
"your totally ancient." Clint agreed with a chuckle before smiling sheepishly at Natasha and Phil. "...Gandalf made me do it?" "Mrow." the massive cat leaped onto the table and sat down in front of Tony who fed him a few saved pieces of pepperoni. "there are certain places in a man's life that should be held as pure, the office i spend two thirds of my day in should be one of those places!" he complained, shaking his head. "why did you have to defile the office like that?! it's so wrong!" he whined, munching on his nasty Pizza and sharing the pieces of Anchovies with Gandalf while Bruce started on his second Pizza. Gandalf quickly decided that Stephanie's lap was the best place to wash his whiskers.
“Thanks, clint.”Stephanie rolled her eyes a little before snorting at his excuse. “I think not.”Natasha said studying the cat as she moved over to the couch, sitting down as she started to eat. Revenge would be later, when he least expected it. “You have had sex in equally sacred places. Don’t complain to much.”natasha said rolling her eyes a little as she ate. “Hello Gandalf.”Stephanie muttered, startling a little as the cat sat down in her lap, smiling slightly as she finished eating, and indeed she’d put away nearly three of her pizzas, laying back with a quiet sigh, content as she watched the others, eyes following them, not as a artist, but as a woman. Drawn to them, since the men in this room, were the only ones she’d let get close again. “You have a fundraiser tomorrow, tony. I came up to remind you.”Pepper said as she finished eating.
"i think so." Tony admitted. "Gandalf has sick skills you know. he can teleport now. and i'm teaching him how to control people's minds... it's working too well i think." he admitted. "i just fed him all my pepperoni." he admitted, sulking. Gandalf offered her another 'Mrow' and went to sleep. when they where all done there was almost a whole Pizza and a half left from what the others hadn't eaten and Bruce pulled them over to himself and gulped down everything that was left just like Tony had promised. no wasted food. there was only one slice left on Clint's plate because he liked to have a slice for breakfast the next day. "shit!" Tony cursed. "am i running it or attending?" he asked. "do i have to take something to sell or did you do that already and what's my spending limit?" he demanded of her. wanting the nitty gritty details to make sure everything was fine and taken care of.
“...Gandalf does have sick skills, but I don’t think he can teleport.”Stephanie said, looking unsure at the idea. “Don’t listen to him. He’s being ridculous.”Natasha assured the worried looking blond, shooting tony a look for making up stuff when he knew stephanie didn’t understand. Protective of the captain. Smiling quietly as she stroked the cat’s back as he slept, stephanie was indeed glad t see all the food eaten before snickering at tony’s cursing. “Attending. Both you and the captain actually.” “Oh. Is this that one that said there was a auction?”Stephanie said looking up from where she’d been watching, stirring as she heard her name, looking at the two. “What kind of auction?” “I don’t know. She said I was to bring a picture. I don’t know why they want one of me, but I thought I’d paint one....”Stephanie said, tilting her head a little. Pepper frowned, looking at the woman, eyes sharpening as she considered that. Wondering if the woman had understood the idea of a a date auction, people paying money to spend the evening with someone. Glancing at tony, wondering and trying to figure out how to bring it up, without making her feel worse about not understanding
"of course he can teleport! he's magic isn't he?" Tony asked with a grin, that same 'i'm up to mischief grin' that Stephanie could stop a million miles away before he scowled a little. "i'm sorry, did you just say Cap was going?" he demanded, remembering suddenly exactly what this auction was. "absolutely not. Stephanie isn't prepared or ready for that kind of thing." Tony protested, his own 'i need to protect my family' rearing u before he sighed at turned to Stephanie. "it's an auction for dates." he explained. "i agreed because i'm a whore for attention." not true at all, it was just the best thing he could do when no one realized he was Iron Man. "you go stand up n stage and people bid money, whoever get's the highest bid wins a single date." he held up a finger. "there are rules however. your date is not allowed to touch you in any inappropriate ways and if they do, you are allowed to cancel the date right then and there." Tony had done that several times over the years since he'd started dating Pepper. he had become completely chaste just for her and had cut way, way back on the whoring after they'd broken up. "this isn't something you have to do and i'm going to strangle that bitch for tricking you into it." he admitted, looking very much like an angry father or brother rushing to the defense of a young woman. it was kind of cut and it was something all of the Avengers where still getting used to. only Phil seamed at all used to it. "you don't have to go, Stephanie but if you do want to try i can give you a crash course on how to manage a date with a fan." he promised her. "and considering people will think you too naive to know better, i'll run you through what to do if he get's handsy. punching them is not an appropriate response unfortunately."
