A New World (Vash_Bly X Shani)

Bellatrix lays peacefully in her bed letting her body reboot from dying by her husband's hand, only to be resurrected by the dark lord. Sleeping, recharging herself for whatever was in store. tossing and turning a bit in her sleep as her mind raced trying to restore her memories, speech patterns, and body motions so she could function again.
Belladonna went on to practice the moves and Voldemort watches closely and he clamps as she did well. Belladonna runs over to her father and smiles, "Dad I think I mastered the movement." She says. A death eater walks over and whispers in his ear, "We have some recruits waiting sir." He he whispers. Voldemort picks up her daughter and smiles, "Want to see the new guys?" HE asks. Belladonna smiles, "Yeah" She states. As he walks inside with her, he thought of Bellatrix and he was worried.
Bellatrix just needed time after all she had died her body feels like a forgien place. Unaware of what he was teaching the girl as the child was rather young for magic. Seeing as she wasn't even in Hogwarts yet. Bella continued to toss and turn dreaming. Her body nearly done rebooting itself. Her dreams began to darken once more. Tossing and turning about to scream seeing the dementors after her. In a trigger her body sat up jolting Bellatrix awake, rubbing her eyes as she looked around. Stretching she noticed the child was gone. Shaking her head she stood up with ease and went downstairs to get a drink.
Voldemort looks at the men and women that were in front of them and there number was plenty. He had to admit that he was not expecting this many people still loyal to his cause after the way he messed things with his passive ideology. He looks at her and smiles and touches her nose, "One day you will lead men and women like this." He mentions. Belladonna claps, "Kneel." She shouts. The men and woman kneel and look up at their leader wondering what to do and he signaled them to raise and they did. He smiles and looks at her, "What should I tell them dear?" HE asks with a smile
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