
“James tilted his head as he listened to the other, hovering close even as clint moved to sit down, watching. “Clint?”Natasha muttered sounding worried as she moved closer to phil, ignoring stephanie as she bolted up. Ignored the look on her face for the moment. James raised his eyebrows as he listened to the two, looking annoyed at the mention of ward before giving a tight nod. Not annoyed that grant was there, but more so because the brat had probably put himself in danger to get away. Oh, he was going to make sure the other knew he was in trouble. Meanwhile Natasha nodded,”I’ll go get the two, and meet you back in the tower. I was just talking to the doctor, she said Stephanie was stable enough to be moved home.”Natasha said as she left. Not quite true. While she was stable, Natasha knew that stephanie would need her own space to face what was coming, tony and johnny’s, and cam’s company to face the brutalness of the emotional fallout of what was going to come.

“....You are in so much trouble, Hawkeye.”Natasha said as she stepped out of the car, sliding a hand through her hair as she eyed the winter soldier. “And you, волк, are in even more trouble.” “...I’m sorry.”James said for once sounding cowed as he helped her get Clint into the car.

"great! we'll see you at the Tower then?" Clint asked, sounding much relieved. he hated hospitals. they'd poke him and prod him and try to do tests on him and things. terrible. bad. awful. "i don't see why i should be in trouble. it's his fault! he held me captive and i was too hurt to even get out of bed." Clint complained, using James to haul himself to his feet, wavering because that hurt more than he thought it would. "i take it Phil's going to explain and then they're going to move Steph to the tower?" he asked, looking at James. "you better come with us then. she's going to need a bit of a heads up before we let you see her. we don't want her trying to kick your ass and pulling bones or breaking stitches or something."

"now, i know you all want to yell at Clint." Phil informed them. "and you can, feel free to chastise him for not coming hom all you want but i don't want to hear a word about his wings." he ordered, Tony twitching. "what? why not?!" he demanded. "because of the reason why he keeps them hidden." Phil admitted. "we found him as part of a freak-show in a circus operating in Cuba." he explained. "when our agents found him, he was twelve years old. he took video." Phil explained, letting them watch a brief clip of a twelv year old boy in a tiny cage so small he could neither stand up or lay down. he had to sit or squat and his wings pressed against the bars where people passing by could poke at him with fingers and sticks. during the clip the guard standing watch only intervened when someone started ripping out feathers and he completely ignored Clint's broken, animal like cries. only after the circus had closed and night had fallen was Clint allowed out of the cage and allowed to pee and relieve himself. he was given a single turkey leg and then was hustled into a second cage, a dog crate, for bed. "this is the second video." this one featured a well beaten Clint who had apparently broken through his cage and attacked the crowd. the guard had beaten the shit out of Clint and he was now being seen to by, not a doctor, but a vet who referred to Clint as 'the freak'. it was the circus vet who also tended tot he lions and the tigers. the doctor also commented to a time when Clint had tried to slice his own wings off. remarking how it was amazing how fast the wings had grown back. "as you can see. Clint doesn't think too fondly of his wings and since his days in the circus tried to saw them off on his own, twice." "Jesus..." "the Circus folk weren't too eager to let him go either. they intended on selling him to a fetishist." he admitted. "one who got to 'sample' clint before we where able to arrive." "he's a kid! your telling me some sick pervert molested Clint because he was a kid!?" "no. i'm saying the pervert molested clint because he had wings." that made Tony feel very cold inside. it wasn't hard to see now why Clint would keep the wings hidden even from the people he trusted most. not because he didn't trust them, but because the wings where a source of fear, hatred, disgust and self loathing. "...i can probobly recreate the halter he was using to hide them." Tony finally whispered. "that would be greatly appreciated Tony."
“You are in trouble because you should be good enough to sneak around a man who is as lazy as this волк, is.” “Hey,-” “No. You do not get to talk yet. Carry him.”She ordered watching james pick up clint to get him to the car. “And he is. I would expect you’ll have a new wing brace as soon as Tony thinks about it. Or when he leaves Stephanie’s side. Which might not be happening for awhile.”Natasha frowned slightly as she glanced at the two. “Yes. No getting stephanie riled up just yet. As good as she looks, she’s still hurt.”natasha said heading for the tower, studying the two, not sure if she could trust james quiet. He was so rarely quiet, that she wasn’t sure what to think of this quietness. “Fine.”james muttered frowning a little as he watched out the window.