"...whatever mischief your up to, stop."Stephanie ordered rolling her eyes a little as she considered the billionaire."I did. Ms. Vanderbilt messaged me today to make sure that both her and you were ready."pepper said having mostly told them so tony could convince her not to go."she said it was for charity. I can handle a party, a party is better then a fight."Stephanie said frowning a little at the reactions."you won't like this, cqp."natasha frowned looking worried, tilting her head. Wondering if they were going to simply make Stephanie even more stubborn."okay....that doesnt sound to bsd. I've done stuff like that ..."she frowned considering it. Considering the shows she'd done before the war, this wasn't so bad really. Frowning, and feeling lost. Because she hadn't known what was happening, but she had said she'd do it."....telling them they can have a grope for awedding ring would be inappropriate to?"she said giving that equally wide eyed look, before sighing, growing serious. Looking at tony, "if... what do you suggest I do?"she said willing to trust him
"...i'm not up to anything!" Tony protested. "i was just thinking about it!" he complained, sulking before scowling. "Ms. Vanderbilt is about to get a very stern talking to." he admitted before shaking his head. "it is for charity, but most people don't like to do things like this because it makes them feel like objects and it can be very demeaning." he admitted. "for someone like me, who can't really get any lower than he already is, it's fine." he admitted. "a... a grope for a wedding ring!?" Bruce asked, choking on his pizza. "no! don't say things like that, they'll think your being serious!" he protested, shaking his head. Tony thought very hard about it and then. "i think you should back off the auction but attend the party. if anyone asks why be honest and admit you didn't know you where auctioning yourself and didn't feel comfortable with offering yourself up like that. play on your innocence and no one will give you a hard time about it. if Vanderbilt tries to guilt you into it, inform her you owe her nothing since she wasn't straight up and honest with you in the first place and make sure as many people can hear you as possible." Tony suggested. "i'll give you a cheque before we leave and donate that to the organization. i don't know how much money you actually have yet, we're still looking through the numbers, so i'll front you the money." he promised her. "and no, you won't pay me back." he pondered again. "i would suggest taking Phil with you, he can keep back anyone who would want to swarm you or attempt to take advantage of you." he admitted. "i doubt they could but this will keep them from trying." he admitted.
“Don’t yell at her. It’s not her fault.” “yes it is. She was well aware you’d have no idea what she really meant if she simply asked you to o something for charity.”pepper sighed a little shaking her head a little watching the other. “Well, yes. I mean, if I’m waiting for marriage, shouldn’t I wait to be married to be groped?”Stephanie said with such wide eyed innocence, that only tony would know that she was trolling them all. “Okay, I wton tell them that then.”she agreed smiling a little. Frowning as she considered it, before nodding. “Okay. Good. I already bought a dress, it’d be a shame to not go.”She smiled relaxing a little, tilting her head. “I’m sure she wont bring it up. She wont want everyone knowing she used you.”Pepper said shaking her head a little before snorting as stephanie looked ready to protest. “....fine. I wont pay you back.”stephanie said, sulking a little, before noding a little. “Okay, phil?”She said looking at the other.
