
"yes. only... well the team doesn't actually know." she admitted. "he never told anyone because he didn't want anyone to find out about his wings. he just takes his mandatory vacation every year during mating cycle." she admitted before smirking. "i'll see if i can't find it." she promised. "i'll even let you make a copy so you can take it back with you." she promised with a grin. "i didn't mean to be mean, but it still hurt." she admitted, looking very upset that she'd upset him. "he is good at that." Laura admitted with a chuckle. "it is pretty amazing right?" she asked with a smile before studying her. "i was wondering." she admitted. "see, Nat is already the Godmother to Nathaniel... but he doesn't have a godfather because the few people i trust with my children are already godparents to Cooper and Lila." she admitted. "would you consider being a second godmother to Nathaniel?" she asked Stephanie with a smile. "i'd ask James to be godfather, but i don't think he'll handle that well." she teased the ex assassin, looking up when Clint bounded through the room with a super soft blanket in both arms and a necklace dangling from his mouth, heading upt h stairs and slamming the attic door shut, just in case someone was following him. it only made Laura laugh. "he's sorta adorable like this." she admitted with a grin.
“Ahh. Well, if he should ever trust them with it, they’d be good for him.”James smiled a little before laughing out loud. “I knew I liked you. This is a little evil, but perfect.”He grinned pleased at the idea of blackmailing Natasha, even if he was well aware that trying to blackmail Natasha could only lead to evil things. “Yes, a bit. But it’s okay. I promise. It’s not the first time I’ve had to deal.”he muttered kissing her forehead before sulking at the teasing. “Hm?Wondering what?”Stephanie said looking startled before eyes widened, nodding. “I...yes. Of course.”Stephanie said looking floored that she was being trusted with it, but willing to do it. Before grinning at James. “No, I don’t think so.” “I’d be fine. I’ll be the fun uncle.”James decided. “Stephanie’s better at being in charge.”He grinned amused, looking up at clint, laughing a little. “Yes...he really is.”He agreed in such a soft amused tone that it made stephanie stare at him.

Later you could hear james and stephanie outside, not quite yelling at each other, but having a very intent conversation that sounded very unhappy, and every annoyed. Growling in annoyance as she watched James snarl his way back into the house she swallowed thickly, running a hand through her hair before collapsing back onto the porch swing, shuddering a little. Knowing that it was a sign of just how much the mating ritual and being attracted to clint was getting to james that he’d thrown some of the emotional punches that he had. Taking a shuddering breath she sighed, resting her head back against the back of the swing, closing her eyes as she called tony. Reaching out to the only other person she ever wanted to talk to when she was like this, Tony.
"i'm sure they'll find out on their own soon enough now that he's an Avenger. he can't just take a vacation for a month or so without giving a reason." she admitted with a smile before laughing a little. "of course this is only a little evil." she agreed with a grin. "and i'm only doing it because Natasha will hurt you, not me, when you try to blackmail her." she admitted with a giggle. "it must be hard." she mused, watching him. "your a good man James." she admitted with a smile before grinning at Steph. "great!" she chirped happily. "that means you have to come around a lot." she ordered with a smile. "and even stay for a few days here and there." she commanded before grinning as she watched James.

later that evening Clint was pulled out of making his nest at the sounds of angry voices and made unhappy coo and chirping noises as he checked on Laura to make sure she wasn't in trouble. his pregnant mate had the highest priority of course, and she received a good grooming and a sparkly to make sure she was okay before wincing at the sound of the door slamming and nuzzled Laura one last time before heading off to find his prospective mate, cooing at him unhappily from a distance because Mates could be violent when they where upset and he wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be smacked or get some talons to the face if he invaded James space without the man's permission. his human half knew better of course, James would never, but the bird in him knew to be cautious.

