A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

The guy spits in her face and smirks, "We will not stop till your lord is dead he is the reason evil is around this world and as long as he is around war will be around you all." He shouts. Voldemort growls and then walks over to the guy and kicks him in the face and kicks the face so many times that the face was no longer noticeable. He looks at her and sighs, "Well guess we are going to have to capture someone else." He says. He looks at her, "Well shall we."
Bellatrix flinched as he spat in her face pushing his head forward as she wiped his spit from her face. "How dare you spit, at a Black! How dare you spit in the face of he Dark Lords right hand!" Bellatrix snapped reaching for her dagger. Granted she didn't mind war it was nice to be at peace but she was used to being busy and everyhing was slow now. Stopping as she watched the Dark Lord kick the victims face in. Looking at him curiously, "Shall we what, My Lord?"
He walks over to the corpse and kicks it in the gut, when Bellatrix asked him where they were going he gave her look, " So I take you don't want to get your pound of flush against the one that caused you harm," He points to the wall, "He is right next door if you wish to harm him, but of course we can do whatever you desire." He informs her. He walks over to the door and waited for her, "So you coming or what?" He adds with a devious smile.
Bellatrix watched as he kicked the fresh corpse in he gut. Looking at him as he seemed to look at her in confusion. Of course Bella wanted to cause him harm, but she also didn't want to confront him either. But she couldn't show weakness either it wasn't apart of her.Bell turned to face the wall and the door hat awaited, making her way towards it holding onto her wand tightly.
He looks at her leave the cell and follows her out and he takes his right hand and puts it on her wand hand and he looks at her, "Bellatrix I understand if you don't want to do this right... There is no shame in saying you are not ready... Besides he is going nowhere." He informs. He looks at her and kisses her cheek and then thinks, "Are you sure you want to do this Bellatrix... I wouldn't want to force you." He states. He looks at her and smirks, "You sure?"
Upon feeling her wand hand being touched Bella stopped moving and looked at it. Her body was tense, her hand shaking trying to be strong, and not show fear. Bellatrix was struggling to understand him his changed nature confused her, part of her afraid she would be punished if she didn't do it although he continued to reassure her that everything was fine. Feeling his lips on her cheek again she looked at him the crazy twinkle shining in her eyes as she fought in her head. Shaking her head, she wasn't sure what to say Bellatrix fell to her knees looking to the floor hiding her face behind a mess of curls. Curling her body close to itself, Azkaban was a very dark place for her as were the people within it. This one in particular. Tears silently fll from her eyes, dropping her wand afraid of breaking it with how tight she held it. Bella stayed that way waiting for her punishment for not being able to do it.
He stops and thinks for a minute before returning to the room and he looks at Bellatrix on the floor. He walks over to her and then leans down and grabs her wand. He then sat next to her and smiles, "So you want to talk?" He asks her. He puts his hand out for her to take her wand and he gives her a comforting hug and then looks at her, "I know this is all new, but I assure we can do this when you are ready... There is no need to rush this." He tells her. He looks around the room and then at her wondering what was going through her head. While she could have easily read her mind, but Bellatrix was the only one that he would never read, She was the only one that he respect enough with her own thoughts. Everyone was fair game, but she wasn't
Bellatrix stayed there silent and unmoving tears rolling down her cheeks. Her head looking at the floor feeling his presance next to her, Bella who never showed weakness finally broke all because of one gaurd. Shaking her head as she hid in her mass of curls, not wanting to talk aout i let alone remember it. If she had to she would, but it was painful for her. Seeing her wand in his hand her hand moved to take it but stopped not wanting to break it her body tensing as she was wrapped in a hug. LIstening to his words she was lost and confused this wasn't the same Dark Lord she remembered. Bella knew he could easily read her often times she assumed he did to make sure she wasn't lying usually leaving her defenses down for him, knowing they would do no good. "...My Lord...Do you really wanna know what happend...the start of it all those years ago?" She said hushed under her breath, it was loud enough to her but her voice was soft.

