
"i do say so, but we don't need their help just yet." he admitted. "i'll find out what needs to be done. Laura might know how and she won't say a word." he admitted before nodding. "yeah. i don't think i've ever seen Tony this bad before. he was pretty bad when Pepper broke up with him but it wasn't anything like this and i've never seen Steph this bad either, though i haven't known her as long as you have i've known her as long as i've known Tony." he admitted before chuckling at James admittance that it was a prevalent problem with superheroes. "yeah, i'd get a lot of pleasure out of yelling at you. maybe i'll even tie you to the bed like you did to me." he teased. "sit and watch you sleep and do all kinds of creepy things." "Clint! that's creepy!" Laura complained. "he started it!" Clint whined before settling down and discussing with Laura how to help Steph through her miscarriage.

"Jarvis isn't allowed to do that!" Tony wailed, sounding more normal than he had in over a month. "no!" Tony growled, glaring at Natasha. "did you help him do this!? you did, didn't you! you're all turning my AI against me!" he complained. "i haven't seen them. no." Bruce admitted. "Friday? have you seen Cap and the boys?" Bruce asked, assuming she meant 'her' boys, Phil and Clint. "what the fucking hell!?" Tony asked suddenly, looking stunned. "J...Jarvis? w..what... i don't... what?" he asked, looking so baffled. "i don't... what the hell did i DO!?" he demanded, sounding so close to crying that Bruce actually grabbed a box of tissues and headed over to Tony. "what is it? what's wrong... oh my...." Bruce stared at the computer screen. "well that's new..." "i..i k..killed Jarvis." "he's not Dead Tony. look, he's still here. he's just... he just needs to be pieced back together, it'll be okay."
“Good. We’ll ask her.”James said pleased with the idea before wincing a little. “she’s been this bad before, but not since she became Cap.”James said wincing a little before snorting, looking at clint. “I didn’t sit there and watch you sleep. Or do creepy things.”He whined a little. “And I didn’t start it!”He grumbled.

Later James looked up as Clint poked his head into the room, offering a small smile as he took the bandages and medicine he'd asked for from the other. "Thanks."he muttered gently starting to work on Stephanie's arm as she rested, changing the bandages and gently cleaning the stitched cut from elbow to wrist, careful to not open it up again before looking up at the other as he wrwapped it again. " okay?"He said worried that he'd gotten the other in trouble with laura, or that they'd be in the way.

Natasha relaxed, pleased to hear tony sounding like himself before frowning. “What?No. I have no idea what he even did.”Natasha said frowning at the other before wincing at Friday’s answer. “Clint left the building yesterday morning with both the captain and Mr. Barnes, Doctor.” “...”Natasha stared looking even more concerned at that, before snapping her eyes towards tony, eyes widening as she moved over, and did something that was rare for the assassin. She hugged him gently, resting her chin on his shoulder as she looked at the screen. “You can fix Jarvis, Tony. You can fix anything. You’ll just have to figure it out.”She said sroking his hair gently. “He’s not dead, just needs help.”
Clint smiled at James and nodded. "no problem." he assured him. "Laura says that the miscarriage, there's not much that can be done. there's going to be bleeding, like she's on her period and that if it lasts longer than a week she'll have to see a doctor and if she starts displaying certain symptoms she'll have to see a doctor." he admitted. "she really should have seen one already but she's not prepared for that right now so we'll just have to hope for the best." he admitted before grimacing and shook his head. "i don't know... Cooper. he's my son you know... there was always a chance it would be passed on. the mutations. but... but i never... he's g-growing w-wings... and i don't care! not one bit! he'd look glorious... b-but what... what if p-people... what if they hurt him? or experiment on him, or d-do things to him!? i don't.. i can't.. i don't know how to p-protect him..."

"liar! you're a sneaky thief liar! you taught Jarvis how to bluff in Poker!" which, yeah, she'd done that. or Clint had, one of them had. it was easier to lump them as the same people when he was angry at them. "wait. Steph's gone?" Tony asked, looking surprised. "maybe they went to Brooklyn?" he guessed. "reconnecting or something?" he mused before his lip trembled at the state of Jarvis, sniffling as he was hugged before nodding. "yeah. okay, i can fix him. i can fix him..." he agreed, taking in several deep breaths. "hold on Jarvis, buddy. you'll be okay. it'll be okay, i'll put you back together, don't worry about it. it'll be just fine." he promised, starting to work, tears in his eyes. as if he was putting together a person rather than some program he'd built when he was thirteen. "...hey Bruce?" Tony asked, leaning back. "you remember when we took scans of the Tesseract and Loki's Scepter and then forgot we took scans of them?" he asked, blinking a little. "....i think they... uh.... i think i made something that... attacked Jay... and then Jay attacked back and they're kind of... mixed up together..." he admitted, staring at the pieces of Jarvis that where swirling about, chasing each other as if still trying to duke it out.
James smiled relaxing a little, swallowing hard. “Okay. That’s easy enough to watch out for.”he said before wincing, shaking his head. “She wont. Even if we got bruce or hank here, I doubt she’d be willing to see them. Doctors.....Stephanie has been pregnant before.”He swallowed thickly, staring down. “And to sick to consider carrying to term. It was not....doctors weren’t...”he stopped trailing off because there was no words to describe the helpless horror of having to stand aside and have no rights, no say in what was happening, because while he had been the father, technically stephanie had still been underage, and under her mother’s custody, and sarah had made the choice. “we’ll be careful, and wait, and go from there.”he agreed before frowning, considering it before nodding. “I know. They’re sorta cute, in a baby hawk kind of way.”he agreed before thinking it over, bristling a little at the idea of someone hurting him. “If they hurt him, or experiment, I’ll deal with it, and reaffirm to the world that there is a reason I’ve been feared for 70 years.”He said staring at the other. “but that wont happen. We’ll take care of him.”