"Steph?" Tony asked, sounding sleepy as he answered. "...oh shit. it's bedtime. dammit." Tony complained. "i slept through dinner Jay! you where supposed to wake me up!" Tony whined before focusing on Steph. "you okay? is Clint having issues? do i need to get Agent up there?" he asked sluggishly. "i'll totally get Agent up there to make Clint be good." he promised.
“Hmm, true. They’re a nosy bunch. Even if not all of them have figured out Steph’s joke.”James snickered a little before sulking, rolling his eyes. “that’s just evil.”he whined though he didn’t sound so upset at the idea. Considering his and natasha’s relationship, a beating threatened wasn’t overly surprising. “It is, but we’ve gotten good at carrying burdens.”james smiled a little. “And I try. To be good.”he said because he so didn’t believe he was. “Ahhh, of course I’ll come. It’ll be fun.”Stephanie said looking pleased at the invite.

James turned to look at who was walking into the room, growling angrily though not acting out as he looke at the other, collapsing back onto the bed with a huff. “It’s okay. I’m okay. You didn’t have to check on me.”he said closing his eyes. Struggling for control, not wanting to upset the other.

“Yea. Sorry....I didn’t realize it was so late.”Stephanie said wincing a little, swallowing thickly before smiling as she heard Jarvis’ answer of he had tried, but couldn’t wake the exhausted billionaire. “ Clint’s fine. Really. It’s the other one that’s having problems.”Stephanie said sighing quietly, closing her eyes. Simply listening to the billionaire. “He yelled at me for telling him the truth, which is obvious to us all, but Jamie’s being stubborn...”She muttered sounding upset and hurting.
"i know. that's really hilarious."Laura admitted with a laugh. "i knew Steph for an hour before i realized she was devious." she admitted with a grin.

Clint whined, clicking in the back of his throat as he slowly eased forward and slipped onto the bed and started grooming his hair, which was little more than running his fingernails through the locks and untangling any tangles. "your not okay." Clint grumbled, shaking his head. "i don't like you upset. it's not good. can i help?" he asked, looking very bothered. "i could make you some cocoa, or get you a blanket, or find you a shiny?"

"it's not that late." he scoffed. "i stay up later than this after six days of no sleep." he admitted before scowling. "...i missed Dinner Jarvis!" Tony whined. "Nat was making noodles! i love noodles!" he whined before smiling at his phone. "i'm glad Clint's okay. what kind of problems is James having?" he wondered before pausing. "Steph? are you okay? you sound upset... do you need me to come over?" he asked, worried about her. "i will if you want me to." he promised. "all i need is a word.... and an address."
James smiled, closing his eyes for a moment as he listened to the other, he’d always enjoyed someone playing with his hair. “No....I’m okay. Just fighting with Steph is upsetting...”he sighed softly. “....Cocoa and a blanket would be good...”He smiled softly, looking up at the other, wincing a little. Worried about the other, not wanting to upset him.

“I’m sure she has noodles left for you, Tony. She knows you like them.”Stephanie said smiling a little, relaxing a little. “James is Bi and having issues with it. And that we’re not....fitting. Not anymore.”Stephanie whimpered quietly, because it hurt. Admitting it outloud even if she’d known it for months. “ You don’t have to.”She said sounding upset and worried, anxious at the idea of seeing him, not wanting to upset him by allowing him before biting her lip. Thinking about it....and...starting to cry softly. “Yes...okay.”She said knowing clint would probably be upset, but she was self aware to know that this was going to be a disaster if she didn’t get help, and trying to put her head together. Swallowing hard as she handed over the address.
Clint nodded. "it's always hard fighting with your mate." he agreed. "i used to cry when me and Laura.... okay well i still cry when we fight to be honest." he admitted with a sheepish grin. "wait here. don't move." he ordered, flouncing off and returning with a cup of cocoa made by Laura and one of his super soft blankets taken probobly right from his nest. he cooed as he wrapped James up and settled behind him, wrapping his wings around them so they where both locked in a warm feather cocoon with just enough light so that James could see while Clint focused on grooming James hair, making sure he was warm and comfortable and happy.

