
Tony blinked, looking up at her, blinking sluggishly because he had been peering through a microscope and refocusing was hard. " are not wearing that!" he protested. "no! absolutely not you Dodgers traitor!" he wailed in horror. "take it off! i have something better." he promised, stalking into the bedroom attached to his lab and came out with a soft feminine shirt in a soft baby blue color and a flowered headband. "might b a little tight..." he admitted worried. "i don't have breasts after all." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and yes, sometimes i wear girl clothes." he admitted with a chuckle. "i like the way they look on me even if i'm not gay." he admitted, smiling at her. "lemme clean up a bit." he asked, already heading into the bathroom to pull on new clothes and wash his hands and face before skipping out and smiling at her. "okay! let's go!"

back in Ohio, Clint was all better, mostly. he was still a bit off but he wasn't flinching anytime Laura touched him anymore either and he was grinning as he shoveled in a mouthful of food before pausing when Laura gasped, hand going to her belly. "...oh dear." "is it time?" Clint asked, calm, Laura grimacing as she nodded. "yeah. it's time." she admitted. "go get the things?" "of course." lint promised, both of them way too calm as Clint went to get arm blankets and warm water and other such things needed for birthing a baby. "James, sweetie, breathing is conductive to life." Laura informed James.
Stephanie smiled a little as he refocused on her, frowning a little. “But no one knows it’s me when I wear them. No one expects me to wear yankees stuff.”She said frowning a little before stripping out of her shirt, not even bothering to leave the room, she was a soldier, despite her gender, she was totally comfortable in her skin, and well, tony’d already seen her naked. Wasn’t surprising she was simply stripping. Frowning at the shirt she looked bemused looking at him, “....You’d look cute in girl’s clothes.....and it’s not like I have breasts either you know.”She pointed out, and while it was true somewhat, she was just over a 36 B cup, with high tight breasts, she wasn’t as curvy as some, and well aware that some men didn’t like that, she had some curves that would entice anyone who liked their woman strong and sleek, with just a hint of curves. Pulling on the shirt and settling the headband into her short blond hair, which was starting to grow out into a shaggy mess, looking more like a school girl then fighter. Smiling as she followed him out, “Come on. We’re eating at Wise guys” Which had the world’s best pizza and breadsticks according to both super soldiers, and just a few blocks from where they’d grown up in brooklyn, and one of the few resturants left over from then.

James paused looking up, eyes widening as he considered, his breath freezing his chest as he watched the two. Before taking a gulping breath at the order, he looked startled, “w-what? H-hospital. We should go. Now. Right?”
he snorted a little. "it's blasphemy you infidel!" he huffed, sniffing at her before he chuckled and nodded. "yeah, i look pretty damn hot." he admitted with a smile before rolling his eyes. "what, just because you don't have your boobs full of plastic means you don't have good boobs? you have nice boobs. they're perfect for you, you'd look funny with bigger boobs. like a barbie doll." he huffed. "people always seam to think a girl has to have big boobs to be pretty, or be a proper woman or whatever." he scoffed. "well, boobs are supposed to be boobs." he admitted with a shake of his head before he smiled at her. "you have pretty boobs and you shouldn't be ashamed of them." he admitted before tossing his fists into the air like he'd won a prize. "Wise Guys!" he paused. "never heard of it." he admitted with a grin as he let her lead the way, Johnny was already there and talking to the waiter for his drink while he waited.

