A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

Bellatrix was a mess of emotions, I already told you what I think on that matter...." She responded as nice as it would be all the things he asked would take time. Her head still resting in her arms on the table. Hearing his words then hearing him walk away she stayed in the same position unmoving. Shrugging her shoulders at the question he often asked her 'What did she want to do?' Never knowing what she wanted to do, or if she knew it was only for one person never having to plan things for more then herself unless it was a mission. "...I don't know thought about reading in the library..." She replying keeping her head to the table.
He looks at her and picks her up in his arms and looks at her as he walks to the library. Appearances where indeed deceiving as he walks with her in his arms. He looks down at her and was deep in thought, "Any ideas as to what you want to read? You know I had some favorite books when I was little. I mean lots of fantasy when I was little. Peter Pan. Robinson Crusoe. My mother was big into the classics. Muggle and magical artists alike." He tells her. He opens the door to the library and walks in setting her down on her feet, but holding her hand. He was ready to help in any way he could.
Bellatrix's eyes widened as he picked her up and proceeded to carry her to the library. Taken off guard as he scooped her up not having expected it. Holding onto him though she could walk just fine, she didn't feel like arguing about him carrying her. Shrugging her shoulders "I haven't decided yet probably something dark, to make me laugh...." She replied looking at him curiously she had never heard of either of those books as she was a pure-blooded witch her nor her family would dare to keep such books. "Who's Peter Pan?" She questioned not knowing if he was a real man or if he was the author or a mere story character. Bellatrix didn't have much muggle knowledge at all knowing they were bad, less down on the hierarchy, taught to dislike muggles and muggle born's, granted she tended to ignore the fact that the Dark Lord was a muggle born she never knew for the longest time and boy did it crush her to find out the rumors were true. Once on her feet she straightened her dress out once more and regained her balance. Looking around the library trying to remember where she had left off.
He laughs softly and looks around the library with a smile, "Peter Pan was the name of the book and the name of the main character. The story was about a boy that did not grow up. The other store is about a man that is stranded on an island and his quest to survive until someone can safe him." He says. He laughs and looks at her, "This is the most I have open up to anyone. I am usually a private person." He states. "Good to see that I am changing a bit." He admits as well
Blinking as he listened to him explain who Peter Pan was it was an interesting concept maybe it was a magical book that she had never heard of it didn't sound like a muggle story after all. "Was he cursed? Did he eat something poisonous? Drink a potion?" Curiously asking wanting to know why the boy didn't grow up? Maybe it was more mental maybe his body grew old but his mind didn't. The other one seemed to real he must have been a stupid muggle if he couldn't get off of an Island, one only would need to apperate or something to that nature to leave an island. Hearing him laugh she raised an eyebrow, shrugging as he claimed to be opening up more seeing to enjoy his change, while Bellatrix was rather put off by it she wasn't one for change, and this was a large change to get used too.
He looks at her, "Well I don't know he could have had a curse placed on him or a potion the book really didn't really say, but it is up to the ready how, but it something to wonder if you ask me." He informs her. He looks at her and walks over to a book shelf and he looks through it. He looks back at Bellatrix as he pulls out a book of spells. He was a tad rusty and he needed to relearn his craft. He walks to a table and sits and opens it and begins to read. He looks up at her, "Care to join me?" He asks
Looking at him awaiting an answer to why this Peter Pan couldn't grow up. Only to hear that he didn't know seeing as the book didn't explain why. It didn't sound like a very good book. Watching him walk away to a book self, having read most of the books in the Malfoy Library before and after Azkaban it was hard to find one she hadn't read. About to look for a book when she was asked to join him at a table. Moving over to the table having read that spell book not that she minded rereading it. Sitting in a chair next to him she wondered how Narcissa and the stolen child were fairing.
He looks at her and smiles, "You can get a book if you desire. I don't really mind... Whatever you want you are more then welcome to get." He tells her. He smiles and moves the book so the two of them could read it together. "You know you are not the only that thinks that I made a mistake and well I get the feeling that someone will try to replace me." He tells her. He looks at the book, "People perceive me as weak and they are wrong." He adds.