"i'm sure she doesn't. she hates it when i miss meals." no, she hated it when he skipped meals. missing a meal because he was sleeping for once was totally excusable. "ah. i see. so he wants Clint and doesn't want to admit it. i can see it." Tony admitted before wincing a little. "i'm coming down." he stated firmly, realizing she was really really upset. "i need the address... never mind. Jay! Address!" Tony ordered. "you hang in there. i'll be there soon." he promised her, staying on the phone while he grabbed one of his always packed bags and headed for the car only to move to the Jet when he realized they where in another freaking State! it wouldn't take him too long to get there with the way he flew, thank goodness, but it would still take him over an hour to get there. he stayed on the phone with her the entire time just to make sure she wouldn't get too lonely while he made his way to her.
“Yea....I don’t like fighting with her. Especially when for so long, all I wanted to do was be with her....all those years....I just wanted to have one more moment, even if we were hurts to consider fighting with her.”James muttered settling into the bed to wait, smiling softly as he was wrapped up, content to be groomed and petted, because he had no idea how to protest the actions without upsetting the other.

“she hates it when you deliberately miss. Missing because you’re asleep is different.”Stephanie smiled a little before nodding even if he couldn’t see it. “Yes...he is. He’s upset and angsty, and it’s....I want to. I mean...we’ve tried’s not the same Tony. It’s just not...the woman he loved went in the ice....I didn’t come out the same.”Stephanie shuddered a little before whining a protest. “ don’t have to...”She said, though it was a half hearted attempt that said yes, she really needed him. “Okay...I’ll be here....”She muttered talking, mostly listening while he talked. Stirring a little when she heard jarvis’ voice. “Sir?Natasha is trying to reach you.” “Go ahead take the call...I’ll be okay for awhile. Just talk to her, and I’ll see you soon Tony.”Stephanie said hanging up before he could protest. “Tony?Where are you?”Natasha asked her voice sounding tight and controlled, as upset as she ever sounded, which wasn’t enough but enough.
he nodded. "well. fighting is healthy. that's what Laura says. fighting is normal, fighting is good. your both very different now, fights are going to happen as the person you knew imposes on the person she is now. like, when you watch a movie with the ending edited. you know how it's supposed to be, and your stunned it's not the same, so you get angry, and you let that anger out because it's healthy to do so." he admitted. "if you held it in, it would just make everything worse. fighting just means she's getting angry too and your both coming to terms with the differences." he admitted. "you'll both settle down as you get used to each other again."

"oh. i didn't realize there was a difference." he admitted before grimacing. "he's just trying to adjust. life has changed pretty drastically for him you know." he admitted. "he's probobly got a whole lot of PTSD and Victim Complexes and ll kinds of mental issues that he's going to have to work through. if he's fighting it's a good thing, means he's letting it out instead of hoarding it all inside of him like Agent does." Tony admitted. "nope. coming over, you can't stop me now. besides, i'll get to see one of birdbrains safe-houses. i've never seen a safe house before." he admitted before babbling on about one of his projects he was working on. if Bruce was there he'd smack Tony, but Tony knew Steph wasn't caught up enough to know what he was actually talking about and she was sleepy on top of it. "okay, i'll call you back when she's done talking." he promised Steph before switching to Nat. "i'm on my way to Illinois." he explained to Natasha. "forgot to tell you, i'm sorry. i panicked a little bit. Steph called, she's really upset. all i could think of was keeping her calm while i got to her. sorry Nat." he actually sounded sorry too. he knew how much the assassin worried. "i dunno when i'll be back so hold down the fort okay? i don't know what's what but i think Steph was hurt real bad and she sounds really awful. makes me think of the time i tried to.... well, you've read my files." Tony admitted. "i think she's hurt herself and Clint and James are protecting her."
“...Yes. I guess. That makes sense. Doesn’t make it any easier to be upset with her.”He sighed softly before thinking that over, nodding slowly. “Yes...that’s what it feels like. That I knew her once....and even if this Stephanie has the same body, the same’s almost...the ice robbed me of the Stephanie I knew. For both of us, out of time, is a different movie altogether.”He shuddered a little before smiling. “True...being angry is a good thing, especially for her right now....better to let it out.”He muttered calming a little. For real, instead of calming to not upset clint.

