
In the morning stephanie whined quietly as he stirred, snuggling closer even as she heard the coffee start brewing. Si th ING quietly as she let him move enough to get his coffee she looked up at him with a small smile."tony? you want to be with me? this?I mean...."she stuttered a little sounding oh so vulnerable but needing a answer, needing to know.
Tony mumbled and groaned and grumbled as he hauled himself to his feet and staggered around getting his coffee before blinking at her and then looked down and nodded. "yeah. i want... i want to be with you." he admitted. "i shouldn't, i know. i'm not nearly good enough for you." he admitted. "but i want to try, even... even if..." he swallowed hard. "the others won't let me hurt the baby, and i know you won't let me hurt her either. i just... you have to swear, promise me you'll never eave me alone with her, because i can't... i can't be trusted."
"Okay. Good. I want to be with you to."she said blushing brightly at the admittance, feeling calmer thrn she had the night before as she rolled on her stomach, resting her chin against his chest as she looked up at him."no, we won't let you hurt her. And I trust you tony, even 2hen you don't trust yourself. But if it makes you feel better, I promise I'll never leave you alone with her."she said smiling at him sadly, it hurt her to see him so upset at the idea of having a child
he smiled at her a little, wondering if she would want to be with him for a few months or just a few weeks. he knew she would not want him more than that, no one ever did. "okay." he sighed, relaxing at her promise to never leave him alone with the baby. as long as that was a promise, he would be okay. "want some coffee?" he offered her.
Stephanie smiled at him, shaking her head. “Hot coco. Until the baby’s here, I’m laying off the coffee.”She smiled kissing him lightly, not knowing what was coming, but they’d be okay. They could do it.

A few months later stephanie smiled as she rubbed a hand over his stomach, looking around to make sure none of the others were there. They got so fussy when she tried to do anything these days, even though her super soldier body was definitely better off then most. The fact that she was still in shape, slender for the most part, simply looking like she’d shoved a basketball under her shirt, the woman was being fussed over to a extreme degree, with james being the worst of them all. Even though tony was a close second. Smiling pleased when she realized she was alone for the moment, she smiled as she started to cook.
he blinked, looking horrified before he snorted. "i forgot. you don't like coffee. Jay? hot cocoa please."

Tony stumbled into the kitchen a half an hour later, opened his mouth to complain before sighing a little and shook his head. "fine... fine..." he grumbled, sulking a little. he was getting very tired of arguing with her. he had been taking therapy and was much more relaxed about the baby. he still had his moments of pure terror but he was getting much better. "can i feel?" he asked, he always asked permission before touching her belly. only Tony knew why though the others could guess.
Stephanie smiled at him, tilting her head a little. “I can make toast. I’m not a invalid. Or sick. Tony, even bruce says I’m fine.”She said smiling softly at him, tilting her head a little as she considered him, smiling at him, before nodding. “Yes, if you want.”She said watching him. She was curious why he always asked, but hadn’t quite asked, because she didn’t want to hurt him by asking for a question.
"you are invalid." Tony grumbled, sulking before smiling as Laura and Chris walked in. the man had started clinging to her like a limpet, much to Clint's annoyance. not that he could say anything because Laura would kick his ass. his heat had abated rather quickly once he had the sex marathon with James and Sebastian and now the man seamed to be a permanent fixture in their bed. he beamed at her when she said he could touch and very gently settled his hands on her belly and smiled at it when the baby shifted, making him look as if Christmas had been rolled up with his birthday, Halloween, Easter and valentines and had been presented to him right then and there. he was really too cute.
“I am not.”Stephanie huffed a little, leaning into him as the other rested his hands on her stoamch, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his chest. Tired, even if she’d never admit it. Having just got up, she was well aware that if she admitted being tired, she’d be bundled off back to bed. “Hey guys.”Stephanie smiled at chris and laura, fairly amused at the fact that they were dating, even if it annoyed clint. Which in turn sorta bothered james even if she knew he was hiding it, though clint probably should know. But watching both sebastian and james stumble in after the other two, was amusing. They looked like they’d spent all night having sex instead of actually sleeping, shuffling over for coffee. “You’re to cute.”Stephanie muttered as she saw the look on tony’s face, kissing him lightly, before smiling a little. “So, I was thinking. We should go out this afternoon. A date.”She said nervous and disliking the needy feeling that tightened her chest at the request.
"Tony smiled a little at her when she rested against him. he loved her, so very much. so, so much. "good morning." Chris said before grinning at Clint. "morning Clint." "i don't like you." "Clint! be nice!" Laura commanded, Clint whining before grinning at his boys and fussed over them, as he always did 'a night after'. mostly he fussed over Sebastian since he was always 'the bitch' and needed more fussing but he was almost as bad about fussing over James as he was over Stephanie and he soon had them in chairs and was about to get them breakfast when Laura dumped Nathaniel in his arms and he was entirely distracted by his boy, cooing at him and beaming at the baby who giggled and squealed and clapped his little hands and kicked his little feet. he was an all around happy baby and only cried when he was hungry or had soiled himself. though he'd gotten an ear infection and hadn't stopped crying for two weeks straight a while ago. Tony even handled the baby from time to time, when he was brave enough. "what!? outside! but. but... invalid!" he protested, though there was a glitter of amusement in his eyes, letting her know he'd totally take her out on a date and he was just teasing her.
