A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

Bellatrix watched them speak seeing Voldemort go down on his knees, Telling the child to leave them. Seeing the door close behind her, Bella turned her gaze to the dark Lord. Thinking about it that must have been how she died having forgot how, Her husband must have hit her with a curse when she went to defend Voldemort. Rolling her eye's dumbfounded by this moment now made him realize it was a bad idea to hold an alliance with those they have fought with for about 20 years. Although she was liking the force and rage, she was still in a bit of a daze as she came back to life.
Being attacked gave him clarity, a clarity that the alliance that he made was a facade and something had to be done. He looks back with eyes filled with force, rage and every evil emotion known to mankind. He walks over to her and pulls out the Elder wand and he uses it to lift her chin, "I need you to get better Bellatrix... I need my right hand by my side." He informs her. He grabs her left arm and pulls up her sleeve and looks at the Dark Mark. He pressing his wand to her mark, which turned it jet black and delivered a burning sensation to any person with the Dark Mark. "Like I said we have work to do." He repeats
Bellatrix's body was stiff, and sore. Blinking at him as her brain Slowly turned back on. Speak had yet to be activated. Moving her hand slowly trying to eat the soup the child brought her. Feeling the wand on her chin lifting her head looking up at him. Bella winced
As he grabbed her arm. Whimpering as years feel as the burning hurt once he let got of her arm she licked her dark mark to try and ease the pain. Waiting for her brain to restart and restore as her bra k n was functioning either to the level of a child or that of a dog, unable to form words
He watches her wince as the mark was activated once again and he looks at her. "I am sorry if I was a bit rough. Old habit." He tells her with a look of anger. He walks to the door and looks back, "It is like I said Bellatrix... I need you well I cannot do this war without my right hand." He informs her. He looks at Belladonna, "Sweeetie take care of mummy while I am away." He says. Belladonna sits with her mum and looks at her, "Me take care of you." She says. Voldemort walks out of the room and looks at a death eater, "Wait an hour to see who gathers and tell them to meet at the dinning room... We are about to go to war." He insists. The death eater nods, "As you command my lord." He states as he leaves.
Bellatrix hissed as the pain eased slightly. Listening as he said he needed her. Something she longed to hear. Knowing he couldn't do the war without her. looking at the child when she spoke blinking at her, reaching for her soup as the dark lord left the room. Her husband would be lucky if she got to him before the dark lord.
Well first order of business was to hurt Rudolphous for what he had down as he walks out of the room he stood there wondering why in Merlin's name he had gone against his better nature. He shakes his head and knew that it was better suited that Bellatrix would be the one to end his life for it was her that he had hurt. Granted yes he did hurt him, but he would allow Bellatrix to get some sort of retribution out of it all. He was rather upset with himself and then went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.
Bellatrix mindlessly finished her soup eating everything in the bowl. It was more than she had eaten in a long time. Her body was shaking as her nerves were waking up and adjusting once more. Blinking as she looked around the room trying to remember where she was and what was going on. Raven curls fell in her face as she coughed a bit, looking at the child that was still there with her. Bellatrix moved to stand up only to fall to the ground like a rag doll. Sighing as she held her head in her hands, knowing she had died knowing who the ark Lord was but not understanding what was exactly going on, why was she alive? Why was her body not working? Were they going into war? The fact that Bellatrix couldn't currently speak was a problem, but all she could do was wait until it returned to her.
Belladonna jumps up from the bed and helps her mother up and into the bed again. She got an idea. She summons a quill and parchment and wrote and then showed it to her mother:

Rudolphus saw a moment of weakness and in a attempt to gain power over the death eaters. He tried to kill daddy. You noticed the attack and took the force of it. You died and daddy brought you back to life.

She hands her mother the quill and parchement if she hand any questions. Voldemort heads to the dungeon and smirks as he looks at Rodolphus, "Your pain will be eternal." He states
Bellatrix let the child help her back to the bed, it appeared she couldn't walk yet. Bella saw the writing the child did explaining what happened. Looking at the child taking the parchment and the quill in her shaky hands.

Normally Bella's hand writing was neat and pretty but with her hands shaking it look much different. Usually writing in script writing in trying trying to be neat

Rudolphus? Husband... did this? Daddy? Are we going 2 war? Why can't I walk? Can't speak?

She didn't know if the child new or not, but it didn't hurt to ask.
Belladonna looks at the parchment and looks at her mother as she wrote

Yes your husband did this after seeing Daddy in a moment of weakness. And yes daddy Voldemort. After seeing you hurt we are going to war. Daddy told me I can't help because I am too young. As for you not speaking and walk. Daddy brought you back from the dead. Your slowly getting your speech and ability to walk.

Belladonna shows her mother the parchment and then hugs her tightly, "I am glad your okay mum I would have been sad to lose you." She says.

Voldemort looks at Rudolphus and punches and laughs, "I am just starting>" He states
(Remember the childs name is Belladonna not Bellatrix for it looks like you are god modding and its really confusing))

Bellatrix ran her fingers through her hair, struggling to read what was on the parchment, the child didn't need to write it Bella could hear Belladonna speak. It was taking Bellatrix longer to read it and understand it. Blinking this child kept calling her mommy and Voldemort daddy, yet Bellatrix couldn't remember having children. Her brain hadn't reconnected her memories. Holding the child in her arms, running her fingers through the kids hair. Bella's head hurt it was driving her mad as it was working over time trying to function.
Belladonna giggles as her mother ran her fingers through her hair and she didn't care if her mother could speak or not. Of course she cared, but right now she was just glad that she was okay. "I love you Mummy." She says.