“....Okay.Good. And no, no words about the wings.”Stephanie said looking as fierce as a woman could be when she was bedridden. “You can only ask about the wings if he brings it up, or if you need to ask him about measurements and such for the brace.”Stephanie said frowning a little before glaring at the video as they watched. Oh, the protective rage in that look, “These people?They were taken care of?”She said, the look in her eyes anyone who’d ever met the winter soldier would know, emotions sliding away, decisions being made, anger crystalizing into a way to protecting, and doing whatever necessary to do it. “Where is he?”she asked settling, realizing they weren’t going to let her out of bed, and for the moment settling down to rest.
he snorted. "i couldn't even get out of bed until yesterday and if he had actually been asleep instead of waiting for me to make my escape i would have managed it." he admitted before chuckling when James was Chastised. "well, they're both broken so i can't hide them now anyway." he admitted. "yeah, it's kind of hilarious how much of a crush he has on Steph." Clint admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "we'll warn her once she's home and once she's calm we'll let you in to see her." Clint assured James. we just have to make sure she's going to be okay." he admitted, resting against James as they headed inside, already exhausted. he was going to crawl into his own bed and sleep until Steph got back.

Tony nodded. "agreed." he assured Steph. "i wish i could say Shield took care of it." Phi admitted. "truth is, Clint did it all himself." he admitted. "i'd show you the video, but it's... gruesome. we where about a half an hour too late, they had just finished selling him to the pervert when Clint decided he wasn't going to go with that disgusting man and... well. we needed a mop." Phil admitted. "he was more wild animal than he was a little boy at the time, so he just... tooth and claw."Phil admitted. "...Clint doesn't have claws." "he has Talons. retractable ones." Phil admitted. "he's back at the tower. once you've calmed down we'll head home." Phil admitted, smiling at her. "i think you'll heal better at home anyway."
“I was asleep. I don’t sleep heavily anymore. Or ever. Steph sneaking out to do ridiculous things, cured me of that.”James huffed a little before glaring at Clint as he chuckled, twitching a little. “Seriously?Stark?”Oh, and if phil could have heard the protective edge entering the other’s voice, he would have known where Stephanie had picked it up. It was no wonder the two had gotten along like a house on fire, they were way to much alike. “...Okay. I only want her okay.”James swallowed thickly, and actually carried clint upstairs to his room to rest until the others arrived, and he knew he was amusing natasha by pacing as he waited. He was just antsy.

“....Good. They deserve that.”Stephanie said, a peek behind the mask of the first avenger, to the utterly ruthless woman she could be. While she was definitely the good hearted person they all thought she was, she’d spent to much time in the war, in the depression, not have had it leave it’s mark. She was the warrior out of time, always prepared for a war. “....I’m fine.”She sighed softly, calming, and indeed within a few moments the heart rate dropped to her normal resting pace, so slow that you’d think she was dying, but it wasn’t. She just had low heart rate. “Let’s go home.”She said shifting, looking for all the world like she thought they’d let her walk out.
"...i'm supposed to be the freaking best." Clint growled. "i can sneak past Stephanie, i can sneak past phil and Nat and even Fury and i couldn't sneak past you, it's not fair!" he complained. "yeah, Tony's always had a huge crush on Captain America." Clint admitted. "don't worry, he won't move in on your gal." he promised with a chuckle. "she'll be fine." he mumbled, asleep before they even made it all the way up the stairs, feeling oddly safe cradled in James arms. he didn't even twitch once he was laid in bed, conked out like a baby.

"yeah, they died rather painfully, some of them actually bled to death." Phil admitted. "granted, that might have been our fault for not realizing they where still alive and arranging for them to go to the hospital." he smirked just enough that they all knew it hadn't been an accident at all. "You are going to wait." Phil ordered her. "you will sit in a wheelchair and not attempt to stand on your own at all." he stated simply. "you will then immediately go to bed once we are in the tower because your going to be exhausted and i don't want you relapsing. once your up, we'll have Clint come and visit you. he will also be sitting in a wheelchair and not attempting to move on his own." uh oh. mommy Phil had come out. "if you cannot follow those simple instructions then you will stay here in the hospital until your healed."
“You are good, but not the best. And I’ve always been better then steph, at least at stuff like this.”James said smirking at the man, even before he’d been made into a super soldier, he’d had a talent for this. After....well, he was a ghost story after all. Growling quietly at the idea of tony having a crush, not because he wanted stephanie to himself, which he did mostly, but because he remembered how howard was. Protective even if he didn’t know everything. “She will. Rest.”Natasha muttered watching james.