“there is, but don’t miss to often, otherwise she’ll scold you or something.”Stephanie snickered a little, before sighing. “I know....we both’s still hurts. And you’re right. Fighting’s good.”Stephanie muttered before snorting. “Just cause he doesn’t talk to you, doesn’t mean Agent doesn’t talk or fight with Natasha.”She pointed out before sighing, realizing he was coming over, and feeling better for it. “It’s like a normal house. Really.”She said snorting amused, not about to tell him about laura, letting him be surprised would be amusing. “Okay.”She smiled settling in to wait. “Ah. I see. Okay Tony.”Natasha said relaxing a little, swallowing hard, because she suspected the news they’d just recieved would need them back, but for the moment, she could hold the fort. And try to keep them out of it. “Yes, I’ve read your files. Just take care of her, and if we need anything, we’ll call. But I doubt we will.”At least she hoped. Because the confusion surrounding the violence in brooklyn, she had no idea what had happened yet, and she’d keep them out as long as she could. “Go, and me and Phil can handle things here.Be safe tony.”She ordered before hanging up, and returning to goingn over the reports of violence. And praying she wasn’t going to have to drag a injured woman back to deal with this.
"i know. but it makes you feel better to know that it's okay to be upset, right?" he asked with a smile before pausing. "going through a war. crash landing a plane. fighting through an alien invasion.... those kinds of things leave serious marks on a person. she was betrayed, hurt, betrayed again and then, to make things worse, no one was there for her the way we should have been until after the invasion." he admitted. "she lost everything she ever knew, has to struggle to come to terms with an entirely new culture and she had a crappy as shit Therapist trying to make her worse." he admitted. "of course she's angry, fucked up and unhappy. but we're going to help her through it and if that means fighting with you, so be it, right?" he asked with a smile, nuzzling the back of James neck before letting him free, content now that James was relaxed and calm. "wanna nap with me? i could use a snuggle buddy." he offered.

"i won't miss too often, can't really. she'll force me out of the lab if Bruce doesn't yank me out by my ear himself. i'm gaining weight you know. it's horrible." considering he was nearly emaciated when they moved in, Bruce had laid down the law that Tony wasn't allowed to skip more than two meals in a row and employed Phil and Natasha to help make that law ring true. "no, i'm pretty sure he's a robot." he admitted. "it's just a house? not even an underground house? that's really boring." he whined, sulking before smiling a little because he knew most of Agents anger went into torturing people who stepped out of line at Shield. "sorry about missing Dinner. i was all worried about it when i woke up and then Steph started talking and i forgot all about it." he admitted. "are you okay? you sound... upset." not quite the word he wanted but it would have to do because for Natasha that was upset. "i'll do everything i can for her." he promised. "and it's not like you could stop me from going now, i'm already ten minutes to Illinois." he admitted with a chuckle. "you'd never catch me now." he admitted before nodding. "i'll be fine. it's Steph i'm worried about." he admitted before dialing Steph again. "she was yelling at me for leaving without eating dinner." Tony huffed. "will there be food there? i'm actually hungry. i think Bruce has been drugging me with apatite stimulants." he admitted with an annoyed grunt. actually, his body was just used to eating now and wanted to keep getting food, but Tony would never believe that. then again, it was rather probable that Bruce was drugging him too. "anyway i'm about ten minutes out. i just need to find a place to land this... oh hello.... he lives on a farm? this is a farm. this is outside Steph. like, nature. there's nature here. what the hell is nature doing here?" Tony hated outdoors.
“yea, it does.”James smiled a little before wincing, swallowing thickly as he considered that. “ does leave a mark. On us both. Different things, we’ve never...really had experiences before that were separate....this is new for us. We’ll figure it out.”he smiled a little, closing his eyes a little as relaxed, “Yea, we’ll help her.”he hummed pleased with the plan, before smiling, shifting. “Yea, a nap sounds good.”he muttered.

