
"i do want to change." Bruce admitted, already heading for the back bedroom, Clint huffing. "way to go Steph! now he'll never wear suits!" he whined, Laura chuckling again. "oh leave him alone Clint, let the poor man be comfortable." "but he was so cute!" Clint whined, Tony pouting as he nodded. "he was cute! you ruined it!" Tony whined, Chris hiding a laugh behind his hand. "Snowpiercer was a bit weird." Chris agreed with a chuckle. "it was fun playing such a darkish character though." he admitted. "i liked Seb in Political Animals." Chris agreed. "he was adorable. like a cute little abused puppy." Chris admitted with a chuckle. "i am flirting." Natasha admitted. "but he's not having sex with me so i have to flirt to get my sexual frustrations out." she admitted before grinning at Stephanie. "she is a sweatheart. i don't think she could be wicked or devious if her life depended on it."
“I’m sure you’ll get him in one for the wedding.” “....what wedding?”James asked eyeing Stephanie, rolling his eyes at the wicked little smirk on her face. “Yours of course.” “...I’m not getting married.”James said looking a little flustered at the idea. “I’m sure it was. Being the icon on ‘america’s lost innocence’ sorta makes me aware of how nice it is to not be....well. Me sometimes.”Stephanie said looking amused. “The cute abused puppy was cute.” “I’m not the puppy in this friendship.”Sebastian said looking amused as he rolled his eyes. “....Why isn’t phil sleeping with you?”Stephanie said, simply because she was aware discussing sex with her made natasha a little twitchy, before smirking at clint. “Definitely not devious. I mean, flirting still puzzles me most of the time.”It made stephanie nearly die laughing sometimes when she realized that some of her team still thought she was innocent, and didn’t have the sex drive of a overhyper rabbit.
oh, oops. your playing Nat in this one XP sorry got the RP's crossed XP)