“Good.”Stephanie huffed a little calming as seh realized they’d suffered before pausing, staring at phil for a long moment as the nurse pushed in the wheelchair. “Okay.”She said sighing softly, shaking her head a little. “I’m fine you know. I could walk”She grumbled, she was such a horrible patient. Even worse then normal because she had spent so much time as a child and teen in the hospital. It made her grouchy. “OKay, come help me then.”She growled, smiling a little as she let tony help her into the wheelchair, and by the time they got back to the tower she was indeed exhausted from the effort, dozing against tony’s shouler.
"you cannot walk and you are not fine, now behave or i'll tell Clint you where being a bad patient." that was just mean. Clint got horribly fussy when he thought Steph was upset, unhappy or in pain. if he found out she was being naughty he'd go way overboard in trying to keep her happy and keep her from going to fast while she was healing. even if he was healing himself. Phil was mean, and cheated.

"dammit." Clint grumbled, very unhappy that h had been bested. he would have to train harder. he was not about to loose to a ghost story! nu-uh! he stayed asleep even when Jarvis reported that Stephanie had returned and flicked on a screen so James could see how she was doing, Tony gently pushing the wheelchair and fussing over her as he carefully settled her into bed and tucked her in before chasing everyone out of the room so she could rest. Phil headed straight for Clint's room to check on him, content knowing that Jarvis could keep Stephanie safe and would alert them if she woke up or tried to move about on her own or had nightmares or anything. "how is he?" Phil asked Natasha, once he realized that Clint was conked out.
"I thought you were nice, qgwnt. That's just mean."Stephanie said sulking even as she let the others get her home, even giving in to being wheeled around and put to bed without much fuss. Even if she latched onto tony's wrist, and refused to let him leave the room. The poor billionaire was just going to have to stay, or hope she let him go as she sleep.

"Steph..."james muttered breathlessly as he stroked the screen, even this close was enough for the moment.twisting, ready to lash out when he heard pbil, he shuddered a little at hearing jarvis announce the man's presence."it's okay. Jarvis is one of the good guys."natashasaid before looking at phil,"he'll be fine." "Broken ribs, and wwings. And he's seemed to recover from the concussion fine."james supplied eyeing pvil, wondering if he could convince him to let him see stephanie. Now that he was here in the same building his fear of seeing her wss mostly gone. Needing to know she was okay even if he was still standing protectively near clint.
Phil snorted. "i am anything but 'nice' where in the world did you get the idea that i was nice?" Phil wondered before heading out. Tony tried to follow and yelped when his arm failed to go with, yanking himself back not unlike a dog who had too suddenly reached the end of it's tether. it made Phil laugh and Clint would have too if he hadn't been sleeping. Tony soon gave up on escape and settled into a chair with a tablet to wait her out, though within five minutes of sitting there he too would fall asleep.

Phil examined James for a moment at the shudder, wary of a physical response before brushing it off and nodding. "i can't imagine he's too happy about that." Phil admitted, moving over to Clint and gently re positioning him so h wouldn't wake up stiff and sore. he had enough pain from the broken bones. "he's used to concussions." Phil admitted. "i'll have Bruce do a brain scan later, just to make sure there's no lingering damage." Phil admitted, carefully, very carefully spreading the wings and checking the alignment of the bones, pleased to find someone, probobly Clint, had set them properly. "wings are healing very well." Phil admitted before checking the ribs just as gently as he had the wings. "the ribs are set in place properly as well, though they're healing much more slowly... he always breaks those same damn ribs." he admitted. "we haven't warned her yet." Phil explained to him. "once she wakes up i'll go in and explain to her who you are and that your alive. Jarvis will create a dead zone for you so you can speak to her in total privacy." h promised. "all we need to know is that you where Hydra but you weren't loyal and you where doing everything you could to stay sane, stay alive and take them apart. the rest can come once we trust each other a little more." he smiled at James. "as for Grant Ward, well, he's expressed the opinion that your going to be mad at him, did you want to go yell at him?"
“No he wasn’t. Nor was he overly happy with not being allowed to move until I told him he was okay.”James made a face watching the other, relaxing as he realized that he hadn’t messed up the other’s wings, and even if he disapproved of clint setting them himself, at least he’d gotten it done well.”....Thank you.”He said thickly, nodding slightly as he studied the two agents in front of him, before nodding. “Yes. I do.”James said following the other, knowing it wasn’t perfect, but at least yelling at grant was distracting.