“Good. You need to eat.”Stephanie huffed a little, before snorting a little. “No, he’s not a robot. And it is just a house. Really. Though i’m sure he has other houses that are weird and awesome.”Stephanie snickered a little. “It’s fine. I was just worried about you.”Natasha muttered before sighing. “There’s been brooklyn that might involve Steph, but we have no details yet. We’re going to keep you guys out of it if we can.”Natasha promised. “I know you will. Take care, Tones.”She smiled as she hung up. “Ahhh....poor tony.”Stephanie teased before laughing. “He wouldn’t do that. He’s just trained you to eat more.”She sounded amused before smirking as she stepped onto the steps to look up at him, “Yea, he lives on a farm. There’s a cow here somewhere.”She giggled a little, before snorting. “Nature happens when you don’t live in the city. Come on tony, you’ll be okay.”She promised looking amused as she watched him land, tugging her sleeves down to make sure the hoodie hid the scars, smiling quietly. “Tony, you really didn’t have to come you know.”She said, even if she looked pleased and happy to see him.
"it's a growing process." he admitted with a smile. "one that your experiencing a lot later in life than you normally would have." he admitted before nodding. "we'll do everything we can for her. and for you too." he promised, kissing James temple before beaming happily as he fussed with the bed, getting it ready for a good nights rest. he knew James would be up in a few hours but that didn't matter. he was getting a snuggle buddy, his chosen mate was, sort of, accepting him.

"i do not! i eat fine!" he whined before chuckling a little. "this is Clint we're talking about, do you really think that it's 'just' a house?" he asked before shaking his head at Nat. "bad enough problem that i need to come back?" he asked, worried now. "if you need help, call Johnny." he ordered. "or call James. er, sorry, Wolverine. he likes Steph and he'd probobly be willing to help for Steph." he admitted before snorting at Steph. "i don't think your sorry for me at all." he complained before snorting. "i don't fit into any of my clothes and my ass is huge." he grumbled. "i wanted to go on a diet and he glared at me like i'd asked to blow up the world! i just don't get it. it's like he wants me to be fat!" he complained before he hesitantly. "you don't think i'm fat do you?" he asked, sounding quite dismayed by the idea. "Jesus, a cow, seriously? oh my god." he sounded quite mortified. "please tell me there's internet." of course there was. "i don't wanna nature! i hate nature." he whined as he landed the jet at the very edge of the property and then flicked on the cloaking so the jet would vanish. "i did have to come." he huffed. "you needed me to so i did." he admitted, gently wrapping her into a hug, just holding her for a moment because when he was feeling upset, nothing made him feel more better than a good hug. hopefully she'd like a good hug too.
"Well. Not really. We're not that old, just older then the rest of you if you count the years we slept."james snickered a little. Smiling at the promise of being taken care of he settled in to rest.

"Now. Sometimes you do....and no its probably not just a house."