"We're okay.just need coffee."sebastian said, looking tired and amused though as he cuddled around the coffee cup he was holding. Sipping it as he watched them. Watching this group of people, made him feel right at home. Stephanie huffed a little as they started eating. "Yes outside. And I can walk a few blocks for food. And maybe a movie or something. It'll be fine tony."
"well there's plenty." Tony admitted with a chuckle before smirking at Stephanie even as he let Clint deposit baby Nathaniel into his arms so he could focus on making Sebastian and James eat. Tony gently rocked Nathaniel who cooed and giggled and clapped, just as happy in Tony's arms as he was in anyone's, it had really helped Tony come to terms with being a father. "we'll drive and do both." Tony compromised with a smile before he looked horrified and then scrunched up his face. "Clint, your monster just shit." Clint collapsed into laughter and Laura started snickering because Nathaniel loved to soil himself when in Tony's arms. this was the fourth time in a row.
Sebastian whined a litle even as he ate, sulking at being forced to eat, but willing to do so. “Okay, we’ll do both.”Stephanie said looking startled that tony was okay with that, or that james wasn’t protesting it. Snickering as nathaniel pooped, looking amused that he just did it to tony, smiling as she finished eating. “Come on, tones. Let’s go out.”She said looking utterly happy.
Tony smiled at her. "hey, i'm just as frustrated being cooped up as you are. i think a date would be nice." he admitted with a smile before grimacing and headed to the table to change Nathanial's diaper. he had gotten good enough now that he didn't throw up anymore. it was still an intense struggle but he wanted to be perfect for his own baby so he practiced, practiced and practiced. "well jeese Steph, let me take a shower first huh? i stink." Tony complained with a laugh. "give me a half hour to clean up and then we'll away into the sunset." he teased.
“it’s your fault we’ve been cooped up. Between working and fussing, we haven’t left in weeks.”She said pouting a little, teasing him some as she leaned in to kiss his cheek, looking amused and oh so proud when he changed the diaper. He was just doing so well. “Fine, shower. Want company?”She said smirking a little as she headed for the bedroom to get ready herself. Amused and simply happy. “....They’re almost sickeningly cute.” James said snickering a little as he watched the two.
"i know, i know, i'm sorry." he huffed, pouting at her before smirking. "nah. i'll get distracted and then we'll never leave." he admitted, kissing her. they where sickeningly sweet but Tony didn't really care. soon enough they where ready to leave and he looped his arm in hers with a grin. "so. what say you love? dinner and then movie?" he offered. "i know this great little restaurant."
“You should be.”She said kissing him before snickering. “well, maybe we might get distracted.”she said getting ready to go. Flushing a little at the name, despite being called love all the time now, it still made her blush. “Yea, dinner and a movie sound amazing.”She said grinning as she followed him out.
he grinned at her before kissing her. "i love you." he admitted to her with a smile. ever since he'd realized that she wasn't going to leave him, he made sure that he told her that he loved her at least once a day though sometimes he said it more than that because he was worried he'd forget. he was smiling as he led her to the car and made sure she was settled and headed off to one of his favorite restaurants. it was a little 'hole in the wall' sort of thing and there weren't many people here but the food, Tony assured her, was fantastic.
Stephanie smiled kissing him back. It was sweet, how much he made sure to tell her, all the time. Settling in to eat, the pregnant woman looked amused. This was awesome, and exactly what she’d expected from tony. A hole in the wall, where it was private and quiet. Pausing when her bladder voiced a opinion she groaned, “This kid is gonna drive me insane. I don’t wanna spend half my day in the bathroom.”She whined a little, though she looked amused as she leaned over to kiss his cheek before walking for the back to go to the bathroom. Though she didn’t return in awhile, and when Tony went to look for her, she was laying on the floor, curled up, past out. Though that wasn’t the worrying part. The worrying part is that she was smaller, and shorter then she had been in decades.
he grinned at her when she groaned because he knew what problem she was having. she complained about it several times a day. he was very worried when he asked a woman to go in and check on Stephanie and when the woman came out in a rush he did the sensible thing, he called Bruce and raced into the bathroom and ordered Jarvis to start looking at the surveillance videos to find out what happened even as he applied what little first aid he knew to check and see if she was hurt, carefully sliding her into his lap once he knew she wasn't hurt. Bruce was there in seconds and was there to help with her, checking for any sign of injury and had to waste several long moments explaining to the paramedics that he was her personal physician and that going to the hospital wasn't going to help her. when she woke u though, it was in her own bed with Bruce standing guard and he smiled at her. "how are you feeling? no, don't get up." he ordered. "your body is currently too weak to handle your pregnancy, you have to be on bed rest or you risk doing severe damage to yourself or the baby." he explained. "i have you on a few drugs to help keep both of you stable. and no, abortion is not an option at this time." he promised her. "your too far along." because he knew that was a worry for her. "there are other options if things go sour, like an artificial womb. that's last option though." he admitted to her. "whatever happens, your baby will be born healthy and whole. i promise."