Rudolphus coughs and looks at Voldemort wondering how far he was willing to go. Voldemort punches him again and this time in the face. Rudolphus spits blood and Voldemort smirks, "Your wife will have the honor of ending your life." He says.
Bellatrix's lips twitched slightly as she smiled. Continuing to run her finger's through the child's hair. Looking about the room she would need more rest before she would be able to do things, seeing as she still couldn't speak nor could Bellatrix even stand on her own. She would be needing quite a bit of help. Her soul feeling like it didn't truly belong there anymore. Feeling confused even though the child tried to explain it as the Dark Lord was going on a rampage.
He starts punching Rudolphus and he was intent on causing him pain. His punches getting faster and harder. He growls as he kept up the flurries and he stops after a few minutes and looks at his hands. His hands were bloodied and he then kicks him in the stomach and growls, "You will pay." He yells. He kicks him again and again trying to inflict pain.

Belladonna wished she could do something, but she knew that she couldn't and she looks up and takes the quill and wrote:

You should go to sleep mum you need rest.

She looks at her mother and smiles.
Bellatrix could hear the commotion going on downstairs hearing the fighting. Holding the child close to her as she played with the girls hair much like she used to for her sisters. Nodding her head Bella felt exhausted shifting to lay down moving over a bit in case Belladonna wanted to join her in a nap.
Belladonna didn't need to be asked if she wanted to join her mother, the result was immediate as Belladonna wanted to jump on the bed, but decided that laying there softly was a better idea than jump. She cuddles against her mother and smiles and wonders what to do. "Mummy I love you lots." She says with a smile.

Voldemort looks at Rudolphus and just wanted to kill him on the spot, but he knew better than that, and that the right to end his life belonged to his beloved Bellatrix. He walks up to her room and he opens the door. He smiles softly and looks at the pair with a smile and he walks out the door letting the two be in peace.
Bella smiled softly as the child joined her wrapping the girl in her arm's. Pulling the girl gently close to her, settling down for a nap. Smiling as the child cloaked to live her. Kissing the top of Belladonna's head Bellatrix rested her head amongst the pillows drifting to sleep.
Belladonna was not tired in the slighest, but being there with her mother was always pleasant and she was always up for time with her any time she got to. She looks at her mother and notices that she was the spitting image of her. Dark black hair without the white hair. Love for dress and she might be a little bit insane she was not. Voldemort walks in and looks at the two and smirks and watches closely. They were peaceful and well that was soon to change
Bellatrix was exhausted dying but a toll on her mentally as well as physically. She knew she shouldn't be alive currently. Trying to remember exactly what happened. Her subconscious was trying to help her showing her images and dreams to what happened. Laying there with the child That wasn't truly hers, for not being hers the girl looked similar to her as a child it was rather strange. Her brain still regenerating try to reboot.
Belladonna smiles at her mother and just laid there she turns to face her father and then smiles and then wondered what to do. He was not used to the silence and well it was new and he knew it would not last. He looks at her and walks over to her kissing her forehead, Belladonna smiles and Voldemort kisses Bellatrix's head and wonders what she was thinking. She could easily go into her head, but he respected her enough not to.
Belladonna smiles at her mother and just laid there she turns to face her father and then smiles and then wondered what to do. He was not used to the silence and well it was new and he knew it would not last. He looks at her and walks over to her kissing her forehead, Belladonna smiles and Voldemort kisses Bellatrix's head and wonders what she was thinking. She could easily go into her head, but he respected her enough not to.
Bellatrix was sleeping and having just fell asleep wouldn't be waking anytime soon. Her brain was showing her the events leading u t her dead she remembered her past but the last few hours were blank she was confused. But understanding that she had died and had been brought back made things a bit easier to adjust too. Bella was in no condition to go and deal with her husband. Shifting as she felt a kiss on her head.
Voldemort walks over to Belladonna and gets her off the bed. "Is mummy going to be okay daddy?" She asks. Voldemort smiles, "With time she shall my love, but for now daddy is going to show you how to have some real fun." He states. Belladonna yawns, "Not a lot of fun daddy I am a bit tired." She retorts. Voldemort smiles, "I can handle that." He answers
Bellatrix was fast asleep next to the girl dying and coming back to life took alot out of her. Unaware the child was removed from her arms as she slept, not knowing what he was about to teach the child, she was so protective of after losing her own child all those years ago.
Voldemort didn't know what to really, but he had some ideas. He walks outside with her and then sets her down and smile. "Do you have your wand dear?" He asks. Belladonna pulls out her wand, "Yes sir."She says with a smile. He smiles,"Well I am going to teach you the stunning spell okay." HE says. He waves his hand in the proper motion and Belladonna giggles and mimics her father. He claps and looks at her, "Keep on doing it for a minute." He states. Belladonna runs around and does as told.
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