Bellatrix just looked at him she didn't mind reading along with him, she was also tired and didn't really want to get back up. Hearing his words of course none of them were happy besides maybe Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius. "No of course not many of us aren't happy with this...forgive my words My Lord, But most of us served in Azkaban for nothing....many have lost there lives and their families in the name of blood purity to give to you and us the word we all imagined...only to win this long long war only to let the others take it back." She explained with a crazy twinkle in her eyes unable to let it go. "Replace you? Over my dead body...no one is foolish enough to even try to replace you. We.... well, I know you're not weak...I've seen the pain you can give the torment I've felt the stinging agony of your crucio before...." She replied not understanding why they were having this conversation it was rather out of place.
He closes the book and looks at the twinkle in her eye and when she mentioned that she would die protecting he was indifferent to the idea. "Bellatrix I am assuming that you might never understand this but just like you would die for me. The thought of losing you would be... Unbearable to say the least. One day my most loyal follower. Someday I hope you understand that." He informs her. He looks at her once again, "You look like you are about to pass out... Let me take you to your chambers." He informs her. He stands up and moves the chair back and picks her up and walks out of the library towards her room.

Belladonna was out in the garden and she was picking up some roses for her parents. She starts to cry as she pricked her finger on a thorn. She sniffles and puts the finger into her mouth, "Auntie I hurt my finger." She tells her and then shows her the bleeding finger.
Seeing the book close she looked at him, that was quick as soon as it began it ended. Bellatrix would do anything for her lord, and she didn't like this kind of talk seeing as she didn't believe he could or would die it was a sore subject for her. Listening to his choice of words, vowing that he cared for her and couldn't bare to think of her dying. Shaking her head, "No...I'm fine...really. It's the potions they make me tired...especially seeing that I haven't had them in quite some time my body is not used to them anymore..." She explained sleepily. It didn't help she had been up most of the night with him then with the kid, then sleeping for a bit only to rise early. Clinging to him as he picked her up. "I could walk, My Lord. You don't have to carry me..." She replied it almost made her feel weak. The idea of being injured and unable to walk, but if he wished to carry her she wouldn't argue.

Narcissa watched over the child just as she once did with Draco. Hearing the child being to cry, not knowing what happened, Kneeling down to the child's level. "Let Auntie Cissy take a look at it." Looking at the child's finger she took her wand out muttering a healing spell to stop the bit of blood and the sting of pain that the girl felt. Kissing Belladonna's finger gently, "There all better!"
Belladonna looks at her auntie heal her wound and she was in awe, "Auntie do I know how to use magic?" She asks. She looks at the flower and picks it out more carefully this time and offers it to Narcissa. "Do you think mum and dad will like?" She adds.

He looks at her and listens to her words taking them to heart and he looks at her, "Well maybe I can get Snape to make it in such a way that it that makes you tired... I am sure that he is more than capable. He is a potions master after all." He informs her. He opens the door to her room and then lays her on her bed, "I know you can it was meant as a nice gesture." He informs her
Listening to the child, "I am sure you do, and When you are old enough Mummy and Daddy will bring you wand shopping. Narcissa took the flower the child gave her. "I'm a hundred percent sure they'll love them. Wanna go give the flowers to them?"

Looking up at him confused, "Making me tired would only be nice for bed time otherwise I need something to stay awake during the day." She explained. Yes it was true Severus was a great potions master. Laying on her bed as he placed her there, "...Oh um thanks..." She replied it was just odd to be carried around.
Belladonna smiles and looks at her Auntie, "Auntie I so pretty, but mum is the prettiest of them all." She states with a giggle. She smiles again and spins, "Good I am sure that mom would like them. Not sure about daddy." She states. He looks at her and sits on the bed as he covers her with the blanket, "Well I know that Snape might be able to come up with something he has not let us down." He tells her. He looks around and smiles, "Get rest Bellatrix. I will make sure that Belladonna gets to sleep at a right time." HE informs her. He strokes her face and smiles as he rose and then heads to the door, "Well sleep well Bellatrix." He adds softly.
