A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

Belladonna finishes her cookie and then looks at her and smiles, "Well mummy can you teach me the rest of the unforgivable curses?" She asks with a glee in her eyes. Voldemort looks at them and leans against the door, "Wow she really is are daughter." He states. Voldemort smiles and looks at Belladonna, "Night daddy... Night mummy." She says as she finishes her milk and jumps in bed. Voldemort walks over to them and kisses Belladonna forehead, "If I would have know you were going to take after your mother I would have named you after her." He jokes. He looks at Bellatrix and touches her lips, "So shall we find a spare room or would you like to sleep here? I have no problem sleeping on the couch... Something I did while you slept. Anger... Regret," He looks at Belladonna, "When you returned I swore that I would make those that hurt you suffer." He tells her. He offers her a smile, "I meant that Bellatrix." He informs her
Bellatrix looks at the child, "Of course sweet heart just not tonight it's way passed our bed time." she would teach everything she knew to the young girl who almost seemed more twisted then there were. Looking at him the only reason she was anything like them was because of the false memories he gave her. "Good night sweetie." Bella kissed the top of the girls forehead, tucking Donna in to Bella's bed. "Belladonna is close enough seeing that we are both Bella." she stated naming her the exact same name was ridiculous and would drive Bella insane. "My Lord you have a room of your own here in the manor what's the point of sleeping on a couch? I think I'm going to rest in my bedchamber with the child. and I can see this."
He laughs softly and looks at her, "Yes I have my own room, but I spent most of my time watching you hoping that you would wake." He says. He sits next to her and gives her a look, "You seem surprised that I made her like you why is that?" He asks her. He laughs softly, "Yes we did name her Belladonna after you so I am happy about that." He informs her. He looks at her, "You don't have to be so formal with me Bellatrix. You can call me by my names." He tells her with a smile. He looks at her and touches her lips, "Then again you are free to do as you wish I won't stop you." He tells her. He moves his hand and gives her a passionate kiss. Belladonna opens her eyes and looks at her parents kissing, "Eww." She says. She quickly closes her eyes to make it look like she was asleep.
Bellatrix looked at him curiously, "Waking is not the problem...sleeping is." she stated once asleep she was fine until she had a nightmare, having to fight in her sleep. Looking at the child then back at him, "Because she is exactly like me in my current state...not the way I was as a youngster...A child should never have such pleasure causing harm...she already knows so much...I don't understand where she gets us being evil, sure we do bad things but it's for the greater good normally...think about it if she is already like this she go completely mad one day...I went through pain and suffering to end up this way the child hasn't.  I didn't choose her name... I didn't know there was even a child...do you know how confusing it will be with both of us being "Bella?" " Bellatrix replied answering his questions about the child. Names were still hard to work through in her head having called him the Dark Lord for so long it almost didn't seem right to call him by his name. Feeling his fingers on her lips no longer talking. Kissing him back passionately unaware the child had seen them since she was supposed to be asleep.
He did not care if the passion was returned or not it was the gesture that was the point. He looks at her and smiles. He looks at Belladonna and smiles, "Well that is because of the way I tweaked her dreams, but I can change it again to something that suits you." She states. He looks at her and laughs as he takes her hand, "I can see how that would be confusing we can always call her by her full name which we have not picked out." He informs her. He looks at her and thinks, " I was wondering if you would want to marry me?" He asks her. He sighs and gives her a look, " I know your married, but I want to be with you." He states. He smiles not sure of her reaction he just hoped that it would be a very good one.
"My Lord you've made her almost an exact copy of me...so young, over time her mind will suffer by the way she thinks and I don't want her in pain or to suffer the way I've suffered. Not even in Hogwarts and she automatically used the crusiatius curse, what's to say she won't do it to a fellow student? At her age she probably shouldn't even have a wand, with the way she acts she is far younger than 11 years old..." Bellatrix went on her voice quiet concerned for the child. "You've already called her by a full name back in the dungeon My Lord, you called her Belladonna Maria Lestrange. Don't you remember?" She asked him. Looking at him in complete disbelieve by what he just asked her. "What!?" She snapped, then trying to calm herself before waking the sleeping child. "Are you daft, My Lord? This is not the time to have this conversation....one it's completely out of the blue, two as you've stated I'm married in a binding contract to Rudolphus it's complicated, I can't just up and marry you. As much as I may want to, there are rules and regulations for this. Now good night my Lord, I need rest it has been a long night and as soon as the child wakes up that means we have to wake up." Bellatrix stated pulling the covers to her bed back removing her shoes she nestled into bed pulling the child close to her.