"she took advantage of you and you know it." Tony said to Stephanie, trying to be as gentle as possible. "she knew you didn't know much about this culture and she took advantage of that." he admitted. "but don't worry, we'll get you caught up in no time." he promised her with a smile before turning away before he laughed at all of them. How could they honestly think she was that innocent?! "it won't be in her best interest to bring up something like that." Phil agreed. "she wants good publicity from this, which means people learning that she nearly tricked Captain America into it wouldn't work in her favor." Phil admitted before he smiled at her. "i would be delighted to go with you." he promised. "Natasha can have a night in and catch up on her missed episodes." he assured her with a smile. "and extract sweet revenge of course." Clint winced a little at that.
“...I know of no such thing.”Stephanie said twitching a little, nearly incapable of saying bad things about anyone, even if they deserved it. “She did, don’t worry, we’ll yell at her for you.”Pepper promised looking amused as she stretched. “Well, we’ll give her the publicity, and maybe she’ll leave me alone.”Stephanie smiled a little as she snickered. “Thanks Nat, for letting me burrow your boyfriend.” “Hm, I’m going to get caught up on Supernatural, so have fun. He distracts me when he’s home.”She said before smirking at clint. “oh yes, definitely revenge.”She agreed amused, tilting her head as she watched stephanie blink sleepily. “When was the last time you slept?” “uhh....a day ago?Two...”She frowned starting to crash.
"of course not." Clint agreed. "after all, not everyone has to have such a cynical view. it could be that Ms. Vanderbilt just assumed that Stephanie would understand of failed to explain properly. it happens all the time!" he pointed out, trying to defend Stephanie and wanting to think the best of Vanderbilt since he had a very small crush on her. "she better leave you alone." Ton grumbled before smiling as Phil chuckled. "i enjoy distracting you." he teased her with a chuckle, ignoring the way Clint was pretending to gag behind him before he flinched at Natasha's comment and slipped away from the table to go hide in his vents. "right. time for bed." Tony ordered her with a smile. "we can finish the tour when your not so sleepy." he promised. "go on. get a good sleep." he ordered her with a smile. "and remember to ask Jay for anything you need. i'd take you down but some people..." he glared at Bruce. "have to be watched a lot more than others and he too has been skipping his sleep." "...i don't need to sleep yet! i'm so close Tony!" "nope. bed time." he ordered Bruce, amused when Bruce whined like a child, the only indication that Bruce was actually really tired.
“I’m sure.”Stephanie relaxed at clint’s words, smiling a little. “I know you do.”Natasha smirked at her boyfriend, snickering as clint fled. This was going to be amusing. “...Okay. Though not that sleepy.”Stephanie muttered even if she was following orders, which meant she was tired enough to actually sleep. “I will. Don’t worry, I can get downstairs.”She smiled snickering a little at the two scientists, even as she headed downstairs.

Later, “Sir?Captain Rogers is awake and agiated....I thought you would like to know that she has not slept long. She went upstairs, but only slept about a hour.”Jarvis said, sounding fretful, which only the AI could do so well. Which was worrying, since Jarvis didn’t do feelings well, though sometimes he did them better then tony did. Which meant that Stephanie was worrying the AI. And indeed, Stephanie was downstairs in the , gym, going to town on the punching bag. Stirring a little at the sound of the door swishing open as Tony stepped in, but not otherwise responding to his presence.
"Thanks Jay." Tony said, sliding out of bed and stuffed his feet into his Captain America Slippers and shuffled for the door, unaware that he was wearing Captain America Sleep pants as well. at least he wasn't wearing a captain America shirt, he was wearing a led zepplin instead. "bad dreams?" he asked her, stepping behind the punching bag and steadying it for her but not standing close enough that the bag would slam into him as she hit it. "you know, you have one of these in your room." he admitted with a smile. "looking for some company?" he guessed.