"Yes...sweetie you are very pretty, and yes Bellatrix is very pretty too it's in our blood." She smiled at the child, feeling bad that this sweet innocent girl had been taken from her parents all the memories she once had gone and replaced with Voldemort and Bellatrix. Meanwhile her real parents were in the dungeon suffering even though the guard had harmed Bellatrix damaged her in many ways. "He'll like it, just because it's from you." Narcissa explained with confidence figuring he would if he cared for her so.
Bellatrix looked up at him as he tucked her into bed it was only the middle of the day, but she often tired so easily as her body was wearing out from the constant missions and now without any to do she was slowing down. "I assume not...He hasn't betrayed us yet..." Still skeptical of him. "Okay...she still needs a room of her own..." Watching him as he stroked her face and began to leave her.
He looks at her and sighs softly, "Maybe you are right Bellatrix. Maybe you are right maybe I am being paranoid" He tells her. He really did not know what was going on. Was it a real fear or his mind playing a trick? He really was not looking forward to finding out. He gulps and looks at her, "Well perhaps Belladonna, you and I can do her a room that is to her liking." He points out. He kisses her cheek, "Rest my love... I will be back later to see if you are well and need something." He says. He walks over to the door and walks out and thought of thinks about what to do with his time.
Blinking at him not quite sure what he was getting at then again thinking back to there other conversation thinking no one would dare challenge the dark lord Voldemort. "Perhaps but best not be too careful though..." She suggested granted she didn't know what the future held. Nodding her head, "Sure so long as Narcissa is fine with redecorating one of the guest rooms for the child." She replied So long as Lucius and Narcissa was okay with it she didn't care. Nodding her head as he told her to rest not trying to fight it. Resting her head on the bed watching as he left her there, closing her eyes though she did not like to sleep alone more often when alone the nightmares would attack her. Trying to get some rest.
He walks out of the room and was not sure what to do now that he had all this free time to do things, but he knew that he wanted to help Bellatrix get better and he was going to pursue that fully. He figured that it was his fault she was like this and it was up to him to help her get better. He was in the kitchen when he came to a stop and he sighs. "Why do I feel like something is going to happen to me?" He asks himself. He sighs and thinks as he starts to gather some items for her potion and he needed to make it. He puts everything on the table and starts to brew the medicine for her. He closes his eyes and opens his eyes.
Bellatrix laid in her bed drifting off to sleep not used to the "joys" of motherhood. Nor was she used to being without her potions and not being on missions. Her body needed time to adjust. Finally drifting off to sleep, having a wonderful dream. In a beautiful manor, resided her, their children, and the Dark Lord, One happy healthy family. Living a peaceful life now that the war was over. Quickly things turned dark and the people rose to fight them as they caused one of the longest running wars, taking many lives, they wanted revenge. Dementors circling the manor, the children were taken out first killed in front of Bellatrix causing her to snap fighting back until she was captured taken to Azkaban once more alone awaiting the kiss of death. Screaming in her sleeping state Narcissa could hear her but not sure where she was nor did she want to bring the child around that knowing Bella must have fallen asleep. Bella was fighting along the way while asleep her hands were clawing and scratching at things including herself causing her to bleed, her legs kicking as she struggled to get away. In her dream the dementors had her sucking the very life from her. Struggling to breathe her hands went to her throat in sleep trying to stop the invisible force gasping, kicking and fighting.