Clint whirled on James so fast when he said the word hospital that Laura nearly grabbed the baseball bat. "easy, Clint, baby. he doesn't know." Laura eased, Clint growling, wings spread, all the feathers standing on end. enraged and very upset. "we don't go there." she informed James, looking rather upset herself. "my first child, a little girl, we gave birth to her in the hospital but she was born displaying as a mutant." she closed her eyes. "people got twitchy, then people started fighting and then we're in a police station being told our baby was murdered just because she was born blue." she admitted. "we don't go to hospitals." she admitted, watching Clint set up a nest for her so she would be comfortable, carefully stripping off her shirt and bottoms, leaving her in a bra and naked from belly down. "that looks perfect Clint." she informed him with a smile, chuckling when he gave her a rather sour look as if telling her to stop patronizing him before he looked at James. "go get some rags for me would you?" Clint asked, hoping to distract his frazzled mate. "she'll need them when she starts to sweat." he admitted. "don't worry. we've given birth to two other babies no problem, we know what to do."
" ..I can't believe you just called me infidel. Me, captain america."she snickered a little as she pulled on the shirt, tilting her head as she considered the other."...I have no idea what to say to a summary of my boobs. Thanks I guess?"she said looking bemused as she smiled before laughing."it's a pizza place me and jamie used to go to, when we could afford a slice of pizza."she shrugged not about to admit it had usually been a shared slice."hey johnny."Stephanie smiled as she slid into the booth opposite him, carefully picking up the menu, while it was healed her arm still ached most of the time as the serum tried to correct all the damage she'd done."how you doing?"

James yelped jumping back, eyes wide as he looked at clint, careful to not look away from the upset hawk even as he listened, wincing a little."I'm one should go through that."he said looking a little frazzled, between that story and his own horror surrounding babies and pregnanicies, it was a wonder he was as fine as he was. Nodding rapidly he scampered off to find some rags before returning, holding them out as he chewed on his lip."you sure about this?"
he huffed. "you have betrayed the glory of the Dodgers. therefore, an infidel." he informed the other with a grin before he shrugged. "i had to do it for Pepper all the time and Nat's always complaining about her boobs... she slapped me when i said it though." he admitted with a grin. "i guess she wasn't too happy about me paying attention to her boobs but it was her own fault for complaining about them." he admitted with a chuckle. "i like Pizza!" he admitted happily. "hey!" Johnny chirped with a grin. "hey Tony." Johnny said, looking just as happy to see Tony as he was Steph, making Tony wonder if maybe this wasn't a date at all. or maybe it was? he had no idea, it was confusing. "hows your arm?" Johnny asked, examining her before scowling at Tony. "no." "what! i haven't said anything!" "i know your looking at number twelve. no." "but..." "no. it's gross." "it is not!" "it has fruit on it. and lettuce." "Arugula is not lettuce! it's a field green and i like it!" Tony whined. "no." "i don't have to listen to you. i'm getting the Arugula, pear goat cheese and prosciutto pizza and you can't stop me." "that's disgusting." "your face is disgusting." they where both clearly amused though so this was obviously a very old argument.

Laura smiled. "it's okay, it wasn't your fault and it was a long while ago." she admitted. "he's just out of sorts because he's in heat." she promised James. "he get's overly sensitive and protective when he's like this." she admitted with a smile. "thank you. i'm sure. it's fine." she promised, settling onto the couch to wait before she sighed, bored and got up to finish the dishes, Clint chuckling a little as he let her do whatever she wanted. "relax, James. it's fine. this could easily be braxton hicks. false labor. we won't be sure she's actually in labor until she has a bloody show, or her water breaks. the contractions are just a sign she might be going into labor." he assured him. "it is a very good sign though, that her labor is going to be soon, likely within the next couple of hours or the next couple of days." he admitted. "It's not Braxton hicks." she informed him, scowling down at her legs which where covered in... well. gross. Clint chuckled again and wet one of the rags and carefully cleaned her up before letting her resume puttering around as she wanted. "that was the mucus plug. it seals the cervix shut during pregnancy. her water will break next." Clint informed James, grabbing a book to read while they waited.
“....It amuses me you commented on Natasha’s boobs, and it wasn’t Agent Coulson who tazed you instead of letting Natasha slap you.”Stephanie snnickered a little before looking amused at johnny. Looking down at her hand for a moment she tensed her fingers to will the shaking digits to stop trembling. She was okay, still sore, still recovering, there was still no way she could be captain america just yet, but she was getting there. “Better. Still weak though. Sore to.”She sighed softly before tilting her head, watching the two before grinning. “It’s good sometimes. Though I agree, Johnny’s face is disgusting.”Stephanie teased smirking a little, flirty and happy. Even if she was still hurting some, the woman had a high sex drive, and that it’d been since tony two months before that she’d had sex, well she was feeling flirty and happy. Relaxed enough to be herself around the two. “I want a medium Canadian pizza with a Bacardi and coke.”Stephanie said smiling a little as waitress took the other’s orders before leaving them alone.