"You see...when you fell during the first Wizarding war...defeated by a mere child...I went to find you with a few loyal members. We looked high and low...non-stop until we would find you, but as you can see upon interogating Frank and Alice Longbottom driving them insane I was captured and sent to Azkaban..." Bella paused everyone knew that it wasn't anything new. "Having taken my wand and my dagger away, I was defensless. The gaurds weren't too nice nor were the dementors...they still haunt me, they don't like to let go..." She took a shaky breath. "Typical hexes, the dementors sucking the happiness from my very soul, physical beatings, and of course starvation when they would "forget" to feed me..." She went on with her story "The only problem was I had a little secret, no one but my parents and my husbands parents knew about it...I was with child...I was a few months along...One night the one guard came into my cell, and he began to torture me torment me he laughed as I screamed in agony clutching my stomach trying to protect the life inside, he kept it up until I started to bleed...seeing his eyes go wide as tears ran down my face. He left me there awhile, hearing a healer come into my cell strapping my to a gurny they brought me to the medical wing...I had miscarried...I lost the child I tried to protect...dumped back into my cell defeated I had lost everything in that cell...my looks, my health, my sanity, and my baby...Year after year after year alone in the dark for 14 years besides the dementors, the gaurds who continued to torture the imprisoned, and the screams from the other inmates." Bella's body was tense and was shaking she was angry and hurt remembering everything for all those years she had to live with the guilt to fight through the pain.
He could not believe what he had heard and he growls out loud, his anger was not towards her, but the captor in the next room. He looks at her and kisses her hands, " I shall be right back." HE tells her. HE walks into the captured man and kicks him, "Crucio!" He shouts. He tortured him for minutes and then returns to her and sits down with her and looks at her as he hugs her and he sighs, "I am sorry to hear about your lose Bellatrix... They will pay for what they have done to you and rest assured Bellatrix they will die a must slow and painful death." HE tells her. He looks at her and kisses her cheek and looks at her slowly. He smiles and looks at her and thinks, "So what would you like to do Bellatrix... Whatever you want I will see it done." He informs her.
Bellatrix jumped as he growled loudly next to her, figuring he was upset with her until he kissed her hands. Nodding her head as he said he'd return, she stayed in the same position kneeling and crouched on the floor. Listening to the man scream didn't bring her any joy remembering the past so vividly. Bellatrix's body tensed as Voldemort wrapped her in a hug. "It was a long time ago...." She managed to say nodding her head looking at him with her tear filled eyes upom feeling his lips touch her cheek. Shaking her head "I'mnot in the mood to do anything...My Lord, I would like to get put of the dungeon and perhaps lay down..." Though it was a fairly easy day it was also exhausting for her, especially without Severus's potions.
"Well I like that idea let us get you out of here." He tells her. He smils as he helps her up and dusts her off and looks at her, "Well what now Bellatrix we need to have some sort of fun do you have any ideas?" He asks her. He smiles and gives her a nod as he leads her out of the dungeon an back upstairs. He holds her close, " You know I would do anything for you right.. I know after ears of ignoring you it doesnt sound lke much but rest assured that I mean that. I woul mountains for you Bellatrix... I really would andyou can believe that." He informs her. He stops at the living room and sits her down. He waves his wand and he lights a fire in the fireplace an he sat down with her.
Bellatrix stood up with his help , feeling him dusting her off. Bellatrix just looked at him not saying anything, there was nothing to do nor was she feeling up to doing anything at the moment. Moving carefully with him upstairs to get out of the dungeon listening to his words as he claimed he'd do anything for her, even though when she really needed him he wasn't there so caught up in this silly war that he gave back to them after winning. When he placed her on the couch Bellatrix laid down and curled up leaving room for him to si down watching the fires glow.