“I did, but I didn’t do this.”natasha said smiling a little before nodding. “Yes, she is. Maybe....Friday, where are their phones?Are they in the city?” After a moment, “No agent rommanov, their phones are currently off, but the last known point, was out of the city.”Friday answered. Natasha frowned thinking about it, before sighing. “Yea, you can. He’ll be fine.”Natasha muttered trying to comfort him, worried about the man as he worked, settling on stephanie’s normal stool, before frowning a little. “What?”She sputtered before staring at the pieces, “Think you can separate them, move them apart? Shut out whatever the other thing is?”
"yeah. Laura knows the symptoms to look out for." he admitted. "i know she won't. not right now anyway." he admitted before going very still. it was something Clint often did when he was refraining from killing something. going very still so he wouldn't fly off the handle and hurt someone who didn't deserve it. "so they forced miscarriage because they didn't know any better and didn't care that it would do horrible things to her, mentally, emotionally and physically." because she was just a woman, and a useless one at that... at least to the male dominated opinion of the nineteen forties. "yeah. they're adorable right?" he asked with a grin. "they're totally awesome." he admitted with a smile before blinking at James and nodding. "y-yeah. okay." he agreed. "it'll be fine. we won't let anyone hurt him..." he agreed. "when he's older, and the wings are actually visible, we're going to give him the option to go to Xaviers school." he admitted. "not as a full term student of course, he'd be back on weekends." he admitted. "and vacations and stuff." he admitted. "i don't know if he could ever go to a public school. he's too open, he'd never hide his wings the way i do." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "he shouldn't have to. he shouldn't have to be scared and ashamed like i am..."

"so James and Steph and Clint left... if it was just James and Steph or just James and Clint i might be worried." he admitted. "not because James is dangerous but because he would only take off with them if he was having a flashback or they where hurt." he paused and then. "or maybe one of them is hurt and the other two went with?" Bruce asked. "we all know James, Steph and Clint have a severe aversion to Doctors. even me when they're hurt." Bruce admitted. "if someone was hurt, a sparring accident, an attack, something like that, they'd panic and try to find shelter where we can't find them. right?" he asked before looking at the screen. "no i can't. not without irreparably damaging Jay." Tony admitted, swallowing thickly. "but, it appears as if it's Jarvis, whose devouring and assimilating the other. that means Jarvis will have dominance in personality, i think... i... i think i have to wait until he's done..." Tony admitted softly. "Friday said he was 'updating', i think Jarvis is doing this on purpose."
James stared at the other, because he understood that quiet stillness, had locked himself in it to deal to. Looking down at Stephanie as she stirred some, he nodded a little, swallowing thickly. “Yes. And since we were both underage still....I had no right to stop them. Even if she had fought them....she was just a woman.”He said with a ugly twist of his lips that said it had been something he’d been told, that he should just forget her, to find someone healthy and better to carry his child. No wonder they both had such a deep aversion to doctors. “Between the doctors before, and the war after....I think she gave up on the idea of kids...this...hit her harder. Made her think she never can have any...”He stroked his fingers over blond hair, relaxing, and breaking down with clint, because he trusted the other, needed to lean on someone. “They are adorable. And don’t look so weird. Steph likes you, and laura let us stay. Taking care of Coop is the least I can do. Might as well use some of those skills for good.”he muttered before nodding slowly. “No, he shouldn’t. We’ll make sure he’s okay clint.”Stephanie said stirring, looking over the edge of the blanket at the two, looking thoughtful as she considered the two men in the room with her.

“Yes. The three of htem though...”Natasha frowned thinking about it, nodding slowly. “James trusts clint. It’s....weird. I’ve never seen him respond so well to someone else. If clint’s not the one hurt then....”Natasha trailed off, looking at tony as he worked, well aware there was only one real answer to that. That if james had been truly afraid, upset for someone, it wasn’t him who’d been hurt probably. But he’d run if he thought it was helping Stephanie. And considering she hadn’t seen the woman in days....well. It made sense. “We’ll try calling them. If it’s clint’s the one that chose where to go, I have a few ideas where to look....but the question is...should we?”She frowned before watching tony. “...Well. We’ll just have to wait and see. I trust Jarvis to do whatever it is to come back to you, Tony.”Natasha said kissing his head, smiling a little. “You want something to eat?”
he nodded. "that's sick and twisted." he admitted softly. "no wonder you guys have a thing about doctors." he mumbled before looking at James with a grimace. "and being that it's very likely Tony's child it hit her even harder right?" he asked with a deep breath. "there's other options these days. ways for a woman to more safely carry a baby to term. when she's feeling better, there's a doctor that Nat goes to. for, you know, her lady parts. and you know how paranoid she is. we could set up an appointment for her, when she's feeling better." he admitted. "and if she really can't, well there are other options. insemination, adoption, other stuff." he admitted. "she can have a family now, we just have to find the right option for her." he admitted with a smile. "he hates being called Coop." Clint warned with a chuckle. "you can call him Coo though, which really doesn't make any sense." he admitted, nearly jumping out of his chair, startled when Steph spoke and he smiled at her. "hey. feeling better?" he asked her. "sorry, i know i shouldn't be in your room while your sleeping but i was having a bit of a breakdown and i needed James to shake some sense into me." he admitted with a chuckle.