""oh, you and Laura are getting married." Clint informed James, just to see his reaction. "you are totally the puppy. if i'm the golden retriever than your clearly a husky." Chris teased. "i imagine it must be hard having to be perfect for the people of America." he admitted, shaking his head. "so many people forget that your still a person under that cowl." he admitted before grinning a little at all the joking and teasing. this was brilliant. "i'm not sleeping with her because someone kneed me in the cock during training." "i apologized for that!" Tony protested. "it still hurts." Phil admitted simply. "i'm sorry!" "if you where really sorry, you'd do your paperwork." "i did my paperwork!" Tony whined. "...your evil." Clint informed her, Tony rolling his eyes. "no. your paranoid." he stated simply. "Stephanie is a sweetie, virginal and naive and all that. she still blushes when i say Fuck." "what's Fuck mommy?" Lila asked. "oops."
“W-what?”James sputtered, his head turning to look at clint in shock, eyes wide as he stared at him. “I am not.”Sebastian huffed a little. “ is. And it’s easier now....I have people that understand that I’m also Stephanie Rogers, along with Captain America.”Stephanie smiled a little. Glad to see Chris and Sebastian were enjoying themselves, “...Tony!”She scolded lightly. “It was very mean, Tony. And asking him to do his paperwork is punishment for whoever has to read it. I got a drawing of stephanie as a captain america turtle last time he did it.”Natasha teased smirking a little, because she had a feeling that even if it had been tony’s normal dyslexic writing, it had been stephanie who’d added that cute little turtle to it. “Am not.”Stephanie said smiling a little as she ate, snickering at lila’s repeating words, even as she blushed and kicked tony lightly in the shin. “Tony, put money in the jar. You know how it is with cussing.”Stephanie said, turning to look at johnny and chris, giving them that wide eyed look that would have totally been innocent, if it hadn’t been filled with wicked flirty laughter. “We’re not allowed cussing here. Tony pays alot of money each month for the privilege.”Stephanie said before leaning back, smirking a little. “Now. Captain, since you are here, would you care for a personal tour through tony’s captain room, by captain america herself?”
"yeah, you me and Laura are in a threesome relationship and we're all going to get married. "yeah, not happening." Laura teased with a chuckle. "ignore him. it's his instincts. he wants his old mate and his new mate to like each other so he can keep us both." she admitted with a chuckle. "it's not gonna happen Clint." "but i want it too..." "tough." "dammit." he whined before snickering at Tony who grimaced. "it wasn't on purpose!" he protested to Steph. "it was an accident and i gave him something from my Cap room to make up for it!" he complained. "that should be apology enough!" he complained, sulking before glaring at Natasha for making it all worse. "wait a minute... i never drew pictures on my paperwork." sometimes he drew formulas or equations, but never pictures. "....i refuse." Tony grumbled, yelping when Phil snagged his ear. "fine! fine! dammit! how much!?" he whined, grimacing when Lila asked. "what's Dammit mommy?" "Son of a... Turtledove!" "i know what a turtledove is!" Lila admitted happily. "it's a bird! "what!? wait! no! it's MY Captain Room! he'll touch things and try to take them!" Tony protested Chris chuckling as he crossed his heart. "i won't touch or steal. promise." he promised, Tony examining him before nodding. yeah, okay, as long as Chris promised.
"...i...what...."james sputtered looking lost. "I think you just broke james."sebastian snickered a little. "Oh that makes sense...okay totally not happening."james said looking thoughtfully as he looked at clint in amusement."good. And that does make up for it. Even if natasha has to live without sex." "He was very happy with the cap stuff....and you did draw a turtle. It was cute and amusing."natasha said looking amused."however much you want. I don't care just pay up."Stephanie said looking amused as Lila repeated tony, that was just cute."and I'm going with him. Don't worry I won't let him touch anything"stephanie said smiling as she got up. "Come on, let's go."she said nudging chris a little.
"i did broke James." Clint agreed with a grin. "i like breaking James, he makes those cute faces." he admitted with a grin. "it totally makes up for it." Tony agreed, Phil rolling his eyes because, yeah it did but he liked to give Tony a hard time. "i can't draw turtles..." Tony protested, looking honestly confused. "fine. here. have a hundred." Tony growled, shoving a wad of bills into the jar and glaring at her, not that he cared, he'd buy her anything she wanted but it was the principle of the thing. " that age is annoying." Tony decided, Lila giggling. "Yeah, okay." Chris agreed, blushing still but smiling, really happy about getting to see some Captain America things with Captain America herself. "wow. so, the rumors about him being obsessed where..." Chris asked, looking around at the massive floor full of Captain America things, like a museum. "oh wow!" Chris said, moving over to a wall. "My Dad had some of these! original comic books." he admitted with a smile. "my grandfather met you once." he admitted he was only a kid though. you fished him out of a river." he admitted with a smile. "he used to tell me that story every time i saw him."
“I do not. I don’t do cute.”James huffed a little. “....Getting Stephanie to do your paperwork doesn’t count as doing it yourself.” “I only drew the turtle.”Stephanie snickered a little, before smirking at tony. “Don’t look so upset. It’s not my fault you curse.”She said looking annoyed. Smiling as they entered the floor, looking around as she nodded. “Yea he is. But he has his reasons, and it’s only a little creepy.”Stephanie said looking amused, as she watched him looking around. “you’ll be amused to know I bribe him with those. First editions, makes him behave.”She snickered a little, before tilting her head. “....He was the kid I fished out?That was the first hour I was Cap. I totally was like a colt, skidding and falling everywhere. Totally went flying through a window when I tried to turn.”She looked amused as she watched him, tilting her head a little. Simply enjoying his company, as she considered how to jump him. half wondering how long it'd take the others, namely johnny and tony, that they'd have to distract the others from her sex life for the moment.
"you do too do cute." Tony teased James before huffing. "i am pretty sure everyone here knows when i do my own paperwork you dicks." "dicks!" "Son of a Llama!" Tony whined, popping another roll of bills into the swear jar and sulking at Lila because he was sure she was being used to punk him.

"there's reasons for being overly obsessed?" Chris asked, his head tilted a little. "well, considering it's Tony Stark i imagine it has to be a painful reason." he admitted before laughing a little. "you have to bribe him?" he asked with a grin. "that's kind of amazing." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "yeah, though to be honest we never really believed it actually happened." he admitted grinning at her. "i can't wait to tell all my family that he was actually telling the truth." he admitted with a grin. "Scott's gonna just have a coronary." he admitted happily before he smiled at her. "so, i was wondering, was there a reason you dragged me off alone?" he asked, his head tilted. "should i be worried about someones virtues being sullied? because to be honest, Sebastian really won't go for a threesome." well, he honestly wasn't too sure about that, but he was trying to flirt, it didn't seam to be going well.
“Do not. I’m badass and-” “Swear jar.”Sebastian snickered smirking a little as james glowered at him and tossed a few bills into the jar. “We’re being punked aren’t we?”James asked eyeing lila in amusement. Simply relaxed. “We’d never do that. Punking the Winter Soldier is a bad idea.”Natasha said looking innocently amused.