Voldemort found himself running back to her side and then takes her hands and looks at her, "Bellatrix listen to me you are just having a nightmare... You may think its real, but it is not trust me just listen to me." He tells her. He was truly worried about her and he wondered if she would be okay. He sighs and gives her a quick kiss in the cheek to let her know that she was dreaming, whether she knew the difference was yet to be seen. He just hoped that she could wake from her nightmare and he planned to be by her side should she wake or need anything. He shakes her softly hoping to get her out of it. He sighs softly and wonders what to do now that she was having what he knew was a hellish nightmare. He lets go of one of her hand and then takes both of his and lays them on her right arm and brushes her hand with his. "Come on please." He informs her. He kisses her hand, "Please come back to me." He whispers. He looks at her and sighs wondering.
Bellatrix clutching at his hands as he took them from her throat, still trying to fight the invisible force attacking her gasping for air. Shaking her head frantically both in dream and reality looking for his voice she could hear him but she couldn't see him. Everything was so real to him she was struggling to see the dream against the reality of her warm in her bed, instead of her fighting. Bellatrix's strangled scream continued tears flowing from her eyes. Feeling her body being shaken it wasn't happening in her dream, though she could feel it not understanding it.When her left hand was released it found it's why back to her throat to remove the unseen force from her. Suddenly Bellatrix jolts awake frantically looking around the room coughing and breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. Tears continued to fall from her eyes as blood fell from the cuts she had made on her body in her sleep. Seeing Voldemort there she quickly wrapped herself around him wanting not needing to be comforted and held. It hadn't quite registered how weak she looked in this state as she clung to the Dark Lord thinking her life had been in danger.
He didn't say a word, but he let her hug him. "Are you okay?" He asks her softly. Belladonna walks inside the room and looks at mother and father, "Daddy is mum okay?" She asks. Voldemort pulls out his wand and heals the wounds, "Yes she is fine." He says. Belladonna walks over and hops on the bed and hands her mother the roses, "Mum be careful they have thrones... Anyway I thought the belonged with you mum," She smiles brightly, "With a beautiful girl like you." She says. She smiles and kisses her mother's cheek. She looks at her mother, "Can I sleep with you," She looks at her father and smiles, "Daddy can I sleep with mum and you?" She asks. Voldemort smiles and thinks, "I would love that... What about you Bellatrix?" He asks. He loved the idea and he was willing to do it as long as Bellatrix was okay with. He looks at Narcissa, "Thanks for taking care of her." HE says
Shaking her head 'no' her wide eyes darted around the room, looking for danger for some sort of threat. Her body shaking with fear, tears continued falling. Hearing another voice hearing the child not wanting her to see her like that, she buried her face in Voldemort's arm, not wanting to appear weak. Bellatrix hissed as he healed the cuts on her skin, the healing process hurt. She looked at the roses the child had pick for her a crazy twinkle shone through her eyes ready to attack. It was sweet of the child but now really wasn't a good time for Bellatrix. Shaking her head 'no' once again, "...I'm not tired...I don't want to sleep...." she managed to say though a lie but having a nightmare like that she wasn't ready for bed, despite how tired she was Bella was frightened. It was just turning noon as they had eating breast fast but an hour or so ago. Narcissa watched the commotion, she felt bad for her sister and the nonsense she was going through. Bowing her head as he complimented her Narcissa left the room.
Belladonna looks at her father, "I don't care what mum or you say... I want to be with mum," She looks at her mum, "But if you want me not to be here mum... For you I will go... I just want to spend time with you." She says. Voldemort looks at her and smiles, "Well Belladonna it is up to her dear and if she wants to be alone its okay." He says. Belladonna looks at her mother and kisses her cheek, "I will be a good girl for mum and dad." She says.
Bellatrix was currently functioning as a frightened five year old wanting to be held and consoled. She was used to having these episodes with Narcissa or Rudolphus usually no one else was around to see them. Not really having her words from terror she was silent. She didn't know what to do...she wasn't used to this whole family thing. Especially seeing the child wasn't really hers, part of her wanted to push it away while the other part wanted to cuddle her. Bella's brain was going a mile a minute as she constantly looked around the room making sure she was awake. Hugging her knees to her chest, tired but terrified having nothing to say, letting the kid kiss her cheek..Bella was sick both physically and mentally.
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