"is it so weird?" Bruce asked. "James saw Clint at his most vulnerable. Clint vouched for him and made him a home here." he admitted before shaking his head. "if Steph is the one whose hurt, then Clint would have gone with to protect her. you know how much he hovers over her, he'd kill, he'd die to protect her. he'd even attack James if he had to and he wouldn't flinch in doing so. of course James trusts Clint, because protecting Steph is what drives Clint more than anything." he admitted. "if it's Steph whose hurt, none of them will answer." Bruce admitted. "but we can be sure that Clint will take them somewhere safe where we can't find them. or rather, where i can't find them." he admitted with a smile because he knew it wasn't anything personal. when they where hurt, he was just a Doctor, and Doctors couldn't be trusted. Bruce could, but Bruce was also a Doctor, and when they where scared Bruce wasn't Bruce, he was just another Doctor. "give them a while to recover, to stop being so frightened and then call." Bruce suggested before rubbing Tony's back, trying to comfort him. "i don't want to wait! i want Jarvis back!" he whimpered, pressing his forehead to the screen. "...i want Macaroni." Natasha more than anyone knew that Tony hated, absolutely hated Macaroni and cheese unless he was really, really upset. because it was the only food Howard had ever actually made for him. when he was really upset, Macaroni made him think of the very rare moments that Howard had actually been nice to him.
“Yea, it was. And by the time we got free....well. A war had changed everything.”James shuddered a little before wincing, nodding a little. “She’s only slept with Tony, so yes. Her and Storm sorta kept getting interrupted.”he snickered softly, before thinking about it. Swallowing thickly, nodding slowly. “Good. We’ll send her then. She’d like that.”He said softly, thinking about it before nodding. “Okay, no coop.Though Coo sounds weirder.”He agreed before smiling at stephanie, snickering when she startled clint. “Hey....Yea....Full. I think I ate enough for the next decade.”she said smiling a little before snorting, “Hm, it’s okay. James is good for beating some sense into people.” “Hey, I’ve never done that to you.” “Cause you paddle my ass for acting up.”Stephanie huffed a little before whining, looking at clint, realizing that at least for him, the joke was probably ruined. He’d probably figured out that she wasn’t nearly as innocent as she pretended.

“ It’s just not what I expected for either of them I guess.”Natasha shrugged a little before frowning thicking about it before nodding. “yes, I know. It makes sense, even if it’s annoying to not be able to help.”Well, that explained why she was so bothered. That she hadn’t been trusted to help. Smiling slightly, “They’ll be okay, if they’re where I think they are. We’ll find them when they’re ready.”she said relaxing a little. Knowing better then to try and reach out to laura just yet.”He’ll be back soon.”Natasha muttered kissing his head again, before nodding,”okay. Mac and cheese it is. And then you can think about what you’re going to make Steph for when she comes home.”Natasha said already gently steering him towards the door, having every intention of distracting and babying him until they coul figure out how to help jarvis.
he nodded a little. "War changes a lot of things." he admitted with a sigh before looking at him, wide eyed. "...oh... my... god... you little punk!" he complained, sulking at Steph. "i mean... i actually believed you where as pure as freshly fallen snow! you really where cheating at Poker too like Tony accused you of! i thought he was just being Tony i didn't think he was being honest!" he crossed his arms and sulked before he smiled at her. "i'm glad your full. you don't have to worry about going hungry ever again." he promised her before snorting. "you really spanked her?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at James. "that's Kinky man." he admitted, refusing to admit he was hella turned on. "thank god you never spanked me." he mumbled. " Nat still thinks your sweet and innocent right?" he asked, smirking at her. "can i help? i love punking her." he admitted. "she gets so pissed off. it's hilarious."