The next morning Stephanie frowned a little as she realized her hand was curled around something, and it was warm. It was weird. Frowning more as she blinked slowly, she paused at the sight of her hand curled around tony’s thigh to keep him where he was, even if the man didn’t look like he was going anywhere. Letting him go carefully, she looked worried, wondering if she’d bruised him, before swallowing thickly. “Did I hurt you?”she muttered before frowning slightly. “I’m sorry....”She sighed softly.
"no, i on't imagine he was considering he wasn't sure who you where. once he learned you where Hydra, i doubted he'd have been content to stay there." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "he has some serious trust issues but i can't blame him for that." he admitted. "Grant is this way." Phil said, leading the way to where Grant was staying. he was currently sitting in front of a Table, stuffing his face while watching the news. "James! your not allowed to yell at me because i don't think they've even noticed i'm gone yet so there!" Grant said, leaping to his feet and watching James cautiously. "i wasn't going to stay there when i knew you where leaving. i couldn't have lasted in there on my own and you know it so you can't yell at me."

Tony twitched awake as soon as he heard her and blinked a little, bleary and sleepy. "uhm... huh?" he asked, looking around before blinking at her. "what? hurt? are you in pain?" he asked, staggering to his feet. "Jarvis. Coffee." "Of course sir. and please do not worry Ms. Rogers. you did no harm to Sir." Jarvis promised her. "he was able to extract himself in the night to have a bathroom break but returned to your side immediately when you began to have a nightmare." Jarvis reported. "Phil wished to speak with you once you where awake, as soon as you feel ready i will alert him to your status."
“Thanks.”James smiled a little nodding slightly as he stepped into the room, pausing at the sight of Grant, shaking his head a little. “You brat. Didn’t you think that turning yourself in here was nearly as dangerous as staying?”He growled looking annoyed and upset that the other had figured it out before he’d had a chance to go after him. Because he wouldn’t have left grant there, he’d simply made sure that their tracks were covered. “How did yo uknow I was leaving anyways?”

“...oh.Okay.”Stephanie relaxed, swallowing hard as she realized tony wasn’t hurt. “No, I’m not hurt. Careful Tony.”she muttered watching him stagger to go get some coffee before sighing quietly “If you want to tell him, I’d like to know how clint is. And whatever else hewanted to tell me.”
Grant shrugged. "i know Phil. i was planning on going to him for over a year before i realized what you where doing and decided to stick around and give you a hand." he admitted. "Phil wouldn't beat me up or torture me or anything. i knew it." he admitted. "you would have come after me, i know, but this way is easier, better. for now i'm just another victim of the nameless assassin who keeps taking out Hydra Agents." he admitted with a smirk. "i heard on the T.V. that the Captain was actually, real life, Stephanie Rogers. i knew you'd be going to her and when she gt hurt, i knew you wouldn't be coming back." he admitted. "i stayed just long enough to be sure and then left."

"M 'fine. Coffee." Tony stated, heading for the kitchen. "i will inform him you are awake then." Jarvis agreed. "i will also ensure that Sir brings you some food. i'm sure you must be hungry. i've taken the liberty of having breakfast delivered to the Tower. Doctor Banner is bringing it up." he explained before telling Tony to go get Steph some food. Tony staggering out the door since there proved to be no coffee in Steph's kitchen.
“...Well. At least you are intelligent about it. Better then some of the younglings I’ve had to look after.”James grumbled not happy about it, but willing to admit, at least some, that grant was right about this. That this was better, before sighing a little. “Ah. I hate being that predictable.”he grumbled before settling in to just rest, trusting grant to stand guard as he took a nap, settling in to wait till he could see stephanie.

“Hmm, I knew there was a reason you were my favorite Jarvis. I’m starving.”She teased the AI, looking amused as she settled back into her pillows. Looking up when phil came in, she gestured towards tony’s chair. “sit, tony should be back with food any minute.”She said before tilting her head."Jarvis said you wanted to talk?"
Grant chuckled a little. "i have more common sense than half the youngins you have to look after." he admitted, handing James food, making him eat and sending him to bed, chasing Phil out because James wouldn't sleep if Phil was there.