Stephanie tilted her head a little as she saw him coming around, barely resisting the urge to lash out at him as he did. Careful to keep violent reaction down, which answered his question all on it’s own. Bad enough dreams to not only drove her out of bed, but to put cracks in a usually iron clad self control. “I know. But it’s not strong enough to go all out on. Neither is this one, really, but it’s stronger then the one in my room.”She said wrinkling her nose a little, not realizing it was one of tony’s reinforced ones, not realizing it would show just how carefully she had to be in control all the time, if even tony’s specially made things, dented under her hands. “Not really, no. Though I do apperciate the clothes. Cute, Stark.”She said even as she started to bash at the bag again, carefully in control, even if she was wailing on it still.
he smiled at her before tilting his head a little. "i can fix that." he promised. "this is my Iron Man bag." he admitted. "but i can make some more sturdy for you." he promised. "clothes?" he asked, looking confused before he blushed hard. "oh... yeah. i uhm... never traded out my wardrobe after i actually met you." he admitted with a grin. "but then, i guess i don't care much to. i think Captain America will always be my favorite person." he admitted with a smile, watching her. "do you want to talk about it?" he offered her. "or should i go suit up and give you something that hits back?"
“I don’t you can make it strong enough to wail on, Tony.”She muttered, “I can feel the metal in it. And Kevlar. This is the strongest one I’ve ever seen, and I’ve already sent it across the room.”She said her features pinched, something quiet there, a memory before shaking it away before snorting. “Hmmm, I’m glad Cap is someone’s favorite.”She said rolling her eyes a little before thinking about it, “As long as you don’t mind if I dent your suit, I’d apperciate the fight.”
he smirked. "you greatly underestimate me." he admitted. "i built toys that Hulk couldn't break. a rubber freaking ducky for him, seriously. i can make you a punching bag." he promised with a chuckle before nodding. "if you can dent my suit then i clearly need to make it better." he admitted. "Jay! Mark LXIII please?" he ordered, a hole popping open in the wall and a small tube popped out. "after the chitauri attack, and the mess with 'The Mandarin' who was really Aldrich Killian i made a nearly instantaneous suit transfer system." he admitted. "i hate the idea of needing my suit and not being able to get to it. if something happens a female version of the suit heads straight for pepper anytime she's placed in a dangerous situation." he admitted as he kicked the small Tube. "this is actually the first time i've actually tested it." he admitted. "so feel free to wail on it, i need to check it's abilities." he admitted, grinning as the suit, ever the red and gold, folded over him. for the next hour, he managed to keep up with her, barely.

no one really seamed to understand the amount of effort Tony took. while Jarvis did most of the work, it was still Tony who had to move the suit, Tony who had to physically turn, twist his wrist just so, lug around the heavy suit. no one saw the three hours a day he put into honing his skills. from sparring in the boxing ring with Happy, learning Tai Chi and Tai Kwon Do with Bruce, and letting Natasha pound on him in an effort to learn how to defend himself. so, him keeping up with her, for so long, was bound to be a surprise, especially when he finally called it quits and exited the machine, panting hard and sweating but not looking wrecked at all. "damn. you do hit hard." Tony admitted with a grin. "the Mark LXIII held up a lot better than i thought it would." it had dents, scratches, and part of the shoulder had crumbled like an accordion and he was pleased with this? the man was insane. "now, i want you to do one more thing for me." he admitted to her with a smile, pointing at the bag. "hit that, one more time, hard as you can, no holding back." he ordered. "Jarvis will measure the force of the hit so i can better reconfigure a punching bag for you." he admitted. "and then we need a shower, i stink." he admitted, wrinkling his nose and checking his watch, sighing when he realized it was broken. "this is the sixth one this week." it was Monday.... how had he gone through six watches in two days?
“A rubber ducky?Really?”She said sounding amused at the idea, before nodding. “Okay. Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind.”She smile relaxing a little at the idea of having someone to actually fight back, before smiling a little. “Your a good man you know. Taking care of her.”she said, because she knew alot of ex’s wouldn’t have put in the effort to make sure their ex was looked after. It was cute and endearing really, and just ripped her heart to bloody shreds as she thought about her dream, remembered another man who would have been so very careful with any woman near him.