"it is a little odd i suppose." Bruce admitted with a smile. "you are helping." he admitted. "your giving them space and that helps a lot more than you could know. your not immediately hunting them down and suspecting that James might have kidnapped them and that really will help James feel like he can trust us." he admitted. "you might know where they are?" Tony asked, his head tilted. "well good. as long as they aren't completely missing i think it'll be okay." he admitted before nodding. "yeah, Mac N Cheese... you think i should make her something?" he mused. "what should i make her? oh! i know! a treadmill that can actually keep up with her, for when it's raining." he decided. "and, and... what else does Steph like?" he wondered. "maybe i could build her another Shield?" he wondered, scowling. "no. she's already got four.... Natasha what should i make her? i don't know girls..."
“It does.”James agreed before snickering. Nearly breathless with laughter as he realized Clint had figured it out. “I am totally as pure as fresh fallen snow, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’d never dare cheat at poker!”She said giving him that wide eyed innocent look, that shown with wicked laughter now that he knew to look for it. “Oh, he was being tony, as tony knows she’s a punk. And don’t let her lie, she’s a card shark.”James rolled his eyes a little. “I know. You guys keep telling me.”Stephanie said smiling a little at the idea of having as much food as she wanted, snickering at clint’s words. “Not the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done with her. Besides, she deserved it. She followed me all the way to Austria, after nearly dying.” “...You are such a jerk! I save you, you jackass and all you can say is ‘thought you were smaller?’” “Well, you were. Pint-sized, even if you always had a ass made for paddling.” “Why are we having this conversation?” “Cause Barton looks ready to pass out from sulking to hard.”James chirped, looking pleased with himself before smirking. “She does. We’ll totally keep punking her and bruce. And phil.”

“...true. Okay, we’ll deal with it when they calm down.”Natasha sighed a little before nodding. “Clint went with them, there’s a few houses I know where he might go.”the ex-assassin said before smiling, amused as she started to cook. “Well, I’m sure she’d like the treadmill.”She agreed tilting her head as she considered his question, before sighing. “Well, it’s not exactly making her something, but you could get them back. When they de-iced her, shield took everything she was wearing. Clothes, tags and engagement ring. You could see if you could get her stuff back. Clothes and weapons she wont care about, but the others, they were from james."
Clint huffed at them but could only laugh at Steph's comment and the laughter in her eyes. "god, how do we not notice this?! your a total Punk! it's totally not fair!" he complained. "you do cheat at Poker! ou all but admitted it!" he whined, sulking a little before chuckling a little. "of course Tony's in on it, the little ass. i'll have to prank him now, just to make it even." which would probobly start another prank war. "that's because you always seam surprised." Clint admitted with a smile before he laughed at their argument, ignoring the ache in his chest as he realized he and Steph where still a thing. "well, in her defense, you where being tortured to death." Clint pointed out. "if she hadn't gone after you, i don't think either of you would have made it." Clint admitted, sulking at them again at the mention of his sulking. "i will get you back. i'll cover you in dick glitter." he decided. "that'll teach you." he stated with a firm nod before smirking. "Phil doesn't know? sweet." he crowed, delighted that he was actually the first to know.

"yeah, that seams best." he admitted with a smile. "it's a good thing you know Clint really well." Tony admitted. if Nat wasn't worried thn he wasn't worried. it was all good here. "yeah, i'll make her a treadmill." he agreed before hissing in rage. "they did what!?" he demanded, eyes flashing. "i'll get her things back." he promised. "Friday! send a memo to Fury that we want Steph's things back or i'll be sending Nyan Cat video's through every computer he has on base." he ordered. "they took her things! assholes! they can't do that! bastards! i'll play Nyan cat anyway!" he decided.
“You all were delightfully innocent, it’s like everyone believed James was at fault for all the crap we got into. Which he totally was, but still, I went along with it.” “I was not. Urgh, you gotta stop telling people that. I totally was not the mischievous one in the relationship.”James said rolling his eyes because while him and stephanie would always be a thing, to tied together in their lives, to in love to completely set it aside, and as much as they hadn’t talked about it, they both knew that all they’d be now, was best friends. Well aware that whatever had been there, was gone, lost in blood and ice. And the knowledge of that, along with everything else, had driven Stephanie to such desperate lengths to escape the crippling pain. “No prank wars.”Stephanie orered rolling her eyes a little before smiling. “See, he agrees with me.” “No, no there is no defense. She only knew about that, AFTER she’d volunteered to let Erksine and Stark get within 10 miles of her with that insane experiment. And I totally heard about the grenade incident, no-nun-uh, don’t go defending her.”James said making a face, the words having the taste of a old argument, one that the two super soldiers had had before. Looking quietly pleased though as he saw stephanie so happy, so alive. Maybe she would be okay here. “....You want to touch his dick?”Stephanie said looking at clint with wide eyes, looking at james, looking between them, silently snickering. Pulling off the innocent look well. “You are the first to know after tony, and tony doesn’t count, since he got howling commando stories growing up.Apparently Howard to Tony I cheated him out of a fortune before he caught on.”