Voldemort looks at her and nods, "Well you have a say in the matter." He insists. He smiles as she holds Belladonna close and he fixed the memories to what Bellatrix wanted and he made sure that he listened. He put the memories back and then stood up and take the glasses and wine bottle away. He heads to the kitchen and cleans the stuff and he sighs. Was it really out of place just to lay down the truth? Well she had a valid point. She was married, and if he wanted to marry her, then it had to be done right not half assed. He went to his chamber and he used his magic to light a fire and stares at it for a while. He simply walks over to his head and lays on it and closes his eyes. He knew that it would be much different with Bellatrix in his bed, but she wanted things done right and that was the plan.
Bellatrix cuddled with the young child, wanting the child to have a good life. Not really wanting her around the hate, granted watching the child harm her own blood father made her joyous seeing as Belladonna's father hurt Bellatrix beyond repair. Watching as he walked away, taking the wine with him. She wanted nothing more than to marry him and to live out the rest of their lives together. If it was that easy she would have done it, she had wanted to do that years ago. With the contract her parents signed with Rudolphus's parents years ago would have to be taken care of and figured out. It was the only reason she married him to make her pureblood marriage, and because she was forced to. She had hoped if and when he asked her to marry him it would be more romantic instead of so casual as if having a normal conversation. Then again she might have been asking too much seeing as she had loved him for so long and just discovered that he loved her. Shaking her head she looked at the sleeping child in her arm, cuddling into her closing her eyes. Bellatrix slept peacefully through the night for once normally waking from a nightmare kicking and screaming.
It was surprising not hearing the screams of Bellatrix and then he sleep through out the night.

It was the following morning and he had gotten up early. He went to the kitchen and made some eggs in a basket and sausage and a cup of orange juice. A elf brought a second tray for Belladona and he smiles as the trays were brought up and placed on the table. He sat down and waited for the two of them to wake up. As he stood there he thought about the pair. He was happy to have a family no doubt, but it would be better if he was married to Bellatrix. He sat down and waited for them to wake up and head over to kitchen
Bellatrix was never really a morning person, at least when she did sleep, she was never one to easily rise and shine Unless she had something to do usually there was a mission or something but lately there was nothing. Bellatrix groaned as the sun's rays caught her eyes, opening them sleepily looking around her bedroom seeing the small child holding onto her. She smiled softly it was the most sleep she had received in such a long time. Kissing the top of the child's head, not really sure how she would act today with the changes that were made. Carefully standing up Bella stretched then picked Belladonna up and held her figuring the girl might be hungry she left her room to take the child downstairs not having a wake-up call or having to report she didn't think anything was going on. As she walk through the halls of the manor quietly the only noise was her boots clacking against the tile floor. Turning to enter the kitchen, to grab a bite to eat movement catches her eye.

Narcissa could hear her sister coming down the hall though it was strange Bella was never up and functioning at an early hour.When Bella entered she could see her carrying something. "Morning Bella..." Bellatrix jumped slightly, "Oh morning Cissy" She replid shifting her grip on the child. "Bella...where'd did you get that?" Narcissa asked knowing her sister didn't have any children, especially of that age. "She's mine now...The Dark Lord gave her to me...Her name is Belladonna." Bella whispered keeping her voice down. "That's all very well but where did she come from? You can't just take somebody's child..." Narcissa replied being a mother herself wouldn't know what to do if someone had taken Draco from her. "They didn't deserve her...they were bad people...she's my little girl now." Narcissa just looked at her sister and sighed knowing there was no use in talking to Bellatrix about children after what had happened to her.
Voldemort heard heard Narcissa speak and then knew that it was Bellatrix and their daughter. HE got up and walked into the kitchen and walks over to Bellatrix and Belladonna, he leans in and kisses Bellatrix's cheek and then his daughter's. Belladonna giggles, "Daddy that tickles and I'm hungry." She states. Voldemort smiles, "Well breakfast is served.. Eggies in a basket with sausage and orange juice." He states. He looks at Narcissa, "Would you like to join us?" HE asks. He puts his hands behind his back and then steps aside to let the two walk towards the table if they wanted to. For him it was hard to balance the delicate and the force. He wanted to be the man that Bellatrix wanted, but in a time of peace he was finding it hard to be that man. He waited a few seconds and then went off to the table. He sat down and waited not wanting to rush anyone and he knew they would arrive shortly, so he just let it be.
The two go quiet and Bella smiles softly as he kisses her cheek. Looking at the little girl Bella put the child down so she can go and get something to eat. Narcissa nodded her head agreeing to join them for breakfast. Like her sister Narcissa was loyal to Voldemort but unlike her sister it wasn't love that kept her loyal it was fear, fear for her families lives. Seeing as her sister, brother-in-law, son and husband were all death eaters. Bellatrix turned and taking her sister's hand they joined Voldemort and Belladonna at the table.