"you are my favorite as well Captain." Jarvis teased with back with a happy little chuckle. "thank you." Phil said, sitting down with a smile. "well. there's something i need to tell you." he admitted. "three days after you got hurt, when you where still out cold, a young man named Grant Ward came to me seeking refuge from Hydra. he was a Hydra insurgent. handed over as a child to be trained and he has been betraying them for some time. he finally wanted out and came to me. he told me that there was another who would be approaching us who took the name The Winter Soldier." here Phil hesitated. "the mans real name was James Buchanan Barnes." he admitted, watching her. "he came in with Clint last night." he admitted. "we wanted to warn you before we let him in to see you. James is alive, and he's waiting to come in." he admitted, indicating the door.
“welcome.”Stephanie smiled before frowning, “Something wrong with clint?”she said looking anxious before confused as she realized that whatever it was, wasn’t about her teammate. Frowning as she listened, her eyes got wider and wider as seh stared, looking at a utter loss. “W-what?”She stuttered a little, for once the captain looking at a utter loss. “”She stuttered looking up when tony walked in, looking even more lost and anxious, looking almost scared, the news that james was here, was alive, was enough to frighten her badly, made her wonder what else was going on, and why they were playing a cruel joke on her.
"Nothing is wrong with Clint." he assured her. "yes. James is here." Phil admitted softly. Tony, when he walked in with all the food she needed, looked rather upset as he handed her the thousands of calories she needed for breakfast. "sorry. i have to go. there's been a problem." Tony admitted before looking at Phil. "i'll let him in, yeah?" "yes." Phil agreed, standing up and moving over to a chair in the corner. he would monitor until he was sure Steph would be fine and then he'd have Jarvis keep an eye on them. Tony slipped out the door and looked up at James. "you can go in now. she's really hocked though so... just be careful with her, she's extremely fragile right now." he ordered, that simple short sentence was more than enough to prove he was nothing like Howard who would have A: tried to keep her all to himself while she was hurt and weak an B would have insisted she was 'too strong to be a fragile woman'. he had never cared for other peoples emotions and often declared that being emotional was what made a woman so weak. Tony did none of those things and actually, honestly worried about Stephanie's physical, mental and emotional welfare.
"...oh."stephanie said eyes wide as she considered what she was hearing. Taking the the food robotically, swallowing thickly."thanks."she muttered taking the food. "Well I'd assume so. Thanks tony."james muttered sounding a little shocked himself as he stared at the other man, nodding slightly. Shocked enough for the moment to not want to examine how different tony was.