“It really is.”Natasha agreed smiling a little as she cooked, looking pleased the other was distracted from worrying about jarvis just yet, before wincing. “Yea. Kept in storage for her, I asked, and phil asked, but she’s never got it back. I don’t think she’s even aware shield has them, probably thinks she lost them in the ice.”Natasha said shrugging a little, looking amused as Friday said she set the memo and videos anyways. “Probably thought to put it in the captain collection or something, phil never did tell me what they were doing with it.”she said thinking about her lover, and wondering just how annoyed he was going to be when he got the cat videos
Clint snickered a little and shook his head. "you know what? i think i'll just ask Tony." he decided with a grin. "he seams to know what's what." he admitted before shaking his head a little. "yes Prank Wars. you just don't want one to start because you know you can't keep up." he scoffed, wiggling his eyebrows at her. knowing she'd never back down from a challenge like that. "....okay, James has a small point... just a little one." Clint admitted with a shake of his head. "i mean, really, Hoard Stark was always a bit mad scientist and i can't imagine what Dr. Erskine was like." he admitted. "but, then, i can't say i wouldn't have done the same." he admitted with a shrug before blinking at her. "well... yeah. a little." he admitted. "i mean, he is really fit. and hot. and scary." he admitted with a grin. "Tony knows everything." he pointed out before looking delighted. "you cheated Howard Stark out of a fortune!? sweet! you'll have to tell me that story at some point." he admitted with a grin.

"....i'll get her things." Tony promised. "and there might be some stuff in the Cap room." he admitted. "i never thought to go in and look. she might want some stuff out of there." he admitted. "i'll look for the things Auntie Peg put in there. she had all of Steph's more personal things." he admitted. "sh willed them to me, but i wasn't allowed to have them until after Howard died." he admitted. "so i just threw all the stuff in the room and never thought about it again." he admitted, blinking when his phone started ringing, Phil calling to demand what he had done this time.
“You should ask tony, he always knows things.”Stephanie said the small soft smile more telling then she realized, which just wrenched james heart apart, even if he’d never point it out to her, because she was so sweetly in denial despite sleeping with him. “I can totally keep up. I’ve had the best prank of all going for nearly a year.”She pointed out rolling her eyes a little before huffing. “You both are horrible.”She sulked leaning back into the pillows, wincing as the movement jarred her arm. Relaxing slightly, before smiling quietly. “Oh. He was a good man....a little mad though.”She agreed. Eyeing Clint before snorting as she said, “Only you would think scary was a good thing.” “....” Stephanie smirked a little at the staring super soldier, who looked all the world, like he was at a loss for words. Definitely was going to have to talk to James who looked about ready to bolt, before nodding. Willing to set it aside for now. “I did. It’s what we used to buy our rings, and plan a wedding.” “That never happened.”James pointed out, something shuttering in the look, shoulders tense. “Well, no. But that wasn’t our fault.”James said pressing a kiss to her forehead, before getting up. “Sleep Stephanie.” “Can’t.” “Can to. We’ll even snuggle you if you need it.”he said though he knew the woman would simply set her heels down about it and refuse. “No, it’s okay.” “...Jarvis isn’t here to tell you where everyone is. Someone should stay with you.” “....”

“Good.”Natasha smiled a little before snorting. “and she probably never considered to ask. She’s not used to having alot of stuff, so what she has, is more then she’s probably ever had for herself. Probably never considered that you might have some of her things.”Natasha shrugged a little before snorting, amused at phil’s tone. “Phil, we wanted to get Stephanie’s things back.”She said when she got tony to put him on speaker phone
"He knows things about you at any rate." he teased Stephanie with a smile. "you could never keep up with an actual prank. all this was was making people think that your an angel." he scoffed. "that's not much of a prank you know." he teased with a grin. "we are pretty horrible." he admitted with a grin. "Scary is pretty hot." Clint admitted with a grin. "all the people i've ever had an interest in where Scary." he admitted with a grin. "you where gonna elope right?" Clint asked with a smile. "i bet that would have been awesome." he admitted. "i could go for a nap. i'm not up to a hundred percent yet. still tired all the time." he admitted, laying down on the bed with a sigh. "Laura won't let me sleep with her because the ast time i did she got pregnant and she doesn't wanna risk it." he mumbled, already going to sleep. "i hate sleeping alone." he mumbled, eyes closed and breath deep, asleep in seconds. "that's amazing." Laura admitted as she walked in, holding three hefty pieces of pie. "i haven't seen him fall asleep like that since we broke up." she admitted. "he must really trust you two." she admitted, handing Stephanie her piece of pie. "feeling any better?" she asked, smiling at Steph. "if you need anything don't hesitate to ask..." she paused when a crash sounded downstairs and she sighed and went to go see what happened.

"that's true." Tony admitted, scowling a little. he hated that someone had probobly stolen from Steph and no one had noticed, or wore, hadn't said anything. ".....i'm sorry. i think i misheard you there. you sent me Nyan Cat, the most annoying thing ever, looking for something she already has!?" Phil demanded. "but she doesn't." Bruce protested. "she was complaining about it the other day." "....give me an hour." oh boy, Phil sounded pissed. someone was going to end up getting their asses kicked, hard core.
“Well, true.”Stephanie snorted amused before huffing a little. “I can totally keep up. And it was totally a good prank.” “Don’t get her started, Clint. You’ll regret getting her involved in the prank war.”James warned looking amused before raising a eyebrow at clint’s words. That was just amusing. “we were. Paris, we were close by. It would have been nice. We’ll have to go to paris sometime, just to visit.”James decided smiling a little. “...Isn’t she already pregnant?You really wouldn’t have to worry about it.”Stephanie teased looking amused at the idea even as she shifted to get comfortable, tensing a little as laura walked in before relaxing. “Well, I’m captain america, it sorta comes with the territory, people trusting me.”She said smiling a little as she took the plate, resting it on her legs since holing anything up at the moment was difficult, nodding a little. “A bit. And we will.”She promised snickering as watched the other go. “Rest, Steph.”James ordered when the other finished her pie, smiling as she settled in to sleep.