“Yea, there is. And mostly.”She said though it was obvious she wasn’t going to say more about that before snorting. “Hm, yes. To sleep, to eat. To be a reasonable human being. Bribing him is the easiest.”Stephanie said before laughing. “That’s awesome. If he’s still alive, you’ll have to tell him hi for me.”She said smiling because while it was hard, would be hard knowing and seeing the man so much older, it was good to know she’d saved someone. Tilting her head before smirking walking closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in for a kiss. “Captain, you should be very worried about your own virtues.”She said flirting a little, amused at his flirting. “You don’t flirt alot do you?”She teased.
"i know what a badass is!" Lila said, looking very happy. "Daddy is badass!... only i'm not supposed to say that word, it's a naughty bad word." Cooper snickered at that and Laura sighed and scowled at Clint ho smiled sheepishly at her because, yeah, that was his bad. "totally a bad idea." Laura agreed with a smirk. "why, he's so dangerous he might tickle us if he finds out we might have conspired with Stephanie." she teased, giggling into Nathaniel's hair.

"ah, Sebastian gets that way." he admitted with a smile. "James was his hero growing up. he wanted to do everything he could to be the best damn James Barnes he could be. he spent three months living in a gym so he could bulk up his muscles." he admitted before he shook his head. "he died when i was twelve." he admitted. "sorry." he wondered how hard it must be for her, everyone she ever knew dead from old age. even a kid she'd saved. "oh...." he stared at her, wide eyed before he grinned. "no, i don't flirt a whole lot." he admitted. "i have anxiety a lot so flirting is... hard." he admitted, hesitantly setting his hands on her hips. "but i really like you, and not just because of the stars and stripes." he promised. "i just think your the most amazing woman, fighting in a war in an age when women where supposed to-" here he wrinkled his nose in a clear show of hos terrible he had thought the era's opinions on women. "stay at home and be pregnant. and then to wake up in a world as shitty as this one and still function and save people... that's pretty epic. your the strongest person i've ever seen and i think no one gives you enough credit for that."
"So he is. Though you shouldn't use that word. It's okay. We'll teach you others."sebastian said looking amused. "I know romanian, stan. Don't go teaching her horrible things."james warned though he looked more amused then worried. "I'd never!just fun words." "...I'll totally tickle you both."james said seriously watching laura and natasha.

"Well he did a amazing job. To the point if I hadn't been aware of some things no one ever knew, I wouldn't have known it wasn't jamie acting."she said smiling a little before wincing."you know, I'm finding that more and more. It kinda sucks."Stephanie sighed a little because even if she'd only known him briefly, it still sucked to know he was dead."ah. I never got the hang of flirting really. I had jamie, now...I'm figuring out flirting. It's fun, these no one looks twice at me being what I am naturally instead of giving me that scandalized look for not being a icon of innocence."she sighed a little leaning into him, kissing him lightly."good. I would have been depressed if it was just for that. Though I do like you in the stars and stripes. It's your a good actor, I like that."she smiled before blushing at his praise."well I had to go to war. Who knows what kind of trouble jamie would have gotten into without me?"she grumbled before smirking at him,"so, are we gonna do it up against the display case with my shield, so tony totally freaks out next time he comes in here, or my bedroom?"she asked brushing off the praise, because accepting it was so very hard for her. Easier to ignore it.
"I like words." Lila admitted. "Will you teach me some good ones? i like big words that make my teachers think i'm smart." she admitted, Laura snickering because Lila was very smart and was always eager to learn. "Yeah! Tickle them Uncle James!" Lila declared, Cooper grinning. "i'll hold em down for you if you like?" he offered with a grin.

Chris laughed a little. "he researched the roll extensively." he admitted. "for his entire life. he knew things that even the director didn't know." he admitted. "though i doubt he could match your intimate knowledge." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, i just don't like meeting new people, it's so intimidating." he admitted before grinning at her. "i bet it is nice to know that as a woman you can do whatever the hell you want with your life." he admitted. "well... it's not hard to be a goofball on screen when i'm already a goofball." he admitted before smiling. "way i heard it, he'd be dead if you hadn't snuck off to war. have you seen Mulan yet by any chance?" he asked with an impish grin before he went bright red. "oh. uhm, bedroom please. i'm really hoping to get invited back and i don't think i will if i have sex on Mr. Starks things."
“I will. Lots of words.’Sebastian said smiling at her, “You’ll impress them with Romanian.” “I will. And yes, if you would.”James smirked leaning over to poke natasha, smirking as she laughed a little, before smirking at clint. “Wanna start a tickle war?”He asked eyes going to james, he would so tickle the man.