“ah. Okay. Yea, he is a little out of sorts.”James said tense swallowing hard as she watched them. Watching her go, as he setled on the couch to wait, frowning a little. Twitchy. “Well. This isn’t fun. Definitely.”James grumbled wincing a little as he saw that, before looking away, flushing a little. “Well. Okay then.”he muttered shifting, fidgety and trying to be calm, settling in to watch game of thrones, hoping the bloodbath of wars would distract him.
he chuckled a little. "Natasha loves it when i look at her boobs." Tony scoffed, amused. "and he did taze me. it was epic." he admitted before watching her flex her fingers. "well you can still use it so that's better than most would be experiencing." Johnny admitted, gently taking her arm and giving it a soft, careful massage. ignoring the harsh flair of jealousy that crossed over Tony's face. "my face is not disgusting!" Johnny complained, rolling his eyes. "i look exactly like Chris Evans and, i might remind you, he played YOU in all those movies about Captain America." he pointed out with a sharp grin before smiling a little as he ordered a pepperoni with a Guinness and Tony ordered his disgusting number twelve with a glass of red wine. "i heard Clint was kidnapped, is he okay?" Johnny asked after a moment. "yeah, he's okay. he's... a bit traumatized but i think James has been helping with that." Tony admitted with a smile. "how have you been? heard you went into space?" "it sucked, as it always does. i'm never going again, Sue be damned." he admitted. "she can go with Reed all on her own next time."

"it's lots of fun." Clint lied with a grin. "relax." Clint said, setting a hand on James thigh. "we're seasoned veterans." he promised, watching Game of thrones with James and Laura who had settled in with a bowl of popcorn in her massive cozy nest. she made a small unhappy sound when her water broke but Clint had her cleaned up and the nest replaced in bare minutes and they where back to happily watching T.V. as if nothing at all was happening. "he's a little bitch." Laura finally stated, indicating the T.V. "and my contractions are getting bad." she admitted, leaning back into Clint when he cooed at her and gently started massaging her shoulders to help her feel a little better.
“Yea I guess. Still hurts.”Stephanie said relaxing a little as he loosened tight muscles, sighing softly as he rubbed her arm. Even if she knew he could feel the scar tissue under his fingers even through the shirt sleeve, the fact that he wasn’t asking, made her love him a little. Having only told him she was hurt, not how she’d done it, or elaborated that the broken had simply complicated the suicide attempt. “Hmm, you do look like chris evans. Though he’s got more muscled, and a better jaw. Looks better in scruff then you do to.”She teased looking amused, before huffing. “and well, he did a good job. For being male.”She giggled a little as she sipped her drink, before nodding a little. “he’s good. James is good with him.”She said before snorting, “You know that wont last. You’ll totally be in space again. Though I’d prefer you in new york.”She smiled a little, because she was like a mother duck with all her ducklings, wanting them all in one place so she could watch over them.

“....Yea I guess.”James muttered trying to relax, and snickering at laura’s words. By the time it had really started he huffed a little, twitching. “I’m going outside. Come tell me when things are done. I’ll be doing something. There’s wood to chop or something.”He muttered sounding anxious and to upset to stay still before heading outside, settling in to do the work that needed done while he waited news.
Johnny chucked a little. "it's good, it means you didn't damage any of the nerves." he pointed out. "the muscle is bound to be weak for a while yet so try to take it easy for me, yeah?" Johnny asked, smiling at her. "i'd hate to have to go see you in the hospital again." he admitted before snorting. "nobody looks better than Chris Evans." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "but i come a very close second." he paused. "well, no, Tony is second i'm Third." he decided, winking at Tony who flushed and fidgeted nervously because he hated it when Johnny flirted with him. "he did an amazing Job. if you didn't already have the title he'd totally have been the real life Captain America." Johnny admitted with a grin. "hes a bloody sweetheart." he admitted. "you'd love him. i'm going to invite him to Tony's next party." he admitted with a grin Tony looking very eager at the idea. "you know Chris Evans?" "met him a few days ago after i got back from space for a charity event that Sue didn't want me to go to." he admitted with a chuckle. "i promised him i'd see about getting Steph to meet him." he admitted, grinning at Steph. "since you wanted to meet him anyway."