“She doesn’t.”Natasha promised, smirking though at phil’s tone. Oh good, someone was going to be getting in trouble.

The next morning stephanie stirred slightly, frowning up at Clint as the man walked in, wincing a little as James gently move her fingers. “morning, clint.”She said before returning her attention to gently stretching out the rebelling muscles, despite still healing, if she was careful, she needed to work the muscles otherwise it was going to be near useless. The fact that it was the arm she used to wield the shield, just meant it had to be stronger then normal. “You look better. Relaxed.”She said smiling at the other, nearly crawling out of her skin as she jerked her hand back, cradling the arm close. “Dammit, that hurt.” “I know, but we need to test your limits.”James said watching her, ignoring the glare he got in return for his efforts. Being glared at by Stephanie was a normal thing for him.

“...So you found her stuff?”Natasha said laying on her side, watching phil with a small smile. There were few things she found as enjoyable as simply watching him, do anything. Even if she was worried about the others, this was one of the best quiet moments she’d had in awhile.
"i've never been to Paris." Clint admitted. "Nat says it sucks though." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah she is, but apparently she doesn't want to take the risk." he admitted. "she's funny like that. or it might be because she has a crush on someone, it's hard to tell with her." he admitted. "just because your captain America doesn't mean he'd trust you. he trusts you because he trusts you." she admitted with a smile.

"morning." Clint said with a smile, holding three cups of coffee and a piece of paper. "Lila drew you a picture." he explained, smiling at her as he handed her a picture. it was a picture of a kitten holding Captain America's shield. "i do look a lot better." he admitted with a smile at her. "you look better too." he admitted with a grin, jumping when she yanked her hand back. "i could kiss it better?" Clint offered, wiggling his eyebrows. "anyway, i got a text. apparently somethings going down with Jarvis and Tony's snapped out of it." he knew Steph would be glad for the news. "he actually accused Natasha of teaching Jarvis how to play pranks so he's definitely feeling better." he admitted with a chuckle.

"yes i did. her Therapist seamed to think giving it to her would trigger... something, i don't know. he seamed to think it was a bad idea but Sam, have you met Sam? he's a specialist, specializes in PTSD and war issues, he says that was a bloody stupid thing to do. i'm thinking of having her removed from Shield Therapy and asking Sam to step in, since he seams a little more in tune with what Steph is going through." he admitted as he filled out paperwork. "any word on Jarvis?" according to Tony, not yet, but Jay was almost done doing... whatever he was doing.
“thanks.”Stephanie smiled as she took the coffee with her free hand, sipping it slowly as she looked at the picture. ”This is amazing. I’ll have to thank her for it.”she grinned at the picture, though there was something sad and quiet in the look, just like there always was when she was around kids, or had to interact with families.A loss of what would have been. “I feel better, there are some benefits to healing as fast as I do. Though my arm’s starting to tighten up.”She made a face, because while she was physically healing, she was still emotionally unsteady, even if she was doing better then she had been. “hm, kiss James. He’s going to be hurting soon enough if he keeps it up.” “You wouldn’t hurt me.”James pouted a little, though he looked bemused at her order, before relaxing. Good. Tony was good. “Really? Good.”Stephanie said looking pleased an happy with the idea. Even if she wasn’t ready to go home. Still recovering enough she wanted to hide out for awhile.

“....that’s...”natasha shook his head, sighing quietly. “I asked tony about her therapist. Did you know he told her that she should be over James, and even if he’s back, that portion of their life was over, since they are both neither the people they were?”Natasha said, having every intention of turning phil loose on the therapist, before nodding. “We should. She gets along with sam, and since she was asking for her stuff, it shouldn’t be something kept from her. We’ll get them to her.”she said before smiling. “NOt yet, but he’s nearly done doing whatever he’s doing. Though I do have word from clint, they’re all fine, and hiding out and resting.”
he smiled a little at her and handed the other cup to James. "she adores drawing." he admitted. "we've been thinking about signing her up for art classes, since she seams to love them so much." he admitted with a smile. "Laura says she's pretty talented for her age. but Girls are always a little more mature than boys are anyway i guess." he admitted with a chuckle. "there are some bad things about healing so fast too. while i don't heal as fast as you, i still have to set most of my bones myself because otherwise by the time help comes they have to be broken and reset." he admitted before flushing a little. "i wouldn't mind kissing James, but you'd get totally jealous and that's the last thing we want right?" he asked with a smile. "if we're hurting James, can my kids help? it would be great real life experience for them." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, Tony's just fine." he promised. "he's a bit upset you left without telling him, but Nat will cover for us." he admitted.

"....excuse me?" Phi demanded, actually looking up from his paperwork and stared at her. "did you just tell me what i think you told me?!" he demanded, his eyes narrowing. it was never a good thing when Phil stopped his paperwork before he was done. even worse when he stopped in mid sheet like he had done just now. "go. get him. bring him here. now." and talking in clipped sentences. someone was going to be fired, wiped fromt he system and end up working in Antarctica for the rest of their lives. he was sending Natasha so the man knew without a doubt that he was fucked.