Belladonna looks at the group and smiles, "Auntie can you and I play in the garden?" She asks. Voldemort smiles and looks at Bellatrix, "Well what would you like to do today?" He asks. Belladonna starts to eat and then offers Narcissa a sausage link, "Auntie aren't you hungry?" She asks. Voldemort looks at Narcissa, "How is the family Narcissa?" He asks nice. He looks at Bellatrix, "I know you don't eat much, but please do try to eat." He says nicely. He takes a bite of is food and looks at everyone. "Daddy what are we doing to day? I want to have fun." She says. Voldemort smile, "Well that is fun indeed, but mommy is going to teach you magic if she wants." He answers. Belladonna smiles, "Mummy is daddy being serious you might teach me magic?" She asks clapping. Voldemort smiles, "Darling eat." He says.
Narcissa looked to the child as she called her 'Auntie' never being called that before seeing as Bella didn't have children and she didn't know her nephew because of their sister running away. "Perhaps little one..." Narcissa said looking to Bellatrix it was a bit odd to her. Bellatrix looked at the Dark Lord in silence not knowing what she wanted to do yet having just woke up. Narcissa smiled softly "Of course sweetie, Thank you." She replied taking the sausage link. Putting food on her plate she began to eat with the child. Pausing for a moment, "Everyone is well my Lord...Lucius is still with the ministry and Draco is finishing out at Hogwarts..." Narcissa spoke then turned back to breakfast she herself was going to encourage her sister to eat but stopped seeing as Voldemort just had. Bella began to play with thee food on her plate a trait she always had. Nibbling on some toast, then coughing choking on it slightly when he said she was going to teach the child magic. Reaching for her pumpkin juice trying to wash it down. Once she got it down she looked to the child, "We'll see how Mummy feels later in the day...if not I'm sure Auntie Cissy would love to take you to the garden...." Bella said as she cut her breakfast into smaller bites.
Voldemort was a bit concerned when she started to choke and sighs in relief when he noticed it was a reaction to his comment about teaching her magic. He looks at them, "Excuse me I am brewing Bellatrix's potion." He says. He got up and walks over to the kitchen and looks at brew and pours a glass for her. He looks back and smiles, he had always wanted this and now that here it felt weird. It was a weird feeling, but it was a good one. He returns with the cup and puts it on the table and sits down. Belladonna smiles as Narcissa takes the link, "Yay auntie likes my cooking." She jokes. She takes the cup of juice and drinks it. Voldemort messes her hair and Belladonna puts the cup down, "Daddy don't mess my hair." She shouts while laughing.
Bellatrix picked at her meal sitting quietly still a bit lost in her own mind. Looking at Cissy talking to Belladonna, was sweet even if Narcissa didn't fully approve of the means of getting the child seeing as they kidnapped her. Shifting her gaze towards the dark lord as he claimed to be brewing her a potion wondering what it was for. Staring at the glass he placed on the table wondering what it was. Narcissa continued to react to the child in front of her assuming they had altered her memories if Belladonna recognized her as her aunt. Chucking softly "It's delicious." Cissy played along with the girl. Bella smiled softly as the child insisted he didn't mess up her hair. Putting her fork down hardly eating what was before her, eating only what she could.
He looks at her and smiles, "Might want to drink the potion it is the one that you told me Snape made you." He points out. Belladona finishes her food and then jumps out of her seat and walks over to Narcissa. She grabs Narcissa hand and pulls her towards the garden, "Auntie me glad you like my cooking." She states. Voldemort smiles and looks at Bellatrix, "How are you doing this morning... I know its to early to tell, but how are you feeling? You are eating a little bit more than you were yesterday." He says with a smile. He figured that he could do anything today with her and he was looking forward to being with her and Belladonna..
Narcissa finished eating and took the child outside into the garden. Bellatrix looked at the potion knowing that it would help her but also knowing they didn't taste very good. Picking up the glass, bring it to her lips, she took the first sip. Then proceeded to drink it quickly as her muscles relaxed, snapping and cracking noises could be heard as some of her bones reset. The potion healing the recent damage that had been done to her. Bella gritted her teeth and bared it until it was finished. "Tired...sore. For the first time in who knows how long I slept for a few hours with out waking...I'm exhausted. I barely touched anything yesterday, it varies..." She responded she still felt the same as she normally did although the potion was helping her.