Surprised as she slowed down, nearly wavering on her feet, the fact that it had been tony calling it quits despite Stephanie being the one that looked like she was ready to pass out from exhaustion, was saying something of her stubbornness that she had kept fighting until Tony made her stop. “You know, I knew Nat and Clint were teaching you hand to hand, but I didn’t believe it.”she panted as she watched him, amused because as much as clint grumbled about having to teach the billionaire, she knew the assassin enjoyed it, making sure his team could look after himself and double teaming him just upped tony’s chances of surviving. Looking fairly wrecked herself, exhaustion and emotionally wrung out, looking utterly wrecked next to tony who looked like he hadn’t been doing anything. Looking down at her hands, she could already see the bruises and scuffs from hitting the metal already healing, looking at him like he was insane. “You’’re glad I broke your suit?”She said looking confused before tilting her head. “Okay. Punch then shower....hopefully this wasn’t a offer to a joint shower, man-whore.”she teased, biting and nasty, at least for stephanie it was mean. Exhaustion usually left her in a fairly foul mood, the fact she hadn’t gotten any sleep, just made it worse. “...Six watches?Really?”She said shaking her head as she checked her own watch. “we have a few hours before we have to be ready for the party.”She muttered even as she crossed the room, “Okay, J. Watch this.”She said balling up her fist, and taking him at his word. Putting as much effort into it as ever. Remembering what first James, then Clint had taught her about hitting. That the point of hitting wasn’t simply to touch the surface, the best way to imagine hitting something was to envision your fist flying to five inches past it. Which had been fine when she was human, now as a super soldier the solid and powerful hit rocked Tony’s iron man bag so far that the chain snapped and hit the wall with a thud of plaster rain down as it fell to the floor.
he shrugged. "for such a long time she was all i had." he admitted. "out of everyone i had ever known, she was the only one who hadn't betrayed me somehow." he admitted, smiling at Stephanie. "the Avengers are... new. i'm not always sure how to handle people who. you know, actually like me." he paused, looking a bit uncertain. "at least... i think you guys like me." he admitted.

"it's a good thing the suit does most of the work." he admitted. "or i'd be exhausted." he was exhausted, he just hid it better. an he'd gotten sleep. he watched her hands healing and touched a fading bruise on his cheek that he knew was going to be completely gone in a few more minutes. "yeah, i am glad." he admitted. "see, if my suit can't hold up against a super soldier then it sure as hell can't stand up to an Asgardian and i'm not so stupid as to think Loki is the only threat coming from that place, no matter what Thor claims." he admitted. "not to mention what might come from the other seven realms." he admitted before wincing at her, looking actually hurt before sweeping it away. "it wasn't. unless you wanted it to be." he mused. "but i doubt that." he admitted before shrugging. "i'm terrible with watches." he admitted with a chuckle. "you need to sleep." he informed her. "your exhausted. go get a few hours of rack time." he ordered. "or you'll be biting the heads off of reporters." he pointed out before gaping, mouth open and everything as he stared at his now destroyed wall. "...Jay? call the guy and then get started on the Admantium orders." he ordered. "i want at least four beams and two chains." he commanded. "and work on synthesizing a Graphene composite material. use the carbon nano tubes and see what mixing it with Kevlar will do. if it won't suffice started trying other materials, but nothing too hard, we don't want her breaking her fingers." he ordered, stroking his beard. "this is going to be epic." Tony crowed, grinning at her, his eyes sparkling. "and that was awesome by the way."
“Hm, well, you have the team now. Even if we’re a bunch of foul mouthed, traumatized, insensitive people. We do like you.”stephanie said smiling a little.