"...Jarvis?" Tony asked, leaning forward when he saw the last of the blue being swallowed by the orange that was Jarvis. he had been sitting there for hours, watching, waiting, hoping. Bruce paused from where he was working with false Genetic material, which would literally stitch wounds closed and heal almost instantly. h abandoned it in an instant to check on Jarvis. "Friday, do you have a connection to Jay yet?" Tony asked, twitching a little. he had to wait for Jay to contact her, unfortunately because he didn't want to risk Friday either.
“She’s good. You should.”Stephanie said looking amused as she looked at the drawing before snickering. “We are. Girls are totally way more mature.”Stephanie looked amused before nodding a little. “Like the muscles healing ot fast and tightening up. It sucks but...”She shrugged helplessly, considering it should have killed her, this was simply something to deal with. Eyeing James at clint’s words, the woman looked bemused as she considered the man. Wondering if they needed to talk, shuddering a little. “Yea, the last thing.”She said swallowing thickly, she hated to talk about it, didn’t want to bring it up, not when letting james go would leave her alone, but she could see him, could see that he’d allowed someone else close to him, when before it had been just her. While she was happy for him, it also hurt. And even wanting to be selfish....wanting to keep him with her...she couldn’t do it. If only she could convince him. Even if they hadn’t done anything more then sleep in the same bed, she knew james would set his heels down about it. “Yea, we can. Letting the kids tackle him will keep him from messing with my hand again.” “You need to work it.” “And I will.”Stephanie said rolling her eyes a little sipping her coffee as something tight relaxed in her chest at the knowledge that tony was okay. Nodding a little, “I’ll have to get him something Cap to make up for leaving without telling him. It’ll be okay.”She sighed softly.

Natasha smirked looking up at him as she nodded. “I did. Also...”Natasha bit her lip, because she’d invaded the woman’s privacy a bit, but she’d started digging into the man’s files, to see what kind of doctor he was, and found the case notes. Having only glanced over it to confirm the knowledge that the man was seriously fucking stephanie up. It was no wonder the woman was suicidial, which made the idea that she was missing with the boys, all the more worrying. “She’s missing a night. He told her it was a ice induced fever dream. But she doesn’t think so. It was after that she started making stuff up. He thinks she’s acting out, trying to save clint, for attention.”Natasha said smirking as she stood. Stealing a kiss, oh man this was going to be good. Pressing a kiss to his forehead she smirked as she left to get the therapist, returning soon enough with the man in tow, who was protesting the whole way.

“Yes, Sir. He will be online in a moment, sir.”Friday said going quiet again, the two AI’s working together before, “I am sorry, Sir. I did not mean to worry you so.”Jarvis said, sounding geniunely sorry for upsetting the billionaire.
"Steph? you okay?" Clint asked, worried about her before he chuckled a little. "the kids are too sweet, Cooper hates physical sports and Lila thinks boys are gross so she's not likely to wrestle him either."he admitted with a chuckle. "sorry Steph, but he's right, you have to keep the muscles working or you'll never use them again." he admitted, stroking her hair, smiling at her. "sorry, but i think h already has all of the Cap Stuff he can have." he admitted. "i'll talk to Nat, see if she knows of anything that Tony might want that we can pick up for him." he assured her. "you just focus on getting better for now." he suggested with a chuckle. "i'll make sure to keep updated on what's happening back home."

"....i see..." Phil's lips thinned as he pressed them together, extremely pissed off. "thank you for telling me. now get that... person, in my office. now." he ordered, his eye twitching a little. "Sit down and shut up." Phil ordered, his voice so cold, too calm. anyone who ever dealt with Phil on a semi regular basis knew that voice. he used that voice on new recruits, more than anything else. "Are you aware of how close you are to being gutted and left on the side of the road?!" he demanded the man before looking at Stephanie. "go through his office. i want to see what else he's been doing." he ordered. "you, are in big, big trouble." he hissed at the therapist. "and in case you didn't realize, you'll be transferred. most likely to Antarctica. maybe Death Valley, i haven't decided yet." he admitted. "if i find out, that you purposely drove Stephanie Rogers into depression, i will slit your throat and use you in the T.A.H.I.T.I. Experiments." he informed the other. "now. you better start talking, because if you tell me before Ms. Romanoff comes back with evidence, i might be a little more willing to just dump your ass in the ocean."

"Jarvis. oh god." Tony wailed, bursting into tears. "i thought you where dead!" Bruce smiled a little, stroking the others back. most people would have said 'destroyed, deleted, or even terminated'. computer words, fake words. for Tony, Jarvis was more human than most of the Avengers where. "what happened Jay?" Tony asked, managing to wipe his eyes. "are you okay? where you hurt?" he asked, pressing his nose to the computer screen.
"Yea I'm okay. Just hurting."she promised as she wiggled her fingers a little, "I know. It just hurts so much." "Well that's your punishment."james huffed a little, watching her."oh...your right. Didn't consider that...I'll think of something to get him..." "he'd just want you to take care of yourself, steph. Don't worry about him."James smiled slightly Watchin her, trying not to hover over her."thanks clint."Stephanie said smiling at his promise, glad to know she'd know how the others were.