“I could tell. It was awesome.”Stephanie smiled a little before nodding. “I can understand that. New people can be weird. It was good making friends with my team, made it a little less..intimidating to have all new people.”She shrugged a little before nodding. “It is. So amazing really. It’s good to know women can do what they want.”She smiled before noddig, thinking about it. “He probably would. And I’ve seen it. Similar to you, Tony thought it was something I should see.”She snickered before laughing out loud at his reasoning. “probably not, though I don’t know why he’d sulk. He has sex on everything.”She sulked a little, smiling as she led the way back to her rooms, opening the door, stepping into the bedroom, as she looked up at him. “You have had sex right? Cause I’d feel weird. Like the world’s oldest living pedophile or something.”She said making a face, leaning in to kiss him, mostly just teasing him, though she felt weird about it sometimes if she thought about it.
"yay! Mommy, i'm gonna learn Romanian!" she informed Laura who smiled. "that's wonderful." she agreed happily. "i'll have to order some books for you." she agreed before smirking at James, Clint smirking a little as he examined Sebastian because, hell yeah he wanted to get his hands on that. some Sebastian on James action was too tempting to pass up. Cooper was laughing as he dived into Natasha, tickling her with wild abandon and Lila was attacking Phil, squealing as she was tickled back and Bruce chuckled, keeping his distance because tickling never ended well. it triggered his flight or fight response and that always made the Hulk sit to attention.

he grinned a little. "i helped." he said with a chuckle. "it was only because of me he learned about Bucky Barnes anyway." he admitted with a grin. "well, for the most part anyway. it's still pretty frowned upon to do some things, like walk down the street naked for example. or be drunk in public." he admitted with a grin and a chuckle. "i love that movie." he admitted with a chuckle before he snorted. "not on his Cap collection i'd bet." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes Captain, i have had sex and i'm older than i look." he promised with a chuckle, taking her chin in his fingers and shut her up by kissing her, humming softly. "you taste like apple pie and dreams come true." he teased her with his lopsided grin.
“Yes you are.”Sebastian grinned pleased, tilting his head. “And I’ll help you with the books. We’ll start with something good. Something easy.”Sebastian grinned pleased with her happiness, before smiling as he watched the kids, before tilting his head as he realized he was being watched, raising a eyebrow. James grinned, smirking as he watched him, tilting his head a little, wondering just how to proposition the man.

“Well, yes but you wouldn’t be internationalized even if I did it. It’d get me a slap on the wrists these days.”She said looking amused before smirking. “Me to. Disney’s one of my favorite things.”She smiled before snorting. “You’d be surprised. I’m sure it happened once or twice.”She looked amused before flushing at his teasing, “Good.”She muttered before whining quietly as she tugged at his shirt. “You’re as bad as johnny. No apple pie or freedom jokes. Or star spangled banner humming.”She whined even as she sank to her knees, smirking a little as she undid his jeans, humming the star spangled banner as she slid her mouth down over him. Going to town, after nearly 3 months without sex, and being hurt most of it, along with being pregnant had her body going into overdrive. Eager and happy as she rolled her eyes up to look at him, for the moment enjoying herself not to worry about the scar on her arm, or what he’d think when he’d realize that captain america wasn’t nearly as perfect as everyone thought.
she beamed at him. "Uncle James is the best!" she informed the room happily. as young as she was, she didn't understand really the concept of twins and didn't understand that just because they looked exactly alike didn't mean they where the same person. it was Clint who stalked over to Sebastian and leaned in to whisper in the others ear. "Me and James are going to go upstairs and have wild, kinky sex. you wanna join in?" Clint offered with a smirk, well aware James could also hear him. thank god the kids and Tony couldn't, though Bruce was blushing a little.