He sat with her and looks at the fire and sighs, "Bellatrix do you think I was wrong in ending a senseless war, please allow me to explain to you my actions so you might better understand. I don't deny that I was cold, distant, relentless in my pursuits. Deattchment was easy because i thought if I was deattched my enemies would not e able to exploit any weakneses, but that was the hardest thing I had to do." He tells her. He sighs, " I have seen so many people that I have cared about... I just did not want you to a death. I would have kiled everyone if i were to lose you Bellatrix. You know I would have never thought I would ever say this, but I did it out of love, out of love for you." He informs her
Bellatrix listened to The Dark Lord speak telling her he did what he did out of love...for her. Bellatrix chuckled slightly, "Out of love... my Lord? You, who claimed, love was a weakness, emotions were weak...hm?" She started thinking of things and thinking of the past, Bellatrix sat up lookng at him. "When I was given to the cause seeing as the men in the House of Black my cousins weren't proper candidates for it not sharing the same ideals...They gave me...I was 20 then just graduated Hogwarts...I tried to get close to you, even when you trained me I tried and thought it brought us closer but the more I tried the more you pushed me away...forcing my parents to marry me off to Rudolphus Lestrange...when you fell the first time during the first war...I went after you I hunted for you...the war that lasted 11 years...me and few went to find you...I was sentenced to Azkaban for you....I was a mere 30 years old...where I suffered and rottened for 14 long years believing in our cause and the thought that you'd return...I lost every in that cell, My Lord...At 47 years old...guant and sick...tired and in pain...we won the war and you agreed and gave the world back to them....I could have died muliple times, from starvation and torture in Askaban in any of the battles...I murdered my cousin or else he would have done the same to me....and the last fight with Molly Weasley nearly ended me...you've almost lost me on several occasions and you have the nerve to tell me that you did this out of love...While I suffered for you fought for you and nearly died for you...I'm no longer the woman I once was...you come to me as ill as I am...I'm not even in my right senses anymore...My Lord...How dare you come to me now compaired to when I was young and virbrant...full of life, beauty, with the love I had and have always had, just to have you push me away...So in my honest opinion with everything I have been through yes I think...you were wrong...for the first time...I've never doubted you...I've loyaly served you for about 27 years..." Bellatrix ranted never opening up like this especially to him...about him, about her feelings but she didn't know what to feel of course she loved him she had always loved him seemingly like Narcissa loved Lucius, and Severus had loved little miss perfect Lily Evans before she died.

"...So forgive me if I am tense to the newfound affection you give me..." She finished uning her head to look to the flames watching them dance.
He looks at her and sighs, "Yes you are right and I am sorry for that." He informs her. He got up and closes his eyes, "If you need anything from me let me know or call one of the maids." He informs her. HE was not sure if she say it or not but he was truly sorry for what had happened to her and he would do anything to change it. He walks away knowing that everything was different, but now he had betrayed her trust with his new views. He sighs and walks to his room and wondered what he could do, he hada meeting with Snape so he could help Bellatrix heal, he was hell bent on getting her better and he wondered how long it would take for him to regain her trust. He knew that the road would be hard, but he just wanted her trust.
Bellatrix hadn't meant to snap there was just so much going on at this point. Her head was spinning her heart contorted in ways she never knew possible. Bella had suffered for the Dark Lord in silence for years even things she didn't want to do she loyally did. Blinking as she heard for the first time that she was right and that he was sorry. Her body was shaking from her emotions and she felt cold. Listening to him she probably wouldn't need much of anything currently besides a bed to rest in. Watching him walk away it was the first time Bella pushed him away from her and she felt awful things just needed to calm and cool down. Curling up on the couch watching the fire as it flickered in it's light. Once the world was calm and settled she two would settle she was still prepared for battle not knowing what awaited them. Bella wondering though they won and he gave it back she wasn't sure if she was pardoned from Azkaban or if she was able to be in public, seeing before they won she was still a wanted wtch feared by many knowing she was still feared but unsure if she could freely roam like she once could before this mess. Bella's eyes closed as she rested by the fire trying to keep warm.
He returns to her and he had no idea if she was asleep or not. He sighs and looks at her and he pulls the Elder wand and he waves it summoning a blanket and drapes it over the sleepign Bellatrix. He looks at her and moves a strand of her hair away from her face and smiles, "I am so sorry." He whispers. He walks out towards the front door, he stops a maid, "If something happens I want to be told about it message me at Hogwarts." He states. He apparates to Hogwarts and found Snape and the two of them talk about Bellatrix. He sighs as Snape helped him with the items he needed.
Bellatrix was still awake hearing him sigh but laid still as if she was asleep. Cuddling into the blanket he conjured her, before laying still again. Feeling him so close to her moving stray sections of hair away from her face. Hearing his words they hurt hearing the sorrow in his voice. Sitting up as he left Bella held her head and began to cry again, her emotions were shot not caring about looking weak not wanting anything, not knowing what to do anymore. Curling back up she cuddled into the blanket looking at the fire until her eyes burned from being tired and she drifted off to sleep.
He returned after gathering everything he needed from Snape and then apparates back to the mansion and a maid comes to him. He gives the items to the lady, "In my room and has she moved?" He asks. The maid smiles, "No my lord, but if I may say she has loved you very much and all this is confusing her." She states. Voldemort looks at her and sighs, "I know and I felt the same way it but the truth of it is that I messed it up real bad and now I am trying to regain her trust and I know that will take a while and I will wait as long as I have to." He admits. He walks over to her side and sits against the couch.
