why she moved into the tower. because she was getting really depressed." he admitted. "Tony's been helping her. he's really good at helping." he mumbled, half asleep as they talked before slipping off to dreamland. "yeah. i'm ready i guess." he sighed a little and fidgeted because he knew they where going to be furious with him for hiding his wings. he hoped Phil would explain before he got there because he was not looking forward to them knowing at all.
"It's not my fault your slow."Stephanie said looking amused. Tilting her head as she watched tony sputter, looking thoughtful."you are very cute and adorable. Like a kitten."Stephanie said watching tony go. Rolling her eyes."they are not. And okay."Stephanie muttered, for once willing to listen to instructions and settling in to sleep..

"Well, as prepared as you can be to get your ass kicked."james said though if you watched his hands it was the only sign of nerves as his fingers played at the cuff of his sleeve. Helping the other outside he handed him a cell phone, stark tech of course."call. I'm not walking all the way back to Manhattan."
"i am not! that's a dirty lie!" Sam cried, insulted, his manly pride had been insulted! "i am not! how dare you! i am frightening and ferocious!" "like a kitten." "shut up Phil!" Phil just laughed and shook his head. he jerked when his phone went off, startled awake where he'd been taking a nap while Sam stood watch. "hello?... Clint!? where the hell have you been?!" phil commanded. all the way back in...werever he was Clint smiled, leaning heavy against James because standing hurt. he finally moved over to a bench. "Hey Phil, love you too. i don't actually know where i am. this is the first i've been allowed out of bed. i tried to slip away yesterday but that ended badly." Clint admitted. "badly? are you being held against your will?" "nah. well, yes, but i don't think it counts." Clint admitted. "he hasn't hurt me or anything, it's thanks to him that i'm alive at all really. it was bad Phil." "i know. you had me scared Clint. i thought you might really be..." "i know. i'm sorry Phil. hows Steph? i heard she got hurt?" "she's doing well. very well. she's still busted up but she'll be all better in another week or so." Phil promised. Clint sighed, relaxing, relieved and glad he'd put the phone on Speaker so James could hear the conversation as well. "listen, Phil, i have a Hydra slipknot here with me, he's gonna need help." a slipknot. someone who caused chaos in the ranks of the enemy. someone like Nat who stayed because she didn't know there where other options, but did everything they could to fuck up Hydra anyway. "he'll have it." Phil promised. "especially if it is who i think it is. ask your guy if the name Grant Ward rings any bells?" Phil asked, Clint looking baffled. "Grant Ward? isn't he one of ours?" "no. he was a Hydra insurgent. been so since he was about thirteen. they got him young but h's been slipknotting where he could." Clint nodded and glanced at James. "yeah, i think he knows about Grant Ward. i have you on speaker, i don't think he's going to actually say anything, but he nodded." Clint admitted. " angry are they?" "they're pretty pissed off. ore that you've been missing than anything else. i'll explain about the... additions, before you get here. i'll send Nat to go pick you up." "great. thanks. she can kill me in person. wonderful. your a swell guy Phil." "and sarcasm isn't your strong suit. just get home." Phil ordered, sounding very happy to have Clint back. "i will Phil. i will." Clint promised. "you know where we are?" "i have you on the GPS." Phil promised, hanging up and looking at the room full of people who had rushed in as soon as he said the word 'clint'. "he's fine. hurting, but fine. someone helped him out. a Hydra Slipknot of some kind. Natasha? go pick him and the Slipknot up while i explain to everyone else about the wings." Nat already knew about the wings after all.
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