Stephanie bliked slowly as she woke up, frowning a little as she looked up at bruce, wincing as her breathing wheezed through lungs that were weaker then they had been in years. “What....happened?I feel....weak. Sick.”She said looking down, looking panicked as she looked at slender slender hands, fragile and sickly, “What....Bruce I’m did I get turned back?”She said sounding scared, because she’d always feared the serum would reverse itself, she’d never considered it’d happen though. “....I’ll....we’ll be okay?”She asked looking scared that he was lying to her about the abortion, that he was going to soften the blow. “Promise?”
"shh. we're not sure yet. we've run blood samples but i can't see anything biological wrong with your other blood samples so Tony is looking." Bruce explained. "the only difference that i could see was a distinct lack of certain genetic strains that i now know was the Serum enhancing your genetic codes." he admitted, gently taking her hand. "i can't promise that you will both be okay. i can promise that if i have to chose between you and the baby i will choose the baby. i know you would never forgive me, or yourself if you lost the baby again so we'll do everything we can. Tony doesn't like it, but he understands. i don't think it will come to that, there are other options, but if there is no other choice, i swear i will do every thing possible to make sure your baby lives." he promised her. "i won't bother explaining them to you for now because at the moment you and the baby both are stable and healthy." Bruce admitted. "as long as you stay calm and in bed everything should be fine. I'm feeding you, and thus the baby, a boost of nutrients, vitamins and immune system boosters." he explained, indicating the I.V. "I'll give you one a day until we get this all sorted out until you either recover the Serum or have stabilized. or the baby is born but you'll need other things after that so..." he shrugged. "just rest while you can and know that if anyone tries to hurt that baby, or you, Hulk will rip them to shreds. he agreed. Hulk will even stop me if he has to."
“Oh....good. Tony’ll find out what’s wrong.”She said, because she trusted tony. Knew tony, knew bruce. Knew they would do everything they could. “...the serum corrected what was wrong with my own least that’s how I understood it. Now that it’s seemed to reverse....well it’s gone back to what it was.”She sighed softly, coughing a little. Damn, it was going to take getting used to the new lungs. “Thank you bruce....and you’re right. Things are better now....I’m sure we can do this.”She said rubbing a hand over her stomach, smiling softly. Relaxing back into the bed, trusting the hulk. Smiling softly. “it amuses me the hulk likes me best.”she said smiling tired again, before frowning. “How’s james doing?And will you send tony up?”she asked, needing to see tony. To reassure herself.
"Tony is a genius after all." Bruce agreed with a smile. "yes that's exactly what it did. it added genetics building blocks to make up for the ones you where born without, or in some cases with." he admitted. "i don't think the Serum can reverse, it's more that it's been removed." he admitted. "i have an inhaler for you." he admitted. "a twenty four hour one, you take it every morning as soon as you wake up, and a rescue for you to take anytime you feel short of breath." he explained, offering both to her. "there's also a nebulizer for the afternoons which might also help." he admitted. "Thing are a lot better now." he admitted with a smile. "Hulk does like you the most." he agreed with a smile. "he likes that you have a little you inside of you too. he's very excited." he admitted. "i don't think there's going to be a baby more protected." he admitted with a smile before he winced a little. "ah well... James' not doing so well." h admitted. "he seams to be blaming himself and even Clint can't seam to talk him out of the idea that you hate him and Tony... Tony's taking it even harder." he admitted. "he's drowning himself in work, trying to pretend he's not upset that he nearly got you killed." he held up a hand, silencing her protests. "it's not true, i know. but he feels that way and i think your the only person who can calm either of them down. i just wanted to prepare you before i called Tony or James in here."
"Well...I don't know what happened. I was in the bathroom, then I felt a prick in my neck then...nothing. I don't know what happened."she shrugged a little hating thst none of them knew what happened.before taking the inhalers."thanks...these are definitely better then not having anything. 1940s were Ruta with asthma."she made a face before smiling."I know. He's quite cut about it really."she said smiling at the thought of the hulk, having let him out to play in the hulk room, he'd been so sweet and careful the last time, when he'd realized she was pregnant."dammit...jamie..."she cursed closing her eyes as she considered it before swallowing thickly."send tony up. Of the teo, he'll be the one the worst off. Clint can take care of james for the moment."Trusting clint to keep james from being to depressed for the moment.
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