Natasha hesitated actually thinking about it before sighing."no. Not yet. Go see how stephs doing, and we'll call the others if we have to."she said. "I'm a little bit sorry. Not enough to not laugh at you though."Stephanie smiled a little before wincing."tony stark!you are not fat. What the hell? You eat normally and you have more food then I'd ever had and -"Stephanie growled flustered and upset trailing off as she realized she was pushing her issues onto tony. Going quiet as she snickered quietly."yea a cow. I don't think it's the devil tony, you'll be okay."she said amused before smiling."yes there's internet."she promised melting into the hug with a shuddering sigh, crying quietly as she pressed her face into his shoulder. Being nearly as tall as james, she was a few inches taller thrn tony, but in that moment she looked and felt so much smaller and frahile....almost like she'd been before the serum.
Tony snorted at her. "your not nice in the least." he huffed before cringing under her rage, uttering a short whimper. "okay, okay i'm sorry. sorry...." he stuttered before relaxing as she calmed down. "it's the devil. nature is the devil. cows are the devil. trees are the devil. animals are the devil and Clint is Beelzebub for living here willingly." he stated with a sniff. he gently tucked her against him as she cried and stroked her back and her hair, doing all the things Pepper and Natasha had done for him when he finally broke down and cried and just couldn't take things anymore. he just stood there and held her while she cried and examined the house a little. it was cute. he hated it. "feeling better?" he asked her with a soft smile when she finally pulled away, handing her a handkerchief. he'd started carrying them because she yelled at him when he blew his nose on his shirt. it was gross he guessed but it was his shirt wasn't it? oh well. "come on, lets go sit down. i'm a bit noodle legged from the flight." he admitted.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didnt...I'm sorry..."be he babbled through her tears whimpering quietly as she clung to the the man, giving a watery giggle."he is not the devil. Don't be so dramatic."she muttered leaning into him with a shudder, sniffling a little when she finally pulled away looking up at him, blue eyes red rimmed quiet as she nodded rubbing her face."yea...I'm okay..."she muttered looking upset. "I'm should have aid something...."she frowned upset as she settled onto the swing, sighing quietly trying to be calm even as her hands fidgeted and fluttered. Wiping her face clean with the handkerchief she gave a shudder sigh.
he shook his head. "hush, hush, your okay." he murmured before snorting. "he's the Devil. this whole place and everything in it, save you, is the Devil." he grumbled before smiling at her. "i'm fine. i'm just a little weak in the knees. not used to flying sitting down." he admitted, settling on the swing next to her, giving her a smile. "it's okay to cry you know. even i do it sometimes and i'm perfect." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at her. "it's okay to be upset." he promised. "it's okay to be sad or depressed or angry or all of the above." he admitted. "it's okay." he promised, taking her hand. "it's all perfectly alright. who the hell are you?" he asked, looking very shocked at the sight of Laura, pregnant Laura, in Clint's safe-house. "shouldn't i be asking you that? this is MY house after all." Laura admitted, looking very amused. "you must be Tony. Clint's told me all about you. are you hungry?" "starving." "i'll go get you something. i made some hot cocoa, do you want some?" "yes please." Tony admitted, deciding he loved Laura. she had food and chocolate. "she's not the Devil either." Tony informed Steph. "i thought this was Clint's safe house?" "it is. but i own it. we where married for almost twelve years after all." she admitted with a grin, laughing when Tony choked at the information. "What!? What!? What!?" Tony demanded, turning to gape at Steph. "she IS the Devil!" he gasped. "she's... she's... she's Persephone!"
"Are you sure?cause I think clint considers me the devil for the joke I've been playing on them."Stephanie quietly relaxing a little."hmm...yes I could see how that could be a issue. I'd say fly th r jet more, but you make us all sick when you do."she teased before snorting."I's just I cant seem to stop crying now...and you are not perfect. I am, remember?human perfection and all."she said with with a touch of bitter irony that said she'd been told it enough, that she felt like a failure for not being better. Holding his hand she smiled, relaxing." they keep telling me...I just thought...with the erum...that whatever waswrong with me...that made it so...hard to be...Emotionally okay would be fixed."she gave a shuddering laugh, half sad and half breathless laughter when laura walked out."it is. Tony decided I needed more company."she smiled watching the two giggling at tony's shock."she can't be persephone cause that'd make clint hades and he's not nearly that cool."