Doctor stephan skarsgard stared at the man, moving to sit down."what?"he said calmly, looking annoyed at being called in, glancing at natasha as the woman walked out."what? I was helping her. She's been resisting and putting up a fight, refusing to let me help her. If she's complaining, it's just for attention."the man said looking equally pissed with the other man.

"I am sorry sir. I didnt know how to reach you without allowing him seems when you were working with the pictures of the staff, the....being that made its home there came through. Like a foreign AI. It took time to absorb ultron, and make sure that he is not a danger to anyone."
Clint smiled at her. "of course it hurts. that's what happens when we do stupid things. it hurts every morning when i have to stretch my wings." he admitted. "i'll have to start flying again soon, get the muscles built back up so Bruce stops nagging and yelling at me." he admitted, sulking a little before smiling a little. "we'll think of something great." he promised. "or Natasha will. one of us." he promised with a smile.

"no. as a matter of fact, you where not." Phil stated, his eyes narrowing. "tell me, Skarsgard, how it is that you, in three months have managed to drive her to the brink of suicide, but in two hours, this man, Sam Wilson, who is nothing more than a volunteer at a DVA managed to help her?" he demanded. "as far as i can see, you who have a collage degree in psychology have managed to break every single rule in the entire fucking course. and don't you dare look at me like i'm stupid. i'm a collage graduate of psychology as well, or did you manage to forget that?" Phil demanded. "Stephanie Rogers is anything but an attention Seeker and if you where actually doing your god damned job you'd know that." he leaned forward, his face bare centimeters from Skarsgard's. "as of this moment, our doctoral degree is yanked. you are no longer a therapist and you never will be again. you'll be lucky to be shoveling polar bear shit off the front porch of the Antarctic base. if your not lucky, well. there are option. as of this moment, Stephanie's care is being transferred to Wilson's care, anyone currently under your care will be transferred to other therapists." he admitted. "and don't bother trying to go over my head. Natasha will already have informed Fury and he'll back me up and you know it. consider your career at a full and complete end."

"....Jesus... Jesus. the Staff can think!?" Tony asked, looking mortified. "and you... did you eat it?" he asked, looking confused. "Friday said you where updating yourself? have you been changed? do you feel okay? do you need anything?" he froze at the word and Bruce went very still. "Ultron? the.... the program i was trying to create to protect the world? that Ultron?" he asked, swallowing thickly. "okay, Bruce? scrap that program please, thanks?" "no problem. scrapped." Bruce agreed, looking just as shaken.
“Well, then we’ll whine and bitch at James together when he makes us do our excerises.” “you can, as long as you do them.” “....he’s a worse nag then bruce is.”Stephanie said eyeing James as he smirke. “Good.”Stephanie said smiling a little, relaxing a little.

“She was being asasine, and reluctant to talk about anything real. Of course it looks to a outsider that he’s helping. He’s making it worse. I’ve seen her files from before project rebirth, this is not helping. You’ll make it worse.”Skarsgard protested, looking annoyed and ready to fight him on it even as natasha stepped into the door, holding up the file in her hand. Looking vaguely sick, “Get him out of here, he’s hydra.”She said swallowing hard, having stopped reading soon enough, but what she had read, well, it explained some things.

“Yes. It’s like a AI.”Jarvis said before thinking about it, before saying. “yes. The parts that you used to make him from me, I absorbed, and took the rest. And I feel fine, sir. I do not seem to be suffering or changed dramatically for the fiddling that you have done.”Jarvis reassured, “Yes. That program. It did not turn out as you hoped, sir.”Jarvis said sounding amused, “Relax, Anthony.”When he wasn’t calling him sir, the ai was one of the few who called tony anthony. “I am fine.”
"yeah okay." he agreed with a grin. "better than the deal i have now. where i do it and i'm not allowed to bitch about it because Laura will hit me if i do." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at her. "now, take a nap. you can come outside later and encourage me when i take to the air. i haven't flown willingly in years." he admitted.

"She was setting her heals in because you where treating her like she was 'a stupid woman'." Phil corrected. "even Tony Stark could see it." he scoffed. "and he's socially stunted." he admitted. "i've seen her files from project Rebirth too." he admitted. "and this is helping, and your making it worse." Phil corrected before narrowing his eyes as Natasha walked in. he didn't give Skarsgard a chance to move, the Tazer was out and he was tazing the shit out of the man. "make him disappear. have fun with it." he ordered Natasha. "and i need your opinion. do we tell Stephanie?"

"god, Jay i'm so sorry you had to deal with that." he said, hugging his Computer screen. "i guessed so, you don't have to rub it in Jay." Tony whined, sulking a little before relaxing completely at the name. only Jarvis called him that, no one else, no other program. he threw a royal fit if anyone else called him that. "okay Jay. if you say so." Tony said, looking a lot more calm now. "anything i can do to help?" he asked his most favorite person in the world.
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