Clint smiled at James, sympathetic even as he winced as Laura nearly crushed his hand under another severe contraction. "it's okay James." he promised with a smile. "you go chop wood..." he paused to check the water. "would you get some more warm water before you go ouch! ouch! Jesus Laura you just broke my finger!" Clint complained, Laura laughing because she knew he was lying. she didn't have the strength even on her best day to break his fingers. she'd tried.
“Yea, I know. It’s still annoying.”Stephanie said smiling a little before nodding. “I’ll relax. I even promised to go see bruce for checkups and all.I’ll be fine.”She said smiling a little before snickering. “yes. Tony’s the best. Might even be first. He’s got this cute little genius thing going on.”Stephanie snickered a little before tilting her head, nodding. “He would totally be a good captain.”She agreed before looking interested, “Really?You did meet him?”She said looking interested before biting her lip, thinking about it. “well. How about this, see if him and Sebastian can get to the city for this weekend. Even if they’re staying out with Laura for awhile, Jamie’ll probably come back to get more clothes and stuff. If they want to meet the real cap and bucky, just tell them to drop in, we’ll do dinner or something.”

James nodded wincing a little. “K-kay.”He said relaxing at the other’s words before nodding eagerly, “I’ll get it.’He said scampering off to get it laughing a little before returning with the water, setting it aside for them before heading outside. And by the time it was over, the pile was nearly to the top of the proch roof.
"it is a bit annoying. i got hurt like that once. nearly severed my entire arm when a girder fell on me." he admitted. "they had to reattach it and it took me two months to regain the feeling in my fingers even with my impressive... well, not as impressive as yours but still impressive healing abilities." he admitted. "i do have this cute Genius thing going!" Tony said, looking very smug before grinning at the idea of meeting Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. "yeah i did meet him. he was pretty stoked." Johnny admitted with a grin. "i'll see if they can make it." he promised. "you'll call James i'm sure and tell him right?" he asked with a grin. "we can do dinner." Tony admitted. "we'll do something small in the Tower for them maybe i'll learn Romanian. that would be really cool." he admitted, bouncing when his Pizza arrived, along with their drinks. "oh... shit." Tony said, blinking when his phone went off. "Laura had the baby."

Clint smiled at him. "thanks. i might call you for something else but we should have it under control." he promised. at the end he slipped out to James and blinked at the pile. "well. that's... wow." he admitted, blinking a little. "all done. Laura wants you to meet your Godson." he admitted with a smirk. "and yes, your Godfather, Laura insisted." he admitted, leading James back in so he could meet the perfect little baby who was already sleeping peacefully and Laura was laying, still naked, on the couch but she didn't seam to care about her nudity anyway. all of the mess was already cleaned up and there was no hint that she'd just given birth other than her slightly deflated belly and the baby in her arms.
“....Ow. That’s horrible.”Stephanie said shuddering a little, glad that at least it wasn’t that bad. “You do. It’s adorable.”she said looking at tony in amusement, before nodding. “I’ll tell him. Even if clint doesn’t come back with him, he’ll come back for the day I’m sure. He’s heard all about the movies, he’ll want to meet them.”Stephanie snickered looking pleased at the idea of meeting them. “I’m sure you could learn. You’re good like that.”She said smiling a little before smiling as she started to eat. Wolfing it down, starving now, before startling, frowning a little. “Well. At least they’re there with her.”Stephanie smiled a little looking over at tony, glancing at her watch. “we’ll have to stop and get cards and gifts on our way home tones.”