Bellatrix was sleeping soundly on the couch relaxing in the fire's warm glow. Looking as if she was at peace wih the world, insead of her twisted self. Alas that would all come to an end seeing that ever since Bellatrix had escaped Azkaban, every night since she would have terrible nightmares. The dementors never easily let a prisoner just go. Often times invading her dreams to the point that she would struggle and physically fight in her sleep, usually screaming and fighting tying to get away but in a state it was hard for her to wake up withou help trapping her in her dreams, unless shoked out of sleep nor having someone wake her up. Turning over away from the light, her feet moving like she was walking resembling a dog when they dreamed. Whimpering some she began tossing more, He her dream she was under attack, being chased and hunted to be thrown back into Azkaban. Looking around in her dream as she ran running to a cliff side either choice of jumping or being taken, Bellatrix went to jump only to be grabbed and taken into the sky by a dementor trying to suck the life from her. Bellatrix's sleeping body began squirming and she herself began screaming. Her hands clentched into claws holding them out infront of her 'fighting' back trying to scratch and shredder the dementor with her sharp clawlike nails.
He was quickly to take her hands and he looks at her with a smile and sighs, "Bellatrix you are having a nightmare listen to me and come out of it I know you can do it. Please do it for me." He states. He looks at her hands and removes his own thinking that it would bring bad memories to her. He was worried sick and he sat back down and wondered what would happen now that he had let her wrists go. He gulps and waited for her to come to. He was worried about some one she cared about, "Please come to me and I would like to tell you something." He informs her. HE strokes her face and a faint smile on his face and thinks, "Come back to me." He states
Bellatrix felt her hands being grabbed as she slept and dreamed not knowing if they were to help her or to hurt her. Continuing to struggle, ter slipped through her eyelids causing them to roll down her cheek. Her chest heaved as she screamed in terror an pain trying to catch her breaths, as it felt like the very breath of life was being sucked out of her. Her body was tense and shook as she fought the demon in her sleep. She thought she could hear faint words but not knowing where they were or where they were coming from. Just then the dementor dropped Bellatrix causing her to fall from the cliff to the freezing warter below. In reality she fought, squirmed, screamed, choked, rolling over falling off the couch. Upon hitting the ground she was forced awake. Sitting there panting, grabbing at her throat, looking around, bringing her knees close to her, "Where am I...?" Her voice soft sounding dazed, realizing it was one of her nightmares seeing no dementors and she most definately wasn't under attack, wiping the tear stains away, her body still shaking.trying to relax and breath once more Not seeing the Dark Lord on the rm of the couch not knowing anyone was even there.No where she even was unable to remember.
He heard her voice and he jolts up and straightens his robe and he looks at her and smiles, "It is good to have you back I was worried," He looks around, "You are in Malfoy Manor and you are now free from those dementors." He tells her. He walks over to her and strokes her face knowing what he wanted to do and he was honestly just decided to do it. He grabs both of her cheeks and kisses her passionately not caring what she would do if she moved away she was more then welcome to and she was not going to be mad at her for it. He valued her input and she was more then welcome to do as she please, she was her own woman and he loved her for it.
Bellatrix jumped upon hearing his voice not knowing he was there remembering he left, "Until I go to sleep again...It happens every night..." She replied as he said she was free from the dementors. Bellatrix just sat there looking into the fire again, as she woke back up slightly. Looking at him curiously as he caressed her face. Feeling both of his hands on her face about to speak when his lips met hers. Bella's eyes widened blinking a him not knowing what to do or how to react. All she had once wanted was his attention and affection but now that she had it she didn't know what to do. Still torn between the way things were and the way he was trying to change, she knew the old ways by heart but he was changing and it confused her. Bellatrix would never deny him something that he wanted even if she was uncertain. Letting him kiss her passionately, closing her eyes keeping still.
He pulls away and puts his hands down and thinks and got an idea, "If you want I can take the remove the memories. I messed up so bad Bellatrix I know that I have been saying that a lot lately, but I can't say it enough Bellatrix. I regret what I did to you this feelings have been festering for ages and well I can't help myself now." He informs her. He looks down, "I want to make things right, but I fear the more I try the worse I make things." He admits to her. He sits down and looks up and her, "What can I do to show you that you are someone that matters?" He asks of her.
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