"well yeah, that's true too." Cris agreed with a chuckle and a shake if his head. "tough you could spend a few days in jail too." he admitted before grinning a little at her. "well. it is Tony Stark." he agreed. "okay, cross my heart and sear to die." Chris teased with a grin before gasping at her, eyes wide and stunned. "oh my god... oh my GOD!" he moaned, tossing his head back, uttering a few curses, trying to keep himself under control so he wouldn't just thrust into her because that would be really bad. "Jesus your good. oh my god..." he moaned, a hand curling into her hair, holding on because if he didn't he was going to collapse. "God. don't stop. oh my god that's amazing." he gasped, a little disappointed that she wasn't as innocent as everyone thought, but hell, he was getting a blowjob from captain America, that more than made up for it.
“Indeed I am.”Sebastian grinned looking amused as he looked at the girl, before raising a eyebrow as he looked over at james who was smirking at him before nodding as he got up. “Yes. Let’s take that tour. Yea.”Sebastian said getting up, looking interested and eager as he followed james out of the room. Looking amused as they left. “Well, that was blunt.”James smirked looking amused at clint as they headed for their rooms.

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time I was arrested.”She said snickering a little before looking amused at his promise. Laughing around him as he moaned, groaning as he slid his hands into her hair, whimpering quietly as she worked him, deep throating him as she closed her eyes, before easing back, wide wide and blown as she sat back on her heels. “Good?Or disappointed I’m not a cute little innocent?”She said looking fidgety and worried for a moment as she stroked a hand over him, even as she worked to get her own clothes off. Flushing as she stood in front of him, twitching a little. Because no matter what Tony said, she was self conscious about a body that was obviously honed down to lean muscle and bone, a warrior instead of what men had said women should be in the 40s. No matter how much she liked now, the era that had shaped her had left scars. Tugging his shirt off she leaned up to kiss him lightly, smirking. “I think I want to be on top.”She said gently pushing him back towards the bed, the wicked little smirk on her lips saying she was plotting wicked things.
"Excellent. you'll love all the high tech stuff the Tower has to offer." Clint said, smirking as he stroked Sebastian's ass as he walked past, Laura choking on a drink of coffee when she caught sight of it, Bruce snickering a little and trying to hide how amused he really was while Tony sulked and glared at his food. "of course it was blunt. i'm horny and the two of you together is gonna be damn hot. besides, Chris is getting laid, Sebastian should get laid too." Clint admitted. "now. do we need a safe-word or are we playing calm today?"

"well, no i'd imagine not." Chris agreed with a grin. "i've never been arrested myself." he admitted. "God. fuck. who said you could stop!?" he demanded, panting at her. "who cares if your not a virgin when you suck cock like that?" he asked her, shuddering a little as he watched her get naked, stripping off his own clothes. "i've never been so turned on in my entire life!" he whispered, catching her mouth in his once they where both naked because he just had to touch her. "god. yeah, okay." Chris gasped, letting her push him down onto the bed. "but i get to be on top next." he ordered. "i wanna see if i can make you beg like a virgin." he admitted wit a playful grin. "so, Captain, you have me at your mercy, whatever will you do to me?"
“You mean I’m not hot on my own?”James pouted a little which made sebastian laugh then sputter. “Chris and Steph?Really?”Sebastian said his eyebrows raising as he considered that, before looking at the two. “Whatever. I don’t care.” “safe word. I wanna watch the pretty boy beg.”James said smirking.

“I’m stopping cause I have better uses for your cock at the moment.”Stephanie smirked at him before laughing out loud. “I like sucking cock, it’s good to know it’s not being held against me.”She snickered a little before groaning as she kissed him back, clinging to the man as she moved to straddle his waist, resting her hands on his chest as she considered him, smirking a little. “well, captain. I thought that you deserved a dose of super strength used against you. I mean, you pretend to have it....I really do.”She smirked at him as she gathered his wrists in her hands, the small calloused hand barely big enough to actually wrap all the way around his wrists as she held his hands down to the bed, shifting her hold to make sure he was secure as she held both wrists in one hand, smirking at him as she shifted, wrapping a hand around his cock, guiding him into her with a small whimper, before resting her hand on his chest, holding him still as she rocked her hips, riding him slowly. “You look good like this. Helpless and needy, willing to do whatever I want.”She smirked at him.
"yep." Clint admitted with a chuckle before smirking at James. "god this is going to be amazing." he moaned, licking his lips as he opened the door to his apartment so they could ravish Sebastian and see just how they could make a Sergeant beg for it. "he is a pretty boy." Clint agreed, smirking at James. "very pretty. i wonder, of the two of you, which is more submissive?" he mused.