he snickered. "so Clint finally found out? epic, was he amusing? i bet he was amusing." he admitted with a giggle. "i should totally see if i can't find a video recording of that." he admitted before brightening. "i should totally get to fly more! i'm a great flyer! and i am totally perfect, Jarvis said so!" he admitted with that impish grin that said Jay hadn't actually said it but Tony pretended he did. "your not perfect!" he huffed. "you have this annoying tendency to correct me and make me sleep and eat and interact with people." he teased. "and you don't like Coffee." he huffed. "that's like, a sin!" he admitted with a smile. "of course not. the Serum fixes physical problems. not chemical." Tony admitted. "the problems you have, the ones that emotionally upheave entire aspects of your life? that's chemical." he admitted. "i have a similar problem." he admitted. "as you know, or should know by now, i have overlapping problems which is why when i get bad, i can't tell whose real and whose my imagination." he admitted. "it's chemicals in my brain that cause that problem, just like they are for you." he admitted. "that can't just be fixed, not with drugs, not with therapy, not with anything. we can learn to manage it, to cope, but we won't ever 'get over it' or 'grow out of it' or be 'cured'." he admitted, shaking is head a little. "well he's more than welcome." Laura promised with a smile before looking at Tony. "just stay out of the attic and don't give Clint anything shiny." "uh... okay. what?" Tony asked, looking quite surprised, and confused. "hmm good point, lets see.... can't think of anything." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "ooooh food!" he crowed happily as Laura came back out with a plate full of food that Tony happily tore into, addressing his phone. "Jay? let Nat know i had dinner before she nags me to death would you?" he asked before delving into his meal once more.
“it was very very amusing. And I don’t think there’s a video of it.”She said looking amused.”But if you mention it, he’s probably still annoyed about it enough to still be amusing.”She smiled before rolling her eyes. “Tony I threw up last time. You should never fly again with people. That was horrible.”She whined a little, rolling her eyes. “Jarvis did not. He likes the rest of us. He’d never say that.”She teased before snorting. “You need sleep and eat. And you like people, you should talk to the team.”She smiled at him before wrinkling her nose. “Coffee’s gross. I’ll keep smoking thanks.”She smiled a little before going quiet, thinking about that before nodding. “,,,yes,,,I guess that makes sense...even if it’s hard to consider....”She sighed a little having hoped so badly i tcould be fixed, but she could cope. She’d figure it out. Before snorting a little. “Clint’s having a...interesting time. Seems he has like...a mating heat or something every year because of his mutation....he’s choosing a mate, and has a nest and everything. He’s being fairly cute at the moment.”Stephanie smiled smiling pleased as he started to eat. “Thanks Laura.”Stephanie smiled as she stole a bite of food, going concerned as Jarvis answered. “Sir?Agent romanoff requests that you call her right away.” “Tony?”Natasha said swallowing hard. “I need you to bring Stephanie back. Something’s happened.”
"damn... worth a shot." he admitted before brightening at the idea. "oooh! i'll do it!" he agreed, bouncing happily on the bench. "i should totally fly with other people. how else am i supposed to get better?" he asked, grinning impishly in the way that told you he was pissing with them all on purpose. "and you didn't throw up that much, Clint threw up way more than you did." h admitted with a grin before he sulked. "i don't. i am superhuman, don't need it." he grumbled, sulking. "don't wanna talk to the team." he huffed before smiling at her. "Coffee is my life blood." he admitted. "it's what keeps me on the plain of existence." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "yeah, it's hard. burt we can do it, we'll just have to help each other, right?" he asked her with a smile. "an interesting time? he's... he's.... seriously?" he asked, looking rather stunned. "he's chosen James as his mate and that's what the fight was about?" he guessed. "can i tease him?" he asked hopefully. "is this something i'm allowed to tease him about?" he asked, looking rather eager at the idea. "your welcome." Laura said with a smile, handing her a mug of cocoa and Tony a cup as well before heading inside to finish her laundry. "....Nat? what is it?" Tony asked, worried. "Steph's hurt. i don't know if she'll be up to fighting standards." Tony admitted, worried. "is it something we could send James to handle?"