Later Stephanie leaned against the edge of the doorframe, watching tony working, knocking lightly on the glass."care for some company?"she asked feeling raw and lost enough that she was ignoring the fact that james hadn't followed her instructions and gone away for a bit. Hovering as she walked downstairs. Though she knew he was hanging back now, waiting to see if tonyd let her in or not. She knew she wasn't supposed to be out of bed, but she needed to be.
Tony was working rather frantically, though he wasn't in danger of having an episode like last time, since he was working on just the one specific thing. he looked up, startled when she walked in, splattering himself against whatever he was working on to hide it from view. "No! Pepper you can't com i... oh! Steph!" he unplastered himself from the table and rushed over to her. "you shouldn't be out of bed! get in here and sit down before you collapse! are you okay? has something happened?" he asked, looking even more frantic. "if its something Pepper said she lies!" he protested, ushering her into a chair and looking around. "where's James? i'm surprised he let you up. or Phil for that matter." he narrowed his eyes at her. "you snuck out, didn't you? naughty!" he chastised before brightening at her. "hey! hey! come check this out!" he ordered, skipping over to his bench and then skipped back over to her. "it's for Clint! it's not done yet..." he admitted, babbling on about what it was and what it would do, all the while working on it at the same table she was sitting at. accepting her into his space without issue. Howard would have had a fit about someone being in his work space, Tony seamed to be glad to have the company even if she didn't understand a word he was saying about the thing he was working on, which appeared to be two paper thin circles covered in interesting designs with holes in the middle. from what little she could understand, they would stick to his back like stickers around the wings, rendering them nonexistent. they would be held in a large pocket of space/time that was parallel but not part of the world they where in. not unlike the space Kurt Wagner, night-crawler, occupied in-between teleportation. they could also be 'turned off' much faster and easier than the ones Clint had before, the wings themselves would deactivate the hoops, allowing him to flair his wings out in a split instant, saving his life that much faster and greatly reducing the risk of being buried under buildings.
Stephanie eyes went wide as she watched him, looking near panic herself moving to leave before relaxing as he realized who it was."hey genius. And no, nothings wrong. Well, except you know, james being alive. Which isn't a problem but it's a surprise and..."she trailed off as he started to talk, willing to ignore the emotional problems she was having with james back, in favor of listening to tony."of course I snuck out. It seems one constant has stayed the same, no matter what. That he trusts me enough to stay asleep when I get up. Last I checked, jamie was sleeping and phil was checking on clint."she made a face refusing to admit she snuck out even if they both knew she did. Shifting, sinking down onto the stool she usually sat on to watch him work, she smiled as she watched him explain, nodding along even if she didn't understand it."very cool tony. I'm sure he'll love them."
"well. James being alive is really weird." he admitted. "i don't like him. he looks at me funny..." Tony admitted, nearly shrinking in on himself, because James looked at him the way Howard often had. like he was something disgusting yet curious. something to be poked at. "you'll be okay!" he promised her. "James is back! your supposed to be happy." he pointed out, smiling at her before he snorted a little. "i'm stunned at how much people still think your sweet and cute and innocent." he admitted with a grin before babbling on about what he was making before looking very shy and awkward all of a sudden. "do you really think so?" he asked, so desperate for people to like him. "so.. are you really feeling okay?" Tony asked her, worried. "you don't need me to kick James in the shins or anything? because i totally could." he promised her with a smile before looking up when Jarvis reported that a very Irate Agent Coulson had discovered Stephanie was out of bed. " should probobly hide." Tony teased her with a grin. "or we could stay here and let him yell at both of us. whichever works." he admitted with a snicker. he loved annoying Phil.
“ is.and...”She bit her lip, looking worried about him, reaching out to gently touch his arm. “he didn’t get along with your dad. I told him you were different, but he’s sorta lumping all starks together for the moment. He’ll figure it out. And he knows you’re important to me, so he wont o anything to you.”She promised before shrugging, looking amused. “Yes, I guess I will be. And I am happy, just still in shock.”She smield a little before rolling her eyes.”I am cute and innocent.”She huffed a little, sulking slightly, before nodding. “I do. I like them, and I don’t even completely understand it. Clint’ll love it.”She said before sighing, slumping a little. “I’m fine. I just...shocky.”She shrugge a little before snorting. “No, don’t kick james. He wont like it.”She said before wincing at the announcement, sulking a little. “I’ll go hide here, so I can still listen.”She said grabbing the blankets tony always kept down in the lab for both her own comfort and to make a nest for himself when he was hiding out. Snuggling down under the mound, she settled in to wait and see if coulson would figure out where she went.
he grimaced. "no one got along with Howard. me least of all." he admitted before shrugging. "in any case, i'm sure he'll decide if he likes me or not later." he admitted before blushing hard. "your important to me too..." he admitted softly before smiling at her. shy and sweet. "well. let's be honest here. no one is going to really understand what these do." Tony pointed out with a smile. "east of all Clint." he admitted with a chuckle. "i just hope he doesn't get mad that i made these... Phil said he wouldn't like it if we brought up the wings... do you think this counts?" he wondered. "well of course he won't like it, that's the whole point!" Tony pointed out, rolling his eyes before he smiled at her. "okay. you go hide." he agreed, well aware Phil was probobly going to find her, but it was fun so he didn't care. "Tony!" Phil hissed as he walked in. "she's not supposed to be out of bed Tony!" "i haven't seen her. we're talking about Steph right?" Ton asked, looking up at Phil. "hey! hey! C'mere!" "no." Phil said, heading for the mound of blankets. "but i almost finished it!" Tony whined. "to hide the wings, ou know?" Phil paused and then turned to look at Tony, his need to protect Steph and Clint both struggling for dominance before he decided Steph was healed enough to move around a little if she wanted. "fine! but i want her back in bed within the hour! now show me." Phil ordered, examining the things while Tony babbled away. "in English maybe?" "don't speak English." Tony chirped as he fiddled with the design some more. "whatever. she's back in bed in an hour Tony!" "i haven't seen her!"
“I know.”She sighed softly, shaking her head a little, before smiling at him. Just as shy and sweet before snickering. “that’s true. No one really understands you when you talk sometimes.”She snorted before sighing, shaking her head. “He’ll want to hide them again. I don’t think this would count as something that will upset him.”She said thoughtfully, looking amused as she heard phil, shifting, snuggling down into the bed with a sigh. Snickering quietly as she listened to teh two, squirming out from under the blankets when phil left, smirking at tony. “That was fun.”She said relaxed for the moment, running a hand through her hair. “Want to go see clint with me?”She asked, having checke in with one of her boys who needed looked after, so she was going to go check in on the other.
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