"Well if you have a better use then i certainly won't complain, even if i can, you know, more than once." he admitted. "i have an impressive Stamina, or at least that's what Seb says." he admitted with a grin before moaning as he was pinned down. "oh god this is hot. yes. i like this." he babbled, panting against her as he pressed his hips upwards, wanting more, needing more, whimpering as he felt himself encased in her tight heat. "wait... wait... condom. we need, forgot the condom." he gasped, trembling against her ith a moan. "i'm clean, but i have super swimmers you know." clearly she wasn't doing enough if he was still coherent. "God... Steph. yes." he moaned, hips thrusting again. someone liked being helpless, held down and controlled.
“It really is.”James smirked grinning as he ran a hand through Sebastian’s hair, smirking as the man whimpered leaning into his hand. “I think he is.”James said looking amused as he watched sebastian. “W-what do you want me to do?”Sebastian stuttered looking eager and needy as he looked at the two.

Stephanie smiled, “I know. Don’t worry. We’ll be here awhile.”She smiled a little tilting her head, wondering if him and sebastian were a thing, and if she should feel bad about seducing him before setting the worry aside. Grinning as he babbled she shook her head. “I’m already pregnant, don’t worry about it.”She said flushing a little at the admittance as she leaned down to kiss him, “You’re definitely to coherent. I should do something about that.”She grinned as she shifted, pinning him down as she rode him, whining softly in pleasure as the world splintered around her, groaning as she came, body tightening around him as her hands tightened around his wrists, tight enough to probably bruise, but for the moment, to lost to care if she was hurting him.
Clint smirked a little. "that's pretty awesome." he admitted, licking his lips. "he's such a sweet thing don't you think?" Clint asked with a smirk, setting his hands on Sebastian's shoulders, pressing down so he would sink to his knees. "i want to see you suck off your look alike." he decided, running his fingers through Sebastian's hair no as well. "i want to see you suck James dick."

"good." Chris gasped, grinning at her. "this is the best day ever." he moaned before looking startled at the information she was pregnant before groaning as she kissed him, deciding to worry about who he might be pissing off by sleeping with her later. "you should. you totally should." he babbled, moaning as he was pinned down more firmly and rode like a toy, his hips jerking, trying to match her speed and rhythm and unable to because his higher brain function had all fled south. he groaned loudly as he arched, shuddering as he came, buried as deep inside of her as he could get he milked himself out, panting hard and moaning in soft, short, breathless pants, looking very happy to be where he was.
James smirked."he really is sweet. Really."james laughed grinning as sebastian sank to his knees, groaning as the other started giving him a blow job without protest. Soon enough devoling into Russian as he lost all higher brain function to the others mouth."fuck him. Now."james growled as he came, tossing the younger man towards the bed with a pleased growl.

"It is."steph panted shivering. Groaning as she watched him come undone. There was definitely something hot about knowing she was the strongest one in bed. Later she gave a tired, contented purr as she curled up against him, resting her head against his chest. For the moment her over anxious mind relaxed and not even a hint of the tormoil that had been in her life for a long there. For the moment simply relaxed. Turning her head to look up at him she smiled sweetly, leaning in to kiss him."thanks chris. That was amazing."She muttered as she stifled a yawn. High praise considering she could usually go for hours on end, but she was sleepy and content.
"god, fucking, yes." Clint groaned, watching Sebastian Stan on his knees, giving James a blowjob was the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his entire life. "Yes." Clint growled, following Sebastian to the bed and wasting no time in stripping him naked, spreading him open with fingers and a vast amount of lube, and slid inside with eager possessive sounds. "i think we should keep him." Clint gasped, grinning at James. "look at you, all turned on because i'm fucking a man that looks just like you. and the sounds he makes, James. Jesus the sounds he makes." he moaned, fucking Sebastian hard and fast enough that all the young man could do was lay there and take it. "James. fuck, he's so hot and tight. you gotta fuck him next." he admitted, arching as he buried himself deep and came hard, milking himself into Sebastian with cooing, keening sounds. claiming him. still just enough in heat to take great joy in claiming someone who looked just like his mate.

"god damn." Clint mumbled, after three, or was it four? rounds, he was exhausted. "that was amazing." he agreed, fingers in her hair, running his fingers through the beautiful locks. "you where amazing, god. i've never felt so... yes." he admitted, still a little bit brain dead. "we can do this again sometime right?" he asked, grinning at her. "would it be wrong to ask for a nap with you?" he asked with a grin. "because i don't think i can make it to the door and your pretty tired yourself i'm sure." he admitted with a smile.
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