" are such a little terror. Fly with james. That would tech you to behave."she teased sounding amussed."I AM superhuman, and I need twice as much as you do. I find your argument invalid....and you do to. You like us."she said sounding vaguely an,ious about it before snorting."maybe for you. I could believe you have oil and coffee in your viens."she teased before sighing."right...we can do it..."she muttered he is. Seriously. And for the most part yes. James is setting his heels down and refusing to be budged on the topic and trying to talk Theo him about it just makes us argue."she sighed a little before shaking her head."not yet tony. James is upset enough by it to not take it well, and clints protective enough to attack you over it. Leave them alone for now."she warned sipping her cocoa before frowning. Wanting to protest but knowing she was in no form to fight, even if she could lift the shield now. "One of the children on her baseball team was kidnapped by hydra, parents killed. Ransom is stephanie has to deliver the money....hydra doesn't know she's not in the city. We tried to go around it, but it's getting bad, and we're running out of time."
"James would love it i bet." he admitted with a smirk. "he seams like an adrenaline junky." he admitted with a snigger. "yes well... your invalid." he huffed before he smiled. "yeah. i like you guys. it's nice having you all around, it's just a little overwhelming sometimes. before all i had was pepper, Happy and Rhodey, Johnny sometimes. now i have dozens of people who like me and it's... odd for me." he admitted. "because being honest, they more tolerated me more than anything else." he admitted with a smile before sighing a little. "he'll give in eventually. he adores Clint, we all saw it." he admitted. "it's not often Clint takes a liking to someone like that either." Clint have been very cool to all of them for a good long while, even Nat had warmed up to them before Clint had. he loved them all now, but it had taken him quite a while before he trusted them. "fine... fine... but later? i could later?" he asked hopefully before grimacing at the phone call. "fuck... fuck fuck fuck. Steph, go get in the plane." he ordered. "we need to be back in New York yesterday." Tony admitted, already racing for the jet himself. "we're on our way. sorry Steph but you might throw up again." he warned her, hesitating before addressing Nat again. "should i bring the boys?"
“....You might be right. Okay, no flying with James.”She huffed a little before laughing. “I am not.”She whined a little before smiling slightly. “Yes...I feel like that sometimes all are just so modern.”She muttered smiling slightly, before shaking her head. “You don’t give them enough credit. They like you, Tones.”She said smiling slightly. Before snorting. “He does. Which is why I tried to get him to talk to him, he’s just being stubborn.”she grumbled a little thinking about that, ebfore nodding. “Yes. Later.”She promised. Looking at tony startled, nodding. “Yes...okay.”She said looking anxious even as she headed for the plane, not questioning. Trusting tony enough to simply go. “...Yes. Bring them. It’’s bad on this end Tony. Me and Phil will meet you at the tower, it’s going to be ugly.”
"aaw. that's no fun." he complained with a chuckle before nodding. "yeah. a little too modern actually. a lot of people are letting tech completely take over their lives." he admitted. "i know they do, sometimes i wonder why though, you know?" he asked with a shake of his head. "i know what kind of person i am. sure i'm nice and i like to do best for people, but i' also one of the biggest dicks on the planet." he admitted. "and don't try to tell me i'm not because i can be and we all know it. it's made even worse then i get too hyper to function properly. i'm surprised you all handled that as well as you did." he admitted before nodding. "wait here? i need to go get the boys." he admitted, kissing her forehead before racing back up to the house, pounding on the bedroom door. "hey! get up! emergency! some asshole kidnapped one of the kids from Steph's softball team and is holding them captive and is demanding Steph personally deliver the money. we need to move, now!"
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