Voldemort gives Bellatrix a smile, he knew that the healing was slow, but what mattered was that she was getting better. He was committed to see to it that she made a full recovery. He was glad that it was working, but he understood that it took time. While he wasn't patient, he knew that he had to learn it. Not for his sake, but for Bellatrix. It was hard for him, but he was willing to learn for her sake. He looks around and thinks, "As long as it helps you I will keep brewing that potion for you Bellatrix." He assures her. He looks at her and then watches her eat, "Seems you are eating a little bt more and that is a good thing." He adds. Well having her eat a pit more then usual was at least a start. "Belladonna seems to be getting along with your sister."
Bellatrix ate about a third of her meal, unable to eat anymore then that granted it had been more than what she had been eating. Sipping at her pumpkin juice still tired she was never a morning person. "Severus swears by the potion...as does Cissy so we'll see..." she shrugged not really knowing whether they worked or if it just masked the pain. "I suppose I was hungry, I get burst where I eat and bursts of not being hungry..." It was a vicious cycle, plus her nightmares never helped her appetite. "Cissy likes children She wanted more after Draco...but I will assume Lucius became increasingly busy with the ministry, and the war that they either never had time or could manage more than one. I wouldn't know."
Voldemort listens to her and he moves to her side and takes her hand and thinks softly. There was not much he could say or do considering her state, but he knew she was getting better. He offers her a smile, "Snape has not failed and I have noticed that you are getting better. I mean you did eat a little bit more than usually. Might have been a burst could have been you getting better." He informs her. He looks around and smiles, "Well Belladonna seems to be getting accustomed rather well." He states. He looks at her and thinks, "So I was thinking whenever you feel better we can try to have a child of our own." He says to her. Belladonna runs into the garden and looks at her aunt and spins, "Auntie are mum and dad good people?" She asks
Bella moves over slightly to give him room to sit next to her. Feeling him take hold of her hand looking at there hands together. Thinking of Severus Bellatrix had never truly trusted him thinking he was a double agent for Dumbledore, but he did know how to make potions she'd give him that. Shrugging slightly not knowing whether she was getting better or not seeing as there was a lot of damage done. "Seeing as she has nothing to adjust to, since she believes she has always been here, she doesn't need to adapt." Taken aback by his next statement as he proposed they had their own child. "My Lord?" Was what she managed to say thinking of her words. "I'm am still married to Rudolphus...that's one problem...and I don't think I can handle going through that again..." referring back toe what happened to her in Azkaban terrified that she would lose the child again. Narcissa smiled watching the child run to the garden. Blinking at her thinking about what to say, sure Bella was good she had just done some really bad things but she was still her sister. She wasn't too sure on Voldemort's stance he flip flops. "Of course they are good people, why do you ask?"
"Well Auntie I heard some of the guards talk about things." She informs her. "Auntie what can you tell me about mum and dad?" She asks as she spins around. "Auntie can you tell me how mum and dad meet they look so cute together." She says. Voldemort looks at her and simply listened that was the best thing he could do at that very moment. He looks at her and smiles, "Look I am aware that I am not doing this properly, but when have I known to do things properly?" He asks. He looks down, "For right now let worry about one thing at a time and I do understand my you are so apprehensive and I don't blame. I just wanted to let you that it is possible, but I am also aware that you are married. Bellatrix." He tells her.
"Oh..?" Narcissa wondered what those death eater's were saying now. Listening to the child asking questions, having to think about her answers. "Well..." Not sure what she could tell the child she was so curious. "They met back in Hogwarts, You're father didn't seem to pay much attention to her, she didn't like that too much. Your mum had the biggest crush on him at the time, nearly worshiping the ground he walked on. Still all of her advances failed as he had too much on his mind. The two later went to war together fighting side by side. Your mother started to give up seeing as her parents were going to have her marry someone else, a pureblood but not the one she wanted." Narcissa started the story not knowing what she new of Rudolphus. Their relationship was an interesting one. Bellatrix listened and shrugged, "It's possible for you...not for me...I'm 47 years old...I doubt I can even run after this one..." She started thinking of excuses, wanting a child of her own but terrified to. "I could not...bare the sorrow if something happened...I can't do that again...I can't go through that pain again..."she admitted moving her plate she laid her head on the table hiding her tears that fell. Her hand gently rubbing her stomach. "Even if married you're the Dark Lord....Rudolphus wouldn't fight against your wishes he knows that would be foolish..."
"I will handle him when the time comes Bellatrix of that I can promise you, but I want to know what you think," He looks down, "I know that the pain is there and that you don't want the pain of losing another child." He tells her. He grabs the plate and takes it into the kitchen. He returns to her and looks at her, "So what would you like to do? I just want to be with you if I am to be honest with you and I am up for whatever to be honest I just. Yeah want to spend time with the girl that I love sounds odd I assure you, but you tend to think about when you are so close to lose it." He tells her. He sits with her and does not say much, he just stayed silent and waited for her.
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