“You should be exhausted. I feel exhausted for once.”Stephanie said wrinkling her nose a little, before huffing a little. “I see what you mean. And thor’s....I think he sees the good in the world. He doesn’t consider that there is always more threats.”She said making a face, not noticing the look of hurt. And exhausted enough she hadn’t seen it, hadn’t known that in her foul mood she was actually managing to hurt him. Even if she found him hopelessly attractive, she’d locked her libido and desire for sex behind steel doors and used memories of James to lock the door. She was never going to allow herself to be that vulnerable again. “No, but I have no desire to shower with anyone, not just you.”She said, taking the sting out of her earlier tease and current refusal, because it wasn’t just tony she was locking out, but everyone, even if she sometimes had moments of watching them like she wanted to jump them. “...No exhausted. I’m good.”Even if the orders sounded amazing, she proteste. Looking up at the other as he talked to jarvis, relaxing as she realized he wasn’t mad at her for messing up his wall. “It was fairly awesome.”She agreed smiling sleepily. “Glad you have a challenge now. I’ll see you in a few hours.”She smiled as she headed out, looking for once, utterly exhausted that she did indeed end up sleeping so long that jarvis had to get tony to go wake her up when it was time to go. Because it was rare she slept more then a hour or two, the nearly 7 hour nap was amazing.
he sniggered. "i still can't believe you actually have them all convinced your some sweet little innocent angel. it's hilarious." he admitted with an impish grin. "i wonder how long you can keep that up? i can't wait to see the look on Clint's face when he finds out." he admitted with a snigger before shrugging. "i'm tired as hell." he admitted. "i'm just better at hiding it." he admitted. "Thor is incredibly Naive. he's never seen how cruel people can really be. he was the favorite son of a king, he never saw the harsh reality of the world." he admitted. "he'll learn. eventually." he admitted with a sigh. "i know." he admitted, offering her a smile. he wished she wouldn't push them away so firmly, but there was nothing else he could really do but be there for her when she needed him. even if that never really happened. "go get some Rack Soldier." he ordered, rolling his eyes. "i'm certainly going to be doing so." he admitted, grinning at her. "this isn't a challenge." he scoffed with a grin. "this is an amusement and a way to prove my amazing skills. by the way, remind me later, i have some prototypes for you to try." he admitted, heading off to get his own nap.

later that night he knocked incessantly at her door because he had promised he wouldn't walk in without her permission before he finally sent Pepper in to get her because, as a woman, it wouldn't be so bad. "hey sleeping beauty." Tony said once Stephanie came out, looking a bit relieved. "sorry about invading your space like that but when you didn't answer i was worried." he admitted. "feeling better?"
“I know. It’s quite amusing. I didn’t mean for it to happen!They just all assumed that I wouldn’t investigate on the interwebs is my friend.”She smirked a little. Because while she wasn’t good at it, she could manage to use a computer some, snorting. “his face is going to be great. And it’ll last up until the moment they all realize I cheat at poker.”She pointed out before nodding a little. Agreeing with his obersvation of thor before nodding quietly. “Okay. Bed.”She muttered before snorting. “Not so amazing. But have fun trying.”She teased, nicer then before before nodding.”I’ll remind you.”She promised.

Stephanie smiled walking out, looking wide awake and happy “Sorry.”she winced a little, hating she’d made him worry. Feeling bad for making people worry, it reminded her of other times, and she was trying so very hard not to worry any of them. Suceeding mostly to the point that there were only one or two people who suspected she was suicidal, phil, fury, and tony. Well. Probably natasha, since phil told her, but stephanie wasn’t aware of any of them really worrying about her, otherwise she’d be worked up and worried about that. “I am. Slept longer then I have since....before I was super, I think.”She said wrinkling her nose a little, before gesturing at her dress. “Is this okay for the party? Pepper said it was appropriate, but is it?”She said looking anxious to not make a fool of herself, looking up at natasha and phil as they stepped inside as Jarvis announced they were on their way. “You look lovely, Stephanie.”Natasha said smiling slightly
"i know. it's still hilarious. and it's internet." he corrected calmly. "websites are where you go on the internet." he explained. "don't feel bad, most people can't figure out the internet and computers, your actually doing better than about 30% of the population." he admitted with a smile. "that depends on if they even realize that's what your doing. twenty bucks, if they realize someone's cheating, it's me they blame." he admitted with a smirk. "and i'll let them, just to keep the joke going." he admitted.