James paused as he finished tossing the wood on the pile, looking over at him. “Well. I wanted to make sure she had enough wood for whatever.”He shrugged a little before looking startled. “What?”He said looking confused, fidgety, nervous as he walked in, smiling slightly. “Hey Laura.”
"yeah it was pretty nasty." Johnny admitted. "it was over a year before i could use it properly again and Sue bitched the entire time like i was just being lazy." he admitted with a huff, Tony looking very smug that she thought he was cute. "yeah i bet he will too." Tony agreed with a chuckle. "James is a bit of an oddball really." he admitted. "but he's a good oddball. i like him." well, when he wasn't being scared of him, but the fear was getting further and further away. "i am good like that." Tony said, swelling with pride. it helped that he already knew about ten other languages. he was wolfing down his Piza too, in between trying to get Johnny to take a bite and insisting it was delicious. "...what kind of gifts? what do you give a woman who gave birth?" "sorry your vagina will never be the same cards and painkillers as well as baby grade sleeping pills." Johnny quipped, Tony spitting his wine all over the table because he had forgotten Johnny was filthy when he wanted to be.

"...i think we have enough wood for a few years." Clint admitted with a grin. this is your house too you know. Laura adores you and i do too." he admitted before smiling as Laura beamed at him and motioned him over. "come hold him." she ordered, Clint helping James position his arms properly before settling the tiny baby in his arms. Little baby Nathaniel who whined at being shifted before settling, comfortable in James arms.
“That’s horrible. I’m sorry your sister is a bitch.”She said shaking her head a little before snickering. “That’s not the worst thing anyone’s ever called him. He’s definitely a odd ball.”she agreed amused before nearly choking on her food, looking at Johnny. “And are you sleeping with a lot of mothers there, Johnny? Inspecting vaginas and all?”she teased sipping her own drink as she finished her food. Relaxing as she considered what to get before shrugging. “I’ll stop at the Dodgers stadium, we can get baby clothes or a toy or something.We’ll find something.”

“Well. Maybe.”James said blushing a little before smiling at the other, “Well. I like being here to. Country’s good....always amazed Steph how much I liked the country, when I was raised a city boy.”He snickered a little, looking hesitant before nodding, moving over to hold the tiny baby, sadness in that look as he looked down at the baby, smiling slightly. “We’ll have to get Stephanie out here....she likes babies...”he muttered though he was slightly concerned with the idea of inviting her, he knew he couldn’t keep her away either.
"she's always been like that." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm well used to it." he admitted before smirking a little at her. "well, i've slept with a few." Johnny admitted. "they tend to be kinkier." he admitted with a grin. "oh! that's brilliant! gotta start em when they're young and don't know any better." Tony agreed with a grin. "we'll turn him into die hard fan in no time." Tony said, looking very pleased.

"i like it here too. there's sticks, and soft blankets, and lots of mice and rabbits." he admitted, thinking mostly with his hawk brain for the moment. "i like sticks." he admitted happily, looking very pleased that his mate was so happy with the tiny baby that was like, 12% his. he's helped make it, sort of. "i'm sure she'll be by. i texted Tony and told him that the baby was born." he admitted. "Natasha's going to be here any minute now i'm sure." he admitted with a chuckle.
“Ah, it still sucks though.”Stephanie smiled a little before snickering. “I’m sure they are.”She looked amused before nodding. “Indeed. We’ll have a dodgers fan soon enough.”She agreed before finishing her food, nudging tony a little. “Come on, we’ll go get our presents then see about going to the farm for the day.”She looked at johnny. “Let us know about chris and sebastian, if they can come. We’ll make sure we’re back in time for that.”Stephanie said smiling a little, knowing she had a few other things to do before they could leave, namely checking in with bruce since he’d asked her to, but beyond that, they could go see the baby.

“Hmm, so there is. And sticks are important.”James agreed looking amused smiling at the baby quietly, even if it hurt, and knew it would hurt stephanie to see this quiet so little baby, it was good to. A good thing to know his mate, lover was happy and content. “Good. I’d expect ridiculous presents to go with it when they get here.” “Most likely. Baseballs things probably. Maybe captain america and iron man stuff.”Natasha snickered as she stepped inside with phil, leaning down to kiss laura’s cheek. “Hey laura.”
"a very cute Dodgers fan." Tony agreed with a grin. "yeah okay!" he agreed, hopping to his feet, Johnny chuckling. "you guys have a good time." he offered. "i'm going to go home and take a nap, i'm exhausted." he admitted. "space sucks. and i'll let you know as soon as i talk to them." he promised with a grin. "make sure you see Bruce. i don't want you getting sick because you weren't taking care of yourself or something." he huffed. "i'll make sure she does." Tony promised. "but Dodgers stadium first."