"it's fine." he promised her, waving off her worry. "you've been running yourself into exhaustion, i'm not surprised you slept as long and heavy as you did." Tony admitted. "well, i was, but now that i think about it it's not that surprising." he admitted with a smile before swallowing thickly. "you look great." he promised her. "it's perfect." Tony promised with a smile, offering his arm to Pepper while Phil offered his arm to Stephanie. "you do look very lovely." Phil assured her with a smile. "are you ready?" he asked her as they headed for the Garage. Tony babbling about how he wanted to host his own charity auction with various Avengers items as the key pieces in the auction. there was a third world country that Bruce said needed some very needed medicine for an outbreak of some sort of pox and Tony wanted to hold a charity event to raise up some money for the country. because otherwise Bruce was going to leave to go help and Tony didn't want him to.
“It is.And oh. Okay.”She smiled a little at the correction, relaxed as she realized he wasn’t teasing her about it, simply making sure she wasn’t messing things up. “They probably would.”She snorted, agreeing because it was likely.

“Ah. Well. That makes sense actually, now that I think on it.”She smiled a little glad he wasn’t upset, blushing at his praise as she fingered the skirt of her dress, so obviously out of her depth it was sort of adorable. “Thanks.” “It really is perfect.”Pepper agreed smiling as she took his arm. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”Stephanie said smiling at phil, nervous as she followed the others. Smiling slightly as she listened to Tony babble, even offering some of her own things for a auction, even if she didn’t understand the fascination, she understood that her things, and especially stuff that was both hers and james’, was worth alot. Content to simply talk and be around the people there, even if she stuck close to tony or phil for the most part as the crowd pressed close, eager to talk with the Captain, before the auction started. And while tony wasn’t the first one up for sale, by the time they’d gotten about half way through to the billionaire, Stephanie was twitchy and anxious enough as she fidgeted in her chair, that pepper was watching her with growing concern.

Listening to the crowd go wild as Tony walked onto the stage, pepper winced a little as Stephanie jolted wildly like a fly stung horse, not knowing what it was about this that was getting to her, but knowing it was. Wincing as she watched tony soak in the attention, even as teh bidding opened and the prices quickly grew ridiculous high. Leaning over she whispered to Stephanie. “you could bid, get him out of here. Not let strangers do this. I’ll give you the money.”She said, not sure if it was the right thing to do, but barely wincing as the slightly shaking Captain America climbed to her feet to get the attention, waving a hand. “2 million dollars.”She said wincing as she was outbid. “Go on, bid as high as you want, make sure he’s going home with you.”pepper muttere, not sure why this was mattering to stephanie, but knowing it needed done if she could calm down. “....14 million.”The captain muttered, and the room went dead silent, even as the announcer gave a strangled closed sale, the announcement that Stephanie had won.
Phil smiled at her. "you don't have to be nervous." he promised. "i'll let you lead the way but i'll deflect them if you get uncomfortable." he promised her. "i've had a lot of practice doing this. there's nothing to worry about." he promised. "just be yourself and have fun." he suggested with a smile. he was happy to let her talk but was careful to keep people back as well. Tony smiled as he strutted about on stage, looking as aloof and calm and confidant as he always did. as if he didn't care, but Pepper, and likely Stephanie could tell from the slightly tensed shoulders that he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he appeared to be. Phil was startled when the Captain leaped to her feet and gaped at her when she started bidding. Tony looked startled too before he shrugged it off before he stared at her, looking very baffled as the announcer called the 'sold'. "That's not fair!" one woman in the crowd screamed. "she already get's to see Stark anytime she wants!" Tony glared at her. "what's not fair." Tony snarked. "is that your in the same building as me Veronica Mars, even though you have a fifty feet restraining order. your not even supposed to be in the same building as me so you wouldn't have been able to have me even if you had won." he glared at Vanderbilt. "i was assured that you had run a background check on everyone attending?!" he demanded. "did the fact that Mrs. Mars tried to carve my chest out with a fork not catch your attention?!" he demanded, effortlessly pulling all attention off of Stephanie.
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