"Sticks are important." Clint agreed happily. "i'm sure they'll bring some pretty ridiculous things." Clint agreed with a smile before grinning happily at Natasha, cooing at her the same way he had been cooing at the baby and Phil sighed, well aware they where going to be babied impossibly until Clint stopped being so excited and thinking with his bird brain. "is there ever a time i'm going to walk in here and your going to be dressed?" Phil asked, looking amused as he kissed Laura's cheek after Nat. "hmm... probobly not." Laura admitted. "my Vagina is broken so probobly not for another few weeks anyway." Phil snorted and tried not to laugh because only Laura could say such things.
“Indeed.”Stephanie agreed before smiling, leaning over to kiss johnny’s cheek. “Rest. I’ll talk to you when we get back.”She promised knowing he worried about her. Even if they weren’t dating, if they’d never be able to date, she enjoyed his company. “I will. Promise.”She said before heading out with tony. Soon enough the blanket, clothes, and tiny baby shoes with dodgers on them were on their way to the tower, with a excited and happy stephanie following tony back. Trying not to think to hard as she sent tony off to put the packages down before heading for the lab to catch up with bruce. “Bruce?”

“Indeed. Lots of insane things.”James snickered a little as natasha was cooed at. “He’s never going to stop being excited.”Natasha said smirking at phil a little before laughing at laura’s answer. “well, it’s okay. You look good naked. Though I don’t think James is going to be comfortable until you dress. 1940s mentality and all.”Natasha teased, and indeed while he was talking and interacting, james was definitely carefully not looking at the naked woman.
"have a safe trip and let me know if Bruce finds anything too terrible." he ordered, kissing her cheek. "this is the best!" Tony gushed, examining the presents. "Jarvis! where's the wrapping paper?!" he demanded, heading off to get them all wrapped. badly so since Tony insisted on doing it himself. honestly it was almost as much tape as it was wrapping paper. "hey Steph, something wrong?" Bruce asked, looking up from his computer and fiddled with his glasses, trying to refocus his eyes.

"he'll calm down eventually. he always does." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "i do look good naked." Laura agreed with a smile. "well grab a sheet then and i'll cover up." she offered, smiling when Clint handed her a soft sheet so she could cover up and ward off the chill while Natasha smiled at the tiny baby in James arms. "you look good." she admitted to James with a smile. "finally tired of denying that you want Clint?"
“It is the best.”Stephanie snickered well aware that the presents were going to be badly wrapped, but it’d be cute. Shrugging a little as she stepped into the room, she smiled at the other. “Nothing really. But you said you wanted a check up within the next few days, and well. With laura and the baby, me and tony are heading to Iowa. Figured I’d better see if there was anything wrong or needing to do before we left.”She said babbling just a bit.

“After he’s driven us insane.”Natasha pointed out with a smile amused as clint covered laura up, at least james relaxed a little. Jame smiled a little, looking down at the baby, biting his lip a little before smirking. “I always look good. And....yes. I guess.”James said shrugging a little, knowing that he’d probably still be fidgety and upset at it sometimes, but maybe they’d be okay.
Bruce blinked a little at her. "oh... uh,,, what day is it?" damn, Bruce was getting as bad as Tony. "well if your going to Iowa i better get cracking. you can test my new toy." he admitted with a smile. "no worries, even if it doesn't work it won't hurt you. it's going to revolutionize medical science." he admitted, indicating a simple table. "lay down. you don't even have to take any clothes off." he admitted, pressing a button once she was laying down. "Full exam." Bruce reported, a large, curved arm sliding off the back of the table and slid up to position over her head. it moved slow, scanning her body with no visible sign it was doing anything at all. Bruce was watching the results on his Tablet and he grinned. "this is the best thing i have ever made with Tony, ever." he admitted before pausing, his head cocked. "Full scan, stomach area." he ordered the machine once it had scanned her toes. it swung back up to position itself above her ribs and scanned down to her hips again. "well. that's..." he pondered and then. "your miscarriage has headed completely." he informed her. "and your arm is healed enough that you can do harsher exercises." he admitted before looking at her. "and here's the kicker and i'm not sure how to tell you this but... uh.. well your still pregnant." he admitted. "the fetus is growing as expected and it appears to be strong and healthy."

"doesn't he do that anyway?" Phil asked, looking amused. "you do always look good." Phil agreed with a chuckle before smiling at the baby. "he is a darling thing." he admitted, gently touching a little toe, looking completely freaked out when the baby started crying. "oh my god i broke the baby..." Phil said, sounding shattered and Clint collapsed he was laughing so hard, Laura rolling her eyes. "you didn't break the baby, he's just hungry. hand him over." she ordered, amused, tucking Nathaniel close to her and feeding him from her breast, completely uncaring that her breasts where still showing.
“Thursday, and you’re nearly as bad as tony.”She teased looking amused before smiling. “You know I’m always glad to help. Testing things out is awesome.”she said before looking interested as she eased up onto the table, laying back as she watched it. Eyes widening. “This is awesome. Amazing. Definitely one of the better things you two have made.”She agreed before frowning, “Good. That’s good news. I’ll start the exercises now.”She said looking concerned for the look he was giving her before paling, sitting up quickly. “What? But-I....what?”She stuttered eyes going wide and near manic panicked, “I can’t-I nearly-what?”She whimpered.

“True.”Natasha said amused. “he is.”James agreed eyes widening, looking just as freaked out, “We broke the baby. Clint!Help!”James hissed looking anxious and ready to freak out more as he handed nathaniel over to laura, relaxing as the baby calmed."You two are adorable."Natasha snickered smirking at her two favorite men.
He snorted. "no one is as bad as Tony is... where is Tony?" he wondered before grinning at her. "epic!" he declared happily as she settled into place. "It is amazing." he agreed with a grin before smiling a little at her. "just remember to stop if it starts to hurt." he warned. "you could tear the muscles." he warned before gently setting a hand on her arm. "calm down for me a little okay? it's going to be just fine. your body is fully healed, and has sheared up around the baby. there's no chance of another loss." he promised. "i think what happened was you where going to have twins, but one was... not forming correctly so your body rejected it to protect the healthy twin." he explained softly. "your pregnant Steph, and your going to be able to carry this one to full term."

"relax, you didn't break him." Clint promised with another giggle. "they are adorable." Clint agreed with a grin, snuggling Laura a bit and dragging James down for snuggles as well. "we all need a nap. Nat your on baby duty." Clint declared, Phil grimacing but nodding because, well, he wanted a baby someday and it would be good to learn how to take care of one.
“tony’s wrapping presents.”Stephanie smiled a little. “I will. Besides, I have alot of people watching over me, they wont let me hurt myself. I’ll be good.”She promised before looking up at him, nodding quickly. “makes sense. Body tried to take care of us both....but I nearly killed this one....”She muttered eyes wide and panicked as she rested a hand over her stomach before tensing as she lost her grip on the present. And while it didn’t happen often, everyone knew Stephanie had had moments were the past and present blurred into one, leaving the super soldier without any sense of anything. Registering ‘doctor’ instead of bruce, bolting away from his hands, stumbling as she ran for the door, heading for the door, though thankfully jarvis managed to slow the elevator enough to give tony or bruce time to catch up to her.

“....okay. Baby is okay....”James relaxed huffing a little as he was teased before smiling as he settled in with clint to nap. “we have the baby. Nap.”natasha ordered looking amused as she held nathaniel, glancing at phil, raising a eyebrow when she saw him grimacing.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i know they won't, but it's better if you keep in mind yourself that you do have limits." he admitted. "you need to calm down." he urged. "you didn't anything to put the baby at risk." he assured her, wincing as she shoved him away and he shook his head and ordered Jarvis to tell Tony who was waiting for her in front of the Elevator. "Steph! Steph! easy, easy, it's okay, your safe here, it's okay. calm down now. calm down." Tony urged, trying to calm her down just enough that he could sequester her safely into a room where she couldn't harm herself or others and so that others wouldn't come across them or try to hurt her. "Steph, please, come on. we'll go hide, come on." he urged, gently guiding her to her bedroom, hoping that she would let him, would trust him.
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